Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

14C St. rtttrdmrg Tlrtut, Friday, January If, 1U2 122. Automotlltt Wirtel DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Kftfiuml 12S. Automobiles far Sill 17.S. lutomoblUi for Sail THIS Wtl FtATURINK LOW COST AND Vli 0 MOTOR SCOOtiRS AND CYCLES HI(Mtr III paid tor le'e-moeel Imfwtt, RiShFR MOTORS, 145 Central Ave Ph.

7-4iet I I I.I I 1 1 i is I wi 'r WOT fjv, I VI ri i i ml' Lf HP I 1 I li 1 T.J rr mi ni ci.iTi'rr uiv The foiiowina units are avail I ane ar mas low pritesi I tit All-late Maptd I I lxw Alltlale AArad tvt I lesa Cusimen kltf suj J. 6. Sack tit leal Honda Trails ihi Hiyaa super cub w-eltc tl Si 193 Sports Cub ti iva rroorett scooter aiui iivwiunoapp bupersabr ti I ivj Ducati Bronco I Rank tmanclna no down aavmanf MTTejTT BpT tjni ttrrni BARNEY'S MOTORCYCLR (At pa iioaii oanoy Blvd. HE 4-7IM 118, Autg RtDiirlni SPkliDOWSTER REPAIRS. Guar.

I4.U0O mile. Sid. Sl-'tl. Bulrk. and Cadillac 00 Ponllae and imyroim win mis ao, plus remnv ling spaadometer.

Open til f. lilt iiampa Tampa. 2-1575. PARTS AND SFRVir ALL MAKES OF FORFIGM raoa BRITISH A CONTINENTAL AAnTr-D U3I ertf 8T, NO. lOU'S MODERN AUTO sTBuff er W-MtH Ave.

NO, 34S-4704 QTTia'ic iransmminn specialists COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE UP CYL. AUTOS S13.7S CYL. AUTOS inn Includes new plugs, points, condent-ir, set tlmino. set dwell nn eoiusT carburetor, clean A ad lust s. taan air cieener, wiiwi Terminals, MAAS BROTHERS CAR CARE CENTER Corner 2nd St.

No. A Sunshine Lane r-'ione J-II3I XT. 00 lENCUIfflNlT" ll-20th Sf. South CAH CLINIC GAS WAR ON MILEAGE "Wa guarantee we can Increase your car mileage!" OUR STAFF OF SPECIALIST Can Repelr any car from (Cadillac to Compact) JANUARY SPECIAL lOv Off on Darts A Lahnr OR l-Ono? LOOK ALL FOR 1130. LUBRICATION Check nd fill tlra.

mmMm. I lor. i I ,11 si. far cylinder, lubricate all chai. points, doors, deck lid and hood hinges, tighten car bumper and sweep out car an 11.50.

BUICK SALES A SERVICE Adco*ck Buick Company 605-fth St. North Dial 5-701 BLACKBURN SERVICE Yocam, Willard A Delce Battery Sales A Service 1 Delco-Remy tune-up now. Free brake insoectlon. 1101 Central Phone 7-7101 120. Trucks tor Salt 54 FORD pickup, Fordomatic.

Ex cellent condition, S700. Ph. 345-0865. P3 FORD Dump S595. 1952 Chevro- oumR Rdy tor workl 4.6-1845., Clearwater.

tsetora you buy, tell, trade vour truck-come to ut for good truck dealt Bar- irucx sales, 3iio-ia Ave. TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS '5 DODGE TAIL-GATE LIFT STEEL UTILITY BODY 1135 Large sei. jeeps new A used GULF TRUCK SALES 7173 U.S. 1 SO CLWTR. SM-0155 '5 VOLKSWAGEN P.n.l trnrV taot very good condition, 77-2301; ne 0-0514.

I 950 GMC vt ton pickup truck. 4 Forward geart. a Ply tires, 7110 vm Ave. N. mo CHE VROLETIHipTapTy tires, 1135.

Jalopy ttock car, wlth- our engine, us. OR 1-4291; HE 4-3030. USED SPECIALS Air Boat w-traller 135 HP 11200 sieoo SI 050 975 SHOO S1200 SCO 1960 Chty. suburban, 4 spd, 195 Int. Walkin, good 1957 Jeep, excellent 1960 Willys Panel 1955 Chev.

CAC Duals 1955 GMC 1 yd. Dump ORANGE STATE MOTOR CO. Inc. 2121 Central Ave. 7-10 '5 EL CAMINO VI, air conditioned, radio.

Phone 391-5131) 345-862. f953 CHEVROLET V4 ton piciup. S375. 1800-34th St. S.

5-6996. 1955 CHEV. lVj ton Van. Tires ex cellent, mechanically perfect. Asking 1795.

Can finance or will trade for what have you. 391-4777 or 391-4164 ft53DdDGE' TrS Ton Stalie Truck. 4357-lth Ave. t. Good tires.

1250, OR 1-7616. fiEAVY DUTY Reo dump truck $500 or tell parts off of it. HE 4-3271 4905 19th St. N. to CHEVROLET Pickup, Ton, 11,000 miles.

S1795. OR l-4450. 121. Auto Insurance Financing IPev Ins. In monthly payments.

limit on age J. R. 22 filed. See IJOHN O. COX, Ins.

137-lst St. N. DRIVERS UNDER 25 are also merit- rated at Perry R. Marsh, Inc. Save SIS.

Call 5-5166. 1900-1st Ave. N. 122. Automobiles Wanted TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR CAR RUNNING OR NOT.

MAIER MO TORS, 4700 34th ST. NO. HE -0595 FOR AN CLEAN USED CAR COURTESY MOTORS-70-7601 Will pay cash for CLEAN latt model car. DAVE NICHOLS for Volkswaoen. Phone 391-2083 WILL BUY YOUR CLEAN LATE MODEL CADILLAC.


Any Models. ouurxeT 4th A 34th St. No. HE 7-3333. "CASHTOR YOUR CARS BIG WHEEL AUTO SALES 16th St, A Irt Ave.


Al lison. CASH FOR Clean American, Import or Sports can. ubkic, 1500 4TH ST. NO. S-6V64.

WTll BUY any low mileage car. Prefer one-owner eioeriy person car. Call Mr. Robinson, HE 5-5092. WATSONS MOTOR CO.


foreign. Sports Cars BILL BROWN cit linn Ul I irtl iiuu wi twinw uarv 1M ii aaaf tftthtaf Hvtrjut SUVA 70Q THIl '62 FIAT 600D few WE WILL BUY YOUR CAR WA PONTIAC ant eth St. CAUING AU CARS CAIN tor lunk car cakm cratne can At A tor an dan that ever ran. AUTO PARTS Ave, (t 24lh St. Ill Sxti nui.


Ask tor Fred Jordan WfLFIUY partyTcTean tar or aiation waqon. Central Mo. itjr, laiepnone 744062. 123. foreifn, Sports Cars SHUN IS, FOREIGN A IMPORTS TO CHOOSE FROM, S4f UP.

