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ijnyf M'l(j'--tKjwriiBirmf ijmyrwry nupy 0 I THE NUMI HEFULI 13-D VafeaUay 6m it mi 113 tlmlliHm 1076 tl 1337 1101 Fiim hih lrt3 prh Cars 1321 VatPkkMi 4-Whl Irhnt 100 HIimIImmm lapUfiMtt 1010 Nlsoallaaaaia taylayaaat 100 NitMlIlMMt laylayaait 1070 IttallSlMM 81 -tops 51000 mi CORVETTE $9800 cash 5J8-3425 feT MODELS will tram $10hr Hdgls Agcv 948-3300 SHARP MINDED For ladles fashion buying office controlling and distributing 5 days Mon-Frl Top salary benefits Shoes sales Exp'd only CORVETTE '85 2 tone loaded glass top manual trans 87QSOO 1 229-0736 4 4 4' DECKHANDS Deck Hands needed for Immediate and steady employment Must be available for shift work Call 535-6042 after 8am tor appt OATSUN B210 Hatchback '78 Runs great Red Sporty! $850 neg 666-2240 Miracle Mile CG StOR MANAGER After-market orlg equipment wheel A tire exp a must Retail sales A momt back DATSUN B2I0 '80 5 spd a amfm sf cass PS $1500 neg Art 667-3919 YAMAHA SCOOTER Exc cond low mi 2heimetslock $1200 neg 823-3793 Htererol'HH CARTwKonter 4hp eng $350 mini bike wBriggs eng $350 891-7145 HARLEY Sportster '80 stock exc cond 12000 ml $2600 887 0372 HARLEY '84 1340CCFLTC Super cond Must sell Cash or finance Agt 634-4582 Under $1000 Big Discounts-New ATC's Model TRX70 TC110 i C125M DATSUNS BY PRESTIGE DELIVERY DRIVER Must be mature know city have good driving record 6 day week Call 856-5000 around nec Good salary A benefits Call comm 4or personal tc Interview 685-0143 ask tor Dan SALESPERSON Collection Chevrolet Needs truck salesperson Good benefits Bum ual EngSpan Call Jerry Jmon 696-7000 SALESPERSON Experienced full time position for an alert ambitious qualified person wanted to ioln a professional menswear company that offers good salary commissions A fringe benefits Apply at: Surrey's Dadeiand Mall SALESPERSON Male or Female some seles exp preferred good pay plan 4- bonus Unique oppty (or self starter will tram Apply in person: Chrysler Plymouth of North Miami 1850 NE 123 St 893-0960 Optical Lab Technicians Immediate openings for experienced Supervisors Assistant Supervisors and Technicians in surface finish and clerical New Optical Superstore lab offers competitive wages full benefits and great op portunity for advancement Call 253-5959 for an Immediate interview We are an equal opportunity employer DELIVERY drivers $6 $8 hr Hdgts Agcv 948-3300 STORE PERSONNEL TOM THUMB FOOD STORES Has Immediate openings Hl DELIVERY chauffeur's sneak Eng 888-5823 '85 300ZX redtan $13450 '85 300ZX digtiaiieather '86 300ZX goldauto '84 300ZX turbo whlteauto HONDA 84 200SX silverauto '82 280ZX autoleather Ail these have glass t-tops fully equipped Extended bank terms available PRESTIGE IMPORTS 14B00 Blsc Blvd 947- TOOO HONDA extra easy Miller for Store Personnel Posi tions available in Home stead Kendall A Hialeah areas Excellent hourly rate of pay paid vacation profit sharing hospitalize tlon A credit union available Apply 97 Okee chobee Rd HJaleah or any T' PERSONS lie Must A Spanish Delivery Service Equipment rental store In Hialeah needs person for deliveries A service of equipment Familiar with Dade County area helpful Call 556-5636 DETAIL Exo'd Detail Person only Rustproofing exp preferred exc pay plan Including maior Medical A Den taf faT See Sales Mgr only Bid Seidies Mitsubishi 2900 NW 36 St Mia no phone calls PAINTERHANOYMAN good salary exp ref 93 1 -2629 SALESPERSON Marine parts dlst seeks eygres-ve bilingual sales rep for Oade Co Land 'N Sea Distributors 945-4210 1071 Uit ACCOUNT EC EARN SALESPERSON -Sell the perfect Xmas gift Mr Shade the 1st portable car-port Earn S800wk easy comm 785-3998 or 800-551-5934 DISPATCHER For delivery Co prefer exp A Eng Span Exc oppty 591-226 DRIVER FT PT own vehicle 2137 NW 2 Ave SALESPERSONS exp tus PT or FT call Mr erry at 754-648B PER WEEK Chicago Commodity Corp has a limited number of comm positions available for highly motivated talented A experienced professional sales persons We will sponsor license train A support successful candidates to start a career as a federally li censed A registered com modify broker Next class Cell starts December 6lh Murray Clark Chicago Commodity Corp Arthur Godfrey Mia Bch 672-1200 Federally Licensed A Regulated since 1979 Account Exec Stockbroker Trainees Realistic 190000 first year earning potential If vou have self confidence a desire for high Income the ability to function indeoen-dantly and the determination to succeed In sates If vou possess these ouailiies call In Miami 899-0421 Mr Bender in Kendall 661-5540 Mr Chesney Account rep JOBS NOW Expansion of net'l co due to rapid growth Profit share CaH Sara 27T-8B38 ACCT EXECS Trans-ln-lern'l needs Phone Pros Call Alex 891-0888 ASSOCIATE No Mia Prop DATSUN ZX 82 Turbo $46 60 Don Mtrs 693-1070 DATSUN 1800 Offer 6f4-8778 Runs good $500 or best 74- DATSUN 200SX '60 Al cond 5 speed AC $1600 434-7751 DATSUN 200SX '80 5 SP a stereo cassette Excel cond $2600 29-7956 DATSUN 2O0S '81 Loaded Clean low ml $3500 neg 681-2117625-5232 DATSUN 200SX '83 aulo ac only $4480 Call agt 653 86 )0 OATSUN 210 '79-4 AC slight damage trans 1750 822-2532 DATSUN 240Z '73 4 sp fully loaded Asking $3000 6)8-3051 Ralph DATSUN 280ZX am-fm cassette looks- runs good $4 500 825-5898 888-4989 DATSUN 280ZXGL '79 Exc Cond Orig Owner $3625 Must Sell 961-3537 DATSUN 280ZX '79 loaded sunroof alloys $3585 neg 635-0962 DATSUN 280ZX '79 new paint