Pass ion - Zaw_z - Passion - 유우지 (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Passion 1

The moment the doorbell rang, Jeong Tae-ui paused. The black beans he was holding with his chopsticks fell and rolled. It took only a few seconds for the black beans to leave sticky marks as they rolled off the plate, but the doorbell rang again before he could react.

Jeong Tae-ui tapped the table nervously with the tips of his chopsticks, casting a neurotic glance toward the front door. He had a bad feeling from the moment he faintly heard footsteps climbing the stairs.

No, to be precise, his mood had soured since dawn when the rain caused his knees to ache and woke him up. His knees always hurt when it rained or the weather was bad, but on days like today, when the pain was especially sharp, it was a sign of a bad day.

Jeong Tae-ui had just prepared a simple breakfast and drank a few glasses in a bad mood, no different from the harsh weather with light rain falling, when he heard the footsteps.

In the over 20-year-old apartment building, you could even hear a cat entering the building all the way from the rooftop.

And on the third floor, just below the rooftop, Jeong Tae-ui thought something was off from the moment he heard footsteps entering the building and climbing the stairs at this ambiguous time, just past 7 in the morning.

And at the moment the doorbell rang, that bad premonition turned into a vivid reality.

There were hardly any people who would visit this house. His brother, who had left the house four days ago and hadn't been heard from since — the only person who lived with him — had a key and wouldn't ring the doorbell.

The stiff and heavy presence outside the door rang the doorbell once more while he was hesitating. Thud, the sound of footsteps echoed again. It was a sharp and heavy sound, similar to military boots.

The moment he thought of the word 'military boots,' his ominous feeling deepened, and this time the doorbell rang three or four times in quick succession. He hadn't taken many bites of his meal, but his appetite vanished, and he put down his chopsticks.

The person outside the door, who brought the ominous feeling, showed no sign of retreating. They neither knocked on the door nor called out, but persistently pressed the doorbell, making Jeong Tae-ui even more depressed as he thought of someone fitting this behavior.


Jeong Tae-ui went to the front door, removed the latch, and opened the door when the doorbell had rung exactly twelve times. The person standing outside stepped back as the door opened. The shoes that made the sharp sound were immaculate military boots, without a speck of dust.

And above those boots was an impeccably straight, jet-black uniform. Strictly speaking, it was not a military uniform but a formal uniform or a dress uniform, but the place this man belonged to was not much different from the military.

The small silver badge pinned to his collar looked particularly obnoxious for some reason. It was because there were countless people in the world who were eager to wear that badge but could never get their hands on it.

There had never been a good thing when this man, wearing that badge and in full uniform, visited this house. Even so, this was the third or fourth time Jeong Tae-ui had seen this man in uniform.

The black gloves removed the black hat. The man smiled smoothly at Jeong Tae-ui.

"It's been a while. Nothing special happened, right?"

It had been roughly three years since Jeong Tae-ui last met this man. A lot had happened since then.

He had nearly died while removing landmines, almost died again from a rejection reaction during surgery, nearly killed a person who caused him to endure three rounds of injections, and was discharged from the military without even completing half of his mandatory service period.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at the man with a complicated expression before sighing and saying,

"What could happen to me that you wouldn’t know about, uncle? But you might have something special going on to come over without any notice at this hour. ...Come in."

For some reason, he had a bad feeling.

It wasn’t that he disliked this man, but it felt unsettling for him to visit dressed like this. However, thinking about it, it was almost certain he had come looking for his brother, so there was nothing for him to worry about.

Nevertheless, Jeong Tae-ui stepped aside with the feeling of inviting a plague into his home. The man’s eyes, as he saw Jeong Tae-ui’s face, curved slightly in apparent amusem*nt without any hint of displeasure. As Jeong Tae-ui closed the door behind the man who had entered the house, he asked,

"When did you arrive?"

"Two hours ago. Came straight from the airport."

"Oh, I see... But you could have at least contacted me before coming. My brother isn't here."

The man, who had thrown himself onto the sofa in a relaxed manner that didn't match his impeccably sharp uniform, paused and glared at Jeong Tae-ui upon hearing his words.

"Not here? When will he be back?"

"I don't know. He left four days ago and hasn't been in touch. Did you come all this way just to see him? Then you made a long trip for nothing."

"Is there no way to contact him?"

"If it were that easy to reach him, he wouldn't be Jeong Jae-ui. You know that."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke nonchalantly as he perched on a stool opposite the man.

Jeong Tae-ui's brother generally led a relatively regular life. If he had plans to stay out for a night or two, he would usually inform Jeong Tae-ui of his schedule, even if briefly. However, occasionally, he would leave without any notice and stay away for several days or even longer. Sometimes he would return after just a few days, but there were times when he would be out of touch for over two months. So, there was no way to predict when he might come back this time.

But this time, he had a feeling that his brother might not return for a considerable period. When his brother left four days ago, he had said something enigmatic.

‘Life's no fun if you're too lucky all the time. I need to experience some misfortune too.’

Recalling his brother's mysterious smile as he left, Jeong Tae-ui fell into brief contemplation. His brother had always been a bit hard to understand, but even in hindsight, the meaning of those words remained unclear.


"Hmm, what to do..."

Seeing his uncle muttering in distress and tapping his forehead with his fingertips, Jeong Tae-ui muttered under his breath. Want to experience misfortune, huh? Jeong Jae-ui who conveniently disappeared, just before this supposed misfortune arrived without any warning. That brother of his was someone who might never even encounter the 'm' of misfortune in his entire life.


Jeong Tae-ui had a brother who was born on the same day and at the same time as him.

Although they came from the same root, Jeong Tae-ui's brother did not resemble him at all and was astonishingly intelligent — so much so that calling him a genius seemed insufficient.

If his brother hadn't had such a relaxed and somewhat lazy personality, if he had even a bit of ambition or interest in the world around him, he might have been able to blow away an entire continent, to exaggerate a little.

His brother, coveted by the United Nations Human Resources Development Organization, had outstanding talents in humanities, science and technology, and even the arts.

In contrast, Jeong Tae-ui was ordinary. To be fair, he was slightly above average. He never fell below the middle in whatever he did. In some fields, he was even considered excellent.

However, if Jeong Tae-ui was deemed excellent, it was the result of his own efforts. Unlike his brother, who achieved top scores without even half the effort of others.

But Jeong Tae-ui never envied his brother for that. He might have thought it convenient, but he never wished to have his brother's talents.

What Jeong Tae-ui envied about his brother wasn't his intellect, talent, or abilities.

What he envied was his brother's luck.

Jeong Tae-ui's brother, Jeong Jae-ui, was so extraordinarily lucky that even his exceptional genius paled in comparison. To say he was born under a lucky star was an understatement; his luck was truly extreme.

Even in major accidents, Jeong Jae-ui would come out miraculously unscathed. To give you an idea of how lucky he was, he never needed an allowance as a student. He didn't need it.

He didn't have much material desire and rarely needed money. But when an unexpected expense arose and he didn't have any money, Jeong Jae-ui would borrow a few coins from people around him to buy a lottery ticket.

That lottery ticket would bring him exactly the amount of money he needed.

Everything worked that way for him.

With such unbelievably extreme and absolute luck as a natural part of Jeong Jae-ui's daily life, Jeong Tae-ui experienced a normal amount of luck and misfortune, just like any other person. To say he didn't envy his brother's luck would be a lie.

When he was younger, he envied him so much it hurt, but as he grew older, it was more of a general envy for something fascinating and good that he couldn't have.

Even so, for someone like Jeong Tae-ui, who rarely felt envy, this was the only thing he envied in others.

He was envious and sometimes jealous, but he liked his brother nonetheless.

This incredibly smart and capable person, with unbelievable luck, didn't have a bad personality. Although he could be indifferent, capricious, and difficult to understand, he was an ordinary brother. He was ordinarily kind and ordinarily reliable.

He thought they were good brothers, in their own way. Even after living as brothers for over twenty years, Jeong Tae-ui still found his brother mysterious. Maybe that's just how geniuses were. But perhaps his brother didn't like Jeong Tae-ui as much.

Four days before his brother left, the night before.

As he often did, his brother was intently staring at a complex schematic that Jeong Tae-ui couldn't understand, occasionally jotting down chemical formulas and molecular models next to it. Even when Jeong Tae-ui approached and peered over his shoulder at the schematic, his brother didn't notice for a long time.

Seeing the unfamiliar chemical formulas and sequences of numbers, Jeong Tae-ui thought, ‘He's off in some unknown world again,’ and climbed onto the sofa to read a book on humanities, something he could understand.

It was a quiet and comfortable night, as usual. After a while, his brother seemed to grow tired of staring at the papers, pushed them aside, and lay down on the floor, gazing blankly at the ceiling.

At that moment, perhaps a weary sigh escaped his brother's lips. He suddenly came and sat beside Jeong Tae-ui, who was sitting on the sofa reading, and grabbed Jeong Tae-ui's pinky finger, saying,

‘Here, and…’

He unfolded his own pinky finger and continued,

‘Here, there's a red thread between us. Being born on the same day, at the same time, from the same womb, it's only natural and unavoidable... but let's cut it now.’


Suddenly, what was this incomprehensible talk? Although his brother often delved into realms beyond his understanding, he had never spoken nonsense to him before.

Jeong Tae-ui knew his brother wasn't a normal intellect, but for a brief moment, he wondered if his brother was even a normal being.

However, with the same calm expression as usual, his brother made a scissor shape with his fingers and mimed cutting between their pinky fingers, as if severing the invisible red thread of fate connecting them.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he looked back at the ceiling. Jeong Tae-ui stared at him, still holding up his pinky finger. He suddenly asked,

‘Hyung... do you actually dislike me?’

He tried to recall if he had done anything recently to upset his brother, but nothing came to mind. What could be the problem? Had some issue arisen that he was unaware of, significant enough to warrant cutting ties?

When Jeong Tae-ui asked this, his brother gave him a puzzled look, as if he was saying something absurd.

‘Why would I?’

That was how his brother ended the conversation. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head and stared at his brother's face. Though he couldn't tell what he was thinking, there was no insincerity in his expression. So, he quietly turned his attention back to his book.

But thinking back, perhaps those words were a truncated version of, ‘Why would I like you?’

Now, even if he were curious, the only person who could answer that question had left without notice. He had said he wanted to experience misfortune.

Jeong Tae-ui had thought, ‘What a privileged thing to say,’ but looking back, it seemed his brother had been incredibly lucky. He left just before this troublesome guest arrived.


Although he was not at all pleased, since a guest had come to his house for the first time in a while and was hungry, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't ignore the request for food. He added an extra bowl of rice to the half-eaten table and placed it in front of him. Even though he had lost his appetite a long time ago, he sat down in front of the table, across from his uncle.

"This is such a meager meal."

Looking at the table with barley rice, seaweed soup, and just two or three side dishes, his uncle laughed.

"What do you expect from a young man living in poverty? Do you get gourmet food in the army?"

"Of course. Life is tough, and if the food is rough too, there would be internal revolts. But it's not the army."

"Well, from what I've heard, it doesn't seem much different from the army. Some even say it's stricter than the army."

"Still, there are people who are so eager to join that they line up from the other side of the globe. The name is impressive too: the United Nations Human Resource Development Organization (UNHRDO)."

"How can one remember such a long name?"

Watching his uncle make ambiguous remarks that could either be compliments or complaints like, 'It's delicious to have such a simple meal after a long time,' Jeong Tae-ui sighed again and picked up his spoon. He had lost his appetite after putting down his chopsticks once. He thought he would just have a few spoonfuls of the seaweed soup and be done with it.

As he sipped the seaweed soup, his gaze suddenly stopped on the moving chopsticks in front of him. He had thought this long ago, but this person held chopsticks so beautifully. The way he used chopsticks with such graceful hand movements was admirable. Those hands resembled his older brother's.

With that thought, Jeong Tae-ui raised his eyes and looked at his uncle's face. It was neat and, in some ways, appeared gentle. He resembled his older brother.

Well, he should resemble him. Genetically, he was their biological father. Although Jeong Tae-ui did not resemble him at all.

"Hyungnim's third death anniversary is next month, right?"

Even though his uncle couldn't possibly know what Jeong Tae-ui was thinking, he suddenly brought it up out of the blue.

"Yes. On the 20th of the lunar calendar. Are you coming?"

"It would be difficult."

Come to think of it, the last time he saw his uncle was at his father's funeral. He hadn't attended any memorial services since then, but knowing how busy he was, Jeong Tae-ui understood.

This person might be a bothersome and annoying guest to Jeong Tae-ui, but he was actually someone who would receive a warm welcome wherever he went in any country.

"I don't know when he'll be back, but should I tell him to contact you when he arrives?"

Knowing that if it was an urgent matter, it would be faster for his uncle to directly hire someone to find him, but Jeong Tae-ui asked anyway. Of course, his fortunate brother would never be found if the results were likely to be unfavorable for him.

"No... I don't have that much time."

Having quickly finished a bowl of rice, his uncle mumbled as he wiped his mouth with his fingertips. He then stared intently at Jeong Tae-ui.

At that moment, a forgotten ominous premonition slowly crept up his spine again.

"Jeong Tae-ui."

"Uncle... I don't know why you are looking for my brother, but you know that my brother and I are completely different, right? I'm the kind of person who wouldn't understand a chemical formula my brother solved at the age of five even if it was placed right in front of me."

When Jeong Tae-ui quickly and bluntly replied, his uncle's eyes slightly curved again, seemingly amused.

"You know that one of you, either you or Jae, is my child, right?"

The words his uncle brought up were something Jeong Tae-ui had not expected. Whatever his uncle said would have been unexpected, but he never thought he would say that in this context. Jeong Tae-ui looked at his uncle and sighed.

"Well, it's not just one of us; both of us are your sons, genetically speaking. I know. Why do you ask?"

It wasn't a secret. He had heard it directly from his father when he was young. His father had judged that they were old enough to understand. He had sat the two children down, who were just beginning to grasp the concept of responsibility, and carefully explained. His father couldn't have children of his own, so he got help from his uncle to have them.

Nothing much had changed. His father was still his father, and his uncle was still his uncle. Even within one phenomenon, the facts might be singular, but the truths could be manifold.

However, back then, his father also said, ‘So if your uncle says something strange someday, just follow it thinking it's probably true.’

Not necessarily only because of those words, but because of their father's request, the brothers followed their uncle well. In reality, aside from occasionally causing trouble, their uncle was a pleasant and good person. But Father in heaven, his uncle said strange things more than once.

"No. Not both, just one. Even before you were born. When he found out you were twins, your father said he would give one of you to me. So originally, you two were supposed to be separated at birth and live as cousins. ...But you two little wrigglers were so closely attached that I gave up on taking just one of you for the time being, avoiding the separation."

Look, my uncle is saying strange things again. As Jeong Tae-ui stared at him blankly, his uncle noticed the sign and immediately straightened his face. He emphasized, ‘It's true,’ which made him look a bit suspicious, but he wasn't someone who would lie. Moreover, for some reason, a feeling came to him right away.

Perhaps his father didn't want to tell his children directly that he had promised to give one of his sons to his younger brother. So this was the strange thing he had mentioned. Come to think of it, his father had quietly added after a moment of silence,

‘If the time ever comes, treat and follow your uncle as you would your father.’

The time when that should happen might mean when his uncle demands it.

I don't know. But if it was something his father had told him, there was no reason to raise his voice and argue. Even though he wasn't here, his brother would probably come to a similar conclusion. Jeong Tae-ui was quick to give up. You could say he adapted quickly or that he conformed to the given environment.

"Yes. Uncle... My cousin just happened to leave. Should I tell him to call you when he gets back?"

When Jeong Tae-ui spoke, his uncle laughed out loud. His smiling face resembled his brother's. Indeed, with such a resemblance, it wouldn't be difficult to say they were father and son. In fact, their personalities seemed somewhat similar too.

Anyway, when his brother returns this time, he'll be surprised to find out that his father has suddenly changed. Or maybe he won't be surprised. Jeong Tae-ui couldn't really remember seeing his brother get surprised by anything — at least not showing it outwardly.

"I don't have time to wait for someone who's not here. From today, Tae-ui, you are my son. Come with me. Pack your things. You'll get everything you need there, so just pack the essentials."

His uncle rubbed his chin as if in high spirits, his voice tinged with laughter. However, Jeong Tae-ui did not find it amusing. Hearing such strange words twice in one day without much of a time gap was a rare experience, but it was not enjoyable.


"Yes, Jeong Tae-ui. My son."

It seemed a heavy burden was about to be placed on his shoulders. Finally, Jeong Tae-ui looked seriously at his uncle, frowning.

His uncle's sudden appearance and unexpected claim to paternal rights were bewildering, but more so, why did his uncle, who had been living well as a bachelor without a wife, suddenly need a son?

"Can't I refuse to go?"

"Consider it as filial piety and come along, son."

"I don't want to, father. Can't I just be a bad son?"

His uncle laughed heartily. The age gap between his father and uncle was quite large, and the age difference between his uncle and Jeong Tae-ui was only three years less than between his father and uncle. So his uncle felt more like an older brother than an uncle.

His uncle, still laughing deeply, stood up and approached Jeong Tae-ui. Then, unexpectedly, he struck Jeong Tae-ui, who was looking at him suspiciously. It was a blow too harsh to be described as a playful tap.


Jeong Tae-ui glared at him disapprovingly while clutching his head, but his uncle, still not losing his smile, spoke calmly.

"You ungrateful brat, after I went through the trouble of getting you discharged, you dare talk about being a bad son? You deserve a bit more."

"Ouch! Ah! Ow! It hurts, Uncle! I'm serious, it really hurts!"

Even his uncle's heavy hand felt similar to his brother's. Maybe his brother being this man's son would be better. Though his brother had a naturally lazy temperament and was not inclined to violence, his hands were heavy when he would pat Jeong Tae-ui's back to get his attention or slap his cheek to wake him from a nightmare.

After giving Jeong Tae-ui a good beating, his uncle nonchalantly massaged his hands and sat down as if nothing had happened, while Jeong Tae-ui rubbed his sore head and grumbled.

"I was wondering how I got discharged so easily when I still had a long time left in my mandatory service... Did you help, Uncle?"

"Yeah. Jae-ui mentioned that his little brother was crying in the army, all battered and bruised, both body and soul."

"...I wasn't that battered."

Although he had almost died in the military hospital and had suffered quite a bit emotionally from the constant provocations of his comrades, he wouldn't say he was completely torn up... though, maybe he was.

The real problem started when he was assigned to the same unit as the guys he had the worst relationships with back in the military academy. In the end, he almost killed someone, almost died himself, and after being discharged, completely severed ties with them. Now, he didn't want to think about it anymore.

Recalling those forgotten memories and feeling depressed, Jeong Tae-ui quietly sighed. He was discharged four months ago and was currently an unemployed youth. Although his leg still ached when the weather was bad, it had healed, and his body was back to normal, so he was just about ready to start doing something.

"Yeah. So why do you suddenly need a son? Where are you planning to send me?"

When Jeong Tae-ui asked, sounding somewhat defeated, his uncle's playful smile turned serious.

"A son doesn't really matter. Anyway, I need someone useful. We recently had a huge fallout with the European branch, and we lost quite a few people. I need to fill in the numbers."


".... That's just an excuse. What I really need is a lucky guy."

His uncle paused for a moment. Jeong Tae-ui waited silently for him to continue. He knew without saying that the excuse about needing more people was just that — an excuse. If it were only a matter of numbers, there would be no need to come all the way here. After all, there would be a line of people willing to join that could stretch across the globe. But if it was about luck, Jeong Tae-ui didn't fit the bill, and his uncle knew that.

"In half a year, our branch chief will be moving to the headquarters in the Americas. That means the two deputy chiefs are fighting for his position. There's always factional infighting, no matter where you go. So now my superior's ambitions have made things troublesome for me. I have to support him to get the top spot. This means a fierce internal battle over the next six months. There'll be a lot of dirty and underhanded tactics. I need a subordinate who can survive through that, someone lucky."

"I'm not particularly lucky."

"Hmm… it’s like a chicken instead of a phoenix. How about it?"

"How about what? Who would feel good hearing they're just a chicken?"

Jeong Tae-ui answered bluntly but wasn't particularly offended by the statement. If you call an incomparable genius like Jeong Jaeui a phoenix, he would be grateful to be called a chicken. Jeong Jae-ui was that exceptional. He could only half understand his uncle's words. The half he understood was, 'It sounds like a mess I don't want to get involved in.' The talk of factional strife and the place where his uncle worked seemed not much different from the military, a world Jeong Tae-ui wanted to avoid.

"Uncle, you're in the Asian branch, right?"

"That's right."

"If you're looking for someone luckier and more capable than me, there are countless people out there. Just pick anyone."

"I've already disclosed all this sensitive information, so you can't just back out after hearing it."

"Sensitive information? It's probably an open secret. Fight well and get promoted safely."

Jeong Tae-ui waved his hand as if to end the conversation and stood up to clear the empty dishes. But then his uncle grabbed his wrist tightly. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. Seeing his uncle's serious face, it was clear he meant it. This made it harder to refuse.

"Uncle... you know why I can't do it."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed audibly and muttered under his breath. His uncle, noticing, asked seriously.

"Tell me why you can't. If it's a convincing reason, I'll look for someone else."

"You already know."

"Do I really...?"

It was impossible to fathom what this man was thinking. Based on his words, there was no particular reason why the needed person had to be Jeong Tae-ui. If it were Jeong Jae-ui, maybe, but people like Jeong Tae-ui were everywhere.

"Uncle, first of all, I hate the military. I've had enough of that authoritarian, closed-off environment."

"We're not the military. We just train hard, but the hierarchy and internal atmosphere are different. We deal with classified incidents sometimes, so it might seem closed-off, but it's not authoritarian. When you join, the only ranks above you are the Chief and the two Deputy Chiefs, and you won't see them often. The rest are all equal colleagues. Any other reasons?"

"... I'm not in great shape."

"I know you're recovered."

"I don't have to visit the hospital, but my knee still hurts when the weather's bad, and my body aches."

"Everyone there has something like that. We've all been shot at least once and broken a few bones. Any other reasons?"

"And I'm not what you're looking for. I'm just average in luck and ability."

At this, his uncle's eyes narrowed again. He gazed at Jeong Tae-ui with a subtle expression and spoke slowly.

"I'm looking for someone who can follow orders well and survive for a long time. And I hold you in higher regard than you think, Jeong Tae-ui. I like to believe I know you quite well, but I've also reviewed your records from the academy to the present. You have the most crucial quality needed to survive."

"And what is that?"



The conversation seemed to be heading in a serious direction, but suddenly, an unexpected word popped up. Jeong Tae-ui, who was anticipating some form of praise, felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him.

"Uncle... Perceptiveness, really..."

"What? Are you disappointed?"

"Disappointed is— yes, I'm disappointed."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured while slowly shaking his head, and his uncle laughed softly.

"There's no need to be disappointed. While someone like Jae-ui with extraordinary luck is an exception, for most ordinary folks, perceptiveness is essential for survival. In other words, intuition. Sometimes, whether you live or die depends on whether your intuition is slightly better or worse than others'."

His uncle's tone lowered slightly. Out of the countless life-and-death situations he had navigated, Jeong Tae-ui had never experienced anything like that. The times Jeong Tae-ui had faced death were not during such intense circ*mstances. They had been mere accidents that anyone could have encountered. However, he had some understanding of what his uncle meant by intuition.

"So, what's the next reason?"


"Another reason, if you have one."

His uncle gestured as if to say, go on. His face showed that the reasons given so far weren't satisfactory. If they had been, there would have been no rebuttal.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at his uncle silently. His uncle returned the gaze, patiently waiting for Jeong Tae-ui to speak without pressing him further.

Sometimes, Jeong Tae-ui was surprised by his brother, Jeong Jae-ui. It wasn't about his genius or luck, which were already as familiar as the air he breathed. It was when he realized that Jae-ui knew him better than he thought.

Having grown up together for over a quarter of a century, even if they didn’t always stick together, they knew each other well. But occasionally, Jae-ui would catch him off guard by understanding thoughts and tendencies of his that even Jeong Tae-ui hadn’t fully realized. Jae-ui had a natural talent for understanding people without having to consciously observe them.

In that regard, their uncle was similar to Jae-ui.


Though Jeong Tae-ui had never hinted or spoken about it, and despite not meeting his uncle frequently, he felt that his uncle might already know. Or even if he didn't know, he wouldn’t be surprised by Jeong Tae-ui's words.

“...It's dangerous for me to be in a place full of men.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered gloomily. His uncle, noticing his sulky expression, raised an eyebrow slightly before laughing in amusem*nt.


Jeong Tae-ui was momentarily confused by the question, and his uncle continued.

“You, or the other guys?”

Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly and then, after a moment of contemplation, answered.

"Technically, it would be me."

"You? Why? Do you think the guys there would drag you off and assault you?"

Jeong Tae-ui glared at his uncle, who seemed to be finding the situation amusing. Eventually, he sighed, as if resigning himself, and muttered under his breath.

"I’m worried I might end up dragging them all off and assaulting them."

"I didn't realize your range was that wide. If you want and can manage it, go ahead. Just remember: there, it's a society where strength rules, as long as it’s not your superiors."

"Are you saying that as long as I’m strong, I can assault anyone I want?!"

Jeong Tae-ui exclaimed in disbelief, and his uncle spread his hands, smiling wryly. Sometimes, it was hard to tell if this man was joking or serious. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue, scratched his head irritably, and glared at his uncle.

"Why do you act like you don't understand when you clearly do?"

"Well, based on what you've said, the only thing I can surmise is that you have a tendency to find men sexually attractive. Is there something else?"

"Isn't that enough to make things difficult for me?"

"Was it so exhausting for you to take down that mouthy peer and get discharged?"

Jeong Tae-ui stared at his uncle fiercely for a while. Then, as if suddenly drained of energy, sighed and leaned his head against the wall. See, he knew all along. It wasn’t surprising since he had probably guessed as much.

His uncle reached for a cup from the cabinet within arm's reach and poured water from a kettle that was also conveniently close by. He sipped the plain water as if it were a fragrant tea, then spoke.

"Jeong Tae-ui. Regarding that issue, if you had presented it from a slightly different perspective, I might have been persuaded. But with your reasoning, I can't accept it."

"What different perspective are you talking about?"

He asked in a weary voice, tired of the verbal sparring. His uncle smiled playfully.

"For instance, if you were afraid that other guys might assault you."

"Uncle, that's not a funny joke..."

A deep sigh escaped him. Even the muttered words that followed sounded like a joke. However, his next words were not delivered in a joking manner.

"Alright, any other reasons?"

Jeong Tae-ui let out a very long sigh. After a moment of silence, he finally murmured as if resigned.

"Half a year?"

His uncle's eyes sparkled, and he smiled happily.

"Yes, half a year. Until the next Director-General is decided. After that, you can do as you please. Quit if you want, or continue if you like the work. Besides, even if you decide to quit, you won't have to worry about job offers — they'll be flooding in. You might be more concerned about where to go rather than finding a job. Having experience in our organization is a very prestigious credential."

“Yes, I guess so.”

Jeong Tae-ui felt all the strength drain from his body as he slumped back against the chair. It felt like he had just completed a marathon, though there was not a hint of satisfaction in his achievement. The wall clock, indicating that it was just the start of the day, caught his eye.

The future is unpredictable, but who would have thought such an unexpected change would come so suddenly?

Yes, he had a bad feeling this morning. And look at what happened.

In that sense, his uncle's remark about choosing him for his good intuition might have been exceptionally accurate.

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

United Nations Human Resource Development Organization Asia Branch


The United Nations Human Resource Development Organization.

It is a cooperative organization aimed at nurturing and developing talents who can aid in the maintenance and operation of various institutions and private organizations, thereby supplying competent human resources.

It’s also known as UNHRDO (United Nations Human Resource Development Organization) and it succeeds the International Talent Development Organization established in 1946.

The United Nations Human Resource Development Organization is dedicated to the dispatch, transfer, and supply of talents in various fields for non-profit purposes. Its headquarters and main organization are located in New York City, USA, with subsidiary branches in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and South America, located in Berlin, Germany; Hong Kong, China; Canberra, Australia; Johannesburg, South Africa; and São Paulo, Brazil, respectively.



When they arrived at Chek Lap Kok Airport, a car was already waiting for them.

While a large man, who didn't look like a driver at all, silently greeted his uncle and loaded the luggage, Jeong Tae-ui, whose entire luggage consisted of a not-so-large Boston bag, loaded his bag next to his uncle's and then sat beside his uncle, who was already in the car.

The thin booklet that his uncle handed him, which appeared from nowhere, briefly described the places they would go, along with some photos. Although it was common knowledge that such booklets did not contain any useful information, Jeong Tae-ui still read it meticulously, which took only a few minutes. It was a thin, uninformative booklet. Moreover, he had already done a quick search before leaving.

While Jeong Tae-ui, having quickly read and closed the booklet, was fanning himself with it, the car left the airport.

His uncle quietly took the booklet from Jeong Tae-ui's hand, flipped through a few pages, and then laughed. It was clear that his uncle also thought it was a waste of pulp with no nutritional value.

"It would be easier to understand if you think of it as an organization for nurturing diplomats and key personnel from various countries."

"No matter how you sugarcoat it, in the end, it’s just about raising people and selling them off to various organizations, isn’t it?"

"Well, it's a mutual benefit since people who want to be 'sold off' gather and apply."

Despite Jeong Tae-ui's words sounding like criticism, his uncle didn't seem particularly offended.

Jeong Tae-ui casually flipped through the booklet his uncle handed back to him. He didn't bother reading the text, which was full of empty words, and instead focused on the photos used as the background. There were pictures of impressive buildings, high-tech conference rooms, and reliable-looking men standing in formation with serious expressions.

"Among those featured in there, is there anyone to your taste?"

His uncle peeked at the booklet with a grin. Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly and shook his head.

"I'm not really into people who walk the straight and narrow... I don't feel like hugging someone who reeks of masculinity like this. I prefer someone soft and lovely, who seems like they’d smell of soap or milk, but I don't think there are any like that in this field."

"Soap or milk smell... Underage sexual misconduct is a crime even in China. Although, once you cross the branch's fence, it's practically extraterritorial jurisdiction, but there are no minors inside. You can mess around as much as you want."

".... Uncle. Turning me into a shameless underage offender in an instant is... I’ve never looked at anyone whose age is a single digit or even starts with a 1 that way."

His uncle chuckled softly. Jeong Tae-ui stared at him and spoke nonchalantly.

"If you were twenty years younger, you might just be my type."

Only then did the smile momentarily disappear from his uncle’s face. He blinked and looked at Jeong Tae-ui curiously before eventually letting out a small laugh. Shrugging as if he understood, he changed the subject.

"When you go there and spend some time, you'll figure things out, but do you have any questions?"

"Well... I don't know anything at all, so I can't even form any questions. As you said, I'll find out gradually once I start living there."

Jeong Tae-ui put the booklet down on his lap and looked out the window. The road from the airport to the city center looked similar in any city. It was an adequately open highway with nothing particularly interesting to see.

"The place where Hyung worked briefly before was the headquarters in America, right?"

"Jae-ui? Yes. That kid was thoroughly a brainy type. I heard the headquarters still wants him back."

Jeong Tae-ui glanced at his uncle.

"Brainy type... is that how the headquarters and branches are divided?"

"Not necessarily, but generally, yes. The headquarters is like a brain house. Even if someone has physical disabilities, they can join if their mind is outstanding. The branches require basic physical fitness. ...But that doesn't mean you can join just because you're a good fighter, even if your brain is all muscle. To put it simply, the branches aim to cultivate MacGyvers."

"MacGyvers... I don't have much confidence in that."

"Come on, come on. After rolling around for a few months, you'll get the hang of it."

Jeong Tae-ui looked at his cheerful uncle with weary eyes and then slowly began to voice the questions that had started to form in his mind.

"So, are the three branches pretty much the same?"

“Hmm, that’s right. The training process is the same. So, sometimes, a few people get exchanged quarterly depending on the circ*mstances. However, the atmosphere varies slightly by branch. The guys from the south American branch are a bit crazy, the ones from the African branch are unpredictable, the ones from the Australian branch are kind of annoying, and the ones from the European branch are extremely annoying.”

There is quite a gap between the cheerful tone and the content.

“Do you have a bad relationship with the European side?”

"The relationship between headquarters and branches is not very good, nor is the relationship between branches. Groups in competitive relationships are like that, right? Among them, the Asian branch and the European branch are particularly at odds. There is a joint training session for half a month once a year, and it gets very bloody…. it's quite a sight to see.”


Somehow, it seemed that his uncle didn’t just find the European branch annoying; rather, he enjoyed the atmosphere of bloodshed that ensued whenever something happened, viewing the European branch as merely an annoyance.

His uncle had a face that, while it couldn’t be called gentle, didn’t entirely lack a kind impression. However, there was a significant difference between his mind and appearance. Sometimes, even the well-acquainted Jeong Tae-ui would be bewildered.

Jeong Tae-ui sank into the seat. The moderately soft seat felt pleasant.

Following his uncle who arrived like a storm, he hadn’t been able to rest properly, being driven around for several days on a tight schedule. It felt like he could sleep if he closed his eyes now.

Noticing Jeong Tae-ui’s behavior, his uncle spoke quietly.

“It’ll be tough to adjust for a while, and I’d like to tell you to get some sleep now, but we’ll arrive at the dock soon. It’ll be harder if you fall into a light sleep and then have to wake up.”

“The dock?”

Jeong Tae-ui turned his head. The car had already entered the city, and the streets were gradually filled with buildings. Crowded and chaotic signs were sprawling overhead, and buildings as old and worn-out as the apartment complex where Jeong Tae-ui lived were densely lined up. If you looked up a bit from the flashy, glittering stores on the street, you could see clothes hanging out on poles protruding from cracked and peeling buildings.

“Is the branch on Hong Kong Island?”


“Then why are we going to the dock?”

“Because we need to take a boat.”

“... Is it in Macau?”

His uncle burst out laughing. Jeong Tae-ui looked at his uncle sheepishly. Since they were taking a boat from the Kowloon Peninsula and it wasn't Hong Kong Island, the only place that came to mind was Macau.

His uncle shook his head.

“No, it's Lantau Island. It's an island a bit further away than Hong Kong Island. Administratively, it's part of Hong Kong and China, but practically, it's an extraterritorial place. The Asian branch of UNHRDO is located there.”

“I see... It sounds like one of those remote islands where prisoners used to be kept to prevent them from escaping.”

“Well, I can’t say that there was absolutely no such intention.”

His uncle said this while still smiling and then looked at Jeong Tae-ui.

“Every other week, from 5 PM on Friday to 5 PM on Sunday, you’re free, so if you want, you can come out and have some fun. A boat will go back and forth between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula for the staff on those days.”

“Listening to you, uncle...”


“It sounds like the Asian branch of UNHRDO is not just on that island but that the Asian branch of UNHRDO is the only thing on that island.”



Jeong Tae-ui smiled wryly and shook his head.

After passing through the bustling main street and turning around the grand hotel, the dock came into view.

Jeong Tae-ui, who was idly gazing at Hong Kong Island beyond the sea, suddenly turned his head.

“Now that I think about it, there's one more thing I'm curious about.”


“What do they call you there, uncle?”

His uncle laughed. Then, with a face mixing family and superior expressions, he said,

“They call me Instructor Jeong Chang-in. Just Instructor for short.”


It seemed to take about an hour to get from the peninsula to Lantau Island.

Imagining a small uninhabited island because it was said to be a remote island with only the branch, Jeong Tae-ui was surprised to find it quite large, requiring another car ride from the dock along a coastal road.

As the sun was setting, the forest growing densely inside the road appeared particularly dark and lush.

“It seems like the kind of place where wild animals or venomous snakes might appear.”

When Jeong Tae-ui murmured, his uncle nodded calmly.

“Venomous snakes do come out. So, at night, you should watch your step carefully. --But don't worry too much. There aren't any that are venomous enough to kill a person instantly. As long as you perform emergency first aid promptly, you won't die.”

When Jeong Tae-ui looked at him with a puzzled look on his face, his uncle seemed to be trying to reassure him by adding that there was no need to worry.

It seemed like he had come to the wrong place. Even if it was for just half a year, the more he thought about it, half a year was more than enough time for someone to die unluckily.

He considered waiting until the next weekend to escape to Hong Kong when his uncle suddenly remembered something and said,

"Oh, right. Now that I think about it, no one will be able to go out for about a month. The joint training with the European branch starts in fifteen days. For fifteen days. Before that, it's a special training period, so no going out. No going out during the joint training period either. Well, a month will pass quickly, so try to adapt during that time."

Before wondering just how much his uncle could read his mind and to what extent, Jeong Tae-ui, for a brief moment, genuinely wanted to strangle the man.

As Jeong Tae-ui glared resentfully at his uncle's neck, he suddenly felt a gaze and glanced forward. He met the eyes of the driver in the rearview mirror. The driver slightly narrowed his eyes when he met Jeong Tae-ui's gaze, as if smiling.

It was the same driver who had met him at the airport. He had driven from the airport to the dock, and then across the water to this island. ...Surely he hadn't operated the boat too...?

This person also had a similar air. The scent of a rough-lived soldier - though his uncle had repeatedly said he wasn't a soldier or military. Probably everyone he encountered on this island would have that same scent.

Thinking about this, Jeong Tae-ui sighed and turned his head. He no longer had the energy to strangle his uncle.

"So, it's a joint training with that 'annoying' European branch, and I've come just in time for the hardships... You must actually hate me, right, uncle?"

"No way."

His uncle laughed. Jeong Tae-ui felt he had really gotten into trouble and had a bitter taste in his mouth.

Joint training. He was used to that kind of training. For the past few years, he had been grinding through such training every day. Until four months ago, he had been a military officer. How would the training be conducted here?

No matter how hard it is, as long as you don't die, you'll get used to it. Even if each time feels newly excruciating, a day will come when you become accustomed to those recurring hardships. ...And if, at some point, you can’t control your temper and cause an incident, that's a personal choice.

Suddenly feeling annoyed, Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head vigorously.

He had never regretted what he had done. He had always engraved deeply in his heart not to do anything he would regret, no matter what the task.

Therefore, he didn't regret barely beating up that annoying fellow from his cohort to the point where he barely survived. He had endured patiently for five and a half years before it came to that, so he believed he had put up with enough. As a result — or rather as a complex result of various things — he didn't regret being discharged from the military, where he once thought he would serve for life.

However, thinking about the situation at that time and his feelings then still made his stomach churn.

There are people who, having never fallen behind anyone, show an extremely ugly reaction when they see someone overtaking them for the first time. The cohort who lay side by side with him in the military hospital just before his discharge was such a person. For that cohort, Jeong Tae-ui's sexual orientation was an ideal target.

Tsk. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and stretched somewhat uncomfortably in the car. He had traveled by plane, car, and boat all in one day, covering land, sea, and air. His body felt stiff, and he thought he should probably run a few laps around the training ground to loosen up.

At that moment, the car stopped.

The sun had already set, and under the darkening sky, the dense forest closed in on both sides. He didn't know when they had entered such a forest path.

"We're here."

The driver got out, and Jeong Tae-ui opened the car door at his uncle’s brief words. Stepping outside, he immediately saw the building in front of him.

"Phew. To feel this tired over such a small thing, I must be getting old. Well, I’m over forty now, so I can't say I’m young."

As Jeong Tae-ui's uncle muttered to himself after getting out of the car, Jeong Tae-ui, who was staring at the building ahead, asked,



"Is this building... the Asian branch?"

"Yeah. It's one building. Simple, right?"

"Then what about those impressive buildings and training grounds in the brochure?"

"Oh, that's the American headquarters. Didn't I mention that? Our branch has the least civilized facilities, making it ideal for physical training."

"This is beyond just misleading; it's a complete scam."

"No one applies based on that brochure anyway."

As his uncle smiled and said. People only register to join branches based on the name, not the guidebook, it's just him who was dragged there without any choice. Regardless of the facilities, he would have ended up here due to his uncle. The building in front of him looked no different from a one-story school building on the verge of closure in a rural village. Cracks ran through it, the paint was peeling, and the pipes were completely rusted.

No matter how he looked at it, it seemed like a collapsing school building or a government office abandoned decades ago.

Wait a minute. If this was the only building...

"How many people are here in total?"

"One general director, two deputy directors, six instructors (or guards), ninety-six members, and five administrative staff. A total of 110 people."

His uncle's counting on his fingers didn't even register in Jeong Tae-ui's mind.

"How do 110 people fit in here?"

"They fit. You know how you can squeeze ten or so people into a compact car if you really push them in, right?"

"No, I mean, where do they eat and sleep during training...?"

As Jeong Tae-ui pointed incredulously at the building, the driver, carrying his uncle's luggage, brushed past and entered the building first. The rusty hinges made a chilling sound as the door opened. It felt as if a ghost might appear, drawn by that sound.

His uncle laughed at Jeong Tae-ui's expression for a while before finally speaking a bit more seriously.

"Underground. There are seven basem*nt levels. With an area of 2,000 pyeong (about 6,600 square meters) spread across seven floors, it's not extremely spacious, but it's enough to accommodate over 100 people without much issue."

Jeong Tae-ui once again looked at his uncle with an incredulous expression. While an underground facility with seven floors and 2,000 pyeong (about 6,600 square meters) was spacious enough for 100 people...

"On such a small island, how can there be an underground facility of 2,000 pyeong with seven floors...?"

"That's why we chose this island. Did you think we just picked any random island in Asia to set up the branch?"

His uncle spoke cheerfully as he moved forward.

Jeong Tae-ui eyed his uncle's back skeptically for a moment, but when his uncle turned to look at him from the open door, he shouldered his bag and followed.

His uncle, who had been waiting for Jeong Tae-ui to catch up, suddenly stepped close to him as Jeong Tae-ui paused, intending to step back half a step with a puzzled look. Suddenly, his uncle ruffled his hair and said,

"Don't die."


"This place isn't governed by the usual laws. There's no place for the powerless to seek justice, and sometimes, even if a few people die, it gets covered up without issue."

His uncle paused. Jeong Tae-ui silently looked at him, then suddenly smiled weakly.

"Uncle, that's too much... You should have told me this earlier, not after dragging me to the tiger's den."

"Even if I had told you earlier, the result would have been the same."

His uncle laughed. Jeong Tae-ui sighed and shrugged.

"I’ll have to trust in the instinct you mentioned and somehow survive. If I die, please at least collect my bones."

"Haha, well, it's not like it's a complete lawless zone."

"So, are you telling me to be careful or not?"

"Either way, it doesn't hurt to be careful."

His uncle laughed and resumed walking. This time, he didn't stop or look back as he entered the building. Following him, Jeong Tae-ui slowly shook his head.

At times like this, he envied his brother, whose luck no one could surpass.


Despite his uncle having said that everything — offices, conference rooms, classrooms, training rooms, laboratories, accommodations, dining rooms, and so on — was all underground, he did not head to the basem*nt upon entering the building. Instead, he made his way to an old, worn-out door at the end of a wooden hallway with patches of flooring missing.

However, he paused when he sensed Jeong Tae-ui following him and turned around. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head quizzically as the door next to him quietly opened. A young man emerged from within.


The young man, who came out through the open door and saw Jeong Tae-ui standing right in front of him, slowed down his steps. Seeing his uncle, he straightened up and only slightly bent his back.

“Are you busy?”

“No, I was just about to go out for a smoke.”

Nodding, Jeong Tae-ui thought to himself that this was one difference from the military. Feeling an inward sigh at the realization of entering the English-speaking world within the branch. At that moment, his uncle's index finger suddenly pointed at him, causing him to swallow his sigh.

“Take this guy down below. Show him to the room Kiyomi used and help him bond with his new colleagues.”

“Oh, sure.”

The young man scratched behind his ear as if slightly annoyed, but he nodded without further complaint.

As soon as his uncle finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly without looking at Jeong Tae-ui and entered the old door, leaving Jeong Tae-ui and the young man alone in the hallway.

The young man looked Jeong Tae-ui up and down from head to toe before turning back to the door he had just exited. He beckoned with his finger. Jeong Tae-ui, after giving the young man a similar head-to-toe look, followed him inside. The young man smirked.

Inside the door the young man had come through was an elevator. It looked like the sliding door of an abandoned school, but it opened and closed without a sound, which was a refreshing surprise. The elevator's interior functioned flawlessly.

“Do they spend all their budget making everything look older...?”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself while examining the interior, then directed his gaze to the young man who was still looking at him.

Although the young man had the appearance of a chinese soldier, his dusky skin and slightly narrower frame suggested that he was not purely Han Chinese, but rather had mixed blood from one of the ethnic minorities.

The young man, who looked at Jeong Tae-ui with curiosity that was interested but not overly excessive, tapped his chest a couple of times with his index finger and said,

“Toh. Toh Ching In.”

“...Jeong Tae-ui. You can call me Tae-ui.”

“Tae-i... ok.”

The pronunciation was slightly off, but Jeong Tae-ui figured it was useless to correct him.

“Transferred from another branch? Or are you a new recruit?”

“Just joined. It seems fairly common for personnel to transfer between branches.”

“It’s not that common, but not that rare either. You look quite disciplined for a new recruit. What did you do before this? You didn’t work for a corporation or something, did you?”

“I was unemployed.”

Jeong Tae-ui answered seriously without a hint of a smile, but the young man, who introduced himself as Toh, took it as a joke and laughed loudly.

“Well, as long as you’re not from the European branch, it doesn’t matter. Welcome.”

Jeong Tae-ui lightly shook hands with Toh, who extended his hand, and tilted his head slightly.

“It seems like the relationship with the European branch is quite bad.”

Even though he had heard about it from his uncle, the way Toh casually mentioned ‘as long as you’re not from the European branch’ made it clear how serious it was. It reminded Jeong Tae-ui of the hostile relationship between his previous platoon and the one with that bastard Lieutenant Kim.

"Seems quite bad? Ha, you’ll find out at the beginning of next month. We have joint training with the European branch starting then, so those bastards are coming here. Just so you know, if there’s an exceptionally annoying guy, you can bury him secretly. Everyone in our branch will cooperate."

His tone was too serious for it to be a joke. It seemed the relationship was worse than Jeong Tae-ui had experienced with Lieutenant Kim’s platoon.

"Thanks for the camaraderie."

"Of course, we have to help each other out."

Toh laughed cheerfully as he stepped out of the elevator. Jeong Tae-ui followed him and was somewhat surprised.

They were on the fifth basem*nt level. In front of them stretched a long, white corridor. The carpeted floor muffled their footsteps, and the stark contrast between this pristine, well-kept space and the dilapidated building above was striking.


Toh grinned, as if he had seen this reaction many times before.

"Did you expect a damp basem*nt full of rats and co*ckroaches, with cobwebs everywhere?"

Jeong Tae-ui hadn't imagined something that extreme, but he couldn't deny it was close.

"Is the BOQ on this floor?"

Following Toh down the long corridor, Jeong Tae-ui asked, using the military term for Bachelor Officer Quarters. Toh glanced back and laughed as if he understood.

"You were an officer in the military, huh? Which army were you in?"


“No comment? Well, that's fine. Everyone has things they don't want to talk about. Here, it's not called BOQ but ‘sanaesil’ (private room). It's three people per room. But the sanaesil is one floor down. This floor has the free training room, library, and multimedia room. You can think of this floor as where you can hang out, read, or watch movies during your free time.”

“I just want to drop off my bag first.”

Toh, seeing Jeong Tae-ui holding only a modest Boston bag and making that comment, couldn't help but laugh. He almost snatched the bag from Jeong Tae-ui’s hand, grinning widely.

“Alright? Then I'll carry it for you. But first, let's bond a bit with the others. Hm? We’ll be sharing life and death together, so we should at least be able to talk to each other, right?”


“It's free time from 5 PM, so everyone is doing their own thing right now, but you'll find most of them in the free training room.”

Jeong Tae-ui wanted to drop off his bag and familiarize himself with his room before meeting his colleagues, but he silently followed Toh, who was already leading the way with his bag. Perhaps this was the expected procedure here.

However, one thing was comforting: aside from the nine superiors, everyone else was an equal colleague.

There might be some hazing as the newcomer, but the principle of equality made it easier to navigate. And, though likely a joke, it seemed like one or two people could be dealt with if necessary.

...Though he was more likely to be on the receiving end rather than the giving end. He just had to be careful.

Jeong Tae-ui recalled that during his time at the military academy, his performance in basic weapon training and practical adaptation was average at best. Without the confidence to fend off all approaching enemies, it was best to stay unnoticed and quietly survive the next six months.

As they turned a few corners in the hallway, Jeong Tae-ui took note of the locations of the multimedia room and the library. He also spotted a makeshift food vending machine in one corner. While they occasionally brushed past other people, none of them paid any special attention. They seemed to notice the unfamiliar face but only cast a fleeting glance, indicating a basic level of caution.

"I thought the Asia branch would be full of Asians, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured after passing a Westerner. Toh turned his head in acknowledgment.

"It's the same everywhere. No matter which branch you go to, you'll find a mix of different races. The 'Asia branch' means it's located in Asia, not that it only accepts Asians. But proportionally, there are more Asians here than in other branches or headquarters. About half of the people here are Asians."

As Toh spoke, they arrived at their destination: the free training room.

Entering through a door twice the size of an ordinary one, a spacious area comparable to a gymnasium unfolded before them. The facility was similar to a regular gym, save for a few more intimidating training devices.

Inside the training room, about forty or fifty people were scattered around, each engaged in their activities. Some were gathered in groups of three or four, chatting, while others appeared to be napping. Most of them, however, were busy with various exercise equipment, likely working on their basic fitness.

"So many of you here during free time, you all must be very diligent."

"If you don't want to die, you should build up even a bit of stamina before next month. There's only half a month left anyway. If you fall to those guys from the European branch, you'll die by my hand first."

Toh, who made a show of clenching his fist, glanced around the training room and then walked toward a group of six or seven men. Although they were gathered, they maintained a reasonable distance and were doing their own things, but it was clear enough that they belonged to the same group.

Jeong Tae-ui soon nodded to himself. They probably belonged to the same team. And, as expected, Tow was a member of that team.

Toh and Jeong Tae-ui approaching them did not go unnoticed. One by one, they stopped exercising or talking and turned their attention to them. More precisely, to the unfamiliar face of Jeong Tae-ui.

"Toh, did you leave half of your cigarette pack behind when you went out for a smoke?"

"Exactly. That guy who always chain-smokes at least three cigarettes whenever he starts, how come he's back so quickly this time?"

The men who were chuckling and talking also fixed their gaze on Jeong Tae-ui. Not just them, but other men nearby were casting curious glances as well.

"He’s the new guy. They told me to take him and bond well. So, I brought him. Our team's new member."

While Toh exchanged a few words with them, Jeong Tae-ui casually looked around.

Most of them seemed to be in their mid-20s to early 30s. The youngest-looking guy in the corner might have just stopped being called a kid, and the oldest-looking one doing abdominal exercises over there could well be rounding up to forty. It seemed like most were in their late 20s though.

Although a thirty-year-old might not be able to match a twenty-year-old in stamina, combat techniques are not solely dependent on physical strength, so age doesn't matter much.

As Toh said, about half were Asians, with the rest being white and black. Judging from the people currently in the room, there seemed to be slightly more black people than white. However, it was hard to make clear distinctions as many appeared to be of mixed heritage.

Whether they were tall or short, their bodies were quite well-built, probably because they were all training to stay alive. Fortunately, or unfortunately, there wasn't anyone who fit Jeong Tae-ui's sexual preference. It might be fortunate or unfortunate depending on how one looked at it.

Anyway, he's only going to be here for six months. Even if there was someone he liked, it would be troublesome. It's better to live quietly and leave without incident.

"Hmm, Tae-i? Are you about twenty... five?"

One of the men, who had been sitting on a mattress stacked against the wall, jumped down and approached. The other men behind him laughed, and Toh, who had briefly introduced Jeong Tae-ui, stepped back a couple of steps.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at the man approaching him head-on. Meanwhile, he listened to the sounds and the atmosphere around him.

It wasn't bad. The laughter and curious gazes were not mixed with hostility or ridicule. They were simply enjoying a trivial event. There was even a hint of friendliness.

The man approaching Jeong Tae-ui with a playful smile was tall for an Asian. On closer inspection, he might be of mixed race. ... This guy seems to be the leader.

Jeong Tae-ui smiled wryly to himself. Whether it was the previous place or here, the society formed by men always had similar aspects. One of them being that, among their peers, they always sought a leader.

It wasn't an official title. Their fragile egos couldn't handle an explicit hierarchy, so there were no overt ranks.

However, if you dig deeper, there was always a head and a tail. Some people would say the same thing, but more people would agree and follow one person, while another would often receive only criticism without agreement.

It might be human nature rather than a trait specific to men, but Jeong Tae-ui had no way of knowing what a women's society was like. He didn't particularly want to know either.

"And you?"

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled and gestured with his chin. The man pointed to himself and shrugged.

"Me? I'm Carlo Sagisawa. I'll be thirty in seven months. Anything else you want to know?"

"Yeah. Are you loosening your knuckles and ankles because of me?"

The man named Carlo burst into laughter. Whether it was a habit or a threat, Carlo had been cracking his knuckles and stretching his ankle joints and neck as he approached Jeong Tae-ui. Now, he spread his hands and smiled brightly.

"No, no, I was just about to start working out. Why, are you scared? You don't look very scared to me."

"Well, I tend to be a bit different on the inside than on the outside."

When Jeong Tae-ui muttered this, Carlo laughed again. He seemed to take it as a joke, but it was partially true. He had been told he was different inside than outside, and he was genuinely uneasy right now. Carlo's hands, casually shaking his wrists, were large enough to be exaggeratedly described as the size of a pot lid. His arms were muscular and solidly built, extending from those hands to his shoulders. His legs, stretching from beneath his boxer shorts, were the same. There was no way he could feel at ease with such a figure approaching him.

"Alright, my friend with a different inside and outside. How about helping me warm up?"

Although muscles and a sturdy build don't tell the whole story, Jeong Tae-ui had no desire to confront this man. The odds were overwhelmingly against him. He had never been confident in his physical strength and had no intention of rising above others through brute force like an animal determining its leader.

But he didn't even have time to say he’d rather decline.

As soon as Carlo finished speaking, he lunged at Jeong Tae-ui. With one hand, he grabbed Jeong Tae-ui's wrist, and with the other, he seized his opposite shoulder, hooking his leg to press him down.

It happened in an instant.

As his vision spun halfway around and the ceiling came into view before receding again, a fierce impact was transmitted through his back. Although he instinctively performed a breakfall, the stinging shock briefly blocked his chest and then disappeared.

Right above him, Carlo was grinning with an exaggerated frown.

"What's this? Toh said you were a soldier, but you're so sloppy. How can we use you properly like this? Come on, get up."

Behind him, there were sounds of raucous laughter and whistling jeers. Jeong Tae-ui looked up at the man with the Western name, whose face, though not classically handsome, had the features of a Westernized Asian.

Even though he told him to get up, Carlo didn't move aside. He still held Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder and arm, pressing his knee into his thigh. His center of gravity was firmly fixed.

Unless one had mastered the technique to an advanced level or possessed the strength of King Kong, there was no way to get up. – Not by normal means, anyway.

"Get up, you say?"

"Yes, if you can, by all means."

"Fine. I won't limit myself to conventional methods."

Jeong Tae-ui moved almost simultaneously with his words. He raised his right leg, the only part he could move a few inches, and drove his knee into Carlo's groin.


The scream didn't come only from Carlo. The men who had been laughing and chatting while watching also fell silent with shocked faces, letting out a single exclamation.

The brief silence was shattered within seconds by shouts and exclamations.

"A man doing such a cheap shot!!"

"That's so cowardly—"

While the victim lay curled up on the floor, unable to move, the men behind Jeong Tae-ui shouted angrily as he quickly got up and stepped away. Jeong Tae-ui scoffed.

"When I need to take care of myself, what does cowardice matter? If we're talking about unfairness, the difference in weight class between me and this guy is already unfair."

One of the men who had been lazily sitting next to Carlo until a moment ago jumped off the mattress, visibly provoked by Jeong Tae-ui's words. Rolling up his sleeves as he approached with an aggressive demeanor, he was shorter than Jeong Tae-ui but had a solid, rock-like build.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Is this guy a direct subordinate of the leader? Looks like he'll have to endure some hazing today. He wondered if there were proper medical facilities on this island.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed inwardly and put one hand in his jacket pocket. As he did so, the man who was striding toward him slowed his pace slightly, eyes glinting with caution.

"So you're planning to use a weapon after using cowardly tactics?!"

The man bellowed like thunder. Jeong Tae-ui ignored him and walked toward him nonchalantly. For a brief moment, the man hesitated.

That was his only chance.

Jeong Tae-ui grabbed the man's collar. The man instinctively slapped Jeong Tae-ui's hand away. Almost simultaneously with the man's swinging fist, Jeong Tae-ui, with his hand still in his jacket pocket, struck the man's jaw. Then, just as Carlo had done to him earlier, he hooked the man's leg and hit him in the solar plexus, toppling him over.

When Jeong Tae-ui knelt on the man's chest and almost mounted him, the surroundings fell silent. He could feel the hostile gazes directed at him, starkly different from before.

Well, this is definitely turning into a full-blown hazing.

Whether or not they understood Jeong Tae-ui's inner sigh, the man stared at him with fierce eyes, showing no sign of being affected by the hit.

"If you hadn't cowardly distracted me with a weapon, the situation would be reversed by now."

"I know."

Even though it could be dismissed as the loser's excuse, Jeong Tae-ui muttered with a sigh. Moreover, the fact that this man wasn't really determined to beat him also helped Jeong Tae-ui. He had the soft-hearted intention of just intimidating and scaring him a bit, which made him fall for it so easily.

The man grabbed Jeong Tae-ui's wrist, which was pressing down on his shoulder. And he started applying force as if to twist the wrist off. It seemed like he intended to overpower him with brute strength.

Jeong Tae-ui wasn't confident he could withstand this man with sheer force. Even if he held out with all his might, could he last a minute? The situation would probably be completely reversed soon.

Damn, he’s never broken his arm before in his life. Would it hurt a lot? Yeah, it would hurt a lot. He hoped they would take him to the hospital in time.

Feeling the increasingly hostile stares around him, Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. And he muttered to the man who was only a hand span away from him.

"But you know what? As cowardly and dirty as you say I am, do you think you'd be lying here so easily caught if I didn't have something in my pocket? Looks like you won't die even if I cut your throat, right?"

His hand, still in his pocket, moved to just below the man's neck.

Jeong Tae-ui, with an expressionless face, muttered indifferently, and their eyes met. A sharp tip touched the man's throat just beyond the thin skin. The man's eyes widened for a moment. Seeing those eyes, Jeong Tae-ui smirked.

"But the problem is... you can't cut a throat with a pen."

Jeong Tae-ui pulled out a pen from his pocket and threw it away, then got off the man's body and sat down on the floor. The man, frowning and glaring at the ceiling, suddenly stood up and, looking at Jeong Tae-ui, shouted in a trembling voice.

"This bastard not only resorts to cowardly tactics but also uses cheap tricks. That's it, I'm going to fix that insolence of yours today."

"Yeah, that's a good idea, but I'll go first. Alta."

The person who muttered in a creepy low voice was Carlo, who finally took his hand off his groin and got up from the floor.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him with a sullen face. He had planned to endure quietly for half a year, keeping a low profile, and then escape, but why did he have to worry about his life from the beginning? If he had to pinpoint the cause, it was that guy who brought him here.

In fact, if he thought of it as a natural consequence, it wasn't really Toh's fault, but Jeong Tae-ui still glared at Toh with a sullen face, seeking a scapegoat for his unwarranted resentment. When their eyes met, Toh, who had been watching among the crowd, flinched and frowned. Feeling increasingly dejected, Jeong Tae-ui ended up staring at the floor gloomily.

"But you, who did you come in through?"

A shadow loomed over his head, and when he looked up, Carlo, with his sleeves rolled up, was right in front of him. It seemed like he wanted to investigate his background before deciding to break him.

Just as Jeong Tae-ui was about to say, "No one," Toh quickly shouted first.

"Instructor Jeong. Instructor Jeong Chang-in brought him."

"Instructor Jeong?"

Carlo glanced at Toh and then asked Jeong Tae-ui again, looking puzzled.

"How do you know Instructor Jeong?"

"...If we're close, will you just leave my insolence alone?"

Carlo tilted his head, as if pondering for a moment.

"Let's hear it."

Even though it was clear from his tone that Carlo was saying Jeong Tae-ui needed to be disciplined, Jeong Tae-ui sighed and told him the plain truth.

"He's my uncle."

"Instructor Jeong? ...Your uncle?"

Carlo's raised voice caused a stir around them. Although Jeong Tae-ui didn't show it outwardly, he was somewhat taken aback by the unexpected reaction from the surrounding crowd.

Was his uncle such a well-known figure that people would be this surprised? It seemed being an instructor was a more influential position than he had thought.

"Tae-yi... Jeong Tae-yi... Then what’s your relationship with Jeong Jae-yi? There’s a rumor that Jeong Jae-yi is also Instructor Jeong's nephew."

Carlo, who was muttering Jeong Tae-ui's name with a slightly incorrect pronunciation, asked again with a serious face. Hearing his brother’s name, albeit pronounced slightly wrong, caught Jeong Tae-ui off guard once more.

He hadn't expected his brother's name to come up in this situation. In fact, he didn't even know why his brother's name should be mentioned here. Perhaps his brother had worked at the headquarters when he was temporarily assigned there.

"He's my brother."

"Brother? Your brother? Jeong Jae-yi? Your biological brother? That famous genius researcher, the one whom the headquarters begged to stay, offering immense wealth and power, but who left without a second thought once his contract ended? That genius elite whose luck is so great that everything he touches succeeds, Jeong Jae-yi?"

As Carlo shouted excitedly, Jeong Tae-ui grimaced, moving his face slightly away.

This was news to him. But then again, he and Jeong Jae-ui never really took an interest in each other's work. So it might actually be true. It did seem likely.

It appeared that his brother was an even more renowned figure than he had thought.

"Yeah, that's right. He's my brother. ...So are you going to leave me alone now?"

He hoped that his brother's good fortune and reputation might somehow extend to him a little.

While talking to the men who had approached and whispered phrases like "the legendary" and "only heard about in rumors," Carlo turned back to Jeong Tae-ui and shrugged with a smirk.

"What are you talking about? Of course, that's a separate issue."

Carlo cracked his knuckles and loosened his wrists, then leaned forward to look at Jeong Tae-ui with a mock pitying expression.

"You have no strength, no skills, and if you don't think you can win for sure, why do you resort to dirty tricks and bring this upon yourself?"

"I still won for sure with those dirty tricks."


Carlo fell silent. The man from earlier approached with a menacing face. Other men, with ambiguous expressions that could be either smiles or scowls, surrounded him. The conversation about his brother had vanished, and so had the hope that his brother's reputation might bring him some luck.

The only relief was that the atmosphere wasn't as hostile or dangerous as he had feared. It didn't seem like he needed to worry about medical facilities.

However, the outcome of receiving a beating remained unchanged.


He took a severe beating of about seven or eight hits. Two of them were so painful that he almost lost consciousness for a moment. However, the rest were mere taps in comparison, with several punches that could be considered light. It was a small consolation.

After receiving what was too harsh to be called a playful beating, Jeong Tae-ui found himself drinking with the men who had beaten him.

"Is there anything to snack on?"

"Earlier, Yuan Ho went out and bought some jerky. He's gone to get it now."

"Hey, your glass is empty. Don't leave it empty; fill it up immediately."


Jeong Tae-ui quietly munched on some bean snacks handed to him by a nameless man sitting next to him, pondering another difference from the military.

After beating someone up, these men acted as if nothing had happened, saying, "Let's welcome the new team member by going for a drink," and cheerfully dragging him along. Yet here he was, quietly sitting, accepting the drinks and food offered to him.

Were these men strange, was this team strange, was this branch strange, or was the entire UNHRDO strange? Or was it he himself who found this situation odd?

"Is it okay to drink like this? What if there's an emergency while we're drunk?"

When Jeong Tae-ui muttered this, a man named Qing Ren-zao sitting across from him shrugged and laughed.

"What's an emergency?"

Then, Toh, who seemed to be close to Qing, chimed in.

"Tae-yi was in the military. It's understandable that he's picked up some rigid habits."


Only then did Qing nod as if he understood. Carlo, who was pouring a drink nearby, explained further.

"There's no reason to always be on edge here, unlike in the military. Unless you've made enemies inside and are worried about getting stabbed by your colleagues. There's no enemy that's going to invade us. After work, drinking is obviously free. But if you get so drunk that you can't make it to the early morning training, the instructor will kill you."

"I heard that sometimes you take on tough jobs outside on external requests. What's to stop someone from holding a grudge and sneaking in to stab you?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked again, sipping his drink. He wasn't exactly sure what kind of work they did or how the system worked, but he had overheard his uncle and Jeong Jae-ui talking about something similar a long time ago. So, Jeong Tae-ui had always thought of UNHRDO as some sort of agency that handled various tasks.

"Where did you hear that?"

"Well, rumors spread when they can."

"Ah, right, you're Jeong Jae-yi's brother. It seems you've only heard half of it. We do go out on practical missions, but we don't take personal requests. No matter how much money is involved, we still operate under the guise of a United Nations organization. So, there's no reason to take on personal grudges. The thing to be more careful of than such enemies is..."

Carlo's voice suddenly lowered, and a mix of excitement and anger tinged his tone.

"Those bastards from the European branch! They're bound to shamelessly crawl in soon enough!"

He heard it again. He couldn't count how many times he'd heard curses about the 'European branch' today. Jeong Tae-ui found it amusing to see grown adults getting so worked up over colleagues supposedly under the same headquarters, so he chuckled.

"Your relationship seems really bad... Even though members sometimes move between branches, you're still colleagues, so why is it so bad?"

He was half talking to himself. But the next moment, a chilling silence fell over the room, and Jeong Tae-ui, who had been drinking, paused and glanced around.

"Oh, you don't know. Let me tell you. Members do move between branches, but..."


"There are no exchanges between the European branch and the Asian branch."


"You might get transferred after going through another branch or the headquarters, but there's no direct exchange."

Jeong Tae-ui gulped down the drink in his mouth in two swallows, trying hard not to show his bewilderment.

So that's why Toh said, 'It's not like you came from the European branch.' Okay, he got it now. These guys really have a bad relationship. But still, it's pretty extreme that there's no formal exchange directly between the two branches. That means their relationship is recognized as horrendous not just among individuals or members but also by other branches and headquarters.

"What kind of bloody history do you have under the same headquarters...?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, and Qing, holding his drink with both hands, tilted his head.

"Originally, we don't have good relations with other branches or the American headquarters either. I mean it’s a little bit better with the headquarters, but you can't say the branches get along even as an empty phrase. It's because we're each other's opponents in live training. When we do joint training, we have to fight like we're facing a real enemy. Sometimes people die, and those grudges build up. In the next joint training, some people even seek revenge and kill on purpose. The animosity between us and the European branch has piled up and become rock solid."

"Are you saying they kill each other on purpose, not by accident?"

There was no answer. Only the silent, bitter looks exchanged, which signified agreement.

"That doesn't mean they just kill any random person from another branch indiscriminately... It’s just the way it is. But anyway, as soon as they come, you will see hell right before your eyes."

"…You said this joint training happens once a year, right?"

"That's right. With the European branch, and with the other branches too, once a year. So, every three months, you'll meet the Europeans, Australians, South Americans, and Africans in turn."

Jeong Tae-ui blamed his uncle for bringing him here, as if he'd been bitten by an insect, knowing he'd have to endure at least two births and deaths to live normally in the next six months. He then realized something and tilted his head.

The calculations didn't add up. If there are five branches, there would inevitably be an extra. Does that mean one skips a turn in rotation? Or do they train with the headquarters? No, but he heard that the headquarters and branches have different roles. The headquarters is full of elite brains, so it's unlikely they'd engage in physical combat.

Jeong Tae-ui, running through various scenarios in his mind, couldn't figure it out and asked. The answer came easily.

"We split the personnel in half and rotate. Half of the European branch comes to our branch while half of our branch goes to Australia. Half of the Australians go to South America, and so on. The next time, we mix up the order and rotate again."

"Ah, I see. So, when do they decide who stays and who goes?"

"If we start on Saturday, the draw will be on Friday night."

"…How do you manage to get plane tickets so quickly?"

"Why would we need to secure seats on a private plane? We already have visas for all the countries with branches, so we just need our passports."

Jeong Tae-ui thought for a moment about the crumbling, dilapidated buildings he had seen when he arrived on this island and how the word "private plane" couldn't seem more out of place, but he didn't say anything.

"Why decide things so last minute? It would be better to plan and prepare in advance."

"If they knew in advance whether they were staying or going, they might slack off in training."

"Haha, if you don't want to die, you'll train hard whether you're staying or going, right?"

"When we train with branches other than Europe, we might get a few injuries, but it's rare for anyone to die."

The men continued their conversation, still filled with curses and grudges, reminiscing about how last time, Sangwat and Kroy died, Uel, Yoon, and Kiyomi were hospitalized and still hadn't returned, and how they would kill the one who killed Sangwat if they ever saw them again.

"…Do they draw lots to decide who to send over there too?"

"Probably, since the basic operational policies are the same. But if there's someone in their branch they think would surely die if sent, they'll try not to send them... the cowards!"

If the basic operational policies were the same, it meant that this side also tried not to send people who had made enemies over there, making it a tit-for-tat situation. However, Jeong Tae-ui, who had learned the wisdom of living smartly, didn't say anything.

"Is that bastard really coming?"

It was then that Alta suddenly muttered. Instantly, as if on cue, everyone fell silent.

Jeong Tae-ui, still chewing on dried fruit after finishing his snacks, looked around in bewilderment.

The faintly stiffened expressions on the men's faces showed a range of emotions. Anger, anxiety, fear, or emotions of a similar nature.

"There's more than a few guys who have grudges against him. They wouldn't send him here if they had any sense. The guys from the Europe branch wouldn't throw their own into the lion's den."

The man sitting next to Jeong Tae-ui spat out these words through gritted teeth, as if he could almost see blood. It seemed as if everyone drinking with them shared a similar sentiment. Then, Carlo muttered heavily.

"From the perspective of the higher-ups in the Europe branch, it's likely more beneficial for them if he relocates. Consider this: instead of allowing that bastard to remain at their branch and cause harm, it's preferable to send him elsewhere. Even if he goes to another location and kills one person and injures three others, it's still better than having him wreak havoc on their own turf."

"We should've slit that f*cking bastard's throat when he was on his own turf and made him pay!"


Once again, silence fell over the group. As he glanced at the men, now steeped in silence, Jeong Tae-ui thought it was fortunate that he wasn't eating snacks anymore. If the only sound in the room was him crunching, it would be embarrassing. Spitting out the food and joining them in their sullen silence wasn't an option either.

He roughly understood the situation. There seemed to be a guy from the Europe branch who had become almost a universal enemy here. They were all grinding their teeth but hesitating to make a move, probably because this guy was notoriously tough. It was a situation where no one wanted to be the cat who would bell the tiger.

"So, all the people that 'f*cking bastard' took down were members of this team?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked, almost to himself.

From the conversation, Jeong Tae-ui gathered that there were six teams in the branch. Each team was composed of sixteen members, totaling ninety-six personnel. It seemed that there were six instructors, each managing a team.

Hmm... They mentioned that the factions below were struggling to push one of the two deputies into the vacant director position. So, before even considering the Europe branch issue, it seemed that there was already an internal conflict within this branch, with three teams opposing the other three. But before worrying about that, they first had to deal with the external threat they'd face for the next fifteen days.

"No, that's not it. That bastard doesn’t care which team any of us are in. He just enjoys beating us up indiscriminately. That psycho!"

Alta, who had started speaking calmly, ended with a shout as his temper flared.

Intimidated by the intensity, Jeong Tae-ui subtly leaned his body away, only to be met with another outburst from the other side.

"How did such a lunatic even get into the UNHRDO?! I clearly remember undergoing a personality test for two hours before getting in!"

The others, echoing "Me too, me too," were a reminder that despite their rough appearances, they had managed to get through intense competition to join the UNHRDO, proving their excellence in their own way.

Jeong Tae-ui silently swallowed the words "I didn't take such a test" along with the dried fruit.

According to his uncle, the people who had experienced being shot and having their bones broken must have had some intriguing personality test results. However, that wasn't the main point of the current conversation.

"Well... didn't everyone here handle guns and knives before they came? So, it makes sense for a 'crazy bastard' to end up here too."

He still didn't know exactly what kind of crazy bastard the guy was.

However, Jeong Tae-ui's attempt at neutrality didn't resonate with them. The man next to him affectionately put an arm around his shoulder and spoke gently.

"You're wrong. It's true that everyone here has handled guns and knives, but their mindset is different from that madman’s. When you pull the trigger on someone who has no personal grudge against you, can you do it without hesitation? Most people can't. The guys here are the same. They hesitate. But not that bastard. He just kills."


It wasn't a joke or an exaggeration. The man next to him was speaking with a serious expression.

Jeong Tae-ui felt a slight chill. The man's serious eyes and low voice were painting the picture of a demon — a creature that wore a human disguise but was anything but human.

…It seemed wise to avoid this person to ensure a safe six months. He didn't know who this guy was, but his gut, as his uncle had described it, was whispering that it was better to stay ignorant about this person.

"Well... if this guy is a common enemy for the entire Asian branch, talking about it here won't change much. Besides, from what I've heard, he doesn't seem like someone you can easily handle."

He didn't want to linger on this unsettling topic. The others seemed to feel the same way, as they switched the subject, albeit with a bitter taste lingering in the air.

Jeong Tae-ui silently sighed as he picked up the last piece of dried fruit. The dried fruit had run out, and the guy who had gone to bring the jerky still hadn't returned. At this rate, it seemed like they would spend the whole night waiting for the jerky. Even if the jerky came soon and they ran out, it seemed like they'd still drink for quite a while after that.

What should he do? Sitting among them, sharing drinks and listening to the men's chatter was fun, but he wished he could rest a bit. But it didn't seem like these guys would let him go to sleep so easily.

He quite liked the people here. Each had different personalities, so he hadn't gotten close enough to know if he matched with each individual, but at least he didn't dislike the group's overall vibe. If nothing special happened, it seemed like he could enjoyably spend the next half year with them. He might even make two or three close friends.

However, apart from that, Jeong Tae-ui didn't particularly enjoy this kind of gathering. Eating, drinking, and playing in moderation was fine, but when such times dragged on, it became a chore. Moreover, he wanted to rest quietly right now.

As he was contemplating what to do, he saw Toh, who was sitting across from him, stand up. It looked like Toh was grabbing a pack of cigarettes to go outside and smoke.

"I'll go to the restroom for a moment. Toh, could you tell me where it is?"

Jeong Tae-ui put down his glass and stood up. Toh, who was about to go outside, looked at him and nodded indifferently. With joking comments about smoking only three cigarettes and not getting lost on the way to the restroom, Jeong Tae-ui followed Toh out.

Toh, who had been caught by his uncle while trying to go out to smoke and had to return without smoking, seemed to miss his cigarette dearly. He already had one in his mouth, even though he hadn't lit it yet. He walked ahead, gnawing on the unlit cigarette.

"Is smoking prohibited inside?"

"Yeah. There's a smoking room, but not on this floor. You have to go downstairs, but it's better to go upstairs and smoke while getting some fresh air. The restroom is..."

As they turned the corner at the end of the hallway, Toh pointed somewhere in the middle of the path. However, Jeong Tae-ui didn't even glance in the direction Toh pointed. Instead, he clung closely to Toh's back and wrapped his arms around his neck from behind.

"I saw the restroom there earlier, so I know where it is. What I want to know is where the restroom attached to the men's quarters I'll be staying in is. I know it's a hassle, but could you go down with me and show me?"

Jeong Tae-ui tightened his grip on Toh's neck as if to say he would choke him if he made a fuss or resisted. This situation, where he was holding someone and making threats, made him feel as if he were a member of the European branch, which made him smile bitterly. Nevertheless, resting was his top priority right now.

Toh opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but then sighed deeply, as if giving up.

"Fine, just don't be rough. I'll show you. But you didn't bring your stuff. Go back and get it. I'll wait here."

"Do you think those guys will let me go to sleep so easily if I say I'm going to get my stuff and go to sleep?"

Jeong Tae-ui's question was half rhetorical and half a genuine doubt about whether they would let him go.

As it turned out, Jeong Tae-ui's intuition was correct, and Toh didn't respond.

Jeong Tae-ui smiled and patted Toh's back.

"It's okay. There's nothing valuable in my stuff anyway, so I'll get it tomorrow. If no one takes it, it'll still be there. Let's go to the men's quarters. It's a three-person room, right? Don't look like that. It's your fault for taking me to the training room instead of the men's quarters in the first place. Oh, the spot where I got hit still hurts. Wasn't it around here where you hit me, Toh?"

Jeong Tae-ui massaged his shoulder and pretended to frown, while Toh shrugged as if resigned.

"Fine, follow me. I'll take you to your room."

Ignoring the elevator that had arrived with its doors open, Toh headed towards the emergency stairs, saying it would be faster.


The sixth basem*nt floor, despite being just one level below the upper floors, was noticeably different in design.

On both sides of the straight corridor, identical doors were set at intervals, zigzagging and facing each other. The carpet on the floor was a plush khaki color, softer than the one on the fifth floor. The walls were adorned with elegantly crafted glass lamps and leisurely hung framed pictures. At the end of the corridor, there was an antique console table with a calm flower arrangement. Next to it were two single-seater couches covered in buffalo leather, and a small glass table.

“It feels like we've stepped into a five-star hotel. I can't wait to see what the rooms are like.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered in awe, to which Toh, walking ahead of him, laughed.

“The rooms are similar, except that each doesn't have an attached bathroom.”

“If they went to such lengths to make it luxurious, why didn't they put a bathroom in each room?”

“Well, they said the plumbing system couldn't be arranged that way. They couldn’t install pipes for each room.”

“So, communal bathrooms and toilets?”

“Exactly. But they’re spacious and located on the east and west sides, so it's never crowded. It's always quiet, no matter when you go.”

“No matter when...?”

Toh seemed to understand the skepticism in Jeong Tae-ui's voice. “Yes, no matter when,” he reiterated.

With a look that seemed to say, ‘Well, that's how it is when men live together,’ Toh hummed a tune as they walked down the corridor.

He showed the bathroom while they were passing by, and it was still empty even now during free time after the regular workday had ended. The excellently equipped shower facilities and the large bathtub divided by a glass door were sitting there desolately.

"I guess I'll have to use it later myself."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered as he looked at the hot water clearly filling the bathtub. Then he suddenly asked Toh.

"So do the superiors also use this place? Like the head, deputy head, or instructors?"

"No way. They live on a different floor. Those people live on the first basem*nt floor, which is as close to the ground level as possible. Each room has its own attached bathroom."


He briefly thought of his elegant uncle. He felt a seed of resentment growing towards him, who was the root cause of all this situation. He thought he wouldn't feel relieved until he really went to choke him at least once later.

"Where is Instructor Jeong Chang-in's room on the first basem*nt floor?"

"Why, do you already miss your uncle? Hehe, get off the elevator I took earlier, turn right, then turn the corner, and it's the second room."

Toh said playfully and turned his steps away from the bathroom. Pointing out that the restroom was next to it, he proceeded down the hallway again. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue inwardly and shook his head at the thought of his uncle, and it took quite a while for Toh to finally stop walking.

"Here it is, the room you'll be using."

The room he pointed to while tapping the door with his finger joints was located quite deep inside the hallway.

"It used to be used by a Japanese guy from our team and two Russians from another team. One of them died, and the other two are recuperating... I don't think they'll be able to return even after recuperating."

Toh mumbled in a low voice as he opened the door. It seemed to open easily as if it wasn't locked.

The room inside was spacious. It was wide enough to accommodate three people. There were three double beds, and although there wasn't a visible wardrobe, the built-in closet-like door seemed to serve as one. The room was equipped with all the necessary items such as storage cabinets, desks, and bookshelves.

"The fridge in front of the closet, stock it yourself and use it. It won't hold much, but it'll be enough for a few cans of beer and a couple of snacks. If you just need to wash your hands, you see the sink in that corner? You can wash there. Some guys sometimes use it to relieve themselves because they find going to the bathroom annoying, so it's best not to use it for anything else."

"...Whoever it is, I hope the guy sharing the room with me doesn't do that."

It's good that the bathroom is private and quiet. It would be convenient, and Jeong Tae-ui himself wasn't exactly a neat freak. But that was a bit much. He wanted to see the face of the crazy guy who relieved himself in the handwashing sink and punch him.

As Jeong Tae-ui muttered in disgust, Toh shrugged his shoulders.

"You'll probably use it alone until a new recruit comes in. Unless the guy recuperating returns safely. Waiting for the former might be faster."

"The ones who are recuperating must be seriously injured."

"Well... fortunately, they won't have any trouble living as ordinary people, but it has become difficult for them to return to this lifestyle. Still, the compensation and retirement money they receive will be enough to live alone comfortably for decades if they live frugally. They got injured during internal training, after all."

Indeed, Jeong Tae-ui nodded.

If one successfully goes through the process and gets hired by another company or public office, they would earn an enormous salary, and even if they got injured during the process, they wouldn't face financial difficulties. Moreover, in an environment with such facilities...