CITY MOTORS, 29th Central, OR 1-7 $1095 aoio, neater, looks A drivel out PTTKii 1 esi onv tnit onel WATSON MOTOR CO. 7750 CENTRAL T-5721 pma eiMi KUE BEL'S Autharlred SIMCA tervlre ff5TTAGCTli7ev7pow'er, good tunoiiion, aneke rter, pnont HE 7-427 mRXRMTI7r95 Locai rrf cif. wsw Hrt, swcepnonaiiy nict. WATSON MOTOR CO. 2750 CENTRAL 7-3771 YOUR CHOICE 4 i960 RENAULT excellent condition.

LONG-WALK- er with. Franchise Renault-Peugeot Dealers, 10201st Ave. 7-214 IFsrsUNRodf Volkswagen, wWrai dlo. 175. 205 20th Ave.

E. raonsinoRirTTJTigs Angiit. Only 5,000 act. milts, heater, tw ttrts. txtra nice car, WATSON MOTOR CO, 2250 CENTRAL 7-5771 31 JAGUAR XK-120.

1350. Phone HE 7-254. "SPORTSIAR '60 ALPINE Sunbeam $1695 Roadster, Original let black finish witn red leather interior. Must see ta appreciate this car that's in showroom condition. Heater, WSW tires 59 TR-3 Roadster $1595 All white finish, genuine leather In terior.

Extra nlct l-owner, local. Name on request. '57 M-G-A Roadster $1095 Beautiful and cleanl Turquoise fin ish, wire wheels, WSW tires, de froster, white top. See ill RISHER MOTORS Datsun Sales A Service 665 Central Call 7-4191 it jaguar Classic xkMto. Good condition.

$500 Phone 347-525. '58 '59 VOLKSWAGENS" S895 up WATSON MOTOR CO. 2250 CENTRAL AVE. 7-5721 49 AUSTTn, good condition. Good fires.

S125. Phone 75-2332) 74-2403. WvOXKSWAg EN CleaivWhite wall Tires, S1295. OR 1-4450. VOLVOS from $1295 CHOICE of 5t 0s A 'ell.

New car trade-ins equipped with radio, heater. WSW fires. WATSON MOTOR CO. 2250 CENTRAL 7-572 194 MGTTrCTphont Clearwater 443-5261. 12S.

Automobiles tor Sail ni nMnnii 4 door sedan. Automatic transmission. Radio A heater. Power steering, SI, 095 Nichols Inc. 440 Ith St.

So. 7.1MV C5Dll7LAe195rTy owner. Nice car. casn or trans, tiuo anyway Blvd. N.

Pinellas Park. 123. Foreign, Sports Cars NOW ONLY UP RENAULT DAUPHINE 1962 Lew Law Dowa Poy't lew low Me. Poy't Full Year Warranty FULLY EQUIPPED Baby Safety Lacks (rear deer) 4 dr. convenience Electric Wipers Dual Sur Viters Turn Signal Dual Horn New Interior LONG-WALKER MOTOR CO.

1020.1st Avt. No. Tlione7-2m Open Eienmss BETTER BUYS! X15b9 miles bv Bill Brown. Hat every- washers undercoaflno. and a OeeSUTVl $1695 aenc qss transmission.

Economy at fts best $395 from England. Has the new $795 end white Inferior. This automobile Including seat belts. Don't mist this $595 car perfect for a 2nd car ar light '60 '55 2 9N 61 No. 10551 101.

Opti tor intpictwi tifnnu io-m Avi. n. 4 BR, 1 BATHS D6U. OAR. Cu, Of.

Will. URN. PIRSPLACE. 72.1M, tlBVi. CMN I TO J.

Ot BY APPT. Hj), OWNER BUllDf 11 BR end 1-1 BR horn. Muil be umi tn. ori lo t. I.

S5W3i 514114. Av. Open CM Brand new 7 Bedroom, Masonry Trreu leor. Ceramic Til Bath, Miami Window. Clr.

imaiing HMt. en City tmr, Block from but, Nice Kitchen, Util ity room 4 Carport, Retired people m' earoami c. I. DOWLING. Central, rtw t9) "0 ft Tl 3 i Alr-eond.

I masonry homei lovely convenient LK Megoor imi living full amine, leu He rm I hardwood floors; heeti cedar Until cioseter iwn pomoi gereoe. iMI.JHIt Ave. $. Owner OR l-poiT. rONSNELL ISLE An lDEN HOWE completely refur.

butted ilk new, tt 317 Belieelr ortve an sunte Gulf Court tearooms, Mm. Florida room. crened porch, official ttullN-ierd court, rnre S7fi50. Call DEN HOMES, )'. 13TO Sncll Id Blvd.

parkllng new Eden Homat te-viiia Ian, (follow th EDEN home ion), matt beautiful we have avar built. That ar In 2 A 2 bedrooms. With Florid rooms and garden porches, Snail lilt Blvd. CIVWm rMiam! windows, bedrooms, walk-In Clos-tt, til bath with vanity, terrain pattern vinyl floors, tat anytlm. TfVmt, TH-51st AveN.

fcomeln beautiful sur-roundirxjt, 1 bedroom, Florida rom, lifetime root, gartgt. Asking 10,000. 22-26th Ave. S. Opto 5, pesioneg for me housewife many buill-ioi, Unit af ilidlnf glass raori.

i oearooms, wun garage plut lot. CARLISLE CONSTRUCTION CORP. AGENTt-ft, Pell Realty, Corp. USnt 145-192 73 4TH IT. N.

TONTWlSTTRS Maw badroom. bam (t In double araot), located In beautiful rtl-dentnl neighborhood. Half block to but, blocks to shopping. Central ducted all beat. Tile root.

MS' enclosed porch. Circular drive. Many cusiom ree'urn. muit tee appro. iiaie inn lovmy nome.

3 ind T.rrece lo. fH.iM Termi. Open 1M CM. AVAMZiNiTTOlR. Modal Open 1373 U7lh St, Na.

yt-WM 1 3l Kit PRICE REDUCED $1,500 $12,000 FURNISHED 1 twin III bed roomt, baautllul ak tloort, Intulated, air conditlonad. Oil and electric heal. Nice furniture, rugt and drapa. House In new condition In nice naighporhood. Many wil irvvs.

J. R. (Jim) ROGERS Central Prion 1U t943 lltt Terrac H. IEDROOMS I BATHS GARAGR Air-Conilitloncd, Dishwather, Orapat. Assume 113,000 Mtg.

lava) BOB FINN, REALTOR 34J-J5M ONE BEDROOM walking dittanca io lyrone uenrar an cnurcnat owner, este Drive n. "SACRIFICE" OWNER SAYS, MAKE ME AN OF FER, FOR THIS LOVELY 1 BOR BUNGALOW FLA. RM. A GAR. IN DELUXE LOCATION.



THE ROOF, OAK FLOORS, NICE BDRMS.i FLA. LG. LAWN PUMP. PARTLY FURN DON'T WAIT IT'S A STEAL AT I11.S00. A REALTY 7SH Central Phone 7-4339; MIOJ waterfront Sacrifice! OPEN TODAY uilder called back to actlvt duty In Service.