tires 1800 stereo A PS 5 spd low ml sheepskin seats 3550 538-0004 DATSUN 280 ZX '80 2-4-2 5 sod sunroof excel cond $4995 935-0097 DATSUN 280ZX BO 13050 Don Motors 693-1070 DATSUN 2807X '01 $4395 Warren Motors 651-6913 82 DATSUN 280ZX '82 auto turbo leather t-tops jow iui iu tea i mci i iwv ivw miles full warranty $7795 Miller Suzuki 693-1153 DATSUN 300SX $3494 Warren Motors 651-8913 83 Hurry He OATSUN 300Z '85 black auto 24-2 leathereiec 861-9700 Betty or Mr DATSUN 310 GX '01 stick ac 1 owner $1906 235-4637 OATSUN '77 280Z1 owner garaged good cond $2600 Offers 576-8609 DATSUN '79 2B0Z a 'c good 667-1395 cond $2900 davs eves 8 58-2807 Mlk '80 200SX AC DATSUN speed 1 owner Exc cond $2100 385-2910 DATSUN '81 210 2 dr aulo AC radio new paint $2500 255-8176 DATSUN 82 SX 5 spd fully loaded exc main! cond SJ9V5 595-5788 or 235-9201 EXOTIC CARS '86 Porsche 978S gray '86 Benz 300E gold '66 Porsche 911 guards red '85 BMW 3181 auto blue '85 Benz 190E blue '85 Porsche 944 mahogany '85 Benz 380SL red '85 Ferrari Mondial Cabriolet '64 Benz 190E white '84 Porsche 91 1 Cabriolet '83 Benz 380SEL Manila THE COLLECTION 3780 Bird Rd 444-1111 FERRARI 308GTSI Quatro Tan Fast 83 Low mi Red er than normal $42500 JSt?) 263-9105 or 261-5714 FERRARI 300 GTS '79 last yearcarbs showroom cond runs perfect new leather-trim to be sold with or without state of the art aiphlne cd stereo A NEC phone 665-030 FIAT '78 5 speed good cond am-fm radio exc transp asking S9S0 25S-8611 14550 Don Mtrs 693-1070 HONDA Accord LX '03 Gray gray 48000m Sun I owner $7500 HONDA Accord '76 New paint 5 speed $1500 Call 638-3345 HONDA Accord Steal this one Only $2108 Call 652-5252 apt HONDA Accord '81 $1850 on Mt rs 693-1070 81 3-dr HONDA ACCORD Hatchback bue 5-spd ac $2995 665-0739 HONDA Accord '82 ac cruise control 5 sod exc cond $4300 444-66 56 HONDA Accord '84 nice car well kept only $5995 THE COLLECTION US-1 0 Bird Rd 444-9999 HONDA Accord '84 '85 easy financing full war ranty 4 to choose from $6895 Miller Suzuki 693-1153 HONDA Civic DX '63 3 dr auto $3975 or offer 769-3202 685-7433 Dave CALL CLASSIFIED 360-722? 100 MKeallaaaaa playaaat DELIVERY CHRIS CRAFT FB ca-bincrulser mahooony hull twin Chews needs cos-metlcs $5000 596-2402 RIVA Superomerlca '76 twin diesel 24 knot cruise will trade-must sell-offers 973-8872 AIRBOAT '60 full deck 150 Lycoming like new $4800 745 0431 248 2930 1110 Saitkaata SUPER SHARK with extras Like new $275 Call 235-4344 WINDSURFER com- piete In good cond Must sell $45 361-122S WINDSURFER Exc cond $195 Call 6S1-6SS6 LUGER Day sailer drop keel like new New gal trlr 1295 634-6608 iAILBOAT 8 trailer 6hp Johnson 3 sails Reduced for quick sale $3400 or make offer 7S6-747J 226-9454 O'DAY 9 9 HP Johnson OB like new extras Must sell $3850 557-4435 OLYMPIC SLOOP Seagull OB moving asking $600 666 7185 11Z Oetkaardlabaat Eaylaat Evinrude Motors Low Low Evlnrude Prices Palgo Bros 757-7000 Brwd S87-6400 EVINRUDES 2hp 10 235hp Rebuilt like new 733-0264 EVlNRUDE '65 235 ho never on a boat $4200 Key Largo 451-2284 451-1179 EVINRUOE '86 30 hp electric start less than 10 hrs $1200 Key Largo 451-2284 451-1179 SfE RCRUlSER'MO'WcorTv' piete with manifolds Exc cond $1075 821-1654 Mercury '87's 4HP TO 72QHP Save 633-4550 TWIN "'66 175 Evlnrude Under warrenty 50 hrs S4300 94S-6748 70MP MERCURY PT 8 efe starterExcel cond $1200 or best offer 666 944? 1110 iqiipMatUnric SuppUn BOAT Seals Cushions Back to backs from $90 3660 NW 41 St 635-7501 B6ATS moved anywhere reasonable rates 288-4596 BOAT TRAILERS USED NEW Rentals Sates Repairs Torino Trailer 592-1917 Hitches Installed Hitchhiker Low-Boy 5300 lbs 26' tandem axle snare tire equalizer hitch 57200offers 961-8190 KlslN Acetone Cloth Gel coat Mat Marine counts 6)4-4777 Dis 1140 Built MERCRUISER 140 engine transim plate complete wtilt engine needs to be rebuilt no drive Must take out of boat $700 937-4406 WET BIKE Kawasaki exc cond like new never in salt 114 WaiH4T DONATE YOUR BOAT Recleve cash 4- tax savings with a bargain sale to a charity Our cash pur-chase your Income fa savings give vou a sub Slanflat financial return AMERICAN INSTITUTE 305-772-5773 wanVed Soortflsherman From '72 1201 Aircraft 74 CESSNA 337 300nr en 1210 E'lipaMrtSarviM tppll8 LEAR JET Charters low rates Pro Air 884-8184 WE PAY CASH Or will bkr vour aircraft All aircraft hanger World Jetjnc Ft Laud 44 0777744 1301 CREATIONAL VEHICLES 1101 Caaparttal Alrsfream Argosy Regal Prowler Holiday Ramble PR Mod Mobil Hm Try Trl Trades Financing Cash For Your RVri HOLIDAY RV'S INC MM 100 Key Largo FI 305-4S1-455S AtR STREAM Trft'l '77 3 fully loaded excel cond roll out awnings eiec tack $11200 985-9612 CHEVY Pickup '74 slide-ln camper Self con lamed ac kit bath $1500 ioiiicu ok rii wo mi i jw Must sell S56-160S after Spm COACHMEN CASH FOR YOUR CAMPTOWN COUNTRY INC YOUR FULL LINE COACHMEN DEAL Cash -Trades -Financing Oade 258-1783 Delray 272-2US FORD Conversion Van Fully equipped Must see to appreciate Will trade Pershing Lease 538-1000 1 545 Alton Rd Mia Bch Holiday Rambler Ratlve Pace-Arrow Jamboree legonza Motor Homes Minis Micros New Used Trades Financing BU't Cash For Your RVrs HOLIDAY RV'S INC MM 100 Ke Largo FI 305-451-4555 HOLIDAY RAMBLER air awning 6 RV tacks pood cond $2450 5S8-9577 HOLIDAY Rambler 29' cond Setup Okeechobee Rental park $80mo $5 000 813-763-3267 305-226-9283 MIDAS TRAVEL trailer 20 self-contained A'C awning exc cond $2500 966-2782 MONITOR TraHer '72 