He could understand why people in the world were eager to join this organization.

Toh, either thinking he had explained enough or unable to suppress his urge to smoke any longer, walked toward the door and said,

"Go to the office on the ground floor and ask Kyo-ho for the key. Xin Lu is in charge of member welfare and internal affairs, so get the key from him. There’s also a note with the living rules, so get that too. If you need anything else, ask him. If it’s a simple question, you can ask me. My room is number 15. ...Shall I go with you? I’m heading up to smoke anyway."

"No, go ahead. I'll go up slowly. But is the Kyo-ho in the office at this hour?"

"There should be someone on duty. If you tell someone you have business, Xin Lu will be there."

"Got it. Thanks."

You're welcome. Toh said, waving his hand as he walked out. Left alone in the room, Jeong Tae-ui finally let out a long-held sigh and slumped into a chair nearby.

The room was sparsely furnished with only the basic items. It was expected that the belongings of the deceased would have been cleared out, but it seemed the things of those recuperating were also taken.

He inspected the drawers, closet, and desk. Although not completely emptied, there were some clothes, books, and small items left behind. The furniture that was completely empty and spotless probably belonged to the deceased person.

Even if someone wouldn’t be returning, it wouldn’t be right to use their space freely. Naturally, the spot of the deceased remained unoccupied.

Jeong Tae-ui slowly looked around the room. He had left his bag behind, so unpacking wasn’t going to happen today, but there wasn’t much to unpack anyway. He had nothing of great importance that needed careful packing, even under the urging of his uncle. Plus, since he was only staying for six months, he had brought only the essentials. He didn't need to bring much, as even indoor clothes, uniforms, and even underwear and toothbrushes would be supplied.

If there was anything remotely important in the bag... it would be the key. It wasn't even on a key ring, just tossed into the bag without making a sound. It was the key to his house which he would need again six months later.

Before leaving, he had cleaned and organized the house thoroughly. It took several times longer than packing his bags. He also left a simple note for his brother, who he didn't know when would return.

Speaking of which, what might his brother be doing around now? Though he was someone who never needed worrying about, Jeong Tae-ui thought he wouldn’t even be concerned if he heard his brother’s plane had crashed.

Whatever he was doing, if his brother wanted, they would meet again. Because whatever his brother wanted always came true easily.

Jeong Tae-ui approached the neatly made bed and lay down on it.

His body was tired, but sleep didn’t come as easily as he thought. His body was heavy, but his mind was clear.

For a while, he would have a single room. It would be quiet and comfortable in its own way, but being new, there would be many inconveniences. To ask even small things, he would have to knock on other doors.

Thinking that far, Jeong Tae-ui stared at the ceiling for a moment before slowly getting up.

He wouldn’t need the room key since he wouldn’t be locking the door, but he would need that note about the living rules. He didn’t even know where to eat or what to do tomorrow.

Xin Lu, Toh had said. The Kyo-ho, the one in charge of miscellaneous tasks?

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head and got up. The next six months felt like they would stretch on forever.

He definitely wouldn’t feel satisfied without choking his uncle at least once. On the way up, he should stop by his uncle's room on the first basem*nt floor and twist that face of his a bit.


Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue.

Even though it was his first day here, he hadn’t expected to get lost inside the building. And in a place no bigger than an elementary school playground.

The problem started with the elevator.

Of course, Jeong Tae-ui knew the location of the elevator Toh had taken. It was the old-looking elevator just around the corner from the stairs. Although there were several turns, he hadn't forgotten the way.

So, it would have been better if he had found that elevator. Unfortunately, that elevator was a bit far from Jeong Tae-ui's room. He didn't want to go all the way to the distant elevator when there was one visible just by turning his head in the opposite direction as he exited the room.

After all, the layout of buildings is generally the same on each floor. While there might be some differences in arrangement, buildings of this type are typically quite similar in architectural design.

So, he thought he could take that elevator up and then follow the hallway back the way he had come.

"Damn it, what kind of building is this? It's completely different from the lower floors."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered curses as he grabbed his head in frustration.

It was his first time encountering a building with such a different layout on each floor. The varying hallway paths were one thing, but when even the bathroom locations were different, it was beyond absurd. Inefficient to the extreme, an utterly ridiculous structure. And they talk about the sewer system being well-designed?

He had been wandering around this floor for over ten minutes. Although he had found a couple more elevators during this time, they were not in the locations he was looking for. They were elevators located at the corners of the stairs.

...No matter how strangely this building was designed, surely the elevators and stairs couldn't be in different positions on each floor. If such a bizarre building existed, it should be reported to an architectural conference.

"Damn it. Why is there no one around?"

Come to think of it, most of the roughly hundred people on this island were currently on the 5th or 6th basem*nt floors and rarely had any reason to come to the first basem*nt floor, so it was no wonder it was hard to find anyone in this spacious place. But since arriving on this floor, Jeong Tae-ui had cursed several times.

Even in the military, he had confidence in his sense of direction. He didn’t need to read maps. Jeong Tae-ui had an excellent sense of direction and never got lost, even when carrying a subordinate who had sprained an ankle during a nighttime march through the woods, finding a shorter path back despite his groggy state.

However, there were no maps inside this building, and he could only rely on his sense of direction.

Uncle, you really know how to put people through their paces. How do you live in a place like this?

Grinding his teeth, Jeong Tae-ui stopped and tried to figure out where he was. He didn’t know the overall layout of the building or where the outer walls were, but he started recalling the path he had taken since entering the building. ...He still didn’t know. So, he would just have to wander until he found his way.

Sighing, Jeong Tae-ui resumed walking, while knowing it wasn't the best approach.

Come to think of it, this hallway looked somewhat similar to the lower floor. Identical doors faced each other in a zigzag pattern.

Could this room be an accommodation like the men’s quarters below? If so, it would be the quarters of the higher-ups staying on this floor. ...Maybe he had found the right place without realizing it.

As he thought about it, Jeong Tae-ui sighed again upon seeing a glass sliding door at the end of his field of vision.

No, it wasn’t.

Toh had just escorted him past a bathroom that looked like this. Open the glass sliding door and step inside. Beyond that, there's another frosted glass door. Proceed further in, turn towards the dressing room, and you'll find the bathroom inside.

"But... if all the higher-ups have bathrooms in their rooms, why is there a communal bathroom here? Or maybe it’s not a bathroom."

Jeong Tae-ui paused in front of the door.

It wasn’t particularly important, but he was a bit curious. He wasn’t in a hurry anyway. Finding his uncle's room was the problem; to leave this floor, he could just take any of the elevators sparsely located here and there, either going up to the ground floor or down to the sixth basem*nt floor.

"Since I'm lost anyway, should I wash up before I go?"

Although he hadn’t planned to, Jeong Tae-ui muttered half in resignation as he opened the door, revealing that it was indeed a bathroom. When he opened the frosted glass door inside, the partition wall and the changing room beyond it looked exactly like those on the lower floor.

And there was someone there.

The person, who seemed startled by the sound of the door opening, stood frozen, staring at Jeong Tae-ui with wide eyes.

"Uh, ...ah... um, well."

A pair of clear eyes looked up at him from about a foot below. The wide, startled eyes were so big that they looked like they might roll out if poked.

Although he looked like a boy ― since he was in this building, he couldn’t possibly be a minor. This young man, who looked quite young, was just putting on his clothes, holding a shirt in one hand while only wearing pants. Or perhaps, since his hair wasn’t wet, he was about to go in to wash.

For a moment, Jeong Tae-ui's mind went blank.

Uh, did I make a mistake? But I haven’t done anything wrong. It’s just a coincidence that we met. So why do I feel like I made a mistake and should apologize?

These thoughts briefly crossed his mind, but he still couldn’t understand why.

Then, his gaze was drawn to the young man’s smooth, peach-colored skin. It looked soft, as if touching it would feel like brushing against downy fluff. A faint scent of soap, or perhaps baby milk, seemed to emanate from him.

In that moment, Jeong Tae-ui felt an inexplicable embarrassment.

He felt like he knew why he felt as if he had made a mistake. But the reason didn't make sense. He hadn't even seen him fully naked, so why?

His uncle's face, smirking and saying that underage conduct was a crime, flashed in his mind. But there were no minors in the branch, so it wasn’t a crime. Moreover, it was strange to think of it as a crime just because he saw another man half-naked.

Jeong Tae-ui must have looked noticeably flustered. The young man seemed to sense his confusion, as the initial shock in his eyes calmed down.

"You're a new face... Who are you?"

The young man asked quietly. Jeong Tae-ui was taken aback again.

Even his voice was youthful. The soft, slightly hesitant tone of his words made him seem even younger. It wouldn't be surprising if he really was a minor.

Jeong Tae-ui covered his mouth with his hand, trying to hide his embarrassment, but he didn't realize that rubbing his chin with his hand only made him look more flustered.

It would be rude to ask his age.

"Uh... How old are you?"

But despite thinking that, he couldn't help but ask.

The young man seemed to guess the reason for Jeong Tae-ui's awkwardness from his face and gestures, and answered in a slightly offended tone.

"I'm twenty-two. But who are you?"

Twenty-two. Still a kid. But not a crime to touch. ...No, that's not it.

"Oh... do you work here?"

Jeong Tae-ui felt pity and sympathy for the delicate boy — though he was a young man — living in such a rough environment with dangerous people inside and poisonous creatures outside.

By that time, a look of outright displeasure appeared on his face. It was the kind of face that seemed to say, ‘What kind of guy is this?’ It's understandable since a stranger suddenly barges into the bathroom, doesn't answer his questions, and babbles nonsensically while treating him like a child.

“Under which warden and team did you come here? Or did you come as a guard or an officer, without prior notice?”

He asked coldly with a stern face.

Only then did Jeong Tae-ui's expression change as if he had woken up from a dream, and he scratched the back of his neck. It seemed he had upset the other person.

“I… got lost. I was on my way to see instructor Jeong Chang-in.”

“Instructor Jeong Chang-in? His office is out the door, to the right, all the way to the end, then right again to the end, and then right once more. You'll see an elevator, and it's the second room after turning right at the corner.”

“Um… okay.”

Although his response was half-hearted, it was extremely helpful. If he could just get a sense of the direction, it would be easy to find.

“Thanks, then.”

Jeong Tae-ui awkwardly expressed his gratitude. The young man still looked displeased but shrugged his shoulders in response. His bare shoulders shone whitely.

He was supposed to leave now, but his feet wouldn't move. He wanted to look at this pretty young man a bit more. It felt like looking at a fascinating, moving doll.

“Aren't you going?”

It seemed the young man was in the middle of undressing. He tossed his shirt into a rattan basket in the changing room, unbuckled his belt, and then, while about to take off his pants, frowned at Jeong Tae-ui, who was still standing there.

Jeong Tae-ui's face suddenly turned red. There was no reason for it, but he felt extremely embarrassed.

“No… I'm going. See you later, then.”

Jeong Tae-ui waved his hand and left the bathroom.

Without looking back, he walked briskly to the right as the young man had instructed. As he reached the dead end, his head began to clear. When he raised his hand to brush his cheek, his ears were burning hot.

Jeong Tae-ui stood there looking flustered, then shook his head and turned right to walk again.

Jeong Tae-ui was not the type to be easily emotionally disturbed. He often heard that he was calm and unyielding. In fact, even when he was embarrassed, it didn't show much on his face.

But now, he could tell without looking in the mirror. His face must be clearly flustered.

“Damn it... You didn't tell me there would be someone like that, uncle...”

He blamed his uncle for no reason. Of course, there was no answer.

This had happened once before. There was a time when he had been caught off guard, his mind going blank, fumbling in embarrassment. He had almost forgotten when that was.

It was when he was still a student, not long out of his teens. You could say he was precocious, or to put it negatively, a precocious youth. By the time he was in high school, he had already tried everything sexually. Not only with girls but also with boys, and he knew he was more attracted to men. He knew that he liked soft, tender bodies that felt good to hold.

At that time, perhaps it was his first love, he went to a friend's house and met his friend's cousin, who was staying there during the holidays.

He wasn't too thin, with a moderately plump, soft, and white body, large eyes, and a cute expression. Like a cotton candy.

Back then, the same thing happened as now.

His face had heated up, his heart raced, his mind had gone blank, and his breath trembled.

After making excuses to visit his friend's house repeatedly over the next few days, he got used to the cousin, and it got a bit better. Still, his heart fluttered every time he saw the cousin. He just liked him so much, he wondered if there was any way to accidentally brush against that soft skin.

Before long, the cousin returned to his home, ending his first love in vain.

Since then, Jeong Tae-ui had always been attracted to that type. Cute, lovable, and so fresh it felt like he'd melt.

However, men like that were rare, even among young boys, let alone older men. He hardly ever saw anyone like that. Sometimes, if he found someone with a similar impression at a club, he was satisfied to enjoy it.

But he never imagined he'd find someone so perfectly his type in such a secluded place.

“What should I do...”

Jeong Tae-ui murmured to himself, truly troubled.

What could he do? He couldn't believe someone like that appeared here.

Actually, if you think about it, there’s nothing he could do. He have no intention of raping or molesting anyone, so if that man is heterosexual, that's the end of it. And the probability of that is very high. Even if he was lucky enough to have this tendency too, the time was limited to half a year.

“What should I do?”

Jeong Tae-ui murmured the words, not even knowing if he should do something or what the objective was.

Meanwhile, the long hallway came to an end. Jeong Tae-ui sighed quietly as he faced the wall and then turned to the right.

As expected, he saw the elevator just as the young man had described. It was the same elevator that Toh had used earlier. He also saw a door leading to the stairs beside it.

“The second room after the corner… right.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself, repeating the young man’s directions as he moved forward.

After turning the corner, he quickly found which room was his uncle's.


His uncle was not in the room.

No, to be precise, it would be more accurate to say he was not at his desk.

Half-immersed in other thoughts due to his inner turmoil, Jeong Tae-ui opened the door without knocking, but there was no one there to scold him for it.

He paused briefly when he saw the unlocked door and the empty room, but he understood upon hearing the sound of running water from inside. It seemed his uncle was in the shower attached to the room.

Jeong Tae-ui confirmed it was indeed his uncle's room by seeing a few familiar personal items scattered on the desk and then walked inside. He sat down in the large chair in front of the desk and slowly looked around the room.

His uncle's private room was quite different from Jeong Tae-ui's.

Not only the furniture and electronic devices but, above all, there were many books. The bookshelves filled every inch of the wall and were crammed with books in no particular order.

Jeong Tae-ui ran his hand along the bookshelf within reach. His uncle had many rare books. His uncle's home library — a place he rarely visited as he spent most of the year at the branch office, returning home for less than ten days a year — was filled with rare books that would make collectors drool. There had even been an incident where book thieves broke in, proving the value of his collection.

Jeong Tae-ui would often go to his uncle's house and stay for days, sometimes not coming out at all. He stopped visiting when he ran out of books to read, but before that, he would often go to his uncle's house to call his older brother.

Jeong Tae-ui didn't love books as much as his uncle or his brother, but he enjoyed reading enough to distinguish rare books. Among the books his hand brushed against now, there was one he had wanted to read but had never been able to obtain.

Jeong Tae-ui raised his eyebrows slightly and pulled out the book. He had tried every possible way to get it, but even the original edition was out of print, so he had to give up.

Where on earth does he find these things? It makes things easier for Jeong Tae-ui, though.

Jeong Tae-ui admired his uncle as he slowly flipped through the pages. However, he found it hard to concentrate on the book.

The young man he had just encountered kept appearing in his mind.

"...Seriously. What am I doing, like some adolescent boy... Get a grip, Jeong Tae-ui."

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue as he rubbed his face, which was beginning to flush. He even slapped his cheeks a couple of times.

How could they place someone so young and delicate on such a rough island? But judging by the fact that he was on this floor, he couldn't be just a regular member...

At that thought, Jeong Tae-ui flinched.

This was the first basem*nt level. It's not where regular members stay. If someone is on this floor... could that young man possibly be a director, a deputy director, or an instructor...?

Jeong Tae-ui's face hardened slightly. He absentmindedly turned the pages of the book in his hand, his mind going blank.

Then it happened.

The faint mechanical sound, which pulled Jeong Tae-ui back from his distant thoughts, was easy to hear in the quiet room.

Jeong Tae-ui turned his head towards the sound. It was coming from the telephone on the desk. A soft, gentle mechanical sound. The lamp above the phone, blinking red as if asking to be pressed, illuminated the small monitor with a dim, faint light.

Jeong Tae-ui turned his head towards the bathroom. The sound of running water had stopped. He thought his uncle might be coming out soon, but instead, he heard the soft splashing of water and a low hum. It seemed his uncle was soaking in the bathtub.

The phone kept ringing, so Jeong Tae-ui put the book down on the desk and stood up. He approached the bathroom and tapped on the glass door.

"Uncle, there's a phone call."

"A phone call? At this hour? Ah, I know who it is. Can you take the message for me? I won't be out for a while."

His uncle's voice responding to Jeong Tae-ui showed no sign of surprise. He must have known Jeong Tae-ui was in the room since he entered. Although Jeong Tae-ui had entered silently, his uncle was not one to miss a presence. Jeong Tae-ui sighed, thinking, as expected.

"If you know someone is here, you should think about coming out quickly instead of leisurely taking a bath, Uncle."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, and a low chuckle echoed from the bathroom.

"Knowing it’s you, why would I hurry?"

Yeah, this was a typical quirk of his uncle.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and returned to the desk, but the phone had already hung up by then. "The call ended, Uncle," he shouted toward the bathroom and sat back down, picking up the book again.

A bath, huh. That young man must be in the bathroom by now...

Jeong Tae-ui's face turned red again for no reason. His earlobes felt hot.

That soft, peach-colored body would have a rosy, pleasing hue in the hot water. His skin seemed like it would have a subtle, soft, and very pleasant scent. It made one want to embrace him.

"...This is serious, really serious... It was just a brief encounter. What's wrong with you, Jeong Tae-ui?"

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and muttered, fanning his flushed face with his hand. It wasn’t that he liked or was attracted to that young man. He didn't know him well enough to have such feelings. But the image of him kept surfacing in his mind.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed once more, losing count of how many times he had done so today, fanning himself with the thick book in his hand, when the quiet mechanical sound rang again. The lamp blinked once more.

Thinking of calling out to his uncle, Jeong Tae-ui hesitated, knowing his uncle wouldn't come out, and pressed the lamp button. His uncle had asked him to take a message, but there was no paper or pen in sight. He hoped it was something he could remember easily.


As he answered the call, the small screen above the lamp turned on, showing what seemed to be the caller’s video.

The angle wasn’t wide, making it hard to see clearly, but it appeared to be indoors, likely a personal room. A built-in wardrobe was visible next to a white wall.

And occupying about a third of the screen was a person’s body.

Due to the narrow angle, only part of the body could be seen: a light blue shirt, visible from around the chest area. The sleeve of the shirt extended to a hand holding a mug.

It was a white hand. A delicate and elegant hand, seemingly more suited for gliding over piano keys. The large mug appeared small in that hand, making it seem even bigger. Yet, the hand was so white and beautiful it seemed almost translucent. The fingernails, neatly trimmed at each fingertip, looked like pale glass.

‘.......Who is this?’

The mechanical noise was irritating.

The phone's settings made it sound like listening to a recorded message from an answering machine — stiff, layered, and artificial.

The white hand in the screen set the mug down. Then the long fingers tapped the rim of the mug.

‘Instructor Jeong Chang-in?’

“Ah—..., he’s in the bathroom right now. If you have a message, I can relay it.”

Jeong Tae-ui, captivated by the beautiful hand that looked like it was carved from clear ice, responded.

There was a brief silence from the other side.

Just as he marveled at the fact that the hand belonged to a living, moving person, the voice suddenly whispered.



‘Who are you, answering the phone in that room?’

Maybe it was just his imagination, but the voice seemed slightly more relaxed. It had a somewhat mesmerizing quality. Despite the strange mechanical sound, watching the extraordinarily beautiful hand slowly caress the mug only intensified the feeling.

Jeong Tae-ui considered what to say but, not knowing who the person was, chose the safest response.

"I'm the nephew of the person leisurely enjoying a bath despite someone visiting. If you have a message, I can pass it on. Just keep it short since I don't see anything to write with. My memory isn't great."

As soon as Jeong Tae-ui finished speaking, there was a brief pause followed by a soft chuckle.

‘Ah, then you must be the younger nephew. Your name is...?’

“......Jeong Tae-ui. And you are?”

Jeong Tae-ui quickly realized that this man knew who he was. More precisely, he knew Jeong Chang-in's family relationships. He knew there were two nephews, and one of them was very smart and famous.

It seemed to be a well-known fact within the branch that Jeong Jae-ui was Jeong Chang-in's nephew, so it wasn’t surprising if others knew about their family relations.

The man was silent for a moment before speaking.


Jeong Tae-ui nodded. Ilay. It was an easy name to remember.

The man who introduced himself as Ilay was silent again for a while. Another hand appeared on the screen, a left hand that matched the right one that had been visible before. The two white, beautiful hands were clasped together.

When Jeong Tae-ui unknowingly sighed, Ilay finally spoke.

‘Why is that?’

“No... Haven't you ever been told you have beautiful hands?”


Ilay asked in a puzzled tone. It seemed like he was looking at his hand, as on the screen, the hands unclasped and moved. The fingers bent at each joint, looking picturesque.

He clenched and unclenched his hand once, then clasped his fingers together again, speaking in an amused tone.

‘I’ve never heard that before. Do you like my hands?’

“Yes, they’re beautiful.”

‘Haha, alright. You can have them after I die. But in return you have attach your hands to my arms. A corpse without hands would be pitiful.’

“......I’d rather not. Besides, those hands wouldn’t suit me. If I had them, they’d just float around, looking out of place on my body.”

Jeong Tae-ui wrinkled his nose. This guy made morbid jokes sound serious.

Ilay chuckled quietly, seemingly pleased with something.

‘Yeah, they probably wouldn’t suit you. Your hands go well with your face.’

The voice, tinged with laughter, said.

Knowing that the other side had a wider view of him, Jeong Tae-ui tapped the lens above the phone.

“This lens seems to have a wider angle. Well, it’s not bad just seeing beautiful hands filling the screen.”

Ilay made a small chuckling sound.

‘So, being there means you’ve joined the Asian branch?’

In response to Ilay’s question, Jeong Tae-ui shrugged.

“Yeah, thanks to my uncle, I got in without any formal procedures.”

‘Ah, a parachute hire.’

At Ilay's amused remark, Jeong Tae-ui also laughed. Come to think of it, that was true.

At that moment, the sound of water was heard again from the bathroom. It seemed that his uncle had finished his bath and was rinsing off.

"Uncle seems to be coming out soon. Would you like to wait a moment, leave a message, or call back later?"

Realizing he hadn't yet asked the purpose of the call, Jeong Tae-ui spoke. Ilay lazily mumbled a sound of contemplation and then said,

‘Tell him I found the book he was looking for. Laurent Castille’s Mythology, the 1925 edition. 3500 dollars.’

"Okay. Laurent Castille’s Mythology. The 1925 edition for 3500..."

Jeong Tae-ui paused for a moment as he repeated the message.

He had heard of Laurent Castille’s Mythology and had wanted to see it. But still.

"3500 dollars? For a single book?"

Muttering in disbelief, Ilay laughed as if understanding his thoughts.

‘Instructor Jeong will be very pleased that he got it for such a cheap price. Relay the message to him, and let's meet again if there's an opportunity.’

The beautiful hand gave a slight wave as a farewell. With that, the call ended.

Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at the now dark screen, sighed, and leaned back in his chair.

He knew rare books could be sold at high prices, but he hadn’t expected it to be that much. Now that he thought about it, both this room and his uncle’s house were treasure troves. He could understand why a book thief might target them.

Jeong Tae-ui, looking at the book on the desk with renewed interest, wondered how much it might be worth. His uncle, who had come out of the bathroom and was drying his hair, approached and patted his shoulder.

"Why are you having a staring contest with the book? You can borrow it if you want. Just be careful with it and return it in good condition."

"I’m not bold enough to borrow a 3500-dollar book."

"3500 dollars? I didn't pay that much for it. Who said that?"

His uncle wrapped the damp towel tightly around Jeong Tae-ui's neck and fetched a robe from the wardrobe.

Removing the wet towel, Jeong Tae-ui leaned back in his chair, looking up at his upside-down uncle and spoke lazily.

"Some old bookstore owner, I suppose. He had very pretty hands."

"Hands? Who are you talking about?"

Jeong Tae-ui raised his eyebrows in slight surprise. He thought his uncle would understand with just that description. Was he the only one who found those white, delicate hands beautiful?

"He said he found Laurent Castille’s Mythology. The 1925 edition. For 3500 dollars."

"What? Laurent Castille’s Mythology?"

His uncle's face immediately lit up. He approached Jeong Tae-ui again, eyes wide and beaming with a big smile. Even his movements as he fastened the robe looked joyous.

"Uncle... Did you collect these books by paying such large sums? If a fire breaks out, you’d shed tears of blood."

"What are you talking about? Laurent Castille’s Mythology from 1925 at that price is a bargain, a bargain. So, who is this generous intermediary? I should call back and thank him."


When Jeong Tae-ui mentioned the name of the hand’s owner, his uncle paused. He looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a very strange expression. At first, his face seemed to show that the name was unfamiliar, but then he seemed to remember and nodded. However, the next moment, he stared at Jeong Tae-ui with an even more peculiar expression.


"He said his name is Ilay. I didn’t get his full name. He seemed to know you well. When I said I was your nephew, he knew right away that I was the second one."

"Ilay... Did he say that? That guy?"

"I think that’s what he said... Now that you’re reacting this way, I’m not so sure. It was a mechanical sound, so maybe I misheard. Do you have any idea who he might be?"

Jeong Tae-ui added that they could call back using the caller ID if he was concerned about the book. His uncle shook his head.

"No, I know who it is. I just haven’t heard that name in a long time and had forgotten."

"Does he have multiple names?"

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled and muttered that it sounded like a scammer's tactic. But the calm and elegant voice and the image of those beautiful hands did not seem to fit the word "scammer." Then again, he couldn’t say he fit the image of an antique book dealer perfectly either. One can’t judge a person by their voice and hands alone.

"He really had beautiful hands."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured, and his uncle, who was taking out wine from the cellar, looked at him with a complicated expression.

"Hands... Right, though I never particularly noticed, I suppose his hands were quite elegant."

"Maybe it’s just me. He said it was the first time someone had complimented his hands."

"That makes sense."

His uncle spoke in such an obvious tone that Jeong Tae-ui briefly doubted his own sense of beauty.

His uncle’s expression returned to its usual calm demeanor as he smiled and deftly turned the screw of the corkscrew. He easily inserted and pulled out the cork, muttering to himself.

"If someone were to describe his hands as scary, he might have heard that before, but I doubt he's ever been told he has pretty hands."

"? Well, the nails were neatly trimmed like pieces of glass... It was a hand so beautiful it was almost frightening."

His uncle didn't respond to Jeong Tae-ui's words and just smiled.

"Yeah, did Toh tell you about my room? Since it's close to the elevator, it shouldn't have been too hard to find."

His uncle changed the subject. Jeong Tae-ui, who had been momentarily recalling that white hand, suddenly remembered a trivial grudge against his uncle. While wandering around, he cursed his innocent uncle, blaming him for the confusing building layout. Then, what came to mind again was the cotton candy-like young man he had encountered in the communal bathroom.

His face turned red again.

His uncle, who had brought out two glasses, looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a curious and amused expression. Watching his face change from a frustrated look to a blank one and then suddenly blush seemed entertaining to him.

"Why? Did something happen? ...Did the guys on our team play a mean prank on you? They can be like that sometimes. They're not bad guys, but when a new member joins, they like to play pranks out of excitement. Think of it as kids teasing someone they like."

Uncle, imagining some situation, reassured Jeong Tae-yi with, ‘It's nothing to worry about, we're all guys here.’ Jeong Tae-ui, suspecting that the situation his uncle was imagining might be even more awkward if it involved guys, shook his head.

"No, there was no problem with the team. I did get lightly hit, but that was partly my fault."

"Really? Then what is the problem? Since Toh took you, you must have been with those guys right away. So, the problem must have arisen after you parted ways with them?"

A sweet fragrance spread from the golden liquid his uncle handed over. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue bitterly as he inhaled the sweet scent.

"Uncle. You said there are prison officers living on this floor."

"That's right. The other members, including the warden, live on the 6th basem*nt floor. Why, do you want to come up? Then get promoted."

Uncle joked with a broad smile. His gaze seemed to be trying to discern the true reason why Jeong Tae-ui suddenly brought up that topic.

".....I took the wrong elevator and got lost for a while, and I met someone."

Jeong Tae-ui started speaking as if it was nothing. However, he became unnecessarily anxious when he recalled that person again. His uncle, enjoying himself, observed Jeong Tae-ui's expression and urged. So?

"He seemed ready to take a shower, but he gave me directions to find my way."

"...Aha... So, who was it? Didn't you ask for his name?"

His uncle, who seemed to understand, slightly curled his lips and asked again. Jeong Tae-ui shook his head.

"No, I just asked for directions. He looked quite young, maybe not even an adult yet. He had a fluffy appearance... He looked somewhat Western but seemed to be of Chinese descent."

"Aha, he looked young? Tsk tsk, your taste never changes. I had my suspicions."

His uncle shook his head as if he understood perfectly. Jeong Tae-ui, feeling a surge of anger, glared at his uncle.

"So, is there really a minor here?"

"No... And what if he were a minor? You just need to be patient for a while, and after they've grown up, you can take care of them. Kids grow up in the blink of an eye."

"Uncle, that's not the point... So, who is he? That person."

Grumbling and pouting, Jeong Tae-ui asked, thinking that his uncle surely knew who it was already.

His uncle, who had turned his head away brusquely, watched his nephew, whose face was turning bright red, with a sidelong glance and suddenly chuckled.

"Innocent kid. From what I hear from Jae, your romantic relationships seem to be quite complicated, so why such a fresh reaction? I've heard there was even a knife fight between two men over you."

"Did hyung really say that?"

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue, frowning.

There was a time like that. He had thought the young man was just cute, so they had spent a few nights together, but the young man had an incredibly prickly and fiery personality.

However, they weren't dating. The young man had even said so himself. They were just friends who slept together when they felt like it.

So Jeong Tae-ui had believed it without doubt, but apparently, that wasn't the case.

Jeong Tae-ui himself didn't know why, but he was fairly popular in that particular club. So, a while later, another person approached him. And then — a major incident occurred.

The person who approached him had a strong personality too, and it turned into a bloody mess.

As a result, Jeong Tae-ui was called to the police station as a witness, and during that process, rumors quietly spread to his school, where he was then a cadet. It was a series of unfortunate events afterward.

"So, who is that person?"

When Jeong Tae-ui muttered more bluntly, his uncle smiled brightly, shrugged, and started to speak.

"You'll probably meet him again soon. He's the Kyo-ho, who's in charge of member welfare and internal life."

"…Xin Lu, that... Kyo-ho also lives on this floor?"

"Yeah. Everyone except for the members stays on this floor. Even when external guests come, they stay on this floor. During joint training, people from other branches stay on the same floor as you."


Jeong Tae-ui murmured absentmindedly.

I see. I hadn't thought of Kyo-ho. Right, thinking about it, he didn't have much muscle, and there were no scars or marks on his body. With that kind of body, he couldn't be a member, nor could he be a prison officer who had gone through rough times. So, naturally, he must be Kyo-ho. Why didn't I think of that?

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his neck and thought about it, then suddenly recalled that flawless, smooth, soft skin and blushed again. His uncle's sharp gaze watching him from the side made him quickly try to clear his head, but it was no use.

"Living this long, I get to see this side of you too. Indeed, it's worth living a long life."

His uncle shook his head in a tone of amazement — though clearly filled with amusem*nt.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at his uncle with discontent and suddenly remembered the reason he had come here.

"But really, uncle, isn't this too much? I thought I'd just keep my life in one piece and return in six months, but from what I've heard, this is a complete survival game."


"They say people die in droves during joint training. The number of injured is countless. No matter how you look at it, dragging your nephew into such a deadly situation is too much."

In truth, he hadn't heard it was that extreme, but he exaggerated a bit as he grumbled. His uncle gave a comforting reply that sounded more like an excuse.

"There might be some injuries or, in severe cases, hospital visits, but deaths are quite rare. You can rest assured."

"Yes... But you know, uncle, if I get seriously hurt, it would be problematic."

"Ah, I know. If you do get seriously hurt, I'll personally take you to the best-equipped hospital, so don't get so upset. I didn't bring you here to die."

His uncle, still in a light tone, laughed as he spoke. Jeong Tae-ui sighed.

As he said, if he got hurt, his uncle would immediately take care of everything. It was more out of a sense of duty than affection for his nephew, but he had never been negligent in dealing with such matters.

So Jeong Tae-ui wasn't worried about that aspect. He just wanted to vent a bit because there were signs of a rough future everywhere.

And in reality, it would be troublesome if Jeong Tae-ui got seriously injured.

Of course, it would be troublesome for anyone to get seriously injured, but Jeong Tae-ui had a constitution that made surgery difficult. His body, regardless of his own will, was naturally very picky, with a much higher-than-average rejection response to foreign substances. Once, when he was badly injured while clearing mines and taken to the hospital, he had to undergo another major surgery after a severe rejection reaction occurred when metal rods were inserted to mend his shattered and broken bones.

"Well then, I'll be off before it gets too late. You must be tired too, uncle, so get some rest."

"This book, weren't you planning to read it? I'll lend it to you, so take it and read it."

As Jeong Tae-ui stood up, his uncle picked up the book he had taken out and placed on the desk and held it out to him.

It was certain that once he left this room, he would go to the office to get the keys and other things. He had planned to catch someone on duty and ask them to call the responsible Kyo-ho.

But now, that Kyo-ho was probably in the bathroom. Even if he called, he might not be able to reach him, and if he did, it would only inconvenience him.

What should he do? Seeing Jeong Tae-ui, who was blushing and feeling a bit troubled, His uncle seemed to understand what he was thinking and spoke up.

"If it's Xin Lu, he's probably finished bathing and is doing overtime work in his room. He doesn't stay in the bath for long because he has low blood pressure, and he's a bit of a workaholic. Since he's probably working anyway, calling him wouldn't be a disturbance."

Jeong Tae-ui made eye contact with his uncle, who was looking at him with a subtle smile. He felt a surge of emotion for no reason and glared at his uncle with a pouty face, but seeing his uncle remain calm and unaffected, he could only sigh.

Yes, he was very drawn to that Kyo-ho. Even if he didn't recognize it as liking, he wanted to see him again and know more about him. So what?

Jeong Tae-ui's face became a bit more brazen. Being attracted to someone is not something to hide.

His uncle noticed this change in Jeong Tae-ui's expression and, looking slightly regretful, gave a gentle smile as if he had made up his mind.

"To like someone is a wonderful thing. To love and be loved — that's the foundation of the world."

"...Uncle, you really have a knack for saying things that make the listener feel embarrassed."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, looking at his uncle with a face that was neither unpleasant nor joyful. Then, leaving behind his uncle's laughter, he stepped out of the room.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

  1. White Hands

A sharp and swift sound echoed. Then, crimson blood started to trickle down.


Alta clutched his nose tightly, closing his eyes for a moment. When he saw the blood flowing down his palm, he glared and snapped irritably.

"This bastard used a cheap trick again!"

"It's the fool who falls for it..."

What Alta had wanted was for Jeong Tae-ui to face his attack head-on, engaging in a test of strength. However, knowing he would likely lose, Jeong Tae-ui had no such desire. This wasn't a fair match to gauge skills, but a real training session where they hit and got hit. There was no reason to take hits needlessly.

So, he had deftly deflected Alta's attack and immediately landed a blow to his face, causing this uproar.

Barely paying attention to Alta's yells, Jeong Tae-ui rummaged through his pockets to hand him a handkerchief. Suddenly, a hand as large as a pot lid swung in from behind and struck the back of Jeong Tae-ui's head hard.


Clutching the back of his head, which had been struck with a resounding thud, Jeong Tae-ui shed a tear as he turned around to see Carlo, who had just finished a match with his opponent, standing there with a half-amused, half-pretend angry expression.

"If you keep using tricks like that, one day you'll get a serious beating. Do it properly, properly."

"Ugh... I've heard that five times, and this is the sixth time my trick has worked."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered as if he was unfairly treated. Then, Alta came right up next to him and screamed.

"If I had known beforehand, who do you think would have fallen for it!"

"If you know in advance, no one falls for a direct attack."

Jeong Tae-ui made a very reasonable argument, but Alta was still furious and kept yelling.

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled, okay, okay, I get it, and stepped away from him. Then, he suddenly stopped as he bumped into someone standing behind him.

"Ah, sorry."

"Watch where you're going. And do something about that noisy guy on your team."

The person who Jeong Tae-ui had bumped into grumbled, frowning. He was from another team.

While Jeong Tae-ui raised his eyebrows and stared blankly, the man brushed off his shoulder where they had collided and walked away.

"What's with that guy?"

"He's from Instructor Golding's team. Annoying guy."

"Do you know him?"

"I know his face and name, but if you're asking about personal relations, I don't know him."

Carlo shrugged and shook his head. Alta, who had managed to stop the bleeding and was returning the handkerchief, muttered about the guy's stiff attitude.

"Did something bad happen with that team? Everyone's a bit awkward."

"Nothing bad. But nothing particularly good either. It's just the way it is."

"Just the way it is?"

"There's more competition than cooperation, so there's no reason to be friendly."

"...This place is really bleak, isn't it?"

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head. They had bad relations with other branches and weren't on good terms within their own teams. What kind of human relations did they have here?

If he stayed here long, he’d lose his sense of humanity.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and crouched down, holding his wooden sword. At that moment, he got hit on the back of the head again.


This time it was lighter than Carlo's hit, but being hit in the same spot made it hurt twice as much. As Jeong Tae-ui held his head in pain, there was another loud slap sound, and Alta, next to him, also clutched his head.

"Who's taking a break during a sparring match? And Alta, you're his sparring partner, right? While he's sitting, you should be mercilessly beating him."

The person who spoke with a cheerful smile was none other than his uncle, who seemed to have long abandoned any sense of propriety.

Jeong Tae-ui glared at him with tear-filled eyes and muttered.

"Why is Instructor Jeong here? It's not even his time right now."

But there was no answer.

As Jeong Tae-ui said, his uncle should have been discussing strategy in the West Wing Lecture Hall No. 3, but perhaps he had other business to attend to, as he walked over to the instructor in charge of the second martial arts training. Behind him, a man glanced at Jeong Tae-ui and smiled silently before following his uncle.

"Oh, it's the driver."

Jeong Tae-ui blurted out.

It was the man who had driven the car when they arrived at this place from Hong Kong. Now in a formal uniform, he looked more stern than before, but there was no doubt it was him.

"Driver? Ah, you mean Captain Kang? Well, he does drive the instructor's car."

"What's a captain?"

"He's one of us, but to put it simply, he's a comprehensive secretary to the instructor. He drives, helps with work, and acts as a guard."

The rank structure that was said to be simple kept revealing more layers the more he explored it.

Acts as a guard? Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself, overhearing the murmurs of other colleagues.

"The instructors have been at each other's throats lately. I heard Chang fought with Golding not long ago."

"Yeah, it's probably because of that. Promotion to General Director. Moving to headquarters."

"Then it makes sense to fight over results. Not that it matters much to us who becomes General Director or Deputy Director."

"It's not something to laugh about. Remember when the South America branch was overturned? Several people died in the intense infighting. If things get serious here, who knows what might happen."

"Hey, let's stop this, it's scaring me. We should just focus on keeping ourselves alive."

Jeong Tae-ui propped his chin on the hilt of his wooden sword and stared silently at his uncle. Conversations like these were making him increasingly resentful. Among all the members here, even if only one person were to die, judging by his fighting skills and strength, Jeong Tae-ui would be among the first to go. He had practically reserved the first spot for death.

"Indeed, the only thing to rely on is luck... Dear Jae-ui, please share some of that luck with me..."

It seemed sighing had become a habit since arriving here.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed deeply once more and stood up with a grunt.

Alta moved on to the next round, and a new sparring partner approached. Since the teams were mixed for sparring, the opponent wasn't from his own team. He had faced unfamiliar faces several times already.

This time, the new sparring partner was the man from Golding's team whom he had bumped into earlier. The opponent also seemed to recognize Jeong Tae-ui, furrowing his brow. Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head and muttered awkwardly.

He didn't want to get to know him like this. He sighed again and gripped his wooden sword. Even though it was a wooden sword, it was heavier than the standard one, and getting hit with it would be extremely painful, even with protective gear. If you were unlucky and got hit wrong, you'd end up in the infirmary.

Jeong Tae-ui hadn't even been here a week, yet he'd already visited the infirmary more than ten times. Four of those visits were due to his sparring partner getting injured and needing to be helped there, and the rest were because he himself had been knocked down and needed to go. The infirmary was also on the second basem*nt floor, where the lecture halls and training areas were located, so he could find it with his eyes closed now.

He was gradually getting accustomed to the way the branch operated. He had gotten familiar with his colleagues, and while he didn't know the names of everyone from other teams, he recognized their faces. After all, there were only about a hundred people, and during formal training sessions, they constantly faced each other and sometimes ended up beating each other up. If you got beaten badly, you'd remember the face of the person who did it to pay them back.

Today's martial arts training focused on wooden swords. The only rule was to use the wooden sword effectively, which made the sparring sessions feel a lot like actual fights.

Jeong Tae-ui observed his opponent's movements. As their wooden swords clashed, a hard sound echoed. At the same time, his wrist throbbed from the strain. This guy seemed to be just as strong.

"Alright then..."

Jeong Tae-ui grabbed his opponent's collar abruptly and spun around.

His opponent, momentarily caught off guard, found an opening and struck with his wooden sword without hesitation. The pain was excruciating. This guy had not only brute strength but also no sense of restraint.

Swallowing his curses, Jeong Tae-ui endured the blows, letting go of the wooden sword in one hand. He then used both hands to grip his opponent's collar and threw him over his shoulder.

The struggle was worth it. His opponent, despite resisting and staggering for a moment, eventually landed on his back on the ground.

Jeong Tae-ui picked up the wooden sword he had thrown aside and straightened his collar as his opponent started to get up. The look of shock on the man's face was unmistakable.

"Hey, you don't mean to—"

"Now it's your turn to take some hits."

With an indifferent expression, Jeong Tae-ui rolled up his sleeves and began to pummel the man. Though his opponent quickly got up, Jeong Tae-ui managed to land twice as many blows.

When the man was fully on his feet, Jeong Tae-ui stopped the beating. The man, clutching his arm and thigh, shouted furiously with his face flushed red.

"Hey, you brute! Don't you know how to fight properly?!"

"What do you mean? You just experienced it."

Jeong Tae-ui replied nonchalantly, blinking his eyes. Behind him, Alta — having already forgotten about the similar beating he had received earlier — was shaking with laughter.

The man, his face flushed red, rushed at Jeong Tae-ui with his barehanded, without any weapons. Seeing the man grab his collar and clench his fist to punch him in the jaw, Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly and lightly struck the man's neck with the wooden sword he was holding.


"Knowing full well that the opponent is holding a weapon, what do you think you're doing rushing at me barehanded... You should take care of yourself."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke slowly, frowning as if feeling sorry. The man, clutching his neck with one hand while not letting go of Jeong Tae-ui's collar, staggered back a couple of steps, and in the process, tore Jeong Tae-ui's upper garment.

"Hey, listen to what that guy's saying. He’s telling him to take care of himself. What a cat-and-mouse game."

"That bastard. If something bad happens next time due to internal conflict, the victim will surely be that guy."

He could hear his colleagues whispering behind him.

Jeong Tae-ui, looking blankly at his now exposed chest, glared fiercely at them upon hearing their words.

"I can hear you."

"Well, unless you have something stuffed in your ears, of course you can hear. Oh, look, it's all visible. Wow, your pink nipples are cute."


This is why he doesn’t associate with guys like this and is only attracted to cute and loveable young men. If someone with the same preferences as him had said something like that, how disgusting would it have felt? If it were a honey-like young man, he could willingly offer a hundred nipples as bait and catch that whole body, but hearing such words from guys like these isn't pleasant at all.

Jeong Tae-ui frowned deeply and roughly gathered his clothes, tying the ends together. The guy who got struck on the neck by Jeong Tae-ui’s wooden sword was still standing still like a statue, clutching his neck and breathing heavily, seemingly in quite a bit of pain.

"Why are your clothes in such a state? The budget manager will be angry."

Jeong Tae-ui's uncle, who was leaving after finishing his business, looked him up and down and laughed.

"It's only natural for clothes to get worn out and torn during training, isn't it?"

"Those clothes aren't torn from wear and tear. Anyway, even if the view is spectacular, it's awkward for people to see. Go to Xin Lu and ask for new clothes. While you're at it, show off your figure a bit too."

His uncle smiled subtly and went out.

After that, irritating voices chimed in, saying things like, ‘You'll get to see Xin Lu's face,’ ‘While you're at it, just change clothes in front of him,’ and ‘We'll understand if you come back a bit late,’ while laughing slyly.

Jeong Tae-ui, who could maintain a perfect poker face in almost all situations, couldn't hide his feelings when it came to Xin Lu. His face would instantly flush, and he'd hesitate, making it impossible for anyone not to notice. Because of this, everyone on the team knew that Jeong Tae-ui had feelings for Xin Lu. Xin Lu himself probably knew too.

Regarding this, Jeong Tae-ui felt not just relief but also a kind of gratitude.

At first, his colleagues tilted their heads, puzzled by Jeong Tae-ui's behavior around Xin Lu, and eventually, one of them tentatively asked, ‘Are you into guys?’ At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui thought about denying it. Memories from his time in the military surfaced.

Having more than friendly feelings for the same sex or having physical relationships had been a serious handicap back then. It had also been a reason why his relationships with his comrades weren't smooth.

However, he didn't think he could hide such things, nor did he want to, so Jeong Tae-ui nodded, looking them in the eye seriously.

But his colleagues' reactions were surprisingly indifferent. Just a couple of remarks like, ‘Oh, I see,’ and that was it.

‘I've been rolling around in this tough field for years; that much doesn't even surprise me. Just don't make it too obvious. ...Ah. I like women, so don't like me!’

Understanding Jeong Tae-ui's confused expression, Carlo had muttered indifferently, then gave him a serious piece of advice. Then, with a wide grin, he had added,

‘So, you like Xin Lu, huh. Hmm... You know office romances are forbidden, right?’

With his words, the teasing started. From then on, all his colleagues treated it the same way. It became a running joke that would last a hundred years.

Faced with his colleagues' peculiar yet normal attitude, Jeong Tae-ui felt a sense of relief as he recalled his horrible memories from the past.

However, hearing those teasing remarks also made him feel a surge of irritation.

“If you’re jealous, why don’t you guys tear your clothes and go with me? Not that you’d have anyone to show those unimpressive bodies to.”

Jeong Tae-ui said this boldly, looking at his colleagues with a brazen face. The colleagues who had been laughing and teasing him until just moments ago quickly became furious and started shouting.

“Unimpressive, you say? Look at my magnificent muscles!”

“This beautifully tanned skin! The V-shaped body! Women go crazy over it!”

“It still looks brutish and unbalanced. ...Not to mention, you don't have charming pink nipples like mine as a focal point.”

Jeong Tae-ui, with a blatant mocking look, scanned them from head to toe and then walked off, snorting for them to hear.

He could hear his colleagues shouting behind him, but having heard it many times, it was no different than the buzzing of flies.


Reflecting back, Jeong Tae-ui realized he had never been in a romantic relationship.

He had felt his heart race when looking at someone, but that person had disappeared before he could even recognize his feelings. He had had numerous experiences of sleeping with others, but none could be called a relationship.

There was a young man he had hung out with and shared a bed with for a while — the very one from the knife incident — but they weren’t in a relationship. Thinking back on his later actions, it was incomprehensible, but in the beginning, it had hurt Jeong Tae-ui. He had thought to himself, ‘I guess I’m only fated to have shallow relationships with everyone.’

Since then, he hadn't met anyone who struck his heart, and life in the military became so hard that he had no time to think about anything else.

So these feelings were very unfamiliar to him. But they weren't bad. On the contrary, even though it was unrequited love, it made him feel good. Just the experience of feeling happy by looking at someone was new to him.

“Excuse me—”

As Jeong Tae-ui stepped into the office and spoke, there were four men inside. Three officers and one deputy.

Seeing the deputy, whom he had formally greeted the day after he arrived, Jeong Tae-ui straightened his posture and gave a slight nod. The deputy, who seemed to have just finished his business, nodded back at Jeong Tae-ui and walked past him.

Rudolph Gentil. He was his uncle’s immediate superior.

Jeong Tae-ui had only exchanged formal greetings with him briefly and didn’t know much about him, but from what he had heard, Gentil was not someone to be underestimated despite his seemingly gentle demeanor.

Jeong Tae-ui had skeptically asked if that meant Jantil was a cunning person, but he received only vague answers in return.

It didn’t matter much to him. As long as his superior could keep him alive for the next six months, Jeong Tae-ui didn’t care if he was rotten to the core.

“Tae-ui hyung? What brings you here? …And what happened to your clothes?”

Jeong Tae-ui, who had been watching the deputy’s back, turned his head at the familiar, soft voice.

Xin Lu, who was sitting closest to the door, looked a bit surprised at Jeong Tae-ui’s torn attire.

“Oh? Ah. I was sparring. I came to get new clothes. Is that okay?”

Jeong Tae-ui smiled awkwardly, fiddling with the torn edges of his clothes. Xin Lu replied, Of course, and stood up, going into the adjoining room to fetch new clothes.

“Thanks. What should I do with these? Should I take them off and give them to you, or just throw them away?”

“Hmm... It’s hard to mend clothes that are torn like this. You can just throw them away. ...You’re not hurt, are you?”

“Getting hurt is a daily occurrence, don’t worry. I’m fine. Thanks for your concern.”

When Jeong Tae-ui smiled shyly, Xin Lu also smiled slightly and whispered, “Take care of yourself.”

Xin Lu, the youngest among the people at this branch, had been startled when he saw Jeong Tae-ui again within an hour after their encounter in the bathroom that day. However, that quickly changed, and after a few more encounters and conversations, he started calling Jeong Tae-ui “hyung” and became quite affectionate.


Xin Lu’s crown of hair, as he assessed the torn collar and considered whether it could be mended, was right under Jeong Tae-ui’s gaze. The faint smell of soap tickled his nose. He wanted to touch it.

As Jeong Tae-ui's fingers twitched, debating whether to touch the crown of Xin Lu's head, Xin Lu lifted his head, causing Jeong Tae-ui to quickly lower his hand, giving up on the idea. If his uncle had seen, he would have clicked his tongue and called him a coward.

"You worked hard today. There’s not much time left in the regular workday."

When Xin Lu said that with a smile, Jeong Tae-ui realized that it was already late afternoon. Turning his head, he saw that the sky outside was tinged with reddish clouds. Being underground most of the time, it was hard to keep track of time without looking at a clock.

"The color of the sky is really beautiful..."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured in awe. It wasn’t just because he was always cooped up underground and rarely saw the sky. The actual mix of blue and reddish-purple spreading across the sky was truly beautiful.

"They say there are snakes outside?"

"What? Yes. They come out a lot at night. But that's mostly in the forest; it's fine near the coast."

"Hmm... Want to go together?"

".....Right now?"

Xin Lu asked in a small, slightly confused voice. Jeong Tae-ui nodded with a smile. He inwardly admired himself.

See, I can casually ask someone out if I want to. I'm not just some shy, blushing guy who stands around awkwardly. In clubs, he was known for being quick... Well, that's not something to brag about, so let's skip that.

Jeong Tae-ui felt proud of himself, but his face was already turning a ripe red.

Xin Lu looked at him with a strange expression. It seemed like he was trying not to laugh, but he also looked a bit troubled. Seeing this, Jeong Tae-ui felt a slight jolt, but he was relieved that at least Xin Lu didn't seem displeased.

"Um... Do you not want to?"

"It's not that I don't want to, but I haven't finished my work yet. You should go alone, hyung. The breeze seems just right."

Xin Lu shook his head with a soft smile. Jeong Tae-ui felt disappointed but tried not to show it, muttering, I see, okay. Suddenly, the sky and everything else felt gloomy.

He thought about going out alone, but as his previously inflated heart deflated, that idea also faded. Thinking about how people can be so capricious — getting excited all by themselves and then disappointed just as easily — Jeong Tae-ui inwardly smiled bitterly.

"Okay, then finish your work, and let's meet again later. Hang in there."

"Wait, Tae-ui hyung. …Ah, hey, hyung!"

Jeong Tae-ui was heading out of the office, but then Xin Lu, who seemed hesitant for a moment, stepped up to the threshold of the office and called out to him. Jeong Tae-ui, looking back with a curious expression, saw Xin Lu smiling shyly.

"How about we go together tomorrow or the day after? I know a great spot where not many people go."

"Huh? …Oh… really?"

"Yes, if that's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay. …Sure, just let me know when you're done with work. I don't have anything else to do after the regular hours."

Jeong Tae-ui, taken aback by the sudden proposal, nodded quickly while fumbling with the communicator issued by the unit. "You can call me anytime," he added unnecessarily.

Xin Lu, smiling brightly, nodded and went back inside the office. Left alone in the hallway, Jeong Tae-ui stared at the spot where Xin Lu had stood for a moment before clenching his fist silently. See, it's worth trying to talk. Even if not today, he had secured a chance to be alone with Xin Lu tomorrow or the day after.

Unable to suppress the smile that kept creeping up on his lips, Jeong Tae-ui turned around, feeling uplifted.

His mood improved instantly, making him feel like going outside and enjoying the surroundings. But since he was planning to go out with Xin Lu soon, it was better to save his outdoor outing for then.

Humming a tune, Jeong Tae-ui headed for the elevator. However, while waiting for the elevator that was stopped at the 5th basem*nt level, he shook his head.

There was still some time left in the regular work hours. Normally, he would go back. His original plan had been to skip out with Xin Lu. Just because that plan had changed now didn’t mean he felt like going back to finish his training.

If he didn’t go back, he might face some consequences later, but his already excited mind didn't want to return.

"...In times like these, it's best to lounge in a room full of food and things to read…"

Muttering to himself, Jeong Tae-ui turned from the elevator and took the stairs down.

His destination was his uncle's room, well-stocked with food and reading material. The key dangling in his pocket jangled pleasantly with each step.

On the way to his uncle's room from the 1st basem*nt floor, as usual, he didn't encounter anyone. This floor was truly deserted. A murder could happen here, and it would take a while for anyone to notice — well, that wouldn't happen. There were surveillance cameras installed everywhere.

Jeong Tae-ui made his way to his uncle's room, pointing out each inconspicuous camera on the way. Before entering his uncle's room, he gave a polite nod to the camera at the door and knocked on the door.

Knocking on the door was pointless. If his uncle was inside, the door wouldn't be locked, and if he wasn't, it would be locked. So, knocking wasn't necessary but it was a polite thing to do. It wouldn't even serve to announce his presence. His uncle would have already known someone was approaching the door when he turned the corner.

After knocking on the door a couple of times and pausing briefly, he pulled the doorknob. The door was locked. Jeong Tae-ui raised an eyebrow and took a key out of his pocket. It was a key he had received with the owner's permission. His uncle had readily given him the key, saying he could come anytime to read any book he wanted.

The room was as neatly organized as always. Everything necessary was there, yet sometimes it didn't even feel like someone lived there.

"My uncle surprisingly has a bleak side..."

The room, immaculate without a speck of dust, always felt this way when his uncle wasn't around. It was like a model room where no one lived. This faintly resembled the hidden side of his uncle, making Jeong Tae-ui sigh.

Jeong Tae-ui opened the refrigerator at his leisure, took out a can of beer, and drank it down in one gulp before throwing himself onto the impeccably made bed. Rolling around on the bed with just the right amount of firmness, he finally caught a hint of human presence. Lying on his stomach, he reached for a book from the bookshelf within arm's reach.

Every day, after finishing his regular work and if he had nothing else to do, he would come here, lie down, and read a book. Dozens of pages a day, slowly savoring each sentence.

Looking at the bookshelf filled with rare books, he thought Jeong Jae-ui would love it. Or maybe he had already read all these books.

Though there was no reason to worry about that fortunate person, he was curious. What was he doing now? Had he returned home? Was he holed up in some library or research lab, engrossed in books for days without sleep?

He had called home yesterday as a test, but no one answered. Considering the late hour close to midnight, it seemed right to assume he was still wandering somewhere.

Suddenly, he recalled the image of him pretending to cut the thread of fate with his fingers.

He didn't truly think that he hated him or wanted to sever their relationship. But, how should he put it? At that moment, he felt a strange feeling.

He was always so lucky that everything went as he wanted. So, when he pretended to cut their ties, it felt like their connection would really be severed.

Maybe at that moment, the bond between him and Jeong Jae-ui was severed. If so, would they never meet again in the future?

"I don't like that... It doesn't even feel real."

Lying down, Jeong Tae-ui spread his hand and looked at it. He searched for the traces of the invisible red thread that might have been tied to his pinky finger, as his brother had said. But could it really be cut?

Jeong Tae-ui wiggled his pinky finger a few times, as if to see if the invisible red thread would sway.

It was then. As Jeong Tae-ui lay absentmindedly, staring at his hand, a quiet mechanical sound reached his ears. It was a sound he had heard before. Turning his head, he saw the phone with its red light blinking.


Staring blankly at the endlessly flashing phone and its mechanical sound, he wondered if he should answer someone else's phone. He knew it would be easier and less troublesome not to answer, but the persistent ringing made it difficult to ignore.

Jeong Tae-ui got off the bed and looked at the caller ID on the phone monitor. There was no reason for him to know numbers that might call his uncle, but he slowly traced the unfamiliar number.

It was an international call. If it started with 49... Germany, perhaps. The digits that followed were probably the area code, but he couldn't tell for sure.

In the meantime, the call ended. Jeong Tae-ui returned to the bed and picked up a book. However, once thoughts of his brother surfaced, they refused to fade, so he covered his face with the book. His brother often slept like this. When asked if it wasn't heavy, his brother would counter by asking what was heavy about a book with only a few hundred pages. It was amazing that despite always sleeping with something on his face, his brother's features remained intact.

Come to think of it, he didn't resemble his brother much. Although they were twins, they had no similar features that matched the term. Not their faces, hair, personalities, or fortunes.

"Still, I have a better face. Even if I can't beat him in anything else."

In truth, their appearances were so different that it was hard to say who was better looking.

Jeong Tae-ui pulled the book slightly down from his face and turned his gaze. From his current position, he couldn't see his reflection, but there was a large mirror hanging next to the desk.

Jeong Tae-ui got up again, approached the mirror, and brought his face close to it. A man with a calm expression looked back at him from the mirror. Though he hadn't yet lived half his life, he felt a bit weary.

He ran his hand over his face in the mirror. The cold touch of the winter surface transmitted to his fingertips.

As he traced around his eyes, nose, and mouth, the lamp blinked again. Almost simultaneously, the mechanical sound rang. It was another call from the same number.

This time, he didn't wait long before answering. Calls that came in succession like this would come again shortly if left unanswered.

"Yes, hello."

He pressed the lamp, and the monitor lit up. The screen showed the view from the other end of the receiver.

Nothing was visible. A white wall. Only the corner of a picture frame was faintly visible at the edge of the screen. With such a small screen, there was no way to discern what was depicted in that indistinguishable colored picture.

‘......Ah, it's the nephew again.’

A voice he had heard somewhere before said. Then, a hand appeared on the screen, reaching over to brace itself on the desk in front of the phone. He remembered that hand well. It was a remarkably beautiful hand, hard to forget.

"Oh, the hand."


Jeong Tae-ui muttered reflexively, and a puzzled response came from the other side.

"The hand."

Jeong Tae-ui realized he had responded wrongly for a moment but casually tapped the white hand on the monitor. The hand moved within the screen, as if examining itself.

"Such a beautiful hand, it's easy to remember."

‘Ha-ha, thank you. That's the first time I've heard that compliment, so my hand must be delighted.’

The man on the other side of the monitor laughed. It was still a mechanical voice, but it didn't bother Jeong Tae-ui as much as the first time he heard it.

‘Is Instructor Jeong in the shower again? You must visit often, as you’re his nephew.’

"No, my uncle isn't here. I just came to read. There are a lot of good books in his room."

‘Ah, Instructor Jeong has good taste.’

The white hand tapped the desk cheerfully. The glass-like, glossy nails looked extremely cold. Jeong Tae-ui wanted to run his hand over them, those cold shards of glass on each finger.

‘Do you like my hands that much?’


‘You look like you want to eat them up.’

He spoke with a laugh in his voice. Jeong Tae-ui chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Was that obvious? Well, yes, I do envy it. It's not something that suits me, so it's more for admiration."

He added this quickly, suspecting the man might make another joke about giving him his wrist after he died. The man, seemingly guessing Jeong Tae-ui's thoughts, laughed heartily.

Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head. They say you can tell a lot about a person's life by their hands, but he couldn't figure out this man. He didn't seem to do rough work, nor did he appear to spend all day gripping a pen at a desk job. Even as an antique book dealer, he must deal with some tough tasks, but such work didn't seem to align with those hands.


Jeong Tae-ui spoke. Come to think of it, this was the first time he called the man by his name. The man responded naturally, still with a smile in his voice, ‘Yes?’

"When I mentioned that name to my uncle, he seemed puzzled. You must have multiple names."

‘Ahaha, really? Well, Instructor Jeong doesn't call me by my first name. I only have one name. I'm not doing anything shady, so there's no reason to use multiple names.’

"Hmm... That would make sense for an antique book dealer, but... what do you do for a living?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked, drawing out his words for a moment. What kind of job would someone with such hands have?

The man remained silent for a while. The white hand continued to tap the desk, softly. It seemed more like he was deep in thought, gazing steadily at Jeong Tae-ui from beyond the lens with a cool gaze.

After what felt like a brief moment of contemplation, the man slowly answered.

‘Sometimes I help my brother with the family business. Since he will probably take over, as for me... I'm not sure what I'll do for a living. I haven't thought about it, but hearing you say that makes me worry.’

Listening to the man's voice, which showed no signs of actual concern, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly started to worry about his own future.

If he got out of here safely in half a year, he would be jobless. According to his uncle, the experience of being here would be enough to secure a job, but what kind of work could he do to make a living? He wasn't even sure what he wanted.

"After I was discharged, I completely fell apart..."

He muttered with a deep sigh, and it seemed his words carried over to the other side.

‘Discharged? Were you a soldier? Well, sometimes people come here from the military. But it's interesting. Jeong Jae-ui's brother was a soldier... Haha.’

The man chuckled softly, his tone carrying a subtle nuance. Jeong Tae-ui raised an eyebrow and then smiled wryly, looking at the man's white hand.

"Why? Is it funny that the brainy older brother has a brawny younger brother?"

This time, the man laughed loudly, as if he had just heard a great joke. He slowly shook his white hand.

‘Not at all, that's not what I meant. Besides, you don't seem to have the kind of physique to confidently call yourself brawny. Maybe in a different sense, but I wouldn't know. ...My apologies.’

At the man's laughter, Jeong Tae-ui made a bitter face but said, It's okay.

‘No, what I meant was that it's interesting how the older brother develops weapons while the younger brother is the one who might fall victim to them. A soldier is more often a victim than a user, isn't he?’

Jeong Tae-ui paused, resting his chin on his hand, and mulled over what the man had said.

The latter part didn't matter. The important part was the first few words.

The man seemed to notice Jeong Tae-ui's peculiar expression as he stared at the white hand. After a moment of thought, he appeared to realize why and murmured awkwardly.

‘Oh. You didn't know?’

"...Yeah. I didn't know my brother was involved in weapons development."

Jeong Tae-ui laughed softly to himself, thinking how strange it was that someone else knew something about his brother that he didn't.

Jeong Tae-ui and Jeong Jae-ui weren't estranged, but they weren't the type to share everything either. They were moderately close, typical siblings. Since Jeong Tae-ui graduated from high school, he rarely stayed at home, and Jeong Jae-ui was often away as well. They didn't know much about each other's daily lives. It wasn't until he came here that he learned Jeong Jae-ui was treated as a special researcher at the UNHRDO's North American headquarters.

But weapons development?

When did he do that? Was it at the UNHRDO? Or perhaps before or after? They never talked much about their work because neither of them found it interesting.


Jeong Tae-ui smiled bitterly. He knew that weapons were a necessary evil, but he had seen too many of their adverse effects.

‘Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. People who know, know, but it's still classified, so I hope you'll keep that in mind.’

"I don't really want to go around saying my brother develops weapons."

‘Ha ha. You don't seem to like the idea. But your brother is known as a genius in this field.’

"Even if he's a genius at making weapons, it doesn't make me happy."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, then suddenly raised an eyebrow. He stroked his chin for a moment and then chuckled.

"So, judging by the way you talk, you must be in the weapons business too?"

The man fell silent again. This silence was longer. Without the occasional movement of his hand, Jeong Tae-ui might have thought the call had been disconnected.

Finally, the man laughed softly, almost like a sigh.

‘To be precise, my brother is in that business. I did say I help with the family business sometimes, didn't I?’

"The family business is related to weapons?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked incredulously. Then it dawned on him. This man was no antique book dealer. He was a dealer, but the items he dealt with were not books, but weapons.

"So, you make a living by selling weapons..."

‘Not me, my brother. It seems you really don't like it. For the past few years, the rocket launcher your brother designed has consistently ranked in the top of the market.’

"Wow. A world without war must be some dreamland idea coming from someone living in a very fortunate country... If I meet Jae-ui hyung, I'll give him a piece of my mind."

The man laughed. Despite stirring up some serious turmoil in Jeong Tae-ui's mind, the man seemed completely unbothered and calm.

‘Scary. So, are you planning to cut ties with your precious brother?’

"Why would I care? He was the one who cut ties and left first."


The man's tone shifted to one of intrigue. Jeong Tae-ui wanted to see his face. He was probably looking at the monitor with a slow, subtle smile.

‘I didn't know you two had such a bad relationship. I thought you were quite close. Did you have a fight? I never thought Jae-ui would be the type to suggest cutting ties with his younger brother.’

"He said he'd cut the thread connecting us and left home that day. He's been missing ever since."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, holding up his pinky finger. It wasn't the whole truth, but it conveyed the gist. The man was silent for a moment before speaking.

‘Ha ha. Jae-ui did that? That's interesting.’

"It might be interesting to you, but for me, it's a family crisis."

The man laughed even more, clearly amused. The sound of mechanical laughter was quite strange.

“You seem to be in a good mood."

‘No... It's just that you two are quite different. I thought twins would have some similarities, but you two have different faces, different personalities. It's interesting.’

"Have you met my brother?"

'Yeah. I only met him briefly. I was quite surprised by how young he looked.'

That was something Jeong Tae-ui had encountered many times. People who had heard about Jeong Jae-ui and managed to track him down were always shocked to see how young he was. It was rare for anyone not to express their surprise.

But this man didn't seem that old himself.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at the white hand, even though he knew one couldn't tell someone's age just by looking at their hands.

He decided not to pry into personal matters and changed the subject.

"So, are you very similar to your brother who deals in weapons?"

'Well. I haven't heard that we look alike often, but my brother and I aren't twins. We're quite a few years apart.'

Jeong Tae-ui scoffed at the idea that age had anything to do with sibling resemblance and waved his hand dismissively.

Then the man paused. He turned slightly, as if someone had come up behind him or some noise had caught his attention. Perhaps he did live closely with his family, helping with the family business as he mentioned.

'I'm afraid I have to go now. Let's talk again another time.'

"Oh? Ah, okay. But what about your business with my uncle?"

'I'll call back later. Bye-bye.'

The white hand waved slightly. Then the call ended. The monitor went dark again.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and pressed the lamp again. The room fell silent once more.

Tap, tap, Jeong Tae-ui tapped the desk, mimicking the motion of the white hand he had just seen on the monitor. He stood there like a statue, feeling his thoughts begin to tangle. However, on second thought, it wasn't something he needed to worry about right now.

"Screw it... I'll just live in a world where wars break out. It's not like I'm going to join an anti-war movement."

Yeah, there are professional soldiers out there who need to make a living too, he muttered to himself as he threw himself onto the bed.

Thud, his foot hit the corner of the bed. It hurt like hell.


As expected, he got busted big time.

The next morning, more than 30 minutes before the regular schedule started, Jeong Tae-ui was called out by Instructor Golding from the second martial arts training division. It was no surprise, considering he had disappeared for over 30 minutes after the roll call. In fact, he had been called right after the roll call the previous evening, but Jeong Tae-ui had stubbornly stayed put in his uncle's bed.

He paid for it in the morning by being dragged out before the schedule started and getting a thorough beating, leaving him physically exhausted and stumbling into the morning's regular classes.

The morning session was entirely devoted to combat analysis and hadn't started yet.

The classroom, equipped with a large screen, wasn't very spacious, more like a slightly large seminar room. The team members were already sitting in a circle, maintaining a quiet silence.

As Jeong Tae-ui entered the room, the instructor glared at him but said nothing, probably already aware of the situation from Instructor Golding.

Jeong Tae-ui quietly found a seat, sitting down next to Tou, who grinned.

"Had a good date with Golding? Getting called out right after breakfast, you guys must be close."

"Yeah, close enough to burn to death."

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled at Tou, who was teasing him, but quickly ducked his head when the instructor up front glared at him again. Tou pretended not to notice and looked straight ahead.

"As you all know, the joint training with the European branch is approaching. Today, we'll be reviewing the records from the last joint exercise as part of our combat analysis. Here, this is the footage from last year's joint training."

As Jeong Tae-ui jabbed Tou's side mercilessly, the instructor pressed the controller key. The dark screen lit up, displaying a video. The quality wasn't great, but it was clear enough to recognize the content.

“Hey, that hurts!”

Tou muttered, his face twisted in a grimace, but Jeong Tae-ui ignored him, focusing on the screen.

"Shut up and watch. It's the joint training record.”

Jeong Tae-ui replied curtly. Tou, attempting to retaliate, extended his hand, but Carlo, who couldn't stand it anymore, lightly kicked Tou's chair from behind. With a small clunk, the instructor's icy gaze darted their way. The video paused.

"You there. Do you want to watch this during your free time after regular hours?"

The instructor's frosty voice cut through the air. Tou immediately straightened up, adopting a serious posture.

"No, sir. Absolutely not."

"Sorry. We'll be quiet."

Jeong Tae-ui had learned the hard way this morning that it was best to comply without resistance. The same applied to Tou, who had been here longer. Challenging a superior here was a losing battle.

The hierarchy was clear: the chief and vice-chief, followed by the instructor, and then the members. The position of an instructor was not to be underestimated. In UNHRDO, they were instructors, but in other organizations, they could easily occupy senior positions.

The instructor, whose hair was beginning to gray, glared at them before grabbing the controller again.

"If you want to survive even one more day, don't neglect your studies. Pay close attention."

As the instructor finished speaking, the video resumed.

It was a record of last year's joint training with the European branch. The footage wasn't continuous but seemed to be edited, cutting out unnecessary parts and focusing on crucial scenes.

The lecture hall, initially quiet as the video began, gradually buzzed with murmurs as the content progressed. Everyone watched the footage intently, engaging in brief, hushed conversations with their partners. These discussions, though informal, were more akin to a quick analysis than idle chatter.

Jeong Tae-ui, who had never experienced a joint exercise before, listened to the snippets of conversation around him while focusing on the screen.

"What do you think? Less than ten days left. Do you think you can keep up after watching that?"

Tou, tilting his head, whispered softly. Jeong Tae-ui, resting his chin on his clasped hands, continued to gaze at the screen without breaking eye contact.

"It looks like a well-organized brawl. The main goal seems to be to team up with your side and take down the opponents at all costs... I need to watch out for myself. I'm not feeling too confident."

Among the men brawling on the screen, there were familiar faces. Some of the colleagues sitting in the lecture hall appeared occasionally, but they wore expressions Jeong Tae-ui had never seen before. Those were faces truly standing on the edge between life and death. If they lost, they would surely die.

No lethal weapons were provided. The guns were paintball or air guns, and the knives had dulled edges, incapable of cutting flesh. Formally, it was just training.

But everyone here knew that even such equipment could kill.

"Aha, there's Tou making a fool of himself."

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled, pointing at the screen. The man beside him grimaced. On the screen, Tou was seen losing his balance after stepping on a fallen opponent while trying to land a decisive blow, resulting in a weak punch and an immediate counterattack from his adversary.

Tou muttered, grumbling about why such moments were filmed, while another man, Yuen-ho, who had been chuckling beside him, soon saw himself on the screen and scowled.

"This is embarrassing. They should show some successful cases instead of just our team's screw-ups. It's embarrassing to watch."

"You damn idiot... Are you so confident that none of your mistakes will show up?!"

"It's not easy to cut your life short with such a basic mistake."

Tou could only choke on his words at the sight of Jeong Tae-ui's joyful smile. He rolled up his sleeves, preparing to confront Jeong Tae-ui, when suddenly the surroundings fell eerily silent. In that strangely cold atmosphere, Tou glanced back at the video, and Jeong Tae-ui also turned his gaze forward.

An edited video clip was playing on the screen. Although it was an edited video, only the unnecessary parts at the beginning and end were cut out, with the main part still intact.

In it, there was a man.

His face was so pale that it was devoid of any color. He was tall and seemed to be lost in thought, gazing down at his feet. He had a neat appearance that didn't seem to fit in such a video; he would look more appropriate in a model photo shoot.

".....He looks like he would be cute if he smiled."

Jeong Tae-ui, who murmured this to himself, adding that the man looked pitiful with his face completely pale, momentarily met Tou's eyes, who looked at him as if seeing a ghost. It wasn't just Tou. Colleagues sitting within earshot stared at Jeong Tae-ui with eyes wide open in astonishment — maybe even glaring.

Why are they all like this, Jeong Tae-ui thought, meeting their gazes head-on before turning his attention back to the screen.

The man in the video didn't even have a weapon. His hands were empty, except for the black gloves he wore. It didn't seem like he was hiding any other weapon either. His fitted shirt and pants were simple and unadorned.

Did they put the wrong video in? No, but the background is definitely our branch.

Jeong Tae-ui, who was watching the screen with curiosity, his chin resting on his hand and his fingers rubbing his lips, made eye contact with the man the next moment. When the man's jet-black eyes looked this way like glass, his heart almost dropped.

The man, who must have been looking at the surveillance camera installed on a high wall, blinked once and faintly smiled. When a smile spread across his previously expressionless and melancholic eyes, Jeong Tae-ui realized that the man might be younger than him. Though it was hard to guess his age from his appearance, there was a faint hint of youth in his smiling face.

The man tilted his head slightly and approached the camera. He then reached out his hand, filling the screen with his black glove.

However, before the screen was completely covered in darkness, the hand paused. Beyond the retreating hand, another man appeared behind him. He was a rather large man for an Asian.

Seeing the newly appeared man, someone nearby whispered, "Kiyomi." Jeong Tae-ui, recalling where he had heard that name before, soon realized that the man was the previous occupant of the room he was now using, who had injured himself in the last training session and was currently recovering in the hospital.

Kiyomi, the man, was holding a sword. The blade was dulled so that it couldn't cut a person. Despite his pale, almost blue face, Kiyomi did not back down and stared straight at the man. He seemed to be saying something, but there was no sound recorded in the video.

The man approached Kiyomi calmly. His steps were neither slow nor fast, but he approached without hesitation, causing tension to show on Kiyomi's face.

It seemed Kiyomi made a quick decision; he adjusted his grip on the sword, turning the blade downward, and approached the man closely. He then swung his elbow from the outside, aiming at the man while raising the hand holding the sword. Whether the man was hit by the elbow or tried to dodge by bending or moving his body, it was a situation where he would expose a weakness.

The man slowed his steps. Then he reached out, supported himself against the wall, and jumped to the side.

Jeong Tae-ui paused the fingers rubbing his lips, his gaze catching something peculiar.

A black mark was left on the white wall where the man had touched it with his fingertips, as if black dye had leaked from his glove and stained the wall.

What is that?

There was no time to think about it.

Kiyomi's elbow struck the man's chest. It was a blow that could have easily broken ribs.

However, the man merely furrowed his brows slightly. Even so, he grabbed Kiyomi's wrist, which was coming down on him, and smiled when he saw the dulled sword.

The man twisted Kiyomi's wrist. In the soundless video, a silent scream seemed to erupt. The sword fell heavily to the ground.

The man lightly patted his chest a couple of times, as if the pain was only now registering. But his head-tilting expression remained as blank as a mannequin.

Jeong Tae-ui unknowingly clenched his fists. A cold feeling spread in his chest. The surroundings were utterly silent, without a single breath to be heard.

The man grabbed Kiyomi's other arm and wrapped one hand around his neck. Kiyomi's neck fit snugly into the large hand clad in a black glove. The man stroked Kiyomi's neck, almost caressing it.

Again. The black mark trailed behind where the man's hand passed, on Kiyomi's neck.

Jeong Tae-ui frowned, glaring at the mark. It wasn't like the gloves were soaked in black mud from rolling in the dirt, so what on earth could it be…

Then suddenly, he realized.

It wasn't black; it was a deep red streak, so profound it appeared black. Maybe even the glove wasn't black but soaked in some viscous crimson liquid…

Jeong Tae-ui's face paled slightly. As soon as he realized the nature of that crimson color, the man in the video who was gripping Kiyomi's neck placed his thumb at a right angle just above the collarbone and pressed down hard.

"No way...!"

The words slipped from his lips unconsciously. However, he couldn't finish the sentence because the reality recorded in the video was unfolding before his eyes, and his spine chilled, freezing his tongue.

The finger that had pierced through the center of the neck slowly withdrew. The finger was stained even more deeply with that color.

Kiyomi's eyes rolled back, and he convulsed before collapsing, while the man nonchalantly dropped him to the floor. The man rubbed his chest and grimaced as if dissatisfied but soon shook his head and turned away.

He then faced the camera directly. Jeong Tae-ui rubbed his chilled lips with his fingertips. He made eye contact with the man on the screen. It was still a pale, calm face. That face, which had just pierced a man's neck moments ago, didn't look like it belonged to someone who had done such a thing, which made it even more chilling.

The man glanced up at the camera and suddenly smirked. Soon, just as before, the black glove approached and filled the screen, and that was the end of the edited video.

Another video showing men grappling with each other followed, but Jeong Tae-ui's retina was clearly imprinted with the man's last smile. His chest felt cold.

"What was that?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered in a voice so faint it could barely be called a whisper. A low reply came from beside him.

"That's the crazy guy from the Europe branch. The madman Rick, who no one can touch even within the Europe branch."

Tou's voice, filled with dread, also had a hardened expression.

"Not just the Europe branch. He's already known as someone to avoid in the headquarters and all the branches."

The heavy voice of Carlo came from behind.

"Rick Riegrow from the Europe branch. Otherwise known as Mad Rick."


"Because of that guy, Kiyomi was on the brink of death with a tube down his throat. It's fortunate he was treated quickly and survived."

Jeong Tae-ui, who was watching the lingering image of the man in the video now playing for others, slightly frowned and looked back at them.

"And they still don't take any action against him? Even with such clear footage?!"

Carlo let out a bitter, grim laugh.

"Hey, Tae-ui. That was 'training.' Moreover, it was a counterattack by an 'unarmed trainee' against an 'armed trainee.' What you saw was just part of the 'training' process. Got it?"

"Still... it was too obvious he was deliberately killing him. He doesn't even try to hide it; he's been in and out of solitary confinement many times."

Muttering, Tou pointed to the floor with his finger as if he just remembered something.

"Oh, there's solitary confinement on the 7th basem*nt floor. Once you're in there, you come out looking like a skeleton. Well, if you're locked up and tormented for days or even months, it makes sense."

".....In that guy's case, the supervising instructor might end up more emaciated than him."

Half listening to their serious murmurs, Jeong Tae-ui rubbed his goosebump-covered arm. Damn, rip him apart before he tears you apart. No, he wanted to tear his own mouth apart first for having thought that guy would look cute if he smiled.

He thought he had a pretty good eye for people, but this was a complete failure.

Now he understood his colleagues' reactions. Jeong Tae-ui kept rubbing his arm. His chest still felt cold, and his anxious heart wouldn't settle. The pitch-black eyes he met through the screen. The pale face. The black gloves. The dark, crimson traces that emerged from them.


"Alright, did everyone watch carefully? I'll point out some important parts again, so pay close attention."

The instructor lightly tapped the desk in front of him as he spoke. He then started replaying the video they had just watched, this time pausing at key moments.

Jeong Tae-ui took a deep breath, feeling his heart calm down a bit. He quietly watched the videos again.

As a result, Jeong Tae-ui concluded that retreat is the best option in such situations.


The library on the 5th basem*nt floor was always quiet. Perhaps because of this, you could occasionally find people lying down in hidden corners with books covering their faces.

The corner bookshelf where he usually sat and read was already occupied by someone sprawled out, so Jeong Tae-ui crouched down on the other side. There was a large table for six, but sitting there to read would inevitably attract one or two familiar faces who would start bothering him. So, hiding to read was his current strategy, and he even thought it was better since he could fall asleep if he got drowsy.

Jeong Tae-ui opened the book he had found on the shelf. He silently let his gaze scan the pages.