Horn must be told, to being offered at BELOW COST. Solid Masonry, til roof terratio floors. Super deluxe kitchen with breaklest bar, twin tlnks disposal. 1 lovely bathi, delightful tl by II ft. Florlde room overlooking waterfront.

Central heat with duett to each room. Choice lot with concrete tea wall. The prlc only JJO.foo with asy terms available. Drive to 44 45th Ave. E.

and take advantage this tremendout bargain! CRISP REALTY REALTORS tMnrthext Shop. Center 7-t730 7-7731 OPEN 2634 36th Ave. N. Very attractive living rooom, tunken Florida room, park your car boat In garage. Oak floors.

Completely furnished. SCO. OOWtING REALTY 7-T177 WHAT A BUY! Bedroom bom furnished with car. Everything Is very nice. Wonderful location, Lakewood Estates.

Hat I mortgage of 17,000 payabl iv.ts per monm. see or eel MC. STYLES, Broker S-4972 54-5115 irrraotffXvE. BEDROOM, 1 BATH, MASONRY. DOUBLE GARAGE, TERRAZZO FLOORS, CEILING HEAT, LARGE LIVING ROOM, PATIO, ROOMY STORAGE.


N. 7-327. HO! HO! HO! WHO SAYS THERE'S NO SANTA CLAUS DRIVE DOWN TODAY TO 1080 59th Ave. S. Beautiful Bedroom, 2 bath, tiled root, masonry residence.

Ducted twat, built-in oven and range. Within site of Bey Vista Elementary School, targe Shopping center, beautiful Co-1 rariado Lake. Make your Inspection and offer any day from 10 A.M. toi P.M, FHA and V.A. financing aveueoie (or win even ten casnj.

Norman T. Branagan Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 1201 JSth St. N. 34I-213I 7-0515 OWNE 9 large lor-Ida room, garage, sewert. Extras.

19,750. 345-5980. $95 MOVES YOU IN NEW HOMES IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3 BR 1 Bath $67 Mo. 3 BR 2 Bath $74 Mo. INCLUDES ALL COSTS Recreation center and Swimming Pool, Brand new Schools shopping center MODELS AT: 94th Ave.

49th St No. Call HE 5-3300 Evenings OR 1-2735 Buyers' Choice Safes or br io 20 2 ME free or 4 lot. HE 101. tsr iRiptctitt XX TRADE YOUR HOI For 3 BR 2 Bath tarn FAttV Room, irikhiHi fully anuippro. nun racrtaiian Ctrnar Any awimmina pool.

AVVtHTI AILOW At tMi iJ Mo, plut tea Inl. BUYERS' CHOICE XX SALES XX MOOH.I AT 94th Ave, 43th St. North Call HE 53300; Eves, OR 1-2735 PAY LIKE RENT 7-4Jrd AVE, N. Matonry, BR, Carport, SmallJlownjJSS "I0T38th Avenue Northeas Nw daiuia 1 BR batn, ear gar. ria room uwnar gn nm.


dr iv by. than ca ntr Ut-XfT. I3M Down, tj monmiy. Total prlca If.fSO. NO OUALIFriNO.

badraomt. bath, larg fancad yard, tmtll down payment. HE J-MS3. MASONR Horn, Corner Lot, oak tloori, Laroa roomt A cloiatl. Badroomi, Betht, li' Living room, teoarai Dining Kitcnan, Double garag.

Extra lot. I40O Min Ave. N. 108. Waterfront Property WATERWAY ESTATES, bargain price, way Trade.

FMA financed. A I BR, Hornet from HS.tuO. DONALDSON, HE S-1333. LUXURY HOUSE batht, pool, anclaturt, 170 upper aay, eitrnctive, lermi. safety Har- bar 774-1077.

"TVATERFBONT COTTAGE LOTS pront waterway from bulf, paved ttreet, watermaln. tlS dn. A 110 ma. A ml. north of Port Richly en High way ir, visia ui war.

Attrect. homes A loll. A. Grimes Bkr, I0J11 teth Ave. N.

391-7417 Bedroom masonry, miles north, Port Richey. Routt tox 79796 Port Richey. YOUR OWN WATERFRONT HOME? MAKE IT A REALITY! Greeny reduced price 173,500. No need for Insomnia If you live here Let the sound of the waves at thev lap the thores of the beeulllul BOCA CIEGA BAY lull von to tlaeo each night at you retire In your j-noice oi mutt LOVELY TWIN BtuKuoMV You can enjoy FISHING from your awn SEAWALL or ivn relaxing on me PATIO, or in ine LANue LIVING ROOM nd ovtrslied FLORIDA ROOM. Cooking piraiure in rne mooern BUILT IN KITCHEN, Act oulckly, let us ar.

range i snow you thlt excellent proper ry. WENDELL PHILLIPS, Realtor 471T Lakevlew Avt. 77-232! Evenings: 347-457 NEWiMterfrcvit rag ratr sale to tttlie estate, -Low down payment. HUFF Real Estate, 1300 N. Gull Indian Rocks Beach.

SB Blvd. 1 units, two bedroomt and one IVe bedrooms. 30' dock, boat lift and cover, thulflt and garage. Easem*nt ta Gulf. Good Income producer.

Fine condition. 391-O07I. 108. Real IstatB bcMn; 3 bedroom, I a bedroom. Will take house trailer, boat or lot.

Call OR 1-1753 after 4 m. ar Sundav "finest" builder custom homes will buv vour present heme and build a custom home of your choice. Call WEILL BROOME, INC. 345-0125 54l.7Jnd Ave So. HOLIDAY REALTYTTnT" Opposite Madeira Post Office TELEPHONE 31-10471 391-M71 NEW 4 BR, 2 BATH with built-in range, automatic ducted forced air heat, attic fan.

Furnished unfurnished. Sell or will trede my Sl.OOO equity for your equity In 2 nome. Phone 56-5111 or HE 4-453 tee er sr 33rd Ave. N. WESreOASt REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE.

INC. TREASURE ISLE CSWY. 361-1491 TSADirnrVeTTToTatHlTOoT Com mercial Propertlet for Fret A Clear acreage, net lease, etc, STEPHEN DICZOK 345-927 WTCL' eccepniouse or duplex as par? payment in exchange for I units, treasure isiano. WALSH REALTY 12113 Gulf Blvd. 31-7711 (NOTaNAPOLIS, TnTSTanX duplex, will trade tor Florida home, a or 3 oeorooms.

391-7010. rone bivo. rronraae lor fret A clear heme. 345 0270. Free A clear S75.000 apf MiimT, i-ia.

want property in Pinellas Co. uicx naison, exr. on I S1I1 EMERGE NCY "trade equity of SS.500. Lovely I bedroom masonry waterfront home. Out.

standing features thruout for lot er trailer. Call owner HE 1-1367, BR, IVt FAC, Vacant. Open afternoons. Make trade proposition. EARLE, Rltr.