self contained ac awn ing S2200 238-4964 MOTOR HOME Dodge i 111 GO METRO TRUCK CENTER '84 Chevy Window Van 6 2 Diesel auto rc CI SJ-JV OUIU MOM fact air ps 2 front seats headliner good work van etc Only $6495 '86 Ford E150 8 cvl Sherrod high top conversion van dual factory air power windows power door locks till steering cruise control color tv Only 6600 ml Dual gas tanks running boards amfm stereo cassette alarm system plus much much more Only $15995 '86 Ford Super Econoilne 150 high top conversion von 0 cvl woverdrive auto trans factory air amfm stereo cassette CB mag wheels running boards dual gas tanks plus many extras Only $13995 '85 Ford E250 Window Van auto trans fact air dual Captains chairs dual air pw etc Only $6495 '84 Ford P150 Pickup tong wheel base auto trans ps pb sliding rear window heavy duly step bumper custom tape stripe radio 24000 orig ml Only $6195 '84 Ford Cargo Van El 50 fact ac long wheel base 302 V-8 engine aulo trans cruise control am-fm stereo cassette 2 tone custom paint sport wheel covers dual gas tanks Only $7195 SOUTH USED TRUCK HEADQUARTERS NW 7th Ave 90 St Mia Just Off Of 1-95 Dade 751-9711 wd 764 -7505 MITSUBISHI Mlpf PU '85 Hurry $3995 Warren Henry Motors 651-8913 NISSAN PICKUP '84 24000 ml ac amfm must sell $4500 29 0580 SUZUKI Jeeps '84 8 '86 full warranty easy financing 6 to choose from $3995 Miller Suzuki 693-1153 SUZUKI Jeep '84 blue great cond extras $4400 443-2166 895-684S TOYOTA Plckuo '82 1 owner good cond AMFM $2900 436-8458 TOYOTA Pickup '84 exira cab ac nice steal It only $4988 Call agt 653-8630 TOYOtA SRS '83 Plckuo 30K ml AC PB PS X-lona bkrt 3910 Can 385 3917 CLASSICS IMPORTS 1330 U3I NitOtllBIMM Ciailolaprto LANCIA '79 Beta stick runs well 1900 or trade for motorcycle 667-3455 MAZDA RX7 '84 Fully equip $8995 Warren Henry Motors 6S1-B913 1)3 Claulo katia lirtai BUICK Skylark '69 convt exc neg S59-7158after 6pm CADILLAC Eldorado '72 Convt one of a kind $3895 Will lake trade Call Mr Crosby 238-9211 agt CADILLAC Fleetwood '47 Compieiely restored $9500 £5 263-9105 or 261-5714 CHEVY Corvalr '65 classic 1 10HP aulo driven dtv Must see Perfect Xmas i ft 962-4424 FORD Pickup '42 Pro-BUt 348 trl-oower Turbo 400 PS custom frame mags etc $4900 442-0049 LINCOLN Continental Custom Convt 78 distinct Silver block all leather upholstery A classic 1 of only 500 built In '78 bv Amer Body Coach Works of Caiif Orig cost over $40000 Exc cond 38000 mi A unique opptv lo drive a truly prestigious automobile Best offer over $10000 813-26 1-880 LINCOLN ContinenTal '66 4 dr conv't redwhite top black Interior Ail options 66k miles xc cond A Classic $4800 Palm Beach 655-0620 PLYMOUTH '50 Classic Al 4 dr 3 speed $3 8 50 4401 NW 36 Si Miadront of air-port) 266-1891 887-0353 PONTIAC Firebird '60 convl 4 speed red $4500 232-1996 274-2141 PONTIAC GTO '67-85 re stored mecn sound-15000 best offer 696-3626 TBIRD '60 Low mileage Must see to appreciate Asking 14500 945-2036 T-BIRD'64 Red convt Re-troctabieroof $5000 best QHpr 666-5695 U37 Cwt AUDI 50OGS 81 4 dr aulo xc cond Sacrifice Persnmg Lease 538-1000 1545 Alton Rd Mia Bch AUDI 5000S '82 low mi all options mint must sell $4450 neg 947-3379 AUDI 5000 '83 Fully equipped $5595 Warren Henry Volvo 652-651? AUDI '84 roof more No old contract lo assume1 No back payments to make up Just need relt able party to make tow monthly payments Call agt 653-8630 AUDI 5000S '86 7000m! Fully loaded THE COLLECTION Ponce Bird Rd 444-5555 AUDI 5000 79 auto leather radlais $1800 Call 885-6746 AUDI 5000 '63 $4850 Don Motors 693-1070 audi 79 5000 shiny red Sunroof all power asking $1600 435-1780 BMW 2002 '70 Sunroof rebuilt eng new paint exc fo BMW 2002 7 6 4 so Sunroof amfm cassette rebuilt en- New pamt $3500 or est offer 945-0673 BMW 3701 '82 THE COLLECTION 9 00 NW 27 Ave 696 -7000 BMW 32586 Must sell Cos biuebiue 4500 Mi like new $19000 or best offer 593-2235 ext 235 BMW 73 3 OS Rust free Great cond $1695 064-2947 or 693-1153 BMW 79 3201 excellent cond 5 speed sunroof $4995 935-0097 BMW '86 fully loaded Zen der Momo a1) extras '20000 neg 854-6044 ong Calif mi 1 39500 3-456-7 VM CHEVY CORVETTES One ot Florida's Largest Selections! Specialty Priced" Call Gunther Gould Corvette Specialist Tropical Chevrolet 8800 Bisc Blvd 754-7551 COBRA REPLICA CORVFTTE CONVT FIAT SPIDER JAGUAR Vanden Plas MERCEDES 280SL MERCEDES 380SL ROLL ROYCE ZIMMER LIMO Dade 945-2737 Brwd 9204966 1703 GnHm Rd Oania 13 IsIm Sal ATC200S 86 200X plus dealer freight tax ASK US ABOUT 95 finance insurance Guaranteed lowest price All ATC's Sate Priced Open 7 days HONDA CUTLER RIDGE US1 at SW 222 St 258-2O00 HONDA ATC '70 3 wheeler good cond $450 667-2474 soar HONDA Elite 80CC 85 motor scooter Good cond $750 call 431-8523 HONDA V45 Magna '84 leather bags 2 helmets $2100 7 54-0334 HONDA XL250R 1984 ex ceiient condition runs great $750 665-8104 HONDA 500 XLR '82 Street legal low ml Asking $90 new 596-9235 HONDA 750 Faring trunk saddle bags extras '75 good cond $760 251-8527 HONDA '83 750 Magna Best offer Cash or finance Agt 634-4582 HONDA '84 500 Interceptor 2000 ml Perfect Must sell Apt 634-4582 HONDA '85 Ait ZOOS Re built engine Best offer Agl 634-4582 HONDA '85 '86 '87 Free Grab Bag Gift While Supplies Last XMAS Bike No Cash Down MIAMI HONDA 3100 NW 36 ST 634-4582 Brwd 561-802? KAWASAKI Black Nlma 1000 '86 $4500 or best Offer 940-8546 KAWASAKI Nlma 900 'B6 7800 mi many extras mint Must see! $354)6 576-3881 324-0222 Joe KAWASAKI 