But his quiet, peaceful reading didn't last long. An acquaintance had come into the hidden corner, probably looking for a book.


At the short greeting, Jeong Tae-ui glanced up. It was Yuen-ho. Behind him was Qing.

Yuen-ho stepped closer and tilted the book Jeong Tae-ui was holding slightly.

"What are you reading... The Art of War? You read some strange books sometimes. That won't help you in real combat, you know."

"Do you think there's another book that compiles the Thirty-Six Stratagems so neatly?"

Jeong Tae-ui answered curtly, shaking his book. As he was about to elaborate on the theory that classics are classics for a reason, Yuen-ho backed away, waving his hand as if he had had enough.

"Yeah, yeah, keep at it. The instructor will be thrilled to discuss strategy with you."

Jeong Tae-ui briefly thought of his uncle, who was in charge of strategic theory, but quickly dismissed the idea with a smirk. His uncle wasn't the type to favor model students. If anything, he showed interest in slightly odd characters. The man himself was far from ordinary.

"So why the sudden interest in the Thirty-Six Stratagems? Planning to run away?"

"Well, after watching that training video yesterday, I figured the only way to survive is to be good at escaping. If you're not confident you can win a fight, you better at least know how to run away to prolong your miserable life by a day."

Yuen-ho and Qing laughed, thinking Jeong Tae-ui's nonchalant words were a joke.

"That only works with some people, not everyone. You can't run away from just anyone... But I guess you do seem like the type who'd survive being dropped in the middle of a jungle."

As Qing mumbled, nodding his head, Yuen-ho nodded in agreement too.

Jeong Tae-ui wondered how his image had plummeted in just a few days but didn't feel like denying it, so he just shrugged. Maybe this was what his uncle meant by having a good instinct.

In a very short moment, he could make a decision. He could quickly judge the best course of action, the most efficient way to use his abilities within their limits, what to give up, and what to gain. By weighing himself and his opponent, he could make a swift judgment.

But when facing a monstrous madman, the best course of action was to swallow his pride and seek practical benefit. In other words, run away as soon as they met.

"But still... it doesn't say how to run away most effectively."

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled as he flipped through the pages. The two laughed again, taking it as a joke.

Seeing their grinning faces, Jeong Tae-ui felt a sudden urge to whack them with the book in his hand. He looked back and forth between the book and their faces, but was interrupted by the pager vibrating in his pocket.

Closing the book, Jeong Tae-ui pulled out the pager and tilted his head at the unfamiliar number. It was an internal line within the branch, but he didn't recognize the number. He had memorized the numbers of the instructors who had paged him before.

"Where is 07?"

He asked, staring at the pager with a serious expression. Qing, who had been peering over his shoulder, glanced at the pager too. Though there was no reason to hide it, Jeong Tae-ui pulled the pager back, causing Qing to grumble as he answered.

"07... let's see, if it's 7 on the ground floor, it should be an office."

"An office? Why would they call me there...?"

Muttering to himself with raised eyebrows, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly closed his mouth and stared at Qing, blinking. Qing, feeling uncomfortable under the gaze, stepped back slightly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Uh, could you put this back where it belongs?"

Jeong Tae-ui stood up abruptly, handed the book to Qing, and dashed out from between the shelves. He heard Qing's confused protests behind him but ignored them as he ran out of the reading room.

His lousy memory, of course, if there was no message yesterday, it must be today! Had he forgotten how he fell asleep disappointed last night?

Impatient to wait for the elevator stuck on the first floor, he took the stairs two at a time, running all the way from the basem*nt level five to the ground floor without feeling winded.

Reaching the ground floor in one go, Jeong Tae-ui pounded his chest to calm his racing heart and walked towards the office. The regular hours were over, so only the on-duty officer should be inside as usual.

Taking a deep breath in front of the door — unaware that later his uncle would laugh holding his belly after seeing the footage from the record camera — he knocked on the door. Hearing movement inside, he opened the door.

Inside the office, only Xin Lu was left. He smiled brightly when he saw Jeong Tae-ui.

"Tae-ui hyung, you’re here."

"Yeah. ...Are you alone?"

"Yes, I’m on duty today. ...Were you busy?"

"No, I had some free time, so I was reading a book in the library. I was actually getting annoyed because someone interrupted me, but then I got the call and came running. If you're on duty, you can't go out, right?"

"Yes. It was actually Kippen Kyoho's turn for duty, but he had a sudden bout of indigestion, so we switched. So, I don’t think I can go for a walk today. I’m sorry, hyung."

Shin Ru whispered apologetically, bowing his head slightly. Jeong Tae-ui continued, No, it's okay. Is Kippen Kyoho very sick? But inside, he felt disappointed. So, it was a cancellation notice.

Even though he tried to hide it, Jeong Tae-ui’s face must have been too obvious. Xin Lu, noticing his reaction, hesitated and then spoke awkwardly with a smile.

"But since there's not much work today and I’m just holding the post... Would you like to sit down and have some tea before you go? Deputy Minister Gentil brought us some good tea recently. If you’re not busy, please stay and have some, hyung."

"Oh, really? I’m not busy... What kind of tea is it?"

"Keemun. Do you like it?"

"I haven't tried it. Is it green tea?"

"No, it's black tea... It has a fragrant aroma. I'll bring it right away; please try it."

Xin Lu busily went into the side room. From inside, there were sounds of water and dishes clinking.

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated, peering through the slightly open door of the side room, then quietly sat down when he noticed the record camera installed in the corner of the office as usual.

Well, there’s no particular reason to go for a walk. It would have been nice to walk along the seaside, looking at the sky and the sea, but being with Xin Lu is more important. As long as they could be together, what difference does it make whether they’re indoors or outdoors? If they could quietly drink tea and chat, that would be enough.

Not long after, Xin Lu came out of the side room with a tray. Seeing the precariously balanced tray with tea cups, Jeong Tae-ui quickly stood up and took the tray from him. The smiling face that thanked him was also lovely.

As his uncle said, his taste really might never change. The second person in his life to make his heart pound like this is such a lovely and gentle young man.

“Have you gotten used to this place now? It must be very tough.”

Sitting across from Jeong Tae-ui, Xin Lu started the conversation. Having adapted too well, Jeong Tae-ui was about to say something but then realized that Xin Lu was referring to his condition since he hadn't been here for long, so he nodded, saying, ‘Ah, yes.’

It would be a lie to say it wasn't tough. In reality, as long as he got through the regular working hours from 8 AM to 5 PM, he was free to do whatever he wanted. No one would bother him if he drank, smoked, or stayed in bed all day. So, time was much more flexible than when he was in the military.

However, the work during the regular hours was quite grueling. It felt like having to condense and solve a task that took twice as much time into less than half the time. There were various processes to learn, and he had to compete with colleagues who were considered top talents from outside, which made it even more challenging.

People like Carlo, who always had a crooked posture, Tou, who always had a simple, grinning expression, and Alta, who was impatient and always smelled slightly of alcohol, were all top talents. Moreover, thinking back, even the crazy man he saw in the video yesterday was a top talent...

Jeong Tae-ui sighed quietly, emptying his mind after thinking for a moment. What is this world coming to?

“Are you very tired? Would you like some dried fruits soaked in honey?”

Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui realized Xin Lu was leaning towards him, speaking worriedly, and he flinched.

The young man's face was now right in front of him. The fine, white hairs on his earlobes sparkled. His cheeks were still round, like those of a young boy.

For a moment, his heart skipped a beat. As Xin Lu approached, the air moved, bringing with it the scent of soap to his nose. His chest suddenly felt hot. It wasn’t just his chest that was heating up.

"Uh— I'm not that tired, but if you’re offering, I'd like to try it."

Jeong Tae-ui said, forcing a calm smile. Xin Lu replied, Yes, and stood up to go back to the side room.

As soon as Xin Lu was out of sight, Jeong Tae-ui, making sure not to make any noise, frantically pounded his chest and thighs.

What are you doing? Do you want to make a fool of yourself in this situation, when you've only known him for a few days? Get a grip, Jeong Tae-ui! He’s still young; look at those round cheeks and the fine hair on his earlobes. How can you even think about having feelings for such a young man?

But at the same time, another voice whispered from a corner of his mind.

Twenty-two is a proper adult, and there’s no reason to feel guilty about having those thoughts. It's not like you're going to force anything. Look, you're just having tea and getting along well.

Jeong Tae-ui, caught in conflicting thoughts, held his head in his hands.

Regardless of which side was right, the first priority was to cool down his heated body that reacted to that soft scent. He must have been holding back for a long time. Sure, it had been over a month since he had tasted human skin properly, but still, losing his self-control like this meant he had a long way to go.

Jeong Tae-ui patted his chest as if he was choking. While he took deep breaths and patted his chest several times, his body cooled down a bit. Then Xin Lu returned.

"What's wrong, hyung? Are you feeling unwell?"

Xin Lu, who was bringing a plate of dried fruits, asked curiously when he saw Jeong Tae-ui patting himself. Jeong Tae-ui smiled and shook his head. The fingers that were patting his chest had cooled down a lot now.

As he drank his tea, Jeong Tae-ui quietly observed Xin Lu over the rim of his cup.

Though he looked young, he wasn't actually a boy. His eyes, which narrowed at the ends, his plump and moist lips, and his round cheeks with clear skin made him appear youthful, but in fact, if anything, he was rather alluring.

Noticing the gaze, Xin Lu lifted his head. When their eyes met, he smiled after a brief pause. Was the slight upward curve of his lips so seductive because Jeong Tae-ui was looking at him in that way?

"By the way, hyung, I heard that Jeong Jae-ui, who used to be at the headquarters, is your brother."

"Huh? Oh, Jae-ui hyung? Yes, that's right."

Jeong Tae-ui nodded, relieved by the change of topic. It seemed that the fact Jeong Jae-ui was his brother had already spread throughout the branch. Well, with just over a hundred people confined in one building, it was impossible to keep secrets. Not that it was a secret.

"I heard he's very smart. Everyone says so. And you're twins, right?"

"Uh— yes, we're twins, but we don't look alike. In looks, brains, and personality, hyung is better than me."

Jeong Tae-ui slowly chewed on a piece of dried fruit as he reflected. Even after reconsidering, there was nothing in which he could surpass Jeong Jae-ui. Except perhaps being closer to normal.

Then, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly smacked his lips bitterly. It was a well-known fact that he could never beat Jeong Jae-ui in anything. He had accepted that fact from the beginning. By now, he was used to people’s reactions concerning his brother. Having experienced it for a quarter of a century, he couldn’t help but get used to it.

So far, things had been manageable, but what had been most challenging until recently were the people who approached him showing an interest in his brother. If they had been upfront about wanting to connect with Jae-ui from the beginning, it would have been much easier. The bitterness of realizing that their intentions lay elsewhere was truly unmatched.

Thinking about the past for a moment, Jeong Tae-ui chuckled.

People eventually get used to anything that happens repeatedly. Heartache and pain are only felt deeply the first few times. As similar experiences repeated, resignation would come to cover his heart like a shield.

Jeong Tae-ui quietly stared at the beautiful red hue of the tea, from which a subtle orchid scent rose.

Well, what if? For any reason, if this young man showed more interest in Jeong Jae-ui and intended to use Jeong Tae-ui as a means to an end.

If that happened...

Jeong Tae-ui smiled. What if, indeed? There was nothing to be done but to let things flow as they may.

There are things within his control and things beyond it. Other people's hearts belong to the latter category.

But even if that happened, this boy would still be lovable, as others had been before.

"Do you want to meet him?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked. Xin Lu, who had been enjoying the aroma rising from the tea, widened his eyes. He seemed unsure of what Jeong Tae-ui meant. Then, as he grasped the context, he tilted his head.

"I don't have any reason not to meet him, but... he's a stranger to me."


Jeong Tae-ui smiled calmly.

Come to think of it, that hadn't always been a bad thing. Even though those people approached Jeong Tae-ui to get to know Jeong Jae-ui, some of them stayed by his side. People he would never have had the chance to know if it weren't for Jeong Jae-ui, who were now by his side.

"But I think he must be very popular."


"Your brother, I mean. Even if you say you don't look alike, being twins must mean you share some similarities. If he looks like you and is that smart, he must be very popular."


Jeong Tae-ui blinked, holding his teacup. Xin Lu spoke as if it were the most natural thing, sipping his tea. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head slightly, looking at him.

It felt like something that could be interpreted as a compliment, depending on how you looked at it.

"Well... my brother is popular (mainly among the ambitious members of various key diplomatic organizations). But... I'm not very popular."

Jeong Tae-ui trailed off. Xin Lu looked surprised and widened his eyes.

"No way, hyung, you just don't realize it. I think you're very popular too. You're cool."

Xin Lu smiled softly as he spoke, extending his hand to gently brush back the hair that had fallen across Jeong Tae-ui's forehead. His small, fair hand grazed Tae-ui's cheek and rested near his ear.

"Your features are quite distinct... I think you look better without covering your face. Oh, and your neckline too. You have a nice neck, so cutting your hair short might suit you."

"Hmm... really?"

Jeong Tae-ui responded, not entirely sure how he managed to answer. He couldn't move. The warmth of Xin Lu's hand brushed across his forehead and cheek. The touch on the nape of his neck tickled immensely. He felt breathless.

"Oh... hyung, you seem to have gotten hurt. There's a bruise here. Hold on, I'll get some ointment for you."

Xin Lu's hand stopped midway between his shoulder and neck. Jeong Tae-ui hadn't noticed the bruise until now, but as Xin Lu pressed gently, it ached slightly. It must have been from sparring.

Xin Lu opened the desk drawer nearby and took out some ointment, squeezing it onto his palm before gently applying it to Tae-ui's nape.

"Oh, no, it's okay. It doesn't hurt much—"

Jeong Tae-ui tried to stop Xin Lu, but his voice came out weak. He was more flustered hearing his own voice sound so faint.

Fortunately, Xin Lu didn't seem to notice and continued to apply the ointment to Jeong Tae-ui's nape.

His soft fingers massaged Tae-ui's neck, soothing and comforting. However, Tae-ui was increasingly flustered. Xin Lu's breath brushed his ear, and the warmth of his regular breathing heated Tae-ui's face.

"Xin Lu, it's fine now, you can stop—"

Tae-ui's body tingled. He finally grabbed Xin Lu's wrist and pulled it away, knowing his face was flushed. But more troubling was the reaction in his groin.

The thin, loose fabric of his loungewear failed to hide his growing arousal.

Xin Lu, looking puzzled at being suddenly pushed away, followed Tae-ui's gaze downward. Understanding dawned on him as he saw where Tae-ui was looking. He shrank back slightly, his reaction palpable in Tae-ui's grip.

Xin Lu's embarrassed gaze lingered on Tae-ui's face, uncertain and confused. His voice hovered nervously, murmuring incoherently.

Despite his head burning with embarrassment, Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue, angry at his own foolishness.

What is he doing? He’s not some hot-blooded teenager.

He wished someone would burst in and punch his face hard.

"Hyung..., um...."


It was only then that Tae-ui realized he was holding his struggling wrist in his hand, and he quickly let go. Their eyes met. Innocent eyes blinked at Tae-ui's face. Seeing those eyes made his face flush again.

Clang, he suddenly stood up, causing the chair to hit the table. Tae-ui nervously clenched and unclenched his empty hands, muttering "Sorry" once more before turning to leave. He felt he should explain or apologize to Xin Lu more, but he couldn't bring himself to face him right now.

Tae-ui hurried out of the office and stepped into the dim hallway.

It seemed unlikely he would ever feel this embarrassed again in his life.

Striding with long, almost running steps, he moved quickly.

As he passed the elevator and descended the stairs, he brushed past a few people, but none of them tried to stop the red-faced Tae-ui.

Tae-ui walked aimlessly, not knowing what he was thinking, with his hair a tangled mess. As he walked, he found himself in front of his uncle's room. In his daze, his steps must have taken him to a familiar place.

He yanked the doorknob, but it was locked. His uncle wasn't there. Just as well.

Tae-ui took out the key he always carried and entered his uncle's room. The room was as neatly organized as ever, with not a speck of dust in sight.

He threw his coat haphazardly and opened the fridge to take out a beer. He drank it in a few gulps, but it wasn't enough. He took out another and drank it down as well. Even then, it wasn't enough. He took out one more and drank half of it before he finally started to feel a bit cooler.

Suddenly, the large mirror next to the desk caught his eye. He met his own gaze in the mirror. His face was bright red. From his earlobes to the back of his neck, he was red. Seeing that made Tae-ui feel even more embarrassed. He pressed the cold can against his cheek with his now cold hand, hoping to cool his cheeks, but his hand warmed up first.

Jeong Tae-ui stood absentmindedly holding the can, then collapsed in front of the refrigerator.

His erection had long since subsided. It had wilted as if it had never been there. Yet, his face and chest remained hot, refusing to cool down.

“Damn it... If it was going to wither like this, it shouldn’t have stood up in the first place. Why make things difficult for me?”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered complaints to his groin. But it was his head, not his groin, that needed to understand.

Sitting on the floor in front of the refrigerator, staring blankly at his feet, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly raised his hand to the back of his neck. He traced the spot where a soft touch had just been.

The slippery ointment hadn't fully absorbed yet. He rubbed it, feeling the slickness.

It was just an ordinary touch — Xin Lu was just applying ointment. Even if he rubbed it a hundred times with his own hand, it wouldn't arouse him. But just because the owner of that hand was that young man...

“I must really be hung up on him... What should I do?”

He deliberately muttered out loud, but there was no answer. He thought saying it out loud might help organize his thoughts, but it didn’t seem to work.

Jeong Tae-ui wiped his still red face with the back of his hand for no reason.

He needed something to cool his head. If things continued like this, it felt like the heat wouldn’t subside even if he lived his whole life. Maybe he should take a cold shower. Not just his head, but his body needed to cool down too.

After finishing the half-empty beer, Jeong Tae-ui stood up.

Maybe drinking beer was a mistake. It only seemed to make his face feel even hotter.

Chastising himself for his foolishness, Jeong Tae-ui headed to the bathroom. It would be better to fill the bathtub with cold water and immerse himself completely.

As he turned on the cold water in the thoroughly cleaned bathtub and stared absentmindedly at the strong stream of water, he thought he heard a faint mechanical sound mixed with the water noise.

Halfway out of the bathroom, Jeong Tae-ui looked around the room. Sure enough, he had heard correctly: the phone on the desk was ringing. The now-familiar sound filled the room.

Jeong Tae-ui closed the bathroom door and approached the desk. As he moved closer, he saw his own reflection in the mirror, and it was quite a sight. His red face, unable to hide his embarrassment, looked like that of an awkward adolescent boy.

“Get a grip, Jeong Tae-ui. How long has it been since you left the army, and already you’re letting yourself go like this? This isn't the kind of place where you can just lose your head so easily."

Muttering to himself, Jeong Tae-ui lightly slapped his cheeks a couple of times. He then saw the number displayed on the phone’s screen and, after a moment of hesitation, pressed the flashing lamp.

“Yes, hello?”

‘....Somehow, it seems like you’re always the one answering the phone these days.’

Jeong Tae-ui recognized the familiar number and, sure enough, the elegant and beautiful hand appeared on the screen.

Suddenly, he was reminded of Xin Lu’s hand. Xin Lu’s hand was smaller and more endearing. The slightly stubby knuckles were cute. It was different from the delicate hand that seemed meticulously crafted from wax and glass.

How would that hand feel? It would certainly be different from Xin Lu’s warm and ticklish touch.

Jeong Tae-ui was disgusted with himself for thinking of Xin Lu even in this situation and gave a bitter smile.

“Well, now I’m curious. How often do you call my uncle that you always seem to call when I’m here?”

‘To be precise, it’s every time I call that you happen to be there, Tae-ui. But lately, I’ve been calling quite frequently. I hardly ever called before.’

“Why? Is my uncle pestering you to get a hold of Laurent Castier’s book quickly?”

Jeong Tae-ui pulled up a chair and sat down, smiling weakly. But then he remembered that this man wasn’t an antiquarian book dealer. Or maybe he had a side job.

‘Haha, that’s not the case, it’s already been shipped. I sent it by boat, so it should arrive before the end of this month.’

Ilay laughed. Despite the mechanical tone, his cheerful voice felt refreshing. The heat in Jeong Tae-ui’s head began to cool down a bit. The chill that came amidst the heat felt pleasant.

He was glad he decided to answer the call. This man had a cooling effect on him.

Jeong Tae-ui brushed his hair back and smiled faintly. That’s good, when the book arrives, I should be the first to read it, he thought lazily.

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line. Fingers tapped on the desk as if in thought.

‘Tae-ui, did something happen?’

The quiet voice asked subtly. The voice with a hint of curiosity could have been annoying, but surprisingly, it wasn't. Instead, in his exhausted state, he felt like rambling.

“Does it show that much?”

‘If it didn’t show, I wouldn’t say anything. Your face looks very flushed.’


Jeong Tae-ui roughly rubbed his face with the back of his hand. Now that he was cooling down a bit, the alcohol was starting to take effect.

“You have a complicated expression. In that simple world trapped on an island, what could be troubling you so much?”

“...Ilay, you know...”

Jeong Tae-ui trailed off. He felt hesitant, like an old man rambling to a stranger about his troubles, but the words had already slipped out.

“Have you ever had a situation where things got sexually immoral?”

Jeong Tae-ui spoke seriously. There was a brief silence on the other end of the line, then the man answered in a slightly deflated voice, as if caught off guard by the unexpected topic.

‘I’m not sure what you mean by sexually immoral. Can you be more specific? Are you talking about an unethical relationship? Let’s see, are you referring to incest? Or a relationship with a married person? Perhaps rape or assault, or other human taboos… From a conservative perspective, it could even mean a relationship with someone of the same sex. There are so many possibilities, it’s hard to guess which one you mean. Pick one.’

“Well... I could pick one if I had to, but it’s not that extreme.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, slightly overwhelmed by the torrent of anti-social scenarios. Hearing such words oddly made him feel a bit lighter. He hadn’t considered anything that extreme, though one exception did come to mind.

“It is extreme.”

Ilay seemed to laugh. But without delving further, he continued speaking.

‘I have separate drives and emotions. There probably were times when what happened to me was considered sexually immoral, according to your definition. So I'm very curious to know what kind of sexual immorality you're referring to today.’


‘Why? Did someone come and assault you?’


This man’s thoughts are somewhat extreme. Not only extreme, but they also veer off in unexpected, bizarre directions.

Jeong Tae-ui let out a long sigh and laughed weakly.

“What kind of blind fool would come to me with such intentions? No, it's not even that grandiose… It’s ridiculous just to say it. I got a bit excited like a teenager because someone I fancy touched me lightly, and I got an erection in front of him. Just an erection…”

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated, unsure of what to say next. Silence returned from the other side. The fingers that had paused began to slowly tap the desk again, indicating a lack of understanding.

Then he muttered, ‘Ahh,’ and suddenly seemed to understand.

‘Ah, so did you assault the guy? Is that what you regret?’

Ilay was once again jumping to strange conclusions.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at the monitor in bewilderment and sighed.

“No, it’s not like that. It didn’t happen in bed or in some intimate setting. I got an erection while we were just drinking tea and talking, in front of a guy who has no such feelings towards me.”


The fingers tapped the desk, tok, tok. From the gesture and movement, Jeong Tae-ui could tell he still didn’t understand.

‘I don’t quite get it. I can imagine what’s going through your mind… But such shame is hard for me to grasp, as I’ve never experienced it. It’s useless in life. If it were me, I’d suggest just going for it since you were already turned on. Better that than agonizing with a frustrated face.’

Jeong Tae-ui frowned. He rubbed his face with his palm to see if it was still flushed. It seemed like drinking was a mistake.

“Just going for it, huh… What about the other person’s feelings?”

Ilay didn’t answer. It wasn’t that he didn’t know or was thinking; it seemed like he was deliberately holding back. Hearing his nuanced, amused tone when he said, ‘Well…,’ Jeong Tae-ui realized Ilay had his own answer but chose not to share it. Jeong Tae-ui, sensing this, decided not to press further.

‘If it were me, I’d sleep with anyone I have desires for. Emotions are a fleeting whim, not worth fretting over too much. Or maybe, I don’t see momentary desire as inferior to lasting emotions — if such a thing even exists.’

“A hedonist?”


He laughed and affirmed. Jeong Tae-ui nodded. Though he couldn’t completely agree with the man’s reasoning, he understood what he was trying to say. Jeong Tae-ui didn’t disregard pleasure either. However, there was a significant difference in their way of thinking.

Jeong Tae-ui smiled faintly and rubbed the back of his neck.

Despite their differing opinions, this kind of seamless conversation wasn’t bad. Talking with this man was enjoyable in that respect.

Suddenly, Ilay burst out laughing, though it wasn’t loud and lasted only briefly.

‘Every time I talk to you, I realize how different you are from Jeong Jae-ui.’

“Well, we are different people. Have you been trying to see traces of my brother in me during our conversations?”

‘Not exactly, but I always kept in mind that you’re Jeong Jae-ui’s brother.’

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and laughed lightly.

Is this man another one of those people drawn to the genius Jeong Jae-ui? No, there didn’t seem to be any intentionality, so it’s hard to say he approached for that reason. It’s more accurate to say he found Jeong Tae-ui interesting because he was Jeong Jae-ui’s brother.

He was no longer at an age to be upset over such things, and it happened so frequently that it had become an ordinary part of life.

“You seem very interested in my brother.”

When Jeong Tae-ui broached the subject subtly, the man brushed it off with an easy laugh.

‘Is there anyone who isn't interested in the genius Jeong Jae-ui? At least, no one around me.’

"Haha, right. So, how do you find us different?"

‘Comparison, huh… I haven't consciously compared you two, but let me think. Actually, it comes to mind pretty quickly.’

"Oh, really? How so?"

‘Jeong Jae-ui is more human, in many ways.’

Jeong Tae-ui fell silent. Like much of what the man said, this too was quite unexpected. He'd never heard such a thing before — at least not outright — and he had never thought of it that way either.

In many ways, Jeong Jae-ui is more human.

Jeong Tae-ui let out a bitter laugh. Of course, he had never considered himself brimming with humanity. But he hadn’t expected to hear something like that. While he was well aware that, contrary to people's prejudices about geniuses, Jeong Jae-ui was indeed a very human person.

"Perhaps I've done something incredibly inhumane to you without realizing, or maybe my brother has done you a great favor. Otherwise, that almost sounds like an insult."

‘That's not what I mean. For example… Jeong Jae-ui probably experiences more anxiety and agony than you. That's what I mean by human.’

Jeong Tae-ui was at a loss for words again.

Without much thought, the man’s straightforward words surprised him again and again.

Anxiety and agony. Maybe so. How could he know without stepping into his brother's mind? It wasn’t possible to extract emotions as absolute metrics, so comparing who feels more or less anxiety is not something one could objectively determine.

"But objectively speaking, my brother is so lucky that he probably doesn't even know what anxiety or agony is. He even left home saying he needed to experience some bad luck."

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head as he muttered. Ilay watched him silently for a while. He could almost feel him smiling from the other side of the monitor.

‘Indeed, Jeong Jae-ui is extraordinarily lucky. To the point where you just have to throw your hands up. But, have you ever thought about what underlies that luck?’

Jeong Tae-ui's smile faded from his face.

He had felt something off for a while. Something in the man's words was niggling at him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Now, he was beginning to understand.

This man knew something Jeong Tae-ui had never thought about or even needed to consider.

"My brother, and yet it seems you know him better."

Ilay seemed to catch on to the underlying meaning quickly. He spread his hands and said.

‘Oh, this is awkward. I didn't mean to upset you. Should we drop this topic?’

Ilay ended the conversation lightly. Jeong Tae-ui glared at his pale hand before finally sighing. It wasn't a topic worth dwelling on.

‘You seem to have calmed down quite a bit. Your face, which was so flushed before, is back to normal.’

Jeong Tae-ui, who had been rubbing his tired eyes, glanced at the mirror. As Ilay said, the redness that had refused to fade had returned to its usual color.

As he absentmindedly ran his palm over his face, Ilay's subtle voice caught his attention.

‘So, given you're stuck on that island and have feelings for someone, it can't be a woman.’

Ilay trailed off ambiguously, and Jeong Tae-ui replied sulkily.

"Of course not. I haven't held hands with a woman since high school, aside from shaking hands."

‘Ah, so that's also part of what you meant by 'sexually immoral.’ I see.’

Ilay muttered as if he understood. Jeong Tae-ui, who had never intended to hide his preferences, shrugged his shoulders.

"So, does that make you uncomfortable?"

‘Uncomfortable? Why should I be uncomfortable with someone else's preferences?’

Ilay burst out laughing. His words drew a clear line. Even though they were talking as if they were close friends, they were clearly strangers, both in practical and emotional terms.

At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly realized something.

Even though this man conversed freely with Jeong Tae-ui, he didn’t harbor any particular fondness or dislike for Tae-ui. He was, quite literally, just a stranger — nothing more, nothing less.

Though it was a natural realization, Jeong Tae-ui felt a vague sense of surprise. Only now did he understand that he had grown quite fond of this man. Despite having only spoken a few times over the phone, like most people, Jeong Tae-ui felt a sense of familiarity with someone he had interacted with several times.

But for this man, such things didn’t matter at all. He wasn’t someone whose feelings of familiarity grew proportionately with time. Despite having plenty of reasons to notice this before, Jeong Tae-ui had completely missed it. Even if they spoke dozens or hundreds more times, this man’s feelings toward him would remain as they were — a stranger’s feelings.

It wasn’t a matter of being cold; he simply existed outside the usual emotional spectrum of most people.

If it came to humanity, he wouldn’t have much to say about anyone, would he..?

That thought rose to Jeong Tae-ui’s throat, but he swallowed it back down. He had no intention of arguing, and now that he realized the man drew a clear line of being a stranger, it seemed presumptuous to offer such advice.

“It's a shame. I quite liked you.”

‘Ahaha. I also like things that go against sexual morality.’

“No, that’s definitely not what I meant.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered in exasperation. Ilay, knowing this well, chuckled softly.

At that moment, a faint mechanical sound could be heard in the distance. A regular beeping noise, like a timer, alarm, or call. The sound was coming from the other end of the line.

Ilay seemed to turn around. He sighed audibly and tapped his fingers on the desk.

‘Whenever I try to take a break, they always call for me. I have to go.’

“Sure, maybe we’ll talk again sometime.”

‘Right. Oh, and I just remembered, the joint training between the Asian and European branches is coming up soon, isn’t it?’

“Yeah, you seem well-informed.”

He’s a rare book dealer, an arms broker, and suspiciously connected in many ways.

But the joint training schedule wasn’t exactly a secret, and given Ilay’s close relationship with his uncle, it wasn’t strange for him to know about it.

‘Going straight into joint training after arriving at the branch must be tough. Good luck. Don’t die.’

“Thanks for the not-so-reassuring good luck wish, but I appreciate it.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered with a wry smile, and Ilay seemed to laugh a bit too. Then, the call ended.


It was a Friday night full of mixed emotions.

On Friday evening, after finishing their regular duties, they drew lots as scheduled. The drawing determined who would stay at the Asia branch and who would be transferred to another branch. As previously known, the people coming to the Asia branch for this joint training were from the European branch, and those from here would go to the South American branch.

Jeong Tae-ui thought it didn't matter which side he ended up on, but seeing his colleagues shiver in disgust at the thought of the European branch made him want to stay and see those faces at least once. However, for his own peace of mind, it would be better to join the team heading to the South American branch.

Besides, whenever he closed his eyes — or even when he didn't — that vivid image would surface.

In that image, the still neat and tidy man reached out his gloved hand to grasp the other person’s neck, pierced it, and left a dark red mark.

If he were to face that man.

For a moment, Jeong Tae-ui shivered and hunched his shoulders at the chilling thought.

"I need to take care of my own life."

Thinking this way, Jeong Tae-ui randomly picked a ball from the box. It was number 62. After the remaining members drew balls numbered from 1 to 96, the instructor took out a ball from another small box. It had the number 2. An even number.

While Jeong Tae-ui spun the number 62 ball in his hand with a bitter expression, the decision of who would stay and who would leave was made. Those who drew even numbers would stay, and those with odd numbers would leave for the airport at dawn on Saturday, the next day.

As they disbanded after the drawing, a buzz of excitement lingered among the members.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue as he left the large lecture hall with his colleagues, who wore subtle expressions. Given the situation, there was no other choice, but for the sake of safety, he wanted to go to the South American branch.

It seemed that not only Jeong Tae-ui but most of the others felt the same way. Among those who had criticized the European branch, those who ended up staying here did not look happy. But that didn’t mean those who were going to the South American branch looked entirely pleased either.

Regardless of the destination, starting three days later, they would endure hellish hardships for two weeks.

Walking leisurely behind his murmuring colleagues, Jeong Tae-ui didn’t feel like going down to the lower floor with them, sensing the uneasy atmosphere. So, he changed direction at the stairs.

Even if he went to his room and closed the door, he would still hear his colleagues chatting and passing by in the hallway. He wanted to be in a quiet place now.

For that, his uncle’s room was the best choice. That floor was almost empty, and his uncle had been busy and absent for the past few days.

Thanks for this, uncle. Jeong Tae-ui thought, fiddling with the key in his pocket as he reached his uncle’s room. As expected, the room’s owner was not there.

Without even taking off his coat, Jeong Tae-ui collapsed onto the bed, burying his face in the blanket. After lying like that for a while, he eventually got up heavily. If he stayed like that, he might fall asleep. He was tired, having endured continuous training and tightly scheduled lessons, even during free time, due to his colleagues’ pestering over the past few days.

"If they tire us out this much in the preliminary stages before the real training, what do they expect to happen…? We’ll just die from exhaustion first."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself as he pulled a book from the shelf. He came here daily, reading dozens of pages before leaving. It was a book he could finish quickly if he wanted to, but his body felt like a waterlogged sponge, making it difficult.

Jeong Tae-ui took the book and lay back down on the bed, glancing at the phone. The phone, silent and still, showed no sign of ringing.

Although it was more comfortable when the phone didn’t ring while he was alone in someone else’s room, occasionally, a call from that white hand was quite enjoyable. Though it wasn’t always just enjoyable.

Jeong Tae-ui turned to the page he had been reading. In the middle of the book, he saw notes written in the margins by his uncle. His uncle had a habit of jotting down thoughts in the margins while reading. Following his uncle’s notes, Jeong Tae-ui could trace his uncle’s thoughts as he read the book, which was another form of enjoyment.

Before coming here, meeting his uncle wasn’t a common occurrence. Both Jeong Tae-ui and his brother, as well as his uncle, had personalities that didn’t demand frequent interactions, so meeting once or twice a year was not awkward or distant. Even if they saw each other after several years, it was as if they had met just the day before.

When his uncle visited their home, he usually spent time with Jeong Tae-ui’s father, and after his father passed away, he would talk with Jeong Jae-ui. In reality, Jeong Tae-ui didn’t have many conversations with his uncle.

Thinking about it, his uncle was quite a notable figure in the family. It wasn’t easy for someone from an ordinary background to become a warden at the UNHRDO.

‘What I ultimately crave is no different from what people craved hundreds of years ago and will crave hundreds of years from now. But will that be the reason humans remain human?’

Jeong Tae-ui traced his uncle’s handwriting at the bottom of the book page with his fingertips.

When Jeong Tae-ui first opened this book, there was a faint smell of dust. His uncle must have read this book a long time ago and then put it away. This sentence, then, was a fragment of his uncle’s thoughts from years ago, when he was younger.

Exploring someone else’s buried thoughts had its own charm.

What I ultimately crave. Jeong Tae-ui thought he might know, but also might not. He had never felt a desperate craving for anything. He just went with what was, as it flowed.

‘Jeong Jae-ui probably experiences more anxiety and agony than you. That's what I mean by human.’

Ilay’s words suddenly crossed his mind.

Perhaps his brother did crave something. Even if whatever his brother desired, he obtained without difficulty, how could he know if his brother had such cravings?

“But if that’s the case, the term ‘human’ is quite negative.”

Jeong Tae-ui smiled bitterly.

As he traced each sentence, page by page, he must have fallen asleep.

His mind went blank, with countless involuntary and random thoughts crossing it, mixing and separating, only to mix again.

Someone was there to wake him from that unconscious chaos.

Having fallen asleep with the light on, and perhaps bothered by the light, he had used the open book to cover his face. He woke up to the touch of someone removing the book. Looking up, he saw his uncle gazing down at him.

“I can’t sleep even with glasses on, but you managed to sleep with something this heavy on your face?”

His uncle said, shaking the book with curiosity. Jeong Tae-ui groggily sat up from the bed, scratching his head and frowning in his sleepy state.

“Maybe that’s why I had such restless dreams... because something was on my face.”

“Dreams? When did you sleep to have dreams already?”

His uncle laughed, taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt cuffs as he looked at Jeong Tae-ui. Jeong Tae-ui, still half-asleep, turned his head to check the time. It was a bit early to be considered the middle of the night.

“I must have slept for about a couple of hours. The dream... What was it? I was dragged by you to some island where I was stuck living a bloody life with vicious men…”

“Hmm... I don’t think that’s an ordinary dream. How about buying a lottery ticket?”

“When you say it’s not an ordinary dream, does that mean it’s a very ordinary one?”


“…Have you perhaps changed your profession recently, uncle? To something like a lottery sales promoter...”

“Oh ho. Has Korea introduced such things while I was away? That sounds fun.”

With the gambling industry booming, who knows, it might happen soon... Jeong Tae-ui muttered as he woke up from his sleep. He got out of bed and drank some water from the fridge, fully waking up.

He ran a hand through his tousled hair and turned to see his uncle taking off his shirt.

“You seem busy these days. I've been coming here to read almost every day, but it's been a while since I've seen you, uncle.”

“I’m always insanely busy right before joint training. Just the paperwork alone piles up like a mountain. Plus, I have to prepare here and there in advance in case a few guys end up dead.”

I just hope I’m not one of the beneficiaries of such preparations, Jeong Tae-ui muttered, sitting on a chair next to the bed, watching his uncle. His uncle, who quickly undressed and headed to the bathroom, showed no outward signs of fatigue despite his hoarse voice. Given that Jeong Tae-ui had been reading in this room until after midnight for the past few days, it meant his uncle had also been finishing work past midnight, showing great stamina.

“By the way, I heard you’re staying here.”

“Oh, yes. Are you going to the South American branch, uncle? I heard one of the instructors is leading the group.”

"No, Golding is going this time instead of me. I’ll be going to another branch for the next joint training."

His uncle's voice came from the bathroom. There was the sound of water for a moment, followed by the noise of shampoo lathering as he washed his hair.

"But really, you should have drawn a better lot. Of all things, you ended up stuck here in such a grim place. Even with a 50% chance, you'd think you'd draw a lucky lot."

"All the lucky lots must have gone to people like Jae-ui."

"Is there another person in the world like Jae-ui? He alone is enough to make the world unfair.”

Jeong Tae-ui laughed at his uncle's muttered words.

"Looks like this training won't end smoothly either."

His uncle spoke with annoyance. Jeong Tae-ui stopped tapping his heel against the stool. He looked towards the bathroom as if staring at his unseen uncle.

"It sounds ominous... Have the names of the people from the European branch who are coming here been decided?"

"Well---the final confirmation will be tomorrow morning when their flight takes off, but it's mostly decided."

"If the training won’t end smoothly... it seems like there’s a troublesome guy among those coming over."

Jeong Tae-ui probed cautiously. Despite the noise from the shower as his uncle rinsed his hair, he seemed to catch a vague affirmative response.

Riegrow. Rick, the madman whom no one could handle, even in the European branch. The man who left red marks with his black gloves.

Jeong Tae-ui had to stay at the Asia branch, and that man was coming here.

He had never thought of his brother as a particularly lucky person, but he also never considered himself an unlucky person. He might have to revise that thought a little.

“He has a reputation for being completely insane... The members will be on high alert, but the wardens will also have a hard time if someone like him comes.”

When Jeong Tae-ui spoke, his uncle grumbled in agreement.

“I saw a video of him recently, and it made me lose the will to confront him... Uncle, do you think I’d survive if I had to fight him?”

His uncle replied without much thought.

“It would be tough.”


“It’s not just you, it would be tough for anyone. Such a guy is difficult for anyone to handle. Well, if you’re prepared to give up a bone to cut some flesh, it’s not impossible.”

“Giving up a bone to cut some flesh... that sounds like a loss for us.”

“That’s the kind of guy he is. You’ve only seen one video, right? Ask the others who’ve faced him directly. Even if there’s someone brave enough to confront him, there won’t be anyone boastful enough to claim they can handle him alone.”

Jeong Tae-ui fell silent. His uncle, even when speaking lightly, never lied. He also never made incorrect judgments, at least not in Jeong Tae-ui’s experience.

“...I guess the only option is to run well if I want to keep my life.”

“Well, he’s not a murderous maniac who kills everyone he meets. It’s not something to be overly solemn about. The important thing is to stay uninvolved.”

His uncle came out of the bathroom. With a towel on his wet hair and walking out naked, he took a bottle of water from the fridge and drank it straight from the bottle. It was as if all the moisture in his body had been drained, as he quickly drank more than half of the 1-liter bottle.

“Are you done already?”

“No, I just washed my hair. I was thirsty. I spent the whole afternoon working without properly eating or drinking anything. Moreover, after dinner, the list of European branch members coming in the day after tomorrow arrived, causing another uproar. Whenever that guy is involved, there are always a few more places to contact, like the undertaker.”

“...Uncle. I want to live.”

“Of course. The instinct to cling to life is a human instinct. Unless someone is suffering from depression, that’s how everyone feels.”

“If it’s about not getting involved, does that mean if we don’t provoke him first, we’ll be safe?”

His uncle didn’t answer immediately, as he was finishing the water bottle. After emptying it to the last drop, he wiped the few drops that had dribbled down his mouth with his fingertips and looked steadily at his nephew.

“Do you think that would be the case?”

“...I don’t know... I don’t know him well enough to have any strategies.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Listening to you, I feel the same way.”

Jeong Tae-ui said gloomily. His uncle tossed the empty bottle aside and went back into the bathroom.

“It’s not about provoking first. The best thing is just not to get involved with a madman. Once you’re entangled, it’s no use running away. You must stay out of his sight, no matter what.”

“Hmm... that’s hard. In this small, cramped place with maybe a hundred people in total, how can I be invisible when I’m not?”

“He’s not someone who slaughters everyone he sees. You just have to make sure you don’t catch his eye. Be cautious not to run into him during training. Other European guys are dangerous too, but none are as hopeless as that guy.”

The sound of running water resumed. Oh, it's hot, why is it like this all of a sudden, is there a problem with the control system... … The uncle, who was grumbling to himself, soon started humming a tune quietly, indicating he had adjusted the water temperature.

“Are you acquainted with that guy named Riegrow?”

Jeong Tae-ui asked because his uncle’s tone didn’t seem entirely unfamiliar. The water sound made it unclear if he heard the question, as no answer came. But thinking about it, it wouldn’t be surprising if his uncle knew him. After all, the man from the European branch was famous enough across all branches and headquarters, and his uncle had visited the European branch multiple times for work.

A fortnight.

As I sat in the chair, leaning against the wall and quietly staring at the ceiling, I gradually began to feel like everything would somehow work out. I, who aim to lead a peaceful life hidden quietly in a corner, am unlikely to do anything noticeable. In fact, fifteen days isn't such a long period.

In such a short time, which is not enough to even make a single friend, how easy could it be to make an enemy?

Yes. Even if my comrades push me forward, even if I end up being called a traitor, I must never step forward. Unlike those who voluntarily came here for the benefits and future guarantees within the organization, I was brought here on the premise of a limited six-month period, so it's okay for me.

Jeong Tae-ui easily justified himself and nodded in satisfaction.

At that moment, his uncle’s humming briefly stopped, and as if he suddenly remembered, he said,

"Right, starting tomorrow, don’t come to my room until the joint training is over."

Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head slightly. Through the open door, he saw his uncle’s arm soaping up. He then turned his head and glanced at the book he had thrown on the bed.

"I haven’t finished reading that book yet."

"Borrow it. During the joint training period, personal contact between members and instructors is prohibited."

It’s technically always prohibited, his uncle added sternly.

Jeong Tae-ui murmured inwardly, 'Borrowing a $3,500 book is a bit...,' but he picked up the book that was within reach. He stood up and walked leisurely to the bathroom door.

"Uncle, if I die during the training period, please make sure to bury this book with me, as I haven’t finished reading it yet."

"People who die without offspring aren’t buried, they’re cremated... but I’ll make sure to cremate it with you."

"It would be better if you said I wouldn't die."

"Fate is such a thing... Well, okay, I don't think you'll die."

After a brief pause, his uncle nodded and spoke casually. His casual manner made it seem all the more sincere, causing Jeong Tae-ui to chuckle.

Soon, the sound of a strong stream of water came from the bathroom. It seemed he was only going to take a shower today, as the bathtub wasn't being filled.

Should he go back now? It seems like he can sleep comfortably only today and tomorrow for the time being. So he should replenish my exhausted energy.

However, for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to leave. After thinking for a moment about why, Jeong Tae-ui recalled a story that had been lingering like a stain in his heart for some time.


It wasn’t a pleasant topic, but he felt he had to say it. At least to let his uncle know that he was aware of it.

Jeong Tae-ui leaned against the bathroom door and looked up at the ceiling for a moment before suddenly speaking up.

"By the way, uncle. When did my brother start getting involved in weapon development?"

He didn't say it loudly or with much concern, but the sound of water from the bathroom suddenly stopped. With the cessation of the water sound, his uncle also fell silent for a moment.

"Where did you hear that from?"

His uncle's voice was as casual as Jeong Tae-ui's.

"From the broker of Laurent Castille. I thought he was an antique book dealer, but apparently not."

"He's been talking about all sorts of things. Did he call again today?"

"No, I didn’t hear it today. It was a while ago, but I forgot about it, and I haven't had the chance to meet you lately. Besides, it's not something I was fond of wondering about... Well, it doesn't seem like he did it while living with me, so maybe it started when he was with UNHRDO?"

"He had many requests even before that, but you could say he got fully involved around then. What else did he say?"

Still answering casually without hiding much, his uncle clicked his tongue. It seemed like news he didn't really want to share. Indeed, it wasn’t something to be proud of.

"He didn’t say much else. But does my brother still do that?"

"No, he stopped now. From the start, he had stated that he would only do it while he was with UNHRDO. Even after leaving UNHRDO, he seemed to receive countless requests, but I think he turned them all down."

I see, Jeong Tae-ui nodded.

Come to think of it, there were times during the few months when Jeong Tae-ui was back home after being discharged, when he would receive odd phone calls. The tone of the international calls, which were unmistakably not from ordinary people, didn't surprise him much because he often received similar calls due to Jeong Jae-ui in the past. However, he briefly wondered what kind of people would persistently seek out Jeong Jae-ui, who hardly went anywhere.

Jeong Tae-ui straightened his body that was leaning against the wall.

That settled it. Even if Jeong Tae-ui found out that his brother was still continuing development, there wasn’t much he could say about it. But since his brother had stopped, he didn’t want to pursue it further or think about it anymore. He’d just pinch his cheek the next time they met and say, “Why use that brilliant mind for something like that?”

"Then I’ll be going now. Can I come back after the joint training is over?"


His uncle answered without even sticking his head out of the shower. Jeong Tae-ui reached out and shook the book in front of the bathroom door.

"I’m borrowing this, uncle."

"Sure. Don’t handle it too roughly. It’s a hassle to get another copy."

"Okay, okay."

Adding, "As if I’d carelessly handle something worth $3,500," Jeong Tae-ui walked towards the door.


18k every chapter...

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

  1. Riegrow

That day, the atmosphere in the air was tense from the morning.

From the moment he stepped out of his room, the prickly air was palpable on his skin.

With nearly half of the members gone to the South America branch, the already sparsely populated branch felt even more empty, but the increasingly intense tension made it feel anything but quiet.

On his way to the bathroom, Jeong Tae-ui was slightly put off by the stern expressions on the faces of the people he encountered.

It’s not like a horde of sworn enemies is coming, why do they look so grim?

Scratching his head, he entered the bathroom. There, Tou was brushing his teeth, having already finished breakfast, and mumbled a greeting with the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Hey, Tae-ui. You woke up late. Did you pack your stuff?"

"Spit that out first... It’d be nice if you talked after that."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered as he took a half-step back. Tou laughed loudly and resumed brushing his teeth.

At least this guy is better. Seeing at least one person not looking grim like the others made him feel a bit better. Jeong Tae-ui approached the sink next to Tou, turned on the hot water, and wet his throat as he spoke.

"There’s not much to pack, so I'll just go later with my body."

"Mmm... But, you'll be staying for two weeks, are you sure that's okay?"

Tou spoke intermittently while rinsing his mouth.

Jeong Tae-ui had to vacate his room by this evening. He wasn’t the only one in this situation; several other members were in the same boat. When members from the European branch arrived, those from rooms with fewer people had to temporarily move to other rooms to accommodate them.

Early Saturday morning, the members assigned to the South American branch left for the airport, leaving only those who would stay behind.

And then Sunday arrived. Normally, they would leisurely enjoy their weekend, but the atmosphere was far from relaxed. In just a few hours, a horde of people, no different from sworn enemies, would arrive.

Jeong Tae-ui was set to stay in Tou’s room. One of Tou’s roommates was also going to South America, so he decided to move there.

Despite grumbling, "Why the hell do I have to give my room to those damn bastards," the members started packing their belongings and moving one by one. Some even went so far as to prepare for a complete move, unwilling to let "those damn bastards" touch any of their belongings.

Wiping his damp face a few times with a towel, Jeong Tae-ui shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Tou reflected in the mirror.

"If I realize I need something later, I can just drop by and grab it."

"Don't. If you run into one of those European guys using the room, it won't end well."

"Why? It's originally my room."

"That doesn’t matter. It could cause a commotion akin to trespassing."


Jeong Tae-ui muttered "seriously" for what felt like the hundredth time. It was a shorthand for, ‘Seriously, it's hard to understand why the relationship is so hostile.’

The electronic clock on the bathroom wall showed a time that was late for morning but early for lunch.

Jeong Tae-ui took a dry towel from the shelf stacked high with them and wiped his face. His complexion didn’t look good in the mirror. He had forgotten upon waking, but it seemed he had a restless night filled with unsettling dreams.

It could be that the thought of the European branch members, who his colleagues described as extremely vicious and nauseatingly awful, had subconsciously troubled him. Though he considered himself not the type to get nervous about such things, it seemed he was more sensitive than he thought.

In his dream, Jeong Tae-ui briefly glimpsed something: a pair of dark red, almost black gloves. The place where those black gloves touched turned a deep, crimson red. The hand pulled away from the neck of a man who collapsed, eyes rolling back. A vivid red mark was left on his neck.


The warm moisture on his neck cooled and dried, making his spine shiver.

"What's wrong? Why are you standing there all dazed?"

Tou, standing beside him, asked curiously, lightly patting Jeong Tae-ui's back. Jeong Tae-ui, who had half his face wrapped in a dry towel, glanced at Tou.

"He'll be here soon."

"? Who?"


Tou closed his mouth. He too seemed to be infected by the unsettling atmosphere, as he stared at Jeong Tae-ui in silence before clicking his tongue and shrugging.

"Well, it's hard to say. Sometimes the final confirmations can change who's coming. But if he comes... it'll be a gloomy two weeks. We'll probably see a lot of unpleasant things."

Tou muttered with a sour expression, as if recalling something unpleasant. He had been there during the last joint training with the European branch, so he must have experienced the bloody events and rumors firsthand.

"There are quite a few guys saying they'll finally take his head this time."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured, recalling the conversations he had overheard in the lounge or cafeteria. Tou's expression turned even grimmer.

"If I had the chance, I'd want to take his head too. There's probably no one among us who doesn't want to see that madman’s head on a pike. But..."

Tou trailed off, but Jeong Tae-ui could guess the rest. It would be difficult, or if possible, it would require significant sacrifices.

Watching videos made it clear. You should avoid confronting that man.

"And that guy is not just bad in fights. If you cross him the wrong way, you'll end up in a world of trouble."

Tou said bitterly, clicking his tongue. Jeong Tae-ui wiped the water dripping from his chin with the towel again and looked at Tou curiously. Tou, looking reluctant to talk, stared at the mirror with a grim expression before speaking bluntly.

"That bastard, even if it’s another man, if he thinks a guy is cute enough, he'll beat him senseless so he can't move and then just... have his way with him. After any joint training with the European branch, there's never been a young, good-looking guy who came out unscathed."


Jeong Tae-ui couldn't believe his ears for a moment. After confirming what he had heard, he doubted his understanding. "Have his way" couldn't just mean what he thought, right? But from Tou's context, it seemed Jeong Tae-ui’s interpretation was correct.

"A few years ago, there was a guy who tried to get revenge on that bastard after his close friend ended up hospitalized for life because of him. Unfortunately, that guy was quite good-looking. Well... so in the end, reality being what it is, he didn't get his revenge and just ended up... being a victim. Some guys even tried to harm themselves out of unbearable frustration."

"That's really... unfortunate."

"Yeah... anyway, that guy is bad news in many ways. If you mess with him, you'll end up with nothing but disgrace."

Tou's voice was filled with bitter frustration as he explained.

After finishing his words, Tou suddenly looked Jeong Tae-ui up and down in the mirror and then chuckled.

"But don't worry. You don't have to worry about anything else, just your life."

"Thanks a lot," Jeong Tae-ui muttered, raising his hand to smack Tou on the back of the head.

A young, pretty, delicate man. Someone like Xin Lu, perhaps?

Thinking of someone who fit that description perfectly, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly frowned. If that was the case, he shouldn't just be nodding his head nonchalantly.

"Hey, does that mean Xin Lu should be careful?!!”

When Jeong Tae-ui grabbed Tou's wrist and spoke, Tou blinked and turned around with a questioning look.

"Uh... yeah, come to think of it, maybe. But really, what are the chances a member will meet an administrator staff? Especially someone from another branch. And no matter how bad that guy is, would he really risk the aftermath of messing with an administrator officer?"

"Really... you think so, huh?"


Tou's blank gaze returned to Jeong Tae-ui, who was desperately asking again. It was a look that seemed to say, "You lovesick idiot..." Realizing he might have been too obvious, Jeong Tae-ui flinched and shut his mouth. Maybe he had overreacted.

"Don't worry, the instructors will take care of Xin Lu. You just worry about yourself if Rick shows up. No one else is going to look out for a member's life but the member themselves."

Tou's words were true. Jeong Tae-ui didn't even have the confidence to firmly ensure his own survival, let alone worry about others.

"Yeah... it would be best if something happened to the assignment and that Rick guy didn't show up."

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled, even though he knew it was unlikely.

"That's the idea, but either way, we'll find out tonight when they get here."

"They must be in Hong Kong by now."

"Yeah, it'd be great if they're staggering around from jet lag."

Tou made a playful gesture of slashing his throat, and Jeong Tae-ui chuckled. That playful gesture briefly erased the dark shadow that had clouded his mind.

There were only a few hours left. In half a day, they would meet the infamous newcomers they had only heard rumors about. Though it wasn't anticipation, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't help but feel a slight flutter of excitement.

"Speaking of which, everyone who needs to move rooms has to report to the office afterward. They said they need to check on us."

Tou casually mentioned this while wiping his mouth with a towel. Jeong Tae-ui flinched slightly.

"If you go to the office, you'll see Xin Lu. Actually, since he's in charge of internal affairs, you'll have to talk to him anyway. Lucky you, Tae-ui."

Tou laughed mischievously and nudged Jeong Tae-ui's side with his elbow. Jeong Tae-ui stumbled and muttered a vague response.

It's not that he didn't want to see Xin Lu. He wanted to see him, hear his voice, and even enjoyed the scent of his soap. But he wasn't confident he could face him right now. He felt like he would freeze up like a boiled octopus if they met again.

Besides, what kind of face would Xin Lu make if they met again?

Jeong Tae-ui wiped his neck with the towel, even though it was already dry. His mood quickly darkened.

He hadn't seen Xin Lu since that day. Usually, guards and members didn't have much reason to interact, but Jeong Tae-ui had been avoiding places where he might run into Xin Lu. Even when he went to his uncle's room on the basem*nt floor, he had been careful to move like a thief, always checking his surroundings.

How could he have been so thoughtless, getting aroused in front of someone who was kindly applying medicine to his wounds?

As Jeong Tae-ui brooded, Tou threw his towel into the laundry bin and habitually patted his pocket to check for his cigarette pack before heading out of the bathroom. Jeong Tae-ui grabbed his arm with a gloomy look.

"Are you going to smoke?"

"Huh? Yeah. Want to join?"

"Yeah, give me one."

"......You know there's no place to get cigarettes here, right? Fine. I'll lend you one, but you owe me a pack next time."

"Do you know how annoying your face looks right now? I wish I could show you a mirror."

Tou, who was a smoker to the bone, defended his stinginess by saying, "Damn, I have to be stuck here for another two weeks, and I'm almost out of my stockpiled cigarettes," Jeong Tae-ui reassured him, and they both left the bathroom.

As they walked through the bustling hallway and up to the ground floor, Tou stepped off the elevator and headed straight outside, while Jeong Tae-ui followed quickly, glancing around nervously. He felt a bit pathetic acting this way, but he still didn't know how to face Xin Lu if they happened to run into each other.

Outside, the sunlight was so bright that it was hard to keep his eyes open.

Despite living underground, the HVAC system worked perfectly, and the interior lighting was designed to mimic natural light, so there was no discomfort living there. Nevertheless, the occasional exposure to sunlight, the sky, and the breeze was undeniably soothing.

Jeong Tae-ui often took walks outside during his free time. Many colleagues did the same, and he would usually run into one or two people.

The dense forest path felt dangerous in the late evening, so he rarely ventured out then, but it was manageable during the day. If you followed the narrow path behind the building, you could reach the beach, though it was quite a distance away. The beach was rocky, far from a sunlit sandy shore, but the sea's color was stunning.

Jeong Tae-ui forcefully took two more cigarettes from Tou and walked the path alone. As he pushed through the knee-high grass, his legs were covered in insect bites and grass cuts.

He regretted not wearing long pants and considered going back to change, but he kept walking, and soon the scent of the sea reached him.

Damn, he should have come here with Xin Lu. Everything might have gone smoothly then. No unnecessary excitement or... well, who knows.

Grumbling, Jeong Tae-ui lit a cigarette with the lighter he had also taken from Tou and took a deep drag.

"Sorry, trees. Bear with the smoke for a bit."

He muttered to himself, feeling guilty about blowing smoke in the natural forest. As he walked, the forest opened up to reveal the sea.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just the sea that appeared.

Someone was walking back from enjoying the sea breeze and the smell of the ocean. It was someone Jeong Tae-ui did not want to see right now. Approaching alone was Xin Lu.

As soon as he saw Xin Lu, Jeong Tae-ui instinctively looked for a place to hide, but before he could find a suitable spot, Xin Lu spotted him.

After their eyes met, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't hide and stood awkwardly, and Xin Lu, seemingly surprised, paused for a moment before slowly approaching him. After all, this was the only path to take.

"…… Were you out for a walk?"

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled, hesitantly, as Xin Lu approached to within a few steps, making it seem even stranger not to exchange some sort of greeting. Xin Lu nodded without any sign of discomfort, gazing steadily at Jeong Tae-ui.

"Yes. And you, Tae-ui hyung?"

"Yeah, just for a bit. ...It's been a while."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke as if it were nothing. But it was a problem. His face was starting to heat up again. It would be better to call it blushing.

When Xin Lu approached within three or four steps, he stopped. There was a hint of hesitation in his movements.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Jeong Tae-ui pondered with a calm expression. Should he apologize? Probably. But he couldn't bring himself to speak.

"By the way, you moved rooms too, right? Which room did you move to?"

Xin Lu spoke as if he had just found something to say. Jeong Tae-ui opened his mouth.

"I moved to Tou's room. Right, I should have told you. I completely forgot. Tou's in the same team, and I started staying in his room."

"Ah, Tou hyung's room. Okay."

Xin Lu nodded. Then, an awkward silence returned.

At least now, he wouldn't have to go and talk to him separately later, which was a small relief. But the current situation, feeling like sitting on pins and needles, was very hard to endure.

Jeong Tae-ui quietly looked down at Xin Lu, who was bowing his head a few steps ahead. His long eyelashes blinked a few times. A part of the crown of his small head was visible just below the parting.

He was a lovable young man. A cute, petite girl who would smell like cotton candy would suit him best. Surely, the person he dreams of is such a girl.

But suddenly, imagine his surprise to see a man he called hyung and got along well with — becoming aroused in front of him. Beyond surprise, it might have even caused discomfort or a sense of betrayal.

Have you always seen me that way, hyung? ─ If he says that, should he lie by saying, 'No, I just lost my mind for a moment then.' Or should he rather be honest and say, 'Yes.' Either way, it would be awkward.

"Come to think of it, hyung, you sometimes go to instructor Jeong's office, right? You shouldn't go there for a while. During joint training periods, there is a rule that members and instructors should not have excessive contact."

"Ah… yes, thank you."

Although Jeong Tae-ui already knew from his uncle that he shouldn't come for a while, he just dragged his words and simply thanked him. He was genuinely grateful. It was his way of looking out for him.

Yes, even so, Xin Lu was trying to be nice to Jeong Tae-ui. No matter what discomfort or bewilderment he felt, he didn’t show it.

Every time they had a conversation, there was much more silence in return.

Once again, the conversation hit a dead end. Jeong Tae-ui noticed Xin Lu's awkward glance and sighed, stepping aside. He realized he had been blocking the path.

"Then, I'll go ahead."

Xin Lu nodded his head and scurried past him. Watching his retreating figure with a bitter gaze, Jeong Tae-ui murmured, "Sorry." Although he said it out loud, his voice was so small that it was uncertain if Xin Lu heard it.

With a sigh, Jeong Tae-ui exhaled smoke from his cigarette and slowly started walking. Suddenly, he thought the footsteps behind him had stopped for a moment.

"Um… Tae-ui hyung."

A hesitant voice called out to him. Jeong Tae-ui stopped walking and turned around. Xin Lu was looking up at him with a strange expression. Oddly, he was just as flushed as Jeong Tae-ui.

"Hyung, um, I..."


"Well, um..."

Xin Lu's face grew redder. It was like the color of the sky as the sun sets. His voice became increasingly quieter.

Seeing his face turn red and his head drop was so pitiful that Jeong Tae-ui felt an inexplicable sense of restlessness. He wanted to tell him that it was okay to get angry. It was okay to yell.

Preparing to hear harsh words from him, Jeong Tae-ui clenched his fist in his pocket.

But the words that Xin Lu, who hesitated for a long time, finally shouted out, were entirely different from what he expected.

"I, I've slept with a man before."


Thud, the cigarette he was holding in his mouth fell. Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at Xin Lu, unaware that the cigarette had dropped between his feet. He vividly saw Xin Lu fumbling, unable to make eye contact and staring at his feet.

"It was winter, about two years after graduating high school. Ah, I skipped a grade, so I wasn't an adult yet, but I went to a bar for men only. It was my first time..."

By the time he closed his mouth without finishing his sentence, Xin Lu's face was as red as it could get.

Jeong Tae-ui could only stare at Xin Lu blankly, unable to even blink. He looked as if he had lost his mind. His mind was blank, with no thoughts coming to him.

As the silence continued, Xin Lu, who had been slowly raising his gaze, suddenly shouted with a surprised face, "Hyung! The cigarette! The cigarette!" He pointed with his finger, and only then did Jeong Tae-ui look down. He was startled to see the cigarette had fallen among dry grass and was quietly emitting smoke, so he hurriedly stomped on the grass.

After putting out the embers and picking up the cigarette butt to put it in his pocket, Jeong Tae-ui's hands were shaking. He took out the one remaining cigarette, put it in his mouth, and tried to light it, but the lighter wouldn't ignite properly. His fingers kept fumbling while he thought.

Wait a minute, what did I just hear? I think I heard something strange, but it feels like a part of my memory is missing, and I can't think of it. So, just a moment ago, Xin Lu called out to me, "Hyung." And then, after hesitating, he said something, so... But why won't this damn lighter work?

Seeing Jeong Tae-ui struggling to light his cigarette, flicking the lighter multiple times without success, Xin Lu, still red-faced and looking like a guilty person, hesitantly approached. He gently took the lighter from Jeong Tae-ui's hand and lit it for him. "Ah, thank you," said Jeong Tae-ui, lighting his cigarette and silently taking back the lighter Xin Lu returned, putting it back in his pocket.



A subtle silence hung between them. Xin Lu stood in front of Jeong Tae-ui, at a distance where he could reach out and touch him.

Jeong Tae-ui, staring blankly at Xin Lu while exhaling smoke, flinched when Xin Lu coughed a couple of times and quickly turned his head, saying, "Sorry," and blew out the smoke forcefully. He then extinguished the cigarette, even though he had barely smoked it. If Tou saw this, he would have glared and jumped in outrage, but Jeong Tae-ui didn't care about that.

"......, um, was it... good?"

As soon as he asked, Jeong Tae-ui wanted to bite his own head off.

What was he asking? Was it good? In this context, what was he even referring to?

Indeed, Xin Lu widened his eyes in surprise and stared at Jeong Tae-ui. Jeong Tae-ui stammered, while waving his hand. He was sweating profusely.

"No, sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just, um, meant, wasn't it unpleasant?"

Xin Lu quietly stared at Jeong Tae-ui, who was trying hard to explain with a flustered face. Then, slowly, he shook his head.

"It wasn't unpleasant. It's just that I was too busy afterward to go to such places again... and since then, I haven't felt attracted to women..."

Xin Lu, shyly lowering his head as he spoke, had a neck that was subtly flushed. Seeing this made Jeong Tae-ui's already flushed face even hotter.

If someone saw this, how funny it would be. Two grown men standing face to face with red faces, staring at the ground. But even if someone laughed at them, Jeong Tae-ui wouldn't care. Perhaps, maybe, the thought warmed his heart and made him feel elated.

Jeong Tae-ui idly pushed and dragged the long cigarette butt on the ground with his toe. Then, after a long silence, Xin Lu whispered softly.

"Hyung, when we had tea a few days ago..."

Jeong Tae-ui flinched, he stepped on the cigarette. His foot hesitated as it slowly dragged the cigarette.

"When you touched me like that, you smelled like soap, and you were so close, so..."

"Ah, I see..."

Xin Lu mumbled while nodding his head. That was all. Xin Lu was still bowing his head, his face red up to his ears, and Jeong Tae-ui was not much different.

Then, at some point, Xin Lu very slowly lifted his head. His black eyes glanced up at Jeong Tae-ui. His glossy, sparkling eyes made Jeong Tae-ui's heart thump.

Just as Jeong Tae-ui was about to look away, Xin Lu slightly smiled. A shy smile, just lifting the corners of his mouth a bit. He couldn't take his eyes off that smile.

"...Hyung. Let's go back together. I was waiting here... I mean, I want to see the sea one more time."

Saying that, Xin Lu brushed past Jeong Tae-ui and started walking back toward the beach. Jeong Tae-ui stood there, dumbfounded, staring blankly at Xin Lu's retreating figure. When Xin Lu, who was a bit far away, turned and tilted his head in confusion, Jeong Tae-ui hurriedly followed.

His heart was pounding wildly. It felt like he had seized an unbelievable stroke of luck.

Even when he closed his eyes and opened them again, Xin Lu was still there, smiling.

Ah, so it's true that misfortune doesn't always come alone.

Tonight, even if hundreds of men like Rick came from the European branch, he felt he could endure it.


They arrived after dinner time, precisely when the clock pointed to 8 PM.

Jeong Tae-ui tried to recall when he had ever felt such a foreboding atmosphere in his life. Never before. Not even when he had fought with Lieutenant Kim to the death, causing the fight to escalate into an all-out brawl within the platoon, and had to march in full gear the next day. It wasn't this bad.

After finishing a brief orientation in the large lecture hall on the second basem*nt floor, they descended to the sixth basem*nt floor. The atmosphere in the hallway was downright menacing. A dozen or so men, particularly those who harbored deep grudges against the European branch, stood in the hallway, glaring silently at them with menacing expressions, while the men who had descended the stairs glared back with equally stern faces.

Jeong Tae-ui, who had no desire to get involved in such a standoff, had anticipated this situation and decided to stay quietly in his room when they arrived. Unfortunately, he happened to run into them just as he was coming out of the bathroom after a bath.

Seeing a group of unfamiliar men coming down the stairs, Jeong Tae-ui thought, "Ah, they’re finally here." When he saw his comrades standing in front of them, he quickly slipped through the crowd towards his room. He habitually headed for his own room but then turned around and headed towards Tou's room, where he would be staying for a while.

Inside the room, only Maurer, who shared the room with Tou, was there. Although he was on a different team, they had seen each other and talked several times, so it wasn't awkward.

"They’re here, aren’t they?"

Maurer, who was engrossed in a puzzle magazine, mumbled while chewing on a pencil. Jeong Tae-ui answered, "Yeah, they are," as he sat down on the bed and shook his still-damp hair with his hands.

At least this Maurer didn’t seem to have any particular grudge against the European branch. Tou had said it was because Maurer hadn’t been here long enough to experience the European branch’s misdeeds, but having been here only a few days, Jeong Tae-ui found it easier to relate to Maurer, who showed only a moderate level of competitive spirit, rather than to Tou, who passionately hated the European branch.

"Where’s Tou?"

"In the bathroom. He took a comic book with him, so he won't be back soon."

Jeong Tae-ui nodded at Maurer’s answer, who spoke without taking his eyes off the puzzle.

The guy who had been eagerly awaiting their arrival was in the bathroom when they arrived. However, even if he was in the bathroom, he might come running out if he sensed their presence.

Even inside the room, they could feel the tense atmosphere outside. Although no fights had broken out yet, they occasionally heard insults and shouts, as if daring a brawl.

"Man, it wouldn't be surprising if a brawl broke out. The atmosphere is killer."

"A brawl... I don’t want that."

"Yeah, I’d like to avoid it too... If Tou hears us talking like this, he'll probably jump up and give us a long lecture."

Jeong Tae-ui glanced at Maurer and grinned. Maurer smiled back.

"That guy Tou is really a good guy, but he's a bit hot-headed."

Instead of answering, Maurer shrugged his shoulders to show his agreement and turned back to his puzzle.

Jeong Tae-ui started unpacking his belongings. There wasn’t much to unpack. From the beginning, when he moved into this branch, he didn’t have many things, so he didn't need much for moving to another room for a few days. He could easily carry everything in his hands without needing to put it in a bag.

"Is it okay if I use an empty toothbrush holder?"

"Yeah, go ahead. Just make sure not to get confused. Last time, Tou bought a new toothbrush that was the same color as Thich Nhat’s, and they kept arguing every day about which one belonged to whom."

Even while engrossed in his puzzle, Maurer responded diligently. Listening to him, Jeong Tae-ui glanced at the color of his own toothbrush and placed it in the bathroom. When he put his underwear in the drawer, he also heard similar incidents from the past and checked his underwear again. He regretted bringing plain white underwear, which was easy to get confused with others.

When he tried to close the drawer, something seemed to be caught inside, making it hard to close. After repeatedly opening and closing it a few times, Jeong Tae-ui frowned and pulled the drawer all the way out.

“What’s stuck in here… Oh.”

Jeong Tae-ui pulled out a piece of metal that was sticking out between the underwear.

It was a Beretta.

Feeling the cool sensation in his hand, Jeong Tae-ui glanced at Maurer. With his back partially turned to him, Maurer was still engrossed in his puzzle.

Carrying personal weapons was prohibited in the branch. Even if tolerated, it was limited to knives or guns without lethal capabilities. Occasionally, gun enthusiasts would secretly hide guns and get caught, futilely insisting they were toy guns, but the feel of this in his hand was real.

Jeong Tae-ui held the Beretta and lightly tapped the grip against the palm of his other hand a couple of times. The magazine was loaded. It seemed like he could fire it immediately if he just released the safety.

At that moment, Maurer, twirling a pen, absentmindedly turned his head. Then he saw it — the Beretta in Jeong Tae-ui’s hand.

His expression quickly changed. With a startled look, he jumped up and rushed over to Jeong Tae-ui, trying to snatch the Beretta from him. Jeong Tae-ui instinctively stepped back.

Slowly, Maurer’s face turned into a scowl as if he had eaten something unpleasant. Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself, "Aha," and then smiled broadly.

"Is this yours? You know it’s illegal to carry weapons, right?"

"Give it back, man! I worked hard to get that model!"

Maurer, with a sulky face, yelled as he extended his hand.

Come to think of it, Jeong Tae-ui had heard from Tou once in passing that the guy who shared his room was a gun enthusiast and kept model guns all over the place.

It was unlikely that someone like Tou would mistake a real gun for a model, so Maurer probably did have model guns stashed around the room. The rumored gun enthusiast must have been this guy. It was an unexpected hobby for someone who was always buried in puzzles.

"You need to remove the bullets, the bullets."

Jeong Tae-ui handed the gun over to him without any resistance.

This was it. This place was filled with subtly dangerous people. Trying to survive here made Jeong Tae-ui worry about his future.

He suddenly grabbed Maurer, who was grumbling while accepting the gun, and quickly reached inside his vest, feeling around. Maurer let out a strange noise and recoiled.

"Hey! What are you touching!"

"We're both guys, what's the big deal? Hold still. ...Aha."

"Hey, hey! Come to think of it, I heard you have a crush on Xin Lu! Don't touch me; I'm pure! I have no interest in guys!"

"I have absolutely no desire to do anything with you either... By the way, what's this?"

Jeong Tae-ui smiled as he pulled out a small piece of metal that Maurer had hidden in a specially made pocket inside his vest.

"Oh, a .22 caliber Colt... How cute. What are you planning to do with this?"

"Give me back my baby! Why do you keep messing with my stuff?"

Maurer irritably snatched the Colt from Jeong Tae-ui's hand. As he willingly surrendered the gun, Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue.

It seemed like there was always at least one person like this wherever he went. He once had a colleague who was so obsessed with guns that he decorated his entire house with model guns. When Jeong Tae-ui asked in amazement, 'How do you get away with this?' his colleague had glared at him and threatened, 'As long as you don’t snitch, I won’t get caught.' So Jeong Tae-ui had decided to keep quiet.

Jeong Tae-ui had encountered a couple of people in the past who were infatuated with guns, irrespective of their practical use. And now he had found another one here.

"You're the nephew of Instructor Jeong, right?"

Maurer glared at Jeong Tae-ui with fierce eyes. Jeong Tae-ui dragged out his words, "Well," and then smiled.

"If I told anyone that my roommate is obsessed with guns, you'd probably shoot me before my uncle even got here, right?"

"Of course! If you tell anyone, you're dead!"

Maurer, issuing a threat that was transparently full of bravado, tucked the Colt back into his vest.

"Do you always carry that around... You'll get caught."

"Just keep your mouth shut!"

Maurer yelled and then returned to his desk. He shot a glare at Jeong Tae-ui and then roughly flipped open his puzzle magazine, his agitation evident.

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled and resumed organizing his belongings. However, there wasn’t much to organize, so he finished in no time.

Sitting on the bed, Jeong Tae-ui glanced around the room. Unlike his own room, which he had to himself, this one was shared by three people. And unlike Jeong Tae-ui, who disliked clutter and had almost no belongings, this room was packed with miscellaneous items.

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly smiled. Instead of feeling strange, he felt a sense of nostalgia.

Back at the academy, and even when he stayed at the BOQ (Bachelor Officers' Quarters) in the army, Jeong Tae-ui shared rooms with his peers and colleagues. Even then, there were always some roommates who couldn’t throw anything away and kept everything, filling the entire room with their belongings. Eventually, another colleague, unable to tolerate it any longer, yelled at them to throw some stuff away, leading to a bit of conflict before it was resolved.

This room also had a lot of stuff, but compared to that time, it was manageable. At this level, it could be said that it had a decent, lived-in feel.

While Jeong Tae-ui was feeling a slight sense of nostalgia in the unfamiliar room, the noise outside was still loud and fierce. Occasionally, the sound of cans clattering or metal being kicked could be heard. It wouldn’t be surprising if a fight broke out at any moment.

Eventually, it seemed like the members of the European branch had gone to their assigned rooms, as the unsettling noise in the hallway subsided. Even though they shared the same floor, the prison guards didn’t want to ignite any unnecessary fights, so they appropriately divided the area, assigning the side near the east stairwell to this branch and the side near the west stairwell to the European branch.

So, Jeong Tae-ui thought that since the bathrooms and toilets were different, they’d have fewer chances to run into each other. But that seemed to be a naive assumption. Even if they encountered each other at the far end of the hallway, they were likely to shout and point fingers, unable to contain their anger and running to attack each other.

There didn’t seem to be anyone willing to mediate, and the hostility was so high that even those pretending to intervene were rare. The prison guards and officers made a show of trying to mediate, but if a serious fight broke out, it would be uncontrollable.

"I just have to make sure I don't get caught in the middle of their fight," Jeong Tae-ui muttered, clicking his tongue. Maurer glanced at him, seemingly in agreement, and nodded vigorously before returning to his puzzle.

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled. He had seen the simple habit of men working together to defeat a common enemy many times, and although he didn’t dislike that atmosphere, he rarely participated. The most he had done was join in light events like sports competitions. So, it was only natural that he didn’t feel inclined to join in this dangerous atmosphere where there were actual casualties.

Tomorrow, joint training would officially start, and with things already like this at the beginning, he had mixed feelings.

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head, recalling his uncle’s non-reassuring words.

‘You probably won’t die.’

Indeed, the deadliest joint training in history had six fatalities. With a total of ninety participants, that was a 1/15, or about 6.7% chance. Even rounding up, it was 7%.

They say anything can happen, but surely he wouldn’t be among those unlucky six or seven. Besides, the worst case had been six fatalities, so it should be fewer than that.

Jeong Tae-ui tapped his heavy stomach and shifted his gaze to a bookshelf that filled one corner of the room. Tou’s former roommate — now in the South American branch — Thich Nhat Hanh, was rumored to be a bookworm, and indeed, there were quite a few books. The bookshelf assigned to Thich Nhat Hanh’s side was densely packed with books, double and triple-layered. He wouldn’t be bored with nothing to read while staying in this room.


Just then, Jeong Tae-ui slightly frowned and muttered to himself.

Why had he forgotten it until now? Of all things to forget, the sight of the books reminded him. He had left the book he borrowed from his uncle in his room. That $3,500 book — though his uncle had said he didn’t pay $3,500 for it, in Jeong Tae-ui’s perception, every book on his uncle’s bookshelf was worth $3,500.

He had been reading it last night and left it on the desk. It wouldn't get damaged as it was among other books, but still, it was the most valuable item in his room, and since it wasn't his, the responsibility weighed heavily on him.

"Damn it... I need to go get it."

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head and clicked his tongue.

No one would be bored enough to damage a book, but the thought of something that wasn't his being left unattended for two weeks made him anxious. Especially since it was worth $3,500, a sum he wasn't confident he could cover, and the book would be hard to replace even with money.

He didn’t know who was occupying his room now, but surely they wouldn’t pick a fight just because he went back to get his book. No matter how bad the relations between the branches were, it wouldn't be that bad. Besides, technically, it was his room to begin with.

Jeong Tae-ui felt uneasy thinking about Tou’s words about territory infringement and the ominous atmosphere that could be felt even through the walls, but he decided to take it easy and stood up. If things got dicey, he could just grab the book and run. Surely, they wouldn't follow him back to this room to cause trouble. That would inevitably lead to a brawl, and he hoped they weren’t foolish enough to cross that dangerous line.

No, it wouldn’t happen. Although he often — almost always — forgot this fact, the men who joined UNHRDO were all supposed to be well-mannered and highly skilled personnel.

Jeong Tae-ui patted his chest a couple of times to steady himself and was about to head back to his room when he heard the door opening. Tou was coming in, followed by the loud bang of the door slamming shut.

"…What’s up? Did you fall in the toilet or something?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked.

Tou just glared at him with fierce eyes without answering.

The way he came in, looking livid and as if he had taken a beating somewhere, unable to vent his anger, made him seem like he was fuming.

"Why are you glaring at me like that? Scary… Did you have a fight with the European branch guys?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked nonchalantly, and Tou’s face turned even fiercer. It seemed he had hit the mark.

It hadn’t even been half an hour since the instructor had told them not to cause any trouble after the European branch members arrived, but it seemed that was in vain. Or maybe Tou, who had been in the bathroom, would claim he hadn’t heard any such warning.

"They deliberately bumped into me, those bastards. So I grabbed one and was about to give him a punch when the instructor showed up. ...Damn, I should have just hit him first and dealt with the consequences later."

"Forget it, you did well holding back. There’s nothing to gain from causing a ruckus on the first day. You’ll have plenty of chances to hit them without the instructor around, right?"

Jeong Tae-ui patted Tou's shoulder and smiled. Though Tou still looked displeased, he seemed to calm down a bit.

Having a bad relationship with Lieutenant Kim's squad helps at times like this. At least I've had some experience dealing with subordinates, Jeong Tae-ui thought. He sighed, recalling how he had ended up causing trouble and leaving the military because of it.

As Jeong Tae-ui moved to leave, Tou, who was gulping down a beer he had taken from the fridge, asked,

"Where are you going?"

"Um... just... going to the bathroom."