S-T0S8; eves. HE e-1207 3 BEDROOM MASONRY Bungalow with attached garage, ce ramic me oam and ail electric kit chen. Will trade equity of 14,500 for larger 2 tlory home. WHAT HAVE TOUT 6 APARTMENTS Near Bartlett Park. Price 123,500.

win trade equity for smell home ELDER A POWELL, Realtors. 1935 Central 7-311 WILL TRADE equltylriToearbomi 3 bath home, close to 3 schools for lots or acreage. HE 7-1172 after 5 em hardwood-floors, screened porcn, garage, owner win terry loan, small payments. 5032 Ith Ave. N.

345-6547. For-house-lot-Sara- sote MODESN--bedroom for trailer. Phone 33-6022 THE Rt Alt STA tfcXCMANGE 4651 Park Blvd Pinellas Pk. CHAS. MATOUK The Trader 5-IO03 HE 5-909? TRADE my equity InTbedroom, 2 bath home for Trailer, Lot or Cash, HE 5-7930 titer 5.

FOR sate or tradeby owner. 6eeu- mut waterfront home. 30-7195 Highway It 000. equity 12,200, want trailer. HE 50701 Trade eouITy ireonTfijj.

central beet pump, lots of extras for lakefront, 2 bedroom CB, en any pood lake across Central Florida, near town er city. Give all descriptions and locations In first letter. St. Petertburg Times Box N-305. COLOTxltT and eiearj will trade for tlrtt mortgages, well located home, lots acreage.

BLANC A BLANC, Realtors 3475th Ave N. Phone 7-SSI5 70 frontage, free and clear, for tmll home. HE 7-2493. UNITS, 3 room apartment. For trailer tots er small house.

HE 7-4102. A DE "YOUlTT R5TCE SP6 House, lot, trailer, duplex, ar trailer Summers, 150 U.S. It N. e-9irji. Apartments and 3 bedroom home.

Trade 122,500 equity for furnished bouse and cash. Appointment only. 53-463. 6ELUXE bedroom. bath waterfront home.

Tiie root, terrain floors, built-in stainless steel even, range A dishwasher. Centrally heeled A air-conditioned. W'll consider late model Cadillac er Thunderbird car, boat, mortgages, acreage, lots or cash tor equity. Open for Inspection 2 I Sunday. 570 SUN ISLE DRIVE N.I.

PHONE OR 15791 IxfHANGE two bedrooms, clear, en bout tour bedrooms, (owners. 110! )t Treasure Island. 42' 15 2S er HE '60 "SB '52 '51 '52 'J tot. fintet-tii! fstttl It VV Maelly Want iH I P. "Doc Mat Veugtw Reet tt.

net tnt Ave fe Tai hti WE CAN HELP YOU SELL Our a'tice teeclaiiiat la MULTtPI LISTING and return) are proving thi mrthed fa be your bett chance af telling. II will make tame fa yeu, it you will but bn wt tt ainlaln kn If wArk. HUMPERONEY 7-364 ANXIOUS TO SELL? Wt fiev aretpactt far all typet arpperiy, ltd ut now 7-3267 JACK BURKLEW, REALTOR 107-ltf AVE. NO. I WANT Waterfront home Phone 31 aAW, Wanted: WATERFRONT Horn of or 4 bedroomt, I ar a batht.

Mod ern. Nat lett than 100 Ft. frontage Af a realistic price, contact Mr Harthaa), HARSHAW RIALTORI JK)-4th St. North 7 7t3 Cash Buver for house that fixing, Mid City Realty SI. MM).

BEDROOM house In North Short er Snail I tit saclion. Times Box 317. 111. Mobiit Horns iciesjonii 35' Spartan trailer. Semlnolt let.

Evenings weekends 3fl-l0j. iACRIFICtTirWSi IS I Alu- minum, loxitr aluminum awning. Perfect condition. 3t-tS73, VM rQ fm PARK TRAILER BALES 4571 Perk Blvd. HE HW Low Rett It.sd par VMH Vour frailer protected against fire, lightning, tmok, theft, windstorm.

hail, earthquake, explosion, felling aircraft, flood er rising water, malicious mischief af vandalism, riot. George H. Dikman Agency, Inc. "LET GEORGE DO IT'' 47(5 Central (Cor. 43 St.) OR l-Seae Florida Mobile Home Ass'n Member STOP! t'i r.

ir. Aluminum $3495 TRAVIS Dealer for PACEMAKER 1 CHAMPION 5050 4th St. No. 75 Yearsjn TraiUrBusinets 59S 34TH Sf NORtH TRADE TODAY Airstream Travelo Sparlane Fleetwood C.J.ST0LL, 5985 34th St North lPM. Hg T-2133 R'OtCAHdMe aluminum awning.

Reasonably priced. Largo, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF NEW MOON'S "VOLUMN SALE" We tvill not be undersold! GET OUR DEAL Decker Mobile Homes 5637-4th St. N. St. Petersburg 5301 Haines Rd.

2M2 Cult te Bay st. Petersburg Blvd. Clearwater MOVlttG SAWFXe S57T" 1 BR, tir conditioned, cabana 4301-28th St. Lot HE 5-1051 1959 SEVILLE 54x12' cabana, car. port, screened patio.

Reasonable Clearwater 442-2781. CLEAN sx30'TfurnlshedHnbeofi. Quick tale by owner. HE 7-3207. HowardKrcrTTinTsK Large car.

peted living room. 33' oatlo awn ing, 22' Carport. All like new. Sac- rlfice for quick tale. On large lot.

tsies 01 raims. 7400 46tn Ave. Lot 509, Gl6BEMASWRiO'5i43': Cabana 2', Completely furnished, 2 bed roomt. 13,750. Hollywood Trailer Park, Lot 1107 723Q-4th 1961 SELF-CONTAINED 21' Air stream also International panel truck equipped for hunting-fishing traveling.

See writ 215 W. Orange, Lek Alfred. (951 2 bedroom 10x22 Cabana. Make offer. 1210 Lakevlew Cleer water Lot 234.

JTTaTHfIn OE ft travel trailer; cellent condition. Holiday Trailer Ranch, 2300 East Bay Clear water, Lot 305. DONABELL Aluminum awning. Nice condition. Mutt see; R.

Sneary, Cedar Creek Court, Dunedin. ir Detrolter with 14' glassed ct bana. Cal 55 6174 er 7-0336. itVioo 32x1, 1 bedroom, completely turn. ALLIED REALTY 12551 U.S.

II S. Clearwater HE 7-2027 TUAYFAIR" Ultr modern 1x21, set up en beautiful lot In "McCall's award winning park." Complete with carport, raiseo caoana, awning windows, ex. quisite furnishings, carpeted. Duoil. cation cost S65O0 Sacrifice by own.

lor quick sale, cal 5-ei61. 0slDl(TWil5TB0ffl Peerless, 46', Fr. beautiful Vagabond, 46', I Bedroom Travelo, 45', 2 Bedroomt USED 8 WIDES Buckeye II', bath I 795 Supreme, nice JI395 Vagabond, 34', quality 11495 Mercury, 36', I BR S2295 C. J. STOLL, INC.

3939 4th St. North Hrt. Ill Sat 1-6. Closed Sundavs SPECIAL Like New 47x10' National 1 bedroom front kitchen, 20x Co- bane, 14995. C-20, Donovan's 1940 US If So.

earwater Knox, 2 bedroom Like new. Used months, cost 5 W0 sacrifice S2.200. HE S-277. 5J45-34th St. SARTAOircraffrf95l.