550 LTD '83 nearly new 4S00 mi asking $1195 553-3382 pm KAWASKI '78 Z1R 1000 $3000 Custom 2600 orig mi $3 firm 688-8611 652-0555 PUCH Mooed '85 Auto Like new 300 mi Cost $oO-seii $350 662 9488 SUZUKI GS 1100E '84 1000 ml 2 helmets S2500 554-0947 SUZUKI'84 GS-550-E fairing Kerker 6 speed fuel iy age S770 584-06)8 YAMAHA 250XT '84- street-tralt 1900 ml Mint cond 1250 891-8431 YAMAHA 750 VIRAGO 1981 leave message TRUCKS UTILITY VEHICLES 112) WtoaUaiMM Traoki Lucky Trucks Sales 2479 NW 36 St Miami 635-0677 Brwd 462-5151 FLORIDA'S LARGEST 132ft ALUMINUM 40' semi trail er road worthy exc $1950 230-3456 eves 251-8848 DUMP TRUCK WConstr A fpdis complete 15000 386-134J FORD Ranger '84-GL pkg ave rustproofing bedllner tool box Must sell $2900 firm 922-9897 ik: CMC 4500 76 with 20 alt aluminum body with lift-gate axcaHant canditon Bast of ar Call 638-3219 Mr Green 1121 VaatPloktM 4-Wkaat trim BBC Truck Saies We buy sell trade trucks vans ate 255-1425 CHEVY Collection Chevrolet Wilt beat any deal on a Chevy truck or give you that truck free See Jerry Union 40 yrsexo selling Chew trucks 9200 NW 27 Ave 696-7000 CHEVY C-7o TO good working cond $1100 call 307 638-8307 CH VY Ei Camlno conceivable option $4695 Will take trade finance Call Mr Crosby 238-9211 apt CHEVY S-10 '82 Pickup with camper auto air radio $3388 un 21111 Dixie CHEVY '78 Nomad exc cond 70000ml Y8 auto PSPB ac 14000 neg Damien 763-36JB days 653-2061 CONVERSION VANS '87 NEW CHEVROLETS GMCS FORDS High Tops TV CB's loaded real eheanlr From $17995 THE COLLECTION 15095 Dixie 235-4444 ext 325 326 DATSUN PU speed $2699 THE COLLECTION 15895 Dixie 735-4444 '82 AC 5 DODGE Adventure 79 Pick-UP Ready to work Only $960 Call 652-5252 DODGE D50 pickup 80 camper exc cond low mi 12000 afternoon 271-8875 DODGE Ram Van '85 Super tow ml lust like new No old contract to assume No back payments fo make up! Just need reliable farty to make low month-y payments Cali Mr Huber agt 652-6667 DODGE Van 73 T200 good work truck $600 or best Otter 653-1698 966-4649 DOOGE 77 van 47kmi good cond inout $2500best Otter 364-0680 am or pm FORD Aerostar '86 7 passenger loaded with extras 1)0 99 Will take trade finance Cail Mr Crosby 238-921 1 agf FORD Econohne Van 38 000 ml must sell only 14988 call agt 653-8630 FORD FIDO pickup '61 1 owner exc cond $2950 offer 885-8570 387-7233 FORO PICKUP 72 Custom ton new paint tike new $975 248-5699 FORD Ranger '84 jV600 ml (cedent 652-5597 cond $3700 WAREHOUSE SP RICHARDS COMPANY a national office products distributor has immediate regular full-time and part-time employment opportunities at Its North Miami Distribution Center We are seeking applicants with previous general warehouse experience Receiving stocking order filling and delivery skills essential Prior exposure In a fast-paced customer oriented environment helpful We offer excellent starting salary with benefits program interested applicants should apply lo: SP RICHARDS CO 3590 NW 114th St Miami FL 33168 equal oppty employer mf WHSE HELP wexp In gar ments Apply 6114 NW 74 Ave 591-0624 clerk will train dqts Ape 946-3300 WRHSE DRIVER- dependable honest benefits Bird A Palmetto WRHSE PERSONDRIV- ER Fla chauffeurs lie Rood record familiar Ma area Eng-Span Good benefits Mountain Valiev Water co 696-1333 9AM-5PM for appt 10t8 PatHtan Waated AideCompanion tor sick or elderly exod ref avail Live out 675-5225 Dainty AIDE COMPANION live Inout for sick elderly housekeeping 621-5326 AIDE Nurses Aide lo care for sick or elderly Live Inout 944-0703 CERT NURSES Aide seek iob care for elderly sick or children Ref avail 036- 5174 CERT Nurses Asst care for sick elderly excellent ref 264-5784 CERT NURSES ASST wcar 15 yrs exp 255-5685 CHARTERED ACCT (As CPA) seeks Immed posi-tlon Call AH 83S-9845 CHEFMAT6 seeks position aboard 60' yacht Salary resumeref avail-able Michael 252-3489 COUPLE Responsible will clean houses eots Exp Refs 895-77)8 HANDYMAN plumbing carpentry plaster sheet- rock painting 633-4874 babysit In my home MB kids 1mo-6vr A provide food tramp 573-4002 after 4 Int'l exectrouble-shooter seeks demanding protect 255-5058 LADY seeking to care for elderly one or two days a week 52-5141 LEGAL SEC ati phases high experience desires 25 hrs wk 538-3933 LICENSED Security Guard will live on your property No charge 248-1506 LPN Lie age 55 good driver Ger-Am good cook typing Nice person alltv 212-876-1747 rnorn A eves or write 208 90 St Aot 4W New York NY J0028 ORGANIST MUSICIAN own organ with auto rhvtms seeks to play In restaurant 559-9403 Victor NURSES aide care for el derivsick specioHze-Par-klnsons patients 696-9104 NURSES AIDE care for siekelderly Llve-lnout light hskpr 233-9614 NURSES aides will care for sick A elderly people 861-6S74 NURSES ASSISTANT Rell able A Exp Seeks posl fion Ref A Car 688-4919 PATTERN Maker A grader ladles A mens sportswear Freelance only Del pickup Leon 975-7003 SECT'Y mature depend able all skills some legal references 68 1286 10t( FartTiM RENTAL CLERK (Part-Time) Gekro Truck Leasing currently seeking a quell tied individual for the posl' tlon of PART-TIME Rent ai Clerk at our Miami fa ciilfv Applicant must be a high school graduate or equivalent have good organizational and communication skins and one year general office experience Apply In person al the fof lowing address: Gelco Truck Leasing 3755 NW 62nd Street 3755 Miami FL 33147 110 Nnrltih SEA RAY BOATS BY BASSETT SHOWCASING Luxury Boats from 43 