If he said he was going to get something from his room, Tou would probably insist on coming along or vehemently try to stop him. Not wanting either, Jeong Tae-ui gave a noncommittal answer. Tou, finishing his beer, gave him some advice.

"If anyone bumps into you, just punch them in the face before the instructor shows up."

"Oh... I'll keep that in mind."

Without looking back, Jeong Tae-ui waved and left the room.

As soon as he stepped into the hallway, he could feel the tense atmosphere. Men stood in small groups here and there, glaring at each other and muttering, ready to explode at any moment.

"The relationship is even worse than I imagined."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself as he walked.

The distance from Tou's room to his own was significant. Even under normal circ*mstances, it felt far, but now, in this atmosphere, it seemed even longer.

"Hey, Tae-ui. Where are you going?"

One of the men in the hallway greeted him. This was someone who normally wouldn't even acknowledge him, but now, facing an external threat, internal unity seemed to come naturally. Conscious of the hostile glares from unfamiliar faces a bit further away, Jeong Tae-ui casually raised a hand in response.


"The bathroom is right there."

The guy pointed out, confused since the bathroom was right in front of him. Jeong Tae-ui shrugged.

"I can't use a toilet I'm not familiar with. I'm a bit sensitive that way."

"Haha, you're an odd one."

The guy laughed, seemingly amused, and didn't say anything more.

Jeong Tae-ui kept walking, his hands lightly in his pockets. As he passed by a group of European branch members, one of them stepped forward slightly. Immediately, a few guys from his own branch, standing a bit away, looked ready to intervene. It was clear that if anyone laid a finger on him, a fight would break out instantly.

The European guy hesitated, glancing at his comrades before folding his arms and stepping back. Seeing this, the guys from Jeong Tae-ui's branch also relaxed.

Good grief... I can handle putting myself at risk, but it's hard to walk around calmly when I might be the fuse that ignites a brawl, Jeong Tae-ui thought, clicking his tongue inwardly. The camaraderie from his not-so-close comrades felt awkward and made him want to laugh wryly.

After experiencing such incidents a couple more times, Jeong Tae-ui finally reached his room.

Perhaps because it was located deeper inside the corridor, the area near his room was deserted. Neither his colleagues nor the men from the other branch were in sight. He could see one of the European guys staring from a distance, but he didn’t seem inclined to come over and start any trouble. Rather, with a remarkably bizarre expression, he was staring intently at Jeong Tae-ui.

Jeong Tae-ui cast a puzzled glance at him before opening the door.

“Good grief... walking on thorns would be better than this.”

A sigh escaped his lips as he clicked his tongue and muttered. Simultaneously, he braced himself inwardly as he opened the door.

Given that merely brushing past each other in the corridor was enough to cause trouble, he wondered what would happen if they encountered each other in the same room. The territorial invasion Tou had mentioned might not be a joke after all. If things went south, he might just have to grab his books and make a run for it.

Wondering what kind of rough-looking brute might be using his room, Jeong Tae-ui stepped inside with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. He stopped short as he saw the person inside.

There was only one person in the room.

The man, lying leisurely on Jeong Tae-ui's bed and flipping through a book as if he had been living there for a long time, turned to glance at him when the door opened.

‘Hey, the book you’re reading costs $3500. You shouldn’t handle it so carelessly.’

But the words got stuck in his throat and didn’t come out. He recognized the man at a glance.

Jeong Tae-ui's gaze was fixed on the man’s face.

His almost translucent, pale face was so white it looked sickly. His delicate features were still distinct despite being partially obscured by thick-rimmed glasses. He looked like a dedicated, gentle researcher quietly engrossed in his studies at some institute, but meeting those slender eyes directly sent a chill down his spine.

Jeong Tae-ui knew this man. The vivid, crimson mark engraved in his memory.

Riegrow... Rick.

The man who dyed the screen with blood, smiling faintly just like that.

Jeong Tae-ui, dazedly closing the door behind him, only snapped back to his senses and regretted it when he heard the door click shut. Why did he close the door? It wouldn’t mean much, but at least if it were open, he’d feel a bit more connected to the outside. Or it would have been better for a quick escape.

Now he understood the meaning of the bizarre look on the face of that European guy who had been staring at him as he entered. That guy already knew who was staying in this room.

You wretched bastard. Even if you consider people from the Asian branch your enemies, as a fellow human being, you should look out for someone whose life is hanging by a thread.

For the first time, Jeong Tae-ui felt a fierce resentment towards the European members, whom he had always disregarded despite countless complaints from Tou and other colleagues.

“Are you the owner of this book?”

As Jeong Tae-ui was inwardly cursing, Riegrow’s calm voice reached him.

Jeong Tae-ui froze.

It was a low and gentle voice. That strange sound, seeping into his ears like water, was something he had never anticipated or imagined. Moreover, he had never associated such a feeling with the voice of this man, Riegrow.

As Riegrow calmly asked, holding up the book, he showed no sign of suddenly lunging at Jeong Tae-ui to slit his throat or cover him in blood. On the contrary, the faint smile on his lips made him look almost pleasant.

“No... it’s a borrowed book. It’s rare, so I need to take good care of it and return it, so I came to get it.”

“Are you going to take it now?”

Riegrow asked, sounding regretful. His face bore a hint of disappointment, as if he had been reading a very interesting part.

“I think I’ll finish it in about two or three hours. Can you wait a bit?”

“... It’s fine.”

Jeong Tae-ui replied with a strange feeling.

It was different from what he had imagined. Exchanging a few words like this made it seem like he was dealing with an ordinary person. Perhaps he had remembered the madman’s face incorrectly. The video quality wasn’t great, so maybe it wasn’t this face. ... No, that couldn’t be.

Watching Riegrow smile broadly and say “Thanks,” Jeong Tae-ui briefly doubted his memory, but he had never misidentified anyone before. Especially not such a distinctive individual.

“Well, he’s not a lunatic, after all. No matter how crazy someone is, they can’t be abnormal 24/7.”

“Huh? What did you say?”

Muttering to himself in a voice so soft he could barely hear it, Jeong Tae-ui almost jumped when Riegrow asked him to repeat.

What? Oh, nothing. Feigning confusion, Jeong Tae-ui shrugged his shoulders. Riegrow stared at him for a moment, then smiled slightly.

“Come to think of it, waiting for two or three hours might be boring. – Here, you can have it back.”

Riegrow closed the book and held it out to Jeong Tae-ui, slightly shaking it as if to tell him to take it.

“No, it’s fine. I can come back later. You should keep reading. It’s frustrating to stop midway, isn’t it?”

“I read it a long time ago, so I know the content. I was just feeling nostalgic. It’s okay, take it.”

He lightly shook the book again as he spoke. His voice was languid and pleasant to hear, but it felt subtly dangerous. It was like being lured into deep water with a dreamy, disoriented feeling.

Jeong Tae-ui thought it would be awkward to keep refusing, so he shrugged his shoulders and approached Riegrow. With each step, a delicate tension prickled at his toes, as if he were approaching a hungry predator.

“This author’s books are hard to come by, right? Have you read any others?”

As Jeong Tae-ui took the book, Riegrow asked calmly. Jeong Tae-ui hesitated and looked at him. Riegrow’s drowsy gaze softened when their eyes met.

“I know a skilled antiquarian who deals in rare books. The ones written after this are more interesting, but they’re hard to find. Still, that person could probably get them, though it might take some time. If you want, I can introduce you.”

“... The price must be considerable, right?”

“Well, I’d say around two or three hundred dollars. Or you could go to the German National Library in Berlin. They have a foreign books section where you might find the English editions. I saw them there about five or six years ago.”

Even though that wasn’t a small amount for a book, it felt much lighter compared to $3,500, Jeong Tae-ui thought. He looked at Riegrow with a rather peculiar feeling.

Something was different from his imagination. Of course, he hadn’t imagined a murderous monster killing everyone in sight, but he also hadn’t thought he would be having a normal — or slightly manic — conversation about books. Furthermore, the chilling and creepy feeling from the video was nowhere to be found. Instead, Riegrow seemed like a cheerful and neat young man. His social skills, engaging in conversation with a stranger without hesitation, were quite impressive.

Seeing him like this, he appeared very ordinary. Without preconceived notions, he might even be seen as a charming young man with a rather appealing impression.

“Riegrow... that’s right, isn’t it?”

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated before asking. Riegrow seemed slightly surprised but then chuckled and nodded.

“Yes, I’m the only one in our branch with that name. Have you heard about me from somewhere?”

“Yeah, a bit.”

“Haha, I’m curious about what kind of rumors you’ve heard.”

“I think you might already know.”

Jeong Tae-ui said, and Riegrow fell silent. He stared at Jeong Tae-ui with pitch-black eyes, eyes so deep they seemed unfathomable. Then, suddenly, he burst out laughing.

“More or less. But you know how rumors can be exaggerated, right?”

Shaking his head and clicking his tongue, Riegrow seemed genuinely troubled. He looked like a pitiable young man beset by baseless rumors.

With his clean, white appearance and charming looks, along with his captivating voice and smooth conversation skills, there was nothing lacking.

“Well, the video I saw didn’t exactly show that, but yeah, I agree that rumors can be quite exaggerated.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered uneasily as he sat on the empty bed across the room. He wasn’t entirely sure what to make of Riegrow yet. He didn’t seem completely unhinged and appeared capable of holding a normal conversation. His ability to steer a conversation pleasantly wasn’t something just anyone could do. Although Jeong Tae-ui still harbored some wariness, he suppressed it and sat down, watching a smile spread across Riegrow’s clean, white face.

“Video? Oh, now that you mention it, there was a camera I dismantled back then. Right, the recording would’ve remained intact. Really, why do they record such things and make people out to be something they’re not?”

Listening to Riegrow mumbling to himself in understanding, Jeong Tae-ui felt a renewed sense of confirmation. “Yeah, it’s definitely him.”

Seeing him like this, he seemed like a reasonable guy who could carry on a conversation, but perhaps he turned into a different person on the battlefield. Maybe he had a split personality, or perhaps he was just momentarily insane in the video.

Jeong Tae-ui, resting his chin in his hand, sighed as he stared at Riegrow.

Whatever the case, as long as he didn’t pose a threat to his peaceful life over the next six months, it didn’t matter. Besides, maybe Riegrow wasn’t as strange as he had initially thought.

“Oh, and there’s another book with a completely different perspective. Charles Campbell published it six months after the first one as a critique, which caused quite a stir in the academic community back then.”

Jeong Tae-ui was just about to stand up when Riegrow pointed out a book and said nonchalantly. Jeong Tae-ui paused and sat back down.

"Is that by any chance '1337, The Beginning of Flanders'?"

"Oh, have you already read it? It must have been hard to get."

"No, I haven't read it. I just heard the title. How is it, that book?"

"It's interesting. The content of the book itself doesn't seem particularly fresh now, but it's kind of funny to see Joey Moyers being persistently mentioned here and there. Still, it's worth a read. If you want, I can get it for you, although it might take some time."

Watching Riegrow, who said to let him know anytime if he wanted to read it, Jeong Tae-ui was secretly impressed. This is something — Riegrow was quite a literary enthusiast. Jeong Tae-ui himself, having stuck around Jeong Jae-ui since childhood, had no choice but to get used to flipping through books, although he was not as much of a bookworm as Jeong Jae-ui. It wasn't easy to be so enthusiastic about literature while working in this field.

However, recalling his uncle, Jeong Tae-ui reconsidered, thinking, ' No, there might be more people like him than I thought. '

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly felt delighted. It's not easy to find someone to have this kind of conversation with in such a place. He might become a pleasant friend.

Jeong Tae-ui smiled and opened his mouth to say something.

But just before he could speak, an enormous noise came from the hallway. It sounded like a door was falling off or a wall was being deliberately destroyed.

‘I pitied these weak bastards and left them alone!’

‘Look at them causing trouble, barging into someone else's branch!’

‘Hey, come out! It looks like these guys need a good beating to quiet down!’

‘Yeah, let's fill up the infirmary with you lot!’

Behind Jeong Tae-ui, separated by a single wall, loud shouts and the sounds of heavy impacts continued.

Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth that he had just opened and blinked quietly, only staring at Riegrow. Riegrow, too, wore a calm smile and silently looked back at Jeong Tae-ui.

He had momentarily forgotten. In reality, his relationship with this man was not much different from that of enemies. It wouldn't be surprising if they started fighting right here and now.

"Hmm... are you thinking of joining in?"

He omitted the object, which was 'that fight.' He preferred to quietly wait out this rough time in the room.

But Riegrow, who had been silent for a moment, betrayed Jeong Tae-ui's expectations.

"It's noisy."

His face lost its gentle expression and spoke with slight irritation. The moment he erased his smile and spoke coldly, his demeanor changed astonishingly.

Brutal and fierce.

Leaving the momentarily startled Jeong Tae-ui behind, Riegrow abruptly stood up and strode towards the door.

As Riegrow's hand grasped the doorknob, Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and stood up.

The moment that door opens, it will be a battlefield. If unlucky, he might have to tussle with the man closest to him, which he certainly didn't desire. What to do now?

Sighing and clicking his tongue, Jeong Tae-ui shook his wrists, preparing his body. After all, even if he was to get hit, it was better to loosen up a bit to avoid getting hurt badly.

Thinking so, Jeong Tae-ui followed Riegrow out the door, but unfortunately — or perhaps fortunately — there was no place for him to step in.

Riegrow, standing firmly as if to block Jeong Tae-ui’s way, silently watched the corridor for a moment.

The hallway was already a mess. Members from all the rooms had spilled out and were fighting indiscriminately, with several rolling on the floor, engaged in wild brawls.

Jeong Tae-ui hoped the instructor would come down again, but seeing this scene, it was clear that even if the instructor shouted, it wouldn't stop the fists from flying.

Riegrow glanced at a steel pipe that had rolled to his feet, then kicked it up with the tip of his shoe and caught it in his hand. The steel pipe, just a bit thinner than a baseball bat, seemed to fit perfectly in his hand. It was hard to believe it was the same hand that had been holding a book just moments ago.

Jeong Tae-ui's gaze stopped at his hand.

Out of habit, he was still wearing gloves. However, they were different from the ones seen in the video. The thin, navy-blue fabric gloves appeared neat and composed.

The steel pipe in that hand seemed very out of place — at that moment, Riegrow moved.

His gaze fixed on two men, relatively close to him, who were grabbing each other by the collar and slamming into the wall, making the loudest and most raucous noise amidst the fight.

"So noisy..."

Muttering to himself, his voice was barely audible over the clamor. In the chaotic noise, unable to distinguish his surroundings, he raised the pipe with a bored and irritated expression.

And simultaneously—


Even in the pandemonium, that sound was exceptionally loud.

It wasn't just Jeong Tae-ui who heard it.

The chilling silence, perhaps louder than the screams, continued as the steel pipe, with no mercy, made horrifying sounds as it struck a few more guys nearby.

The sounds of flesh tearing and bones breaking followed.

"I'm already annoyed having come all this way, why do you have to be so noisy?"

What broke the silence was Riegrow's lazy and quiet voice.

The end of the pipe, which had been swung indiscriminately regardless of sides, was now covered in glistening blood, dripping down. The dark stains soaked into the navy gloves, spreading until the gloves turned black.

"That... that bastard..."

Someone suddenly muttered, their voice trembling faintly. However, that voice became the catalyst.

As if trying to shake off the fear that had quickly spread through the air, shouts and cries filled the hallway.

"Kill him! That devilish bastard, kill him!"

But despite the screams erupting like cries, no one dared approach him first. Even the members of the European branch took several steps back, their faces drenched in unease.

Riegrow twirled the large, heavy pipe as if it were a pen. Then, with a slight laugh, he leaped forward.

What followed was hell.

At the end of the hallway, now layered with bodies like corpses, Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at Riegrow’s back.

He wondered where this lunatic had suddenly appeared from and only realized a moment later.

That man was the same charming individual who had been talking about books with a gentle smile just a while ago.


"What a spectacle, what a spectacle..."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, clicking his tongue as he stepped into the dining hall.

One thing common among the men in this branch was that, no matter what, they never missed a meal. As a result, the dining hall, equipped to accommodate the number of people, was packed. It was hard to believe that just yesterday and the day before, half of the branch members had left, making the dining hall unusually empty.

The European branch members and the Asian branch members sat strictly divided. Even if there were empty seats on the other side when their own seats were full, they would never go and sit there, preferring to stand and eat.

But that wasn’t the spectacle. That much was fully expected.

The men, every single one of them, had some kind of injury. Some had blood-soaked bandages wrapped around their heads from severe wounds, others had large patches stuck to their shoulders and necks. In severe cases, some even had splints on their limbs.

Before they even began serious training, the situation was already like this. The future seemed so bleak that it was almost overwhelming.

Only a few, who hadn't participated in last night's brawl or had been away at the time, remained unscathed. Jeong Tae-ui was among them. The path before him had been so thoroughly devastated that he couldn't join the fight even if he wanted to.

"Damn... the atmosphere for breakfast is just fantastic," muttered Maurer, who had followed Jeong Tae-ui into the dining hall. Maurer had patches stuck to his wrist and other places. He had just poked his head out to see what the noise was about and nearly got dragged into the fray, taking a light hit in the process. Though he had no intention of joining the fight, he wasn’t the type to stay passive after being hit, so he had ended up getting quite injured himself while hitting back.

Jeong Tae-ui picked a few items from the self-serve options and, after a moment of staring at the forks and knives in the utensil holder, sighed and opted for a pair of chopsticks instead.

"I don't think I've ever seen forks and knives look as ominous as they do now."

The thought that everyone in the dining hall was holding a potential weapon lingered in his mind.

However, as he placed the chopsticks on his tray and turned to find a seat, he flinched upon seeing a man a few steps away holding a tray with toast, salad, and coffee, and picking up a fork.

"If you look at it that way, the chopsticks you picked up are no different. In fact, there are fewer things in the world that can't be used as weapons."

Jeong Tae-ui swallowed back the retort that almost slipped out, something along the lines of, ‘For someone like you, even your thumb is more dangerous than any weapon.’

The man glanced at Jeong Tae-ui's tray, which held only rice, a few vegetables, and some meat, and spoke amicably.

"Do you think that's enough? Haven't you heard the saying, 'Eat breakfast like a king'?"

"I have heard that, but have you ever heard of the saying, 'pot calling the kettle black'?"

When Jeong Tae-ui commented while staring pointedly at the man’s tray, he laughed out loud. His low, quiet laughter was surprisingly pleasant. Despite being the source of countless injuries among the men, this man himself was spotless. His neat attire had not a single wrinkle.

"Hmm. There aren't many empty seats... Ah, there are two seats over there. Shall we go?"

He nodded his head toward Jeong Tae-ui very naturally. Jeong Tae-ui, slightly flustered, considered using Maurer as an excuse to refuse, but when he turned around, Maurer, who disliked getting involved in such incidents as much as Jeong Tae-ui did, had already retreated and was sitting at another table.

Jeong Tae-ui remained silent for a moment. It seemed silly to say, ‘I can't eat with you because you're from the European branch,’ and he couldn't very well say, ‘I don't want to sit with you because you're such a dangerous person that I might get caught up in something.’ So, he quietly followed the man to the table.

This was not good; it was a bad omen.

His uncle had advised him: Just don’t stand out. Jeong Tae-ui had taken that advice to heart. Even without the advice, it was what he wanted.

Last night, he hadn’t expected that the person sharing his room would be that man, so he had been caught off guard. But he thought that would be the end of it. Luckily, the night passed without major issues - though the men causing a ruckus in the hallway weren't so fortunate. Relieved, he had resolved to stick to the shadows and avoid attention from today onward.

"Is it bothering you a lot?"

He hadn't expected the man, who was now smiling and talking to him, to strike up a conversation. He had thought that yesterday's events would stay in the past, and today would be a fresh start.

Jeong Tae-ui, lifting rice with his chopsticks, responded curtly to the man sitting across from him.

"What do you mean, bothering me?"

It wasn't an answer implying nothing was bothering him. There were so many things on his mind that he couldn’t tell what the man was referring to. Was it the fact that this highly dangerous individual was talking to him, seemingly in a friendly manner? Or the cold stares from the European branch members occupying the six-person table they were sitting at?

The man laughed at Jeong Tae-ui’s response.

"I was thinking you must have guts to sit in the middle of a table full of European branch members."

Jeong Tae-ui, with his chopsticks in his mouth, glared at him, annoyed.

"You’re the one who suggested coming here. And there weren’t any other empty seats."

Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t comfortable. Not just at their table, but at all the surrounding tables, European branch members were everywhere. Their sharp stares poured down on him like rain. It seemed they were ready to tell him to sit somewhere else with his friends, but they didn’t, likely because of the man sitting across from him.

The men at the same table grew silent and tense when Jeong Tae-ui and this human weapon, Riegrow, sat down. At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui could easily guess how this man was treated even among his own branch members.

… Maybe he wasn't beating people because they were from the Asian branch. Perhaps he just beat up anyone who annoyed him.

"Do you really behave the same way in your own branch...?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself as he ate. Riegrow seemed to hear him and asked back.

"Who does?"

At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui paused his chopsticks for a brief moment before picking up some vegetables as if nothing had happened.

No, no, this isn't right. I must not stand out, no matter what. Whether in a good or bad way, it's best not to be noticed. Just eat and disappear quickly, never to appear before this man again.

As Jeong Tae-ui silently ate, the European branch members who were sitting at the same table finished their meals and got up, leaving like the ebbing tide. Even though four seats were vacated simultaneously, no one came over to sit.

"Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve heard your name yet."

Riegrow's mumbled words reached Jeong Tae-ui's ears. At that moment, his heart dropped.

Damn it. The signs were getting worse and worse. While it’s natural for a newly acquainted person to ask for your name, hearing it from this man made it feel far from ordinary.

"Hmm... Can I ask you something?"

Instead of answering, Jeong Tae-ui took a sip of water to moisten his lips and asked in return, feigning nonchalance. Riegrow slightly raised his eyebrows, indicating he should go ahead.

"Do you usually ask for other people's names?"

Jeong Tae-ui thought he was a person who had no interest in others. But then again, even Jack the Ripper might have asked, "What's your name?" when he first met his victims.

Upon hearing this, Riegrow gave a faint smile, as if amused.

"I do. It’s inconvenient not to know the name of the person you’re addressing, don’t you think? Isn’t it the same for you?"

"I only ask the names of people I expect to meet frequently enough for it to be inconvenient otherwise."

Whether he understood the implied meaning behind Jeong Tae-ui’s somewhat roundabout statement or not, Riegrow nodded with an understanding “Aha.” Jeong Tae-ui, chewing his food without tasting it, gazed at him.

If seen from the outside, one might think he was a handsome young man. Even in a bustling crowd, he would stand out as clean-cut and likable. Depending on how you looked at him, he could even be described as beautiful.

The scene of the young man eating a piece of toast, with crumbs falling carelessly, painted an ordinary picture. The video hadn't conveyed this, but in person, he looked much younger — perhaps one or two years younger than Jeong Tae-ui. Or maybe his true age was much older than he appeared, like the legend of bathing in blood to rejuvenate.

"How old are you?"

Jeong Tae-ui, rudely resting his elbows on the table and staring at him, abruptly asked a question that was equally rude.

Riegrow seemed a bit taken aback by the unexpected question but responded with amusem*nt.

"Do you usually ask people's ages? Or do you think we'll meet often enough for it to be inconvenient not to know my age?"

Jeong Tae-ui didn't ask any further questions, after Riegrow’s reply. He just felt increasingly depressed. If they met in a duel, he might go easier on him knowing he was an acquaintance.

However, his uncle had said not to stand out at all costs.

It's already too late, uncle. What should I do? If I die, please don't forget to burn my books with me.

Jeong Taeui, who was mumbling his will along with his meal, suddenly noticed Riegrow's hand as he picked up his coffee cup. A neat, dark-colored glove completely covered his hand.

"You must really like gloves, seeing as you always wear them."


Riegrow looked at his hand as if it was a novel sight. He clenched and unclenched his fist a few times and shook his head.

"Not really. It's just more bothersome than bare hands."

"Then why do you always wear gloves?"

"I don't like getting blood on my hands. It's sticky, and when it dries, it's hard to wash off."

"I mean, why would you get blood on your hands while coming to the cafeteria to eat――."

Jeong Tae-ui started to speak with a dumbfounded expression but couldn't finish his sentence.

Suddenly, a man burst through the cafeteria door and ran towards them.

The man, who belonged to a different team and had never spoken to Jeong Tae-ui, approached with a terrifyingly stern face and bloodshot eyes, glaring fiercely at Riegrow.

"Riegrow! This is the gun that killed Croy!"

In his enraged shout, the man held a .50 caliber revolver in both hands.

Jeong Tae-ui's face turned pale in an instant. What kind of madman charges into a cafeteria in the morning with such a deadly weapon that could easily destroy the place?

"If you want to die, die alone, you bastard...!"

Jeong Tae-ui had no loyalty to stand in front of Riegrow, and he muttered a curse under his breath as he quickly stepped aside. In a situation where such a high-recoil gun could hit anyone if fired barehanded, it would be fortunate if it didn't hit his own forehead, and the cafeteria turned into chaos.

Jeong Tae-ui quickly ducked behind a thick pillar nearby and anxiously inspected it.

This pillar might hold up for three or four shots. But no, it's a six-shot revolver, so he probably wouldn't waste all his bullets on the pillar. Besides, there's no reason for him to target Tae-ui.

Not completely safe but hidden, Jeong Tae-ui reflexively felt around his coat. However, there was nothing but dust in his pockets.

Damn it, he clicked his tongue and turned his head, spotting Maurer a few meters away, crawling under a table.


Jeong Tae-ui immediately sprinted towards him. Just then, a deafening gunshot echoed through the air. Something shattered behind him, and pieces of debris flew past, striking Jeong Tae-ui. The gunfire was so loud it hurt his ears. Damn it, you lunatic! If you survive, you'll regret it when I get my hands on you!

Jeong Tae-ui crawled next to the panicked Maurer and grabbed him by the collar. Ignoring his screams and resistance, he forced Maurer down and reached into his coat. Sure enough, there was a cold piece of metal that Maurer always carried.

Jeong Tae-ui turned his head and saw Riegrow standing calmly amidst the chaos. The man aiming the gun was a few meters away from him.

An unbelievable scene unfolded before his eyes.

Riegrow effortlessly toppled a solid six-person cedarwood table, which would normally take three or four strong men to move. He then kicked the table forward like a shield without breaking a sweat.


Another ear-splitting gunshot rang out. The thick table flying towards the man was shattered by the bullet, splintering into pieces. The fragments ricocheted off Riegrow, who barely moved.

"Four shots left, right?"

Riegrow calmly muttered as he moved to hide behind the pillar next to him, knocking over another table. Grabbing the table leg, he flung it at the man. With another ear-splitting noise, the table shattered into pieces. This time, even the fragments were blocked by the pillar, not reaching Riegrow.

"Three shots left. If you can't hit me with those, you're dead."

Riegrow seemed to be enjoying himself. A cheerful smile played on his lips. Jeong Tae-ui shook off Maurer, who was clinging to his arm, begging for his gun back, and ran in a crouch. As he moved behind the man, there were two more explosive sounds in quick succession.

"You crazy bastard, why start a fight you can't win? You're risking your life."

Jeong Tae-ui gritted his teeth and muttered.

One shot left. The vicinity was already a disastrous wreck.

The distance between the man and Riegrow was barely 4 or 5 meters.

The man's neck was drenched in sweat. In front of him, Riegrow was calmly smiling. He caught a forearm-sized piece of wood that had flown towards him, tossed it up a couple of times, and then threw it playfully at the man. It wasn't a joke, though — the piece of wood whizzed past just above the man's reflexively ducked head. If it had hit, he would have at least been knocked out.

At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui realized it was the critical moment.

A person's life was hanging by a thread at that moment. As soon as Jeong Tae-ui felt it, he moved.

When the man lowered his head, Riegrow charged forward. It was almost simultaneous with throwing the piece of wood.

The man must have seen the demon with a joyful smile rushing towards him.


It felt like the ground was shaking. The loud noise so close made Jeong Tae-ui flinch and close his eyes. A short groan escaped his lips.

When he opened his eyes, he saw it.

Riegrow had dived under the man, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it sideways, breaking it. From the ceiling where the bullet had lodged, chunks of stone and dust fell down. Riegrow, with his other hand, leisurely choked the man, pressing firmly on his carotid artery.

"Oh no... You missed."

Riegrow's calm laughter and muttering echoed in the space so quiet it made one's ears ring.

When those words spread, everyone present could understand.

Riegrow intended to twist the man's arm holding the gun so that the barrel pointed towards the man's own head. He was deciding the man's death without a second thought.

The man stared at Riegrow with wide eyes. The hand on his neck lightly stroked it.

"Let's meet again in the next life."

Riegrow's eyes softened. He whispered in a singing voice. His large, menacing hands, capable of easily breaking a human neck barehanded, tightened their grip.

At that moment.

"Let him go."

A voice broke the silence.

Jeong Tae-ui stood behind Riegrow, holding a Colt with its barrel aimed at the back of Riegrow's neck.

Riegrow paused, still holding the man's neck. He leaned back slightly, pressing his neck against the barrel of the gun, and murmured with a calm smile.

"If you shoot this close, your wrist won't come out unscathed either."

"Don't move. I'd much rather injure my wrist than see someone lose their life."

"...I was mistaken. I can't stand fools who throw themselves into danger for justice in matters that don't concern them."

"I said don't move."

Jeong Tae-ui tightened his grip on the Colt. Without blinking, he whispered, paying close attention to every minor movement Riegrow made. Meanwhile, he cursed himself inwardly.

What's the big deal if one idiot dies? Why did I have to step in and dig my own grave? Just lie down in it.

Acting purely on instinct, Jeong Tae-ui now wanted to bite his tongue. But what was done was done. He was prepared to see it through. Somehow, he felt this monstrous man would move like a zombie even if his head were smashed, and that scared him.

Riegrow seemed to be laughing. His shoulders moved slightly up and down with the low sound of his laughter.

"Haha, what should I do..."

Muttering as if troubled, Riegrow slowly released his grip on the man's neck. Jeong Tae-ui flinched involuntarily as Riegrow's hand moved, overly tense.

No one needed to explain the meaning of "what should I do." It meant, how should I deal with this new guy?

Jeong Tae-ui's grip tightened.

If he lets his guard down for even one second, it would be the second in which he’ll die.

When Riegrow completely let go of the man's neck.

At that moment, the man who had been on the verge of fainting instead opened his bloodshot eyes and started yelling.

"Shoot! Just shoot! Shoot me!"

At the sound of his yelling, Jeong Tae-ui, who had been on the brink of pulling the trigger due to the intense tension from every tiny movement Riegrow made, nearly did so.

Faced with the man who didn't even know to be grateful to the one trying to save him despite the danger, Jeong Tae-ui felt a surge of anger.

"…Two crazy bastards meeting so well. You want to die and I stopped you, is that it? Damn it, if I survive, I'm going to beat you up later."

Jeong Tae-ui gritted his teeth as he spoke. Just when it seemed Riegrow was going to let the man go, he smiled slightly and lifted his heel off the ground.

A sudden, ominous feeling washed over Jeong Tae-ui.

At that moment,

"What are you all doing?"

A frosty voice flew overhead. Several footsteps approached from the direction of the door. Jeong Tae-ui, who was on the verge of pulling the trigger of the Colt, stopped his movement and looked that way.

His uncle was entering, behind him his driver followed. The moment Jeong Tae-ui saw his uncle's face, he muttered, "Oh no."

His uncle, who entered with an expressionless face, quickly took in the surroundings and seemed to grasp the situation. He approached them with his bare hands. He frowned when he saw Jeong Tae-ui holding the Colt.

"Personal possession of weapons is prohibited within the branch. Don't you know that, Jeong Tae-ui?"

"…..Yes, I know."

"Whose is it?"

"….. It's mine."

"Yours, huh. Alright, if you say so. Come up to the instructor's office right now."

Although his uncle had spoken, Jeong Tae-ui hesitated for a moment. Riegrow was still standing in front of him, and the muzzle of his gun was pressed right against the back of Riegrow's neck. The moment he moved the muzzle even slightly, it felt like this man would tear his throat out.

This man wasn't someone who would restrain his actions just because others were watching.

His uncle looked at the man still held by Riegrow.

"Lui Xin, were you trying to kill him?"

"… Yes. This bastard deserves to die!"

"Alright, then you go spend half a year cooling your head at the detention center."

After speaking concisely to the man, his uncle finally looked at Riegrow. His uncle's face clouded with a sigh, clearly showing his annoyance.


When their eyes met, Riegrow briefly grimaced as if troubled, then smiled awkwardly with the same troubled expression. He shrugged slightly, appealing his innocence.

"I didn't do anything. He suddenly pointed a .50 caliber revolver at me. What was I supposed to do, just stand there and get shot? I had no choice if I wanted to live."

Riegrow's defense, mixed with informal speech, was fundamentally very reasonable. The man's arm he was holding was twisted at an unnatural angle and severely swollen, indicating Riegrow's overwhelming strength.

His uncle clicked his tongue a couple of times as if annoyed. He glanced at Jeong Tae-ui, who was still aiming the gun at Riegrow's neck, and spoke to him.

"Let Lui Xin go and take two steps forward. My poor subordinate is trembling behind you."

"The poor subordinate who's poking my neck with a gun?"

Riegrow muttered as if he were wronged. ‘That's too much, instructor.’ He grumbled but let go of Louis. Before doing so, he pressed the twisted arm one more time, causing the man to scream. Then he lightly slapped the back of the man's head. Though it was a light slap, it made a loud smack, and the man's eyes widened as if they would pop out.

When his uncle saw the revolver on the ground, he turned around and gestured with his head. The captain standing a step behind his uncle moved forward to pick it up. After gauging its heavy weight, his uncle clicked his tongue again. He tapped the exceedingly heavy weapon, fit for destroying large objects rather than killing people, then suddenly struck Louis with the barrel.

"You crazy idiot, who targets people with something like this? When you get out of detention, you need to take weapon engineering classes again."

His uncle tossed the revolver back to the lieutenant. He then kicked the silent and fallen Louis with his toe, rolling him away.

With the path cleared, Riegrow stood up straight with a subtle smile. He intentionally pressed his neck against the muzzle. Riegrow chuckled and took a slow step forward. And another step.

Jeong Tae-ui, watching his every move, slowly lowered the gun. His uncle, who had come up beside him, extended his hand, and Jeong Tae-ui placed the Colt in it.

Riegrow stepped forward two paces as his uncle had instructed and turned around. Jeong Tae-ui, who had been staring blankly at him, met his gaze. With a faint smile, Riegrow was looking at him. His hands, opening and closing as if in regret, came into view.

What would have happened if his uncle had arrived a little later? Jeong Tae-ui couldn't know how this man would have reacted. However, the primal fear that had instinctively gripped him at that moment was still chillingly clear along his spine. He realized anew just how dangerous the situation had been... or maybe the real danger was still to come. Now he understood why Riegrow always wore those gloves, claiming he didn't like getting blood on his hands.

Jeong Tae-ui felt immensely depressed.

The camaraderie emphasized in military training seemed to have stuck with him. What did it matter if a guy unrelated to him died? Yet, his body had moved reflexively.

Suddenly feeling a gaze upon him, Jeong Tae-ui looked over gloomily to see his uncle watching him. His uncle clicked his tongue, looking at him with an expression that said, You fool. His uncle had given him precious advice, but Jeong Tae-ui had managed to do something to firmly establish his place in his uncle's bad books.

"Jeong Tae-ui. What were you planning to do with a gun that had an empty magazine?"

His uncle spoke in a tone of exasperation. The Colt dangled lightly from his uncle's hand.

Jeong Tae-ui didn't respond, looking sullen. He had known the gun was light when he took it from Maurer's chest. But to stop that man, it had been the only gamble he could take.

Riegrow, who had been watching Jeong Tae-ui from a distance, paused momentarily. His expression turned curious. Then he chuckled in disbelief. The more he thought about it, the more absurd it seemed, and his low, intermittent laughter didn't stop for a while.

Then, the laughter abruptly ceased.

Riegrow stared directly at Jeong Tae-ui and murmured as if engraving the name in his mind.

"Tae-ui, Jeong Tae-ui, is it?"

It was the first time he heard his name being pronounced correctly in here. Hearing him roll the name around in his mouth made Jeong Tae-ui feel even more dejected. The voice seemed to foretell a tumultuous future.

Uncle, can I go to the detention center instead of Lui Xin? I'd rather be locked up for half a year; please, just isolate me.

When he went up to the instructor's office, he'd have to cling to his uncle's pants and beg.


He begged, only to get scolded.

Grabbing Jeong Tae-ui's cheek harshly and pulling it, his uncle repeated, "Oh my, you idiot, oh my, you fool, why are you in this state on the very first morning of joint training?" several times. And each time, Jeong Tae-ui replied, "I know, I know," diligently.

The person who saved Jeong Tae-ui — who was rubbing his cheek that felt like it had stretched a meter — was someone who happened to enter the instructor's office at that moment.

"Chief Instructor Jung Chang-in. Are you busy? ...You seem busy. May I interrupt for a moment?"

The person who spoke calmly with a smile was Rudolf Gentil, the deputy director and his uncle's immediate superior.

As soon as he entered, his uncle released Jeong Tae-ui and shook his head as if nothing had happened.

"You’re not interrupting. We are finished here. ...You may leave."

Despite feeling slightly irritated by his uncle's pretentious sternness, Jeong Tae-ui wisely bowed slightly without saying anything and stepped back. As he turned, he also encountered the deputy director and bowed again. He was about to leave without a word when the deputy director's gaze fell upon him.

"Ah, yes, this young man is your nephew, isn't he?"

Though he was addressing his uncle, his gaze remained fixed on Jeong Tae-ui. Stopping in his tracks, Jeong Tae-ui found it awkward to just leave now that he was being discussed. His uncle smoothly nodded with a smile.

"Yes, he is."

"Hmm. So this young man is the brother of Researcher Jeong Jae-i, correct?"

"Yes, Jeong Jae-ui is the elder brother, and this is the younger one. They are twins, so there is no age difference."

"Hmm, I see. This young man..."

The deputy director looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a fresh curiosity. Although they had exchanged brief introductions when he first came here, the man had been too busy for a proper conversation. Jeong Tae-ui had taken it in stride, understanding that greetings with high-ranking officials were often like that.

Feeling the deputy director's scrutinizing gaze, Jeong Tae-ui sighed inwardly.

His brother's fame was indeed substantial. Although he was used to it, being stared at so openly had become rare since he became an adult.

"But what happens to your brother if you're here?"

The deputy director suddenly asked. It took Jeong Tae-ui a few seconds to realize the question was directed at him. After a brief hesitation, he replied.

"My brother will do just fine without me."

Giving the safest answer, Jeong Tae-ui glanced at his uncle. It wasn’t like siblings were a married couple or a patient and caregiver, and it wasn't like being apart caused any trouble, but he heard all sorts of things.

His uncle, who had been quietly observing, finally intervened when their eyes met.

"Just because they're twins doesn't mean they always stick together. Even if they're apart, the bond of brotherhood remains."

"Ah, yes, of course."

The deputy director nodded but continued to scrutinize Jeong Tae-ui.

Jeong Tae-ui stifled a sigh, wondering if the man was trying to find differences between him and Jeong Jae-ui.

Having a famous brother was a burden he couldn't avoid, but his brother seemed particularly renowned within this organization. Everywhere he went, people talked about Jeong Jae-ui, and he was starting to get tired of it.

His uncle gestured for him to leave and said, "By the way, I received a call from the second conscription department of the headquarters..." The deputy director then turned his attention to that matter.

Jeong Tae-ui nodded and exited the instructor’s office.

After the morning commotion, Jeong Tae-ui had been called to the instructor’s office, where he got a thorough scolding. By the time he came out, the regular morning schedule had already begun. Everyone in the branch likely knew what had happened, so he wouldn't face any harsh words from the instructor for being a bit late to his duties. However, if he skipped them entirely, he would definitely face double the punishment.

Ah... He didn’t want to go. He realized the class he had to attend was Weapons Engineering. The news about him possessing a firearm must have spread widely by now. Without a doubt, the strict Weapons Engineering instructor would give him a hard time, possibly even hitting him with a Colt.

With a heavy heart, Jeong Tae-ui looked out the window. Since the instructor’s office was on the ground floor, he could see outside from the hallway. The weather was incredibly nice, which made him feel even gloomier.

He walked slowly toward the elevator and passed by the office. Jeong Tae-ui slowed his pace.

It would be strange to poke his head into the office without any reason. Still, he hoped a brief glimpse of Xin Lu might lift his spirits. However, without a legitimate reason to visit, he had nothing to say.

But it seemed someone had pity on Jeong Tae-ui’s gloomy mood today.

As he slowly passed by the office, he saw a familiar face rounding the corner. Xin Lu, having just returned from the restroom, was putting a freshly washed handkerchief into his pocket. He saw Jeong Tae-ui and his eyes widened before he greeted him with a bright smile.

“Tae-ui hyung. What brings you here at this time? Didn’t you go to your duties?”

“Huh? Oh, I was just about to. I had some business in the instructor’s office. ...The weather is really nice today.”

It was nice to be with him, but they always lacked topics to talk about. They knew little about each other, so they had no common ground and nothing much to say. Thus, weather was often the only topic they could bring up.

“Yes. But I saw the weather forecast, and it’s supposed to get cloudy this evening. It’s going to rain tomorrow and the day after. Then, it’s supposed to clear up the day after that.”

"Yeah. It’d be nice to go for a walk along the beach again once it clears up."

"Shall we?"

Xin Lu nodded eagerly in response to Jeong Tae-ui’s casual suggestion. Internally, Jeong Tae-ui cheered, already longing for the day the weather would clear.

Xin Lu glanced toward the instructor’s office Jeong Tae-ui had just left, looking a bit puzzled.

"But what suddenly brought you to the instructor’s office...? Oh."

His face suddenly clouded over.

"Come to think of it, I heard there was a big commotion this morning. Are you okay, hyung? You got called in because of that, right?"

The entire branch knew about the incident, so it was no surprise Xin Lu, who worked in the same building, had heard.

As Xin Lu approached, asking worriedly, he seemed even more endearing and lovely to Jeong Tae-ui, who stared at him, lost in thought.

Seeing Xin Lu’s bright and gentle face was a great comfort. His heart warmed and relaxed.

"Well, just a bit. It wasn’t a big deal. Are you okay?"

Jeong Tae-ui realized that while he usually didn’t cross paths with the members except in the office, they did share the same dining hall. Normally, he wouldn't run into Xin Lu unless he had business in the office, but during meal times, they often saw each other in the dining hall.

Suddenly, his heart sank.

What if Xin Lu had been in the dining hall at that time? What if he had somehow gotten caught up in that violent altercation? What if he had been injured by flying debris or a piece of wood?

Without thinking, Jeong Tae-ui reached out and grabbed Xin Lu's shoulders. Xin Lu looked up at him, bewildered, tilting his head in confusion.


"Hey, you usually don’t run into the other members unless there’s something specific, right? Except in the dining hall?"

"Huh? Yes, that’s right. Even in the dining hall, I usually finish my meals early, so I go when it’s not crowded. For lunch or dinner, I go before the other members finish their regular duties, so I rarely run into them there."

Thinking about it, Jeong Tae-ui realized he indeed hadn’t seen Xin Lu in the dining hall before.

Jeong Tae-ui felt a sense of relief at Xin Lu’s straightforward answer. He then spoke seriously.

"Listen, we have some members from the European branch here now. Among them, there are some people who are, well, not to be associated with. Very dangerous people. So—"

Jeong Tae-ui explained carefully, not in too much detail but enough to be understood. Xin Lu nodded as if he grasped what Jeong Tae-ui was trying to say.

"I probably won’t run into the European branch members, but I’ll be careful. Thanks for worrying about me, hyung."

Xin Lu smiled brightly. Seeing that smile, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly felt shy and gently released Xin Lu’s shoulders. He missed the soft touch.

"Of course, it’s natural to worry about you. You’re..."

Jeong Tae-ui stopped mid-sentence. He couldn’t finish his words. Anything he said next would have made his face burn with embarrassment.

A moment of silence followed. It was a somewhat awkward and shy silence, but by now, Jeong Tae-ui didn’t mind it.

Xin Lu, who had been looking down at his feet, glanced up to check Jeong Tae-ui’s reaction, then slowly reached out and took Jeong Tae-ui’s hand. Jeong Tae-ui was startled and reflexively drew back his hand slightly, feeling Xin Lu’s delicate fingers in his palm.

"... Heh, heh..."

Xin Lu, with his gaze lowered, smiled sheepishly with a flushed face. Jeong Tae-ui, similarly blushing, laughed awkwardly along with him. The warmth of the fingers in his hand felt nice. Even if they had been cold, it would have been okay in its own way.

Standing there with their faces burning, they awkwardly held each other’s hands in silence for a long time. It wasn’t until Jeong Tae-ui felt someone’s gaze that he looked up and let go.

His uncle was standing in the doorway of the instructor’s office, quietly watching them.

Jeong Tae-ui met his uncle’s gaze over Xin Lu’s shoulder, both of them silent.



As their eyes met, his uncle blinked slowly a couple of times. Slowly, a subtle smile spread across his otherwise expressionless face. Was it just his imagination, or did that smile say, You're having fun, aren't you?

Jeong Tae-ui wanted to hold Xin Lu's hand for much longer out of sheer stubbornness, but he knew that if he stayed any longer, his uncle might say, How long are you going to stand there and skip your morning duties? Not to mention, the director would likely come out soon as well. Reluctantly, he let go of Xin Lu's hand.

Fortunately, Xin Lu hadn't noticed the subtle smile behind him. Blushing, he mumbled hesitantly.

"Then, hyung, when the weather clears..."

"Yeah. The rain should stop by the weekend, and the weather should be nice. Let’s meet then. We can go for a leisurely walk."

Jeong Tae-ui’s words made Xin Lu’s face momentarily look puzzled. He tilted his head, mumbled something to himself as if questioning his own memory, then smiled brightly.

"Yes, hyung. See you this weekend then."

"Yeah, sure... And if we can meet before that, it would be great too. In any case, be careful."

Xin Lu cheerfully replied, Don’t worry about me, hyung. You take care and don’t get hurt, and then turned around to go back into the office. As soon as he did, Jeong Tae-ui’s uncle stepped back into the instructor’s office.

Once Xin Lu was inside, his uncle came out again. He waved his hand at Jeong Tae-ui, who was still standing in the hallway.

"What are you doing? If you play hooky, you'll be spending the whole afternoon in the instructor’s office this time. And you have Weapons Engineering now, right? That’s McKin’s class. If you get on his bad side, you’ll be in for a tough time."

Hearing his uncle add, Riegrow, who’s only here for another two weeks, would be nothing compared to him, Jeong Tae-ui inwardly wondered if he would even survive the next two weeks. But he still wanted to live until the weekend to go on a walk with Xin Lu.

"By the way... Xin Lu..."

His uncle muttered to himself, deep in thought, with a strangely meaningful tone. Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly and tilted his head. His uncle, lost in thought as he gazed at the ceiling, eventually just waved his hand dismissively.

"Go on now. You never listen when someone kindly advises you. Among the instructors, McKin is the toughest if you get on his bad side. Even if you have less than two weeks left, you shouldn’t neglect planting the apple tree for tomorrow."


Seeing Jeong Tae-ui’s resentful look, his uncle suddenly broke into a wide smile.

"You’re going to go for a walk with Xin Lu this weekend? I hope the weather is nice."

".....If it’s not, we’ll wear raincoats and walk in the rain."

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled sulkily and turned to start walking towards the elevator. He could hear his uncle, who had been quietly laughing, kindly call out to him from behind.

"Don't worry too much, I'll make sure your books get burned with you when you die."


He arrived late to the Weapons Engineering lecture, and after the lecture ended, he was immediately called by the instructor to receive a thorough scolding. By the time he was finally released, more than half of the lunch break had already passed.

Although not even half the day had gone by, Jeong Tae-ui felt as if thousands of years had passed, and he was physically and mentally exhausted as he staggered to the dining hall. Unsurprisingly, the dining hall door was firmly closed. Seeing the red sign that read ‘Closed due to accident’ made him feel unnecessarily guilty, even though it wasn't his fault. Underneath, in small letters, it said, ‘ Temporarily use the third self-study room as the dining hall until repairs are complete,’ and he quickly left the area.

When Jeong Tae-ui went to the self-study room, his colleagues, who had already finished their meals and were chatting, greeted him. Of course, there were also members from the European branch, so the atmosphere remained tense, not much different from the morning. However, since both sides had no intention of causing another disturbance after the morning incident that had wrecked the dining hall, the tension had slightly subsided.

As soon as Jeong Tae-ui entered the self-study room, he instinctively looked around quickly. He wanted to avoid the face he didn't want to see. Although it was inevitable that they would run into each other during joint training, he was determined to avoid him as much as possible.

Fortunately, that unsettling face was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his colleagues greeted him with something akin to cheers.

They called him all sorts of things: a bold guy, a crazy guy, a loyal guy. Of course, mixed among those was the lamentation, ‘You rascal who stole my darling!’

As soon as he saw Jeong Tae-ui, Maurer grabbed him by the collar and wailed.

"My darling colt! How are you going to take responsibility for my precious girl, you rascal!!"

The Colt, which Jeong Tae-ui had taken from Maurer, had of course been confiscated by his uncle and was now sitting quietly in the evidence storage room. He was told that he would be able to retrieve it someday when he left this branch.

His uncle seemed to have an idea of who the owner of the Colt was and smiled meaningfully as he slowly said, Send my regards to the guy you share your room with. Jeong Tae-ui thought his colleagues were a bit unfortunate to have someone like him as a superior.

"Losing a Colt in exchange for saving a life is a small price to pay, isn't it?"

"Oh, that was Maurer's? No wonder it seemed strange for Tae-ui, who has nothing, to have something like that."

"Don't cry, don't cry. Once I go to Hong Kong, I'll get you a new one. I know a trustworthy fence. Colts are easy to find."

Each of the colleagues beside Maurer made a comment. Feeling a bit awkward looking at Maurer lamenting that it was all useless, Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head and mumbled.

"I don't know any fences... How about a one-year subscription to a puzzle magazine?"

At that, Maurer exploded and charged at him. Jeong Tae-ui slowly retreated behind his colleagues.

Even though it was an urgent situation, he had no excuse for taking and losing someone else's belongings. Another gloomy event added to his two weeks of misery.

Jeong Tae-ui managed to get two slices of bread and a carton of milk in the makeshift dining hall, which had barely any decent food left due to his late arrival. He chewed on them while half-listening to his colleagues' chatter.

For the next two weeks, the regular schedule was planned to be general lectures in the morning and special lectures or special training in the afternoon. In other words, the real battle would begin in the afternoons.

However, it wasn't feasible for the group, which was just under a hundred people, to all train at once.

"So, how are they going to divide the personnel for training?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked while chewing on his bread. Qing explained.

"It's the same as usual. We’ll be split into six teams, with fifteen people training together. Of course, half will be from our side, and the other half from the European side. This will rotate randomly, so each team will train with a different team each time."

Jeong Tae-ui recalled the unfamiliar faces he had seen in the Weapons Engineering lecture. He tried to remember each one.

"If it's random — does that mean if I'm lucky, I could go the whole two weeks without running into certain people?" he asked, clinging to a sliver of hope. Qing shook his head and looked at him sympathetically, understanding what he meant.

"If you're lucky, you might see certain people less often. But that's all — it’s inevitable that you’ll have at least one training session with everyone."

"Exactly. Even if that weren't the case, everyone will have to participate in survival training together on the weekend."

A colleague mumbled this as he suddenly grabbed Jeong Tae-ui's hand firmly.

"During survival training, everyone has to participate without exception, so you'll have another chance. A chance to definitively take that guy down."

"...It sounds like you're saying the day I get taken down is coming."

Jeong Tae-ui lost his appetite and put down the bread he was eating. He forced down his food with milk, but it didn't go down well and got stuck in his throat. This wasn't going to be good for digestion.

Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui muttered, "Wait a minute." He stared at the bread in his hand for a long time before tilting his head.

"Wait, the weekend? ...What training on the weekend? We should be resting. Isn't it free time from 5 p.m. on Friday until Sunday?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked, frowning. The colleague sitting next to him responded as if he didn't understand what Jeong Tae-ui was saying.

"Haven't you heard that you can't leave the island during the joint training period?"

"What are you talking about? There's no rest during these two weeks. It's just continuous training. It's actually better on weekdays because training is only during regular hours, but on weekends, from Saturday afternoon until noon on Sunday, they'll release everyone into the forest for survival training, where we risk our lives."

"What! Then what about my walk!"

Jeong Tae-ui's face hardened, and he banged the table as he shouted. Milk splashed out, wetting the table.

His colleagues looked at him, puzzled and confused, not understanding his outburst.

"A walk? What walk?"

Although his colleagues all asked in confusion, Jeong Tae-ui was too stunned to answer.

Training even on the weekend was news to him. It seemed that everyone thought it was so obvious that no one had mentioned it to him. He hadn't heard from his uncle either that there would be no holidays during the joint training.

—I hope the weather will be nice.

Jeong Tae-ui remembered what his uncle had said with a smile earlier. And Xin Lu’s puzzled face.

"Damn... So that's what it was."

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly lost his energy and slumped over the table. Even if he had only two weeks left, his determination to survive until the weekend felt futile.

"Hey, why are you crying? Although, I understand not wanting to go through survival training."

"Yeah. If anyone's going to die, it'll probably be during that time... If there's someone you want to get rid of, that's the best time to do it."

Depressing conversations passed over Jeong Tae-ui's head as he lay slumped on the table.

A moment ago, despite the despair, he could hold onto a thread of hope, but now even that hope had vanished. Only despair remained.

Seeing Jeong Tae-ui lying motionless on the table, Tou kindly patted his shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay. We’re here. Do you think we'd just stand by and watch you die?"

"Yeah. If you’re in danger, I'll snatch the Colt from Maurer and shoot for you this time."

They pushed away the shouting Maurer and offered words of comfort, but instead of being comforting, their words only served to starkly highlight the grim future ahead.

"Cheer up, Tae-ui. How can you be so down already? The real fight starts this afternoon."

"Yeah, let's stretch out these stiff muscles. It'll be fun to use them as a human punching bag for the first time in a while."

Suddenly, the voices around him grew louder as if to be heard. The European branch members, who had been chatting noisily, began shouting harshly.

"Bragging like they're tough when they'll just get beaten right away."

"Do they only teach you how to fight with your mouth in the Asia branch? And not even well."

Here we go again. With a depressed heart, Jeong Tae-ui lifted his head from the table, watching as his colleagues hurled insults and shouted at the European members, who were equally loud. From behind his colleagues, who stood like a wall, Jeong Tae-ui glanced at Maurer sitting behind him and asked tiredly,

"So, every day for the next two weeks will be like today, huh..."

"Today is actually mild because it's been a while. It'll get more intense as the days go by."

Despite still glaring at him, Maurer responded grumbling. Jeong Tae-ui murmured sadly,

"And in the afternoon, we start sparring with those guys for real."

"Yeah. Today is free personal sparring: boxing, judo, hapkido, kendo, whatever you like. Choose any two and follow the rules; everything else is unrestricted."

"What? If you allow the rules of two different martial arts, there are practically no restrictions. That's not sparring, that's just fighting."

"Of course, it's just a brawl. If it were a proper match with strict rules, would there be this much resentment?"

"But still, even training with other branches must be similar. Why is it only like this with the European branch?"

"Well, this is my first joint training with the European branch, so I can't say for sure. But maybe you'll understand a bit better after getting beaten by those guys."

Jeong Tae-ui had never experienced the chaos between the European and Asian branches, but having spent some time in other branches, Maurer had a better grasp of the current situation than Jeong Tae-ui did.

As the two of them stayed back, the fight between their colleagues and a group from the European branch intensified. Initially, it was just a barrage of insults and slurs across the serving table, but as they inched closer, they started throwing spoons and forks. If they got a few centimeters closer, they would likely start grabbing each other by the collars and physically brawling over the table.

Jeong Tae-ui wanted to slip away quietly, even if it meant being called a traitor, but the fighters blocked the path to the door. There was no window behind them to escape through either.

He sighed, thinking about how exhausting it already was, despite the fight being relatively mild. He rolled up his sleeves. There was no choice. If the fight started, he'd have to pretend to join in and then make a run for it.

However, just as Jeong Tae-ui was about to jump into the fray, an unexpected rescue arrived.

"You bastards, wrecked the cafeteria, and now you're going to wreck this place too?! Don't want to eat?! If you don't want to starve, get out and fight outside, you bastards! And you better pay for all the tables, chairs, and equipment you destroyed, you damned fools!"

The serving staff, who had been silently clearing leftovers in the middle of the brawl, exploded in anger after being hit by a stray chopstick. He banged a ladle against the side dish container like mad, scolding them furiously. If it hadn't been for his outburst, the fight would have escalated into a full-blown brawl within minutes.

More afraid of the serving staff than the branch chief or even the head of the main office, they immediately quieted down and muttered threats, Just wait until the afternoon sparring. We'll beat you to tears.

Most of those who said, Just wait until the afternoon sparring, kept their word. Lined up in turn, they glared at each other with murderous intent even before the signal to start the sparring match. As soon as the signal was given, they charged at their designated opponents and fought with all they had. They succeeded in beating each other to the point of tears and blood.

In other words, they all got beaten up.

Being relatively further down the order, Jeong Tae-ui watched his colleagues and the other side's men crawl away, bleeding profusely one after another. He was completely appalled by the scene.

"Aren't they all crazy?"

Jeong Tae-ui said seriously, rubbing his chin. Yuen-ho, who stood behind him in line, nodded gravely.

"Yeah. The only cure for those crazy bastards is a good beating. It's good for them to get beaten up now and then. Where else would they learn it?"



Jeong Tae-ui thought Yuen-ho seemed normal because of his cheerful demeanor, but he was clearly crazy too. It wasn't that the people were bad, but the environment was terrible. It was a society that encouraged violence.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at Yuen-ho with pity for a moment before turning away. Two men were fighting like dogs right in front of him. The instructor didn't care if the floor was drenched in blood; he only checked to ensure they didn't break the rules of their chosen martial arts. If one of them conceded or the outcome was obvious, he'd stop the fight.

The infirmary would be packed today. There weren't enough beds, so they couldn't all lie down in the infirmary. And judging by the current state, even if they were laid down side by side, they'd probably still be throwing things at each other and fighting. Medical supplies would run out quickly.

Jeong Tae-ui was skeptical about the benefit of such fights or the necessity of joint training. However, as the sparring continued, he set those thoughts aside.

After each sparring match, the instructor pointed out specific points to review. He'd note how an opponent blocked with their right leg at almost a right angle when the left arm swung from a particular direction. The instructor's observations were astonishingly precise, even giving Jeong Tae-ui goosebumps. Even when reviewing the recorded footage, the instructor's comments were spot on.

Surprisingly, the men who seemed to be just wildly cheering and shouting while their colleagues fought were also able to accurately analyze the movements that influenced the outcome, as well as identify each person's strengths and weaknesses.

Though the fights were chaotic, they provided excellent research material for the spectators, who were also remarkably adept at understanding it.

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his neck and muttered to himself. Sure, he rarely felt it, but these crazy guys were still regarded as elite from an outsider's perspective. Even the colleague who had been dragged out, bloodied and beaten, had been granted special permission to study at the branch for two years under the guise of job training by the intelligence department. Many others came for self-improvement under similar training programs.

...It's a mystery why these brilliant people get so hung up on trivial matters.

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head and sighed.

"Don't sigh. You won't die. If it comes to the worst, just faint and get carried out. But try to land at least one good hit on that guy."

Yuen-ho said, gripping Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder. He had misunderstood Jeong Tae-ui's sigh, thinking he was anxious about his upcoming match.

Jeong Tae-ui thought, 'Well it’s true, I don't want to get hit, and I am anxious,' and looked at his opponent.

He looked strong at a glance. Jeong Tae-ui wanted to hope that he only looked intimidating but was actually weak. However, the muscles he had clearly weren't from a gym but from real combat. His eyes and expression were calm and composed.

He was one of the strongest in that group. Jeong Tae-ui's luck was terrible.

When his name was finally called after the previous match and the instructor's points and team discussions, Jeong Tae-ui stood up with a feeling of chewing on a bug.

"Win and come back!"

"Destroy him, destroy!"

"We believe in you, master of tricks!"

None of the cheers around him sounded pleasant. The best he could hear was "Win!" but he had no confidence to meet that expectation.

He wasn't confident about winning, but he had some confidence in observing people. As Jeong Tae-eui looked at the man standing in front of him, he thought bitterly. He couldn't handle that man.

In that case, the best method is still that one.

"It's best to get hit as painlessly as possible."

Jeong Tae-eui muttered to himself and gathered his spirit. Soon, the instructor gave the start signal, and he began to clash with the man.

The opponent was someone who had learned various types of martial arts properly from the basics, step by step. Moreover, he was flexible and skillful. It was hard to win against such a person by directly confronting him. It was hard to handle him, let alone win. The best strategy was just to avoid him.

But in a situation where even avoidance wasn't possible, the only option was to try to get hit as painlessly.

If there was one fighting skill Jeong Tae-eui was better at than others, it was getting hit as painless as possible.

It was a survival technique mixed with some tricks, but it had been very useful even during his time in the military. There were a few methods, but the most basic and the one Jeong Tae-eui used easily was sticking close to the opponent when they swung their fist, then slightly backing off at the moment of impact. It was a method others might laugh at, asking what that was, but when used well, it was extremely useful.

But even so...

"It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, damn it."

It hurt, especially when hit repeatedly. Even if it hurt less, it was just a bit less painful, not enough to reduce the pain to half or to a barely noticeable level.

Every time he was hit, Jeong Tae-eui would seize a chance to land a punch or a kick on his opponent, internally repeating, It hurts like hell.

But the man facing Jeong Tae-eui also seemed dissatisfied with the ambiguous punches, as his expression gradually became more grim. His complexion grew darker every time he got hit lightly.

Seeing that look, Jeong Tae-eui thought that if he got hit properly one more time, he'd definitely end up in the infirmary.

It was at that moment. The man, with a furious face, threw a punch straight at him, and Jeong Tae-eui, who was contemplating whether to just take the hit and fall, couldn't avoid the rapidly approaching punch and got hit squarely.


He couldn't even scream properly. The moment he got hit, Jeong Tae-eui realized that he had indeed been getting hit with less pain until now. The pain was so intense that he felt like his insides would burst out through his mouth. At the same time, he thought it was better this way and quickly lay down.

He had a strong desire to end it right there, and in fact, it hurt so much that it was hard to stand up straight.

As Jeong Tae-eui lay flat on the ground, indicating he had lost, the man seemed even more frustrated. He looked dissatisfied as if his anger couldn't be calmed because he hadn't had a satisfactory fight, yet his opponent was already lying down. Seeing that expression, Jeong Tae-eui smiled brightly even in pain.

You damn bastard, I took this many hits, isn't that enough? How much more do you want me to get hit?

Whether it was because his words got through, the man's face showed even more rage, but the instructor had already called a stop. The man stood back reluctantly, exhaling in frustration.

Jeong Tae-ui hoped that one of his colleagues would come and carry him out as he lay on the ground, but all he got in return were cold remarks telling him to stop faking and to quickly give up his spot to Yuen-ho.

"Tch, these guys are no good as comrades," he grumbled, slowly getting up and leaving.

Behind him, Yuen-ho, who was last in line, got hit relentlessly like most of the others. But he also gave as good as he got. By the time he finished his sparring and was dragged out, the official work hours were already over.

Although the actual fighting time for each person wasn't long, the instructor's feedback and the team's discussions about the fights were several times longer. Even though there were only seven or eight matches, it took a considerable amount of time.

Despite their fierce swearing and taunting of the opponents, by the time the workday ended, fatigue was evident on their faces. It was tiring just to watch and analyze the fights, let alone stepping in to fight occasionally.

Jeong Tae-ui felt the same, so when the instructor announced the end of the day and left the sparring room, he collapsed onto his desk. His comrades began fighting again, just like in the cafeteria at lunchtime, but Jeong Tae-ui had no energy or intention to intervene now, just as he hadn't then.

After a while, Tou, who had been drinking water in large gulps, saw Jeong Tae-ui and approached him.

"You got hit so hard earlier, are you completely drained? Go get some sleep in your room."

"And you, you looked like you were covered in blood from head to toe, but now you seem fine."

"Those bastards can make even a stone Buddha jump up!"

Jeong Tae-ui kept his mouth shut. It seemed the wisest way to protect himself here.

Just like at lunchtime, they gradually raised their voices as they argued. If they weren't so exhausted from the end of the workday, they would have already been grabbing each other by the collars and rolling on the floor in a bloody mess.

Jeong Tae-ui staggered to his feet. He made his way towards the door at the back of the sparring room, which was filled with cursing and insults. Yuen-ho, who was still wiping away the blood trickling from his forehead, saw Jeong Tae-ui and asked where he was going.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him with a tired face and answered in an even more exhausted voice.

"I'm going to get punished for violating the rule against personal possession of weapons within the branch."

"What? Wasn't it over when you were called to the instructor's office earlier?"

"It seemed too easy... I have to hand-copy ten volumes of the UN Human Resources Development Organization's rulebook."

"Hand-copy... Do you need some help?"

"If the handwriting is different, we'll both have to copy ten more volumes each."

"Well... okay, hang in there. I'll cheer you on with all my heart."

Receiving Yuen-ho's pitying gaze on his back, Jeong Tae-ui waved lightly and left the sparring room.

He had an overwhelming desire to go back to his room and collapse on his bed, but his uncle, who had given him the punishment, had kindly specified the deadline for the ten volumes of handwritten copies: by the morning of the third day. He would have to forfeit all his free time.

It wasn’t difficult to find the rulebook of the United Nations Human Resources Development Organization. He didn't need to wander around the numerous shelves in the library looking for classification symbols; there was a separate shelf for books related to UNHRDO right next to the door.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed as he pulled out a booklet the size of an actual book. Both the size and thickness were just like a books. It wasn't an unbearable thickness to copy. However, as soon as he opened the book and saw the densely packed text inside, he couldn't help but sigh.

By the morning of the third day. Should he consider himself lucky that he still had time to sleep? He'd have to use every bit of his lunch breaks and free time, but at least he could sleep and finish it.

Jeong Tae-ui fanned himself with the booklet as he turned towards the checkout desk. But just as he was about to turn, he noticed the writing on the side of the bookshelf.

"No Loan"

"What is this?"

Jeong Tae-ui stopped waving the book and muttered in disbelief. If it couldn't be borrowed, where was he supposed to get it to copy? Where would he find a place that stocked such a useless booklet?

However, no matter how many times he tried to scan it with the automatic checkout system’s barcode reader, it did not register the book for borrowing, just as the sign said. He considered just taking it and walking out, but if he did, the detection system at the door would set off an alarm loud enough for the entire floor to hear.

"Hey, books related to the organization can't be borrowed. They're internal materials. If you want to read them, you have to do it inside the library. Or get special permission from a warden to take them out."

The man waiting behind him, seeing Jeong Tae-ui fidgeting for a long time, glanced over his shoulder at the book and kindly informed him. Saying thanks and stepping aside, Jeong Tae-ui stood there in a daze, holding the book.

Internal materials that required a warden’s permission to borrow. His uncle must have known this when he assigned the copying task. In essence, he was being told to spend all his spare time in the library copying the book.


Jeong Tae-ui sighed, fanning himself with the book, and clicked his tongue as he turned around. In that case, he would have to bring a blank notebook and copy it here. On second thought, it might be better to be stuck here copying; he wouldn't have to deal with other guys, so he might avoid getting involved in more trouble.

Jeong Tae-ui gathered his writing tools and sat at a desk in a corner of the library, spreading the book open. He wanted to ask someone for help, but his uncle’s warning about writing ten more volumes if the handwriting didn’t match was no joke.

He thought briefly about copying one volume and then cleverly reproducing it, but quickly shook his head. Better not. If he got caught trying to pull a fast one, it would be a disaster. His uncle was not someone to be underestimated.

Jeong Tae-ui rolled up his sleeves and started copying. It felt like a punishment for a grade schooler, but he figured it was lenient considering the circ*mstances. Remembering his uncle's strict instructions to copy the prohibition on personal weapons possession in neat, clear handwriting, Jeong Tae-ui decided to blame his own foolishness for this predicament.

However, after two hours of copying:

"I should have just let that guy die. I should have just let that guy die..."

Words like these slipped out of Jeong Tae-ui's mouth.

Who did he think he was, a hero of justice, to take away a gun someone had hidden – a gun without bullets, risking his life for a stranger? It was madness. He was crazy to do it, probably corrupted by his time in the military.

Grinding his teeth, Jeong Tae-ui kept writing. His wrist and arm were sore. He thought about going to the infirmary for a pain relief patch, but considering the afternoon’s sparring session, he doubted there would be any left for him.

However, thinking about it, Jeong Tae-ui and his team were relatively better off.

Before coming to the library after his workday, Jeong Tae-ui had stopped by the infirmary, hoping to get a patch or some ointment for the bruises on his side from a hard elbow hit. While asking for ointment from the infirmary attendant, the Kyo-ho, who seemed exhausted from a busy afternoon, Jeong Tae-ui casually looked around and saw several bodies lying on the beds.

‘Ugh, what is this…’

On the bed next to him lay a lump of flesh that hardly looked human. Limbs were splinted, the torso was heavily bandaged, and even the visible skin was covered in scabs. The face was so damaged and broken it was heartbreaking. Jeong Tae-ui even checked for a pulse to make sure the person was still alive.

‘Here’s the ointment. Ah, don’t touch that. That guy is the unluckiest one of everyone who came in here.’

The kyo-ho handed over the ointment and waved Jeong Tae-ui off from the patient. Nodding, Jeong Tae-ui took the ointment.

‘Yeah, he looks badly hurt... How does someone end up like that in a fight? Who was his opponent? That guy over there?’

Pointing to another severely injured person, Jeong Tae-ui asked, but the kyo-ho shook his head.

‘That guy isn’t here. He’s probably off somewhere, completely unscathed.’

‘What? His opponent is in this state, but he’s unscathed? What kind of…’

Jeong Tae-ui trailed off, realizing who it might be. The kyo-ho nodded silently, guessing who Jeong Tae-ui was thinking of.

‘Yeah, that guy.’


Suddenly, the injured patient didn’t seem like a mere sight. If things had been just a little different, Jeong Tae-ui might have been the one lying there in that condition.

Jeong Tae-ui opened the ointment tin he received from the kyo-ho and looked down at the pitiful patient with a grimace. The familiar smell wafted up, causing him to frown.

‘What is this... Tiger Balm?!’

‘Yeah. Never seen it before? You can buy it anywhere. It's quite useful, so when you go to Hong Kong after training, get yourself a tin. Many of the members stock up on it because we get injured so often.’

Though it had been applied to him a few times by his grandmother when he was very young, the distinctive smell made Jeong Tae-ui regard the nostalgic ointment with a bit of distaste. He had expected something more specialized for bruises in the infirmary.

The kyo-ho, reading Jeong Tae-ui's expression, straightened up and spoke seriously.

‘Don’t underestimate it. Look at the instructions. It’s good for muscle pain, sprains, insect bites, even headaches! It’s very versatile.’

‘A headache? What are you supposed to do, rub it on your head? Or eat it?!’

‘Anyway, it’s clearly written in the instructions, see for yourself.’

It was true. The English instructions listed headaches as one of the uses.

‘Man... Just looking at this gives me a headache…’

Jeong Tae-ui muttered as he pondered where exactly he should apply the ointment for a headache. Meanwhile, more injured people kept arriving at the infirmary, and the kyo-ho, overwhelmed with busyness, slathered the ointment on Jeong Tae-ui’s side and hurriedly pushed him out, telling him not to come back for such minor injuries.

Having been kicked out of the infirmary, Jeong Tae-ui confirmed that none of the new arrivals were in worse shape than the half-dead guy on the bed before heading to the library.


Now, as he copied the book, the scent of Tiger Balm seeped from his side beneath his clothes. In truth, his entire arm could use the ointment, considering how sore it was from writing. But the thought of how strong the smell would be made him sigh.

“I should’ve just run away with my brother before uncle came. I should’ve escaped...”

The incantation escaping his lips had changed. In this situation, there were countless regrets, but the most fundamental one now emerged.

There were many regrets stemming from this fundamental one, but the most pressing now was the one that had resurfaced after seeing the half-dead guy.

He should have avoided that crazy guy entirely. He should have stayed hidden and not drawn attention to himself.

Given the situation, it was best to stay as inconspicuous as possible and blend in with the others during unavoidable group training sessions.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and stretched as he pushed aside

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and stretched as he pushed aside the notebook he had just finished copying.

The library was empty. It was a quiet place to begin with, but today, being the first day of the joint training, it seemed everyone was too busy to read. Only a few people came in, grabbed the books they needed, and left immediately.

Jeong Tae-ui massaged his stiff shoulders and tilted his head from side to side. Finishing just one book today meant he had nine more to go. With a sigh, he opened a new notebook and started writing the first lines.

United Nations Human Resource Development Organization Regulations Article 1: Organizational Structure...

"You're working hard. From the looks of it, you have nine more to go?"

A slow, whispering voice from over his shoulder made him stop. The pen scratched across the page, ruining a line of neatly written text. Cursing silently, Jeong Tae-ui glared at the errant mark. Damn it.

His back was to the intruder. This was dangerous. If someone wanted to stab him, he wouldn’t be able to dodge. He hadn’t even noticed the person approaching until they spoke.

Momentarily tensing, Jeong Tae-ui then forced himself to relax. There was no point resisting in this situation. Moving could get him stabbed.

Fine, kill me if you want...

He continued writing beside the ruined line, speaking without emotion.

"There aren’t many interesting books here."

Come to think of it, despite his notorious reputation, this man had a surprisingly intense interest in reading. It was hard to imagine any of the library’s books matching his tastes.

"Yes. Your room seems to have more interesting books."

Despite his words, the man found a book he liked and sat a few paces away from Jeong Tae-ui.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him, surprised at how easily he backed off. He hadn’t expected a confrontation, but he was sure trouble would come the next time they met.

The man, Riegrow, looked exactly the same as he had that morning, and last night. The only difference was his clothes. His calm, composed movements, his clean, white face, and his untroubled expression were all unchanged.

Riegrow acted as if Jeong Tae-ui didn’t exist, flipping through the book with steady eyes focused solely on the pages.

Jeong Tae-ui watched him for a moment, then returned to his copying. Despite the earlier scare, the presence of someone else in the library was strangely comforting.

Did this guy forget…? Did he forget I pointed a gun at him this morning?

Jeong Tae-ui glared suspiciously at Riegrow. As Riegrow turned the page of his book, he seemed to sense Jeong Tae-ui's gaze and looked up. Their eyes met. Unable to look away, Jeong Tae-ui stared back. Riegrow held his gaze for a moment, then closed his book, seemingly in thought.

"What's wrong? Need help?"

Riegrow asked as if he were genuinely offering assistance, gesturing for the remaining notebooks and pen.

“So, that’s the punishment for carrying a weapon, huh? Seems light. Looks like Instructor Jeong went easy on you because you're his nephew.”

Jeong Tae-ui frowned at his matter-of-fact tone.

“It sounds like you’re saying I’m getting special treatment. If that’s the case, I have a question for you. If I get leniency because I’m the instructor’s nephew, what kind of relationship do you have that lets you walk around without any consequences after beating someone to a pulp?”

Riegrow aughed, shaking his head.

“No need to get your hackles up. I was just thinking how much Instructor Jeong must care for his nephew. I wouldn't be upset even if you didn’t get any punishment. I’m just stating what I see, so don’t take offense.”

“So, our relationship is known even in the European branch?”

“The news of the rare hero who pointed a gun at me reached my ears before the hour was out. A hero named Jeong Tae-ui, dragged into the Asian branch by his uncle, less than a month ago.”

So he didn’t forget. But then why is this lunatic so calm?

Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head, watching Riegrow. Riegrow raised an eyebrow, amused.

“Why that face? I’m the one who should be glaring.”


“Or did you think I’d rip your throat out at the sight of you?”


Jeong Tae-ui replied to Riegrow's question with a displeased frown. Riegrow laughed.

"That might be true, but I don't feel like it right now. Just wait a little longer."

Having said that, he opened the book again. As if he didn't want to be disturbed anymore, he kept his eyes on the book and never looked up again.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at him for a moment, then looked away and started moving his pen again. While mechanically moving the pen, he slowly reflected on the man's words. The words he pondered the longest were the last ones.

I don't feel like it right now. Just wait a little longer. And the interpretation of those words came to him quickly, even before he had a chance to mull it over a few times. It meant that while he might not feel like it now, he could bite his neck off whenever he felt like it. It could be one minute later, or it could be on the day they return from joint training.

It would be better to take action right now. Otherwise, what's the difference between this and telling him to be on edge for the next two weeks?

Suddenly, he felt a surge of anger, and he gripped the pen tighter. Rip, the notebook tore, leaving a hole.

Suddenly, the unpleasant memory of Lieutenant Kim came to mind. That bastard was like this too. When news of Jeong Tae-ui being involved in a stabbing incident at a gay bar reached the school, Lieutenant Kim was the first to hear about it by chance. That bastard also looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a sneering smile. And he had muttered, clearly for Jeong Tae-ui to hear, ‘Why would it be a big deal right now?’

Do unpleasant bastards always act similarly? No, but Lieutenant Kim was just unpleasant; he wasn't dangerous like that bastard. Considering that, Lieutenant Kim was better. It was a negligible difference, but still.

As Jeong Tae-ui's anger rose and his speed increased, he finished copying the second notebook and pulled out a new one. He started writing on the first page again. Article 1 of the Regulations of the United Nations Human Resources Development Organization concerning the organizational structure of the organization, and so on.

The advantage and disadvantage of such simple work was that, while his hands kept moving, his mind didn't think of anything else. Facing a life-threatening situation, all that came to mind was the dark two weeks ahead.

"Nothing has changed. Anyway, just hide well and don't get noticed, and when you have no choice, stick close to your colleagues, then somehow manage to stay alive..."

Even if he were to be called cowardly and dishonorable, as long as his safety was guaranteed, Jeong Tae-ui was prepared to stick to the instructors' heels for the next two weeks. Surely, no one would commit murder in front of the instructors.

Muttering to himself while moving his pen, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly felt a gaze and lifted his head.

There was no way he could have heard Jeong Tae-ui's tiny mutterings, but at some point, Riegrow had been watching him with an amused expression. When their eyes met, Riegrow smiled as if to encourage him to continue.

".......What happens if you kill someone in front of an instructor?"

Jeong Tae-ui paused his pen and asked since their eyes had met. His intentions were likely obvious, but now was not the time to worry about that. Riegrow laughed deeply and pointed with his finger under Jeong Tae-ui's hand.

"Didn't you see while copying? It should detail the punishment criteria there."

"It mentioned the punishment for killing someone, but there was no clause about doing it in front of an instructor."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered grumpily. In fact, the section about killing someone was very ambiguous. It was like a double-edged sword, explained over three pages but simply boiled down to, 'Treatment varies depending on the situation.'

Riegrow seemed to ponder for a moment, then tilted his head and replied,

"Well, I wouldn't know because I've never killed anyone in front of an instructor. But, I did kill an instructor and ended up in solitary confinement for eight months."

Screech. The pen slipped again. Jeong Tae-ui clenched his mouth as he glared at the line he had scratched across the top row.

Damn. If he kills instructors too, then pulling out a fellow hidden among them and snapping his neck would be a piece of cake. Suddenly, his shallow calculations were shattered.

"To add, it was self-defense. Just like this morning."

Riegrow continued. However, it would have been better if he hadn't added those last few words.

Jeong Tae-ui twirled the pen around his fingers. He felt a bitter taste in his mouth. He wondered for a moment if he had misunderstood the meaning of self-defense, but no matter how much he thought about it, it seemed that the one who misunderstood was that man.

"To add one more thing, the dictionary definition of self-defense is an unavoidable act of harm taken to prevent imminent and unjust infringement on oneself or others."

It wasn't that this man didn't know the definition. Jeong Tae-ui thought it was extremely shameless of him to call his own actions 'unavoidable.' The words that rose to his throat were on the verge of spilling out.

"Speaking of what happened this morning, don't you think the act of harm to the infringer was excessive?"

In the end, he couldn't hold back and blurted out. However, Riegrow shook his head.

"You heard it too. The order to shoot. That guy would have kept trying to strike me from behind if I had let him off easy. Considering the future threat, it was an unavoidable choice for me too. Besides, he's still alive, that guy. Although he might be sitting in solitary confinement by now."

"So, you also killed an instructor?"

When Jeong Tae-ui asked, Riegrow let out a low chuckle. Then, after a brief, slightly awkward silence, he spoke shortly.

"Well, something like that. I almost died myself. Even I wouldn't have killed an instructor if it wasn't that serious. I regretted it so much after killing him."

As Jeong Tae-ui gazed at him, he wanted to say, "You're obviously lying," but he swallowed the words.

In the end, although the exact reason was unclear, this man could casually kill anyone, even an instructor, as long as there was a justifiable cause or pretext. Therefore, it would be impossible to escape his eyes by using others as shields.

Does this mean the best course of action is to hide unconditionally? Whether that is possible or not remains to be seen.