Like new. 10x45. Eegie's Nest Trailer Park, Lot 31 3530 Tyrone Blvd. 347.10M full bed and bunks. Modern.

11.500. Largo S644396. MARLETTE -wrfTTm, screened enciosure. Silver Lake Mobile Resort, 4000 24th St. LOT 54.

ROYCRAFT mobile home, 10'x 45'. Built up cabana 10x24', Insulated. Nlct location. Bay Pines Park, Lot 145. 10005 Bay pines Blvd.

SPECIAL 1962 44x10 1 BR FRONTIER tjualrty at the pice of cheepi $3,995 Nichols Trailer Sales 6710 Park Blvd. Adlactnt fe Ltty A Trailer Part PHONE HE S-3711 in 55 57 54 56 53 'J WE OR RUT ANY a L.tuil.LL, driven local rnmi by very wealthy retired ten flame wha sited this fine autam. bile enly during tne 6 months af the year he "teatoned" In Florida. It's magnificent factory trash ap. paerance reliecls the tine tare and cautiout driving habits at lit elderly former owner.

Stored summers and never driven In Inclement weelher. DUALITY AUTOS, corner 19 A Mth AveN. rT FORD Victoria V-7TtardToi sedan. Automatic transmission. Re.

die A healer. All power. 11,45. Niholt Inc. 440 lib St, So, 7-I693.

TiMAi MOTOR SALES 35034thStSo. PHONE 7-7577 7-J72I If yeu don't know your car knew your dealer wtia otters you quality can for quantity price WAGONS 5 Ford e-rc' 5 Edtel east 5 Stud e-past 54 Ford 1 -owner 71 $795 $495 W5 $395 53 Pon. CLEAN CARS '54 Cad. AIR 11495 145 75 75 If 595 5 Chev. Conv, 51 Ford F'lan "500" '57 Oldt FULL POWER '57 Ford Retract (Steal) 37 Ply Belv St Metro MAKE OFFER TROPICAL MOTOR SALES 350 34th St.

So. Phone 7-7577 7.3721 IP YOU OONT KNOW YOUR CARS KNOW YOUR DEALER "CLOSED SUNDAYS" 'STpTVmOuTH, 4 door7cln7Too3 mecnonicoi conoiTIOn, 795. 31-914 '61 SEDANDEViLLI SHORT DECK Driven 4,100 local careful mile by elderly retired gentleman, this Is that special built Cadillac that It about a foot shorter than the regular model. Gorgeous pur whit finish, factorw air conditioning, lust like new in every way, $4,95. QUALITY AUTOS, corner U.S.

19 A 31th Av. N. '60 CADILUCdriven verfcire. tut miles py wealthy elderly couple. The magnificent car and tender consideration these wonderful people gave thlt truly tint motor car hat perfectly preserved the spar, kllng factory fresh appearance and performanca.

It Is actually Impossible to tell that thlt gorgeous motor car hat ever been driven. It' fully equipped. Including factory air cond. Tht Interior it a combination of rich fabrics A classic leathers that has been cared for so that today It's more luxurious and presents a finer appearance than when purchased new. This fabulous automobile cost ust a tew dollars lest than $7,000, 14 months ago, can now be obtained for $3,995.

It's a unique example of magnificent beauty at a ridiculously low prlca. The true connoisseur of fine craftsmanship and quality will realize this is actually $7,000 worth of automobile for $3,995. We offer for tale the finest of those automobile traded on new Cadillacs by the authorized St. Petersburg Cadillac dealer. Quality Autos, corner U.S.

19 38lh Ave. St. Petertburg. DAVE NICHOLS SPARKLING, FRESH, CLEAN CARS 1960 BUICK LASABRE door. The ultimate in tine car luxury.

Original factory finish of tur quoise and white. The comfort of all power equipment, ytadio A heater. This Immaculate beauty I your for ONLY $1,995 DAVE NICHOLS 3901 Cenlral Ave. 5-7957 J-7M2 '57 Buick Special, aii-ncond. 4 dr hard top.

Original owner. Power steering A brakes, radio. $775. Call 7-7715 or OR 1-095). Sea at 2050 16th St.

No. days. 61 RAMBLER Super 4 door sedan. Weather-eye heater extra clean condition. $1,795 Nichols Inc.

440 th St. So. 7-1695 1958 PONTIAC Stir Chief 4-Dr. Hardtop For tht discriminating buyer who prefers the comfort of heavier, easy handling, wide track auto this Is III You get hydromatic drive, radio, hester, power steering A brakes. Nice 2-tone blue finish with matching leather Interior.

Must see A drive to appreciate! Sensibly priced at only $1295 Stewart Jones Motors 25-5th AVE. N. CALL 7-1265 '58 CHEVROLET door Belalr 4 door hard too. V- with powergilde. Sharp.

FULL PRICE $699 For Information call Mr. Allison ESTATE STORAGE, INC. 3511 Cenlral Ave. OR 1-363 BROWN RAMBTETTRADfTNS RAMBLER Classic. 4-dr.

1959) stand ard transmission, radio, new tires. Extremely low mileage. ONLY $1095 BROWN RAMBLER MOTOR CO. ST. N.

CALL 7-475 Rambler Sales A Service 194 BUICK Super, 16,700 actual miles. 1 owner, like new. 4700 Em erson Av. S. 1959 CHEVROLET1 ConverT tibl.

6 cylinder. $1400 03-22nd Av. 52-7635. GET ONE ON WEEKLY PAYMENTS O'S 3434 CENTRAL 7-1307 NCOLN CONTTNENTaL 15 I door hardtop. All pewr.

Factory ir conditioned. $1895. Will con sider trade. 361-6161. ifc 4 door sports Impale, loedecC sacrifice.

$1465. Laroo 54-3319. 58 LINCOLN Hardtop with power windows, brakes, steering, automatic drive. Factory Air Cond't new. WATSON MOTOR CO.

2250 CENTRAL 7-5721 A LAN PETERSON GOOD CARS FROM 150 Ave. A th St. N. 5-5377 VROLET-1959 Radio. power, air, automatic $1295; trade HE 6-1717, 1954 PLYMOUTHWaW7l607l94l cnrysier, $9.

Bom good condition, M07-50m AV. N. 343-240. iTssLYMOTjTh; Flioor, radio, heater. New tires.

A-1 condition. Private owner, $350, Call 36-5252. PONTiAcn door, radio, heaT. er. A-l condition.

Private owner. $250. Cal! 56-5252. owner'sTxChaWgE "price king of them all" i 34th STREET at 1st AVE. N.

Ford-o-matlc 4 door, extra clean. 32,000 miles. 725-th St. S. CADILLAC 1941 S(rtarTT5eville, all electric elr conditioned, private owner.

Call before noon or after 4 P.M., OR 1-90C5. ESTATE LIQUIOAT Plymouth 2 dr. ted. Pow, steer. brakes, RAH, WW Tires.