Yrs Marine xperience Over $3 Million inventory 40 Models to choose from 4 Locations to Serve You 758-5786 BASSETT BOAT CO OF FLORIDA 700 79th Street Miami FI 33138 13' BOSTON WHALE 1973 new galvanized trait er new canvas cover powered bv 50 HP Merc $2700 687-1270 13'l ZODIAC MARK II 25 Merc exc cond low use $1650 858-0000446-6643 14'-31' ANACAPRI Factory direct repos from $1995 Open 7 days 638-1508 £obi IS' BAYLINER 85hp like new low $2900 after 5 271-7193 is hrs IS' COBIA walk thru windshield 55ho motor plus trailer $1200 638-7821 16' GLASS MAGIC 80hp Merc Al trailer $1100 best offer 935 -6624 16' SPORTCRAFT OMC Cobra powered ski king '87 120 Cobra $6995 Dave Jones Fishermans Par dlse Boats 634-1578 17' FABUGLAS Trihull trailer needs work no eng $400QHer 83 5-7752 17' SPORTCR AFT OMC sea drive powered center console '87 1 6 OMC sea drive $9595 Dave Jones Fishermans Paradise Boats 634-1578 18' MANAETT Open Fisherman '01-all-around 115 Mercury S3200 887-12S9 IB' WARRENCRAFT '7? 65 hp Evinrude extras offer 07 19' CABINCURISER '77 evlnrude toilet like new Irlr 11200offers 758-0829 23' ANACARPI IO 235 ho VHP finder float on $4656 861-3505 23' BAYLINER '79 FB dual controls Volvo IO aopls 4- more $5000 279-0704 23' MAKO Evinrude pow ered '87 Evinrude 150 $19390 Dave Jones Fishermans Paradise Boats 634-1678 24' ANSWER '82 Fam Sportsman Johnson twin 140 Like new Rigged $13000 944-5041 296' SCARAB SPORT 2-235hp 30 hrs $29500 or best 1-467-7573 34 ALLMANO '72'86 sport fisherman ail new aiigrip paint loaded weiectronics auto pilot loran ADF VHS 4 much more AH new power twin 464 Onan gen Rupp outriggers completely customized Best ot'fr jC 101 ir TF tr 55 I7 1337 iBUrtiSporti Can HONDA Civic Mahon Wagon '78 exc cond $800 or best offer 541-9413 HONDA Civic '82 AC 5 SP AMFM Cassette Ask $3 SOObest offer 387-4550 Ic '82 auto Like HONDA new S5395 Agt 761-8655 HONDA Civic '83 4 door like new $4995 Warren Henry Volvo 652-651 1 Civic '85 1600S clean full warranty financing $6895 Suzuki 693-1153 (Slock No 1185) OPEN 7 3100 NW 36 ST "Leasing now available on an n-aies 4 an ocp's" 101 Salat TRUCK SUES LIGHT DUTY South Florida's fastest frowinj truck dealer ti i ceiient benefits free demo Advancement opportunity Cal Bob Hambrecht Palmetto Ford Truck 7245 NW 36th St Miami 592-3673 100 Hlioallaaaaat taaiil SECURITY GUARDS Florida's largest most successful and progressiva VW-BMW-Honda dealers needs lull time unarmed Security Guards Interviews will be held Thursday Dec 18 from 6 AM to 10 AM ONLY Excellent working conditions many fringe benefits Apply to Paul Thompson security office 18185 So Dixie Hwy NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE DRIVERS 11345 tutu Far Sal AUTO LEASING PAINTERS A helpers $7hr Hdots Agcv 948-3300 PROOUCE Shipping Suoer-' 9am- 12noon visor 475 NE 185 App! RAMP AGTS $3 75 hr Aircraft Service Inc Miami tntntl Airport 526-5106 ROOFERS Experienced with rubber roofs 284-9622 SALES-Florist sales Good counter wrltten speaking skills FT S3 7Shr 932-3630 SALES phone your home make good by New Years Ideal for housewives A re- tirees 538 Q363 SANTA FOR MALL out- fioing dependable Start-psaiary ssperhr Call 1-621-4329 SECURITY Armedunarmed Fluent Eng home phone car a must 9200 So Dadeiand Blvd Rm 220 10am-2pm SECURITY GUARD for Condo in NMB Call Mai 945-: Prescott 945-8240 '-2471 guard "RETIRED-WELCOME Boat knowledge desirea-bie References required Fluent English Excellent benefits JONES BOAT YARD 3399 NW River Dr SECURITY GUARDS opplv 2501 Palm Av stable office Hialeah 888-28S6 "Security guards for ALL DADE BROWARD PT A FT excellent pay paid vacation A Health Insurance RETIREES WELCOME Apply In Person: 12000 Biscayne Blvd Suite 2)9 North Miami SECURITY GUARDS Full-part time 446-4600 SECURITY GUARDS immed opening No A So Dade Lie Armed A un armed Must have car A phone 757-4405 10am-Spm SECURITY GUARDS PT wkends only 446-8955 Larry SECURITY GUARDS Temporary unarmed guards needed for Hallandale area Full A part lime positons available thru the holidays For appt call 947-4021 Mon-Frl 9am setn guards security Guards to work cruise ship terminal 2 days only 624-6100 SECURITY GUARDS US Services Now Hiring Guards for SW Kendall Dr NW Airport areas call 274-7753 for Mia Bch 931-5999 10621 Kendall Dr Suite 216 1 GH SALARY SECURITY GUARDS 900 Bay Dr Mia Bch 666-1441 SECURITY" OFFICERS ArmedUnarmed A Supervisors All shifts 893-806 1 SECURITY OFFICERS For office bldg Star! per hr 658-6315 SECURITY OFFICERS Immediate Openings 4 Day work wk If desired Permanent shift hours A assignments Rovelng positions also available Vehicle A stationary post Apply In person 12 30pm wkdavs 8045 NW 36 St Suite 500 (JlNKEHTON INC Equal Oppty Employer SECURITY Retired person Part time 4 days 1-6 Miami Beech Reply 534-8116 STOREKEW Direct activities of busy receiving department ir mulU-hospital setting Extensive experience in materials handling warehousing A supervision desired Send resumes to: Recrulfmment A Retention Department North Broward Hospital District 1625 SE 3rd Avenue Ft Laud FL 33316 Or Call 355-5040 Equal Oppty Employ er mf hv TAXI DRIVERS wanted will tram TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Part Full Time Associated Grocers of Florida Inc 6695 NW 36 Ave MUst be bondebte dependable end have good driving record 2-3 years quired None others need apply Permanent position and excellent employee benefits Apply Personnel Office 9-12noon