"Why is everything going wrong these days? Am I cursed?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered as he threw the pen onto the notebook. He was never particularly lucky, but things had gotten worse since he came here. What is this?

"I heard Jeong Jae-ui is extremely lucky, but aren't you?"

Riegrow suddenly asked when Jeong Tae-ui muttered. Jeong Tae-ui just looked at him. He wanted to grumble, "News travels fast," but realized everyone in this branch already knew.

"Being brothers doesn't mean we share the same fortune. I'm just average. Maybe even below average right now."


Riegrow responded with a subtle smile but said nothing further.

Jeong Tae-ui thought of his brother, whom he hadn't seen in a while. In such a case, his brother—though he wouldn’t have been in this situation—would have ensured that this man either left the island unexpectedly due to an accident or got bitten by a dozen vipers and died.

Jeong Tae-ui pointed at Riegrow and muttered with a serious face.

"You should be glad I'm not my brother. Otherwise, your luck would have been very dark by now."

Riegrow burst into laughter. Jeong Tae-ui wondered if he understood, but it seemed he did.

"Thanks for that. In that sense, I won't do anything to you today, so relax and stop being so tense."

"I’d appreciate it if you could keep that up for the next two weeks."

"Well... I'm not very good at controlling my emotions, so I can't make a promise I can't keep."

It sounded like he intended to settle things before the two weeks were up. Seeing those cold, calm eyes, Jeong Tae-ui knew it wasn't just his imagination.

Jeong Tae-ui picked up his pen again, clicking his tongue bitterly. In any case, minimizing the time spent with this man would be the most passive resistance he could muster.

Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui paused his pen. He then subtly asked Riegrow, who was turning his attention back to the book.

“Earlier, you said you would help with this.”

Riegrow slightly raised his eyebrows. Seeing the stack of notebooks and pens Jeong Tae-ui had piled up, he shrugged, as if a little surprised that Jeong Tae-ui would bring it up.

“I said I would help, and I will. Copying is not that difficult... but if it’s Instructor Jeong, he will quickly recognize the different handwriting.”

Knowing all this, Riegrow still offered to help. It wasn’t just empty words.

Jeong Tae-ui smiled and handed him a blank notebook and pen.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. I just need to fill the required number of notebooks. I’m not asking for much, just write one notebook for me.”

“Hmm... well, alright.”

Riegrow readily accepted the writing pen. Soon, the smooth sound of the pen scratching the paper flowed out.

Jeong Tae-ui, recalling his uncle’s words, “Even those who help must copy ten notebooks,” pushed aside thoughts about the increasing burden ahead. There are always people and situations where you want to make others suffer even if it means causing yourself trouble.

Go on and experience it for yourself. And let's try to minimize the time we have to meet.

Indeed, Jeong Tae-ui understood well the efforts of his comrades, who had been fussing about building up their stamina and strength in preparation for joint training since they first arrived on the island.

Saying that a day felt like a thousand years might be an exaggeration, but it was at least ten times more exhausting than regular training.

When training with comrades from the same branch, there was at least the basic assurance that the other party wasn’t sincerely trying to harm you. But now, even in trivial sparring, he had to be fully alert and tense. There were too many who wore the intention to break an opponent's arm under the pretext of a sparring mistake on their foreheads.

He couldn’t even relax during breaks. Sharing the resting space with them meant constantly being on guard against unexpected attacks or being shot with an air gun if luck was not on his side.

The only time he could truly rest was after the regular daily schedule when he returned to his room, locked the door, and stayed inside. Even then, if he left the room to go to the bathroom or shower, he had to be prepared to dodge or fend off potential fights until he returned to the room.

Too tired to deal with that, Jeong Tae-ui would often stop by the bathroom on his way back from the day’s schedule and then collapse onto his bed as soon as he got to his room. Even then, he couldn’t find peace of mind because he had to endure Maurer’s resentful gaze.

“Yeah, I was wrong, I was wrong. That damn Colt, I’ll empty my entire bank account and buy you hundreds later…”

Lying on the bed, Jeong Tae-ui mumbled to himself. He was too tired to even speak out loud.

Maurer was still engrossed in his puzzle, despite the chilly breeze, and Tou was off somewhere, likely picking or creating a fight again. His stamina for constant skirmishes, big and small, was truly impressive.

“Hey, you got a call.”

Maurer’s grumpy voice informed Jeong Tae-ui, who was half-asleep and sprawled on the bed. He barely lifted his head to glance at the pager on the desk before burying his face in the pillow again. He was too lazy to check it. However, Maurer’s voice came again after a while.

“Hey, another one came.”

“… From where?”

Grumbling, Jeong Tae-ui groaned and cursed under his breath. Maurer picked up the pager and checked the number. He replied indifferently.

“It’s from 114.”

“114… Why is the directory service looking for me…?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Seems like there’s a message too, check it out.”

Maurer tossed the pager, which landed perfectly next to Jeong Tae-ui’s pillow. Lying on his stomach, Jeong Tae-ui half-opened his eyes and glanced at the pager. The blinking indicator light under the display suggested there was indeed a message.

He was too lazy to check it. It’s probably just another notice about submissions or some period of caution, or something like that.

114… 114… Where was that? Room 14 in the basem*nt? What’s there? Ah, the guards’ rooms and the interns’. Room 14 would be the lowest among the interns’...

Jeong Tae-ui’s eyes snapped open, and he sprang up. Maurer, who was reading a magazine a little way off, was startled and looked over.

“The youngest intern... that’s Xin Lu, right?”

“Huh? Yeah, it is. Why?”

Maurer asked, clutching his chest in relief. He looked like he was wondering if Jeong Tae-ui was talking in his sleep.

Jeong Tae-ui didn’t bother to answer and quickly checked the message.

As expected, the call was from Xin Lu. The message was nothing special, just a note to take care of his health. Despite the trivial message, Jeong Tae-ui was slightly relieved. But his expression darkened when he saw the second message.

‘See you this weekend. Have a good night.’

Weekend. That reminded him. He hadn’t told Xin Lu yet that he couldn’t meet this weekend. He hadn’t found time to go to the office or bump into Xin Lu by chance.

“I have to tell him… that I can’t go…”

Jeong Tae-ui murmured gloomily. He looked wistfully at the internal phone on the bedside table. He briefly hoped for some extraordinary reason that would cancel the weekend training and grant everyone free time. But if that were to happen, neither he nor Xin Lu would be peacefully taking a walk.


Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and jumped up. Maurer, clutching his puzzle magazine, looked at him strangely.

“I’m going to see Xin Lu for a bit.”

Jeong Tae-ui said briefly as he slipped the pager into his pocket and headed for the door. He could call to tell him, but it seemed better to say it face-to-face.

"Xin Lu? It's past office hours now, so he won't be in his office."

"Then I'll just go to his room. What's the problem?"

"During the joint training period, the basem*nt floor is off-limits for members. We're not allowed to meet with the instructors personally. Xin Lu's room is in the basem*nt too."

Maurer's mumbled words, as if he couldn't believe Jeong Tae-ui didn't know this, hit Jeong Tae-ui's back of the head. He halted and turned to look at Maurer with wide eyes. Maurer frowned, as if to say, Didn't you know?

He did know. But he had forgotten.

So, it would be difficult to see Xin Lu without prior notice.

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated for a moment. But he had already decided to see Xin Lu, and the desire to see him grew stronger. He should go and explain. There was no point in breaking the promise suddenly.

Jeong Tae-ui waved lightly at Maurer and left the room. Maurer called out, Hey, wait! but he pretended not to hear.

The sharp air pricked his skin as soon as he stepped outside, but it wasn't a big problem. He had no intention of starting trouble, and he wouldn't respond to provocations. Even those who tried to pick a fight with him didn't bother to stop him when he ignored them and walked past. He heard someone call him a coward behind his back, but he didn't mind if it meant avoiding unnecessary fights.

He instinctively stopped in front of the elevator but decided against using it to go to the basem*nt. Instead, he took the stairs.

Having gone up and down frequently, he could now easily manage six or seven floors by stairs. However, these stairs were particularly high, almost double the height of normal stairs. The height between floors was significant, with the ceiling far above.

When he had questioned the building design, his uncle had nonchalantly replied, It's for exercise.

"You don't need to exercise with stuff like this; life here is training enough, uncle."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, complaining to his uncle, who couldn't hear him, as he climbed the stairs. Whenever he had something to grumble about, he directed it at his uncle. It helped him feel a bit better.

At the basem*nt level, he noticed a sign on the iron door that he hadn't seen before: ‘No entry except for residents.’

In other words, members were not allowed.

Jeong Tae-ui pretended not to see it and opened the door. He half-expected it to be locked or someone to point a gun at him and say, ‘No entry,’ but nothing happened.

The sign was the only change. The laxity in enforcement was the same as always. Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head in the hallway. They were relying on the members' integrity. This wasn’t a school; they should rely on something more dependable.

The basem*nt had always been sparsely populated, so he rarely encountered anyone while wandering around. Jeong Tae-ui was about to walk casually but stopped. He remembered that this floor, and the entire building, had surveillance cameras everywhere.

"If they catch me on camera, they'll track me down later."

But was it really meaningful? He had a rough idea of where the cameras were. If he knew, the others would too. It was possible to avoid the cameras' view.

However, entering Xin Lu's room would be unavoidable. He would inevitably be caught on camera. There might even be cameras he wasn't aware of.

Jeong Tae-ui pondered for a moment. Should he go back? He could handle it over the phone anyway.

However, although he knew it was wise in his head, his steps were already taking him down the corridor. To hell with it, if he gets caught and thrown in solitary, it might actually be better. Plus how bad could it be, considering it's still a prison, no matter how poor the facilities are?

Jeong Tae-ui headed toward Xin Lu's room. He hadn't gotten lost again since the first time he wandered around this place. Fortunately, he had a decent sense of direction and didn’t forget a path he'd taken once.

Xin Lu's room wasn't far from the stairs. It was a straight walk down the hallway with just one turn. Although Jeong Tae-ui wondered what excuse he might give if he ran into someone, that didn’t happen.

He knocked on the door with his fingertips. After waiting a moment and getting no response, he thought perhaps the knock was too quiet, or maybe Xin Lu wasn’t in. He knocked again, a bit louder this time.

"If he's not in, the camera would just record me and I'd gain nothing...this would be a disaster."

He muttered to himself, clicking his tongue. He should have called first before coming, even if he wanted to talk in person.

However, to Jeong Tae-ui’s relief, the door opened after a moment. Xin Lu peeked out and seemed surprised to see him.

"Tae-ui hyung. What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here right now... Anyway, come in."

Xin Lu glanced around nervously and pulled Jeong Tae-ui into the room. Only then did Jeong Tae-ui think that his visit might cause trouble for Xin Lu, but it was too late for regrets. Since he was already here, there was no point in second thoughts now.

This was his first time in Xin Lu’s room.

While there’s not much difference between one person's room and another’s, Jeong Tae-ui looked around curiously. The room was clean and modest. There were no unnecessary items, but it wasn’t overly bare either.

"If someone else sees you, it could be troublesome for you, hyung. What brings you here so suddenly?"

Xin Lu asked worriedly while taking out two cans of beer. Seeing the beer, Jeong Tae-ui was momentarily surprised but then realized that Xin Lu, despite his adorable nature, was already an adult. It wasn't strange for him to drink beer. In fact, it was stranger to find it surprising.

Jeong Tae-ui thanked him as he took the beer and hesitated for a moment. Since there was no guest sofa in the single room, Xin Lu pulled a chair from the desk and sat in front of Jeong Tae-ui, who was seated on the bed, waiting quietly for him to speak.

"Um, about the weekend..."

"Oh, yes. I saw the weather forecast; it’s supposed to be clear over the weekend."

When Xin Lu smiled brightly as Jeong Tae-ui began to speak, Jeong Tae-ui inwardly winced. Normally, he would have been delighted to hear such words, but now, they only made him feel worse as he was here to cancel their plans.


As Jeong Tae-ui hesitated and his face clouded over, Xin Lu seemed to notice the change in his demeanor. Tilting his head, he watched Jeong Tae-ui silently.

"Well, I didn't know, but there's training on the weekend too. Apparently, I can't skip it."

As Jeong Tae-ui faltered, unable to continue, Xin Lu surprisingly seemed unfazed and nodded, smiling.

"I thought so. It seemed strange because you’ve always had continuous training for two weeks without holidays during joint drills, but this time I thought it was different."

Nodding and speaking, Xin Lu suddenly looked a bit disappointed but maintained a small smile.

"I was looking forward to taking a leisurely walk with you... It's a shame."

"Uh, sorry..."

Jeong Tae-ui bowed his head in apology.

Still, he felt a bit relieved. So, he already knew. It made sense that Xin Lu, who had been here longer than him, would already know. It seemed he had worried for no reason.

But since he had broken the promise, Jeong Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu with regret. Xin Lu, who had looked disappointed, saw Jeong Tae-ui and shook his head, smiling again.

"It's okay. The training schedule is always like that. But after training, you'll have some time off that week, so we can go for a walk then. It's not like the beach is going anywhere."

"Yeah... Let's go for a walk after training."

When Jeong Tae-ui said this, Xin Lu nodded happily, then responded with a thoughtful expression.

"After training, we might be able to leave the island on the weekend, so we could go to Hong Kong and have some fun. I also have a few things to buy."

"Oh, sure. That sounds good. I also owe Tou some cigarettes."

Jeong Tae-ui responded with delight.

Coming to postpone the weekend plan and ending up making two new plans — walking and going to Hong Kong — felt more than satisfying. Although it was disappointing that the weekend's expectations had turned into nothing, making two new plans made up for it.

"But... it's still a bit disappointing. I was looking forward to it."

From in front of Jeong Tae-ui, Xin Lu's whispered voice reached him, head slightly bowed. Realizing this, Jeong Tae-ui's face turned bright red.

It was strange. Although Jeong Tae-ui often found it hard to keep his composure in front of Xin Lu, he was accustomed to the steps of romance. He had easily learned how to seduce someone with words and how to bring them into his arms during his nights at the clubs, even without anyone teaching him. Hence, he had come to consider dating or spending the night with someone an easy task.

But somehow, he just couldn't easily make a move on this young man. Maybe it was that common saying, that you can't treat someone you're genuinely attracted to lightly.

It was amusing to him, but he didn't dislike this feeling. With a red face, Jeong Tae-ui smiled shyly.

At that moment, Xin Lu hesitated and reached out his hand. He almost, but not quite, overlapped his hand with Jeong Tae-ui's fingertips. His small nails tickled Jeong Tae-ui's fingers. Xin Lu's cautious gaze drew closer.

Jeong Tae-ui almost burst out laughing. What an innocent yet charming seduction this was. He had never encountered such a straightforward and cute temptation before. This was something he could easily respond to with a smile and a gentle grasp of that hand. Then, lightly kissing the fingertips and smiling would almost seal the deal.


His hand wouldn't move. Only his increasingly red face was getting hotter.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu. Those slender fingers barely touching his own.

His mouth was dry. His anxious mind whispered, Now, now is the time. It was okay now.

Jeong Tae-ui clenched his fist tightly and then extended his nervous hand. The hesitant hand grabbed Xin Lu's shoulder.

He couldn't bring himself to look Xin Lu in the eye. He'd probably look ridiculous if he did. A man with a face as red as a boiled octopus, not knowing what to do. Right now, he hoped Xin Lu wouldn't look at him.

Jeong Tae-ui half-rose. Then, he pulled Xin Lu's shoulder with the hand he was holding and abruptly brought his lips to his face. He had originally intended to muster the courage to kiss his lips. But in his nervousness, he missed. Instead of his lips, he ended up awkwardly kissing closer to his cheek.

However, at that moment, what mattered to Jeong Tae-ui wasn't where he had kissed. It was that he had kissed him for the first time. His lips had touched Xin Lu's soft skin.

He could feel Xin Lu’s startled gaze on him, but Jeong Tae-ui couldn't bring himself to meet his eyes and backed away, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, his face bright red.



A long silence followed. Jeong Tae-ui, fidgeting with his innocent fingers, kept his head down. He glanced up and saw that Xin Lu was doing the same. Xin Lu’s pale cheeks were flushed pink, and he had his head lowered.

Is it okay? He's not angry, right? Jeong Tae-ui’s heart pounded so hard it felt like it would burst.

Even though he didn’t know what to do, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't help but feel a smile creeping up on his lips, so he pressed them together tightly. But his mouth kept wanting to curve into a smile.

Jeong Tae-ui subtly raised his hand to cover his mouth. When he cautiously looked at Xin Lu, he saw that Xin Lu had already raised his head and was watching him. As soon as their eyes met, Xin Lu, with his face flushed red, suddenly burst out laughing.

Jeong Tae-ui, momentarily taken aback by Xin Lu’s soft yet lively laugh, eventually joined in.

His chest felt ticklish, which made him laugh. Maybe Xin Lu felt the same way.

After a while, their laughter died down, leaving behind a shy and awkward atmosphere.

"Well, I'll be going now. See you after training... Thanks for the message. I enjoyed reading it."

"Oh, yes. ...I'll walk you out."

As Jeong Tae-ui stood up to leave, Xin Lu quickly got up to follow him. Jeong Tae-ui felt a smile forming again. Xin Lu was like an obedient puppy trailing behind, so endearing.

Jeong Tae-ui told Xin Lu that there was no need to see him out, but Xin Lu shook his head and followed him out of the room. They walked down the corridor in near silence. There was nothing to say, and more than that, the warmth transmitted through their slightly clasped hands filled their hearts.

Two people walking side by side, holding hands with flushed faces — if his uncle saw this, he would give them that look again. Having fun, I see...

But so what? Let him watch all he wants. After all, it's perfectly fine for them to hold hands, right?

Jeong Tae-ui glanced at the young man who was about half a span shorter than him. His gently swaying hair still carried a faint soap scent. Thinking he wanted to bury his face in that hair, Jeong Tae-ui blushed again and smiled shyly.

Then it happened.

It was just as they were approaching the stairs. He regretted having to let go of Xin Lu's hand since he couldn't ask him to come down to the sixth basem*nt floor.

Someone was rounding the corner near the stairs.

He tightened his grip slightly on the hand he was holding. It wasn’t good for anyone to see him on this floor. Although the surveillance cameras might have already caught them, being seen by a person felt different.

Who could it be? If it was one of the staff, it would be easier to explain, Jeong Tae-ui thought, clicking his tongue. But the moment he recognized the person, he stopped in his tracks.

It was someone he hadn’t expected to meet here — someone he shouldn’t meet here. Riegrow, that monstrous man.

Riegrow also saw Jeong Tae-ui. His gaze then moved slowly to Xin Lu beside him. And then down to their clasped hands.

Those pitch-black eyes narrowed faintly, reflecting some unknown thoughts. He seemed amused, intrigued, displeased, or perhaps greedy.

As soon as Jeong Tae-ui thought of that last possibility, his face hardened. He recalled the conversation he had with Tou earlier that morning before arriving here.

── After any joint training with the European branch, there's never been a young, good-looking guy who came out unscathed.

A chill ran through his chest. Jeong Tae-ui instinctively tightened his grip on the hand he was holding and stepped in front of Xin Lu. Xin Lu fidgeted in confusion behind him, but Jeong Tae-ui stood his ground silently.

Danger. The thought flashed through his mind.

It wasn’t the kind of threat he had felt before related to life or survival. This was a more urgent, anxious threat — the kind where something precious might be taken away.

Riegrow stared intently at Jeong Tae-ui. As if understanding his thoughts, a faint, indiscernible smile crept onto Riegrow’s face.

“What's wrong...?”

He spoke quietly, with a faint but clearly discernible hint of amusem*nt in his voice.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue inwardly. He shouldn’t show any weaknesses to others, especially to someone as threatening and ferocious as this man. Yet, in an instant, he had exposed his own vulnerability.

"Xin Lu. You should go back now."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke softly over his shoulder. Xin Lu hesitated for a moment, his gaze briefly landing on Riegrow. Cautiously, he looked Riegrow up and down, assessing him.


"It's okay, go back. I'll see you later."

Jeong Tae-ui gently reassured Xin Lu, who was murmuring while clutching his shirt. Xin Lu hesitated for a bit longer before giving Jeong Tae-ui a brief nod and turning away. Even as he walked back to his room, he glanced back once, twice. At the end of his gaze was Riegrow. Riegrow, too, watched Xin Lu with a peculiar look.

Finally, the sound of the door closing echoed from behind Jeong Tae-ui, and Riegrow, who had been staring intently at Xin Lu’s retreating figure, turned his attention back to Jeong Tae-ui.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him uneasily.

Of all people, he had to run into Riegrow in a situation like this. What a stroke of bad luck.

However, even after Xin Lu disappeared, Jeong Tae-ui’s anxiety didn’t fade. He had noticed Riegrow’s gaze lingering over his shoulder, watching Xin Lu until he entered his room. His eyes had been narrow and filled with interest.

"Pretty boy."

Riegrow finally spoke. His voice carried a hint of pleasure and desire. Jeong Tae-ui’s expression hardened even more. He looked Riegrow straight in the eye and spoke stiffly.

"What's so pretty about a guy?"

Riegrow’s expression quickly shifted to one of amusem*nt, with laughter crinkling the corners of his eyes.

"Ah, a guy. Yes, that's right. I don’t care if it’s a guy or not as long as I like them, but it seems you do. How surprising."

Riegrow dragged out his words with a knowing smile. Jeong Tae-ui felt a bitter taste in his mouth. His words were too clumsy. This man had probably already noticed how Jeong Tae-ui felt about Xin Lu the moment they first met. Trying to divert the conversation was futile; it might have been better to simply acknowledge it.

His chest felt heavy. The memory of Riegrow’s peculiar gaze at Xin Lu lingered uncomfortably. It was like holding a fragile glass bead that might shatter at any moment.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. Dragging this conversation out wouldn’t do any good. Moreover, being alone and facing off with this man was not beneficial for Jeong Tae-ui.

"What brings you here? This area is off-limits."

Jeong Tae-ui knew he wasn’t in a position to question anyone, but he spoke while glancing at the direction Riegrow had come from. That side led to the guards' rooms. The guards accompanying the European branch members were also staying on this floor, but their rooms were in a different direction.

Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head, wondering. Why would this man personally meet a guard on this side? Or was he perhaps scouting the building? But no specific reason came to mind. UNHRDO didn’t have any conflicting organizations or factions that might warrant espionage.

Considering the possibility of Riegrow being a spy didn’t yield any clear conclusions.

Riegrow, sensing Jeong Tae-ui’s thoughts, smiled faintly but didn’t provide an answer. Instead, he responded as if it was obvious.

"It’s not just off-limits for me. What are you doing here? —Though I think I already know the answer."

Riegrow muttered slowly, then suddenly tilted his head with a smirk.

"But what were you doing with that pretty young man? His face was quite delightfully red."

At his low voice, Jeong Tae-ui’s face hardened. The way he asked, in that suggestive tone, What were you doing? brought back the feeling of Xin Lu’s cheek against his lips. His face heated up.

Jeong Tae-ui instinctively raised his hand to wipe his face with the back of his hand, but he immediately regretted it. His face felt even hotter, and Riegrow let out a low chuckle.

Jeong Tae-ui felt a surge of anger. There was no reason for him to be mocked by anyone, let alone Riegrow, especially regarding Xin Lu.

"Whatever we were doing, it's none of your business."

"Is that so? I’m curious, though. What kind of reactions that pretty young man would show, how warm his breath would be, and how cute his cries would sound. Those things….."

Riegrow trailed off, his voice a low whisper. Jeong Tae-ui glared at him coldly.

Damn it. He’s had a bad feeling about this from the start, and it turns out he was right.

He was growing anxious. His mouth felt dry with unease. Seeing Riegrow eyeing Xin Lu with desire made him feel worse than uncomfortable; it brought a profound, overwhelming sense of danger.

Moreover, despite his twisted personality and tendencies, Riegrow appeared perfectly normal on the outside. With just a wave of his hand, he could attract a dozen people, given his attractive appearance and physique.

He had to admit it. The only thing he had over him is his humanity.

There was nothing he could claim to be better at — whether it was looks, physique, or strength. The only thing he could confidently say he excelled at was his character, and that was only because Riegrow's was abysmally deficient.

"So what you’re saying is, you like Xin Lu?"

"Xin Lu? Ah, so that’s his name. Yes, he’s not bad. Actually, he’s quite nice."

Riegrow replied. At the same time, he took a step towards Jeong Tae-ui. And another step.

As Riegrow began to walk slowly, deliberately, Jeong Tae-ui frowned.

He had almost forgotten. Nothing good ever comes from encountering this man. In fact, if he saw even a hint of him from a hundred miles away, he should have run. He could still vividly recall the feel of his gun against Riegrow’s neck.

He flinched, almost stepping back reflexively, but then he steadied himself and stood his ground. It was too late to run now. Retreating would only make him look foolish. Besides, surely, he wouldn’t kill someone right here in the hallway — although, who knows.

"Why so tense?"

Riegrow shrugged and smiled at the rigidly standing Jeong Tae-ui. But that smile was even more chilling. He kept walking slowly, now only a few steps away from Jeong Tae-ui. Yet he continued to advance.

One step, two steps, another step closer.

Jeong Tae-ui met Riegrow's dark eyes directly, his entire body tense with fear.

How close was he planning to get? He's already within arm's reach.

Yet, Riegrow took another step. And then another, stopping only when he was barely a few inches away. He looked down at Jeong Tae-ui, his eyes cold as ice. Although there was a slight smile on his lips and at the corners of his eyes, his gaze was as sharp as a blade.

This is dangerous. No, it’s beyond dangerous. Jeong Tae-ui cursed his own foolishness again. At this distance, if Riegrow decided to act, he wouldn't stand a chance. He should have made him stop several steps away.

"Where's that boldness you had just a day ago, huh?"

Riegrow spoke softly, almost as if he were humming with amusem*nt.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at him directly. Those icy, frozen eyes didn’t seem human. It gave him chills to think someone like this existed.

"Jeong Tae-ui."

Riegrow's slow, deliberate pronunciation of his name was unnerving, like he was asserting that he knew Jeong Tae-ui with absolute precision.

Riegrow tilted his head slightly, and his hand began to move. It brushed against Jeong Tae-ui’s wrist, slowly crawling up his arm, to his shoulder, neck, and finally his face. The feel of the cold leather gloves was like a serpent, smooth and soft. The dark blue gloves were spotless but seemed to carry the scent of blood.

The hand traced from his cheek to his ear, then to his hair. It was a gentle, affectionate touch. It was a hand that could easily twist his neck.

The hand rested on the back of his head. Riegrow's large palm lightly pulled Jeong Tae-ui closer, almost as if to embrace him. His shoulder was now right in front of Jeong Tae-ui's eyes.

A gentle, low voice whispered in his ear.

"Is he...yours?"

Jeong Tae-ui flinched, his body giving a slight, involuntary shudder.

Riegrow was looking past Jeong Tae-ui’s head at Xin Lu's room. Or perhaps at Xin Lu himself, through the door, with narrow, cruel eyes.

"No, it’s not, is it?"

Riegrow answered his own question, as if Jeong Tae-ui’s frozen tongue had already betrayed him.

Riegrow laughed with a sense of amusem*nt. After patting Jeong Tae-ui's head a few times, he withdrew his arm. Jeong Tae-ui, who had been somewhat trapped in his embrace, took a step back. All he could do was glare fiercely at Riegrow.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not here to completely take something from you. I only want a taste when I desire."

His voice, laced with an easygoing tone, spread a thick sense of anxiety within Jeong Tae-ui's chest.

"Riegrow. Stop."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke firmly, but Riegrow ignored him. It seemed that Jeong Tae-ui was of no concern as Riegrow cast one last glance at Xin Lu's room before turning away.


Jeong Tae-ui called out desperately. Riegrow, a few steps ahead, briefly turned his head but continued walking, not changing his pace or direction. He merely replied with a hint of mockery.

"To truly claim what's yours, you need to have the qualification for it. Do you have the confidence to survive even if you're thrown naked into hell?"

With a dismissive wave, Riegrow turned towards the stairs and disappeared from view.

Jeong Tae-ui was left standing alone, staring blankly down the now-empty hallway.


"The weather's really something. They said it would clear up tonight, but what a load of crap. The weather agency guys should all take their suits off."

A grumbling voice was heard from ahead. Judging by the voice, it was Tou. Even though they were only a few meters apart, they had to recognize who was speaking by their voices.

It wasn’t just because it was night. It wasn’t just because there were many obstacles in the forest blocking their view.

The fog, which had started to fall in the evening, had settled everywhere in the forest without exception. It was so dense that, while pushing through it, the collar of their coat had become damp without them realizing it.

"I’d rather strip all the instructors who make us march at night in this weather than the weather agency guys."

Muttering from a little behind Tou was Qing. The laughter heard next to him was Carlo.

"I can tolerate the night march, but what I can't forgive is being thrown straight into it with no warning after an entire afternoon of intense sparring that left everyone exhausted."

This voice sounds unfamiliar, so it must be from another team, Jeong Tae-ui thought. From the grumbling and grinding of teeth, it seemed like the person was still quite energetic.

If his uncle heard this, he would definitely say, “You haven’t exhausted them enough,” Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t help but smile slightly at the comment. Maurer, who was walking right next to him, looked at Jeong Tae-ui and grumbled.

"Are you in the mood to smile? My legs are practically dragging."

"Sometimes you get days like this, what can you do?"

"It’s not just a day. After finishing the march, we have to go straight into endurance training, damn it. There’s no time to rest."

Maurer chewed over his words, his frustration evident. Despite his irritation, he seemed robust enough to handle a bit less rest for the time being. Jeong Tae-ui offered an invisible smile at the sight, but it quickly faded.

Indeed, there’s no time to rest. Each day is a continuous series of tense situations, and in the afternoons, they mostly engage in group sparring, which is almost like a brawl with the European branch members. Today was no different: in the morning, they listened to a lecture — though in a few days, they’d even start engaging in verbal duels and sword fights during lecture time — and in the afternoon, they had non-stop martial arts sparring. It was likely the same for not only Jeong Tae-ui’s team but others as well.

Even if they knock down one opponent after another, the next opponent keeps coming at them in martial arts sparring. If it were against their own team members, they might take some time to rest and spar lightly, occasionally letting themselves lose. However, when facing those damned European branch members, it’s different. Even if they feel like they’re about to collapse from exhaustion, most of them are driven by the thought of throwing the opponent impressively and landing a solid blow, no matter what.

Jeong Tae-ui didn’t harbor a grudge to the extent that he wanted to take things too seriously. He preferred sparring in a way that balanced giving and receiving, but his opponents often didn’t share that perspective. It was impossible to calmly extend his limbs when faced with adversaries who charged at him with the intent to utterly devour him.

As the regular schedule came to a close, Jeong Tae-ui thought he could finally wrap up the day. However, just as they were about to clean up and head back, the instructor abruptly called them over. He announced a 20-kilometer night march for that evening and instructed them to head straight to the dining hall, eat, and regroup within 30 minutes.

In that moment, Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t the only one who felt like throwing his headgear at the instructor. Although exhausted, the sense of accomplishment at having completed another day instantly turned into a cold, harsh reality.

A 20-kilometer distance wasn’t so far as to warrant such a grim expression. The distance, which was roughly half a circle around the island, could be completed in about five hours of marching. Normally, they would have cheerfully walked it like a casual outing.

But they were exhausted. Even during the 30 minutes allotted for dinner, they couldn’t even properly chew their food because they were too busy grumbling about the sudden announcement of the night march. Even worse, they had to go out fully equipped.

Uncle, it’s not supposed to be the military. So why are we doing a night march and wearing full gear?

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled inwardly, hurling curses at his uncle for what felt like the umpteenth time since arriving on the island, while bearing the heavy burden pressing down on his shoulders.

“If the instructors won’t strip, then I’m going to take off my own clothes and throw myself off the edge of this damn island!”

Someone ahead grumbled and it was at that moment.

“If you want to take off your clothes, go ahead, but only after the joint training. And if anyone wants to take off my clothes, you’re welcome to come find me anytime after the march is over.”

This lively voice, completely devoid of exhaustion, came from behind Jeong Tae-ui. An immediate, chilling silence fell. Not only did the men who had been chatting in front fall silent, but even those behind were startled as if they were about to jump. They had never imagined that an instructor would be among the people they hadn’t properly checked around them.

Jeong Tae-ui was startled to hear the unexpectedly familiar voice so close. Although it was impossible that his inner curses were heard, he felt awkward and uneasy for no reason.

“Sir… Instructor Jeong, you’re coming with us?”

“Do you think I’d just sit idly in my office? How would I know when an accident might occur? Besides, in an hour or so, we might start running into other teams.”

Jeong Tae-ui’s uncle, who had been muttering in annoyance, clearly hadn’t been there at the start— he definitely wasn’t present when they departed. According to him, despite starting at different times, they would likely begin encountering other teams as they made their way through the forest. If those teams were from the same Asian branch, it wouldn’t be an issue, but if not, it could become a nuisance.

“With this dense fog, you could easily kill someone and secretly bury them if you went a bit deeper. In fact, if you dug through this entire forest, you’d probably find several corpses.”

Jeong Tae-ui’s uncle made this statement with the casual tone of a joke, but Jeong Tae-ui wondered if it might actually be serious. He glanced at his wristwatch. It had been just over an hour since they started.

“I guess we’ve come about 3 or 4 kilometers now. If it’s 20 kilometers, even if we finish quickly and head back, it’ll be around midnight.”

Muttering to himself about whether they could even find their way in the middle of the night, Jeong Tae-ui scratched the back of his neck.

It was already pitch-dark all around. The forest was so thick and dense that it was dim even during the day, but now that it was nighttime and the fog was thick, it was even darker. It wouldn’t be surprising if they got lost.

“Then again, it’s not such a big island, so even if we get lost, it’s not that far.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered under his breath. His uncle replied, as if puzzled by what Jeong Tae-ui was talking about.

“We won’t be able to get back by midnight. We’re going to stay in the forest tonight.”


“We’ll go about 10 more kilometers and set up camp at a suitable spot. Didn’t I tell you to bring a sleeping bag? Didn’t you bring it?”

“Well, I just brought the packed backpack as it was, so I guess there’s a sleeping bag in there, but that’s not the problem. Staying in the forest, you mean we’re going to sleep outdoors?”

“Yes. Sometimes people need to sleep outdoors to toughen up. We’ll take turns keeping watch and maintaining the campfire.”

“You said there are snakes here, poisonous snakes!”

“That’s why we’ll keep watch. You have to trust your comrades and sleep.”

“What kind of place makes people sleep in a forest where poisonous snakes come out at night!”

“Even if they’re poisonous, the venom isn’t that strong. As long as you treat the bite immediately, it’s not fatal. I’m sure I mentioned this before.”

“That’s not the point, uncle. There are things more dangerous than snakes roaming around—”

Jeong Tae-ui shouted, almost ready to blow up if he said any more, but the others didn't say much. Seeing their attitude, which suggested they weren't surprised because they'd experienced this several times before, Jeong Tae-ui realized this wasn't a joke but a reality.

Jeong Tae-ui had also slept outdoors countless times. He had slept under the stars, in the dew, and in places where snakes or centipedes rustled. But those snakes weren’t venomous, and the people he had camped with weren't enemies constantly aiming to strangle him.

“Ah, well, you have a reason to be careful with your life. By the way... looking at the notes you gave me, I saw some unfamiliar handwriting. Whose writing is that?”

His uncle said this with a subtle smile. Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth. He wanted to say, “ It's that guy,” and shift the burden of writing ten more volumes to him, reducing the time they would meet. But snitching outright like this felt a bit awkward. However, just as Jeong Tae-ui was about to speak to ensure his safety, his uncle spoke first.

“But Tae-ui, don't you think that considering the relationship between that guy’s free time and your life span, your actions might put your life in even greater danger?"

Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth again. It wasn't surprising that his uncle had already figured out whose handwriting it was. His uncle had the ability to quickly sort and handle piles of documents, so nothing he knew surprised Jeong Tae-ui anymore.

However, what his uncle said was something that troubled Jeong Tae-ui. When the little help Riegrow gave Jeong Tae-ui backfired, he wondered if it might have had a counterproductive effect.

“Think wisely and answer me by the time we return to the branch tomorrow.”

His uncle said with a smile. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue bitterly. At this rate, he either had to insist it was his handwriting or quietly accept the burden of writing ten more volumes.

The forest was becoming increasingly dense. Jeong Tae-ui could hear the sound of his companions in front saying, Damn it, I wish we could burn down these trees, while snapping branches. It seemed like branches were scratching their faces every time they stepped into an area without a clear path.

Glad he was walking at the back, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly asked quietly.

“But that man, they say he even killed an instructor.”

His uncle, walking right behind him, answered nonchalantly.

“Yes. It was early last year. That instructor made a foolish mistake. The instructor’s younger brother was also a member of the same branch and ended up in the hospital for life because of Riegrow. Since it happened during training, there was no particular basis for punishment, so it was overlooked, but the instructor felt it wasn’t enough. Well, of course, that instructor probably didn’t mean to go as far as trying to kill Riegrow, but as a result—”

His uncle stopped speaking at a point where it was easy to guess the rest. Jeong Tae-ui grimaced. He knew that laws and regulations were inherently loose enough to have loopholes, but it seemed that man took it to an extreme.

At the same time, he remembered the attitudes of the European branch members toward Riegrow.

It wasn’t the attitude of treating a close colleague. Reverence, fear, and unease were more prominent. Considering the man's personality and these kinds of stories, it seemed Riegrow had many internal enemies as well.

Even so, thinking of that man who roamed freely, wielding his killing ability without a care, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t help but stiffen his face.

“Unless he has some enormous backing, how on earth...”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself in disbelief, tilting his head, when suddenly the line stopped. From the front of the halted line, a short and unpleasant shout erupted almost simultaneously, as if an obstacle had appeared ahead. The shouting quickly doubled and tripled.

"Oh no. I expected this, but I had hoped we could avoid this situation."

Muttering behind Jeong Tae-ui, his uncle moved forward. Even without hearing his uncle’s words, the rough sounds coming from the front were enough to make him understand. They had encountered another team marching, a team from the European branch.

There was a rule from the beginning. If they met another team on the way, they would march together. Therefore, everyone hoped that if they met another team, it would be one from the same branch. Some people openly said that if they marched with the European branch guys, several people’s heads would fly off overnight.

Jeong Tae-ui leaned against a nearby tree, thinking they would stay in place for a while. After resting his bag against the tree, he slightly lowered his body to lighten the weight of the load. His shoulders felt a bit lighter.

After a short while, the commotion from the front died down. The sudden reduction in noise was unnatural, causing Jeong Tae-ui to turn his head in that direction. Although he couldn’t see ahead due to the thick fog and numerous obstacles blocking his view, he sensed that something might have happened.

However, after waiting a little longer, no further alarming sounds were heard. Instead, occasional grumbles, though quieter than before, could be heard intermittently.

“What’s going on? Is someone having a fight up front?”

Jeong Tae-ui asked Qing, who was standing in front of him. Qing had gone ahead and then returned, opening his water bottle with a grimace. He shook his head.

“That guy is here.”


“That bastard. We’re marching with the team that has that guy. Damn it, are they crazy? To make us go through this rough night with that maniac...”

Jeong Tae-ui’s face twisted upon hearing Qing’s words. Amidst comments about how one watch wouldn’t be enough for the night, Jeong Tae-ui looked ahead with a frown. It seemed that things were being sorted out up front, as they were getting ready to move again. Strange faces were walking to the back, mingling among the groups. Of course, they all had the same disgusted expressions.

“I’d rather walk into a snake pit. Of all the teams to run into, it had to be these bastards...”

“Hmph. If we’re with guys more poisonous than snakes, the snakes won’t come.”

Conversations laced with tension were happening all around. As the European branch members with fierce expressions mingled, Jeong Tae-ui pulled his hat down low. He raised his collar and kept his head down.

The line started moving again. As he walked at the back, he glanced ahead. Through the fog, he could barely see a sinister-looking back, a head taller than the others. The moment he saw that head, he felt a surge of dread and immediately knew who it was.

Trying to slow his pace, Jeong Tae-ui soon found himself at the very end of the line. Though mixed, the front and middle of the line were mostly Asian branch members, while the middle to back was predominantly European branch men.

Jeong Tae-ui realized that most of the men around him were from the European branch, but he had no desire to move forward and continued walking as he was. No one paid much attention to him, walking apart from the group with his face almost hidden.

Falling this far behind, the sinister head he had seen earlier was now shrouded in fog and out of sight. The fog made it appear and disappear, adding to the eerie feeling.

Thinking about it, this situation was the perfect opportunity for that man.

The fog was thick. It was deep in the forest. They were going to spend the night here. Plus, it wasn’t a situation where they were in the heart of enemy territory. In other words, if he wanted to, he could secretly kill someone and bury them in the forest without anyone knowing.

“Damn it. We ended up with the Asian guys. We have to spend the night with those filthy bastards?”

"Don’t joke around. We need to set up separate sleeping areas. How can we sleep mixed with those bastards? It’s disgusting enough walking just a few meters apart from them."

"This is rotten luck. Ever since I came to this damn Asian branch, nothing has been good."

Jeong Tae-ui heard the European branch men muttering nearby and couldn’t help but laugh. He had heard the exact same complaints before, only with the names switched from Asia to Europe. It seemed everyone lacked creativity when it came to complaining.

"But I’m more worried about Simon than the Asian guys... Is that guy really okay?"

One of them suddenly muttered, his voice tinged with unease and worry.

"Yeah, where is he? I don’t see him."

"He went to the front earlier. Behind Rick. Is it okay to just leave him like that? I’m really not comfortable with this."

"Hmm... But still, come on. He knows his place. What could he do?"

"You never know. People can snap and do anything. If he loses it and stabs Rick in the back, that’s game over."

"Yeah, right. Even if he tried to sneak attack, Rick wouldn’t just get stabbed like that. It would be amazing if he even scratched him."

"Even if he did get stabbed, I doubt the blade would go in. You might not even see a drop of blood. Has anyone ever seen Rick bleed?"

"Blood has to flow for you to see it. I bet that guy doesn’t even bleed."

Even though they spoke as if joking, they didn’t laugh. At most, they twisted their lips into bitter smiles, as if just talking about it would bring bad luck.

Walking a few steps away and listening to them, Jeong Tae-ui felt the same unease and subtle anxiety spreading in his chest.

He quickly understood who they were talking about. It wasn’t just the other branch members who felt awe and unease around him, but also his own branch members. That man, Riegrow, also known as Rick.

"Damn it. I don’t care if Simon tries to stab Rick, as long as he doesn’t do it around the Asians. There’s no point in showing those bastards our dirty laundry."

"You’re right. But if I were Simon, I’d want to kill Rick too."

"I don’t even have to be Simon to dislike that bastard. What’s the point of being on the same team as him? It’s just one horrible sight after another. Damn, can’t we get reassigned?"

"Ever since I got on the same team as him, I can’t look at meat the same way. I’m turning into a vegetarian against my will."

"Honestly, it’s a relief he’s on the same team. Imagine facing him as an opponent in a sparring match or joint training."

Listening to their conversation, Jeong Tae-ui felt a subtle bitterness. He realized just what kind of person Riegrow was. A man isolated even within his own team, making everyone feel both relieved and uneasy that he was on their side. He was someone you wouldn’t want close, but couldn’t afford to have as an enemy.

He couldn’t quite pinpoint why he felt so bitter. Perhaps it was because, even though Riegrow himself wouldn’t care, Jeong Tae-ui found the situation disheartening.

Then again, it would be more bizarre if no one feared such a madman.

Not wanting to hear more of the men’s conversation, Jeong Tae-ui quickened his pace. Soon, he saw Riegrow’s figure ahead, with a noticeable gap around him, as there was a barrier around him.

Seeing this, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t help but smile wryly. It would indeed be strange if people freely gathered around a man who had amassed so many grudges that even within his own division, his life was constantly under threat.

Jeong Tae-ui himself wouldn’t feel compelled to help if someone tried to kill Riegrow, especially considering the cold, covetous gaze Riegrow had directed at Xin Lu.

Dangerous. Threatening. Intimidating. Riegrow was a man you could never be at ease with, especially if he desired or dismissed something precious to you.

Suddenly, Riegrow seemed to slow his pace. Noticing this, Jeong Tae-ui instinctively slowed his steps too. Riegrow turned around, and Jeong Tae-ui reflexively looked away, bowing his head slightly. It seemed to be nothing as Riegrow said a few words to someone behind him and then turned back around.

With a sigh, Jeong Tae-ui pulled his hat further down and kept his head low.

They stopped after walking for another three or four hours. The faint sound of the sea suggested it wasn’t far away. Hearing the sea made Jeong Tae-ui think of Xin Lu, and he found himself smiling unconsciously.

"The mist is killer, and with the sound of the sea, it’s pretty awesome."

"Do you mean it’s awesomely good or awesomely eerie?"

The men, realizing this was where they’d spend the night, began clearing the area as instructed by the instructors. There was a small clearing in the middle of the forest. Although no trees grew there, the place was scattered with bushes and rocks, making the task of clearing it time-consuming.

Even the instructors seemed to avoid unnecessary risks, so the other team moved to a slightly separate clearing, a few trees away. Though they could still see each other by turning their heads, the positions were distinctly divided.

"I’ll take the far corner... yeah, under that rock looks good."

Jeong Tae-ui decided on a spot at the edge of the clearing.

Jeong Tae-ui quickly moved to the spot farthest from the European Division, where a large rock cast a shadow, providing some privacy. The rock shielded him from view.

"Snakes and bugs are more likely to come into such a secluded spot."

Tou advised, pushing through the underbrush. But Jeong Tae-ui shook his head. There were people he wanted to be further away from than any snakes or bugs. Tou seemed to understand and said no more.

After shooing away a lizard from the rock's shadow, Jeong Tae-ui settled in and listened to the distant sound of the sea. The mist blurred his surroundings, making the water's sound feel eerie and surreal.

While Jeong Tae-ui was lost in the sound, his companions gathered dry branches and lit a campfire in the clearing's center. The seven men formed a circle around the fire, setting up shifts for the night watch. Despite their fatigue, they chatted instead of sleeping.

The group beyond the trees did the same. Though their conversation wasn't as cheerful, they too gathered around their campfire, taking their places.

Both groups were wary of a potential fight or mischief during the night, but neither seemed eager to start any trouble. Exhaustion took precedence over their animosity.

Jeong Tae-ui wondered if the night watch was necessary but knew voicing this would be pointless. He would likely hear, "Don't you see the enemies watching us with wide-open eyes?" It was better to endure and rest during his watch when the time came.

Feeling a gaze, Jeong Tae-ui looked up. His uncle was sitting on top of the rock he had chosen. Despite the rock's uneven surface, his uncle sat there, surveying the area before finally resting his eyes on Jeong Tae-ui.

"Aren't you uncomfortable sitting there?"

"As the leader, I need to be in a spot where I can see everyone."

His uncle replied, half-joking, half-serious, with a smile. Nearby, one of the instructors stood guard, close to his uncle. Jeong Tae-ui chuckled and crawled into his sleeping bag. His turn for the night watch was the third one.

He sighed quietly, knowing he'd have to wake around one or two in the morning, stay awake for an hour, and then try to fall back asleep. He closed his eyes, but sleep didn't come easily. He listened to the distant sea and the low murmurs of his companions.

"Where do you think the other teams are? Who do you think they ran into?"

The lazy voice belonged to Carlo, probably addressing his uncle. His uncle mumbled, Who knows, and laughed from atop the rock.

"Everyone's probably in a similar situation. No matter where they go, I doubt they’d meet a worse opponent than the ones we met."

His uncle's feigned joke elicited quiet laughter from various corners. It was a tiring night, so everyone laughed a bit subduedly. Jeong Tae-ui, feeling a bit drowsy, also chuckled.

"I noticed recently that Instructor Grimson's team has been doing quite well. Their sparring results have been pretty good this week."

Someone else asked a question. His uncle replied, "That's how their results have been this week. But you never know, there's still one more week left." Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head with his eyes closed. Results, huh. It seemed like they were scoring which team performed better even during the joint training. Come to think of it, he recalled hearing something like that.

"The prize for the last joint training was a week-long vacation for the entire team, right? I wonder what the prize will be this time."

"The prize before that was a team reward of thirty thousand dollars. I guess it'll be something around that level."

"I'd prefer a vacation over money. Right now, I'd love to drop everything and just rest for three days."

“But you only get that if you have the best results, not everyone gets it. ...Alright, let's give it our all next week."

They continued their conversation in rather quiet voices. Jeong Tae-ui nodded, thinking, Yeah, I'd prefer a vacation over money too. Judging from the context of the conversation, it seemed like the team with the best results after the joint training would receive a reward.

"I don't hope for first place, but I do hope we get better results than Instructor Grimson's team at least."

His uncle sighed deeply, which was followed by brief laughter.

"Well, lately, Instructor Grimson and the atmosphere have been tense... Could it be that the instructor's promotion review is coming up or something?"

Carlo laughed as if joking. His uncle laughed too and replied, "When you say it like that, it doesn't sound like a joke."

Promotion. Come to think of it, he had forgotten, but the six-month period was ultimately for that purpose.

How was it going? His uncle's superior was Rudolf Gentil. There was talk about pushing him up to the top position, but was it going well?

But thinking about it, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't understand why he had been dragged into this position. Even if he was lucky enough to survive, it didn't seem like the atmosphere was so hostile that everyone was dying left and right. Rather, it seemed that only a few unlucky ones got caught in accidents and died... his uncle didn't have many people around him.

On the other hand, his uncle originally intended to bring his brother. If the lucky brother was around, that luck might have helped his uncle too. Instead, Jeong Tae-ui was brought in as a substitute.


No matter. He was just waiting for time to pass as things flowed. If his uncle asked for his help, he'd help, and if not, he'd just do what was in front of him, whether he helped without knowing it or not.

Jeong Tae-ui took a deep breath. The scent of damp grass and earth filled his lungs. There was a faint salty smell mixed in. It was the smell of the sea. The sound of the sea. The smell of grass and earth. Somewhere, the quiet rustling of insects. The sound of leaves rustling in the wind. These evoked a nostalgic longing and a melancholic comfort.

The wind sound that suddenly breaks the silence. The night smell that suddenly penetrates his nostrils. These tightened the right side of his heart and relaxed the left.

A time that was lonely and desolate just enough to be bearable.

Breaking that time, someone quietly grabbed and shook his shoulder. Jeong Tae-ui opened his eyes. In front of him, Qing was tapping his wristwatch and pointing at it.

Jeong Tae-ui blinked in puzzlement and sat up. He found that everyone had fallen asleep and only the campfire was crackling. When he turned his head, his uncle, who had been sitting on a rock and talking in a quiet voice, was nowhere to be seen.

He thought he had just closed his eyes for a moment, but it seemed he had dozed off.

"It's already this late. I thought I just closed my eyes for a bit. Oh, my back..."

Mumbling about his back, Jeong Tae-ui got up, rubbing his shoulder, and shivered in the chilly night air. Qing, who had been on watch before him, crawled into his sleeping bag with very sleepy eyes.

"Good luck for the next hour. I'm going to sleep now. See you in the morning."

Pulling the zipper of the sleeping bag up to his nose, Qing wiggled his fingers in a small wave before burrowing his head fully into the sleeping bag. "Sleep well," Jeong Tae-ui said, rubbing his cold arms as he sat against the rock his uncle had been sitting on earlier.

It was quiet. The only movements were the flames of the campfire, the rustling of bushes and leaves in the wind, or occasionally small animals darting by. Everything else was embraced by the silence of the night.

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly turned his head. Beyond the tree trunks, he could see the group from the European branch. They, too, were still in the night forest. The young man on watch over there kept rubbing his eyes and yawning. When his eyes met Jeong Tae-ui's, he straightened his posture and put on a stern face. Considering it was a chance encounter, Jeong Tae-ui thought about waving, but he just laughed instead when he saw him.

Jeong Tae-ui looked up at the sky. It was hard to see because of the dense leaves, but the sky glimpsed through the gaps was blurry and reddish. The night view of Hong Kong was obscuring the sky's color. Thinking about it, it felt strange that such a serene nature existed so close to a bustling metropolis.

He checked his watch. The night was deep. He looked around at the people sleeping, one by one. Even if he couldn't see their faces in their sleeping bags, he could tell who they were by their belongings. That was Qing, that was Carlo, and that was Yuen-ho...

At that moment, he heard the sound of the sea in the distance. A soft, faint sound that aroused a vague anxiety.

Come to think of it, he once traveled to the sea at night. The dark sea, where nothing could be seen, was illuminated only by the bright lights of several squid fishing boats floating on the horizon. The waves crashing onto the shore, hitting rocks and pebbles, sparkled and disappeared like sprinkled powder.

Maybe it's still like that now.

Jeong Tae-ui looked toward the direction where the sound of the sea was coming from. He was fully awake. Turning his head, he saw another watchman beyond the tree trunks, dozing off while leaning against a tree stump.

"Shall I take a little walk?"

He smiled quietly. If someone woke up midway, they might later yell at him for not being on watch and putting everyone in danger, but there was no real danger. He could confidently assure that no group of people, wielding knives, would sneak in and stab everyone sleeping here.

Jeong Tae-ui whispered, "Good night," to his already sleeping comrades and started walking.

The path to the sea was not well-trodden. Just like the way they had come here, he had to avoid or step on overgrown grass, branches, and sharp stones embedded in the ground.

In fact, he was not sure of the direction. Fortunately, his sense of direction was excellent, so retracing his steps would be easy, but without a clear path, it was hard to know the easiest way to the sea. He could only rely on the fact that the sound of the sea was getting closer.


Jeong Tae-ui paused. It seemed like he heard a presence somewhere. He turned quietly towards the direction of the sound. There was nothing but a dark forest.


The sea was just ahead. A few dozen steps more, and the forest would clear to reveal the sea. But here, in the dark forest, he felt someone's presence. He held his breath and waited, but no more sounds came for a while.

Then something seemed to move a few steps away. It was close.

Jeong Tae-ui instinctively reached into his coat and turned towards the direction. His fingers touched the warm hilt of a knife at the same moment his eyes recognized the object.

It was a snake.

His strength left him momentarily. The snake was a common ground snake found in deeper woods, dark and plain in color. It wasn't venomous or aggressive. Even if it had a bit of venom, it might affect a small mouse, but it would only cause minor swelling in a human.

Was it that? Was that the presence?

Jeong Tae-ui half-sheathed the knife and sighed. But at that moment, he caught sight of something moving whitely in the distance.

It was a person. Someone was moving quietly through the forest, heading somewhere. Though he couldn't clearly see the face, it didn't seem familiar. It was probably someone from the European branch.

The man seemed unaware of Jeong Tae-ui and was heading in another direction, moving cautiously and anxiously as if following something.

Jeong Tae-ui pondered for a moment. No matter how he looked at it, this was not a natural situation. A person following someone stealthily in the middle of the night wasn’t someone out to take care of personal matters or enjoy a stroll.

Should he follow that man? But the distance was tricky. If he rushed, he would likely be detected, and if he waited too long, he might lose sight of him. Moreover, chasing someone just because they looked suspicious without knowing their purpose was too risky. Jeong Tae-ui's sense of justice and curiosity were not strong enough to warrant such a risk. He had learned the hard way that sticking his nose into unnecessary matters often led to trouble.

But it was suspicious... As he was contemplating, the decision was made for him. The need to ponder vanished when the man disappeared behind the bushes, out of Jeong Tae-ui's sight.

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated for a bit longer but then shrugged it off. That man wasn’t posing any threat to him, nor did it seem like he would harm his comrades — he was moving in the opposite direction. Thus, it was best not to concern himself with unnecessary matters.

Clearing his mind, Jeong Tae-ui resumed his walk. As expected, the sound of the water grew louder, and soon the view opened up to reveal the sea.

The night sea was pitch black. Without any light, the sea was just a gaping darkness that, without the sound, could be anything, an abyss swallowing the world whole.

Inky darkness. The sound of waves. The smell of the sea. Damp wind. All of it wrapped around his eyes, ears, nose, and skin. This was why Jeong Tae-ui always liked the night sea.

He let out a long sigh. His breath mingled with the sound of the waves. Suddenly feeling good, a refreshing smile spread across his face.

Next time, should he bring Xin Lu? Although there were many snakes in the forest at night, as long as they were well-prepared, it wouldn’t be much of a concern. How wonderful would it be to hold someone else's warm hand in this vast darkness? ...In fact, it didn't have to be Xin Lu; it could be anyone.

The ground underfoot was unstable. The seashore, covered in large rocks instead of sand, was not easy to walk on leisurely. With large gaps and crevices between the rocks, it was precarious. But Jeong Tae-ui lightly tapped the rocks with his heels and laughed. When he was a child, his parents were often busy, so he was frequently left at his maternal grandparents' house, which was by the sea. He spent his days running and playing on the rocky shore. He remembered how his older brother would talk about the process of rock erosion due to high salinity.

Walking on the rocks as if it were flat ground, Jeong Tae-ui hummed softly. He felt good in the cold, damp wind and the pitch darkness. Nostalgia made him miss his brother. It would be nice if his brother were walking with him now. He would have been delighted too.

Jeong Tae-ui stopped walking with a wistful smile. In the distance, there was a lighthouse. A few streetlights near the lighthouse provided some illumination. The light didn't reach this far, but it faintly brightened the surroundings.

Maybe it's time to head back. This is it. One more step, and the pleasant darkness would end, and the dim light would approach. Ending the night walk here and slowly returning to his comrades would likely coincide with the end of his watch shift.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at the sea for a moment longer, then turned around. He gauged the shortest route back. Going diagonally to the right would be faster.

Confident in his sense of direction, he started crossing the rocks, slightly to the right of the path he came from. One, two, he stepped over quite large rocks, adjusting his direction as he went.

Then, it happened. Amid the sound of the wind, a faint noise could have easily been missed.

Jeong Tae-ui's steps slowed. Tilting his head slightly, he gradually reduced his pace until he finally stopped altogether. He had not misheard the intermittent sounds.

The sound was coming from below the rock. It was a huge rock, almost the size of a house, with a shallow cave-like formation inside, its ceiling open. From deep within that rock, the small sound continued to emanate.

It was a human presence. Someone was in there. Jeong Tae-ui realized that with a few more steps, he would come face-to-face with the person inside.

Maybe it was someone half-asleep who wandered to the beach to take care of personal matters in a secluded spot. But he knew the likelihood of that was low. The distance from the forest where they were camping to this beach was considerable.

Or it could be the person he had glimpsed earlier in the forest, the one whose behavior had seemed suspicious. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue inwardly, thinking he didn't want to get entangled in any troublesome matters. It might be better to quietly turn back.

As he deliberated, he listened to the noises from within. He soon realized that there were not one but two people inside. No voices were heard, but the short, sharp noises and the movements indicated at least two people.

A sound mixed with the waves. At first, Jeong Tae-ui thought it was the sound of water. But soon, he sensed something odd. Though it was similar to the sound of water, it was different from the sound of the sea or a puddle in a cave. The sound was stickier and more viscous.


Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head curiously and rubbed his chin. Then, he instinctively covered his mouth. An awkward expression spread across his face. He recognized the sound.

It was the sound of wet flesh being licked and sucked. Between those sounds were gasping, sobbing breaths and low growls. Occasionally, there were short moans of pleasure.

…..Well, this is awkward. Who would have thought there would be such lively people out here in the middle of the night, enjoying themselves on the beach? This wasn’t a resort beach, after all. Who would expect anyone to be playing around on an isolated island's beach, filled only with men?

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his neck, feeling awkward. Should he go back and take a longer way around? It would mean a longer detour, but encountering them now would be even more uncomfortable. However, taking the long way around would mean climbing the steep rock behind, which seemed quite challenging without tools. Going back the way he came and detouring from below would be too far.

Jeong Tae-ui considered his options, peering ahead. The darkness was thick where the lighthouse light barely reached. The rocks were eroded by the waves, forming a hollow path. If he crouched and went that way, he might pass by unnoticed. In this darkness, especially with them being preoccupied, they probably wouldn't notice another presence. Besides, if things went wrong, he could consider it an unintended peep show, not that he would see much.

Jeong Tae-ui moved silently down the rock crevice. His foot hit a pebble, but it was a small sound, drowned out by the waves. He reassured himself that this wouldn't give him away.

Even if he was discovered, Jeong Tae-ui realized he had no reason to feel ashamed. The ones secretly indulging themselves here were the ones who should feel embarrassed, not him. He wasn't intentionally spying on them, after all.

He patted his chest to steady himself and continued walking. As he passed the hollowed rock, he glanced over — not out of curiosity but to make sure he wouldn't be seen.

A faint light leaked from inside the rock. Someone must have brought a small portable flashlight. However, it wasn't very bright, casting only dim outlines.

Inside, there were two people.

One man was sitting against the rock, while another was crouched between his legs. The crouching man held the sitting man's member in his hands, licking the tip, then moving down the shaft to the base and further down to the sac, sucking and licking fervently. The sounds of their actions were clearly audible. The crouching man, seemingly aroused, was squirming, occasionally reaching down to rub himself, his hand glistening in the dim light. Short moans of pleasure escaped his lips.

The man sitting against the rock looked down at the one servicing him. His expression was blank, yet his face exuded blatant desire. He seemed to derive pleasure from the act itself, not from any affection toward his partner.

Jeong Tae-ui felt a chill when he saw the man's expression. It was a mixture of shock and dread.

The man's gaze was cold, yet intensely passionate. His desire was not directed at his partner but purely at the act itself. He had no feelings for the person between his legs; he was merely indulging in the pleasure.

Then Jeong Tae-ui recognized the man. The faint outline of his face in the darkness was unmistakable.


...Damn. Why do I keep running into him? He's the last person I want to encounter. He should be sleeping peacefully at this hour instead of dragging someone to the beach for this.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. Upon recognizing Riegrow, his body froze. He feared that any movement might reveal his presence. Perhaps he was already noticed.

He stood still, holding his breath, thinking only about how to escape. Riegrow, engrossed in his actions, seemed unaware of anyone nearby.

Riegrow watched the young man between his legs for a moment, then suddenly grabbed his hair, pulling his head closer to his crotch.

"Swallow deeper. Harder. ...Can't you suck properly?"

He shook the young man's chin lightly. Clicking his tongue, he then started thrusting into the young man's mouth. The young man gasped for breath, choking. Riegrow continued until the young man began to struggle, then pulled out and lightly slapped his cheek. Though light, the sound was loud, and the young man's head snapped to the side.

"Do it right. Lick thoroughly and suck hard. I'll give you what you want if you do. Your face shows you’re dying to be filled."

Riegrow's voice was rough with lust, his breaths heavy and hot. The young man dove back between his legs, and the sounds of their actions resumed, more intense and urgent.

Jeong Tae-ui felt his face tighten. His chest grew hot, and he found it hard to breathe.

It wasn't just the abnormality of spying on others' intimate acts. Nor was it due to a long absence of fulfilling his desires.

Riegrow, this overwhelming man, exuded a dominating aura as potent as his physical presence. Any ordinary man would flee from him, the ultimate alpha male. A primal instinct in any woman would have her presenting herself to him, and any man would avoid challenging him.

It went beyond sexual attraction. His very being radiated the scent of a dominant male. Anyone caught by those cruel teeth would be unable to resist.

Jeong Tae-ui felt the blood drain from his face. As a fellow man, he felt threatened by Riegrow's mere presence. Danger. He shouldn't get any closer. Like an intruder instinctively fleeing a stronger male's territory, Jeong Tae-ui felt a visceral fear and suffocating dread toward Riegrow.

At that moment, Riegrow, who had been looking down at the young man, lifted his gaze. His dark eyes unerringly locked onto Jeong Tae-ui's position, as if he had known he was there all along.

Jeong Tae-ui felt frozen, unable to move, like a deer caught in the headlights of a predator’s gaze. It was as if he were staring into the eyes of a wild beast.

Riegrow couldn’t possibly see Jeong Tae-ui from his position. Even if he sensed a presence, he wouldn't be able to distinguish who was there. The light didn't reach that far.

Riegrow’s gaze was cold and piercing as he looked in Jeong Tae-ui’s direction. Then, slowly, he smirked. It was a derisive, threatening smile, as if telling the weakling hiding there to get lost.

Jeong Tae-ui's fingers twitched. The movement broke his paralysis like a spell being lifted. His heart pounded painfully in his chest, driven by an instinctual fear.

He needed to leave. He must get out of there. He couldn't handle the suffocating heat any longer. If he quietly left now, the predatory beast wouldn't chase him. Leaving now was the best option.

Riegrow. Damn him. Doesn't he ever get tired? After rolling around all day, he should be resting at night. Why is he doing this in a secluded beach?

Jeong Tae-ui felt a surge of anger mixed with a deep-seated anxiety.

Though he couldn't see clearly in the dim light, the young man with Riegrow vaguely reminded him of Xin Lu. The narrow shoulders, slender limbs, and smooth body lines were similar. Not the body itself, but the overall impression evoked Xin Lu’s soft and tender appearance.

Damn it. If you have someone to fool around with, leave Xin Lu out of it. You unruly, decadent madman.

Jeong Tae-ui cursed silently and started moving without a sound. He walked several steps until he felt he was a safe distance away, then glanced back. Their figures were now hidden in the shadows, with only the faint silhouette dancing on the rock.

"My luck is really rotten these days..."

He muttered under his breath and sighed. Just as he was about to turn back, he noticed a slight movement atop the large rock they were hiding behind.

Jeong Tae-ui turned his head sharply. He wasn’t mistaken. There was someone crouching and moving cautiously on the rock, paying no attention to Jeong Tae-ui. The person was focused on those below — likely Riegrow.

Then Jeong Tae-ui saw it. In the dim light, the shadow held a large, heavy-looking crossbow.

Jeong Tae-ui swallowed hard.

It might be Hori-zon or S-tec. It was too dark to tell, but the crossbow was definitely lethal. Especially from above, aiming directly at someone's head.

Jeong Tae-ui recognized the figure. It was the man he had seen in the forest earlier, the one whose suspicious behavior he had decided not to pursue. Now he was poised above, targeting Riegrow.

The man’s finger rested on the trigger. Just a few millimeters of pressure and the heavy, sharp bolt would pierce Riegrow’s head.

There was no time to think. Moving on instinct, as if driven by a reflex ingrained since childhood, Jeong Tae-ui grabbed a fist-sized rock and hurled it. The sound of it slicing through the air shattered the night’s silence. Simultaneously, the sound of bones snapping echoed as the rock struck the man’s wrist.


The unexpected strike made the man cry out. He pulled the trigger involuntarily, and the bolt shot out, veering off course. By some cruel twist of fate, the arrow flew towards Jeong Tae-ui.


Jeong Tae-ui inhaled sharply. Reflexively, he dodged as the crossbow turned towards him, but the bolt was fast. It barely missed, grazing his elbow before embedding itself in the spot where he had stood moments before.

Jeong Tae-ui broke into a cold sweat. If he hadn't instinctively moved, he might be seeing the afterlife right now. He had tried to save someone, only to nearly die himself.

As the arrow quivered in the ground, Jeong Tae-ui regained a bit of composure, though he couldn't help but rue the situation. If he hadn't intervened, he might have witnessed the end of a dangerous man like Riegrow. Maybe the crossbowman was simply trying to do what needed to be done. After all, Riegrow was likely the greater evil.

Yet, if the situation repeated itself, even with different people, Jeong Tae-ui knew he would react the same way. He couldn't stand by and watch someone die.

In the brief moments that Jeong Tae-ui wrestled with his regrets, Riegrow's reaction was swift. He shoved the young man away and grabbed a suitable rock from the ground. Rising halfway, he hurled the rock at the man gripping his wrist on the rock above.

The rock hit its mark perfectly, cracking the man’s head open and causing him to collapse with a low groan. He lay there, seemingly unconscious, bleeding from the head.

The young man, frozen in shock, let out a belated scream. Ignoring him, Riegrow picked up the fallen crossbow and examined it. He then looked at the bolt embedded in the rock and finally turned his gaze to Jeong Tae-ui.

When their eyes met, Jeong Tae-ui, who hadn’t meant to target Riegrow, felt a pang of guilt and raised his hands. Riegrow’s cold eyes moved down to his hands.

“It wasn’t me. If anything, I helped you. There's no need to glare at me like that.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, feeling a bit wronged. Riegrow replied curtly, I know. He clicked his tongue in displeasure and started walking towards Jeong Tae-ui.

As Riegrow approached, Jeong Tae-ui instinctively wanted to back away, but the rocky ground made retreat impossible.

“I told you, it wasn’t me. And I don’t even know who that guy is. We weren’t in on it together.”

“I said, I know.”

Riegrow repeated, sounding almost amused by Jeong Tae-ui’s insistence. Jeong Tae-ui watched him warily.

Surely he wouldn't attack the person who had just helped him. But then, why was he walking toward me? And why wasn’t he wearing any clothes?

Standing before the naked, unabashed Riegrow made Jeong Tae-ui uncomfortable. Riegrow stopped a few steps away and bent down, retrieving the bolt from the rock. He examined its tip, tapping it a couple of times before smiling slightly.

“If I had been hit in the head with this, even I wouldn’t have survived.”

Jeong Tae-ui frowned, muttering a correction. Riegrow’s gaze returned to his face. Jeong Tae-ui winced and, for the third time, offered the same explanation.

“I had nothing to do with it. Seriously, stop glaring at me. You’re going to give me a heart attack.”

Feeling a sudden surge of frustration at Riegrow’s cold look, Jeong Tae-ui shouted his complaint. Riegrow raised an eyebrow, then smiled faintly.

“I wasn’t glaring. I know who that man is. He's from my team. I understand why he tried to kill me and that you had nothing to do with it. You don’t need to be so on edge. Besides, even if I were plotting something, why would I harm the person who just helped me in this situation?”

He laughed softly as if it were amusing, but the arrow twirling between his fingers looked dangerously intimidating. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue in frustration.

"For someone who nearly died, you seem quite calm. This must not be your first time."

"Well, maybe once or twice a month."

He replied nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather. He tapped the arrowhead again and murmured,

"That guy will probably come to his senses if he gets his head pierced with this, just like he was trying to do to me."

"I don't care, but I'd appreciate it if you could avoid doing that in front of me. Better yet, do it far away from where I am... Ideally, handle it back in Europe."

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled, scowling. He wanted nothing to do with troublesome matters, especially those involving death.

Damn it. Why do I keep getting tangled up with this guy? I should have just ignored it and left. I'm such an idiot.

Jeong Tae-ui rubbed his arm, feeling a chill from the cold sea breeze or maybe from the presence of the man before him. He felt a stinging sensation and noticed a long cut on his arm, bleeding. Only then did he realize he was injured from the arrow that had narrowly missed him earlier.

"Wow... That’s impressive. Just a graze, and it’s this bad. If it had hit properly, I’d be done for. That guy should copy the UN Human Resources Development Organization regulations ten times for carrying a weapon."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, noticing that the bleeding wouldn't stop.

Hearing this, Riegrow burst into laughter. His low, cheerful laughter continued for a while. When Jeong Tae-ui glared at him disapprovingly, Riegrow gradually stopped laughing and said.

"Haha, yes. Just as you said, he should copy the regulations ten times and then I’ll take care of him. Alright, I'll make him copy the regulations while he's here and then handle it back in Europe. Since the one who saved my life insists, I'll comply."

Riegrow continued chuckling softly for a while before grabbing Jeong Tae-ui's arm and examining the wound.

"It’s a deep cut, but not too serious. Once the bleeding stops, there’s nothing to worry about... Here, take this and clean it."

Riegrow removed his gloves as he spoke. Jeong Tae-ui grimaced, thinking he was expected to clean his wound with gloves soaked in the blood of countless others. It felt like invoking the resentment of those many people.

“You’re really different from your brother. Even for fraternal twins, such differences are rare. But it’s not bad.”

Riegrow whispered with a lingering smile.

As Jeong Tae-ui hesitated to take the offered glove, the words seemed familiar. The tone was different, but the sentiment was something he'd heard recently. From who, though?

Riegrow noticed Jeong Tae-ui's hesitation and took back the glove, using it to wipe the wound. His bare hand, pale in the faint moonlight, was strikingly white.

His nails were shiny and smooth like glass, and his fingers were long and delicate — pale, beautiful hands.

It was a familiar hand. It was so familiar that it seemed more familiar than Jeong Tae-ui’s own hands.

Realizing Jeong Tae-ui's intent gaze on his hand, Riegrow raised an eyebrow and muttered awkwardly before flexing his fingers. The movement was all too familiar.

"Do you like my hand that much?"

He asked. Jeong Tae-ui looked up and stared at the man who was faintly smiling at him.

Damn it. What is this?

No other words came to mind. His mind was blank, then suddenly filled with anger.

"If I say I like it, will you give it to me?"

Riegrow laughed aloud, the electronic tone and the laughter from earlier overlapping in Jeong Tae-ui’s mind. Their speech patterns were similar, too.

"If you want. Although your own hand suits you better, I'd give it to you — after I die."

"I don’t need it. I didn’t want it before, and I certainly don’t want it now,."

Jeong Tae-ui's voice grew increasingly unpleasant, mirroring his worsening mood.

Riegrow continued to smile. His gaze held a hint of amusem*nt as he looked at Jeong Tae-ui, who kept staring at his hand.

There can't be two identical hands like that in the world. Hands that beautiful.

“So which name is your first name, and which is your last name?”

Jeong Tae-ui asked sullenly. It was a question he had never thought to ask until now. Riegrow smiled subtly and, after a pause, answered.

"Riegrow is my last name."

"I see... Which one do you prefer to be called by?"

"Whatever you find comfortable."

"Alright. But I don't feel like calling you either of those names. Ilay Riegrow."

Jeong Tae-ui’s displeasure was clear in his voice. The man before him simply laughed.

Another reason to blame my uncle.


Even though it was a restricted area, it didn’t mean they changed the locks.

Jeong Tae-ui was lying on his uncle’s bed, jingling the key ring on his finger.

Thinking back, he realized he had done something foolish. Although his uncle had told him not to come, it wasn’t a strict order. If Jeong Tae-ui had stubbornly insisted on staying, his uncle would have eventually let him do as he pleased — though if his uncle truly didn’t want him there, he would have found a way to prevent him from coming.

Currently, with the menacing figures from Europe infiltrating the branch, the safest place in this building was here, his uncle’s private room, which was a restricted area.

If he had just stayed here after his regular duties instead of running around aimlessly, he would have been much better off.

“I was too rigid... If Uncle didn’t want me to come, I should have sneaked in and hidden under the bed.”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself, shaking his head. He briefly considered doing so from now on, but it was already too late. He was already marked, and his luck had hit rock bottom. There was nothing more to lose.

Clicking his tongue, he tossed the key once and caught it, just as the door opened and his uncle entered.

His uncle, who was unbuttoning his uniform, looked surprised to see Jeong Tae-ui lying on the bed.

“What are you doing here? I told you not to come until the joint training was over.”

“I finished reading the book, so I came to return it.”

Jeong Tae-ui waved the book in his hand. His uncle took off his uniform jacket and draped it over the back of a chair, staring intently at Jeong Tae-ui. This perceptive uncle seemed to be pondering why his nephew, who wouldn’t have come just for that, was really there.

“You can take your time reading it. Anyway, since you’re already here, borrow another book if you want. But even if you finish reading it, don’t come back until the joint training period is over. ….Do you want some green tea?”

His uncle took off his shirt and began boiling water in the kettle. When Jeong Tae-ui shook his head, his uncle took out just one teacup for himself. As if his body was stiff, he stretched his neck from side to side and sighed lightly.

Jeong Tae-ui placed the borrowed book back in its original spot and scanned the bookshelf. Even though he was here after a few days, nothing much had changed, but there were a few new books on the shelf. Jeong Tae-ui stopped his fingers on a familiar title as he lightly brushed the top of the shelf.

“This... he said it was sent by ship, but it’s already here. ‘Theories of Myth.’”

“Oh, it arrived yesterday. It's a brand-new book, still hot off the press. I haven't read it yet, but if you want to, you can read it first. I won’t have time to read it for a while anyway, and I have other books to read too.”

“Hmm... Then I’ll take this. I’ll bring it back when the joint training is over.”

His uncle motioned for him to do as he pleased. He sipped the freshly brewed green tea and let out a long breath.

Although his uncle never showed signs of fatigue, it was impossible not to be tired during times like these, even if he wasn't a superhuman. However, when his uncle met Jeong Tae-ui’s gaze, he slightly tilted his head with his usual expression.

“You seem really tired these days. You said you don't even have time to read. And this is a book you really wanted to read, right?”

Jeong Tae-ui said, lightly tapping the spine of the new book with his palm. His uncle shrugged and laughed softly.

“That’s right. Originally, I thought if it was being sent by a ship, it would arrive around next weekend, just as the joint training was ending, so I could read it leisurely then.”

“But it arrived much earlier than I thought,” his uncle muttered. Jeong Tae-ui nodded, understanding now.

“Indeed. So you asked to have it sent by ship on purpose so you could receive it after the joint training was over? You could have received it directly from Ilay anyway, so why did you bother with the post?”

His uncle's hand, bringing the teacup to his lips, paused for a moment. He looked at Jeong Tae-ui briefly before slowly smiling. It was a look that said he now understood why Jeong Tae-ui had come. He took a sip of tea and set the cup back down.

“Did that guy say it himself? Huh... It was already surprising that he told a stranger his name. He must really like you.”

I don’t think so... If he liked me, I wouldn’t have been trembling with anxiety and sticking to the shadows all this time.

Jeong Tae-ui muttered internally but found it too silly to argue, ‘He doesn’t like me.’

Moreover, even if he did like him, it wouldn’t change anything. For that man, liking someone didn’t mean what it usually did for others. His interest in someone was more about finding them intriguing rather than liking or valuing them in the usual sense.

That’s the kind of person he is. And his uncle surely knew that.

Thinking about it left a bitter taste in his mouth. After all, whether it was some arms dealer living somewhere in Germany or a mad brawler stationed in the European branch, nothing changed. Jeong Tae-ui sat on the bed, smacked his lips, and asked hesitantly.

“I really don't want to pry into other people's business, Uncle. But since I have to look out for my own life for the next six months, I get uneasy over the slightest thing.”

“Of course. So?”

“How are you connected to that madman?”

Jeong Tae-ui’s question was straightforward. It was clear who he was referring to. However, his uncle just looked at him with a subtle smile, lost in thought for a moment.

“Well... let's just say he's a book friend.”

When his uncle finally spoke, Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly. He silently watched his uncle, then shrugged. If he didn't want to talk about it, there was no need to force it out of him.

“Sure. I’ll just take care of my life myself.”

“I know his brother. To be precise.”

His uncle continued. Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth again. With a completely truthful expression, his uncle spoke calmly. When their eyes met, his uncle’s slight smile confirmed the truth of his words, though it was clear he wasn’t revealing everything.

“... I see. I don’t know why a guy like that is stuck in the UNHRDO branch, but you never know with people.”

Or perhaps it was more accurate to say he didn't understand the circ*mstances that brought such a guy to the UNHRDO branch.

Jeong Tae-ui shrugged. Even if his uncle had given him a heads-up, nothing would have changed. It might have just created vague preconceptions or, worse, led him to the mistaken belief that the man Riegrow was the same as the Ilay he saw on screen.

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head.

“Alright. I’ll be going then. Well... I probably won’t have much time to read, so by the time I finish this, the joint training will be long over.”

“Hmm... Alright. But don't take too long to return it since I haven’t read it yet.”

“You said to take my time.”

“I never said that about this book. I only said you could read it first if you wanted to.”

What does that even mean? You said you have plenty of other books to read, Jeong Tae-ui grumbled as he headed towards the door.

Oh boy, tomorrow’s the precious weekend, and he won’t even get to rest, another round of training. What kind will it be this time? Jeong Tae-ui sighed inwardly as he opened the door, but his uncle suddenly called out to him from behind.



Jeong Tae-ui turned around, holding the doorknob. His uncle was looking at him with a subtle expression, not as an instructor but purely as an uncle.

“It doesn't matter what that guy does. If you’ve been thinking of Ilay and Riegrow separately, then you were more wrong about Ilay than Riegrow.”

Jeong Tae-ui looked at his uncle silently. His meaning was clear: the Riegrow you saw in person is closer to the truth than the Ilay you chatted with on the phone.

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled and shook his head.

“No way, Uncle. I don’t know much about Ilay anyway.”

From the moment he showed just his hand, that guy was already someone I couldn’t figure out, Jeong Tae-ui added, showing his palms. His uncle laughed softly.

“Alright, then. Go on. Don’t get caught by anyone.”

“Hm — it’s probably impossible not to get caught. With all the surveillance cameras around here.”

“... Right. There’s that. You’ll have to copy the rulebook about ten times more.”

Jeong Tae-ui’s face twisted in a grimace. His uncle sympathetically said, ‘Why did you have to get caught on the surveillance camera? Be more careful in the future,’ but it was already too late.

Jeong Tae-ui knew nothing about Riegrow other than that he was extremely dangerous and someone to stay away from. However, that didn’t mean he knew much about Ilay either. He had only made a few phone calls. Although Jeong Tae-ui had a knack for understanding people better than most through conversations, it was impossible to define someone based on a few talks without ever seeing their face.

Like most people who had only a few interactions, Jeong Tae-ui had a vague impression of Ilay. Maybe he was someone like this — a person with whom conversations could be both heavy and pleasant, but occasionally, there was a chilling coldness like cold water.