10,900 miles. Bids must be submitted by NOON Friday, Jan. 24th. For details A Info, contact UNION TRUST TRUST tth A CentrtL 5-2tl. sonable.

1955 Factory Ford heater. 4515 Haines Rd. VSlER" V957n-eworkirHe3: top. All power, factory air conditioned. 26,000 actual miles.

$1195. He 6-7541. COMET 2 door. Automatic trans mission. Radio.

Like new condition, $1,75 Nichols Inc. 40 9th SfSo. 7-1695. Chev. Wagon 34 engine." load-ed.

Also exceptionally good solid '4 Chrysler. 341-7115. let. Standard Transmission, a cylinder, 1697. OR e-3773.

THUNDER BiRO, blackTTSrdtoP convertible, radio, neater, good condition, OR 1-0" J. SluDtBAKtR, 155 Champion. Owner. Clean 4 Dr. with tvtomt.

fic transmission. ONLY JJ, CRUMP aOTOR CO Jit-Win tl, N. Ceil Joafl. 157 DODGE, 4 door. On owner.

Standard transmission, excellent mechanical condition. 1650, l5 Bay St. HE 6-924. 58 PLYMOUTH 4 floor Sedan. Radl A healer.

Runt perfect. FULL PRICE $339 Far tnformelien cell Mr, Allison ESTATE STORAGE. INC, 35tt Central Ave. OR 1-313 '45 ClCfT-IS Delu.e Wn. Wydi malic, radio, heater, power steering 2600 actual miles.

SPECIALI 1295 UUDfRET I 640M4fh t. N. HE 7-33TJ T-BIRD 2 DOOR HARDTOP 1960 Like New Finished In Arctic white with beau- flful all red leather Interior, Full power. FACTORY AIR-CONDI TIONED, A true beauty. RANCH The Chevy Corner 21lt A Central 7-e91 Pay ma Moo, assume payments an ar leomac.

axceueni conoirion. All power, alr-condlllontd. Phono 345095. ITOTDS $355 Local l-owner with hydramtfie, pow er Hearing a brakes. Dealer, A sac rifice at thit low prlcel WATSON MOTOR CO.

2250 CENTRAL AVE. 7-5721 41 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille, way power, S2195, or best offer River Bend Trailer Village, New Port Richey. THE CLEANEST CARS IN THE CITY ALL COVERED BY WARRANTY '57 ROLLS ROYCE 4-rfoor AIR, Chauffeur Drlvtn Owned by prominent local Banker Name an request. Thlt car Is for th man who wants everything. 41 Cadillac Sed DeVille AIR 14 41 Cadillac Coupe AIR S459 60 Cadillac Sed DeVille AIR 139 -59 Cadillac ELD.

Conv. AIR S339 Sf Cadillac Co DeVille 29,000 miles 1269 '61 Continental 4 dr. AIR S4999 60 Continental (2) AIR S399 5 Continental Conv. AIR 1329 5 Lincoln Prem 4 dr. AIR I SI699 5 Lincoln Prem 4 dr.

AIR 11 599 '57 Lincoln Prem 4 Dr. AIR S1399 '60 Imperial Lebenon 4d AIR 13999 5 Chrysler Saratoga 4d AIR 1 299 41 Mercury 4Dr. Automatic S229 60 Mercury 4 dr HT AIR SI9 5 Mercury 4 dr AIR SI499 59 Mercury 4 dr HT AIR S1499 5 Mercury 2 dr Monterey 19 '5 Mercury 4 dr Monterey 99 '62 Chev. 4 dr sed 2,300 mllei $259 '51 Chev. 4 dr HT Bel Air 11299 '57 Chev.

dr HT Bel Air S1099 '57 Chev. 2 dr SHARP 999 REMEMBER ALL CARS COVEREO BY WARRANTY BANK FINANCING PARTIAL LIST SCARRITT MOTORS Continental-Mercury Meteor-Comet 555 34th St South 5-7444 56 1SS5. 'J4 Da- Soto Flredome, 1185. 2299 Lakevlew Ave. 5.

DODGE 1958, On ewntr. Per. feet condition. Hydramatic, power tteering, new tires. Low mileage.

V5. S2-J2I5. 74-76tn AVO. N. AUTO CORRAL SHARP, CLEAN CARS '60 Rambler 4 dr.

Sharp 11,55 '61 Ply. Belv. 2 dr. H.T. 51,995 '60 Ford Galaxle dr.

Pwr. $1,695 '60 Falcon 2 dr. A.T., RAH $1,495 '60 Falcon 2 dr. St. Tran.

RAH S1.495 '51 Buick Rdm25 4dr ht A.C. 11,395 '59 Buick Elec. 2 dr. ht pwr. $1,795 '59 Chev.

BelA 4 dr. Pwr. V- $1,395 '5 Chev.Belalr 4dr H.T. Pwr $1,595 '57 Lincoln Prem. Pwr, A.C.

$1,395 '5 Oldt Conv. "9" $1,195 5 Oldt "98" Pwr. Air. C. $1,395 57 Oldt "91" 4 dr.

Sed. 995 '51 Rambler Dlx Auto. T. 150 '57 Chrys. NY 2 dr.

H.T. 95 '5 Ford F500 4 dr. H.T. A.C. $1,095 '57 Chav.

210 Jdr H.T. I AT. 95 '57 Dodge Sierra 4 dr Wagon 995 AUTO CORRAL Bank Rate Financing Courteous Salesmen Cordon Caldwell Perley Hill Dale Gordon Paul Sisco 2132 Central 7-8990 '53 Buick Super Sedan. It runt. $99.

Brockman, 3700 5th Ave. No. GRANT MOTOR CO "Your Friendly Ford Deiler" 405 9th St. So. 7-3444 PLYMOUTH '57, 2 door, New tlrs, Shocks.

$45. 347-6900. 195 T-BIRD convertible, full pow- $1800. 502 30th Ave. N.

'5TCHEVY $795 4-Door VI Bel Air with standard transmission, radio, while lidewalls. Tutone red A white finish. EXTRA CLEAN I Must see to appreciate! RISHER MOTORS Datsun Sale A Service 1665 Central Call 74191 SPARKLING, FRESH CLEAN CARS 1960 RAMBLER AMERICAN Original green finish and like new interior. This It your onswer to the economy you desire. See this little dandy now and drive It hom for ONLY $1,095 DAVE NICHOLS 201 Central Ave.Ph.

5-757 5-7082 RAMBLER SuperSedan Six cylinder. Local en owner, 11,295 Nichols 440 7th St. So. 7-1695. CADILLAC convertible.

Service calls me. Must go. First $550 takes. he 5-9334 after 12. 4 V4," Stick." Ra.

die, heater, new white sidewall tires. New engine, clutch, top con. dltion. 1395. Owner, Lot 2X2 Gulf-to-Bay, Clearwater.

W60 COUNTTSTquIre, very dean. Private owner, Sim Call 991-2214 fter 5 p.m. fORD GALAXltTlfc Auto. Power steering Power windows. Radio Heater, Beautiful tone, $145.

JOHNNY ANGEL. 53 Corey Ave. 360-4! 70. 1 door. ReaTi heater, automatic transmission, white sidewall.