and 2-4pm No phone calls please "MIAMI NICE TOUR USA GALS-GUYS 18 A UP Now hiring 70 Must be neat energetic free to travel US Cities A resort areas wyoung bus team No exo nec Expense-paid training transo provided Casual cond A high earn ings make this extremely desirable to the brite beginner For Interview 10-4om only Sonny Kreth 577-1000 TRUCK driver exp'd chaufeur's license Apply at 475 NE 185 Sf NMB 9 30-12 noon TRUCK DRIVERSLEASE OPERATORS to haul pet rolium in Florida area Good driving record required Cell 3S8-6926 bet 9am-3pm TRUCK DRIVER A wrhse helper must have chauf feurs He wexp 264-4761 TRUCK LOADING position Apply in person 9 30-noon 475 NE T8S Sf Mia UNDERCOVER Operative must have or CC license good salary 624-6100 VALET PARKING atten-dents all shifts 931-3201 WAREHOUSE CUSTOMER SERV Nat'l wholesale textile firm No Oade needs person for receiving A shipping duties A customer service Good benefits or interview call 620-6531 WAREHOUSE MEN WOMEN FOR ORDER STOCK ON DAY OR NIGHT SHIFTS We are looking for a few serious warehouse workers who value iob stability security good working conditions with a top company They must have a successful tob history 5959 NW 37 Ave Miami WAREHOUSE PERSON furniture co seeks honest dependable hardworking person Heavy lifting required $4 25 hr 4 benefits avail Polygraph required 1730 So 30th Ave Cor Pembroke Rd 195 10T6 Salts DRIVERFURNITURE Pickup A deliver exp only 24' Diesel 759-4246 9 AM DRIVERGUARD PT call after 10 am 594-2983 Loomis Armored Inc DRIVERmust have own car must know Hywd A Mia PEOPLE to pass flyers PT 945-7016 989-0130 DRIVERS Deliver sm equippment (Stan) 261-6920 DRIVERS DOMINOS PIZZA 20 Drivers needed Must be 18 (Insurance) have own car Insurance Wages 4 tips commission Earn per hr Day A night shifts Apply at 505 SW 22 Ave DRIVERS EARN BIG hiring men and women miliar with So Fla Must own late model van or car Neat courteous A reliable 944-6363 9am-Spm DRIVERS Owner-Operators Full or Part Time Needed for busy courier services Late model economical car station wgn van or bicycle Guarantee Must know Dade A Brwd Mr Green 592-0122 or 8465 NW 61 St TUBS" OwnerOoerators straight trucks 22'-24' Familiar wtri-county area to pick up and deliver freight Call 633-2416 Joe DRIVERS Owner operators busy messenger co 4 cvl cars A 6 cvl vans Good money 591-4409 time DRIVERSPART with ac car to make deliveries for Bunlng The Florist 576-2800 251-0990 DRIVERf People needed with own good running vehicle and nowiedoe of Dade A Broward Counties Must have good command of the English language Apply In person good Englis In peri Perfect Courier 1646 NE 146 Sf Miami Jiqua I Oppty Employer DRIVERS speak fluent Eng light work maiefomale retirees welcome 633-1113 DRIVERS wanted Domino's Pizza Best tips In So Miami 25S-3356 DRIVER TOW TRUCK ENG-SPAN 871-5393 DRIVER Wanted for light delivery Must have good driving record Apply at 1301 NW 27 Ave DRIVER Warehouse person Chauffeurs lie Apply 7500 SW 61 Ave So Mia DRIVER with own van $325 week draw 893-3432 DRIVER Wsmall car 50 comm against $300 wk draw 893-3432 DRY CLEANER Americlean Is growing again We have ail positions available for our new stores in So Miami Health Insurance Is available Good pay If you have the Right Stuff apply in person 1 SW 107 Ave Suite 200 FACTORY Sup Hdgts Agcv rvisor $8hr FISH MARKET Halo Exp helpful Chiefs Key Blsc 361-2499 GENERAL HELP IMMEDIATE HIRING S2SO-S350 WKLY Needed now 32 people for permanent positions in office warehouse manage-m ent Call 624-0050 GENERAL LABOR CASHMONEY Daily workpay We need 300 people with autos to work construction landscaping Industrial movers etc You are guaranteed work A paid extra monies Report to 1 167 NW 23rd St( Miami 5 30am-6 30am or call 633-0037 Tracy Labor GLASS WHRSE HELPERS A Glass Cutters Top Pay Apply In person Giasco Industries 6890 NW 76 SI Mia FI 887-8888 GUARDS SUP Come Grow With Us AH Shifts Exc Benefits Armed A Unarmed Kendall Miami So Miami Miramar Hollywood Apply in Person 0101 Biscayne Blvd Sulle 505 INSIDE SALES W2 yrs exp in electrical supply busi-needed ness Also needed truck drivers 'chauffeurs he 3800 NW 31 Ave 633-9S6S INTERIOR TECHExp 274-1165 FOLIAGE drivers tic INTERVIEWERS Soan Eng flex hrs weekends A eves good pay No Dade Erie 620-4244 INVENTORY TAKERS Looking for several day lime inventory counters Willing to travel for several davs Transportation and motel accomodations provided and paid for Also looking for Evening and Weekends counters This Is a year-round part time work Apply Howard Johnson Motel 7330 NW 36 St Wed December 17th at 7pm INVENTORY TAKERS Looking for several day fime Inventory counters Willing lo travel for sever el davs Transportation and motet accomodations provided and paid for Also looking for Evening and Weekends counters This Is a year-round part time work Apply Howard Johnson Motel 7330 NW 36 Sf Wed December 22nd at 7pm KENNEL HELP Vet clinic FT NE Mia 757-7309 LANDSCAPER A labors Hdgts Agry 948-3300 LAWN WORKERS Exp with refs 948-6001 9- 10am LOADERS A forklift drivers wk Hdqts Agcv 948-3300 MAINTENANCE PERSON tor bldg Mia Bch gen'l repairs live on premises Refs required 861-1096 865-9769 MEAT CUTTER will! train Hdqfs Agcy 948-3300 MECHANIC TRAINEE for bowling center PT mphts A wkends Bowlomal 8650 SW 132 St 235 -4041 MGMT TRAINEE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ENGSPAN HELPFUL If vou are a career oriented individual who