Come to think of it, some of that matched. Well, how much did he really know about either of them anyway?

Walking down the hallway, rubbing his neck, Jeong Tae-ui paid no mind to the surveillance cameras recording him. He smacked his lips bitterly.

“Damn. It’s a scam, a scam. How can such beautiful hands belong to a guy like that?”

His hands were so beautiful they drew your eyes to them. Even on the beach, seeing his bare hands without gloves didn’t change that impression. No, they were even more beautiful in person than when moving on screen.

But Jeong Tae-ui knew. That man could easily swing his fist at Jeong Tae-ui. He could effortlessly sever Jeong Tae-ui’s lifeline whenever he felt like it.

Hadn’t he felt it during their last call? No matter how many times they spoke, that man would never see him as more than a mere stranger.

Yes, considering that, Ilay and Riegrow were indeed the same person.

“It’s really a scam… Even if it doesn't suit me, should I ask to have those hands cut off and attached to mine? Those hands are too beautiful for that guy.”

However, thinking of his clean, tidy, white face, it suited the hands' owner perfectly. The real problem wasn’t the hands or the face; it was his personality.

Jeong Tae-ui slowed his steps. The morning's events came to mind.

That morning, the man died. The man who targeted Ilay last night, the one with the crossbow.

Ilay had told Jeong Tae-ui he would deal with it after returning to Europe. And he kept his word. Until that man came at him again.

Returning to the branch building after the march, it was morning. After breakfast, they couldn’t rest and had to start the morning routine. Everyone grumbled and cursed as they carried their gear inside.

Jeong Tae-ui was also muttering, They really work us to death, as he picked up his gear from the ground. Suddenly, he muttered, “Oh,” seeing someone. Amidst the rough, burly men from the European branch stood a relatively small — though not much smaller than the average man — young man. Jeong Tae-ui stared, thinking he looked familiar. Then he realized.

It was the man he saw last night. Though he hadn’t seen him properly, he saw him entangled with Ilay. The familiar side profile and jawline confirmed it was indeed that young man.

Jeong Tae-ui awkwardly cleared his throat. Although they hadn’t met eyes or faced that embarrassing situation directly last night, he still felt awkward.

So, that’s Ilay’s type. Smaller than average, with relatively delicate and slender lines.

Jeong Tae-ui felt down. His thoughts returned to Xin Lu. He needed to be careful, but even knowing that, he wasn’t sure how. He couldn’t fold Xin Lu up and carry him in his pocket. Besides, if Xin Lu decided to go to him, he would just have to watch helplessly.

Ilay was undeniably an overwhelming man, to the extent that he felt a threat to his life, but on the other hand, he also possessed an instinctive charm that was just as vivid and intense. Hadn't he felt it keenly last night?

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly felt a pang in his chest. And he became even more depressed. The thought of whether he could even stand a chance if that man seriously approached Xin Lu made his heart feel uneasy.

Jeong Tae-ui was in such a gloomy and troubled state.

It happened in front of everyone. The man, with blood-dried bandages around his head, ran towards Ilay. A sharp blade aimed straight at Ilay's side quickly closed in on him.

Jeong Tae-ui was standing about a dozen steps away from Ilay, lost in thought while lifting his load. Then he saw it.

The blade, about a span long, was sharp enough to cut through flesh and bone without any problem. That blade was about to touch Ilay's side when—

Ilay turned around. He gave the man a momentary glance, and then he looked at Jeong Tae-ui. It was a very brief moment. So brief that it was hard to tell if their eyes met or not, but he slightly smiled.

You understand, right? I don't mean to go back on my word. This is something beyond my control.

That smile seemed to say that. And Ilay, perhaps with a sense of resignation, cut down the reckless and foolish man who had charged at him. Without hesitation, he slashed the man's neck with the very knife that he had brought with him.

Blood spouted like a fountain from the wound that was cut so deep that half of the neck was severed. Ilay, drenched in that blood, threw the knife to the ground as if discarding trash. He wiped the blood pouring over his eyelids with the back of his hand. His face was covered in blood, leaving only the area around his eyes white.

Jeong Tae-ui stood frozen on the spot, staring blankly at the scene. It happened only a few meters away. A few drops of blood had splattered onto Jeong Tae-ui's cheek and collar.

No one at the scene opened their mouths. They simply watched the man slowly collapse, blood gushing out, while Ilay stood before him, looking down impassively.

Ilay lifted his gaze from the man he was looking down at. His eyes briefly met Jeong Tae-ui’s again. Jeong Tae-ui murmured as he looked at the man who had already become a corpse.

“Another case of ‘self-defense’ .”

Ilay, who certainly understood the sarcasm hidden in those words, simply lifted the corners of his mouth slightly, as if giving a faint smile.

Jeong Tae-ui wiped the blood from his cheek with his thumb and moved away.

Shortly after Jeong Tae-ui passed by Ilay and entered the building, an instructor hurried over. The instructor, looking perplexed and troubled, sternly warned Ilay.

‘According to regulations, you won't be held responsible, but if this keeps happening, it can't be overlooked. If it happens again, I'll take appropriate measures.’

The warning was one that even Jeong Tae-ui wouldn't have taken seriously.

Jeong Tae-ui rubbed his goosebumps-covered arm. Despite the perfectly controlled climate inside the building, recalling the morning's scene made him feel uneasy and sent chills down his spine.

That’s Ilay and, at the same time, Riegrow. A man who wouldn't blink an eye or show the slightest difference in such situations. That is precisely what Jeong Tae-ui finds most unbearable.

“Did that guy come here because he can kill people without being punished?”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered grumpily to himself. Although he didn’t want to think that way, if he were someone who originally enjoyed killing people, then—

“Who, Tae-ui hyung?”

Jeong Tae-ui, who had been staring blankly at his feet while leaning against the wall, was startled by the sudden voice and lifted his head. A few steps ahead, Xin Lu stood quietly, watching him. When their eyes met, Xin Lu's face lit up with a sweet smile like cotton candy.

“Oh, Xin Lu. How long have you been there?”

“From when you said ‘Those hands are too beautiful for that guy.’... Whose hands are so pretty?”

Xin Lu tilted his head slightly and asked. At that subtle question, Jeong Tae-ui quickly waved his hand.

“No, no. It’s someone you don’t need to worry about. There’s nothing good to know about that person.”


Xin Lu stared at Jeong Tae-ui for a moment, but soon nodded with a bright smile.

“Okay. Whatever it is, don’t worry too much, hyung. You don’t look well these days. ...Did you come back from seeing Instructor Jeong? It won’t be good if you get caught.”

Xin Lu spoke with concern. This floor they were standing on was originally a place where Jeong Tae-ui shouldn’t be. However, having already resigned himself to transcribing ten volumes of the regulations book, Jeong Tae-ui had nothing more to fear. Since his violation was already on record, he thought getting caught once or ten times made no difference.

Jeong Tae-ui looked down at Xin Lu quietly. Just looking at him brought a smile to his face.

Xin Lu was a beautiful and lovely young man no matter when you saw him. Simply gazing at his pure and clean appearance was enough to calm Jeong Tae-ui’s heart. Especially that sweet, melting smile.

“Xin Lu.”



Jeong Tae-ui called his name and laughed pointlessly. Although Xin Lu tilted his head in puzzlement, he soon showed that sweet smile again. Seeing that smile made Jeong Tae-ui's heart ache. This joy he had never felt before, perhaps it was the joy of love people talked about.

Whether he was really in love or not, he didn't know, but he liked Xin Lu, and Xin Lu reciprocated his feelings, so it wasn't lacking to call it love. Thinking about it, they even kissed, although it was just on the cheek. Lost in thought, Jeong Tae-ui smiled happily.

“Where are you heading?”

“Oh, I’m on my way back to my room. I just finished my work. I had a lot to do today, so I finished a bit late.”

“I see… Well, then go and rest. Rest, and see you next time.”

Jeong Tae-ui patted Xin Lu's shoulder, hiding his regret. Xin Lu also remained silent for a moment as if he felt the same, then spoke.

“Yes, take care. Don’t forget about our plan to hang out after training.”

His slightly playful, whining tone made Jeong Tae-ui’s heart ache again. This must really be the joy of love.

“Yeah. See you later then…”

Trying to suppress the smile that kept creeping up, Jeong Tae-ui muttered, rubbing his mouth with his hand. Then, in the next moment, he closed his mouth. The smile disappeared from his face instantly.

In front of Jeong Tae-ui, behind Xin Lu, a man was turning around the landing and coming their way.

Ilay Riegrow.

Noticing Jeong Tae-ui's expression harden in an instant, Xin Lu turned around with a puzzled look. Ilay, who had been walking towards them after rounding the landing, noticed them too. He stopped his gaze on Jeong Tae-ui's face, then looked at Xin Lu who had turned around.



A subtle silence flowed. Ilay looked at Xin Lu. Xin Lu looked at Ilay. Jeong Tae-ui anxiously alternated his gaze between the two.

Whenever he thought of Xin Lu in front of that man, Jeong Tae-ui felt a vague sense of anxiety. It was an instinctive anxiety, fearing that something precious might be taken away. Just like now.

"...Tae-ui hyung, I'll be going now. Be careful on your way back."

Xin Lu said quietly, breaking the short but heavy silence. Since his back was turned to Jeong Tae-ui, he couldn't see Xin Lu's expression, but there was a faint note of caution in his voice. Jeong Tae-ui felt a bit relieved by that tone. At least at this moment, what Xin Lu felt toward that man was not curiosity or affection but a defensive wariness.

Although it wouldn't matter whether Xin Lu was wary or not, that monstrous man would have no qualms about taking whatever he liked by force. Yet, Jeong Tae-ui felt a slight sense of relief from Xin Lu's reaction. Deep down, he was worried that Xin Lu might be attracted to the threatening allure of that man.

"Okay. See you later then."

"Yes. I'll contact you."

Xin Lu turned to Jeong Tae-ui and smiled. Although a bit stiff, it was still a lovely smile. Knowing that Ilay was also watching that smile made Jeong Tae-ui feel uneasy, but he leaned against the wall and watched them as if observing a show. There was a glint of amusem*nt in his eyes.

After saying goodbye to Jeong Tae-ui, Xin Lu turned and walked towards his room. Ilay was standing in his path. The closer Xin Lu got to him, the stiffer his steps became, like a young animal bristling its fur in fear before a predator.

Step by step, Xin Lu and Ilay's distance narrowed. Ilay, leaning against the door with his arms crossed, silently watched him with a smile. At some point, Jeong Tae-ui felt his heart burn hotly.


Just as Jeong Tae-ui opened his mouth.

Hearing the call, Xin Lu, who was a few steps away from Ilay, turned to look at Jeong Tae-ui. At the same time, Ilay stood up straight, reached out, and grabbed Xin Lu's waist.

Without a chance to escape, Ilay pulled Xin Lu close, pinning him against the wall and pressing his body tightly against him. Ilay's long fingers lifted Xin Lu's chin. He bit down on Xin Lu's lips as if to devour him. Ilay's thick tongue invaded Xin Lu's open mouth. Xin Lu's eyes widened.

"Ilay! Stop it!"

Jeong Tae-ui shouted in anger and rushed towards them.

Even as Jeong Tae-ui shouted, Ilay ignored him, his hand boldly grabbing Xin Lu's crotch. A short moan escaped Xin Lu's lips. Ilay's large hand groped Xin Lu's crotch, rubbing and squeezing roughly. His hand slid sensually from Xin Lu's crotch to his butttocks, caressing him through the fabric of his clothes. The hand resting on Xin Lu's crotch had an obscene and dark glow.


Jeong Tae-ui grabbed Ilay's shoulder and yanked him away. As if he had planned it from the beginning, Ilay let go easily. Jeong Tae-ui grabbed Ilay by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

"Don't! Don't touch him!!"

Jeong Tae-ui shouted, his eyes blazing. His mind felt scorched. The moment Ilay held Xin Lu and bit his lips, the moment he slipped his hand between Xin Lu's legs, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't breathe.

Ilay looked down at Jeong Tae-ui as if finding it amusing, but then shifted his gaze to Xin Lu. The attitude of not caring about Jeong Tae-ui infuriated him, making him tighten his grip on Ilay's collar.


"Hyung...! I'm okay. Please don't."

However, the one who stopped Jeong Tae-ui was Xin Lu, who stood beside him, anxiously fidgeting with his clothes.

Still holding Ilay by the collar, Jeong Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu. Xin Lu, with a clear look of distress, glanced back and forth between Ilay and Jeong Tae-ui with unstable eyes. His repeated whispers of Hyung, please stop, don't fight, sounded very anxious and uneasy.

Hearing that voice, Jeong Tae-ui felt his heart ache again. He glared at Ilay for a moment longer before slowly letting go. Ilay chuckled and adjusted his collar.

"Quite impressive. More delicious than it looks... hmm?"


Jeong Tae-ui felt another surge of anger at Ilay's low, amused remark. But Xin Lu, who was standing beside him, grabbed his clenched fist. Jeong Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu with a face stiffened by rage, but Xin Lu shook his head with a face so anxious it seemed ready to burst.

Barely managing to steady his rough breaths, Jeong Tae-ui took a step back from Ilay and spoke in a low voice to Xin Lu.

"Go inside. ...It's fine. Just go."

Xin Lu, still looking anxious, glanced at Jeong Tae-ui. Then he turned to look at Ilay—a look far from kind, which gave Jeong Tae-ui a small, faint sense of relief. Not wanting to leave Xin Lu in Ilay's sight any longer, Jeong Tae-ui urged him to go again, and Xin Lu, seeming to understand, nodded and slowly walked away.

Jeong Tae-ui didn't move until Xin Lu entered his room and closed the door, glancing back several times. Neither did Ilay, who stood beside him.

Even after Xin Lu disappeared from sight, Jeong Tae-ui kept looking in that direction as if following his afterimage. Then, he slowly turned his gaze to Ilay. Ilay, arms crossed, seemed lost in thought, staring at the opposite wall. When he felt Jeong Tae-ui's gaze, he lowered his eyes and met his look.

Jeong Tae-ui slowly unclenched the fist he had been holding tightly, letting out a breath. The intense anger that had flared up was gradually subsiding. He wasn't someone who usually got angry easily, nor did he sustain such emotions for long.

Feeling a bit pathetic, Jeong Tae-ui took a step back and asked, his voice tinged with discomfort and gloom.

"What are you planning? ...Do you want that guy?"

At that, a glint of interest, akin to desire, flashed in Ilay's eyes.

"He's not entirely yours yet, is he?"

"Is that so? I think Xin Lu likes me too."

Jeong Tae-ui's response made Ilay laugh, a laugh tinged with a bit of deflation.

"Listen, Tae-ui. You're mistaken again. I'm not talking about feelings like love. You can have as much of that as you want; I don't care. What I want is short and intense pleasure."


An oppressive mix of anxiety, nervousness, and discomfort spread through Jeong Tae-ui's chest.

He looked directly at Ilay. Ilay met his gaze with his cool, deep black eyes, revealing nothing of his thoughts.

This was a man who always got what he wanted, never giving up or abandoning his desires. Therefore, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't back down. If Ilay intended to harm Xin Lu, something precious to him, he couldn't just stand by. He had to do something, even if his strength was insufficient.

Ilay suddenly laughed, almost like a sigh, shaking his head as if surrendering.

"Fine, fine. I don't want to fight you now anyway. Even if we were to fight, now isn't the time. So I'll make a concession. You step back too."

Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly at Ilay's low, insidious words. He couldn't guess what this man, who openly desired Xin Lu, would say next.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue, feeling bitter.

Damn it. He finally understood precisely what his uncle meant. That it was best not to stand out or get involved, regardless of whether things were good or bad.

Jeong Tae-ui spoke bitterly.

"Let's hear it, then. This concession of yours. Though I doubt I have a choice."

Ilay laughed at Jeong Tae-ui's words, which were tinged with sulky dissatisfaction. Speaking as if making a significant concession, he said,

"That guy is someone you care about, right? He looks delicious and stirs up my lower body. My principle is to get what I want, but as I said, I don't want to fight you now. So — don't interfere with what I do to him. In return, I won't use force to overpower him."


"Didn't you understand? Since he's not entirely yours yet, don't interfere if I approach him, seduce him, or bring him to bed. In exchange, I won't use threats or other coercive means."

Jeong Tae-ui was momentarily dumbfounded, staring blankly at Ilay. It felt like he'd been lightly hit on the back of the head.

"No... That's..."

"If you're not even properly dating him, you don't have the right to tell me what to do."

Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth.

Ilay was right. Honestly, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't define his relationship with Xin Lu. To put it simply, he was trying to win him over, and Xin Lu was responding well to his efforts. He wasn't in a position to demand that Ilay stay away from him.

But even so, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't bring himself to say, 'Go ahead,' so he remained silent as Ilay, having said everything he wanted, turned to leave.


Half in desperation, Jeong Tae-ui called out to him as he turned to go. Ilay raised an eyebrow and glanced back. Jeong Tae-ui, feeling heavy-hearted, stared at him for a moment before speaking gloomily.

"If you use force... I won't stand by."

At that, Ilay laughed cheerfully. "Of course," he said, leaving only a brief, ambiguous answer that could be interpreted in any way, before walking away.

Jeong Tae-ui stood there dazed until Ilay rounded a corner and disappeared from view. Then, he leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to sit. It felt like decades of fatigue had suddenly hit him.

Everything had gone wrong. He couldn't have refused Ilay's proposal — there was no valid reason to refuse, and even if he had stubbornly rejected it, there was no guarantee Ilay wouldn't have resorted to more extreme measures — but he hadn't wanted things to turn out this way.

"Saying I won't stand by... Only someone with real power can say that and make it count."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered self-deprecatingly, letting out a groan.

Since coming here, his life had been full of misfortune, and it felt like he was constantly doing foolish things alone.

Vol.1 — END

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter Text

[Yuji] PASSION Volume 2

They called that Saturday morning "crocodile tears."

For an entire week, regardless of day or night, they were tormented by their duties — always on edge and straining their mental state, even during non-regular hours. They couldn't rest even on the weekend.

Usually, they had free time from Friday evening until Sunday evening, when they could go out freely, but that Saturday, they couldn't even leave the designated area without permission. Training resumed on Saturday afternoon.

They were only allowed to rest on Saturday morning to conserve some energy, as they were brutally worked until Friday night. The instructor's supposedly merciful words, "Rest in the morning and gather in the afternoon," made them grit their teeth in frustration.

"When training starts in the afternoon, can’t we tear out the instructor’s throat and pretend it's a mistake?"

"If you want to tear out the instructor’s throat, you’ll have to deal with both the instructor and the officers following them... Do you think you can handle both at once?"

"That’s true. Should we form a team, then? I’ll take care of the instructor; you handle the officers."

"Sounds good. Which instructor should we target?"

"Obviously, the European ones!"

Lying on mattresses in the free sparring room, not exercising but sprawled out, the men were passing the time with such trivial chatter.

There were three hours left until assembly time. They lamented each passing moment as they watched the clock — only two more hours to gather, only one more hour of free time left. Amid their groans and complaints, Jeong Tae-ui sat curled up with his knees hugged to his chest.

Instead of lying comfortably in his room, reading a book or solving puzzles for a few hours — something he had picked up while living with Maurer — Jeong Tae-ui found himself sitting here, dragged along by Tou, his roommate.

As he looked at the European branch members sitting a distance away, he imagined similar conversations were happening among them. Jeong Tae-ui observed each of them with a curious eye.

When Jeong Tae-ui let out a quiet sigh, Yeun-ho, who was lying beside him and tossing and turning, asked why. Jeong Tae-ui responded thoughtfully.

"I just had a thought. People outside think of UNHRDO as an organization of elite individuals, but the UNHRDO members are so.... Like Carlo over there, scratching his crotch with his hand down his trunks, or Tou, looking like an opium addict because he's out of cigarettes, or Qing, who still cries every night clutching a photo of Mei Yan Fang, asking why she left him behind... People outside would be horrified if they knew."

"Yeah... now that you mention it, our branch does seem quite problematic."

"But looking at the other side, they don't seem much better, which is somewhat reassuring."

Jeong Tae-ui gestured with his chin towards the European branch members gathered on the opposite wall. They were also playing around disgracefully. Among them were guys playing flasher, ones waking up startled and hitting the wrong person, and even some fiddling with hanafuda cards — an even more surprising sight than playing with regular cards.

He recalled his uncle saying that if he stayed here and then left, he wouldn't need to worry about finding a job. Instead, he would have to decide where to go.

To think they deceive countless companies by presenting these people as elite for money, it’s practically a scam... Jeong Tae-ui turned his gaze away, feeling disgusted.

But thinking about it, those guys are still better. Even if they're somewhat off-putting, as long as they do their job well without causing major issues, it's a success from the employer's point of view. The real problem is when they produce people who can't be controlled and have serious personality issues.

For example...

Jeong Tae-ui started to recall someone but quickly shook his head. Thinking about such a person would only make him feel gloomy.

"Ah, the break is almost over. We should head out soon. Another round of intense training is coming up. Damn, it would be perfect to have a smoke before heading out."

The future opium addict said, plopping down beside Jeong Tae-ui, fidgeting nervously. Jeong Tae-ui looked at Tou, who was chewing on a matchstick in the absence of cigarettes, with pity.

"Does that taste like a cigarette?"

"Do you think it would? Ah... Just one cigarette, no, I don't even need that much, just a butt someone left behind would do. Just one puff."

He thought about mentioning that he had taken a cigarette from Tou previously and left it half-smoked, but he decided against it, fearing for his life. He felt a pang of guilt.

"Do you think any of the Europeans have cigarettes? Hey, if you catch a whiff of cigarette smoke from any of them during training, let me know. I'll have to beat it out of them."

The dynamics of extortion and intimidation within the branch were becoming clear to Jeong Tae-ui. He glanced at Tou with a disapproving look and then looked away, deciding he'd get Tou some herbal cigarettes later.

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head and checked the time. It was almost 1 PM, the gathering time. He stretched his neck and asked no one in particular:

"So, can we just pretend to make a mistake and take down the instructor during training?"

"Well, it's basically a free-for-all. It's your first time, right? The rules are simple. If you catch someone, you beat them. If you get caught, you get beaten. If you don't want to get beaten, you escape. There are two phases: one where you chase and one where you're chased. The chased team defends. You can counter-attack to escape, but that's it. Since the rules are so simple, a lot of accidents happen. Technically, the clause about counter-attacking means you can fight back against anyone attacking you, so it often turns into a chaotic brawl."

"What? Can't we just hide until time's up?"

"If you get caught hiding, you're more likely to get beaten. Running is better. You can hide if you're confident, but the area is limited."

Jeong Tae-ui looked at Tou incredulously. It was hard to believe such a crude method counted as training, but Tou and the others seemed serious.

"I'm not joking. You need to be careful. Underestimating this can be really dangerous."

Carlo, lying a little distance away, muttered. Jeong Tae-ui glanced at him.

He started to understand. As they said, simple rules often make for dangerous games. The rules themselves sounded risky — either running or beating the ones trying to escape.

"If you can't escape in time, you could get beaten to death."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, half-jokingly. But Qing nodded solemnly.

"If you're unlucky, yes. If you get hit in the wrong place, it could be fatal. Plus, you have to be extra careful. You've caught the grudge of the worst guy here."


He didn't need to ask who that worst guy was. Although that man had said he wasn't in the mood for a fight yesterday, things might have changed today. He seemed to live by his whims.

"Sometimes, people use this opportunity to settle scores with those they dislike. And while it might not happen among us, occasionally even team members might turn on each other during this time. It gets pretty brutal."

Qing said, clicking his tongue. Next to him, Alta chimed in with a glint in his eye,

"On the flip side, if there's someone you hate, you can use this chance to get back at them."

Jeong Tae-ui offered a silent prayer for the unknown opponent Alta had a grudge for.

It had been almost a week of training, and he still couldn't fully grasp this brutal and hostile atmosphere. Every day, there were accidents, big and small, with people getting injured and carried off. Some had already died. On this small island, things that defied common sense happened without a second thought.

"Somehow, I need to get out of here in half a year. Otherwise, I think I'll really lose my mind."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered with a sigh. This situation scared him more than anything. No matter how alien the environment, people get used to it over time. Without even realizing it, they become part of it.

Everything has its pros and cons, and this place certainly had its advantages, but the downsides were overwhelmingly negative.

"You probably don't get it yet, but that combat analysis video we watched before the joint training began — that was edited footage from the weekend training sessions."

Tou said beside him. Jeong Tae-ui mumbled, trying to recall the video, and his face hardened.

That video. The bright red marks scattered throughout it. The vivid and intense color couldn't be forgotten.

"Is that what our upcoming training is about — killing people without a second thought? It's ridiculous to even call it training."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, clicking his tongue. Tou shrugged.

"Not exactly. That was because that guy was insane. Even if someone hates another, they don't usually beat them to death unless they have a personal vendetta. Accidents happen, but intentional killings are rare. The key is to avoid the lunatics."

Jeong Tae-ui half-accepted Tou's explanation. Indeed, even if someone is disliked, it's unusual for anyone to want to kill them. People instinctively understand the weight of taking a life, even without experience.

Still, what kind of terrifying grudges has he accumulated for people to be willing to risk their lives to kill him?

Jeong Tae-ui felt a bitter taste in his mouth. True, there might be people you want to kill no matter the cost, though a life without such hatred would be a happier one.

"Hey, it's time. Shall we go?"

Carlo stood up and spoke, prompting the others to rise as well.

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated, dreading the hell that awaited them outside, but with Tou pulling him up by the wrist, he had no choice but to stand and follow.


‘Take care, hyung. You don't have to worry about me.’

Jeong Tae-ui pulled out the message from his pager once again. It was a message that had come in early this morning.

After returning to his room last night, he couldn't sleep, so he called Xin Lu after midnight. He was worried about waking him up, but fortunately, Xin Lu answered in his usual voice.

In fact, there wasn't much to say. After the brief but unsettling conversation with Ilay — though it was more one-sided than a real conversation — he just felt uneasy. However, it wasn't something he could unload on Xin Lu, saying, "Even if that guy approaches, don't get close to him. You have to look only at me."

Strictly speaking, he hadn't said anything to Xin Lu yet. He hadn't confessed his feelings, or anything beyond that.

Tou had once teased him that his actions were so obvious they were embarrassing to watch, and Xin Lu was surprisingly perceptive, so he probably wasn't unaware. But outwardly, he had said nothing.

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated with the receiver in his hand.

Should he confess now, that he liked him? But it wasn't something to say over the phone, and speaking right after that encounter with Ilay felt like it wasn't coming from his pure will.

‘By the way, that person earlier, is he someone close to you?’

He was saying vague things, not having much to say, when suddenly Xin Lu asked about Ilay over the phone. Jeong Tae-ui flinched for a moment but soon answered honestly.

‘No, not really. We just happened to become acquainted, but... he's dangerous if you get too close.’

So if that guy gets close or appears nearby, try to avoid being seen as much as possible, Jeong Tae-ui continued indirectly. However, Xin Lu seemed to be listening absentmindedly, as if his mind was elsewhere.

Jeong Tae-ui felt a subtle sense of unease. He knew the source of this unease, although he didn't want to admit it: it was the fear of losing Xin Lu, the fear that Xin Lu might leave him.

That faint, vague anxiety lingered even after the call ended, and Jeong Tae-ui, feeling conflicted, stared at the receiver before pulling the covers over his head.

After sleeping for a while, he woke up at dawn to find a message. It warned him to be careful.

Seeing that short sentence made Jeong Tae-ui feel better. Knowing that he had training starting this afternoon, it seemed that Xin Lu was worried about him. The fact that someone cared about him was sometimes a greater source of comfort than one might think.

‘Thanks,’ he replied briefly and put the pager in his pocket. Whenever he had a chance, he would take it out and look at it, feeling a reassuring sense of security, even though it didn't actually help much.

"Damn it, it's like they're swarming at me like a pack of dogs. I feel like I'm being chased."

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled as he tightened his shoelaces again. Earlier, his laces kept coming undone, so he had completely untied them and started over from scratch. Sitting in the middle of the hallway doing this, a colleague from the same branch, mistaking him for a European branch member, yelled, "Hey! I found you!" and tried to hit him, only to get kicked in the ankle by Jeong Tae-ui.

Even after that guy, realizing his mistake, apologized and disappeared, similar incidents happened a couple more times.

"Everyone seems crazy... It's like I've accidentally fallen on some strange planet."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered quietly. He could frequently hear shouts like "I found you!" or "Stop right there, you bastard!" from a distance.

Although they were all on the same team, their behavior made Jeong Tae-ui feel, frankly, that they all seemed insane. This wasn't some kind of human hunt, and he couldn't understand the purpose of this training.

"It feels more like training to ruin one's character than to build physical strength..."

Jeong Tae-ui slowly walked while twirling the baton in his hand—it was made of rubber, but a proper hit would hurt like hell. Since the roles would reverse every hour, he thought it better to conserve his energy for the next hour. Even if he wasn't swinging his baton to beat someone, there was no guarantee that others wouldn't pretend not to see him.

"In an hour, I'll have to run for my life... I wonder if there's a good place to hide."

Jeong Tae-ui had been scanning the branch building from top to bottom, looking for a good hiding spot. Although the Asian branch was currently in the chasing role, the roles would reverse in an hour, so he wanted to find a hiding place in advance.

But he couldn't find a suitable place. In the branch building, while you could go anywhere you usually would, you couldn't enter any dead-end rooms. You had to run through the hallways endlessly. Large rooms with more than one exit — like big lecture halls or training rooms — were exceptions.

However, these large spaces with multiple exits were essentially open areas where you couldn't hide, and the same applied to the hallways. The labyrinthine hallways, which might seem like a maze to newcomers, were so intricately connected that you were likely to encounter either enemies or allies at every turn, forcing everyone to run with constant vigilance.

"Dammit. I always wondered why we needed a seven-story, unnecessarily large building covering 2,000 pyeong for just a hundred people. Turns out it’s for these ridiculously extreme training exercises."

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled about the waste of budget as he started from the 6th basem*nt floor, searching for a hiding spot while moving up one floor at a time. (The 7th basem*nt floor was off-limits, rumored to be haunted, and no one could enter except those who were severely punished and confined there.)

Even in such a vast and complex building, the restriction against entering dead-end rooms made it hard to find a suitable hiding place.

"Can't I just tear open the vents and hide? Ugh, time's running out. Damn it. If I don't run like crazy for an hour, I'll get beaten up badly. Even if I claim I didn't hit any of them... it won't matter."

Jeong Tae-ui thought as he climbed the stairs, that after being chased and beaten for an hour, he might end up running around swinging a club, determined to catch and hit those guys with a vengeance in the next hour.

Starting from the 6th basem*nt floor with the locker rooms, moving up to the 5th basem*nt floor equipped with facilities for spending most of their free time, he skipped the 4th basem*nt floor which was off-limits with a locked door and a sign saying 'No Entry Except for Authorized Personnel.' Then came the 3rd and 2nd basem*nt floors used for regular activities, and the 1st basem*nt floor where the guards and staff stayed and worked. Above that were the ground floors beneath the decaying, collapsing roof.

In fact, rather than a chase, it might be more accurate to see it as a free-for-all sparring match in a large area. Whether you attacked first or later, you could fight back, making it almost like an indiscriminate free sparring session.

"At this rate, time will run out before I find a proper response... I have no choice but to keep running for the next hour."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and went into a restroom to prepare for the next hour. Sometimes, people would foolishly try to hide in the restroom, turning it into a battleground. The restroom Jeong Tae-ui entered now had a section of wall tiles completely smashed, likely from a recent fight. Building repair costs would be high later.

Inside the restroom were two or three men. They were from the Asia branch, in a different team from Jeong Tae-ui, but familiar faces nonetheless. When Jeong Tae-ui opened the restroom door, they all stared at him fiercely, but upon recognizing him as a member of the same branch, they relaxed and continued their conversation.

"...Yeah. Today is the only chance."

"I'll drive that guy into that place somehow, and we’ll finish it there."

Everywhere he went, it was the same story. He wasn’t a saint, but seeing groups of people acting like crows was rare. Today, there were quite a few human butchers eager to hunt someone down.

Jeong Tae-ui disliked when people allowed their judgment to be clouded by the collective atmosphere, regardless of their own reason or experience. He wasn't fond of those who, without deep consideration or thought, aligned themselves with the loudest voices in their society.

However, he quickly changed his mind. It wasn't his place to judge others so easily. He couldn't definitively say that none of their close friends had been killed or crippled by those guys. Jeong Tae-ui didn’t deny the legitimacy of grudges with valid reasons. Besides, he had no right to act like a saint. When he finally exploded and beat up Lieutenant Kim after years of pent-up anger, he had lost control and hit him mercilessly. Looking back, he was just glad he hadn't killed him.

He wondered what that bastard is doing now. Though he was like an enemy, not seeing him for a while made Jeong Tae-ui curious. Maybe he had grown some kind of resentment towards him. ...But if he saw him again, it would be awful.

Jeong Tae-ui went inside the restroom stall and sat down. He didn't need to use it but just wanted to sit for a while. He could have gone down to the 6th basem*nt floor and sat on one of the sofas placed here and there in the hallway, but if he did, he’d frequently encounter people running around swinging batons, and if he was unlucky, he might get caught up in the chaos himself.

"If I can see that guy get hurt, I'm willing to take some risks. No, even if I get hurt in the process, it's fine. I just really want to see what kind of face he'll make when he screams, when he's in pain."

"He always has that calm, icy face no matter what, so I really want to see if he actually bleeds like us. That annoying European bastard."

The men outside the stall where Jeong Tae-ui was sitting were still talking, not having left yet. Unintentionally overhearing their conversation — and since they knew Jeong Tae-ui was there, they didn't think they were being eavesdropped on — Jeong Tae-ui once again felt the deep rift between the Asia and Europe branches.

Wanting to see someone suffer even if it puts oneself at risk — that’s not an ordinary grudge. He had seen a lot of the dark side of humanity here.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue inwardly. He had seen plenty of dirty behavior in the military, but this place wasn't any better. He had left the army, injuring himself to avoid such sights, only to encounter the same things here. The crane remains calm while the wind does not cease, and in a place where crows gather, how can a crane be at peace...

But who was it that had earned such fierce hatred?

"You saw him earlier, right? That crazy bastard was drenched in blood from head to toe and didn’t even flinch."

"To be honest, that guy scares me. If he killed people with glee, I could just call him a psychopath, but he doesn't. His face is the same when he kills as it is at any other time. That's not human."

A low and gloomy voice muttered fearfully. The atmosphere turned chilly as if infected by his tone.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed quietly and looked up at the ceiling. His suspicions were confirmed. It would indeed be a big problem if there were two people who garnered such deep resentment.

A person who considers killing as naturally as sleeping or breathing.

Ilay Riegrow. A man who invariably makes everyone call him a lunatic.

"But is it okay? If we use the cluster, the whole dojo will be blown up."

"It’s hard to kill him without going that far. Besides, there's nothing in the dojo to take cover behind. It's the only place to do it."

"Don't worry too much. Blowing up one dojo is no big deal. And Keypenhan said he'd cover for us."

The moment those words were spoken, the conversation abruptly stopped. It seemed the last person to speak had made a mistake and clammed up immediately. The other men also fell silent, as if realizing the gravity of the situation.

Jeong Tae-ui thought, "Huh..." and leaned his head against the wall. He felt he had overheard something troublesome.

The fact that the men didn’t immediately try to drag Jeong Tae-ui out of the stall indicated that this information wasn’t extremely top-secret, but it certainly wasn’t something they’d want spreading around.

"So what? If that guy dies, not only our people but even those European bastards will be secretly pleased. As long as it doesn’t reach his ears, it’s fine. Does he even have anyone who'd warn him?"

One man's muttering broke the silence, and the others agreed with him.

Jeong Tae-ui leaned his head against the wall, then pressed his forehead with his hand. He felt a distant headache coming on. His heart pounded irregularly, and a chill ran down his spine.

Just from a few words, he could tell. These men were planning to kill Ilay. And they had Kippenhan — likely Kippenhan, the instructor from the information management side — backing them.

This wasn’t good. The situation itself was very bad. Ilay was practically a public enemy, someone who had committed countless deeds deserving death. Killing one man like him wouldn't attract criticism; in fact, many might feel relieved and avenged.

However, the situation wasn’t simply a matter of grudge-bearers conspiring to kill one person. If Kippenhan was involved, it meant the situation was more complex and problematic.

He didn’t know why Kippenhan wanted Ilay eliminated, but if an instructor was condoning the killing of a subordinate, it was a significant issue.

Moreover, the use of a cluster grenade...

Jeong Tae-ui nervously rubbed his pale lips. Why are all these people out of their minds? They must know what a cluster is, and yet they're talking about detonating one? Do they plan to kill someone without leaving a trace or evidence, or are they on a path to mutual destruction?

Given the context, they weren’t talking about a CBU. They were referring to a small, modified anti-personnel cluster that could be mounted on a small shoulder launcher. Even the small version could devastate thousands of square meters. It would easily obliterate something the size of an indoor swimming pool.

If they were referring to an empty dojo, it was likely the fifth dojo on the third basem*nt level.

Throwing a cluster bomb into that dojo would leave no remains. The dojo itself wouldn’t survive, so a person certainly wouldn't.

Besides, the mere idea of detonating a bomb inside an underground building was absurd.

Jeong Tae-ui recalled a lecture on the internal organization of the facility. The instructor had mentioned that the building was designed with substructures as robust as bomb shelters, so they didn’t need to worry about minor shocks during training.

Even if the building could withstand such an explosion, these people were clearly insane. Using a bomb to kill someone and blowing up part of the building in the process, especially with Instructor Kippenhan involved, indicated more than simple complicity. The fact that they had a modified cluster bomb, not something easily obtainable, meant Kippenhanwasn’t just turning a blind eye — he was directly involved. He might have even provided the cluster bomb.

Jeong Tae-ui thought of Kippenhan.

The instructor, around the same age as his uncle, was a man acutely sensitive to his own interests. He was adept at predicting situations and outcomes to derive benefits for himself, often using unethical methods. Jeong Tae-ui didn’t like serving under someone different from his uncle. Kippenhan wasn’t a likable person, but his intelligence was undeniable. However, Jeong Tae-ui hadn’t expected him to be involved in something like this. Killing Ilay wouldn’t seem to benefit him.

Jeong Tae-ui rubbed the wrinkles on his forehead with his index finger and thought about what he should do in this situation. The answer came easily: stay away from the third basem*nt level.

He had to avoid the area to protect himself from the impending chaos.

Jeong Tae-ui was unsure if they would succeed in their plan. If they managed to lure Ilay into the dojo and detonate the cluster, even that monstrous man wouldn’t survive. Should he warn Ilay?

He wrestled with his conscience but found no clear answer. It wouldn’t be a loss if Ilay died; in fact, it might even be beneficial for Jeong Tae-ui. However, ignoring a plot to kill someone felt morally ambiguous. He wasn’t righteous or naive enough to believe in absolute ethics without considering consequences.

“I overheard something I shouldn’t have... If he dies, I’ll feel guilty for no reason.”

He muttered quietly, his lips still pale and cold, perhaps feeling colder due to his chilly fingertips.

The men outside seemed ready to continue their conversation. Jeong Tae-ui decided the best course of action was to leave before he heard more.

When he opened the bathroom door and walked out, the men outside fell silent again, eyeing him suspiciously. They knew he had been in there the whole time, and their looks reflected their distrust. Jeong Tae-ui silently moved to the sink and washed his hands, though he wished he could wash his head, too, but that wasn’t possible here.

“Hey, you. You’re with Instructor Jeong Chang-in’s team, right?”

One of the men spoke suddenly. The cold, threatening tone gave Jeong Tae-ui a good idea of what he was about to hear.

“Do whatever you want; just don’t waste your energy on me.”

Jeong Tae-ui spoke curtly, looking at the mirror. He felt uncomfortable enough from overhearing their conversation and didn’t want to be threatened on top of that. He especially didn’t want to talk to these dangerous men, particularly if they were part of Keypenhan’s team.

“We’re going to finish this soon, so you won’t have time to spread the word. But keep your mouth shut, okay? We’re all colleagues, right? We just want to make sure that bastard gets what he deserves.”

The man continued, apparently dissatisfied with Jeong Tae-ui’s terse response. Jeong Tae-ui sighed softly. He felt he needed to say one more thing to these clueless men.

“You haven’t realized, but I didn’t hear the name of the person you’re talking about. You didn’t mention it. So, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


The man finally seemed to understand what Jeong Tae-ui was saying. He didn’t care at all and would pretend not to know anything, the gist was conveyed.

“Sure, friend,” the man said, shrugging his shoulders. As Jeong Tae-ui dried his hands with a paper towel, he thought, Friend, my foot, but didn’t say it aloud. He just hoped their memory was bad enough that they wouldn’t bother to recognize or talk to him if they met in the corridor again.

Time must have passed because a signal alarm rang throughout the building.

A five-minute break, then training would resume with positions switched.

The men left the bathroom, and soon people who seemed to have been running around all this time, drenched in sweat, started entering.

Jeong Tae-ui left the bathroom feeling glum. His bad luck seemed never-ending. Hearing things he would have preferred not to was worse than running around for an hour and hitting walls with a rubber baton.

There’s something called aiding and abetting, a crime that occurs when someone assists another in committing a crime.

As he bought an ion drink from a vending machine, Jeong Tae-ui’s thoughts drifted back to his studies.

He couldn’t claim to have lived a perfectly clean life, but he had walked a path that didn’t significantly stray from the spirit of the law. Yet here he was, veering off that path. And it wasn’t just aiding; it was aiding and abetting murder. Although this place was extraterritorial, and the situation could be described as lawless, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t help but feel depressed as he thought of aiding and abetting murder.

During the short five-minute break, people recharged. Those who had been chased refueled and prepared to be chased again, while those who had been chasing took the opportunity to rest. There were even some who, unfazed by the situation, continued their tasks calmly, believing they could handle whatever came their way.

Jeong Tae-ui was more like the latter. He wasn’t skilled enough in fighting to confidently think he could handle anything, but he felt it didn’t matter where he went. The start time of the chase might be delayed by a few minutes, but eventually, he would have to face the enemies swinging clubs at him.

He had roughly looked around the inside of the building for the past hour, but there was no place to hide. Escaping was practically difficult. If the enemy approached from both the front and back at the same time, he would be in a tough spot. Besides, he wasn't Carl Lewis, so completely shaking them off was nearly impossible.

In that case, the best option would be...

"A dead end, a dead end... Where is a narrow dead end?"

He took quick steps while drinking the ion drink he got from the vending machine. As he briefly recalled the building's layout, a suitable place came to mind.

On the 5th basem*nt floor, there was a narrow hallway with a water dispenser between the library and the west stairs. It was just the right size for one person to walk through to get a drink. The downside was that it was right next to the stairs, so people often passed by, but on the flip side, it would be easy to escape there if needed.

Let’s endure for just one hour somehow. Then he could rest for an hour — or if someone harbored a grudge against him in the next hour, he might end up chasing them for revenge instead of resting — but hopefully, he wouldn't just get beaten for an hour straight. Surely, he wouldn’t die. Other than being an Asian branch member, he hadn’t personally or particularly offended any of the European branch members. Well, except for catching the eye of one very troublesome person.

Thinking of that person made him feel gloomy again. Rather than gloomy, it was more of an unpleasant feeling.

Knowing that someone else was planning something bad and being an accessory to it naturally made him feel this way, but it was never pleasant. Even though the other person was someone Jeong Tae-ui himself had fervently wished would disappear somewhere.

Five minutes passed while he was lost in such thoughts. Arriving on the 5th basem*nt floor, he could already feel the distant clamorous shouts coming from behind him as he ran towards his destination.

No one was at the water dispenser next to the library. It was such a secluded spot that few people came here. Jeong Tae-ui went right in front of the water dispenser. Inside the narrow, elongated hallway that could only fit one person, he crumpled the empty ion drink can.

Voices of people came closer and then moved away. Sounds of fighting and rolling around while shouting could be heard not far away. Jeong Tae-ui lightly swung the baton he held in one hand.

It would be nice if no one passed by for the next hour so he could continue hiding, but that seemed unlikely. Through the semi-transparent glass, shadows of people going up and down the west stairs could occasionally be seen. If one of those shadows opened the glass door and came in, they would immediately see him.

How much time had passed?

It didn't seem like a very long time had passed when the situation Jeong Tae-ui dreaded finally happened. The glass door swung open, and two or three men burst in. Unfortunately, they were the pursuers, namely the European branch members.

"Hey, we found one!"

"What? You were hiding in a place like this? But it's right next to the stairs, didn't you know you'd be easily caught here?"

"Yeah. And there's a water dispenser too. Perfect. Let's get rid of him quickly and have a drink; I'm thirsty."

The uneasy peace was thus broken. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue as he looked at his watch, realizing there was still a long time to go, and gripped his baton. At least with this, even if he hit hard with this, it wouldn't be too much of a problem...

Thinking humanely, he lightly tapped the rubber baton against his palm, but then his face hardened as he saw one of the men lift a steel pipe.

"Wait a minute, we were issued these batons. Why is your weapon different?"

"What? The standard tool is this, but I chose my own. As long as it's not a lethal weapon, you can use any... Oh, you're a newbie."

"A steel pipe can definitely be a lethal weapon!"

He would love to see someone get hit hard on the head with that thing and come out unscathed. Actually, it's surprising that even in a branch where there’s a guy who can kill with his bare hands, a steel pipe is not considered a lethal weapon.

But no matter how much Jeong Tae-ui protested against the steel pipe, it was useless. "Then you go and get a pipe too," the man said, swinging the steel pipe down. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue.

Damn. If it's a training where people risk their lives to participate, they should properly explain these unofficial rules hidden in the depths. If he ended up dying here from a wrong hit by a steel pipe, how unjust would that be?

Come to think of it, there were rumors that there were many ghosts in the military. Especially when Jeong Tae-ui was on the front lines, it was rare to find someone who hadn't seen a ghost while on night guard duty. But even then, Jeong Tae-ui himself never saw anything resembling a ghost, so he didn't believe in those stories, though it was true such rumors were rampant.

He seemed to understand why. Surely, many people had died unjustly in situations like this. If he were to die absurdly here, he would definitely become a ghost too... And even if he became a ghost, that ferocious man would probably happily tear the ghost apart.

He thought of Ilay again. In the midst of his shock, the guilt he had temporarily forgotten raised its head, and Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. He used his baton to block the steel pipe the man swung at him. Then he — although he would be called very cowardly — jabbed the end of the baton into the man's eye.

The blunt baton didn’t cause severe injury like piercing an eyeball, but it was probably much more painful than being punched in the eye. The man screamed and dropped the steel pipe. Seizing the opportunity, Jeong Tae-ui quickly picked up the pipe. The warm metal, still holding the man’s body heat, felt more reassuring than holding the rubber baton. Indeed, he understood why those guys had thrown away the rubber batons. This psychological advantage made sense.

When their comrade fell to the ground clutching his eye, the men shouted things like "You coward!" and "This bastard needs a lesson!" — things Jeong Tae-ui had heard countless times before — and charged at him. At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui fully appreciated the geographical advantage of his position.

The space inside where the water dispenser was located was so narrow that only one person could enter at a time. Therefore, unfortunately for the men, they couldn’t use the cowardly tactic of attacking him two or three at a time to beat him up. They had to face him one by one in that narrow space where they couldn't swing their arms freely.

"Indeed, I took your advice and picked up a steel pipe, and it's great. The length is perfect for keeping approaching people at bay. Thanks for the tip. It’s always good to listen to others."

Jeong Tae-ui was thoroughly benefiting from the fact that the steel pipe he picked up was the longest among their weapons. If anyone got too close, he could poke them with the pipe, keeping a reasonable distance, while those with batons or shorter pipes couldn’t engage him in close combat.

As Jeong Tae-ui whispered "Thanks" and smiled slyly, the man facing him seemed to get even more enraged. Suddenly, he pulled out something chilling from his coat — a tactical knife with a blade about two spans long. Jeong Tae-ui's face hardened.

I told you, your mouth would get you into trouble, Tou's voice echoed like a hallucination, taunting him. Who would have thought his teasing would come back to bite him this way?

"Come on, you didn’t have to bring a knife... I was just joking, you know, a joke. Don’t you get it?"

"Shut up, you bastard!"

This is dangerous, he thought.

Even though the man had pulled out a knife, the immediate situation hadn’t changed much. The comrade behind him was still anxiously muttering, "Hey, I can’t get in there; it's too narrow," and the man with the knife couldn’t get any closer due to the shortened reach of his weapon compared to the pipe.

However, if the man decided to take a hit to land a severe blow in return, Jeong Tae-ui would be in absolute danger. And Jeong Tae-ui felt the tension, knowing that’s exactly what he would do in that situation.

This is dangerous. The best plan is to get out of here and run. But how? If he pushes this guy out and escapes, the two others will join forces and chase him. If he can just slip away for a moment, he can sprint to the stairs.

If there was only a little time left, dragging this out might be fine, but unfortunately, there was still plenty of time for the man to attack him.

This is troublesome, very troublesome.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and swung the steel pipe. Just then, he saw a familiar face ascending the stairs through the glass door. Even from the back, he couldn’t mistake that man. It was Ilay Riegrow.

Just like in the video from that day, he was casually walking up the stairs, his hands still clad in those black gloves. As he lightly touched the railing, black handprints appeared wherever he touched. Those gloves were still soaked in blood.

He was looking upwards with an interested expression, not noticing Jeong Tae-ui. The upper floor of this place was the 4th floor, which was locked and prohibited from entry. Above that was the 3rd floor, where the dojo was located.

Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui remembered the conversation he had overheard from the men earlier.

—I'll drive that guy into that place somehow, and we’ll finish it there.

—But is it okay? If we use the cluster, the whole dojo will be blown up.

—It’s hard to kill him without going that far. Besides, there's nothing in the dojo to take cover behind. It's the only place to do it.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. Ilay might be heading there. Or maybe somewhere else. But the men’s words were not lies; it was a premeditated plan. Ilay was going there.

Should he let him know? But if he tells him, he will probably slaughter those men who planned this. Since they were already familiar with each other, he couldn’t just watch him walk into a death trap.

A faint sense of guilt sprouted. Seeing him in person intensified the realistic sense of crisis, turning it into a dark hue of regret in his heart.

Yes, it’s better to catch up to him now and change his direction, just make sure he doesn’t head to the dojo on the 3rd floor. No need for extra words. Just prevent the plan from succeeding.

Suddenly, he felt urgent. The man blocking his way with a knife was extremely bothersome.

"Hey, sorry, but can we meet later or something? Can you let me pass for now? I just remembered something urgent."

"What the hell are you talking about, you unlucky Asian bastard!"

The man seemed uninterested in listening. His grip on the knife tightened.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. During this, Ilay was probably still ascending. Maybe passing the 4th floor and heading to the 3rd. He might already be on the 3rd floor, walking to the dojo.

His anxiety grew. He needed to divert this man quickly. Even if he started running now, he didn’t know if he could make it in time. If their plan succeeded, even that man wouldn’t survive. No, he couldn’t survive.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. He’d really have to give flesh to break bones. He’d briefly considered it as a joke earlier, but he never thought it would actually come to this.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and aimed the end of the steel pipe at the man’s neck. The man frowned and adjusted his grip on the knife. I’ll give my flesh and break his neck bones...

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head vigorously, banishing his grim thoughts as he lunged forward. He drove the steel pipe toward the man's neck, who quickly dodged. The pipe missed, as expected. Now the real problem began...where exactly should he let himself be injured?

Having a longer weapon was advantageous, but the narrow space limited his movement. The man with the knife could move more efficiently, while Jeong Tae-ui, wielding a long stick, struggled.

The man wasn’t a fool. As Jeong Tae-ui tried to move past him, the man capitalized on the confined space. Jeong Tae-ui could only swing the pipe vertically or at a steep angle, allowing the man to target his sides.

“Damn it... If I get cut on the side, it’ll be tough for a long time…”

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. He wanted to give flesh if necessary, but his side was off-limits. A wound there would make movement difficult, especially with a week of hardships still ahead.

There was no easy way to avoid it. In this narrow space, both Jeong Tae-ui and the man found dodging difficult. Jeong Tae-ui narrowly avoided the knife, pondering. At this rate, he couldn’t defeat this man, and time would just pass.

He needed to get upstairs quickly. But this bastard kept targeting his body, knowing exactly where to inflict the most damage.

What should he do? As he hesitated, time slipped by. His anxiety grew.

Then it happened. A loud explosion sounded from above.

Both Jeong Tae-ui and the man paused. Another explosion followed, accompanied by faint shouts and screams.


Jeong Tae-ui gritted his teeth. His heart sank.

“Damn it. This is happening because you bastards are blocking the way. Move, you idiots!!”

Jeong Tae-ui shouted, his chest filling with black rage. It was a general, unfocused anger at everyone and everything.

He swung the pipe with the intention of smashing the man’s head. The man quickly ducked and moved in, slashing with his knife.

Jeong Tae-ui sacrificed his arm. Blood splattered as the knife tore through his upper arm, but he didn’t care. As the man’s knife cut into his arm, Jeong Tae-ui drove the pipe into the man’s crown. With a cry, the man collapsed. Two more approached from behind.

But now the narrow path had ended. Nothing restricted Jeong Tae-ui’s movements. And he had the perfect weapon in hand.

Though he didn’t enjoy fighting and preferred to avoid it, now wasn’t the time. One man fell, but the remaining two didn’t back down.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. He swung the pipe horizontally at the men’s necks. A solid thud echoed. He took a hit to his waist, but it was nothing compared to the blow to the other man’s solar plexus.

"See, it would have been better if you moved when I asked you to, you bastards."

Jeong Tae-ui roughly spat at the men sprawled on the floor, then wiped the blood streaming down his arm haphazardly and ran towards the stairs.

The stairs were right next to him, so it didn't take long to reach the third basem*nt floor. Moreover, the training room was just a stone's throw from the west stairs. Jeong Tae-ui cursed under his breath as he turned the corner from the stairs and ran towards the training room.

Damn. He didn’t care if that guy got hurt or died — in fact, if Illay died, Jeong Tae-ui would feel relieved. So why was he getting injured and going through all this trouble?

No matter how he thought about it, there was only one conclusion: this was all his uncle's fault.

Fortunately, the cut didn’t seem too deep, but it wasn’t clotting, probably due to a damaged blood vessel. Considering he was swinging his arm and running without tending to the wound, it was foolish to expect the bleeding to stop.

He might see a horrible sight when he reaches the training room. The entire interior blown away, the walls covered in blood, and bits of flesh sticking everywhere, just like the videos he saw a long time ago.

He couldn't eat that day. Many ran to the bathroom to vomit immediately. Jeong Tae-ui wasn't that bad, but he skipped meals and couldn't eat meat for a while.

If he saw that sight again. And if the victim was someone he knew….


Jeong Tae-ui emptied his complicated thoughts and just ran. The mere thought of the scene sent chills down his spine. His chest felt cold.

As he got closer to the training room, no one was in sight. It seemed no one had arrived yet. However, since the explosion was loud enough to be heard two floors below in a building with thick walls and high ceilings, it wouldn't be long before people swarmed in.

The surroundings were a mess. The walls were charred and fragments scattered everywhere. One side of the training room's wall was completely blown away and there was nothing intact. Nothing was moving.

Complete silence.

Jeong Tae-ui clenched his cold fingers into a fist and approached. Under his feet, broken pieces of stone crunched. The inside of the training room gradually came into view.

There was nothing inside. Except for the broken fragments and unrecognizable pieces, nothing remained intact, and nothing was alive. The walls were charred black and stained red. Blood ran down the blackened walls like dark red paint, with pieces of flesh splattered here and there.

Something squished under his foot. Jeong Tae-ui looked down with a pale face. A charred piece of flesh lay beneath his foot, unidentifiable. It was about the size of a child’s fist, crushed and bleeding.

Could this be a piece of Ilay? This tiny, now unrecognizable, and horrendous fragment.

He didn’t feel nauseous. Despite the scattered pieces of flesh, there was no urge to vomit. His mind seemed to have stopped.


Jeong Tae-ui muttered quietly. There was no response. Staring at the piece of flesh under his feet, he suddenly felt a surge of anger and this time shouted loudly.


Then, he heard it. A low, dull sound reached his ears. Jeong Tae-ui flinched and stopped moving.

In the distance, he could hear the sound of people coming. But the sound just now was different. It came from closer by—.

Then, he heard the clunking sound again. This time, he was sure of it. It came from the room next to the training room. It was a small, makeshift break room. There was a sound of something moving there.

Jeong Tae-ui then ran. He climbed over the collapsed wall to the adjoining break room and flung open the door that was improbably still intact compared to the devastated training room.

And then he saw it.

A man was standing inside. He was drenched in blood from head to toe. Not a single part of him was unscathed as he stood there, gripping another man's body with one hand. With each squeeze of his hand around the man's neck, there were sickening cracking sounds. The neck was already twisted at an odd angle, and red blood dripped from the bones protruding through torn flesh.

The man slowly turned to Jeong Tae-ui. Then he casually threw aside the body he had been holding, which was now clearly a corpse. Jeong Tae-ui recognized the corpse. It was one of the men he had encountered in the restroom earlier.

"Did you call for me? Do you have business with me too?"

The man spoke in a low voice. As he opened his mouth, drops of blood on his lips and nose slipped into his mouth, staining it red.

He looked like someone who had just emerged from a sea of blood.

It was Ilay. His hair, hands, and body were all bright red, with no part of him free from the color of blood. He took a step towards Jeong Tae-ui.

Ilay tilted his head as if to relieve a crick in his neck and massaged the nape. Then slowly, he walked towards Jeong Tae-ui.

Jeong Tae-ui soon realized. That blood wasn't the man's own. Well, maybe some of it was, but most of it was the sacrifice of others.

Not just one — three or four. Or even more.

Only then did Jeong Tae-ui see behind Ilay, his broad shoulders and tall frame had obscured it. Behind him, besides the corpse from earlier, two more men were sprawled out. They too were already corpses, lying in a pool of blood, their bodies in such a state that even being dissected would have seemed a better fate.

Recognizing one of their faces, Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly.

Kippenhan. A trainer he had faced many times and listened to lectures from was dead there. He must have been the one who planned this whole situation first, unable to predict such an outcome.

"You called for me, Tae-ui. Did you come to see me for the same reason as them?"

Ilay whispered. Jeong Tae-ui, staring at Kippenhan's face, raised his gaze again.

Ilay had a faint smile on his face. It was a face Jeong Tae-ui had seen many times. An expression as ordinary and normal as ever. He stood before Jeong Tae-ui with the same demeanor as a few hours ago.

"Do you have the same purpose as them?"

Ilay asked again. And at that moment, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly realized.

Ilay had said before that he had no desire to fight now and that it wasn't the right time. But his capricious nature meant that he could rip out Jeong Tae-ui's heart whenever he felt like it. And now was that time.

If Jeong Tae-ui gave even a single nod, Ilay would smile and pierce his throat.

"...No. I came to see if you were dead or not."

Jeong Tae-ui replied bluntly. Human emotions are fickle; a moment ago, he had been sure he needed to get this man out of this situation, but knowing Ilay was unharmed made him regret his actions. Especially after seeing several corpses.

"You called my name. So, you must have known I would be here."

Ilay spoke again. His voice, somehow cheerful, sent chills down Jeong Tae-ui's spine. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. If this went on, he would be misunderstood and his head would likely roll. It was best to tell the truth. Of course, he wouldn't be able to avoid being blamed for pretending not to know even if he knew.

Thinking about it made him angry. Why should he face such a situation just because he had the misfortune of hearing about this incident beforehand?

"I overheard it in the restroom. They were planning to kill the man who had piled up grudges like a mountain. So, I came to help, albeit a bit late... You even killed Kippenhan. I thought he'd just feign ignorance after handing over the Cluster grenade, but he came all the way here."

What a fool.

He hadn't had any fondness for him, but seeing him lying there as a corpse made him feel very unpleasant. And it made him angry. Angry at the corpses who left the land of the living due to their clumsy actions, at the man standing before him, and at his own ill-fated self.

"Well... that's a relief. If you had actively participated in killing me, I would have been very sad."

Ilay murmured lazily, as if relieved. Jeong Tae-ui sneered, his face twisted into a frown.

"Since when did you trust me so much?"

"No, it's not about trust. I just think I'd be sad if you died."

Jeong Tae-ui made a face as if he had bitten into something bitter. A murderer who kills people while feeling sad — he almost wanted to see that. Though he'd be dying while watching. ...But this man wouldn't be sad even if he killed Jeong Tae-ui.

As Jeong Tae-ui muttered, "I shouldn't have come," and started to turn away, Ilay spoke.

"Then you can be my witness."

Jeong Tae-ui, who had half-turned, stopped abruptly. He turned his head back and looked at Ilay skeptically. It took him a few seconds to understand what Ilay meant.

"A witness of self-defense?"

"Of course. This time, I was in considerable danger. I almost ended up as a bloody mess lying there. Luckily, I have good instincts..."

Ilay shrugged and massaged his arm. Jeong Tae-ui looked at the man, drenched in blood, with discomfort. Whether he survived by pushing someone else into danger due to his instincts, this man remained a monster.

Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui raised an eyebrow. Amidst the bloodstains that had already begun to dry, the area around Ilay's right shoulder remained particularly wet. A thin stream of blood continued to trickle down his arm from there. Could it be...?

"Are you hurt too?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked, half-disbelieving, though he thought it unlikely. Seeing Jeong Tae-ui's wide-eyed, incredulous expression, Ilay let out a couple of wry chuckles.

"Do you think I could avoid getting hurt with a Cluster grenade exploding right in front of me?"

Jeong Tae-ui didn't respond to Ilay's retort. It wasn't about avoiding getting hurt; surviving would be a miracle. Any normal human would think so. You, on the other hand, seem beyond normal and abnormal — you're not even on a human level. He muttered grumpily to himself.

Suddenly, he felt all his strength leave him. The gloom returned. Jeong Tae-ui looked back at the corpses with a feeling of utter dejection, as if all the world's sadness had descended upon him. To have to prove this man's self-defense with several corpses lying around was truly against his will.

However, Jeong Tae-ui, who had neither the means nor the ability to refuse, stood dumbfounded amidst the carnage as people, drawn by the sound of the explosion, gathered around. There was no longer any way to escape.

The only solace for Jeong Tae-ui, who felt infinitely gloomy, was that the day's training was immediately halted.

The incident of that day was unprecedented.

In joint training exercises between branches, casualties due to mistakes were not uncommon — at least on the surface — but using explosives with the intent to kill a specific individual had never happened before. Even more so when an instructor was involved.

Reactions were varied.

The European branch sought to hold the Asian branch accountable for the premeditated attempt to murder their member. However, that was only the official stance. The European branch members, who usually harbored deep resentment towards the Asian branch, couldn't criticize too openly. They had seen how horrific the corpses were.

The Asian branch expressed deep regret over the instructor and members causing such an incident, but practically speaking, the side that suffered more was the Asian side. Part of the building was destroyed and needed to be rebuilt, and the actual casualties were on their side. Moreover, the condition of the corpses left no room for moral outrage.

In this situation, the headquarters made a conclusion shortly after being notified. It was a decision that neither side found satisfactory, yet neither could dispute.

It was recognized as self-defense, but the person responsible for the excessive self-defense was to be punished with a short-term sentence to the detention section.

There were, of course, opinions that sending someone who killed four people to the detention section was an excessively light punishment, but the investigation revealed that the deceased had initiated the incident, preventing any strong opposition.

Within an organization governed by its internal rules rather than the laws of the general society, the matter was concluded as such.

Those who directly witnessed the incident and dealt with those involved agreed that 'only the dead were pitiable,' but there was no practical way to express that opinion. Nonetheless, the deceased, though pitiable, had no grounds for grievance.

In this situation, there was only one person who genuinely claimed to be unfairly treated and absurdly wronged.

"Why do I have to go to the detention section too? What did I do wrong?! I was just unlucky enough to get caught up in this!"

There was one young man making such a claim. And while many knew he was right, they were powerless to help him. Additionally, there was one more person who might have had the power to help but clearly had no intention of doing so.

"I told you clearly to just stay out of it. I told you to avoid getting involved at all costs, but you didn't listen."

They say if you listen to your elders, good things will happen. However, Jeong Tae-ui had never felt like anything good had come from listening to his uncle. He had no regrets about ignoring his uncle's advice in the past, but this time, he truly regretted it.

Dragged along by Ilay to testify, Jeong Tae-ui found himself accused of aiding and abetting. Even though he had known and predicted the situation in advance, pretending ignorance was considered passive participation, if not active complicity.

"This is unfair! I'm going to appeal!"

"To whom?"

His uncle shattered Jeong Tae-ui's anger with just one question. Grumbling about needing to contact the funeral director again due to unexpected demand, his uncle flipped through his address book. With a sigh, he closed the book and patted Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder, speaking more seriously.

"You buttoned the first button wrong. You ignored my advice to stay away from that guy. Moreover, this is about insubordination."


"Look. A vicious guy from the European branch came and killed four of our people. One of them was even an instructor. That's a big deal. But then it turns out that our side planned the murder, and an instructor was involved. This scandal is a stain on our reputation. Our branch's honor and face were already at risk, and now, a fellow branch member steps up to testify. How do you think the higher-ups feel?"

Despite his words, his uncle didn't seem particularly troubled. Jeong Tae-ui glared at him.

"Wouldn't they have found out everything through investigation anyway?"

"Probably, but in the meantime, they could have destroyed some evidence and muddled the case. And then a green rookie like you goes and blows it all open. No wonder they're pissed."

"If I didn't testify, Ilay would have killed me!"

"The higher-ups don't care about that."

His uncle shrugged, as if it wasn't his concern either. Jeong Tae-ui stared at him, dumbfounded. What kind of organization operates like this? He knew higher-ups often had their own dirty secrets, but this was beyond belief.

Jeong Tae-ui had rushed to his uncle to vehemently protest the decision to send him to the detention section, but his uncle remained unperturbed, merely stating that he was appealing to the wrong person and that it wouldn't do any good.

Jeong Tae-ui knew that too. He hadn't come to his uncle expecting to find a way out. He just wanted to vent his frustration and anger to someone familiar.

"Uncle... aren't you really sorry for me? What is this? As soon as I come to this corner of an island, my luck turns bad like this. It's like I'm possessed by something."

"Why did you bring me here?" he said to his uncle, venting his frustrations — which he himself felt were somewhat unreasonable — and bowing his head deeply, but his uncle didn’t even snort.

"Tae-ui. It seems you’ve forgotten, but I was expecting you to do your job well and help improve our side’s performance. As I said, I have to get my superior promoted. But you see... if you, who are on my team, went to the detention section, it would even reduce my own scores. It pains my heart."

"Who told you to bring me here!"

"Okay, okay, let’s just let bygones be bygones. You should know you’re actually better off. Riegrow was taken down to that place already because they considered him a flight risk. Although he wouldn't actually run away."

Changing the subject, his uncle continued. Jeong Tae-ui, still with a dissatisfied look on his face, muttered something under his breath, but he knew it was useless to speak out, so he swallowed his complaints with a sigh.

Training was immediately halted when the incident occurred. It was still halted even now. Although only a day and a half had passed since then.

Yesterday, while being dragged around here and there, he saw Ilay briefly, but come to think of it, he hadn't seen him at all today. His uncle added, seeing the realization on Jeong Tae-ui's face, that Ilay had been taken down to that place this morning.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed. It was only a day apart anyway. Jeong Tae-ui was supposed to go down there tomorrow morning. Yesterday, he couldn't even return to his room due to being harassed by his superiors. Of course, he didn’t sleep properly either. Now, if he sleeps in his bed tonight, starting tomorrow he will have to endure the hard stone floor of the prison.

"How long do I have to stay there?"

"At first, ten days, but it’s uncertain. You could be out earlier, or it could be later."

"If we consider the possibilities, the latter is more likely."

"Probably. That's how it is with insubordination charges."

He sighed deeply again. But as Jeong Tae-ui stared at his feet for a moment, he tried to think positively. If he had to spend ten days in that place, it meant that by the time he came out, the joint training with the European branch would be over. Considering how exhausted he had been for the past ten days, it might be better to take a break in prison for ten days.

"Anyway, go and suffer a bit. In return, I'll overlook the times you came to my room during your training period."

His uncle said this as if he was doing a great favor. Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at his uncle, standing in his uncle's room where he had both feet planted firmly. Then he asked weakly,

"Does sneaking into restricted areas during training count as a reason to be imprisoned in that place?"

"Insubordination charges cover every reason in the world. You know that."

I know... Jeong Tae-ui sighed. In the military, he and his fellow soldiers often joked that the biggest crime one could commit was insubordination. In fact, this saying applied not only to the military but also to general society. It applied to human relationships as well. Once marked, it would be a headache for a long time, not just here.

"Someone will be picking you up tomorrow morning to escort you there. Say goodbye to your colleagues tonight. You won't see them for a while, so make sure to bid farewell in advance."

"Why do you talk as if I'm crossing a path from which I'll never return!"

"Sometimes, there are people who never come back from that place."

His uncle smiled as he said this, whether jokingly or seriously. It was at moments like this that Jeong Tae-ui felt the urge to strangle him.

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head and turned to leave. He decided he had seen enough of his uncle’s face, which he didn't even need to say goodbye to. Staying here any longer would only make his chest tighten with frustration.

"As soon as I get to my room, I'll burn that damned book I borrowed from you."

"Hmm...? Ah, wait! I haven’t read that book yet! What crime has the book committed to deserve that?"

"Insubordination charges cover every reason in the world, Uncle. You know that."

With a calm face, Jeong Tae-ui said to his uncle and walked lightly out of the room.

— Sometimes, there are people who never come back from that place.

He knew his uncle's words were a joke. Unless something unexpected happened, in ten days Jeong Tae-ui would be out and walking around the branch again.

However, as he heard those words, a certain person came to mind. Someone he would miss terribly during those ten days, a lovable and adorable young man.

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated for a moment on the landing, then turned around. After all, the rule that this floor was a restricted area had been broken long ago. Breaking a rule for the second time is easier than flipping one's hand. Besides, hadn't his uncle said he would overlook it?

Jeong Tae-ui grasped the pager in his pocket. It was as if the warmth of the message still contained within it was transferring to his hand. Holding the pager that had quickly warmed with his body heat, he went to the person who had sent the message. Although it was only ten days, he wanted to see this person before going.

When Xin Lu's room came into view, the pager in his pocket suddenly vibrated. Jeong Tae-ui slowed his pace and took out the pager. He checked the message that appeared on the screen.

‘Tae-ui hyung, where are you? Even if it's late, please contact me. I'll wait for you.’

It was Xin Lu. Seeing the message, which seemed urgent, Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head. What could it be? His steps quickened towards Xin Lu's room.

He had received a message last night too. But he was too busy being hassled by his superiors to have a long conversation. And today was the same; as soon as he woke up, he was called away, dragged around all day, writing documents, talking to people he didn't know, and now it was already this late. The only time left before going to that place was tonight. That's why he was on his way to see Xin Lu.

Jeong Tae-ui stood in front of Xin Lu's room. Since he had just received a message, Xin Lu was probably inside. Instead of ringing the doorbell, he knocked on the door. Even though the sound wasn't very loud, the door soon opened. Xin Lu looked out with wide eyes.

"Tae-ui hyung."

"Hello. You must have been very worried."

Xin Lu stood still as if frozen, staring at Jeong Tae-ui. It was as if he was seeing something unbelievable. Then, when Jeong Tae-ui smiled and greeted him, Xin Lu's expression softened, and he suddenly embraced Jeong Tae-ui tightly.

"Hyung! I was so worried. They said you were going to that place, but I couldn't reach you—."

This time, Jeong Tae-ui froze. He was startled to see Xin Lu suddenly burrow into his arms, and he awkwardly flailed his arms, not knowing what to do with them.

Xin Lu, who was hugging Jeong Tae-ui tightly around the waist, buried his face in Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder. He seemed almost like he was crying. Feeling the pleasant strength of the embrace, as if a child clinging desperately to his mother, Jeong Tae-ui slowly lowered his arms and hugged Xin Lu's back. He held him gently, as if handling fragile glass, carefully pulling his soft body close.

It was warm. The familiar fragrant scent of soap wafted to his nose. Jeong Tae-ui cautiously buried his heated face in Xin Lu's hair. It was soft and fluffy. It felt good.

How could this body be so lovable? The warm body temperature, the fluffy hair, the soft body. Jeong Tae-ui unconsciously lost himself in the embrace and hugged the body tightly.

Then, he suddenly realized that Xin Lu, who was hugging him, wasn't moving at all. Startled, he loosened his arms slightly. Had he hugged too tightly? He must have felt suffocated. Had he felt uncomfortable?

As he carefully loosened his arms, keeping an eye on Xin Lu, Xin Lu suddenly hugged Jeong Tae-ui even tighter. With his face buried in Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder, he whispered,

"Hyung. I had a dream about you last night."

"Oh... really? I'm glad."

Jeong Tae-ui, shyly, wondered if it was okay to hug him again. It seemed that Xin Lu had worried so much that he even dreamed about him. He felt thankful, happy, and affectionate. As he waited for Xin Lu to continue, Xin Lu hesitated for a moment, as if something was holding him back.

Had he had a bad dream? Or had he dreamed that I would be trapped in that place forever...?

Jeong Tae-ui considered whether he should preemptively say, ‘Dreams mean the opposite.’ But before he could speak, Xin Lu, seemingly determined, murmured,

"I dreamed that I slept with you."

"Haha, really? It's okay. Dreams mean the opposite, you kno—."

Jeong Tae-ui laughed and patted Xin Lu reassuringly, but as he spoke, he realized something was off. It was as if there was a slight error in the transmission of information from his ears to his brain.


As he reconsidered what he had just heard, Xin Lu, noticing the silence, murmured in an anxious voice,

"Do you feel bad? ... Do you hate it, hyung?"

It was an anxious and pitiful voice, as if tears might fall at any moment. Before Jeong Tae-ui could properly reflect on what he had heard, he quickly responded.

"What are you talking about? That can't be."

However, there was a slight lack of confidence in his response. Although Xin Lu's words slowly registered in his mind, he wasn't sure if he understood their exact meaning. Xin Lu dreamed of sleeping with him.

Slowly, slowly, his face grew hot. He felt warmth gradually rising from his heart. The feeling was repeated three times. First, his face turned red, then his earlobes and neck followed suit. Even his confused lips felt hot.

Jeong Tae-ui wrapped his arms around Xin Lu again. With his lips pressed against Xin Lu's head, he blinked. It didn't feel real. He doubted his own comprehension. Nonetheless, the body in his arms was very warm and lovely.

As Jeong Tae-ui held Xin Lu, unable to say anything and with his face flushed, Xin Lu asked softly.

"...Hyung. When will you come out once you go in?"

"Uh..., after ten days."

Jeong Tae-ui stuttered, and Xin Lu fell silent again. After a moment, a very small whisper brushed his ear.

"Hyung, when you come out, let's go to Hong Kong together. And there... let's sleep together. ...I'll reserve a nice place, a room. ...Let's go together."

Jeong Tae-ui couldn't say anything. He was speechless. His lips stiffened, and his tongue felt frozen. He could only look down at his hands, which were holding Xin Lu's back.

How strange. Why does he feel so shy and ticklish? He understood what Xin Lu was saying now. But it made his heart feel very ticklish. It's not the first time he's been intimate with someone, and it's not a big deal, yet his heart felt ticklish and fluttery.

"Uh..., okay..."

He thought he sounded like a fool after saying that. He could have said something cooler, but he gave such a clumsy and awkward response.

While Jeong Tae-ui blamed himself, his stiff tongue still wouldn't loosen, so he just hugged Xin Lu's back tightly. Xin Lu also tightened his arms around Jeong Tae-ui's waist, his face buried in Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder. The sensation of their hearts beating together traveled through their skin. But he couldn't tell whose heart was beating. Maybe it was both.

For a while, they just stood there, unable to move or speak, holding each other. Then, a door opened and closed somewhere down the hallway, making them flinch and step back. No one was visible around the corner. The footsteps faded away in the opposite direction.

The two of them stepped half a step back and stared blankly at each other's feet. After a long time of staring at Xin Lu's feet, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly smiled. This had happened before. When they were too embarrassed and shy to look at each other. Even now, his heart still feels ticklish when he faces him.

Jeong Tae-ui slowly lifted his head. Xin Lu also looked up and gazed at him. When their eyes met, Xin Lu blushed and then smiled warmly. Jeong Tae-ui couldn't help but smile back.

"Do you think the pager will work properly in the detention section?"

He hoped he could receive messages even inside.

Although he wouldn't be able to send replies, it would be nice if Xin Lu could send him a short greeting. Xin Lu seemed to have the same thought, as he murmured, "That would be nice."

Ticklish, ticklish.

The anxiety and complaints vanished, and even before entering the detention section, he was already eagerly looking forward to the day he would come out.

「The detention section.」


The first sensation he felt upon entering was auditory.

From a distance, he faintly heard the echoing sound of water droplets falling.

It was a small sound he wouldn't normally notice, but with his vision blocked, his hearing became more sensitive. And along with that, his sense of touch also heightened.

He reached out his hand and slowly waved it around. His fingertips, which had been grasping at empty air, suddenly touched something hard and damp. The thing he touched on his right was a wall. Probably a stone wall. Covered with moss.

"Wow... This is too much. What era is this to have a prison look like this...?"

Before he could finish speaking, a sharp pain ignited at the back of his head with a thud.

"What prison? If you're a criminal, just shut up and follow."

The gruff instructor standing next to Jeong Tae-ui spoke disapprovingly and pulled on the chains. As he was dragged along by the chains connected to his handcuffs, Jeong Tae-ui hurriedly shouted, Wait, slow down, I can't see, I can't see ahead!

The old instructor, who was the oldest among all the guards in the division, was highly respected despite UNHRDO not being an organization that operated strictly on seniority. His uncle had once said, "When I first joined UNHRDO as a member, that old man was already well-established."

Based on this, it seemed the old man stayed in his position not because he lacked ability, but because he didn't want a promotion. He refused promotions, preferring to manage the detention section and occasionally give lectures. He was indeed a peculiar man.

As Jeong Tae-ui was being dragged by the instructor, he kept shouting, "Ouch, ouch!" It was no joke or exaggeration; he really couldn't see ahead. Although there were small yellow lights dotted along the wall, coming from a bright, open area into this pitch-dark place with only dim lights here and there made his vision useless.

He had only heard about the detention section being on the seventh basem*nt level. They said you'd come out of there looking emaciated. When he had asked if it was a prison, his uncle had frowned and replied, "It's not that bad."

So Jeong Tae-ui had imagined the detention section to be a place like a holding cell or simple solitary confinement. A solitary room resembling a tiny one-room rental. That was his image of the detention section.

But no way.

This was a prison. A basem*nt prison at that. A horrendous facility that seemed like it belonged in a bygone era, where human rights organizations would immediately raise an uproar if they saw it.

As Jeong Tae-ui was dragged along by the instructor, bumping into things and shouting in pain, his eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness. He could see his surroundings somewhat even in the dim light. And once he could see a bit, he corrected his previous thought.

A horrendous basem*nt prison where human rights organizations would raise an uproar. That was too mild a description.

Was this what it was like in the medieval days when they hunted witches, dragging people down into basem*nts to torture them? If anything, it might have been less severe than this.

As he had felt with his fingertips when he first entered, the walls on all sides were stone. Stone that seemed ancient and unyielding, probably thousands of years old. And on top of that stone, moss that seemed equally ancient was damply spread.

"When was this branch building constructed? It can't be hundreds of years old, right?"

As Jeong Tae-ui muttered in disbelief, the instructor dragging him along with the chains snorted.

"The Asian branch is the newest among the UNHRDO branches. It's not even 30 years old, and they equip it with new facilities every year and maintain it regularly. Have you ever stayed here to make such a comment?"

"But how can there be such an old, decaying basem*nt like this? And if they maintain it every year, what’s with all this moss?!"

"Moss makes it look better. We put in a lot of effort to maintain this. It's my masterpiece."


Jeong Tae-ui looked at the instructor with a stunned expression.

"Were you here since this branch was first established?"

"I designed it, so of course."

So it was this old man.

Jeong Tae-ui nodded vigorously and stared at the instructor intently even in the darkness. The shock he felt when he first saw the branch building on this island came back vividly.

The exterior of the branch building looked as if an enormous amount of money was spent making the latest facilities appear old and worn out. Unlike the splendid and impressive headquarters and other branches he saw in promotional photos, this place looked like a decrepit, collapsing ruin, and the culprit was this old man.

As he looked up, he saw droplets of water occasionally falling from the ends of stone icicles that had grown like stalactites on the high ceiling. Puddles of water were scattered on the damp brick floor.

On both sides of the narrow path, which was only wide enough for one person, there were sparsely placed cells with iron bars that were spaced far enough apart that they seemed almost open. Still, the cells were quite spacious, probably about five to six pyeong each (approximately 16.5 to 19.8 square meters).

It was too dark to see clearly, but fortunately, the insides of the cells didn't seem too harsh. The floors didn't appear to be wet, and there seemed to be a couple of basic pieces of furniture like a drawer or a desk. However, the only light was a small, dim bulb on the ceiling, making it unlikely that one could read a book or do much of anything inside.

At least it's only ten days. If I had to be locked up here for months, I'd be bored out of my mind.