$55. Clearwater, 584-4765, RINGER MOTORS INC USED CAR DIVISION TH ST NO. 7-477 Gaiexie Town Sdn. (5tock 0363). DEMONSTRATOR! V-e, Cruisomatic, radio, heater, power steering A brakes, padded dasn.

only s.ws WALKER FORD CO. GULF LVD. 363-141 PONTIAC 19527 $100. Can be teen anytlm Saturday, sunoay, i- 57nd wv HE 5-2032. ASSUME payments 1963 yflfewTrC umoh Hereld tonverrioie.

no down or used car. HE H717. 4020 4lst Ave, N. 195 PLYMOuTtnirburban, power steering, brakes, WM tnties 11.075. 345-7690.

157 Mercury Good condition, can be seen et jweyj nq n. 7-0535. 1957 CHEVROLET door hardtop. Air-conditioned. Radio, neater, power.

75. 1923-Jtim Ave. day. 4th T954 '51 '60 A '41 51 I' I 7rr Ill i 6Ett WATERj CO Git 111. Moblli Home Accessories SEE OUR MIRAMAR A MARK Trailers on Location.

Bay Pines Trail er park, luoos Bay pines Blvd. STARK A MILLER MOBILE HOMES Dealers for Monterey, Mark, Delmar, Miramar, Mll-efh St. HE e-3202 TRADf-IN'SPECIALT 160-35x19 Traveled R-cerpeted In Gandy Park, 47' awning camp. 160-50x10 Schult-2BR-Etrly Am. 1955-30X Luxor-modern 11,73 1934-21x1 New Moon Tub) 11,695 ERICSON'S SALES SERVICE INSURANCE Equipped to serve you better) 412-4th St.

H6 5-7742 cabana available. Sacrificing every. ming. jvto rem Ave. n.

GR EaTLA S7l95( WO bedrooms. Ixl Cabana. Bay View 10401 iay Pln Blvd. Lot 46. 391-5M.

SPECIAL 41x10 NEW HOME, NICE 12,950 See The New 1962 Models THE FINEST SELECTION QUALITY MOBILE HOMES "GOLD SEAL" HERRLI Franklin Kropf Monterey Mira mar Mark Yellowstone Oelmaf ALADDIN MOBILE HOMES SALES 2 miles Below Largo en Alt. 1 391-7772 Closed Sun. 5J4-I6W Completely furnished 7 MOij. 25' Lux or. Close-in.

1650 Av Lot A-30. 1956 2 ft. Sportsman SI 195 BUD SON MOBILE HOMES 7470-46th Ave. No. 345-1479 TSAVE" house frailer.

sfeept 4 Large electric or Ice refrigerator. 2 closets. Dinette. Good condition, Reasonable. 1707 16th St.

31' TRAILER tor ret on full sized private lot, private fishing pond. 144 month. Adults. HE 5-4349. sac mitFT2.mynrpTifriKr aluminum, 2 bedroom, full bath.

excellent condition, HE 5-5691 6C38 list Ave. N. TRAILER, aluminum cabana, utility. 1 70' Lot. Make Offer.

584-0684 Lerqo '56 bmiw 46, 2 BR, wan ov. 12,485 uiioar, Tii TUO 11.3751 Mercury 40', 2 BR, tub 11,450 TRAVEL TRAILERS DELUXE GLEN ORA POR 'O FOSTER'S 10100 Gandy Blvd. HE H12 Opp. Webb's Outpost Open Sun. SPECIAL I960 Mark 45x10.

Used 4 Months. Single bedroom. Full colored bath A kitchen. 17x10 Living room. Miami windows.

In new landscaped restrict ed park. 347-2613) HE 5-3212. MODERN trailer-cabana carport. 51,995. Lot No.

121. 7490 46th Ave. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED Royal Spartaneltt, (urn. Cabana, car. pt.

tv, Air cond. Lot 54, Pasadena ir. tr. inquire Lot 56. STEWART, 47xl0r2 9x35 aluminum awning.

2,95. 5944-1 18th Ave. HE 6-1263. ftAl Bargain 1951 Richardson 40'x 10' ah aluminum, screened porch, carport. Lot 59.

7403 44th Av. N. Can be seen 1 3 p.m Imperial Villa, 45'xlO', Reasonable. Location Riverhead, New York. Phone 391-307.

CASH BUYERS Spend Your Money Wisely! DETROITER MOBILE HOMES BUILT IN MICHIGAN For Your Southern Comfort! Northern Built Northern Built 1962-50x10 $3995 Mobile Homes Super Mart 4444-4TH ST. N. HE 6-8901 wrcTiEr SP i ngTTnsTalled WIRING AND BRAKE CONTROLS 6425 46th Ave. N. 345-1349 IMPERIAL 4l'7Twcrbedrooms.

Alu- mlnum screened patio. Modern park. 4001-49th St. N. Lot 51.

Aiuminum Trailer, shower Tfol- let. Aluminum cabana. l00-5th Ave. S. Lot 186.

DON'T miss this on. 15.500.' Pace- maker 47' 10'. Corner lot. Raited cabana, carport. Furnished.

Keys at Lot 113. Corty Cesueway Trailer Village. A ELO trailer, 2 bedrooms, full bath, cabana, carport, excellent. HE 6-9467. iSTAVELriner; self contained.

Gas, electric end battery lights. Gas refrigerator and heater. Toi let. 10 gallon water storage. Used en 1 short trips only.

See at Stucky's Plumbing Service. 565 54th Ave. N. HE 4-4072. WorcerMobTle Homes, RcT 00 4th St.

N. HE 5-7S OWNER" 35 rWprem.bed- room mobile home. 35 10 ca bana, furnished. On your own pri vate lot, 61 16. sacrificing every- thing.

13,500. Call 79-1424 for ap- polntn jnt. mmr: rum 1 1, veuone uniiiy Private Beech- I1SO0. 520 Part-' ley's, Redington Shores. 112.

Mobiit Homes-Wanted WILL BUY, TRADE OR CONSIGN FOSTER'S MOBILE HOMES 10100 GANDY BLVD. HE 5-1129 rirriiimi61ur8inEtrZH( c7.F2?.r?Y.R 52' bill BKuwn jiw an, NO. 5-4473. -ICASlTFOft Y6UR TftA PARK TRAILER SALES 4571 PARK BLVD. HE 5-6277 wTIirTRADrTotoffT1dgeod In Walsingham Manor suMivtslon for nice house trailer, HE e-2694.

AUTOMOTIVE mmmmmmmmssmasM 118. Motor Scooters Cushman Motor Scooter Sales 595 4ih St. N. HE 7-715 si EAGLE Cusnmen. Goodcondi- ui.aTti VIVpXTsjcc with extTas Looks like new.

Must sell fast. HE t-siH MOTOR 1 IK 6 condition. Owner In service. 56-3435 117. Motorcycles 150 HARLEY DAVIDSON 41 15 SUPER DELUXE CUSHMAN Scooter, EXTRA CLEAN $275.

OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL PUCKETTS HARLEY DAVIDSON JC3 It Ave, S. 7-1741 I I I i a a fin SURE SURE WE CAM 111. Mobili Horns Acceitorlts IUJ7 with Awning and carport. Tne rines Trailer far, 7291 test Bay Laroo. 8r TRAvlLO trailer," unfurnlsl Good condition.

Reasonable price. van re je. A kC7TSS96Q 10 Wldet in Sunshine A Bay Plnet pern. New used. From 14,795 up BtCHLER 391-5193 4J' OREaTTTKEs" 1 Cabana, Carport, Lot 401 505O-4! St.

N. tianre NiLev tixtrcitirsrsi er frailer for II TOO equity. La Tropical Oaks Trailer Park, 5101 Sem- mote Lot 1. ANOElfSON-SUNHOMe TRADE MOST ANYTHING CLAYTON'S, 4945-4th St. N.

s75PATlNahigrr trailernsur. enc costs, protect your Trailer With Broad form coverage In rated Company. New lew rates aoc per loo. Harry Stuers, 111 Central) 5-4191. mmoxw HiCHAROsor, 3t' Landola, 27' Pacemaker.

23' Silver Dome, 22' Gem. 33' Colonial. oss Trailer Storage Sales state Road Ml af US I. Largo, CLEARANCE 20' WIDE ONE LEFT-SEE IT ONUS ONI YEAR FREE RENT AT BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT COREY CAUSEWAY TR. VILLAGE 1375 PASADENA AVE.

SO. TRAILER Cabana, carport, utility room, lot 50x100'. Move Terms. 7 2013 alter i P.M. TAMAironirTCps In.

Try A find a used one (A RARITY) TALK TO ANT QWNtK St. Pete Trailer Mart I7004th St N. HE 3-400 ALL METAL 3ixl0j Aluminum Ca bana. 13,950. II Weslgale, South- ward-Ho.

THe BEST IUV 6F YoUi BELVEDERE deluxe A COLONIAL, STATE TRAILER SALES 7200 PARK BLVD. (74th Ave. N. 1 Block west of Fire Tower ORMTBf OWNER' Have bought nous and must sell new 10x59 Mobiit Home all set up a fine park. I Twin bedrooms, 10x33 screened cabana, complete fur.

Ishings. Sacrifice must sell now Phone HE 7-4075. 7TAYSlMYr Before It leaves lor the north! 1961-52X10 Vlndale, fr. kitchen, BR, sacrifice by owner. See at ERICSON'S 417 4th St, N.

HE J-2742 SparTanette 30' Modern, heavy un painted aluminum. New bed, new stove, foam rubber divan, 11,550. Shady Lane Park, near airport. iMOBIlXHOMES THE AMERICAN DEALER Yes, we have small 10' Wides and the PRICE is RIGHT! 32' 36' 42' 45' WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL 3601 4th St. N.

72 421 PARTAOOrVOANSION" with aluminum awnlno. Excellent condition. Fully furnished. Only 11195 can rit j-9161 RELPDS MOVE- Due to increased business we are moving to larger quarters REDUCED PRICES FOR NEXT 10 DAYS 50x10 Single Extension, never on dis play, save ii.ooo 55x10, 2 Bedroom, Save 1900 35x10, 1 Bedroom, Save 1500 40x10, 1 Bedroom, Save S500 MOVING TO 5432 4th ST. NO.

MOM DAD'S MOBILE HOMES 71124lh St. N. HE 7-1500 FOR SALE 59DETR01TER 10' Wide, 3 Bedrm. Extension win trade ar arrange financing. Full price tJ.ruu 4150-66th ST.

N. Lot 23 TRADE NOW! WE HAVE NEWS FOR YOUt WE WANT YOUR TRADE-INS! STOP AND SEE OUR '62 MODELS 36' to 55' Ten Wides Fleetwood Marietta Vagabond USED BARGAINS Richardson, 22', sharp S1.295 Franklin, 27', tandem S1.995 Trotwood, 32', 1 BR, clean 11,595 Zlmmer, JO', 3 BR, FK S3.395 Brentwood, 26'Y 11,195 Trotwood lit', very sharp 11,695 C. J. STOLL, INC. 2160 Gulf to Bay, Clearwater Hrs, I I.

Closed Sunday. 446 6944 TRADE WITH US' First showing in this area of the all new SUNLINE SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE 51 ft, ten wide 1 bedroom JUST $5495.00 WANT TO TRADE FOR GOOD USED HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CLEAN. USED MOBILE HOMES LEON MOBILE HOMES 6075 4th St. North T961 MODELS SALE GENERAL-NATION Al-UNIVERSAl EDWARD TRAILER SALES Gundy Blvd. HE 6-5656 Sm5k R-ItS, screened porcn" car- port.

Fireplace. Hardwood floors. Air conditioned. One Bedroom. 100PJ Bey Pines Blvd.

Let 1474. 391-77M, weekends or evenings. IN CLtAKWAICK 40 WIDE NOT RF ALLY WE DO HAVE TWO 20 WIDES ON DISPLAY CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM GENERAL 50 WITH 34 ADD ON I BR, 1 bams ONLY $8,950 With deluxe house furnishings ALSO CROSSLANO FULL 50x20 BR, Vt BATHS I' Ceiling throughout YOU ALSO WILL SFE ONE OF FLORIDA'S LARGEST DISPLAYS OF 10 WIDES SIZES 37 TO S6 An exceptionally good buy on this demonstrator. Ftnisneo in coot wnite inariad Has had the best of care. Driven enly a few hundred miles.

60 TRIUMPH TR3 ROADSTER Very lew mileage, exceptional condition throughout! Hetr, ether extras. Ui.i.hxv brina Whit with matching black A whit Interior. 7 nranrui bu iKiumrri iKiu, dlwuiu mlid 4-dr. sedan with Special 4-speed focal l-owner automobile driven with car. Finished tn medium blue with heautful matchlno erey leatherett Interor.

60 ENGLISH FORD Ai-GLIA The racv-looklno. fine. Imported cer speed transmission and overhead valve engine. Will get between 30-35 miles per gallon. Fresh Air Heater, WSW tires.

Finished in Pompadour Blue with matchlno 2-tone blue Interior. '58 VOLVO 2 DOOR SEDAN Finished In black with striking red drives out perfect. Has tots of extrei car Imported from Sweden. '58 ENGLISH FORD SQUIRE This It the Station Wagon model. Excellent automobUe with lots of trouble- free miles left in car.

I -Owner, local 54 ENGLISH F0R0 ANGLIA PRICE YOU WISH TO PAY CROSSLANO AMERICAN OUR WEEKEND Don't let the prlc fool you I If you ar looking for economical trensoortation, SEE THIS! '53 TRIUMPH TR2 ROADSTER $795 For the sport who wants 1h best at a lew price. Drives out like a dream. Body In excellent condition! BILL BROWN MOTORS "Imported Car Headquarters' 3100 5th Ave. Call 7-7167 HOMcCREST WESIWOUD SOUTHERN STAR GEORGE RUSS INC. 2347 Gulf to Bay, Clearwater Open 14.

Closed Sun. 4444333 i 4.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.