is seeking a career change we have immediate openings in several positions We otter comprehensive training -t- excellent company benefits Call MISS Daz 940 8684 1075 Salat SALES SPECIAL ATTENTION Should be given to this exciting opportunity that combines business with education We are the lai gest system of privately owned career schools In the nation with over 40 branches In the State You will become part of our inside sales force responsible for the company's continued growth As admission representative you will be Involved with enrolling future students We provide the leads from our extensive advertising You will allow your enthusiasm A telecommunication skids 4- administrative abilities to complete the sales All interviews take dace in your own office Our compensation package consists of salary commission Excellent benefits tremendous chance to grow with our corpora- tlon Bilingual (EngSoan) M2 SALES Snorts minded reps i-S4oK motivated Earn $30' Call Jay Plemmons 977-9923 SALES J25000-f potential comm Need aggressive self-inspired persons for fireat opptv In bank card ndustry Sell unique card processing A Check control services to merchant retailers Huge market complete training 253-7148 SALES-J8GK PER YEAR Nat'! whoiesafe lewelry co needs rep tor local area No direct selling wholesale ly 3 3 TELEMARKETERS?" (BUYING SERVtCE) SlOHr guaranteed salary for part timers Shifts available' 9-Noon 1-4pm 4-7pm (1 shift per person) Please call 895-2506 ext 11 NOWt 12955 Bis-cayne Blvd suite 406 Telemarketing Rep Successful esf mtg co Successful esf mfg co airport area Enthusiasm nec Guaranteed salary comm A benefits paid training program FT permanent day position Call 592 -1 500 ext 52 TELEMARKETING SWEET TALKER son plus commission Join our expansion program Alt you need Is a sweet A cn your wav as a profes sionai account executive Established North Miami telemarketing corp has many opportunities ava able now Cali 891-2440 ask for ext 26 after 8 30am TELEPHONE SALES Mia Beach days x-p preferred Will train qualified voices Hourly Comm 654-4424 Ask for Bill TRAVEL SALES CSI Is now hiring 15 sharp A aogresslve men A women 18 A over free to travel Houston Chlcapo etc to represent leading fashion magazines such as Ebony Jet ale No exo nec On the lob training Alt trensp turn Return guaranteed Potential earnings per wk comm A daily bonus For Immed job placement call Mr Rivera 681-15)0 or 681-1808 9-4 30 Parents welcome to Interview $25K-30K Is what we will train you to earn vour first year as a sales service technician WE OFFER: Company vehicle Group Insurance Coi ompiete iralnlng Rapid advancement For further info call or stop by today Sears Authorized Termite Pest Control 2910 SW 30 Ave Ste 372-9274 Brwd 44-8200 100 NilOtUMMM ADMIN ASST National corp expanding to Ma needs dependable people for Immed open- as for various positions exc benefits No exp nec co will train 477-1109 ADVERTISING-MGMNt $785HR FULLPART TIME New York based coro opening In Miami Will tram Permanent Mgml oppty College students OK Call 9-5 Kathy 596-4756 ADVERTISING-MGMNT $785HR FULLPART TIME New York based corp opening in Miami Will tram Permanent Mgml opoty College students OK Call 9-5 Kathy 596-4756 AIRCRAFT refueler trainee A labors wanted Hdgts Agcv 948-3300 AIRPORT baggage Hdgts Agcv 948-330 Animal Hosp Attendant call wkdavs Will train 5J4-2156 APPLICATORS hr FTPT 757-4600 $10 50 per will train appt SETTERS depend able people wanted to set aopts from our NMB office fuimme saiary-f co benefits Call 949-8004 after 9 30am Equal opptv em ploy mf ASSEMBLY will tram Hdqts Agcv 948-3300 AUDITORS Permanent part A full time positions available with nationwide Inventory Available early morning or evening A some wkends Company transportation provided Must be 18 yrs of age have valid drivers license A own transportation No exp nec Paid training program All interested aopTv at 8410 NW 53rd Terr Suite 110 between 9am A 7 pm Mon-Fri 592-9302 or 485-6320 BATHER exp for busy animal mat Liintv ui ing apply tOOO NW 27 ave BOWLING lanes counter Porters snack bar pm chasers West Dixie 1S9SQ Dixie Hwy NMB CABLE TV Underground foreman able lo form own crew of 5 men Top dollar for hard worker Good benefits Call 594-6979 CARPET cleaner will train Hdq is Agcy 948-33 00 CARPETUPHOLSTERY leaner ex nec 871-1414 CLEANING-SALES Pet Shop No Dade 652-2226 CONSTRUCTION Hdqts 948-3300 labors Agcv COUNTER HELP for dry cleaners No ep nec Mon-Fn 3-7 474-1000 CALL CLASSIFIED 350-2722 ini si If you're working for a courier service that keeps you waiting for your next call longer than they keep you busy come to Choice We're one of the largest on-ground delivery services in Miami will keep you running Cars vans covered pickups station wagons Must have own reliable vehicle liability insurance know Dade Broward Counties Apply in person CHOICE COURIER SERVICE 14220 NE 18 Ave ft erty Management A Real rif Estate Co now hiring tic Sales Associates Flexible hrs Good floor time Call Micky 947-3999 for appt ASST MGR TRAINEE START IMMEDIATELY! CASH FOR CHRISTMAS S300-S400Wh 477-7744 AUTO SALESPERSONS wanted to sell new Ponti acs Also need used car A truck salespersons Must have sates experience Apply In person In person JM PONTIAC World's Laroest Pontiac Dealer 441 A Sheridan Hywd BOAT SALESPERSON: exo High traffic-confidential to Herald Ncws1707C COUPLE To Manage 100 unit oceanfronl motel in teresting work good sale