Now that he could more or less make out his surroundings, Jeong Tae-ui adeptly avoided the protruding pieces of stone on the walls as he was dragged by the instructor.

It didn't seem like they had gone very far when they reached a dead end. Judging by the distance they had covered, it seemed like this floor, like the others, had a completely different basic structure.

"There aren't many cells. This place seems much smaller than the other floors."

"Why would we need this place to be as large as other floors? If we had that many people to imprison, we'd give up on human resources development altogether."

"Ah, yes..."

Jeong Tae-ui couldn't make a sound and kept his mouth shut. From the instructor's words, it seemed there wasn't more space elsewhere. If this whole floor was for detention, there wouldn't be much use for it to be that large. There wouldn't be many people imprisoned in the detention center. Most of the cells they passed were empty.

Now that he thought about it, the guy who ran into the cafeteria with a .50 caliber revolver threatening to kill Ilay on the first day of joint training must be locked up somewhere on this floor too. It would be quite a sight if he and Ilay ended up in the same cell.

"There were a lot of empty cells. Do the people here all get their own cells?"

"Why would we waste electricity on that? We put together those who we think won't cause trouble in one cell."

Although the thought that the only electricity would be for the one or two small bulbs on the ceiling came up to his throat, he didn't say it out loud.

Those who won't cause trouble, huh. In that case, Ilay must be in a solitary cell. He wonders who he'll be sharing a cell with for the next ten days.

The instructor stopped walking, indicating they had reached Jeong Tae-ui's cell. It was the cell in the farthest corner. Whether it was his imagination or not, it seemed narrower and darker than the others.

Jeong Tae-ui thought it didn't matter. Even if it were a bit brighter, it would only be because of one small bulb. Since he couldn't read a book or do much else, he wouldn't need the light anyway. Even if it was a bit narrower, it didn't look cramped enough to be uncomfortable for two or three people.

"Alright, get in. You troublemakers, cool your heads here and don't cause any trouble."

The instructor opened the classic rusty iron door, which must have cost a lot to make look old, and stood Jeong Tae-ui in front of it before kicking him in the butt. Since his hands were still cuffed, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't catch himself and fell flat on the floor.


Jeong Tae-ui, who had scraped his elbows on the floor, grimaced. Fortunately, the stone floor was smooth and well-polished, so his skin wasn’t torn, but he would definitely get bruises.

As he fell, his handcuffed fists struck the shin of a person who had been sitting leaning against the wall. It was too dark to see clearly, but the person silently rubbed their shin as if it hurt.

“Oh, sorry…”

Unable to use his hands, Jeong Tae-ui rubbed his elbow against his waist and apologized to the person. At that moment, he heard the clinking sound of metal from behind.

“It's the key to the handcuffs. Unlock them yourself. Meals will be served three times a day, sparingly. If you need anything, there’s an intercom on the wall, so contact us. If you contact us for unnecessary reasons, you’ll be punished.”

The instructor spoke sternly and then turned around. The sound of his footsteps gradually faded away, echoing softly.

Jeong Tae-ui, mumbling, Hey, old man, if you’re going to explain, be a bit more detailed…, gave up and started groping the floor. He fumbled in the direction where he thought he heard the sound of the key, but couldn’t find it. It seemed the key had hit the floor and bounced somewhere else.

“Damn, where did it go…”

Thinking he might end up stuck with the handcuffs on, Jeong Tae-ui expanded his search area and began to fumble around the floor again. However, even after a long time, the key was nowhere to be found.

He couldn’t tell how much time had passed, but he estimated it had been at least half an hour. After fumbling around every corner of the floor for a long time, Jeong Tae-ui finally sighed and sat down in defeat.

He couldn’t tell where the key had gotten stuck. Moreover, it was so dark that even with good eyesight, he couldn’t see anything clearly.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and paused his search, looking around.

The room was dark. Looking up at the ceiling, there was only a small, yellow light bulb — barely two or three times the size of a small light bulb. The dim light seemed like it could go out at any moment, illuminating only directly beneath it, while the corners were shrouded in darkness, almost invisible.

The only other person in the room was the man whose shin Jeong Tae-ui had inadvertently struck with his fist earlier. Though it was hard to see him, leaning against the dark inner wall, he seemed to be silently watching Jeong Tae-ui. His head was shadowed, possibly by an overhanging shelf, so only his knees and shins were vaguely visible.

Jeong Tae-ui sat down against the adjacent wall with a grunt. He cast a glance at the unseen man and offered a greeting in his own way.

"It looks like we’ll be spending some time together. ...Which instructor's team are you with?"

There were plenty of topics to talk about: when he got here, how long he would stay, and how he ended up here, among others.

Jeong Tae-ui didn’t particularly want to make friends while imprisoned, but since they would be together for at least ten days, it would be awkward to remain silent. The man didn’t seem very sociable, given that he hadn’t offered any help and had just watched Jeong Tae-ui sweat and search for the key, but it would be nice if they could at least have some pleasant conversations to pass the time.

Despite the hope in his voice, the man didn’t respond immediately. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head.

Is he asleep? Or maybe he just doesn’t want to talk. If Jeong Tae-ui were stuck in such a dark corner for a long time, he might become sullen and gloomy as well.

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his neck. If the man didn’t want to talk, he wouldn’t force it. He should just keep looking for the key. If he hadn’t found it by now, it probably wasn’t on the floor.

With his body tightly restrained by the handcuffs, Jeong Tae-ui sighed and continued to grope around the floor. Suddenly, a low voice offering help reached his ears.

“It’s stuck in the crack between the stones, right next to the iron door.”

Jeong Tae-ui froze. His hand stopped moving, and his whole body stiffened as if it had turned to stone.

The voice from behind belonged to the man sharing his cell. It wasn’t as sullen or gloomy as Jeong Tae-ui had expected. In fact, there was a faint hint of laughter in it.


“...I think I would have preferred a sullen, gloomy voice…”

The voice was quiet, almost like an ant crawling, yet the man had heard it clearly. He sighed and murmured before giving a lazy chuckle.

"Do you have a preference for that kind of voice? That's unusual. But I thought you'd prefer the voice of a frail, young boy."

"Either way, it's far from your voice, Ilay."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and muttered. Then, suddenly, he ran to the iron bars, clutching them and desperately trying to look outside. It seemed pointless, but if the instructor was still nearby, he wanted to plead to be moved to a different room.

I don’t want to share a room with this guy. I still want to live.

However, no matter how desperately he wished, the instructor wouldn’t come back, and even if he did, there was no guarantee he would grant Jeong Tae-ui's request.

Jeong Tae-ui cursed the instructor who was in charge of them.

This crazy old man, throwing together anyone he thinks won’t cause trouble. What is this? How can Jeong Tae-ui spend ten days locked up with someone who can kill a person with his bare hands? And in this prison with no escape. If he dies here, he would haunt this entire prison as a ghost.

As he uselessly clung to the unyielding bars, he heard movement behind him. He tensed, gripping the bars tighter, and focused on the sound.

Ilay slowly got up and approached Jeong Tae-ui. Barefoot, the soft thudding of his feet on the floor grew closer. When the sound was right behind him,


Just as Jeong Tae-ui turned and clenched his fist, Ilay bent down. He fumbled in the corner near the door for a moment and then held something out to Jeong Tae-ui.

“Give me your hand.”

Ilay spoke in a calm voice, showing no sign of choking or breaking Jeong Tae-ui’s arm, as Jeong Tae-ui had feared.

Jeong Tae-ui looked down at what Ilay was holding. Though it was too dark to see clearly, the slightly reflective, cold object seemed to be the key. Now that he thought about it, Ilay had mentioned it was stuck in the crack beside the iron door.

“Oh, thanks.”

Feeling a bit caught off guard, Jeong Tae-ui held out his hand. When he obediently put both hands together, Ilay grabbed the handcuffs and turned the key into the lock. There was a rusty, clicking sound as the key turned with some difficulty.

Wait. Come to think of it, it's nice of him, but that means this guy saw exactly where the key fell and didn’t say anything while Jeong Tae-ui was searching the floor for ages. It's a bit hard to be purely grateful.

Though his emotions were complex, Jeong Tae-ui reflexively thanked Ilay again once the handcuffs were finally removed. After being bound for hours, his hands were finally free, and he sighed with relief, shaking his hands repeatedly. If just a few hours of being bound was this frustrating, he wondered how stifling it must have been for ancient prisoners who were shackled for long periods.

He briefly paid silent respects to his ancestors who had long since disappeared.

Now that his hands were free and his body could move, another problem remained. This one seemed the most troublesome and dangerous, and there was no key to solve it.

"...So, we’re going to be spending the next ten days together?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered slowly. He had never been in the detention section before. In contrast, this man had previously been here. At least, he would know more about it than Jeong Tae-ui. For example, whether room assignments could be changed midway.

“You just said it yourself, didn’t you? That we’d be spending some time together.”

“Well, I did say that, but—”

As Jeong Tae-ui mumbled, Ilay chuckled beside him.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and leaned against the wall, feeling depressed again. It would be strange not to feel uneasy, sharing a confined space with someone who had killed four people just yesterday — and countless others before that.

“But I didn’t expect you to end up here. What’s your crime? Let me guess... is it contempt of court?”

Ilay paused, seemingly in thought. Jeong Tae-ui thought grumpily that, of course, someone with experience in the detention section would guess correctly. However, nodding and admitting it felt like revealing his own weaknesses, so he replied curtly.

“Accessory. I don’t even know whose crime I supposedly abetted.”

When he thought about it, the one who had committed the crime was Ilay, and Jeong Tae-ui’s charge of being an accessory was related to the victims. It felt unfair, but there was no way to protest. Ilay laughed.

“Aha, contempt indeed.”


Jeong Tae-ui remained silent, feeling that Ilay’s comment hit too close to the truth. Trying to show some loyalty to his department — though he had none — he adopted the expected attitude of an Asian Division agent.

“Everything in the European Division runs smoothly and transparently, I assume.”

“Haha, birds of a feather. Under the same organization, none of them can stand out alone.”

Ilay laughed and denied it. His response was not at all typical of a European Division member.

Then again, Ilay didn't seem like the type to feel a sense of belonging anywhere. He had always seemed somewhat isolated among the European Division members. While it was partly due to his problematic personality that made others wary of him, Jeong Tae-ui didn't think Ilay had any sense of loyalty or belonging to his division. After all, he had even killed his own division members without hesitation.

"I heard the most deaths in joint training exercises have been six. This time, it seems we narrowly missed that mark."

"Hmm, yes. Five people died this time, if I recall correctly."

Ilay spoke nonchalantly, as if discussing someone else's business. In the dim light, his face looked even more sinister. Jeong Tae-ui thought that when he got out of here, he would have to ask his uncle whether it was indeed one person who caused the maximum casualties during that particular training. After all, it was rare for one person to be responsible for five deaths.

"If about five people die, it can't really be justified as self-defense... That's quite intense."

Does he have immense backing, or are the judges afraid of future retaliation? — probably the latter — Jeong Tae-ui thought. Being temporarily imprisoned in the detention section seemed like a rather light punishment for such actions.

Ilay must have heard Jeong Tae-ui’s muttering, but he didn’t respond, only smiled silently. Then, after a pause, he replied.

"I've been around here for quite a while. There are probably instructors who have been in the division for a shorter time than me. I have a rough idea of how the organization works... that's why."

Jeong Tae-ui frowned, tilting his head at Ilay's ambiguous response. He pondered the words, but they didn't make much sense. Then he realized that Ilay was the type who, while not lying, didn’t fully tell the truth either — a frustrating opponent.

He really disliked smart lunatics. You never know what they'll do, and they tend to cause problems that are hard to deal with, while always keeping an escape route for themselves.

As Jeong Tae-ui thought to himself, Ilay suddenly asked,

"So, what time is it now?"

"Hmm? Oh, I guess it’s around lunchtime. I was handcuffed since morning, interrogated by the guards before coming here, so it should be about noon."

Jeong Tae-ui recalled the clocks he had glimpsed while being taken from one guard room to another. Thinking about the morning's events made him feel tired all of a sudden.

What bad luck. How did he end up here?

He had thought this several times, but since coming here, nothing had gone well. Everything seemed to be subtly going wrong. The only silver lining was meeting Xin Lu.

Suddenly reminded of this, Jeong Tae-ui reached into his pocket and gripped the pager inside. He pulled it out and fiddled with it, but there were no new messages.

"There's no signal here."

Jeong Tae-ui's actions caught Ilay's attention. Muttering about lunchtime, Ilay stood up and retrieved a wooden box with a handle from the shelf attached to the wall.

Jeong Tae-ui, visibly disappointed by the news that the signal wasn't working, put the pager back into his pocket. He watched Ilay open the box and rustle through its contents in the dim light, where it was hard to make out anything.

"Come over here and help me."

The demand, though casually delivered, was firm. Jeong Tae-ui hesitated briefly before getting up. He fumbled his way in the dark toward Ilay, wincing and pausing when he stubbed his toe on a protruding stone.

"Can't this damn prison be a bit brighter? My eyes will degenerate before I get out. Damn it."

Grumbling and clutching his toe, Ilay laughed.

"Once you get used to it, you'll see better. It feels like your eyes are evolving. Just give it some time."

"At this rate, my eyes will go blind the moment I step out into the sunlight."

Jeong Tae-ui groused as he approached Ilay and sat beside him. His eyes hadn't yet adjusted, so he peered into the box, seeing vague outlines of plastic containers reflecting the faint light from a small bulb.

"A first aid kit?"

He picked up a plastic container, shook it, and muttered. Beside him, Ilay pulled out another bundle, unrolling it to reveal a bandage. It seemed to confirm that it was indeed a first aid kit.

"Why the sudden interest in a first aid kit? I didn't hurt my foot that badly."

Jeong Tae-ui accepted the bandage that Ilay handed him and murmured, "Ah, that's right." He recalled that this man had been injured.

When the cluster exploded, the only part of his body that had been hit by the shrapnel was his right shoulder. Even as his entire body was soaked and dried with blood splattered from others, he remembered the constant stream of blood flowing from his right shoulder.

"You get hurt too."

Jeong Tae-ui remarked in a tone of wonder. Ilay, who was about to take out a medicine bottle from the first aid kit, paused for a moment and stared intently at Jeong Tae-ui. He felt that Ilay's face must look very strange, but it was too dark to see, which was a pity. Or perhaps it was fortunate that he couldn't see it.

"What do you think of me?"

"Well... I think based on what I've seen and experienced."

"Ah, based on what you've seen and experienced. But I don't recall ever treating you harshly."

It seemed he was aware of his reputation for being cruel to others. Jeong Tae-ui had thought Ilay either didn't know or pretended not to, but maybe he did have a conscience after all.

Jeong Tae-ui's mind flashed with images of Ilay's savage behavior. He had even witnessed Ilay killing someone twice. But upon reflection, it seemed true that Ilay had never treated Jeong Tae-ui harshly.

As he pondered this, Jeong Tae-ui murmured nonchalantly.

"The day before yesterday, when I rushed to the training room, you asked if I came to find you for the same reason as them."

Ilay was silent for a moment. After a brief pause, he answered, "Ah, yes, I did." Jeong Tae-ui, still in a calm tone, asked again.

"If I had said yes at that time, I would have experienced your cruel side fully."

Not only experienced it, but I wouldn't be able to talk about it now, he muttered to himself. Ilay laughed.

"Don't you think it's foolish to make assumptions about things that didn't happen in the past?"

"It might not be practically helpful, but it can provide a different perspective on the current situation."

"Oh, Tae-ui. Do you dislike me?"

At Ilay's words mixed with laughter, Jeong Tae-ui frowned and looked at him in silence.

Such words were more typical of Ilay than Riegrow. As he thought about that, Jeong Tae-ui shook his head. Either way, both were the same man. They weren't separate entities that could be divided.

"Hmm. That's a difficult question to answer. But considering the way you've acted towards me so far, wouldn't it be much easier to dislike you than to like you?"

"Hmm. That is also a difficult question to answer."

Ilay spoke with a bitter smile. As he stripped off his clothes, a bandage was wrapped around his exposed shoulder. His hands were skillful as they unwound the bandage, a sign that he had done it many times alone.

As he tore off the bandage that clung to the wound, a bright red, bumpy, and hideous injury was revealed. Under the dim light, the raw flesh looked even more horrific. In this case, the poor lighting only made the imagination conjure worse images.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. Ilay shook the medicine bottle he had taken out, opened the lid, and poured its contents onto the wound. The sharp smell of antiseptic filled the air. Even though it was hard to see, Ilay seemed to know exactly where each medicine was, as he pulled out several bottles without hesitation and laid them out.

"Tsk... If you were hit by shrapnel, the wound would fester. Just throwing you in prison while injured is too much. It's like they want the wound to get worse in this underground prison."

"Hmm? There are quite a few people who would be happy if my wounds got worse and my body deteriorated. Maybe that's what they hoped for. ...But let me point out that you're mistaken about something. This place is very different from what you think."

Ilay said as if it were amusing. Jeong Tae-ui raised an eyebrow and looked around again. The dim, barely-there light, cold stone walls and floors, and damp air. It still looked like an underground prison.

"I don't know what you think I'm assuming, but what exactly is different?"

"For example, a doctor will come in the evening. The organization prides itself internally and externally on taking sincere care of its members' welfare, no matter what. Even within the detention section."


Jeong Tae-ui repeated the word. He briefly pondered whether it was Ilay or himself who misunderstood the meaning of welfare.

"The very idea of discussing welfare in such an underground prison is absurd... The food here must be delicious."

As Jeong Tae-ui mumbled seriously after thinking for a while, Ilay burst out laughing.

"Haha, ahaha. Yes, that's right. The food is very delicious. That's the most important issue. Well, doctors also visit regularly to check on our health and they make some efforts to consider the environment."

"This environment doesn't allow for the use of the word 'consideration.'"

Jeong Tae-ui said regretfully. It was a remark that made one think about the kind of environment this man had lived in. Perhaps his destructive personality stemmed from a poor background.

"Is life really that tough when you work as an arms dealer….?"

Muttering to himself as the reality he knew differed greatly, Ilay, who seemed to have heard him, laughed again. Whatever was so amusing, he chuckled softly for a while.

During this time, Ilay tended to the wound on his shoulder so skillfully that it was hard to understand why he had asked Jeong Tae-ui for help. While Jeong Tae-ui stood there holding the bandage in both hands, Ilay finally extended his shoulder after treating the wound himself.

"Doing everything else alone isn't difficult, but wrapping the bandage is a bit of a hassle."

"From what I saw, you seemed to handle unwrapping it pretty well on your own too."

"If I had to, I could do it, but why bother when there's someone to help?"

Jeong Tae-ui nodded, finding some sense in those words. He began wrapping the bandage with familiar movements. Up close, he noticed the wound was quite severe. The flesh was deeply gouged and would likely scar even after healing.


Without a word, Jeong Tae-ui finished wrapping the bandage and suddenly grabbed Ilay's upper arm. While bandaging, he was struck by how unexpectedly strong Ilay's body was. Though he had seemed somewhat slender for his height, seeing him bare-chested revealed more muscle than anticipated. His arms, though not overtly muscular, felt like steel.

After all, if this monstrous man had a frail and weak body as he appeared, that would be the true mystery.

Ilay looked down, puzzled, at Jeong Tae-ui, who was now gripping and inspecting his arm after finishing the bandaging. Eventually, he offered his arm as if to say Jeong Tae-ui could do as he pleased.

"You're not called a monster for nothing..."

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled. Ilay, pretending to be regretful, murmured back.

"My, my. I must have earned quite a bit of dislike. Now I'm being called a monster even though I'm perfectly human."

"It seems I'm not the only one who thinks so. My uncle told me not to associate with you."

"Instructor Jeong? No way. After all the affection we've built up."

Jeong Tae-ui, having somewhat distorted the facts, inwardly muttered, 'Uncle, please forgive this small act of revenge.' He justified it by thinking that experiencing the feeling of being betrayed once might be quite beneficial on the long road of life, given how often he had felt that way since arriving here.

However, considering it wasn't a complete lie, the guilt was lessened. At least he didn't relay the exact words, "It's best to avoid the lunatic altogether," thus preserving whatever slight friendship might exist between his uncle and Ilay.

"Have you known my uncle for a long time?"

Jeong Tae-ui, thinking that Ilay was still injured, put the medicine box back on the shelf for him — hitting his head on the shelf in the process, and muttering curses about how they should at least turn on the lights if they were going to talk about welfare — and casually asked.

Ilay was silent for a moment before slowly answering.

"Well... We've known each other for quite some time, but we only started communicating more recently."

"Hmm, how did you get to know each other?"

"We're book friends, you could say."

He must have planned this with his uncle. Soon, Ilay would probably say, "To be precise, your uncle knows my brother." Anyway, Jeong Tae-ui hadn't asked out of genuine curiosity, nor did he expect an answer that would satisfy his questions.


Jeong Tae-ui suddenly chuckled at a thought. Hearing this, Ilay asked briefly, Why? Jeong Tae-ui shook his head, saying, Oh, it's nothing.

Perhaps he really considered this man extraordinary. Beyond the ordinary sense of extraordinary. Thinking of Ilay having a brother felt oddly strange.

Yes, even someone like Hitler didn't just fall from the sky. He had parents, possibly siblings, and maybe even children. Yet, being so notorious and extraordinarily far from being human, it was impossible to imagine him having a family.

"Your brother is an arms dealer, right?"

"Yeah. Until a few years ago, my father handled the business, but now he's retired, and my brother took over. Before my father retired, my brother was just an ordinary businessman. He dealt in books, mainly reprinting old books. Though he lost a lot of business capital, he made many eccentric book friends."

Jeong Tae-ui nodded at Ilay's words. Indeed, he could understand the relationship between his uncle and Ilay's brother. The idea of his uncle and this man being book friends made sense in a similar context.

"From dealing in old books to arms dealing... Quite a leap in professions."

"My brother basically knows how to run a business. Anyone who knows how to sell goods will succeed in business. In that regard, whether it's a small local store or a multinational corporation, it's the same."

"But you said he lost a lot of business capital in the old book reprinting business."

"Ah, that was just a hobby. He had another job in reality. Even now, besides selling weapons, he does other things."

Though there was no reason to ask in detail, it seemed Ilay's brother also had quite an eventful life. Yes, that’s what it would take to be Ilay's brother.

Jeong Tae-ui nodded as Ilay stretched, seemingly stiff. He patted his neck, arms, and knees before standing up. Jeong Tae-ui looked up at him from his sitting position. Seen from this angle, Ilay looked very tall. Though there was a significant height difference when they stood side by side, Ilay's slender build made him appear less imposing. Yet, at times like this, Jeong Tae-ui became aware of how tall Ilay really was.

"One good thing about being in here is that there's plenty of time to relax, but without proper exercise, my body feels stiff and foggy inside."

"So, are you planning to run a 100-meter dash in here?"

Jeong Tae-ui joked, and Ilay chuckled. He positioned himself facing the wall at a suitable distance.

"If I ran around here ten times, it would be like a 100-meter dash, but jogging would be better exercise. Running 10 kilometers would mean running a thousand laps."

"That would make me dizzy first."

As Jeong Tae-ui spoke, Ilay measured the distance from the wall and suddenly went into a handstand, lightly touching the wall with his toes for balance. Sitting against the wall, Jeong Tae-ui made eye contact with him.

"Let's do a light hundred. One, two—"

Watching Ilay do push-ups in a handstand position, Jeong Tae-ui frowned deeply.

"Hey, cut it out. Your shoulder isn't healed, and you're doing this? Even if a doctor is coming tonight, that's too much."

"Thanks for worrying, but I'm not putting much weight on my right arm. I'm also leaning on the wall for balance. Five…"

Ilay continued counting calmly, showing no signs of strain. Jeong Tae-ui looked at him with a face that seemed to be watching a monster. He thought the same thing in his mind: This guy's a monster, with a mad mind and a monstrous body, making him a truly formidable opponent.

Jeong Tae-ui began to understand a part of what Ilay meant by 'welfare.' When the medical assistant arrived in the evening, Jeong Tae-ui realized that the assistant wasn't just someone who handed out medication from the infirmary but was also a fully licensed doctor.

The medical assistant grumbled as he entered the cell, "I hate coming here. It's like sticking your head into a wild beast's den." He fumbled near the intercom on the wall, and suddenly, a light illuminated the cell. It didn't light up the whole cell but revealed a door in a corner with a dim light. On closer inspection, the door was made of nearly opaque frosted glass.

For Jeong Tae-ui, who had become accustomed to the darkness, the faint light was enough to illuminate the cell, but the medical assistant seemed dissatisfied, muttering, "The facilities here are really something," as he opened the door. Inside was a bathroom. Though partitioned, the partitions were made of glass, rendering them useless.

"I'm really curious about what the old man was thinking when he designed this."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered incredulously and looked at Ilay disapprovingly. If Ilay had seen him groping around and bumping into things in the dark, he could have said something. Or he could have turned on the light. Even if the whole cell couldn't be lit, just the light from the bathroom would have made it easier to see.

Sitting on the bathroom threshold, Ilay pretended not to notice Jeong Tae-ui's gaze. The bathroom light was a bright natural white, and having been in the dark, Jeong Tae-ui found it painfully bright. He sat in a corner where the bathroom light didn't reach as much, waiting for his eyes to adjust.

After that, he looked around. As expected, it seemed much more empty compared to the room Jeong Tae-ui had been in. There were no furniture like beds or wardrobes, just a low table and a small organizer. The bathroom was the same, with proper facilities but no small items. However, for a prison, it was actually quite excellent.

"Indeed, if this is what they call 'welfare,' then it can be said to be well-arranged."

Although it was far from the usual meaning of welfare, it was true that the environment was good. Everything necessary was provided, and what was provided was high-quality and convenient to use.

As Jeong Tae-ui's eyes adjusted to the light, he approached Ilay. The medical assistant was unwrapping the bandage to examine the wound. Seeing the wound clearly under the light, Jeong Tae-ui frowned. He could vaguely see it under the dim light earlier, but now it looked more than severe. It seemed as if someone had scooped out his skin with a teaspoon. It was surprising it hadn't gotten infected.

"It's not easy for someone to walk around normally with wounds like this..."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed. The thought briefly crossed his mind that maybe Ilay wasn't a normal human. Or, if he was human, he must be of a completely different race.

Hearing that, Ilay smiled faintly in front of the medical assistant, who nodded in agreement.

"Well, from what I see, if the situation demanded it, you could endure this much as well."

"Thanks for thinking highly of my endurance (though I think of you as a beast), but I'm terrible with pain. I can't endure it. Besides, I can't imagine any situation where I'd have to do push-ups in a handstand while injured like this."

"What? You did such a thing?!"

The medical assistant, who had been listening, shouted. Ilay turned his head without saying anything, and only the medical assistant continued to nag. Jeong Tae-ui thought that the medical assistant was quite pitiful. In many ways, it must be unrewarding to treat such a patient. Moreover, what did he say when he came in here? That it felt like sticking his head into a wild beast's den.

He must have been worried that the beast might bite his head off with every word he said, yet he still nagged. That must take some courage.

The treatment ended quickly. Before coming in here, everything that needed stitching or suturing had been done. What was needed now was aftercare, but this man, who was inhumanly healthy, seemed to have no complications. The medical assistant shook his head in amazement, muttering, "But the recovery is really fast..." Hearing this, Jeong Tae-ui was convinced of his thoughts. Not only was this man's character disqualified as human, but also his recovery, stamina, and health.

Being put in the same room with a non-human like him made Jeong Tae-ui resent the old man even more. As the medical assistant said he would leave now and come back tomorrow, he told them to contact him through the intercom if anything happened. Jeong Tae-ui asked him as he was about to leave the cell.

"But when is the old man coming here?"

"Which old man? There are quite a few old men here."

"The instructor old man who put me in here."

"Oh…. Unless he's coming to put someone in or take someone out, he doesn't really have a reason to come here. The internal affairs are all handled by the guards. Didn't a guard bring you your meal earlier?"

"Yeah, he did. But... Does that mean I have to stay here with this inhuman guy until I get out?!"

Jeong Tae-ui grabbed the guard's collar and shouted in a low voice. Although it wasn't a big cell and everyone could hear, he still had a slight sense of guilt about shouting outright.

The guard looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a sympathetic expression, understanding his feelings, but shook his head.

"What can you do? It's all your fate. Besides, it's not for long. Just hang in there. After all, they say there are kids who grow up with the wolf's in the mountains."

The guard, giving an incomprehensible metaphor to console Jeong Tae-ui, then stepped out of the cell. The way he locked the door so securely seemed unusually annoying. As the guard was about to leave, saying he'd see them tomorrow, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly remembered something and urgently grabbed the bars, asking desperately.

"Xin Lu!"


"Xin Lu. Is he doing well?"

Although they had different duties, the guards saw each other every day. Just as teammates got along well with each other, guards were connected with other guards. The medical guard in front of Jeong Tae-ui spent almost all day in the infirmary, but he saw Xin Lu at least once a day during the evening guard meetings.

The guard paused, looking at Jeong Tae-ui with a complex expression. Jeong Tae-ui looked back at him, puzzled by his reaction.

"You saw Xin Lu last night. I saw him at the evening meeting yesterday, but I haven't seen him today yet. You met him more recently than I did. I should be asking you, is Xin Lu doing well?"


Jeong Tae-ui was about to ask how the guard knew he met Xin Lu last night, but then he remembered that the guard was in the room next to Xin Lu. The sound from the hallway might have been heard. Thinking about last night's conversation, he wondered how much the guard had heard. Suddenly, his face felt hot. Despite the good soundproofing, the guard might have recognized their voices.

"After finishing my bath, I couldn't go back to my room because you two were blocking the hallway. Anyway, hang in there, Jeong Tae-ui, who wants to get out of here as soon as possible. Good luck."

The guard encouraged Jeong Tae-ui with a blank expression before turning to leave. Jeong Tae-ui, clutching the bars, couldn't move and just watched the guard leave with a side glance.

Damn. He heard everything. And he didn't show any sign of knowing. That man must be like a serpent that's lived for a hundred years. Well, he kept forgetting, but this place is a decent branch of an elite training institution. That man must be quite valuable outside.

Jeong Tae-ui's perception of the elite changed after entering this place. Although he had a bit of admiration and expectation for those who were called elites, thinking they must be extraordinary, seeing their human side revealed one by one made those feelings vanish completely.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and turned around. Then, as he met the gaze of Ilay, who was still sitting at the front of the lit bathroom, staring at him intently, he flinched.

“Xin Lu, huh. It looks like things are going well with that cute young man.”

Jeong Tae-ui frowned and kept his mouth shut. Instinctive wariness rose again. Even though they were both locked up here, there was no need to be on edge immediately, but hearing Xin Lu's name from this man's mouth always made him slightly tense.

“I've decided not to interfere with you, so you shouldn't concern yourself with me either. That's fair, isn't it?”

“It’s hardly fair to use that word when I'm at such a disadvantage. Once I get out of here, I'll go straight back to the European branch since the joint training will be over.”


Jeong Tae-ui relaxed his expression slightly. He knew this but had forgotten. He was right. There was no way that Ilay would be released earlier while Jeong Tae-ui would be stuck here for ten days. If such a situation occurred, Jeong Tae-ui was more than willing to complain to every high-ranking officer, even if it would be futile.

Jeong Tae-ui nodded and muttered to himself.

“That’s right. Once you’re out of here, there’s no reason for you to stay. Your wounds will heal quickly with your beast-like recovery rate, so you won't need to stay here to recuperate.”

Hearing this, Ilay smirked.

“That’s harsh. Treating me like some kind of beast.”

“I don’t recall ever considering you as something that adorable.”

Jeong Tae-ui responded seriously to Ilay's lament. He thought that even if this man were locked in a cage with wild beasts, he would surely survive. If he got hungry, he might even beat the beasts to death with his bare hands and eat them raw.

Ilay smiled, tilted his head to the side once, and said no more. He checked the state of the tightly wrapped bandages on his shoulder a couple of times, stretched, and then walked over to the mattress that seemed to serve as a bed. He lay down at an angle and picked up a book from the table.

Jeong Tae-ui looked around the room, which was too dark to read a book despite the light from the bathroom making it possible to see. It wasn't easy to read the title of the book Ilay was holding.

“If you read in here, your vision will get bad.”

This man, being human, would also have his eyesight deteriorate. Even though eyesight stabilizes once you become an adult, reading in such a dark place wouldn't be good for his eyes.

Ilay, with a calm face, fumbled around the corner of the wall near the mattress. Then, a small light embedded inconspicuously in the wall ,at the head of the mattress, turned on. It was small and bright enough to be used as a reading light, perfect for reading.

Jeong Tae-ui, with a drained expression, asked.

"Are there any other lighting devices or facilities needed for living that I don't know about?"

"This is all the lighting. As for other facilities needed for living, well... There are air conditioning and heating systems, but they are centrally controlled, so they are not very useful. But who knows? I didn't install the equipment here, and I don't know if the designer hid any other necessary devices."

At his words, Jeong Tae-ui inwardly called out to the old man again. He really was an eccentric old man. Perhaps he didn't want to be promoted because he was so eccentric, or maybe they didn't promote him because he was so eccentric.

This UNHRDO….. it might be seriously corrupt. The members are like this, and the instructors are like that. It seems like it would be his duty as a human being to advise anyone thinking of joining here in the future to think twice.

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head and stood up. The inconvenience of the darkness was gone, the facilities were well-equipped, and it seemed like a good time to wash up. Thinking about it, it had already been three or four days since he last washed. Even so, Jeong Tae-ui was better off. Among his colleagues, there were many who hadn't gone near a bathroom since training started.

...Well, he had actually seen someone who, out of sheer fatigue, didn't even bother to go to the bathroom and just used the sink near their bed, so what more could he say.

Jeong Tae-ui vowed that he would never share a room with Alta if the day came when they changed rooms.

"Where are the underwear?"


As Jeong Tae-ui rummaged through the drawers, Ilay, who was reading a book, asked back with a puzzled look. Then Jeong Tae-ui looked at him with a puzzled face as well.

"Don’t they give us spare underwear? I was dragged here at the crack of dawn without bringing anything. The old man didn't say anything either. So obviously, everything is supposed to be provided inside, right?"

"The only clothing provided here is the uniform. If you consider the towel as clothing, you could say that it counts as well."

Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at him. The issued clothing referred to the loose, gray, elastic training suit that both Ilay and Jeong Tae-ui had changed into upon arrival. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen any underwear when he took the clothes out of the drawer. But he had just assumed it would be in another drawer somewhere.

"...Did you bring all your stuff?"

"You, the witness, didn't have time for that, so do you think the actual suspect would have had time for it?"

"Then what are you wearing?"

"Nothing. Want to see?"

Ilay pretended to pull down his pants with a teasing smile. Jeong Tae-ui frowned and firmly declined.

"Stop that. I don't need to see such an ugly thing."

"Ugly? That's harsh. Anyway, you see that ugly thing every time you use the bathroom."

"Mine is much cuter and more lovable in size compared to yours. No need to compare it to that ugly thing."

Although Jeong Tae-ui spoke confidently, he felt something was off but kept a straight face. It was the truth, after all. Jeong Tae-ui grimaced as he recalled seeing Ilay's naked body by the beach a few days ago. He thought that anyone who slept with Ilay must have had a hard time. He even pitied the young man who had been with Ilay that day. The young man seemed quite small, and Jeong Tae-ui felt relieved that his mouth hadn't been torn. He expressed his deep condolences to anyone who had to be intimate with Ilay.

Jeong Tae-ui turned away from Ilay, who was laughing loudly as if he had heard something hilarious, and gave up on finding underwear. He went into the bathroom.

Damn it, he had thought of something unnecessary. That imposing body that had faintly emerged in the dim light by the dark beach, and the way Ilay walked out nonchalantly and dominated the surroundings with his presence. The combination of sweat and body odor from the intense activity had been overwhelming. As a fellow male, Jeong Tae-ui had instinctively felt the urge to retreat and leave Ilay's territory, driven by a strong survival instinct.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at the mirror mounted on the shower wall. His familiar reflection stared back at him. He wasn’t someone who would feel inferior or shrink away wherever he went. While he wasn't exceptionally impressive, he was comfortably above the average male physique. In fact, he could confidently show off his body. The man outside was just excessively above average. He thought Ilay was thin, but seeing him undressed revealed a robust build — it seemed unfair.

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled to himself as he entered the shower. Soon, warm water flowed down, soaking his body. As the warm water poured over his head, his body relaxed and seemed to melt.

He had wished for a bathtub with warm water to soak in during the ten days he’d been here, but unfortunately, there wasn’t one. However, having a shower with hot water was luxurious enough for a prison.

"This takes away the meaning of a prison. It’s more comfortable and relaxing than being outside."

"It affects your rating. It becomes harder to get assigned to a good place later on if you have a record of being in detention section."

Jeong Tae-ui flinched and turned around to see Ilay on the other side of the glass partition. He stood in front of the toilet, doing his business, and looked at Jeong Tae-ui nonchalantly.

"So those who want a specific assignment or want to be sold for a higher price strive to get good scores. Didn’t you notice that some people are desperate to win sparring matches or train hard and pay attention in lectures? It’s not just because of their competitive spirit or thirst for knowledge. But of course some people live as they please, not caring about their scores."

"Are you talking about yourself?"

Jeong Tae-ui grimaced and scrubbed his body. There was soap next to the sink outside the shower booth, but with Ilay standing right there, he felt reluctant to approach. So he just rubbed his body with his hands under the water, smacking his lips in dissatisfaction.

In a communal bathroom, it’s common to see one person washing their face while another uses the toilet and another shampoos their hair nearby, but still having someone use the toilet right next to you while you shower isn’t pleasant. Especially if that person is watching you with interest.

"Haha, I live as I please, but I don’t follow the 'whatever happens, happens' philosophy. Besides, even if I cause trouble by coming to the detention section multiple times, I’ve built up a tower of achievements. It seems they’re starting to talk about my promotion. Whether I want it or not."

"Promotion? I thought the position of a UNHRDO instructor was not a spot that a member could be promoted to."

"Normally, that's the case. You need to meet certain qualifications, which are hard to achieve if you only stay as a member. But in my case, I’ve been involved in a lot of external work. Oh, right. Your uncle also started as a member."

"Yeah, that sounds about right. ...But."

Jeong Tae-ui started to speak but then paused. It felt somewhat awkward to bring it up. Meanwhile, Ilay's blatant staring was quite irritating. Jeong Tae-ui lifted his gaze and glared straight at Ilay.

"What are you staring at?"

"Well, I was just thinking... you have a pretty impressive physique. You must be quite popular, Tae-ui. No wonder that young guy was so smitten."

Ilay said with a playful grin. Jeong Tae-ui looked at Ilay as if he had just heard something bizarre. As Ilay finished his business and started zipping his pants, Jeong Tae-ui glanced at him with a disgusted look. He thought, if Ilay ever f*cked someone with that thing, they’d be dead.

Dealing with guys who competed over the size of their manhood was something he had only encountered in the military. Watching guys argue over who was a millimeter bigger or smaller was laughable. What good does the size of it do anyway? When he said that, one of his close friends had laughed and said, "You can say that because you’re at least average," and then went on about the virtues of having a large manhood and male prowess.

But looking at Ilay now, Jeong Tae-ui could somewhat understand how some guys felt intimidated by size. Although he had never thought about such things before, being under Ilay's intense gaze made him instinctively want to cover up. After all, anyone would feel uncomfortable being stared at so blatantly.

Jeong Tae-ui, feeling quite uncomfortable, stared back at Ilay, but he didn't budge. It felt awkward to tell him to stop looking, so Jeong Tae-ui frowned as he stepped out of the glass booth and began drying himself with a towel. He glanced up at Ilay, who was still standing there.

"If you're done, why are you still here? Is this your first time seeing someone shower?"

"I’ve seen plenty of people, but it’s my first time seeing you like this... Can I ask you something?"

Ilay asked with a playful smile. Jeong Tae-ui looked at him suspiciously, wondering what he was going to say, and reluctantly nodded.

"You haven’t slept with that young man, have you? What about other guys? Do you have any experience?"

Jeong Tae-ui frowned. This was an excessively personal question. No wonder Ilay had prefaced it with an unusually polite "Can I ask you something?"

He clicked his tongue. Of course, he had experience. Whether this man was beyond human standards in such matters, Jeong Tae-ui was at least average or above average in those areas.

"I have."

"With men?"


When Jeong Tae-ui answered curtly, Ilay laughed. Come to think of it, he had mentioned before that he had deviated from moral standards sexually during a phone call. He chuckled as if finding it amusing.

"Were they all like that guy?"

Jeong Tae-ui nodded, thinking it was a pointless question. Even after drying himself with the towel, there was still moisture left, so he hesitated to put on clothes right away. He could just walk around with a towel wrapped around his waist, but being naked in front of this dangerous man made him feel too vulnerable. It was like facing a wild beast without any weapons. When he thought about it, this man could easily kill someone with his bare hands, while Jeong Tae-ui wasn't sure if he could manage even with a weapon in hand.

Uncle, this was definitely a selection mistake. How could he put him in the same room with a guy like him? It would have been better to put him with someone holding a .50 caliber revolver threatening to kill him.

"People have their preferences. Sometimes I've embraced bigger guys, but I generally prefer those who are soft and pleasant to hold."

"Oh... So, you've never been on the receiving end."

Jeong Tae-ui paused as he was about to pick up his clothes. He glanced at Ilay with an odd look before leaving the bathroom. The thin, gray training clothes — or more accurately, prison uniform — clung awkwardly to his damp body, making it hard to put on, causing him to click his tongue.

"People have preferences. I'm not interested in that side of things. Never even thought about it."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke calmly. In fact, he did have a minor trauma. It was so long ago he couldn't remember the exact time, but it was early summer, shortly after he started high school.

A gym teacher was absent one day, so they played soccer with seniors from a grade above. After the physical education class, they went to the taps to wash off their sweat-soaked clothes. While a senior poured water over his back, he felt an odd touch on his back and waist. At first, he thought it was just his imagination, but it soon escalated.

After that, the senior would occasionally buy him meals or drinks, and although Jeong Tae-ui was puzzled about when they became so close, he thought the senior was nice and followed along. Then, one day, as summer grew stronger, they were lounging on a mattress in the cool shade of the gym storage room when the senior suddenly climbed on top of Jeong Tae-ui.

The senior, though shorter, was about 1.5 times Jeong Tae-ui's size. Despite his struggles, the senior clung to him with all his might, making it difficult to break free. In the meantime, that wretched guy had shoved his hands inside Jeong Tae-ui's clothes, groping him all over.

Eventually, Jeong Tae-ui, who was gasping for breath, freaked out when the senior shoved his face in and without regard for seniority, he just threw a punch. He didn't even listen to the senior shouting something from behind as he ran out, avoiding that senior from then on.

In fact, even then, Jeong Tae-ui knew his own tendencies. He felt more comfortable with men than women and found it easier to get physically close to them. Thanks to that senior, he learned one more thing: people have distinct preferences. He didn't want to be under that senior, nor did he feel any desire to embrace him. To him, the senior was just that — a senior. Simply an acquaintance.

In hindsight, that senior was still a high school student, so it was rather pitiful. Even if the person matches your own preferences, you must consider if you match theirs before making a move. By now, that senior is probably living well with a good match, he supposed. (He even forgot his name.)

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head, recalling the bitter past. Then suddenly, an ominous feeling flashed through his mind, and he looked at Ilay.

"Hey, don't our preferences overlap?"


"The man you messed with at the beach, didn't you prefer slender and soft guys?"

"I don't particularly have a type, but those kinds of guys are nice to dominate. They feel good to hold."

Ilay nodded. Jeong Tae-ui sighed in relief and sternly said,

"Just so you know, you're not my type. I have no interest in f*cking someone bigger than me. So don't expect anything like that from me, not even for a moment."

Jeong Tae-ui solemnly raised his index finger as he spoke, and for a moment, Ilay stared at him with a very taken-aback expression. Even with that look, Jeong Tae-ui, not to be outdone, glared back at Ilay, insisting that what was unacceptable was still unacceptable. Ilay stared intently at Jeong Tae-ui without blinking, then suddenly burst into laughter.

"What the..."

It's never a good feeling when someone suddenly bursts into laughter while staring at your face. Jeong Tae-ui frowned and looked at him. Ilay leaned against the wall, unable to stop laughing for quite a while, until he finally stopped after some time. He then waved his hand dismissively.

"Ah, sure. I'll keep that in mind."

"Yeah. ..."

Jeong Tae-ui nodded at Ilay's straightforward response, but he still looked at him with a suspicious eye. It wasn't exactly a pleasant feeling to see Ilay so happy just because Jeong Tae-ui said he wasn't his type. It hurt his pride a bit.

Life in prison wasn't as bad as Jeong Tae-ui had expected. He thought it might be similar to confinement, but hearing his comrades say things like, "If you go into the prison once, you come out all skin and bones," he thought it must be much worse than confinement. However, this place was no different from a retreat.

What on earth did the guys who came out all skin and bones do to end up like that? Did they starve themselves in some sort of hunger strike?

A few days into his stay in prison, Jeong Tae-ui's question was answered while he was lounging around in the dim place. The answer came from Ilay, who chuckled when he heard the question.

"You're here in a comfortable place thanks to your uncle. This is just a simple detention facility in the prison. You have to cross to the other side to experience the real prison."

Jeong Tae-ui recalled the scene when he came in. When the elevator doors opened on the seventh basem*nt floor, the doors were divided into two. Both were identical, symmetrical, black iron doors. The view inside was similarly dark and gloomy. He had dismissed it and forgotten about it, but it seemed that was the fork between heaven and hell.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at the ceiling for a moment before turning to Ilay.

"Then why are you on this side?"

He had come in unjustly, so that made sense, but this man had killed several people — even if he claimed it was self-defense — and he was just hanging out in a comfortable detention facility. It seemed unfair.

However, Ilay only gave a brief smile at Jeong Tae-ui's words and did not provide a proper answer. He just gave a reply that sounded half like a joke, half like the truth, ‘I told you, I have strong connections.’

"So, you've never been in the real prison either."

"Well... I did go in once."

"Oh? What did you do to get in there?"

Jeong Tae-ui was curious about what kind of crime could have landed him in that "real prison," especially when killing people didn't seem to do it. But once again, Ilay just smiled subtly without answering. Realizing that Ilay wasn't going to respond, Jeong Tae-ui shifted his attention.

This was a man he would never have gotten close to on the outside. Not just because of his heartless nature, killing people with a calm face, but also because Jeong Tae-ui fundamentally didn't like people like him. Someone who seemed to be hiding something but also didn't offer much to uncover. Though his uncle had some similar traits, it was different with family.

"You were in the military in your country until recently, right?"

Ilay suddenly said. Jeong Tae-ui glanced at him with a surprised look. The small lamp by the bed cast large shadows.

"Think of prison as a mix of confinement, prison, and torture chambers. Although actual torture is rare, the more severe the crime, the higher the chance of ending up in the torture chambers. While in prison, you can’t lie down to sleep. They won’t let you sleep properly, so eventually, you end up collapsing in exhaustion, whether sitting or kneeling."

Ilay spoke in a light tone. From his tone, Jeong Tae-ui realized that Ilay had experienced such conditions. He frowned slightly. Jeong Tae-ui had been confined before, and even sitting upright all day felt like it was breaking his back. The memories of that time still made him shake his head, and the thought of a place worse than that was something he didn’t even want to imagine.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at Ilay quietly. Leaning against the wall, he was silently reading a book, looking perfectly ordinary. With his neat and gentlemanly appearance, reading a book so calmly, he seemed like someone who would easily win people's favor. How did his personality get so ruined? Did he have such an unfortunate family background?

Feeling a strange sense of pity, Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue inwardly. As Ilay finished his book and closed it, he looked at Jeong Tae-ui, meeting his gaze. When their eyes met, Ilay smiled faintly.

"You have a very curious expression. What were you thinking about?"

"Hmm... I was briefly feeling sorry for your unfortunate past."

"My unfortunate past?"

Ilay's tone quickly changed to one of amusem*nt. There was no sign of displeasure, which one might expect. It was hard to tell whether he was genuinely broad-minded or just good at hiding his true feelings.

"I'm curious about which part of my unfortunate past stirred your pity."

Ilay asked with apparent interest. Jeong Tae-ui furrowed his brow, making a slight sound of contemplation.

"I don't know about your past, but it's commonly believed that a person's character is shaped by their past. So, in the process of forming your character, there must have been quite a... substantial amount of misfortune."

"Quite a substantial amount of misfortune? Haha, that's a plausible deduction."

Ilay laughed as if he found it amusing. However, his voice suddenly took on a bitter tone.

"You're not entirely wrong. I didn't have a particularly happy childhood. I always had to live under surveillance. Wherever I went, eyes followed me. Naturally, I didn't have any friends my age. Parents didn't want their kids to play with me."

"Under surveillance? ...Oh. Because your family business is arms dealing..."

Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head in confusion but soon understood. Weapons, unless they were small arms or firearms, were not something an individual could handle personally. The weapons Jeong Jae-ui developed were probably not easily accessible ones. They would be treated as military supplies, strictly regulated. If his family dealt with such items, they were likely connected with organizations. A large-scale broker big enough to be untouchable by organizations would frequently be subject to oversight.

But to extend that to family members, it was extremely inhumane.

Jeong Tae-ui frowned as he realized an aspect of Ilay's life he hadn't known or cared about before. It wasn't like he was some ideological subversive being watched, but being visibly monitored even as a child meant his life couldn't have flowed smoothly.

Of course, not everyone who goes through such a life ends up with a personality as broken as this man's, so it can't be entirely blamed on external factors, but Jeong Tae-ui felt sympathy for his childhood.

"The only friend who treated me well back then was a classmate who lived in my neighborhood. He was very small and cute. We attended the same school through high school, and he remained slender and innocent until graduation. Maybe that's why I prefer people who resemble him."

Ilay's low voice sounded like he was reminiscing about a past time, almost like he was talking to himself.

Jeong Tae-ui felt a pang in his heart. The idea that the friend who supported the lonely boy might have been his first love was a painful thought, considering the person Ilay had become. Who could have imagined it? That he had such a past. That the boy from the past would grow into this kind of person.

But Jeong Tae-ui pitied the impact of the environment that changes people's lives gradually without them realizing it. Perhaps Ilay could have become a more pleasant and approachable person. A person with only Ilay's personality, without the traits of Riegrow.

"Do you still keep in touch with that friend?"

Jeong Tae-ui was curious about what the precious person who had seen the human side of Ilay was doing now. Ilay sighed quietly, put his book down, and looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a genuinely pitiful expression.

"Of course, I've lost contact with him a long time ago. I forced myself on him several times during school, so after high school graduation, he disappeared without a trace, either moved or ran away."


Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly and tilted his head. It felt like the direction of the story had suddenly twisted. As Jeong Tae-ui was still tilting his head, Ilay rubbed his chin. It was immediately clear that his hand was hiding a smile.

"Tae-ui, you are too naive sometimes.... When you hear someone's story, can't you tell what's true and what's a lie? This is such an easy story to distinguish."

Ilay looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a somewhat pitying expression, as if to say, "How are you going to survive in this harsh world?" Jeong Tae-ui stared at him and slowly understood his words. In simple terms, Ilay had been making a joke or lying to him.

".......You jerk."

Jeong Tae-ui grabbed the nearest object and threw it at Ilay. Ilay easily caught the stainless steel cup that flew through the air with a sharp sound and laughed. He felt like an idiot for believing that such a despicable face had a pitiful past.

"Were you always like this since you were a child?"

"Well, I'm not sure how much the environment influenced me, but my brother sometimes tells me that I haven't changed at all since I was young. He used to think I was just a kid and that I'd get better as I grew up, but he recently scolded me, saying it's a big problem that I've grown up with the same personality."


At least it seemed that his brother understood what proper humanity was, which was a relief. But the fact that he had been consistently like this since he was a child made it very understandable why other parents told their kids not to play with him. Essentially, that troubled past was created by his personality in the first place. Was it the environment that shaped his personality, or was it his personality that shaped his troubled environment?

"This is truly a chicken and egg situation."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and scratched his head. Then he glared fiercely at Ilay. The fact that he had lied about something like that was extremely annoying.

Ilay chuckled. His face, laughing after making such a nasty joke, was very irritating.

"What about you?"

After laughing for a while, Ilay suddenly asked. Jeong Tae-ui, still glaring fiercely, answered with a harsh tone.

"I’ve been called a good guy ever since I was a kid, except for one guy from the military academy. I’ve lived a pretty uneventful life."

As he grumbled, adding that he hadn't lived a turbulent life like Ilay, Ilay smiled and said,

"But you had an overly famous brother. If you have a standout twin brother in the family, your life must have had some difficulties."


Jeong Tae-ui, still glaring at him fiercely, tilted his head and thought. Seeing this, Ilay laughed again, making Jeong Tae-ui's expression even more fierce.

There were definitely difficulties. Jeong Jae-ui was a standout person, sticking out like a sore thumb. Everyone except his parents, uncle, and himself compared Jeong Tae-ui to Jeong Jae-ui at least once. But if it happens so often that it becomes part of the daily routine, you naturally start to give up on some things. Moreover, Jeong Tae-ui got along well enough with his brother to overcome such difficulties.

"There wasn't much of that, but I did envy his luck a bit. If I had half of his luck, I wouldn't be here right now."

He muttered to himself that he would never have met someone like Ilay.

"But when I think about it, I haven't been particularly unlucky compared to others — though lately I've had my doubts — his luck was something he needed. Because of his talent, he attracted a lot of dangerous people. He was kidnapped several times."

Of course, thanks to his extraordinary luck, he was never harmed by such incidents. His extreme luck always saved him. In extreme cases once, the kidnapper driving the car suddenly had a heart attack in front of the police station, causing a minor accident that immediately drew the police's attention. He was always safe in such ways.

When they were children, his brother often fell ill and nearly died a few times, but Jeong Tae-ui was also so weak that he was hospitalized frequently. So, he didn't have many memories of those times.

"Yes, Jeong Jae-ui is definitely famous for his extreme luck. Perhaps his luck is more famous than his incredible intellect. Over here, everyone knows Jeong Jae-ui."

Ilay spoke with a subtle smile. Although it was unclear what he meant by "over here," Jeong Jae-ui's fame was nothing new. Jeong Tae-ui nodded.

"Have you ever wondered about it? How someone can be so extremely lucky?"

Ilay asked in a faintly lowered voice. Jeong Tae-ui chuckled.

"How can you find a reason for being lucky? He was just born that way. Even if we look at our birth dates and times and blood types, everything is the same. You won't find a rational reason no matter how much you think about it."

"While you may not find the fundamental reason for being lucky or unlucky, there is always a cause that leads to certain situations."

Jeong Tae-ui frowned and scratched his head. Listening to this man talk about fate felt strange. He didn't seem like someone who would enjoy discussing luck or its absence. Come to think of it, there was a time when they had a similar conversation over the phone.

"If people could find that reason, everyone would be desperate to discover it."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered in a bored tone. Discussing it wouldn’t lead to any clear conclusion and would only end with sentiments like, "I envy him" or "He’s just a lucky jerk," which wasn't interesting.

"Don't you think your brother might know the reason?"

However, Ilay seemed to find this boring topic quite interesting. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue in boredom.

"I've never asked him, 'Why are you so lucky?' If I meet him next time, I’ll ask and let you know."

Jeong Tae-ui, as if tired of the subject, lay down and turned his body. Sensing his disinterest, Ilay didn't say more. Jeong Tae-ui glanced around the stone walls and then turned his head to look at Ilay, chuckling.

"You really seem to have a lot of interest in my brother. You’ve even met him before. What’s so fascinating? He’s just a bit smarter and luckier than most, but he's an ordinary person. If you expect something special, you’ll be disappointed."

"Expect something special? No, I don't have any expectations. With his luck and brains, he’s already a special person. No matter his nature, Jeong Jae-ui can't be ordinary."

Ilay smiled. Jeong Tae-ui thought briefly about his brother. Perhaps he didn't feel the extent of his brother's extraordinariness because they were always together. To him, his brother was just someone doing his job, but to others, he might seem like someone from another world. It felt strange hearing his brother's name from someone who seemed so indifferent to others.

"Well, I'll let my brother know later. That Ilay Riegrow is very curious about him."

Only after speaking did Jeong Tae-ui consider if it might be dangerous. His uncle had repeatedly warned him not to associate with crazy people or draw their attention. By that standard, it was already too late for his brother. He was already in the public eye, and his innate luck covered the risks, which was a relief.

"Anyway... it’s good to be resting in here without getting hurt, but after several days, it does get boring. My body feels stiff. I’d rather run a full marathon than stay cooped up here."

"Full marathon, huh. If you run along the walls of this room, it's about 20 meters—if you stay a bit away from the wall, it’s about 10 meters. So, you’ll need to do about 4200 laps. I can count for you if you want to try."

Jeong Tae-ui threw a water bottle this time. As expected, Ilay caught it effortlessly. However, even he seemed a bit restless, as he got up from his spot and walked closer to the wall. He cleared the items from a shelf made of iron rods embedded at about head height in the wall, then lightly tapped it a few times. He flipped himself upside down, hooked his feet onto the shelf, and started doing sit-ups.

"Can’t you just do it lying down normally? Do you have to hang upside down like a bat?"

"Handstands occasionally help with blood circulation. Haven’t you heard that?"

"Uh, my balance isn’t that great."

Jeong Tae-ui added that he preferred to exercise normally, stretching his limbs and neck. But he had already done plenty of exercises he could do alone, like push-ups, handstands, and sit-ups.

Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at Ilay, who had quickly surpassed 30 or 40 reps. This man seemed to live and breathe exercise. Even when reading a book, he would sometimes hang upside down or assume a horse stance. Despite all that exercise, he wasn't visibly muscular, which probably meant he was naturally built that way.

"But for a guy who can snap someone's neck with one hand, why would he need visible muscles?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself. Ilay, hanging in the air, paused briefly to look at Jeong Tae-ui. Having grown somewhat comfortable after spending several days together, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly asked him a question.

"Did you know that if someone hits your knees and heels just right while you're hanging upside down like that, they can make you fall?"

Jeong Tae-ui spoke casually, and Ilay chuckled, responding just as casually.

"I doubt it. But if you want to try, go ahead."

"Go ahead? Alright. Just don’t complain or take it out on me later."

Anticipating that Ilay might react poorly if he fell and got hurt, Jeong Tae-ui preemptively set the ground rules and stood up lightly. He approached Ilay but stopped a couple of steps away.

"Um. Now that I think about it, there's a problem. If I calmly approach to the point where I can reach you, you might catch me and beat me up."

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled as he watched Ilay, whose legs were hooked on the shelf while his arms hung freely in the air. He soon laughed lightly.

"But you know, it’s not just fists that can knock on knees."

As soon as he finished saying "you know," Jeong Tae-ui took three or four steps back. Immediately after stepping back, he sprang forward, touching the ground. Spinning halfway through the air, he planted his hands on the ground and aimed his foot at Ilay's knee. It was out of Ilay's reach, and even if he could reach, he wouldn't have the power to block the leg's force aided by centrifugal force.

As he swung his leg, Jeong Tae-ui briefly thought, ‘No, that monster might actually have the strength to overpower my leg strength,’ but his body had already spun halfway. His heel was about to strike just below Ilay's knee.

Ilay moved. As Jeong Tae-ui had briefly worried, he didn't block his leg with his hand. Keeping one leg still hooked on the shelf, he freed the other leg. And with his knee, he lightly hit Jeong Tae-ui's ankle as it flew toward him.

It all happened in an instant. There was no time to avoid it or change direction. Fortunately, since his ankle joint was loosened, he wasn't injured, but his balance was broken.


Jeong Tae-ui let out a short cry and then wobbled to the side, eventually falling to the floor and rolling over. At the same time, Ilay released his other leg from the shelf and landed on the ground. He immediately flipped Jeong Tae-ui over, pinning him down, and sat on his thighs, slightly below his buttocks. He grabbed Jeong Tae-ui's arms, twisted them behind his back, and pressed down on his shoulders.

It happened in an instant. Jeong Tae-ui blinked, muttering, "Oh." He had intended to play lightly for a moment, but before he knew it, he was being overpowered.

"It’s fine to want to play around lightly, but if you're going to do that with me, you need to be more thorough. In a real fight, losing your head would take no time if you’re this sloppy."

Ilay muttered this while laughing behind him. Jeong Tae-ui sighed and buried his chin into the mattress in front of him. He had failed. He wasn’t too upset about it. He knew he had underestimated the situation, and he didn’t expect to take this man down easily with a half-hearted approach.

But he was surprised. Though he already knew, this man had an extraordinary sense of reflexes and balance. His strength, speed, and the ability to control them were beyond question.

"Ilay, where were you before you joined UNHRDO?"

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and asked calmly. Where did this man acquire the ability to find the exact moment and overpower someone with terrifying speed, without a moment’s hesitation? This couldn’t be achieved through the branch’s training alone.

Ilay remained silent for a while behind him. Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t see the expression on his face. He lay down completely, relaxing his body.

"A special Task Force... I was offered a job there."

"Which Special Task Force?"

Ilay stopped answering again. Only a hissing laugh could be heard. It seemed like the large hand pressing on Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder was exerting more force. His arm, bent behind his back, was pulled tighter.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask. I’ll stop asking! Why do you have to try to pull my arm off over something like that?"

"Haha, I’m not trying to pull it off. Here, I'll let go of one hand, so try to get out."

Ilay released Jeong Tae-ui's other hand as he said this. At the same time, he leaned in closer, pressing his chest against Jeong Tae-ui's back. He braced his legs against the floor and firmly pressed down on Jeong Tae-ui with his arm. It seemed like he was using a modified pinning technique.

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled. He was already bored, so he might as well have some fun like this.

"You must be really bored too."

Jeong Tae-ui placed his free hand on the floor. Then, while still being pressed down, he curled his body as much as possible, lifting his torso off the ground. He intended to support the man’s weight, lift himself off the floor, and then twist free. But...

"Oh, damn. You're so damn heavy. How can someone who looks so thin be this heavy!"

"I often hear that I look thin when dressed. You’ve seen me without clothes, haven’t you? No one says I look thin when I’m undressed."

That's true. He had been surprised the first time he saw this man’s naked body. The difference between when he was dressed and undressed was stark. But even considering that, this man was heavy. Jeong Tae-ui, who could easily carry a man of similar build, found this man’s weight far beyond expectations.

"Did you turn your veins into muscles or something? How are you this heavy?"

Despite his grumbling, Jeong Tae-ui managed to lift his body enough to shake Ilay off. While Jeong Tae-ui was getting up, Ilay, who had been pressing him down, suddenly laughed as his height increased.

"Impressive. No matter where you are, you won’t just lie down and die quietly."

"Of course, h, ah..."

At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui twisted his body. All he needed to do was escape from being pinned. With one arm free, he felt confident he could get out as long as he wasn't being held down.

But then...

Suddenly, it felt like the man on his back had turned into a massive weight of a thousand pounds. A tremendous weight pressed down on his shoulders and back. At the same time, Ilay struck Jeong Tae-ui’s elbow with a karate chop.

Once again, his balance was broken. He slammed his chin into the floor so hard that tears sprang to his eyes.

"Ow! ...Ugh... You bastard, what if I had bitten my tongue?!"

"Oh, sorry, sorry. I didn't think of that."

Ilay laughed and apologized half-heartedly. However, he suddenly sighed as if feeling troubled.

"This is difficult. You should have moved quickly, but you were squirming too much below, Tae-ui."

"What are you talking about? You're so damn heavy. Get off me! My chin is killing me!"

He could taste blood in his mouth, as if it had been slightly torn. Jeong Tae-ui relaxed his body and irritably shook his head. However, he stopped suddenly.

Ilay, who had been sitting on his back, also relaxed. He could easily push him off now. But something heavy was pressing between his thighs.


The position was quite inappropriate. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head in confusion. Something hard was pressing against the area between his buttocks and thighs. What the hell? What is this guy carrying between his legs...? For a moment, Jeong Tae-ui's mind went blank. He tilted his head and slid his free hand under his buttocks. He grabbed the thing that was moving there.



A short gasp escaped Ilay's mouth. Almost simultaneously, a strange scream burst from Jeong Tae-ui's mouth.

Jeong Tae-ui slowly frowned as he realized the object in his hand was Ilay's groin. He froze, not knowing what to do with it still in his grasp.

Wow. This is a disaster. The fact that he had grabbed someone else’s private part with his own hand was disastrous, and the fact that the man in question was this crazy guy made it even worse. And it was even more shocking that this thing was standing erect as if it were as crazy as its owner, and that its size was drastically different from his own that he had always held in the bathroom.

Jeong Tae-ui, frozen in place for a few seconds with a blank mind, deeply regretted his actions. He slowly and mechanically turned his head.

"What is this?"

"You suddenly grabbed it, and now you're asking me? That's a bit troublesome. Ah, wait. Don’t squeeze. I might come."

Ilay's voice was as calm as ever, but his breathing was slightly faster. Jeong Tae-ui, startled, quickly tried to release his hand. However, a large, white, and beautiful hand overlapped his.

"Good. Just a little more."

"Good? What do you mean good! Just a little more what? Let go of my hand!"

Jeong Tae-ui shouted in a panic, desperately struggling to get out from under Ilay. Damn it, the feel of this bastard’s lower abdomen against his butt was giving him chills. And now, this damn hand overlapping his was touching his groin.

In contrast to Jeong Tae-ui’s frantic thrashing, Ilay laughed coolly and softly. The only change was the slightly excited breath and the voice whispering lower in his ear.

"Sorry, sorry. I guess being cooped up quietly for a few days made me like this without realizing. Well, it doesn't matter, it’s just a little harmless fun. Stay still. Shh..."

Ilay whispered in his ear. The lips touching his earlobe were hot. Hot and ticklish, sending chills down his spine. Jeong Tae-ui shuddered involuntarily.

What is this? He never wished for this kind of messed-up situation. Why was he tangled in desires with this guy?

While Jeong Tae-ui's mind was in turmoil, a large hand moved over his pants. Starting from his lower abdomen, the hand slid down slowly, covering his groin like a noose.

Jeong Tae-ui let out a shallow breath.

Ilay, gripping his flaccid penis over the clothes, suddenly applied a slightly rough force. It wasn’t enough to cause pain, but enough to startle Jeong Tae-ui. As Jeong Tae-ui opened his mouth to say something, Ilay began to caress his penis. The hand that firmly pushed up the soft flesh then teased the tip with his fingertips. The fingers that poked through the thin fabric and gently pressed against the urethra were chilling. He laughed as the penis hardened effortlessly in his grasp.

It wasn't just an impression. The penis in Jeong Tae-ui's hand was also rising, head held high. Overwhelmed by the growing length that couldn’t even fit entirely in his hand, Jeong Tae-ui tried to pull back his hand, but Ilay's hand firmly overlaid it, preventing any movement.

"Hey, wait, I’m not into you!"

He shouted, but his voice came out raspy and mixed with desperation, probably due to the urgency or the strong pull below. From behind, Ilay muttered in a now clearly rough and lowered voice.

"I'm not really into you either. But you don’t have to be my type to relieve desires. Don’t think about it. It's just about releasing built-up tension. Just like I need to, so do you. We're just lending each other a hand. It's nothing you don’t do with others."

Even as he spoke, Ilay’s voice grew increasingly heated. Then suddenly, it seemed like his hand, which had been gripping Jeong Tae-ui's penis, was about to leave.

What do you mean, you might do this with anyone, but I don't... Jeong Tae-ui was about to shout when the stimulus faded. He winced instinctively. The disappearing stimulus amidst the urgent need brought out the beast more attuned to instincts than reason.

Come to think of it, it had been months since Jeong Tae-ui last relieved himself. He hadn't had the chance since he had been busy contemplating whether to discharge or not. ...Maybe it had been almost a year.

Damn. No wonder his lower half was getting erected even with this madman behind him.

"Hey, wait, just a little more...! Hey, hey, again, again!"

Screw it. If it's come to this, he might as well relieve himself. Moreover, Jeong Tae-ui’s hand was still bound to Ilay's groin. Anyway, this guy seemed intent on satisfying his desire with his own hand, so Jeong Tae-ui would only feel unjust if left out.

When Jeong Tae-ui grabbed Ilay’s wrist as it started to leave, Ilay paused briefly and then chuckled softly. He then said while shaking off Jeong Tae-ui's hand.

"Your clothes are already wet. Are you planning to come in them?"

Ugh. Jeong Tae-ui, with his face burning hot, recoiled his hand. Ilay then slipped his hand into Jeong Tae-ui's pants and pulled them down. The sudden exposure felt cool, but before the chill could take effect, Ilay’s hand once again warmly grasped his groin.

Looking down, Jeong Tae-ui saw that beautiful, white hand gripping his penis. Between those long, delicate fingers, glimpses of his reddened, erect penis could be seen. As Ilay had said, the tip was already wet.

The sight of those pale, elegant fingers teasing and roughly handling the sensitive skin of his penis felt obscenely lurid to Jeong Tae-ui, causing him to turn his head away in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Ilay, who had intertwined his fingers over Jeong Tae-ui's hand, led his hand inside his own pants. As the front of his trousers came down, his hot, erect penis suddenly sprang free. Jeong Tae-ui swallowed another groan. It had been disconcerting enough when it was covered by clothing, but now, feeling the massive, hot flesh directly against his palm was chilling.

"Get down. ...Raise your hips."

The heat of Ilay's chest pressed against his back, transmitting warmth that seemed to blur Jeong Tae-ui's thoughts.

As he lowered himself as instructed, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly came to his senses when he felt the tip of Ilay's penis between his bare buttocks. Cold sweat trickled down. He remembered the solid feeling from earlier.

"Wait! No, this isn't right! I told you, I'm not into this! You said we'd just use our hands, why are you trying to shove that in and kill me?!"

Jeong Tae-ui flailed and yelled. This was no joke. He wasn't into being on the receiving end, had never been, and if something that size was pushed in, he was sure he'd split in two and die. Ilay, who was holding his own penis and trying to push between Jeong Tae-ui's booty cheeks, frowned as Jeong Tae-ui kicked out with a pale face. However, he quickly shrugged as if he understood.

"Alright. I get it, you're not my type either. Probably wouldn't feel great anyway... Then come closer. No, lie down facing me. That's it."

As Jeong Tae-ui hesitated, Ilay impatiently pushed him down and pressed on top of him. Then, he grasped both Jeong Tae-ui's and his own penis together with his large hand and began to stroke them forcefully.

Ilay's hand, which gripped both penises together, moved with a brutal force, leaving no room for Jeong Tae-ui to protest. Though the hand movements were rough enough to hurt, Jeong Tae-ui couldn't utter a sound. On the thin line between pain and pleasure, his penis was swelling more and more. The heat of Ilay's penis, pressed against his own, was intense enough to feel like it might burn.

Ilay, who had been moaning softly right above Jeong Tae-ui's face, suddenly reached out a hand. That large hand covered Jeong Tae-ui's eyes, plunging him into darkness.

With his vision blocked, his senses became even more acute. All sensations converged on one point where every nerve in his body concentrated, becoming disturbingly hot. It felt like his insides were burning. Bit by bit, more and more.

Then, all of a sudden.

Hot, sticky liquid splattered onto his abdomen. Ilay's hand disappeared from Jeong Tae-ui's eyes. Again and again, the milky, thick fluid shot out almost simultaneously from both of them, pooling on Jeong Tae-ui's stomach and trickling down. The sensation was so hot that Jeong Tae-ui let out a short groan.

His head felt hot, his vision went white, and it all felt surreal. This feeling lingered for a moment.

His vision blurred, and he closed his eyes for a while. His strength drained away, and he collapsed onto the floor.

Jeong Tae-ui thought he might just drift off to sleep like this, but he felt the warmth above him recede. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ilay, who had been lying almost on top of him, getting up. Sitting beside him, Ilay glanced at Jeong Tae-ui, who was lying limp, and chuckled.

"See, it's not so bad. You can relieve your urges with anyone."

"...No... I still prefer someone I like. After all, you have to face them afterward."

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled, still lying motionless. Slowly, rationality began to return to his mind.

He realized he had made another foolish mistake. It wasn’t like he had done anything completely out of control with this guy, but it felt like he was sinking deeper into the quagmire, despite his uncle's advice to avoid getting involved. It was becoming more of a mess.

No, maybe not. After all, being close enough to help each other relieve some tension could mean a deeper connection, right? Who knows, maybe if something happened later, Ilay might show some consideration because of this bond.

Thinking this, Jeong Tae-ui sighed deeply.

The thoughts he entertained seemed absurd even to himself. This man, Ilay, would likely not hesitate to kill even a cherished lover if the timing was wrong.

He suddenly recalled something Ilay had said before.

—I don’t quite get it. I can imagine what’s going through your mind… But such shame is hard for me to grasp, as I’ve never experienced it. It’s useless in life. If it were me, I’d suggest just going for it since you were already turned on. Better that than agonizing with a frustrated face….. Emotions are a fleeting whim, not worth fretting over too much.

Those words were now the most crucial guideline for understanding Ilay.

Jeong Tae-ui glanced over at Ilay. The hot and stuffy atmosphere from a moment ago had disappeared, and Ilay, as if nothing had happened, was cleaning himself with a composed and cold expression. Their eyes met. Without any embarrassment or hesitation, Ilay met his gaze and offered a tissue to Jeong Tae-ui, asking if he wanted to clean up too.

Although he had suspected it, Jeong Tae-ui realized anew: this man had no psychological burdens or constraints when it came to sexual matters. He treated sex like a sport, without emotional entanglement.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed again as he thought about this.

There was no need to think too deeply about it. It was just casual enjoyment with someone else. Even if he felt heavy-hearted, what could he do about it? His heart wasn’t in it, and it wasn’t like his body had gone along with it out of love.

With another deep sigh, Jeong Tae-ui felt his mind ease. Looking into Ilay's dark, cool eyes, he felt reassured. It really was just for fun. Despite a faint sense of regret, he appreciated that there was no awkwardness in facing him afterward.

The only lingering discomfort was towards another. Sorry, Xin Lu.

Jeong Tae-ui silently muttered an apology to him.

"Are you not getting up? Then I'll shower first."

Ilay gestured towards the bathroom. Fine, do as you please, I'm not getting up, Jeong Tae-ui mumbled, turning onto his side. The fluid that had pooled on his stomach was slowly hardening and trickling down. Grimacing, he noticed Ilay catching on, laughed and wiped his stomach with a towel. Perhaps he had some manners after all. Hard to believe, though.

"Tsk... Ah, crap."

As Ilay tossed the towel aside and noticed some fluid on his fingers, he clicked his tongue. Then, looking down at Jeong Tae-ui, he seemed to have a thought and ran his finger across Jeong Tae-ui's lips.

Intending to just lie there and laze around, Jeong Tae-ui's expression instantly hardened as he bolted upright. With a disgusted noise, he furiously scrubbed his lips with the back of his hand, prompting Ilay to laugh. In a fit of annoyance, Jeong Tae-ui tried to slap him hard across the face.



Drip, drip...

What woke him up was the sound of water dripping in the distance. The sound echoed softly in the quiet and dark basem*nt, gently reaching his ears. It felt as if a cold, clear drop of water might fall on his forehead.

Jeong Tae-ui opened his eyes. All he could see was a dim yellow light. But when he turned his gaze, he could make out the dimly lit room around him. He listened carefully, but besides the occasional sound of water, there was no other noise. It seemed like everyone in the other rooms was asleep, as there was no sign of movement.

There was no clock, and no one told him the time, but his body naturally sensed the approximate hour. It was probably around 2 or 3 a.m. Even if he was off, it wouldn't be by more than an hour or two. It was too early to get up and move around, and too late to exchange even a few words with others.

“Damn... I wanted to sleep comfortably in the dark, but even my dreams are terrible...”

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled, pressing his thumb against his eyelids, which were still heavy with sleep. If he stayed still, he knew he would fall asleep again in seconds, but he also knew that if he fell asleep now, he would surely have the same dream again. It was like waking up from sleep paralysis, only to fall asleep again and experience the same paralysis.

“What kind of dream is so terrible? Did someone appear in it that you're afraid to see?”

Jeong Tae-ui froze.

The voice came from right beside him. Someone was lying close against the wall nearest to where Jeong Tae-ui was lying. The voice, calm and steady in the darkness, held no trace of sleep. It seemed the person hadn't been asleep at all.

When he turned his head, he saw a pair of eyes glowing in the darkness, reflecting the faint light. Seeing them suddenly without thinking would be enough to give someone a heart attack.

"Do I really have to see you even in my dreams?"

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep. In response, he heard a soft, breathy laugh. It seemed the person was smiling in that peculiar way of his again. Jeong Tae-ui, still struggling with drowsiness, forced himself to sit up. He didn't want to fall asleep and have the same dream again.

"Ah, how nice it would be if I could just avoid meeting people I dislike, at least in my dreams."

"So, you really did meet someone you were afraid of in your dream?"

"More than afraid, it was someone I can't stand..."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered bitterly, smacking his lips. He thought a lot of time had passed since he'd been through so much after coming to this place, but when he looked back, it had only been about half a year since he'd been discharged. It's no surprise that memories from that time would appear vividly in his dreams.

"There was this one really annoying guy when I was in the army. I’m sure he thought the same about me... Ah, really. There were so many kind and cute juniors, and seniors who were gentle and reliable, so why on earth did it have to be that annoying guy who shows up in my dreams?"

"Aha. An annoying guy, huh? It’s intriguing to hear you talk like that."

Ilay said, as if surprised. It was unusual for Jeong Tae-ui to talk about others, and even when he did, he rarely spoke ill of them, so this must have piqued Ilay's curiosity.

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head. He didn’t really want to talk about it. It wasn’t so much that the story was unsettling, but rather that he didn’t want to remember that annoying guy at all.

"Talking about things that are bothering you is how you let them go. So, did you run into a bad superior in the military and have a rough time? Tell me whatever you want. I’m a good listener, you know."

Ilay’s words made Jeong Tae-ui chuckle. He didn’t particularly feel like he needed someone to listen, but he figured it would be better to keep talking to stay awake. Besides, it wasn’t like this was some big secret.

"He's also the reason I got discharged. I was so determined to beat the crap out of him that I sent him to the hospital. I ended up in the hospital too, but I got discharged two weeks earlier than he did."

"So, I won," Jeong Tae-ui added, and Ilay laughed. It would indeed sound funny to anyone, claiming victory after a fight that landed both of them in the hospital.

"I wasn’t obvious about it at school, but there was an incident, and rumors spread that I liked men. You might understand, but the military culture in my country is very conservative. That rumor followed me even after I graduated and was commissioned into the military. To make matters worse, an obnoxious classmate who loved to spread that rumor also got commissioned and ended up in the same unit as me."

"Ah, so did you beat him up for spreading that rumor?"

"No. The rumor started a long time ago. It had been following me for years. And since the rumor was true, no matter how much I disliked his behavior, I couldn't hit him for that."

"Then what happened?"

"At that time, life was just tiring. My superiors, my subordinates, everything was exhausting. So, when I was already mentally worn out, that guy decided to throw a punch at me. I guess all the frustration I'd been holding in for years just exploded, and I thought, 'Fine, today you're going down,' and I just let loose on him. By the time I came to my senses, we were lying side by side in the hospital."

That was the worst part. After beating the guy with the determination to never see him again, he ended up seeing him immediately after regaining consciousness, lying right next to him in the same space, unable to move. It was the worst of the worst. In terms of emotional torment, it was even harder to bear than being trapped in the same space with this murderous maniac right now.

To make matters worse, while they were in the hospital, the guy never just ignored or avoided him. Instead, he kept picking fights. Just when things would get quiet, he'd drop some comment that would flip his mood upside down, and just when Jeong Tae-ui would try to ignore him, he'd poke at him again with his sharp tongue. Their personalities were completely different in that regard — Jeong Tae-ui, who would ignore and treat people he disliked as if they didn't exist, and this guy, who was the exact opposite.

"A punch, huh? That guy's got guts. I wouldn't want to fight you either."

Ilay said with a laugh. If anyone else had said that, Jeong Tae-ui might have thought they were acknowledging his strength, but coming from Ilay, it only sounded like teasing. He probably knew it too.

"...Yeah, well, I wouldn't want to fight me either. Who knows what dirty tricks I'd pull?"

However, after thinking for a moment, Jeong Tae-ui nodded in agreement. Most people who knew Jeong Tae-ui would probably agree. He wasn't particularly good with his fists or exceptionally skilled, but there were few who dared to provoke him first. Thanks to that, he rarely found himself in unnecessary fights.

In fact, even Lieutenant Kim, that guy, hardly ever threw a punch, preferring to provoke others with his words. That cowardly and sneaky guy knew well enough that starting a fight with Jeong Tae-ui, who wouldn't hesitate to use any dirty trick to bring down his opponent, wouldn't end well for him.

Still, it was surprising that Lieutenant Kim had punched Jeong Tae-ui at all. Although Jeong Tae-ui would throw back similar remarks whenever Lieutenant Kim said something nasty, it was rare for him to get so riled up that he would resort to violence. And it wasn't like Jeong Tae-ui had used any particularly harsh language against him.

"He kept calling me 'hom*o' every time we ran into each other, so I just told him off because I was tired of hearing it. I joked, 'Hey, you must actually like me, right? That's why you keep hanging around and spouting that crap to get my attention.' Then suddenly, he snapped and threw a punch at me... He must have really hated gay people. I mean, to get that worked up over a few words. Seriously, what a pain in the ass. Why did he keep picking fights if he hated it so much?"