rv A apt Will train respon sible persons No children or pets Call lOam-noon 864-2232 FACTORY REPS Local company needs representatives to call 2-3 Quality pre-set aoots dally Our average sales person closes 50 of presentations 4 Sales weekly means $5860 monthly commission We presently have 1000's of satisfied local customers and outstanding reputation the community For a lob with great benefits Imme diate Income A manage ment opportunity cal 9am-Spm Tues-Frl 251-0037 LEASING PERSON Sates oriented individual to contact and develop potential new business for Browing aulo agency raw against commission A gasoline furnished Con-tact Scott 893-0960 MANAGER TRAINEE Nat't co expanding In ail areas 10 positions left1 Full training 477-7744 NEW CAR SALES BIH Seldies Mitsubishi now Interviewing Must be aggressive highly motivated and experienced in car sales Will consider Inex perieneed Excellent pay fian bonus and benefits ncludlng dental Apply In person only see Sales Manager 2900 NW 36 Si M'S OUTSIDE SALES person or beauty supply store xo Mustbe bilingual (EngSpan 541-6226 PART-TIME SALES' Coral Gables stock broker looking for an experienced telephone marketer Mr Raorial 442-8900 Phone ProsTrainees Leading police organize lion seeks degressive sales oriented individuals for ticket office $5 00 hour Start Mon-Frl 825-2010 PHONE PROS Jfi An Hr Guaranteed Looking for sharp Individ uais for sales from our AC office 558-3369 HONE SALES Full time tong estab co Miami lo cation Excellent comms A bonuses 652-0500 PHONE SALES PERSONS Exp'd Apply 7907 NW 66 "Ji" PHONE SALES" Hour For easy sales from our office 10 Immediate openings No exp necessary 1-4 30pm S30-9pm i l-9pm Mon-Frt 557-4288 REAL ESTATE Sates Persons A Mgrs Earn while you learn Structured Training Call the Manager 0-3336 Bch 940-J Mia Shrs 757-2513 Carol City 624-7653 Mia Lakes 558-3030 Grove 442-3663 Kendall 595-1680 Better Homes Gardens Associates Rlty Realtors Real Estate Training Slate License Course: Day Eves or Sat Tuition reimbursem*nt plan Extensive training for people interested high income career Coll Jeon Wheat 685-8401 or 764-7633 Associates Rlty RE Scht RENTAL SALES AGENTS needed by motor car rental company Excellent starting pay commls Sion Major benefits A ex ceiient working conditions In this progressive company Please apply In person Mon-Frl 10am-2om Budget Rent A Car 2601 NW LeJeune Rd No phone cans please Route sales person Needed for wine A liquor distributor Miami area xperienced preferred Please send resume to Hartley A Parker 15800 NW 15 Avenue Attn Carswell ROUTE SALES position with established local food distributor 264-8768 Area Manager w7 experience A ability to organize A manage sales A installation people 6 figure annual commissions Insulating Coatings CorP Mr Johnson 904 344-8741 AVON SECOND INCOME PLUS LOW COST INSUR ANCE Sell Avon Mrs Herald 759-1 508 SALES CLERK for indoor flea mkt references req Call SS8-9000 558-3004 EARN TOP MONEY NOW HOLIDAY SEASON Sen 2 set of Encyclopaedia Britanni-ca per week earn $552 (Gross) Call for appointment 757-9500 Mia North 261-8700 Mia South Sales NEW CAREER? -Opptv In real estate -No exp required -Training to earn $30 $50 8100000 Call today for a career discussion Mike Pappas Bkr-VP 4440823 THE KEYES CO SALES PEOPLE WANTED To sell HBO In homes apartments commercial accounts Excellent com- mission Call 592-4161 1348 sta Far tale Soortsman 24' sleeps 6 low mi good cond $4995 532-9053 SPORTSCOACH '77 class A 25' motor coach Fully eouiol Chew 454 Onan 4KW gen awning $16000 289-0450 TRAVCO Mini moior home 19' new fridge $3900 6024 SW 8 St 261-6946 FORD Van '62 first $300 buys It call agt 653-8630 VW Camper 77 like new low mi fuHv loaded must see $3700 264-6363 FORD van 77 V8 pb A has Reese hitch $2000 24 FORD '69 PICK UP with Camper too Runs good $700 981-4070 22' TITAN 76 mmi-home very good cond low mi roof 6 dash air generator Must sell $6500 best offer 9859617 FORO 79 FI 50 4x4 amfm monster mudders lit! kit 12 500 or best 681-0515 OMC High Cierra PU '85 $6595 Warren Henry Motors 651-8913 JEEP CJ7 Used Choose from '85-'66 THE COLLECTION 15895 Dixie 235-4444 111ft MOTORCYCLES lu M0PEDS 111 iliaall Hatararslat GO KART HEADQUARTERS MINI BIKES MOPEDS $369 SOUTHWEST KAWASAKI omy ToyoTA auto leasing MADE LT POSSIBLE A NEW TOYOTA CELICA STLHODOWN PAYMENT AND I DROVE IT HOME! SliS PHI LMM3 With Air Conditioning AM-FM Stereo Tilt Wheel VPower Steering Brakes Extended Warranty More! IWE LEASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS FOR LESS! JEEP J10 4x4 76 ac roll bar more only $1988 Call 0966 BIRD RD 296-9642 OPEN 7 DAVS 101 Salat mmm oaios The Collection Chevrolet Trucks NEED EXTRA CASH? Rate Based On 60 Month Commercial Lease With Approved Credit and NO DOWN Payment 24 36 and 48 Month Leases Available At Comparable Savings Before ou Buy ANYWHERE Call Us For a Custom Quote! agt 653-8630 CALL CLASSIFIED 350-222? 101 Salat 7000 TOYOTA needs Outside Salespeople Salary -I- commission must be bilingual (SpanEng) no experience necessary Call Elio Rodriguez or Jerry Union Wanted telephone sales people with experience or without experience Flexible hours salary plus commission If qualified call between 1 1:00 pm 376-3732 ask for Jim Smith Mi tquai Opportunity tmptoyr Uf 10661 DIXIE HWY MIAMI DADE: BROWARD: 665-6581 463-5411 EXTENSION 222 698 CALL CLASSIFIED 350-2722 Hr.
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