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and muttered. Talking about it brought back memories, and he could feel the anger rising again. Even in his dreams, that guy showed up, taunting him with the same "hom*o" remarks. Whether in dreams or reality, he was just unlucky to deal with that jerk.

Ilay remained silent. The man who had been laughing and responding just a moment ago said nothing, prompting Jeong Tae-ui to look at him. He wondered if Ilay had fallen asleep, but the black pupils still reflected the light. He was staring at Jeong Tae-ui, lost in thought.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about when people usually get the angriest."

"Heh, people tend to get angry when something hits too close to home. Maybe that guy really was into that sort of thing. You know, some people don't even realize it themselves."

Jeong Tae-ui joked with a laugh. But there was no response from Ilay; he just looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a curious expression before letting out a small chuckle.

"Was he the only one like that?"


"In all your life, has there never been anyone else who picked fights with you like that?"

Jeong Tae-ui paused to think. Lieutenant Kim was the most vividly remembered as a really unpleasant person. But as time passed, unless something like a dream brought him back to mind, Jeong Tae-ui wouldn't think of him, and many of those memories had faded.

He didn't have many memories of hating someone, at least not with the same intensity as Lieutenant Kim, who spent years at school and in the military alongside him, constantly insulting and provoking him.

But now that he thought about it, there had been some strange people who had crossed paths with him in life. That senior from high school, for example. Though, Jeong Tae-ui didn't exactly hate that guy. It seemed like every year, he encountered odd people. But he always thought most of it was because of his older brother.

His brother always seemed to attract kidnappers or twisted individuals, and because Jeong Tae-ui was always around him when they were younger, he ended up experiencing those situations more than others. These people weren't the same as the perverts or deviants you hear about nowadays. They didn’t usually do anything overt — though sometimes they did — but they were strangely persistent.

However, once he hit puberty, grew taller, and gained strength, such incidents became less frequent. Maybe it was because if someone seemed odd, Jeong Tae-ui wouldn't keep them close and would push them away if necessary, even with force. Or, though it was unlikely, maybe it was because the brothers were so cute as children that they attracted attention, but as they grew older, their looks faded.

In any case, by the time he reached middle and high school, where he had matured faster than others, he didn’t encounter many strange people. Most of the people around him were good.

"Or maybe, by then, I wasn't always sticking close to my brother, so all the weirdos might have gone after him without me knowing. Hmm. If that's the case, it seems like they were originally targeting him. Anyway, I didn't really deal with stuff like that."

Jeong Tae-ui shrugged his shoulders as he added, "I didn't exactly have the kind of face people would pick on."

Maybe that's why Jeong Tae-ui preferred gentle and loving people, and since he was drawn to such people, there weren't many who would stick around if they could cause him harm.

He couldn't remember exactly when this happened. It wasn’t that long ago, probably around the time he graduated from the military academy or was newly commissioned.

At that time, Jeong Tae-ui had learned that he would have to face Lieutenant Kim again at the new unit he was assigned to, which made him very unhappy. He remembered coming home and venting his frustrations. As Jeong Tae-ui grumbled while downing several cans of beer, his brother, who was sitting in front of him nursing a single can, sighed and said something strange.

‘The guy who covets you must be someone who’s instinctively greedy. It’s not a good idea to get too close to him.’

When Jeong Tae-ui heard that, he wondered if his brother was drunk after just one can of beer or if he had eaten something wrong. He looked at him disapprovingly, shuddering.

‘Hey, hyung. Jeong Jae-ui, what are you talking about? It’s not like he covets me, it’s more like he’s constantly picking fights with me. …Why are you so out of it? Is something bothering you?’

Worried about his brother’s sudden, out-of-context remark, he tried to change the subject. His brother seemed like he was about to say something, but then closed his mouth. Jeong Tae-ui, slightly tipsy, shook his brother, urging him to talk if something was bothering him. Eventually, his brother did share his worries — he was concerned that his only younger brother was turning into more and more of a drunk.


Thinking back on it, his brother was sometimes a bit of a mystery. There were times when Jeong Tae-ui wondered if this guy was really the same age as him, but despite everything, they were siblings who got along without ever really fighting. The only times they did fight were when they were very young or when they argued about whether jajangmyeon or jjamppong was better.

"I wonder what he’s up to now. Though I’m sure he’s doing fine on his own."

Jeong Tae-ui flopped back onto the bed. Ilay looked at Jeong Tae-ui and smiled faintly.

"It seems like you’re worried because your brother is missing. From what I heard from Instructor Jeong, he still hasn’t come home."

Jeong Tae-ui scoffed and waved his hand dismissively. Worry? That wasn’t necessary for his brother. His brother, who always got whatever he wanted, would somehow manage to twist fate so that if he even thought, ‘I want to see my younger brother,’ he’d end up bumping into someone on the street who would turn out to be the head of UNHRDO, who would get so mad that he’d throw his hyung into the nearest branch’s prison — only for that branch to be the one right here.

"Still, you never know. He might’ve been secretly captured by some weapons developer and is now being imprisoned and exploited for his brains."

"If he was someone to end up like that, he would’ve been caught before he were even ten years old."

Jeong Tae-ui responded firmly, leaving no room for doubt. Having met Jeong Jae-ui himself, Ilay seemed to know about his luck and nodded in agreement.

It was nice to talk to someone who knew about his brother. When Jeong Tae-ui talked like this, people who didn’t know Jeong Jae-ui or had only heard vague rumors would doubtfully ask how such things could be possible. Even Jeong Tae-ui, who had lived with his brother, sometimes found his luck hard to believe, so it was natural that others would be skeptical.

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly looked at Ilay. It wasn’t really something he needed to ask, but he was curious.

"You said you met my brother before, right?"

"Well, ‘met’ might not be the right word. It was so brief that it’s more accurate to say we passed by each other."

"Was that through my uncle? Or because your brother is an arms dealer?"

Ilay gave a vague smile and answered shortly, "Both." Jeong Tae-ui nodded.

Then Ilay suddenly asked,

"In a situation where Jeong Jae-ui is missing, if you needed to find him urgently, how would you go about finding him?"

Jeong Tae-ui frowned and let out a "Hmm." He had never thought about that before. Whenever it was necessary, he could easily get in touch with his brother. There were only rare occasions when he couldn’t, and it was usually for one specific reason: if getting in touch with his brother would cause him some sort of inconvenience.

Jeong Jae-ui was consistently lucky in that way.

"He's not someone I can contact just because I want to, so if he doesn’t want to meet me, there’s no point in trying to find him. It's like an innate talent; it's not something that can be achieved through effort."

However, there was one way to meet Jeong Jae-ui. If meeting Jeong Jae-ui would result in a benefit solely for him, it was easier to find him. If he wanted to meet him for something that would bring luck or a positive outcome to Jae-ui, then it would be easy to track him down.

As he thought about this, Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head. He had never tried to calculate or plan out meeting his brother like that before, so thinking about it now was difficult.

"Come to think of it, it’s my brother’s birthday in two months."

When Jeong Tae-ui mumbled this thought out loud, Ilay raised his eyebrows and said, amused,

"Jeong Jae-ui’s birthday? Then that means it’s your birthday too. You talk as if it doesn’t apply to you."

"Huh? It’s not that; it’s just that we’ve only been celebrating each other’s birthdays for the past few years. My brother took care of mine."

He rarely thought about his own birthday. It’s not like he did anything special for his brother’s birthday either. He just remembered the day, got in touch, and if their schedules aligned, they would have a meal together. After their parents passed away, they were the only ones left, with no relatives to keep in contact with, and neither had a significant other, so they naturally ended up spending their birthdays together.

"…Though, to be honest, neither of us is the type to diligently celebrate birthdays. We would only remember a few days later and then try to find time to grab a meal together."

"Hmm. So this year, too, Jeong Jae-ui will either come find you for your birthday or at least get in touch."

"Well, maybe. He might call around that time. If I call home, he might even be back by then."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured nonchalantly, looking up at the ceiling. Then, suddenly sensing Ilay staring at him, he turned to look at him.


"No, I thought so before, but I get the feeling you have a good relationship with your brother. I'm jealous."

Ilay shook his head with a subtle smile. Jeong Tae-ui, who was unsure if their relationship was so good as to make others envious, shook his head ambiguously and suddenly stopped moving.

Faintly, he thought he heard something from above. Beyond the ceiling, or beyond that, or even further above.

It seemed Ilay also noticed why Jeong Tae-ui had stopped. He glanced at the ceiling and then nodded with an "Ah." Jeong Tae-ui looked at him as if he knew something.

"It's probably radiation response training. We've entered the second half of the second week, so they usually do it around the end of the joint training."

"Radiation response... What on earth are they exploding that the vibrations can be felt here?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered with a face of disbelief. This building had a significant distance between floors. Moreover, the inner and outer walls were thick enough that most sounds didn't transmit. The only places with thin walls might be the corridors in the office areas where people stayed. The spaces between floors and outer walls were said to be bunker-level.

"Feeling it down here means it must be directly above us. If it's the 6th basem*nt level... that would be where the office areas are. They don't tell the staff where they'll be detonating each time. Looks like it's above us this year."

"Conducting radiation response training inside the building... I think the wardens of UNHRDO have definitely lost their minds. Do they have so much budget that they don't know what to do with it?"

"At the end of the year, they dig up perfectly good roads because of the administrative budget. It's similar to that. They allocate the budget after the quarterly joint training."

"...There always has to be an irrational system somewhere."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured bitterly. But randomly detonating things, even if it's okay since there's nothing important in the office area, it would be quite troublesome if they did it on the ground floors or near the important floors. If they did it on the 5th basem*nt level, the branch wouldn't be much affected, but the staff would be wandering around looking for a rest area for a while.

"No matter where they detonate it, it will be inconvenient for a few days... Ah. Maybe they should just drive everyone outside and detonate it in the forest or somewhere like the 4th basem*nt level."

"That won't work."

As Jeong Tae-ui started listing each floor, Ilay mumbled with a laugh. Jeong Tae-ui glanced at him.

Come to think of it, he didn't know what was on the 4th basem*nt level. It was a restricted area, so the door to the 4th basem*nt level was always locked. The elevator didn't stop on the 4th basem*nt level either. Since it was restricted to authorized personnel only, authorized personnel could enter, but Jeong Tae-ui had no idea what was there.

"Why? Do they secretly have robots protecting the Earth hidden on the 4th basem*nt level?"

When Jeong Tae-ui said this, Ilay laughed out loud but didn't answer. Even after waiting a bit longer, it didn't seem like an answer would come, so Jeong Tae-ui turned his head. The building had a significantly wide gap between floors, so it seemed like a giant robot could fit. Then, where would the robot deploy from? Would it dig a tunnel to go out?

While Jeong Tae-ui was momentarily lost in thought, he heard another faint vibration and sound from far above. It seemed the radiation response training was still ongoing. Looking up at the invisible ceiling, Jeong Tae-ui sighed.

Although he couldn't know for sure, it was undoubtedly late at night. Training at this time, the branch members really had it tough. Not just the branch members, but the ones leading the training must be the instructors, and they had it tough too. It seemed that being trapped in the fortress was a better deal for him.

He quietly counted how many days had passed. Even though his sense of dates was blurred a few days after he came in, it seemed like roughly half of his stay in the detention section was over.

"Ilay, how long do you have to stay in the detention section?"

"Well, I've never been released on the scheduled date, so I don't know. They told me to stay for ten days once, but I was released after three months. They also told me to rot here for a few years but let me out in less than a month. However, it's not the branch I'm affiliated with, and I have a lot of tasks piled up, so they probably won't keep me here for long."

Ilay spoke calmly, as if it didn't matter when he got out. Then, he suddenly asked Jeong Tae-ui.

"Weren't you told ten days?"

"Yeah, it seems like about half of that has passed now."

"When you leave, I'll be bored. It would be nice if someone else comes in."

At his words, Jeong Tae-ui laughed bitterly and threw a pen he had in his hand, grumbling, "Am I your entertainment?" He fervently hoped that whoever came into this room after he left would be just as cold and selfish as this guy, who was looking for someone to pass the time with.


When he slept more than usual, his head felt heavy. Jeong Tae-ui realized as soon as he woke up that he had slept a bit longer than usual. His head was slightly heavy and foggy. He got up and shook his groggy head, reaching for the water bottle by his bedside to quench his thirst. It was probably around seven or eight o'clock.

It seemed Ilay was in the bathroom. A faint light was leaking out through the glass door of the bathroom. He had learned over the past few days that Ilay washed up first thing in the morning. He also noticed a few other small habits. When he was deep in thought, he would tap the floor slowly with his index finger — a habit Jeong Tae-ui had also noticed when Ilay was on the phone. When he made jokes, his eyes would slightly crinkle.

Jeong Tae-ui shook his heavy head and entered the bathroom. Ilay, standing under the shower stream in the shower booth, acknowledged him with his eyes. Jeong Tae-ui, with sleepy eyes, stood in front of the sink and grabbed his toothbrush. Half-asleep, he started brushing his teeth.

If he slept less than usual, he would wake up quickly, but if he slept too much, it was harder to open his eyes. So, at times like this, he would wait to fully wake up while brushing his teeth with his eyes closed.

Throughout school life, fitting into the school schedule, and after graduation, fitting into military life, he had always lived a regular life since he grew up. So, just being confined here for a few days wouldn't change his body's rhythm.

"You're not waking up as usual. Hey, don't swallow it. Spit it out."

As Jeong Tae-ui was brushing his teeth clumsily, Ilay, who had finished his shower, approached, clicked his tongue, and patted his back. Only then did Jeong Tae-ui groggily open his eyes and spit out what was in his mouth. He rinsed his mouth a few times and felt a bit more awake.

"Damn. My head's killing me. I swear I won't do that puzzle again."

Jeong Tae-ui came out of the bathroom grumbling and threw the puzzle magazine. Yesterday, in the afternoon, an instructor who periodically checked the detention section stopped in front of Jeong Tae-ui's cell and unexpectedly handed him a bundle of books, saying it was a gift from his team for their unfairly incarcerated colleague.

Though there weren't any useful books, he gratefully accepted them as he was bored. However, when he opened the books, he found there were indeed no useful ones. A couple of adult magazines, a mystery novel he had read long ago, and a puzzle magazine.

From these choices, he could tell who picked each book. The adult magazines were probably jointly obtained by a few guys, and the mystery novel was likely slipped in by Tou. The puzzle magazine puzzled him initially, but since no one on the team was into puzzles, it must have been Maurer, who shared a room with Tou and had also shared a room with Jeong Tae-ui for a few days. Though Maurer had been glaring at him ever since Colt's grudge, he seemed to have had some compassion when he heard Jeong Tae-ui was in the detention section.

The most useful book for killing time was the puzzle magazine, so Jeong Tae-ui sincerely thanked Maurer and opened the book, deciding that next time he went to Hong Kong, he would meet a dealer to buy a Colt for Maurer.

But right now, all such thoughts vanished. He could keenly feel how much Maurer resented him. The puzzle magazine Maurer sent was at an extreme level. The cover had a cute warning that said "No Entry for Beginners." Though Maurer knew Jeong Tae-ui liked such puzzles but wasn't good at them, he still sent this book.

In the end, he struggled with the magazine late into the night and only fell asleep at dawn. Ilay, frowning, had asked, "Do you really have to solve that?" but Jeong Tae-ui firmly shook his head. Once he started a puzzle, he had to finish it. Even if it was a poorly chosen book.

Thanks to that, he ended up sleeping late, and now his head hurt, and his eyes were dry and scratchy.

"Maurer... you sent this to mess with me, didn't you..."

Jeong Tae-ui glared at the magazine as if he wanted to eat it. Ilay, who was doing light push-ups for his morning exercise, looked at him incredulously.

“If you can’t solve it, then just leave it. Why are you holding on to it so stubbornly?”

“I need to solve anything I lay my hands on! …Man, I must’ve overworked my brain. I’m hungry. Why isn’t breakfast here yet?”

Jeong Tae-ui glanced around, searching for his wristwatch, feeling that breakfast should be arriving soon.

Just then, as if his words had summoned it, the sound of a metal door opening echoed from the end of the hallway. It was about time for breakfast distribution. The meals, served right on time with fairly good side dishes, were quite decent for prison food. As usual, the hallway of the detention section lit up brightly when the food was delivered. The sudden light was so blinding that Jeong Tae-ui could barely open his eyes.

“Food, food, food~, I'm so hungry~ give~ me food~ quickly~.”

Half-closing his eyes, Jeong Tae-ui hummed a tune and tapped the bars with his fingers as he often did when his mind was foggy and he lacked energy. Ilay glanced at him, seemingly amused by how he entertained himself, but showed no particular reaction, instead pulling out a small table and setting it up.

“You must be low on calcium. Your head seems to be floating. Hopefully, breakfast today will have some calcium-rich dishes.”

Ilay muttered. Jeong Tae-ui smirked. Listening to such trivial jokes lifted his mood slightly. It made him think that maybe Ilay wasn’t entirely a lunatic. However, that thought would vanish when he saw Ilay in the afternoon, punching a steel plate mounted on the wall or doing sit-ups while hanging upside down.

Ilay might not be a complete lunatic, but he certainly wasn’t a normal person either. There were several pieces of evidence to support this, beyond the indented steel plates. The most obvious example was the scar on his shoulder. His wounds healed noticeably faster than normal. The doctor who checked on them every afternoon often looked at Ilay with suspicion, wondering if he was truly human.

But thinking about it, whether he was human or not didn’t matter as long as it didn’t affect Jeong Tae-ui.

Jeong Tae-ui watched Ilay set up the table while he tapped the bars with his fingers.

Then it happened.

“Tae-ui hyung.”

From just a few steps away, a familiar voice called out. Jeong Tae-ui froze, his fingers halting in mid-tap, and turned around with a disbelieving look. Just a few steps outside the bars stood Xin Lu.

“Hey, …what brings you here? Why are you here? What’s going on, Xin Lu?”

Initially overjoyed to see him, Jeong Tae-ui’s face quickly turned serious as he remembered that this was the detention section. While it was unlikely that Xin Lu, being a guard, would be in trouble, an uneasy feeling crept into Jeong Tae-ui’s heart, fearing something bad might have happened.

Seeing Jeong Tae-ui's face change from joyful to worried, Xin Lu quickly waved his hand, seemingly understanding the reason behind it.

“No, hyung. I just came to visit you. I asked the officer for permission to see how you were doing.”

Xin Lu said quickly, trying to reassure Jeong Tae-ui, flashing a bright smile that was just like always. Jeong Tae-ui watched him quietly, scrutinizing to see if he was hiding anything. When Xin Lu tilted his head slightly, looking a bit puzzled, Jeong Tae-ui finally smiled calmly.

“Thanks for coming. I was surprised to see you. I thought maybe you got into some trouble to end up here. But of course, you wouldn’t do anything to get yourself locked up here.”

Jeong Tae-ui brushed aside the fact that he hadn’t done anything to deserve being locked up here either. Xin Lu stood awkwardly on the other side of the bars, smiling shyly at Jeong Tae-ui. He leaned closer, whispering softly.

“Are you okay? I was really worried when I heard you were here. Is it alright? You’re not being mistreated or anything…?”

“No, nothing like that. I’m doing fine. How about you? How is everyone else? Nothing’s wrong?”

Jeong Tae-ui asked, gripping the bars. Xin Lu shook his head, saying everyone was fine, and took a step closer. They were close enough to touch, but the bars were in the way. Xin Lu, looking regretful, hesitated briefly before lightly grasping the bars, just below Jeong Tae-ui's hand.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu’s delicate hand, then at his face. Xin Lu was looking down, his cheeks slightly flushed. Jeong Tae-ui's own face turned red, and he slowly lowered his hand, carefully placing it over Xin Lu's. The contact made his face feel even hotter, and he couldn’t help but lower his head as well.

This unexpected visit filled Jeong Tae-ui with joy. He hadn’t expected anyone to visit him here — he didn’t even know visits were allowed. The fact that Xin Lu was the one who came made him even happier. He gently stroked Xin Lu’s soft hand with his thumb, finding the slight movements of Xin Lu’s fingers endearing.

Just then, the guard who had probably come in with Xin Lu approached with their breakfast. The two of them, who had been blushing and holding hands without saying much, reluctantly let go. Despite this, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t wipe the smile off his face and covered his mouth with his hand. The guard, who usually passed the meal trays silently, glanced at Xin Lu and then at Jeong Tae-ui before speaking unexpectedly.

“You were singing about being hungry and wanting food earlier, right? Here, eat up. I’ve given you a bit more today.”

The guard’s lips curled into a sly smile, revealing white teeth. Jeong Tae-ui’s face turned beet red in an instant. He looked away from Xin Lu, inwardly cursing the guard. This usually unresponsive guard had chosen this moment to comment because Xin Lu was here. Clearly, he was doing it on purpose. There were too many enemies everywhere. The world felt bleak.

Mumbling to himself with a flushed face, Jeong Tae-ui heard a low chuckle from behind him. He immediately stiffened, realizing it was Ilay.

Xin Lu looked puzzled, hearing the noise from the dimly lit interior. Since he couldn’t see under the shelves from outside the bars, he seemed unaware there was another person in there. Startled by the sudden sound, Xin Lu widened his eyes and craned his neck to peer inside, but he still couldn’t make out who it was.

"Oh, it seems you're not alone, hyung. You're with someone else..."

“It’s that slender young man I’ve met before. Coming all the way here means you two must be quite close.”

Ilay said slowly without moving from his spot, his voice carrying a faint smile. Xin Lu seemed to recognize the voice immediately, and his expression hardened.

“Hyung, is that person…?”

“Yeah… You’ve seen him before. He’s from the European branch. The one who caused trouble last weekend and ended up here.”

Jeong Tae-ui explained, though he wished Xin Lu had forgotten about that encounter.

"Hyung, the person with you..."

"Hmm... you probably saw him before. He's the guy from the European branch who caused trouble last weekend."

Not probably, but definitely. Though Tae-ui hoped he had forgotten, that was unlikely. Just as Ilay had looked at Xin Lu as if licking him, Xin Lu had looked at him with clear curiosity and wariness.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue inwardly. It seemed he often encountered this man whenever he met Xin Lu. He never liked it. He wanted to keep this man as far away from Xin Lu as possible. Although he was with him now — and they were behind bars — this man couldn’t do anything to Xin Lu. But if they were free and alone together...

He didn't want to think about it. Even if he lacked confidence or pride as a man, he couldn't help it. Honestly, he was anxious about losing Xin Lu.

"Hyung, are you sharing a room with him? ...Since you came in?"

Xin Lu asked with a stiff face. Realizing that man was nearby, his expression hardened with tension. But Jeong Tae-ui could clearly feel it. Xin Lu wasn’t just nervous and anxious. He was watching Ilay with a certain emotion. He looked at Ilay with a strong and direct gaze that he had never directed at Jeong Tae-ui.

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly remembered what Ilay had said.

— Since he's not entirely yours yet, don't interfere if I approach him, seduce him, or bring him to bed. In exchange, I won't use threats or other coercive means.’

He had clear confidence. He believed that if Jeong Tae-ui didn't interfere, he could definitely get Xin Lu. No, even if Jeong Tae-ui did interfere, he wouldn't give up on what he wanted.

Ilay's movements behind him indicated he was standing up. Out of his sight, he soon came into Xin Lu's view. Jeong Tae-ui knew without looking back. Xin Lu's gaze was fixed on one spot over his shoulder, unblinking.

Step by step, slowly, he approached Jeong Tae-ui from behind. Even without identifying the direction of Xin Lu's gaze, he knew that Ilay was directly approaching him from behind. Three steps away, two steps, and then right behind. He was so close that Jeong Tae-ui felt his presence keenly. A white hand suddenly appeared over Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder, brushing past his ear and gripping the bars tightly. Not just one side, but both.

Jeong Tae-ui, almost trapped in Ilay's arms, didn't turn his head and stared straight ahead. From the front, Xin Lu also looked at Ilay with a face as rigid as Jeong Tae-ui's. Suddenly, Xin Lu's eyes seemed to sparkle.

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated for a moment. Xin Lu looked at Ilay with an expressionless, cold gaze. Anxiety — no, it was clear wariness. Wariness and anger, frustration.

Jeong Tae-ui had never seen such an expression on Xin Lu before. He had only seen him smile and call him "Tae-ui hyung" as if he would melt away like cotton candy. So the Xin Lu in front of him now felt very unfamiliar. As if he were a different person.

What should he call Xin Lu's face now, if he had to describe it...

At that moment, Xin Lu lowered his gaze. He met Jeong Tae-ui's eyes. In that instant, his face crumpled. As if he had been caught off guard, or realized a mistake.

"Tae-ui hyung, I—"

As Xin Lu opened his mouth to say something, Jeong Tae-ui held his hand again. Even though he felt Ilay pressing close from behind, pretending not to notice, Jeong Tae-ui spoke to Xin Lu.

"Thanks for worrying. I'm fine. I’ll be out of here soon, so let's meet then, and go out together. Like we talked about before."

When Jeong Tae-ui spoke with a feigned smile, Xin Lu, who had briefly shown an anxious and perplexed expression, soon nodded. Then, a smile began to spread across his face. Seeing Xin Lu's face, which looked like he was about to cry with relief, made Jeong Tae-ui's heart ache.

It was because of him that this lovely young man felt so anxious. Because he couldn't properly protect him or shield him, Xin Lu was so uneasy seeing Ilay.

"I'm not strong enough... I'm sorry."

When Jeong Tae-ui spoke bitterly, Xin Lu quickly shook his head. He repeatedly said it wasn't true.

At that moment, a hand rested on Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder. Ilay had removed one hand from the bars and placed it on Jeong Tae-ui's shoulder.

"You two seem really really close. He even came all the way here, I don't have any friends like that. I'm jealous, you know?"

Ilay sounded amused. He brought his mouth close to Jeong Tae-ui's ear and muttered in a low voice. Jeong Tae-ui shrank his neck at the warm breath and frowned.

"You have to build good relationships regularly to have visitors and all. Why are you suddenly being grumpy? I'll show you the book that I got as a gift yesterday, so don't be grumpy and go away."

Jeong Tae-ui slipped out of his grasp and spoke sulkily. Then, as if finding something amusing, Ilay Riegrow laughed out loud for a moment and then stepped back coolly. The white hand that had stretched over his shoulder to grasp the iron bars disappeared from sight. However, it seemed that Ilay had stepped back one step but had not yet turned around. Jeong Tae-ui could tell from Xin Lu's gaze, staring blankly at him in front of Jeong Tae-ui.

Suddenly, Xin Lu’s eyes widened, and he clamped his mouth shut, as if Ilay had done something behind Jeong Tae-ui. A brief, muffled laugh came from behind. When Jeong Tae-ui turned in surprise, Ilay had already spun around and was walking away. Jeong Tae-ui shot Ilay an irritated glance before turning his attention back to Xin Lu, who was watching Ilay with a blank expression.

"What's wrong? ...Are you angry? Why, did that guy do something?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked anxiously. But Xin Lu didn't answer and quietly looked at Jeong Tae-ui. Then, suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Jeong Tae-ui's hand. His hand was slightly cold, and his palm was sweaty.

"Hyung. Please come out quickly. I'll be waiting, so don't forget that I'm waiting, and come out quickly."

"Oh... okay."

Jeong Tae-ui nodded, a bit puzzled. However, Xin Lu, still with a somewhat uneasy face, did not take his eyes off Jeong Tae-ui. Shortly after, the prison officer who had finished distributing meals approached.

"Hey, Xin Lu. It's time to leave now. You can't stay too long."

When the officer shouted and gestured, Xin Lu reluctantly let go of Jeong Tae-ui's hand, and Jeong Tae-ui regretfully clenched his fist at the disappearing touch. Xin Lu greeted Jeong Tae-ui, and then the officer followed him out. Even after Xin Lu disappeared from sight, Jeong Tae-ui stood blankly in front of the iron bars, only turning around after hearing the distant sound of the iron door closing and sighing.

Inside, Ilay was already eating. Jeong Tae-ui sat across from him and silently picked up his chopsticks. As he wordlessly put rice into his mouth, Ilay spoke.

"He's rather cute. But he seems to be misunderstanding something. He's got a bit of spunk too."

Jeong Tae-ui glanced at Ilay Riegrow. He tilted his head slightly at the part about misunderstanding but didn't bother to ask. He didn't feel like having a conversation about Xin Lu. It seemed better to wait for Ilay to finish talking and then change the subject rather than dragging it out. However, Ilay seemed intent on continuing to talk about Xin Lu. Suddenly, he looked at Jeong Tae-ui's stiff face and laughed.

"Are you that worried? Afraid he'll be taken away? Or is it a different kind of worry?"

"...Yes, I'm worried he'll be taken. He's such a lovable guy that I think there would be many who desire him."

Jeong Tae-ui said gruffly. Ilay tilted his head slightly and looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a subtle smile. Then he put down his spoon and wetted his lips with a glass of water. His moist lips looked strangely sensual. Ilay, sensing Jeong Tae-ui's gaze on his lips, licked his lips with his tongue. Jeong Tae-ui quickly turned his eyes away.

Jeong Tae-ui knew for sure. This man was undoubtedly an attractive one, physically speaking. If he set his mind to it, it wouldn't be hard for him to draw someone into his embrace. Xin Lu would be no exception. In fact, given that his relationship with Xin Lu was still not clearly defined, Jeong Tae-ui had no right to say anything if Xin Lu went to this man. If Xin Lu left him for someone more attractive and heart-throbbing, what could he possibly say?

"What do you think is the essence of human charm?"

Ilay suddenly asked. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head, unsure of the context of the question. Where does human charm lie? If he were to give a textbook answer, he could say many things: the heart, the mind, wisdom. Besides that, many answers could come depending on personal opinions.

"The face."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered sulkily. Ilay laughed. His fingers tapping on the table looked extremely pleased.

"Is that your standard? That's good too. Indeed, the face is an important matter. Haha, you are quite amusing after all."

As Ilay laughed, saying that indeed Jeong Tae-ui was an interesting character, Jeong Tae-ui didn't bother to ask who else Ilay found interesting. It was already well known to him that this man was always looking for traces of his brother in him.

"But you see, it's not just the face or the body; there's this aura. It can be called personality or skill by some, but there are definitely people who can captivate others without doing anything. That guy is like that too. Just looking at him makes me hard."

Ilay said, grabbing his crotch. It made Jeong Tae-ui wonder if this was an appropriate topic while eating, but he didn't say anything. Watching Jeong Tae-ui, Ilay suddenly paused and slowly asked,

"I'm curious, if I took that boy, what would you do?"

Jeong Tae-ui stopped his chopsticks. The side dishes fell between the gap of the chopsticks. Damn it. He was already unaccustomed to using chopsticks despite decades of practice, and to hear such words while eating was aggravating. It was especially difficult when picking up soybeans, which were challenging to grasp several at once.

Jeong Tae-ui, who was glaring at the fallen side dishes on the floor with a displeased expression, put down his chopsticks. He then picked up the glass of water Ilay had just drunk from and emptied it in one gulp.

What would he do if Xin Lu was taken from him? He had never thought about it. He didn't want to think about it and consciously tried not to. In fact, the idea of being taken was absurd. Xin Lu had never belonged to him. Just as no one belongs to anyone.

He didn't want to lose him. He wanted to keep him close and cherished. He didn't want him to go to someone else. But if Xin Lu left of his own will, there was nothing Jeong Tae-ui could do to stop it.

"If you keep your promise, then I have to keep mine too."

Jeong Tae-ui said gloomily. If Ilay didn't forcibly take Xin Lu, he wouldn't interfere either. It was more of a one-sided statement from Ilay, but he intended to keep it.

Thinking about it made him depressed. Jeong Tae-ui felt his appetite waning and looked down at his tray. Although the balanced meal still had a few spoonfuls left, he put down his spoon and pushed the tray away.

Ilay looked at Jeong Tae-ui steadily, then smiled and finished his tray. He spoke to himself as if enjoying it.

"You're very clever in some ways, but in other ways, your thinking is very off. Well, that makes it enjoyable to watch."

"If you keep poking at people for fun, you'll definitely get hurt someday."

"Hmm….. maybe that's why I'm sitting in here now."

Jeong Tae-ui briefly considered using the uneaten tray to smack Ilay's face, but he gave up. He needed to stay in this place a few more days before he could leave. He had to share the same cell with this man for a few more days, and he needed to take care of himself. Jeong Tae-ui regretfully swept the tray with his fingertips, feeling a sense of frustration.


Time, in retrospect, is not such a long concept. No matter the circ*mstances, the time yet to come seems excessively abundant, but the time that has passed seems to have gone in an instant.

Ten days felt no different; it was a manageable span of time. However, on the ninth day — the one that seemed to drag on the longest — Jeong Tae-ui felt as if he had gained back half of those days when, early in the morning, the instructor unexpectedly arrived and told him to leave immediately.

He hesitated for a moment and looked back at Ilay Riegrow, but the instructor had called only for him. Ilay simply waved his hand slightly with an indifferent face. Although it wasn't something to complain about, Jeong Tae-ui felt a bit uncomfortable leaving first. The instructor, seeing him dawdling, yelled, "Do you want to rot in there for another ten days?" Startled, Jeong Tae-ui hurriedly came out. As he followed the instructor out, the instructor said disapprovingly, "Don't worry about him; he'll be out today or tomorrow anyway. It's not worth caring about someone as crazy as him." Jeong Tae-ui felt somewhat reassured and nodded.

The first person he saw after getting out was his uncle.

As he stepped out beyond the iron bars of the prison, the elevator they had used to descend was waiting on the 7th basem*nt floor. Taking that elevator straight to the instructor's office on the ground floor, he found his uncle waiting there.

The moment Jeong Tae-ui saw his uncle's face, he frowned deeply. His uncle, who had welcomed him with a broad smile, made a vague, wry smile at Jeong Tae-ui's expression.

"Your gaze is quite critical. Was it that tough in the prison? Strange. I specifically requested for you to be sent to the eastern wing. Maybe the instructor misheard me. He's quite old, after all."

"No, thanks to you, I had a comfortable rest. It felt like a vacation. Sharing a room with Ilay."

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled, glaring at his uncle. In reality, there was nothing to blame his uncle for. In retrospect, even sharing a room with Ilay hadn't been so bad. After all, he had spent those ten days or so without facing any life-threatening situations.

However, Jeong Tae-ui soon realized that sharing a room with Ilay was not his uncle's doing. His uncle looked slightly surprised as he saw Jeong Tae-ui.

"Rick? You're surprisingly unscathed. ...Though, I didn't think he would harm you."

"Why do you say that?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked nonchalantly as he sat on the sofa his uncle gestured to. It didn't seem like that man would harm someone based on appearances alone. Would he decide based on whether someone looked easy to mess with or not? ...But then, there was no reason for Ilay not to harm him.

Surely, there wouldn't be anyone else as easy to mess with as him. Both to his uncle and to Ilay.

With a twisted perspective, Jeong Tae-ui looked at his uncle with the same skewed view. His uncle seemed to ponder for a moment, then tilted his head and said,

"Well, there are various reasons, but mainly, that guy quite likes you."


Jeong Tae-ui let out a bizarre sound and stared at his uncle, who raised his hands as if to say it's true.

"I thought you had a pretty good eye for people... Why would you think that?"

Jeong Tae-ui murmured with a sigh. He thought he had a decent eye for people himself, even if not as good as his uncle's. He believed Ilay could calmly take his life anytime he felt like it. Even when joking or smiling, Ilay never erased that cold, harsh glint from his eyes. His gaze was always icy and bleak.

"That guy doesn't usually share his name so freely. Especially not in the first conversation he has with someone."

His uncle presented a reason Jeong Tae-ui found hard to accept. A name was just a tool to call someone. As long as it wasn't a hideous nickname, what did it matter how one was addressed?

Seeing Jeong Tae-ui's frown, his uncle seemed to guess his thoughts but only offered a wry smile, repeating, "It's true."

"Uncle, from what I see, that man could take my life any time he found a reason to — even if that reason were a mere whim."

"Ah, yes. But that's a separate issue from whether he likes you or not."

"How can that be a separate issue?"

"There are people for whom it can be separate. Unfortunately, Rick is one of those people."

His uncle shrugged. Thinking about it, it made sense. Ilay Riegrow was someone who could slaughter anyone without batting an eye. However, he likely had his own preferences and dislikes. Maybe being told "I don't feel like fighting you now" meant Jeong Tae-ui was somewhat favored, though the "now" part was unsettling.

Tired of these troubling thoughts, Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head and changed the subject.

"But why is it so quiet at this time? Everyone should be bustling around before the regular schedule starts."

"Hmm? Because it's vacation time."


"The joint training ended last week. While you were in the detention section, it wrapped up, and we got some time off. Since we didn't get weekends off during the training, this is our compensatory vacation. Most have gone to Hong Kong, and the rest are either lazing in their rooms or hanging out on the fifth floor."

His uncle added that the instructors were proceeding with their usual routines, with a subtle smile that hinted he knew about Xin Lu visiting the detention section a few days ago.

Jeong Tae-ui glanced at the clock. Noticing this, his uncle told him he could go rest.

"If you want, you can go to Hong Kong. Just be back by 5 PM on Sunday."

"Hong Kong... That sounds interesting, but I don't feel like it now. Don't I need to meet the other instructors?"

"Hmm. After you leave the detention section, you only need to meet with one. There's not much to talk about with everyone else. Just the usual 'You did well,' 'Be careful and live diligently from now on,' that sort of thing."

His uncle muttered, frowning at the thought of wasting time on formalities he didn't particularly care for, even though he followed them dutifully.

As Jeong Tae-ui was about to leave the instructor's office, he hesitated, glancing at his uncle. They made eye contact, and Jeong Tae-ui debated whether to ask his question. His uncle, as if suddenly remembering, spoke first.

"By the way, Riegrow, the one who shared a room with you, will be out of the detention section tonight. He has to meet with all the instructors. After all, he did cause quite a stir."

"Tonight... I see."

Jeong Tae-ui had worried that the unpredictable nature of time in the detention section might mean Ilay would be stuck there for months.

Jeong Tae-ui nodded with a sense of relief. He didn’t particularly enjoy the thought of seeing a fierce and violent beast like Ilay Riegrow trapped and powerless. His uncle, still calm, added:

"And he'll be leaving on an early morning flight tomorrow. The other European members left right after the training, but since he was in the detention section, he couldn't go with them. So once he's out, he'll head straight back to his base."

Jeong Tae-ui silently stared at his uncle, blinking twice, three times, before mumbling, "Ah, I see." It felt like he'd heard something very strange.

So that's it. The joint training is over, and that madman Rick is going back to the European branch. No more worrying about saving his own life or fretting over Xin Lu.

Though it had only been two or three weeks, he had somehow become too accustomed to the overwhelming presence of that man. The idea that he was leaving felt oddly unreal. It was like an unbelievable reality was approaching.

He suddenly recalled Ilay’s face, who had lightly waved at him just before leaving the detention section. He had the same subtle smile as always. Ilay had never looked anxious or uneasy. It was as if he knew he would never be in an uncomfortable situation for long.

Maybe Ilay, if not as much as himself, was also born with a considerable amount of luck. Jeong Tae-ui abruptly stopped in his tracks, remembering something Ilay had said.

"Uncle, is there a reason behind a person's luck?"

Though there might not be a specific cause behind innate luck, perhaps, as Ilay suggested, there was something that triggered good luck. If such a thing existed, everyone in the world would covet it.

Jeong Tae-ui murmured, lost in thought. No answer came. After a moment, realizing the awkward silence, he turned his gaze, only to find his uncle staring at him, slightly surprised. Their eyes met, and Jeong Tae-ui gave a awkward smile.

"Did Rick tell you that?"

"Was it something he shouldn't have mentioned?"

"No, not exactly... Well, maybe. But one thing is clear. Just as everyone is born with different fortunes, the causes that bring about that luck are also different for each person."

Jeong Tae-ui frowned. His uncle was speaking in riddles. But somehow, his words seemed to align with what Ilay had meant. Jeong Tae-ui thought for a moment but found no answers. Sighing, he nodded.

"I suppose so. I just thought... Ilay might be a pretty lucky guy."

"That guy? Of course, he's lucky. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth."


Jeong Tae-ui paused. Born with a silver spoon? What about his troubled childhood? The unfortunate circ*mstances that had supposedly twisted his personality?

Jeong Tae-ui stared at his uncle, who waved his hand dismissively as if the question was absurd.

"Riegrow didn't come from an ordinary family. You know their family deals in arms, right? Not just basic supplies but proper military equipment. They're a well-known and respected name in that industry. Their history is long, and they've built trust over time, so many do business with them. They even have expensive lawyers on retainer to find loopholes and continue their independent weapons development and sales. With such a scale, even countries find it hard to take them down. Silver spoon? He might as well have been born with a diamond-encrusted spoon in his mouth."

Jeong Tae-ui widened his eyes and glared at his innocent uncle. It did seem strange. Even if Ilay had joked about his troubled childhood, Jeong Tae-ui thought some of it must have been true. He figured that, despite his personality, there were some difficulties in his family's situation. What a deceitful liar.

The point was clear. Regardless of his family's status, Ilay was probably born with that troublesome personality.

Seeing Jeong Tae-ui's indignant expression, his uncle asked why he was upset. After a moment of silence, Jeong Tae-ui sighed and relaxed his expression. He wasn't one to hold onto anger for long.

"It's fine. He’s going back to Europe, and I probably won't see him again anyway."

Jeong Tae-ui decided to take things in stride. Once Ilay was released tonight and returned to Europe early in the morning, they would never meet again. By the time of the next joint training with Europe, a year from now, Jeong Tae-ui would no longer be here. With that thought, it felt like he could forgive everything. There was a bittersweet feeling.

When Jeong Tae-ui spoke, his uncle made a peculiar expression for a moment. Jeong Tae-ui looked at him with curiosity, but his uncle quickly put on his usual unaffected smile and said, "Well, good job."

Feeling something was off, Jeong Tae-ui stared at his uncle. Just then, a senior officer entered with business to discuss, and Jeong Tae-ui left the instructor's office. Something felt odd. When his uncle gave him that look, it usually meant something had crossed his mind.


Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head in confusion but couldn’t pinpoint anything specific, so he slowly walked away. His pace slowed again when he passed by the office while heading to the elevator.

His uncle’s words, “The wardens are proceeding with their usual routines,” echoed in his mind. Xin Lu would be inside. Of course, the other wardens would be there too, but Jeong Tae-ui hesitated momentarily before knocking on the office door. He heard movement inside.

He opened the door to find most of the wardens present. Since it was just before the start of their duties, everyone seemed to be gathered in the office. Jeong Tae-ui had never seen so many people — though it was only three or four — here before, causing him to pause. Xin Lu, sitting closest to the door, stood up in surprise upon seeing Jeong Tae-ui.

"Hyung, you’re out already? Weren’t you supposed to be out tomorrow?"

As he looked at the desk calendar with a startled expression, Jeong Tae-ui noticed that the date for tomorrow had a circle with “Tae-ui Hyung” written beneath it. Seeing those small, rounded letters filled him with sudden joy.

“Yeah, I thought so too, but they told me to come out this morning. I guess the schedule there is a bit flexible... How have you been?”

“Yes, it’s been busy, but nothing major happened. Hyung, you seem... thinner somehow.”

"Really? It's strange because I ate well and lived well inside."

"... Was it hard because you were in the same room with that man...?"

Suddenly, Xin Lu's expression darkened. Seeing Xin Lu's face like that, Jeong Tae-ui quickly waved his hand.

"No, it's not like that. There's nothing to worry about. Look, I came back safe and sound anyway."

Jeong Tae-ui tried hard to reassure Xin Lu, but at that moment, the medical officer, who was taking out a ten-year-old file from a nearby cabinet, squinted at them and muttered to himself as if for them to hear.

"Goodness, anyone would think you two were separated for years and just reunited. How dramatic, how dramatic."

As he finished speaking, a low laugh was heard around them. It was not a mocking laugh but more of a light teasing laugh, without any unpleasant tone, but Jeong Tae-ui's face turned red. Xin Lu was the same. Xin Lu quickly stood up, pulled Jeong Tae-ui, and walked out of the office.

After stepping out into the hallway and closing the office door, the sound from inside was blocked. Standing in the deserted hallway, Xin Lu hesitated and looked at Jeong Tae-ui. Seeing his shy appearance, Jeong Tae-ui felt his chest tickle again. It was a pleasant feeling. However, Xin Lu looked at Jeong Tae-ui anxiously and suddenly raised his hand to stroke Jeong Tae-ui's hair. The soft hand caressed his cheek, and Jeong Tae-ui was startled.

"No, really. You've lost so much weight. You must have suffered a lot there. What should I do...?"

"Oh, no. Really, nothing happened. It was just like taking a vacation. Even if it was a prison, I was only under simple detention. There's nothing to worry about. Really."

"But you were in the same room with that man!"

Xin Lu's voice suddenly rose. Shouting impulsively, Xin Lu immediately shrank back and fell silent, looking dejected. Jeong Tae-ui was also taken aback and closed his mouth.

It was the first time he had seen this young man shout like this. While it was true that Xin Lu had looked at him unpleasantly when they first met, given the circ*mstances, he had never raised his voice in such a heated manner before. Jeong Tae-ui was a little taken aback as he looked at Xin Lu. He was grateful for the concern, but...

Before Jeong Tae-ui could say anything, Xin Lu, who had been watching him anxiously, lowered his head with a dejected expression and muttered.

"That man... was with you in the same room all the time..."

"Well... that's true... but I'm okay..."

The conversation seemed to be going strangely off track. What is this, what is this, Jeong Tae-ui thought for a moment, and then, seeing the young man who seemed about to burst into tears at any moment, he began to suspect. Surely not, but could this kid be misunderstanding something in a very strange way?

"You spent ten days in the same room with him... what if you... start to have feelings for him... then what about me?"

Oh no, tears finally welled up in his eyes. At the same time, Jeong Tae-ui also felt like he might tear up. Why did he have to misunderstand in such a way? That was absolutely not the case.

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated for a moment. Should he say it or not? Not saying anything might be better for him. Given the circ*mstances, it was more advantageous not to mention that the man was targeting Xin Lu. But seeing the young man in front of him shedding tears like that, his heart ached. Just a moment ago, the young man was smiling happily, but now he was shedding tears, which showed he had been tormented by that misunderstanding all along.

It was more important to soothe Xin Lu's feelings than to keep his advantage.

"Xin Lu... it's not like that. That man... he is after you."

As Jeong Tae-ui hesitated and spoke, Xin Lu's head shot up. With eyes still filled with tears, he looked at Jeong Tae-ui in surprise, as if he'd been struck on the back of the head.

Should he have said that? When someone becomes aware that someone is interested in them, they tend to become conscious of the other person in return. Jeong Tae-ui knew that quite a few emotions could sprout that way. Although it seemed unlikely, there was still a slim chance, so he hadn't wanted to tell Xin Lu. Even though Xin Lu was quick-witted and would soon realize it anyway.

"Ilay likes people like you. Kind and pretty... that's why he doesn't get along well with me. I... feel uneasy."

Muttering with his eyes downcast like the typical timid man, Xin Lu still looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a peculiar expression. Then, slowly, as if understanding the situation, he relaxed his pitifully crying face a bit. However, he didn't completely brighten up and still had shadows lingering over him.

"Then, you didn't... do anything strange with him, right?"

Jeong Tae-ui confidently shouted, "Of course not!" But as soon as he said it, he realized his mistake. A memory resurfaced — despite his justification that they were merely satisfying their needs by borrowing each other’s hands, they had rubbed their private parts together until they reached climax.

As soon as he said "Of course not," his expression stiffened slightly and he became flustered. Seeing this, Xin Lu stared at Jeong Tae-ui with a hard expression. It was almost like a glare.

"No, it's not like that... it's a misunderstanding. I didn't mean it like that..."

"What did you do?"


Suddenly, Xin Lu's voice lowered. The expression on his once delicate and soft face disappeared, replaced by a very unfamiliar look. It was a cold and fierce expression. His low voice was extremely chilling.

Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth and looked at Xin Lu. It was like looking at a stranger. The gentle and lovely young man had suddenly transformed into a fierce and cruel man.

Jeong Tae-ui quietly clenched his fist, as if suppressing a heartache. Seeing him like this, Jeong Tae-ui instinctively felt a surge of caution. It was a very instinctual defensive reaction, like anyone would have when a strong and dangerous person is nearby.

No, it's okay. Xin Lu is not someone to be wary of. He's just angry and anxious right now. In fact, Jeong Tae-ui might even be happy that Xin Lu cares about him this much.

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled to himself inwardly. Twice, three times. His heart calmed down a bit.

"Nothing happened. Really... Relax your face. Don’t be angry, Xin Lu."

Jeong Tae-ui said this as he lightly patted Xin Lu's shoulder. As his hand touched Xin Lu, who flinched momentarily and frowned, Jeong Tae-ui felt a bit relieved as Xin Lu's sweet face seemed to return slightly.

The next moment, Xin Lu's arms wrapped around Jeong Tae-ui's back. Then he felt a sharp pain on his lips. With no time to react, Jeong Tae-ui's eyes widened in surprise as Xin Lu pressed his lips against Jeong Tae-ui's. He parted his lips slightly and bit Jeong Tae-ui’s lower lip hard enough to hurt.

Jeong Tae-ui shivered, more from surprise than pain. Xin Lu hugged him even tighter, and Jeong Tae-ui could feel his breath inside his mouth.

Oh. What should he do?

Jeong Tae-ui thought with a blank mind, overwhelmed by the unexpected situation. However, it was clear that Xin Lu was anxious and nervous in his arms. Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui remembered when he first asked his uncle about the young man he had met in the bathroom, and his uncle had muttered meaningfully, "Hmm, Xin Lu is a bit…," while giving him a peculiar look.

Without time to ponder these fragmented memories, Jeong Tae-ui sighed and wrapped his arms around Xin Lu, patting his back. The soft body clinging to him felt like a young, unpredictable animal.

Xin Lu tensed slightly but relaxed his shoulders as Jeong Tae-ui patted his back. He released Jeong Tae-ui's lower lip, which he had been biting.

"Hyung, Tae-ui hyung," he whispered, clutching Jeong Tae-ui's collar tightly. Jeong Tae-ui thought, This feels strange... I don't know why, but something feels off..., as he tilted his head in confusion while continuing to pat the back of the still lovable young man.


"....Such a weakling."

As Jeong Tae-ui muttered this, Tou, who had been lying on the bed looking half-dead, suddenly sprang to life and started jumping around energetically.

"No one is invincible against illness! Look at you talking to a comrade who almost died!"

"It's not an illness, just simple muscle pain, right? Where does it hurt?"

"Ahh, don't press there!"

When Jeong Tae-ui pretended to press on his thigh and arm muscles, Tou screamed and collapsed again, exhausted. He curled up in the blanket like a cocoon and started groaning again.

Tou, who had started feeling sick right after the joint training with the European branch ended, was frustrated that he couldn't enjoy his long-awaited vacation and was stuck in bed. He was even shedding tears, feeling sorry for himself.

Despite leaving the detention section, there were no comrades to welcome him because everyone was out having fun or busy enjoying their holidays. Jeong Tae-ui had only found one groaning comrade lying in bed and sat beside him. In fact, it wasn't so much finding him as returning to his room to find only Tou lying there.

Opening the fridge, Jeong Tae-ui found nothing but Maurer's water bottle. He took out the bottle, drank the water in one gulp, and put the empty bottle on top of the fridge before asking,

"Where's Maurer?"

"He left as soon as the vacation started. Said he had to go to Hong Kong to meet a dealer or something... He said he'd buy a Colt identical to the one he lost and shoot you first thing when he got back."

"... What a coincidence. I was just thinking about hitting him on the forehead with the puzzle book he sent me in the detention section."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, thinking about the books he had left neatly on the shelf for the next person to enter the detention section. Hearing this, Tou, buried in the blanket, slowly poked his head out and asked,

"How was the detention section?"

"What do you think it was like?"

“Everyone came out looking emaciated, but you seem perfectly fine. It must have suited you well there. You should have stayed longer.”

“Hm. You must not be in enough pain yet. You need to hurt a bit more.”

Jeong Tae-ui pressed down on Tou's body, buried in the blanket, with his fists. Tou screamed in agony again. When Tou was exhausted and panting, Jeong Tae-ui stepped back and was about to go to his own bed when he paused. There were signs that someone else had been using it.

He realized that this wasn’t his original room. This bed belonged to someone else who had temporarily lent it to him while they were in the South American branch. Naturally, they would have returned after the joint training ended.

“It looks like Thich Nhat has returned. Was everything fine in South America?”

“Yeah. Other than a few injuries on both sides, nothing major. They were surprised to hear that six of our guys died.”

Jeong Tae-ui, sitting on Maurer's bed, looked at Tou with a puzzled expression.

“Six? By the time I went in, five had died at his hands... oh, did another one die?”

“Yeah. During the radiation training, someone stupidly mispositioned themselves. Tch. If just one more had died, it would have set a new record for casualties.”

Despite his joking tone, Tou grimaced. Talking about the deaths of comrades was never easy. Jeong Tae-ui nodded and muttered bitterly.

“No wonder we heard it even in the detention section. Must have been quite an explosion this time.”

“Yeah, it was rougher than usual. Wait, you heard it in the detention section? Well, considering it was on the sixth underground floor, it's no surprise you heard it if you were right below.”

Jeong Tae-ui nodded. He had noticed that the south wing was closed off for repairs while walking to the dormitory. It seemed that the radiation training had been conducted there.

“So, where did the guys who were in the south wing go?”

"They probably just scattered and found other rooms to stay in. But there were originally few people in the south wing anyway."

"In that case, wouldn’t it be better to blow up a floor where nobody lives?"

As Jeong Tae-ui murmured, Tou burst out laughing and said, "If the instructors hear that, you'll be very loved." Then, clutching his stomach, he added, "Ouch, my stomach." Lying flat on an empty bed and staring at the ceiling, Jeong Tae-ui remembered and asked.

"What is the 4th basem*nt floor used for?"

"Huh? I think it's probably empty. I'm not sure, but it seems it was built that way due to structural reasons."

"They say it's locked and restricted to authorized personnel only. Why would it be restricted if it's empty?"

"I went in once, and it was completely empty. If they said 'It's a designer's mistake,' it would be embarrassing. So that's probably why. In fact, there is no separate entrance to the 4th floor. The elevator doesn't stop there either."

Jeong Tae-ui briefly thought of the instructor who designed this decaying (or so it seemed) building. That eccentric instructor appeared to be a perfectionist, so how could he make such a mistake?


Jeong Tae-ui continued to stare at the ceiling, lost in specific thoughts about the secret robot, but soon gave up on those thoughts. It didn't matter anyway. Whether there really was a robot protecting the Earth or not, he would be gone in half a year.

He yawned. He thought he had rested comfortably enough in the detention section, but walking outside made him realize he had been quite tired from being trapped inside without being able to move properly. After all, no matter how comfortable a person is, they cannot live confined.

"I'm sleepy... When is Maurer coming back?"

"Well, he went out yesterday, so he should be back by Sunday evening at the latest."

"That guy seems a bit obsessive-compulsive. He'll get mad if he sees me sleeping in his bed."

"Hmm... probably. Be careful. Maurer isn't just holding a confiscated Colt."

"Yeah, I know. I saw a Beretta in the drawer."

"Wasn't that a model gun?"

"...Tou... just go to sleep. Sleep well. Keep sleeping. What do you think you'll see with those eyes?"

Tou grumbled loudly with his eyes wide open, but Jeong Tae-ui ignored him. He should move from this bed to avoid waking up to find a Beretta pointed at him, but his pleasantly lethargic body didn't want to move.

Jeong Tae-ui closed his eyes. Gradually, the external sounds faded away. Tou also seemed to have fallen asleep again as he didn't say anything. Occasionally, he heard Tou muttering like a whining puppy, saying, "Ouch, it hurts," but that was it.

He'll just sleep a bit and then move rooms. Although there's nothing much to pack, he'll need to gather his things and return to his room. Wait a minute. The European branch guy in his room was definitely Ilay, but Ilay hasn't returned yet. His room probably wasn't empty. So where would he sleep tonight?

However, more than the sleeping arrangement, the moment he thought of Ilay, Jeong Tae-ui recalled a more troublesome issue.

Ilay is someone he won't see again. He's someone Jeong Tae-ui is glad not to see again. However, they had lived together for a while, and although it wasn't an insurmountable river, they had crossed a difficult one together. Shouldn't he at least say goodbye?

But that thought also felt ridiculous. Saying goodbye to a man who is not bound by the conventions of the world didn't seem fitting. While saying goodbye and sharing the emotions of parting is nice, one should only extend their feet after seeing where they will lie. Also, thinking about whether they were that close didn't provide any clear answers.

Jeong Tae-ui thought he should at least go see Ilay but soon grew tired of that thought and erased it from his mind. Then, darkness approached.

"Hey, hey, wake up... wake up, I said."

Something hard poked at his temple repeatedly. Jeong Tae-ui squinted his eyes open slightly. Damn it. They say words become reality, and even though it was a joke, the barrel of a Beretta was indeed pointed at him.

"Just because I used your bed, you're going to shoot me? That's not how a person should act, Maurer."

"Are you kidding me?! You drank my water without asking, used my bed without permission, and now you're acting like some kind of Snow White!"

"Like I'd be Snow White after meeting a dwarf like you. Come on, put that damn gun away. It's broad daylight, and you're making a scene with a gun!"

"Daylight, my ass. Look at the clock and tell me what time it is! Where the hell am I supposed to sleep?"

As Jeong Tae-ui grabbed the barrel and shoved it away, Maurer leaned in close and screamed into his ear. In response, Jeong Tae-ui grabbed his ear and rolled around before suddenly standing up.

"My eardrum's going to burst, you idiot!"

"Get to your own room already! Why are you passed out on my bed? The Europeans are gone now, so get back to your own room!"

Maurer, who had returned with several cartons of cigarettes for Tou, a dozen puzzle magazines for himself, and various other snacks, saw Jeong Tae-ui lying asleep on the bed. Feeling a surge of resentment, he grabbed a Beretta from the drawer and started swinging it around wildly. However, instead of using the gun for its intended purpose, he tried to whack Jeong Tae-ui with the barrel and grip.

Jeong Tae-ui, who had woken up from the commotion, grabbed one of the newly arrived puzzle magazines and slapped it across Maurer’s face. He rubbed his eyes and checked the clock. He had only meant to nap for a bit, but it seemed he had slept through the entire day. It was already past 10 o'clock.

Harassed by Maurer, who was ranting about how Jeong Tae-ui had drunk all his water and demanding that he go fetch more, Jeong Tae-ui reluctantly took the empty water container and left the room. Muttering to himself, he walked toward the water dispenser, which was a fair distance away.

"Damn that Maurer. I'll buy him a hundred of those damn Colts if it’ll shut him up."

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled curses under his breath as he reached the water dispenser. He filled the container, staring straight ahead as he did so. At the far end of the hall was his room, where Ilay was staying until tonight.

Suddenly, the thoughts that had occupied him before he fell asleep resurfaced. He wondered if he should say goodbye to a man he was unlikely to see again. But then again, life is unpredictable — he might run into him again someday, so there was no need to make things awkward with a farewell.

It wasn’t until the water overflowed and wet his fingers that Jeong Tae-ui realized the container was full. He quickly turned off the dispenser and sealed the container, lost in thought once again.


Even though their time together had been short, it felt like he owed the man a proper farewell, whether or not they ever crossed paths again.

Jeong Tae-ui started walking toward his room, feeling a bit amused — or perhaps uneasy. He had always thought that Ilay was the kind of man who could get whatever he wanted. When Ilay showed interest in Xin Lu, it had genuinely worried him. In truth, it still did.

But with Ilay leaving at dawn tomorrow, it should have been a relief, and yet something about it felt off. Despite not wanting it to happen, Jeong Tae-ui had imagined a scenario where Ilay forcibly took Xin Lu with him. And if that were the case, Jeong Tae-ui knew he would inevitably get involved.

He had said that he wouldn’t resort to force, so there was no need to interfere. As those words replayed in his mind, Jeong Tae-ui thought of the look on Xin Lu’s face that morning.

Judging by that expression, it didn’t seem like Xin Lu would go to Ilay. It felt as though Xin Lu would stay by his side indefinitely. Unless Ilay used brute force to subdue him, Xin Lu wouldn’t go to him of his own will. So, if Ilay was leaving at dawn or whenever he decided to go, as he had said, Jeong Tae-ui could be at ease. His anxiety seemed to be unfounded.

He sighed lightly. In truth, if it weren’t for Xin Lu, Jeong Tae-ui didn’t have a particularly bad relationship with Ilay. They knew each other distantly and didn’t have any direct grievances. In fact, talking to him could even be enjoyable, though sometimes Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t quite grasp his way of thinking.

“Well, if I’m going to say goodbye, I might as well send him off on a good note.”

Jeong Tae-ui pressed his fingertips to the corners of his mouth and pushed them upward, trying to make his face smile like a clown. But the reflection in the mirror on the wall was so ridiculous that he quickly dropped his hand.

“Goodbye to those beautiful hands~ I suppose I’m a little sad to see them go.”

Muttering to himself, Jeong Tae-ui headed to his room. He hesitated for a moment at the door, wondering if he was doing something unnecessary, but then opened it.

The door opened silently. As it did, Jeong Tae-ui murmured to himself in surprise. The room was dark. However, it wasn’t completely devoid of life; a dim light was glowing, perhaps from a lamp by the bed.

He wondered if Ilay had already gone to sleep, but Ilay wasn’t the type to leave the light on while sleeping. Or perhaps he had just stepped out for a moment.

Jeong Tae-ui stepped into his room, which he hadn’t visited in a while. He sighed quietly as the tension drained from his body. But as he passed through the narrow, short hallway leading from the door to the room, he noticed a large shadow flickering. The shadow, illuminated by the lamp, showed two figures intertwined. It was a sight he had seen before. It reminded him of what he had witnessed recently at the beach.

He took another step forward and saw a man lying on the bed, leaning back against it. And just like that day at the beach, there was another man with his face buried in the first man’s crotch.

Jeong Tae-ui froze in place, as if rooted to the spot. It wasn’t just because he had stumbled upon someone else’s intimate moment. Both men were people Jeong Tae-ui knew.

The man lying down, or rather reclining at an angle, facing Jeong Tae-ui was Ilay. He didn't seem surprised and looked directly at Jeong Tae-ui, as if he had known from the moment the door opened. When their eyes met, a faint smile spread across Ilay’s lips.

Jeong Tae-ui stood frozen, staring at him, before slowly lowering his gaze. The man whose bare back was visible was licking Ilay's crotch, filling the room with wet, sticky, and obscene sounds. But he didn’t stop there; with delicate, loving hands, he fondled and caressed Ilay's massive erection. Once he seemed to think it was fully erect, he lifted himself up and brought his naked lower body closer, as if preparing to straddle it.

"Just like I said earlier, don’t ever touch Tae-ui hyung again. I won’t let it slide."

The man spoke softly from atop Ilay’s body. The blood drained from Jeong Tae-ui's face. The familiar back, the familiar voice. His heart pounded violently as he bit his bloodless lip.

It was Xin Lu. Even though his appearance and voice were familiar, he seemed almost like a stranger, as if Jeong Tae-ui was seeing him for the first time. But it was definitely Xin Lu. Jeong Tae-ui recalled the icy, confrontational expression he had briefly glimpsed a few days ago in the detention section at the sound of Xin Lu’s cold voice, devoid of any warmth.

Jeong Tae-ui’s eyes met Ilay’s once more. Ilay looked at him for a moment with an unreadable expression before a faint, unclear smile appeared in his eyes.

"Of course. This is a good deal for me, after all. If I’m not lacking for partners, I might as well enjoy someone who suits my taste."

Ilay's slow voice followed. His pale, beautiful hand grasped Xin Lu’s waist. Though Xin Lu flinched slightly, as if displeased, he remained still, moving without protest. Then, as Ilay guided him, Xin Lu slowly lowered his hips. The man’s threatening member touched Xin Lu’s backside.

At that moment,

“........He and I have an agreement.”

Just as Jeong Tae-ui was about to rush forward and pull Xin Lu away from Ilay, he froze at the sound of Ilay's slow, chilling voice.

"He promised not to interfere as long as I didn't touch you by force. And now, you’ve come to this room of your own accord."

Those words held Jeong Tae-ui in place. It was as if he had been struck on the back of the head; his legs wouldn't move. His body, hands, mouth, and even the tongue that wanted to shout something were all paralyzed. The only thing functioning properly was his eyes, which were fixed on them.

"Yeah, I came here first. So don't ever go near him again! It disgusts me!"

"Near him? If it seemed that way, I have nothing to say, but fine. I’m satisfied just by having tasted this body once. Besides, I was never interested in him personally to begin with... Relax."

Ilay's hand slapped Xin Lu's buttocks with a loud smack, and he seemed to laugh. At the same time, his hand, which had been holding Xin Lu's waist, pulled him down. Ilay’s monstrous erection penetrated Xin Lu's soft body.

Jeong Tae-ui covered his mouth with his hand. He felt like a scream was about to burst out. Should he step in and separate them? Should he insert himself between them and cause a scene?

But Jeong Tae-ui's hesitation didn’t last long. Xin Lu, who had accepted the massive and threatening member, was breathing heavily, as if in pain. Yet, from his partially visible profile, it was clear he was aroused. Whatever had brought him to this room, Xin Lu was having sex with Ilay of his own will. And his body was feeling pleasure from it.

Jeong Tae-ui slowly shifted his gaze, sensing the stare that had been fixed on him for some time. Even as he vigorously thrusted into Xin Lu, Ilay kept his eyes on Jeong Tae-ui. His slightly narrowed eyes might have been mocking him. Ilay, exuding an intense lust, continued to stare at Jeong Tae-ui without looking away, a smirk on his lips.

It was as if cold water had been poured over Jeong Tae-ui.

He took a step back. Ilay’s grin grew wider, as if he were enjoying himself. By the time Jeong Tae-ui reached the door, Ilay’s laughter had burst forth. It was only then that Jeong Tae-ui fully realized something he had suspected but hadn’t yet felt in his bones.

For Ilay Riegrow, the emotions of familiarity and affection that most people naturally feel toward those around them were entirely absent. He saw those around him purely as objects, with no emotional connection.

The man Ilay had shown interest in wasn’t Jeong Tae-ui as a person. It was the ridiculous scarecrow standing closest to Xin Lu, or perhaps the nephew of Instructor Jeong Chang-in, or the brother of the genius Jeong Jae-ui.

When Ilay said he had no interest in fighting Jeong Tae-ui, it wasn’t because Jeong Tae-ui was Jeong Tae-ui. It was because he was someone’s guardian, someone’s nephew, someone’s brother. And in the end, in one way or another, Ilay had gotten what he wanted, just before the deadline to leave this place.

Jeong Tae-ui quietly backed out of the room. His hand was cold as he closed the door. He stood there, holding the doorknob, lost in thought.

This isn’t anger. It’s not the sense of loss from losing Xin Lu. It’s not even a sense of defeat. But at the same time, it’s all of those things.

He felt like laughing, but no laughter came.

And so, he ended his last goodbye to a man he never intended to see again.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Chapter Text


“Look at that expression, look. Hey, hey, relax your face. You’re frowning so much that all your good fortune will run away.”

Slap! A loud, painful sound echoed from his back. The sting from the harsh blow to his back was indeed painful. Rubbing at the tears welling up in his eyes, Jeong Tae-ui protested to Alta, who was sitting next to him.

“Why hit me instead of just saying something?”

“We finally managed to meet the broker who’s hard to get ahold of, so why are you sitting there looking like you’ve bitten into something rotten?! What if that person sees your sour face, gets offended, and cancels the deal on the spot?! Sure, you can just walk away without buying anything, but I might need to stay in touch with them for future business!”

“Okay, okay, just lower your voice.”

Jeong Tae-ui added, “For your own sake,” and then picked up his teacup. A familiar fragrance wafted from the cup of steaming tea. It was the scent of orchids.

“This is… Keemun tea… Xin Lu made it for me once.”

Alta, who had always thought tea was just tea, raised an eyebrow at Jeong Tae-ui’s sudden remark. He had ordered something at random and didn’t even know what it was. To him, it was just tea, and that was that. Muttering “whatever” under his breath, Alta shrugged, while Jeong Tae-ui gazed down at the reddish tea. It had the same aroma as the tea Xin Lu had once given him.

Once again, he was reminded of Xin Lu. These little things kept bringing him to mind. And thinking of Xin Lu always made him feel down.

Seeing Jeong Tae-ui’s face darken again, Alta quickly raised his hand, but Jeong Tae-ui swiftly composed his expression, as if nothing was wrong.

“Why are you acting like this lately? Did you confess to Xin Lu and get rejected? No, that can’t be it. You said you were meeting Xin Lu for dinner tonight. So why do you look so down?”

“Hm… Is it that obvious?”

“Yeah, it’s very obvious, especially right now!”

Alta shouted with a frustrated expression. That won’t do, thought Jeong Tae-ui as he rubbed his face with both hands. Trying to change the subject, he looked around the room. The broker who had answered a phone call earlier and excused himself had not yet returned, as the call seemed to be taking longer than expected.

They were in a hotel by the shore, on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong. The area was a maze of narrow alleys with old buildings lined up in a row, located at the edge of an old bustling district. Jeong Tae-ui and Alta were seated in a lounge a few floors below the top floor of the hotel, one of several competing luxury hotels in the area. It was the weekend, and despite the time being just before dinner — usually a busy time — there weren’t many people around.

Maurer’s harsh treatment of Jeong Tae-ui must have seemed pitiable to Tou, as he asked Alta to introduce him to a dealer. Jeong Tae-ui didn't really think he was being mistreated — if anything, he would rather side with Maurer’s claim that he was the one mistreating Maurer — but in any case, he was thinking he should get a new Colt to replace the one that was taken from him and discarded. So, he gladly nodded in agreement to Alta's suggestion and followed along.

The dealer they met in Hong Kong said that while it would be difficult to obtain the exact Colt model Jeong Tae-ui wanted right away, it could still be procured. Just as they were discussing this, the dealer received a call and stepped out briefly.

Jeong Tae-ui turned his head and gazed out the window beside the table. Below, a narrow stretch of sea was visible, and in the middle of it was Hong Kong Island. By now, Xin Lu should be there. He had said he needed to meet a friend who lived on Hong Kong Island and suggested they meet in the evening after attending to their own business.

When Xin Lu had shyly smiled and said, "Then I'll see you in front of the Peninsula this evening... I've made a reservation," Jeong Tae-ui had nodded awkwardly in agreement. But as soon as Xin Lu was out of sight, Jeong Tae-ui sank into a pit of melancholy.

It wasn’t that he had grown to dislike Xin Lu. Rather, he felt a sense of pity and guilt. At the very least, Xin Lu had gone to see Ilay on his own volition that day because of him. That thought weighed on Jeong Tae-ui, filling him with sadness. Ilay, Xin Lu, and the situation as a whole — all of it made him feel downhearted.

But he knew that foolishly digging deeper into this despair would do no good. In any case, he would never see Ilay again. The obstacle was gone, and now he just had to happily hold hands with Xin Lu and enjoy their time together.

And yet...

Something still felt off. It was as if a fog had settled over his heart, sinking him into a gloomy mood.

“Xin Lu…”

“I can’t believe I brought you along with me. Ugh, if you’re going to act like this, don’t come with me again!”

Next to him, Alta gritted his teeth in irritation. Jeong Tae-ui, with sad eyes, continued to gaze longingly at Hong Kong Island. Xin Lu was probably still there. Or maybe, as the time to meet approached, he had already crossed over. Or perhaps he was on the ferry.

Xin Lu had shyly mentioned that he had booked a hotel. Jeong Tae-ui knew exactly what that meant. So, before heading out to Hong Kong, he had taken a bath and tried to clear his mind, despite feeling melancholy.

But he wondered, would it really be okay? It had been a long time since he had been intimate with someone, and he worried whether he could do it without hurting Xin Lu. After all, on that night before Ilay left, Xin Lu had probably been hurt quite badly. It might have healed by now, but there was no way his body was unscathed after enduring that monstrous thing. Was it really okay for him to hold someone who had been hurt like that?

If Alta or any of his other colleagues heard him, they’d probably look at him with disdain, but the more Jeong Tae-ui thought about it, the darker his mood became.

“There’s no need to worry. There’s no one in the way now, and all we have to do is be happy.”

Jeong Tae-ui tried to reassure himself with these words, letting out a sigh. As he casually glanced around, his eyes fell on a man sitting alone at a nearby table.

He didn’t know why his gaze was drawn to this man. He seemed ordinary enough. Wearing a well-fitted suit, holding a fountain pen like an accessory with his refined fingers, and lost in thought — there was nothing particularly remarkable about him. Yet for some reason, Jeong Tae-ui felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

“Hey, Alta.”


Alta answered without even looking over, still sulking. Jeong Tae-ui quietly grabbed his ear and tugged, speaking in a low voice.

“Do you know the man sitting next to us?”

Hearing the quiet tone, Alta must have sensed something unusual, because he sneaked a glance at the man beside them. He quickly scanned him from head to toe without being noticed, then tilted his head.

“Well, I don’t really know, but if he’s that fit and clean-cut, I don’t think I’d forget someone like that. I don’t know him. Why? Is there something wrong?”

“Hmm — no, it’s just that he seems strangely familiar. But maybe I’m mistaken.”

After hearing Alta’s response, Jeong Tae-ui thought that while the man seemed ordinary, he didn’t have the kind of face you’d easily forget if you had ever spoken to him. Perhaps he just resembled someone else, or maybe it was a misunderstanding.

Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head in puzzlement and looked at the piece of paper the man was gazing at intently on the table. Though he couldn’t see the details from where he was sitting, it looked like some sort of blueprint. Parts of it were drawn in detail, while other parts were sketched out roughly. Next to the blueprint, there were scribbled notes, densely packed, almost like doodles.

Jeong Tae-ui absentmindedly stared at the blueprint-like paper, then suddenly thought, Huh? That drawing looked familiar too. At a glance, it was hard to tell what was depicted on the paper, which was filled with messy scribbles that looked like chemical formulas or equations.

“It’s strange... When a person seems familiar, even their drawings look familiar. I thought the only person who scribbled like that was Jae-ui hyung.”

He mumbled to himself, wondering if the handwriting might be similar too, since he was viewing it from a distance. He continued to stare at the drawing without much interest when suddenly, the man looked up, and their eyes met.

Through the thin-rimmed silver glasses, the man’s indifferent gaze locked onto Jeong Tae-ui. Though it was a bit awkward to be caught staring, Jeong Tae-ui didn’t feel the need to avert his eyes, so he continued to look at the man blankly.

It seemed he hadn’t actually seen this person before. Even after holding eye contact for a few seconds, no memories came to mind. The feeling of familiarity might have been just that — a vague sense, as if someone resembling this man was tucked away in the forgotten corners of Jeong Tae-ui’s memory.

The man, after staring back at Jeong Tae-ui with an indifferent expression, furrowed his brow slightly and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something.

But just then, the broker returned, having finished his lengthy phone call. He seemed a bit embarrassed to have left them waiting so long, so he chuckled awkwardly and offered an explanation, trying to appear friendly.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. A big shot arrived in Hong Kong yesterday. It’s someone so important that even someone like me would have a hard time getting a meeting, but my boss managed to set up an appointment.”

“Oh, really? From the way you’re talking, it sounds like this person is really something. But what brought them here?”

“It’s a huge deal. They’re planning to establish a large branch office in Hong Kong. It’s a company that used to be managed solely from its headquarters, but now, for the first time, they’re setting up an overseas branch here in Hong Kong. That’s why it’s a major point of interest in this industry. People are also curious about who will manage the branch…”

“Wow, then could your boss’s meeting be related to that…?”

“Well, who knows, but it might not be entirely unrelated.”

“That’s incredible!”

While Alta, beside him, showered the broker with flattery without missing a beat, Jeong Tae-ui briefly shifted his gaze from the broker to the man at the next table.

The man was still looking at Jeong Tae-ui with some suspicion, but eventually, he said nothing and returned his attention to the drawing on the table.

Occasionally, he would jot down a few words on a separate sheet of paper, lost in thought, looking just like Maurer when he was puzzling over something difficult.

But that drawing still looked like something Jae-ui hyung would have drawn.

As he looked over at the drawing, now able to see some of the details, Jeong Tae-ui thought to himself.

He considered asking if the man knew anything about his brother’s whereabouts but quickly shook his head. Even if that drawing was done by his brother, what difference would it make if he found out where he was now? Besides, there was no guarantee that this man even knew.

Jeong Tae-ui turned back to the broker, who was now saying, “Speaking of that Colt…”

What was important to him now wasn’t his brother’s blueprint, which he didn’t even understand. His brother was strong enough to survive and thrive no matter where he was.

What Jeong Tae-ui needed to focus on was the Colt he had to return to that nagging Maurer, and the upcoming meeting with Xin Lu.


The original plan for the evening was to have dinner at the hotel restaurant they had reserved, followed by a light drink at the bar, and then head up to their room, slightly tipsy — because facing it sober might be a bit too much. But the plan began to fall apart at the restaurant. While they were waiting for their meal, Xin Lu’s face grew so pale that it was almost painful to look at.

Xin Lu hadn’t looked well since they met in front of the hotel. As soon as he saw Jeong Tae-ui, he forced a smile on his pale, wan face. On the way to the restaurant, Jeong Tae-ui asked him six times if he was okay. And each time, Xin Lu firmly shook his head and said he was fine.

No matter how he looked at it, Xin Lu’s complexion was so pale that he looked like he might collapse at any moment, but since he had made such an effort to come out, it was hard for Jeong Tae-ui to suggest they turn back. Moreover, Xin Lu seemed to have been really looking forward to this day. He wasn’t wearing his usual uniform that Jeong Tae-ui was accustomed to seeing him in at the branch office. Instead, he wore a clean, neat sweater that looked brand new, without a single pill, and under it, a shirt pressed so crisply you could barely see the collar — surely he hadn’t only ironed the collar — paired with simple yet stylish trousers that were spotlessly clean.

The outfit, though not much different from the casual wear he usually wore, clearly showed the meticulous care given to every detail. Even his hair seemed to have a subtle, soft rustling quality.

Jeong Tae-ui was momentarily captivated by the perfectly groomed Xin Lu, but upon seeing his pale, distressed face, he became worried and asked if they should just go back.

However, Xin Lu shook his head.

"I'm just a bit nervous. This is the first time meeting with you like this... That's all. I'm really okay."

Saying this, Xin Lu walked into the hotel, followed by Jeong Tae-ui, who blushed slightly. He couldn't understand why he had been so troubled over this charming and lovely young man.

Nothing had changed about Xin Lu. To Jeong Tae-ui, he was always gentle, kind, and warm. Whether it was the shy smile when their eyes met or the bashful way he would hold Jeong Tae-ui's hand, nothing had changed.

Jeong Tae-ui blamed himself for his earlier gloom, not knowing the exact reason, and followed Xin Lu.

Then, an incident occurred inside the restaurant.

While waiting for the food, Xin Lu, who had turned progressively pale and sickly, ended up clutching his mouth and rushing to the bathroom before the appetizers even arrived. Jeong Tae-ui, startled, followed him immediately. There was no time to think.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Xin Lu clutched the toilet and vomited forcefully. He continued to heave until only bile came up, remaining in the bathroom with a ghastly pale face. When Jeong Tae-ui followed him in, Xin Lu, despite his pallid condition, insisted on pushing Jeong Tae-ui out, saying, "I don't want you to see me like this." Thus, Jeong Tae-ui found himself stationed outside the bathroom door.

After hearing several bouts of distressful noises that eventually subsided, Jeong Tae-ui asked if Xin Lu was okay, but received no response.

Panicking, Jeong Tae-ui burst into the bathroom to find Xin Lu lying helplessly. He skipped dinner and drinks, immediately assisting Xin Lu to the reserved room.

Now, Xin Lu lay sprawled on the bed, unconscious from exhaustion, while Jeong Tae-ui cleaned and neatly hung his soiled clothes and belongings. He sat beside Xin Lu.


Jeong Tae-ui gazed silently at Xin Lu’s sleeping face. Thankfully, the color had returned to his face. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, with no sign of distress.

Sighing, Jeong Tae-ui scanned Xin Lu’s form with his eyes. As soon as he entered the room, he had removed his clothes due to some vomit on them. Left in just his underwear, Xin Lu's slim and smooth limbs, and well-proportioned body were fully visible.

If things had gone well today, he might have had the chance to embrace this body. Although today's opportunity was missed, if given another chance, he would be able to. Jeong Tae-ui quietly took Xin Lu's hand. Seeing him stripped, it was evident that this guy was indeed a man. The shape of the muscles on his slender body clearly showcased his gender. It was a beautiful body.

"How can you make someone eagerly anticipate and then fall asleep like this, you punk."

Jeong Tae-ui playfully whispered as he gently pressed the tip of Xin Lu's nose. Then, he chuckled softly and flopped down beside him. The bed was spacious enough for the two of them to lie down comfortably.

In truth, he wasn’t too disappointed. Although he hadn’t entirely given up on the idea of tonight, even with the unexpected turn of events, he was surprised at how little disappointment he felt. Instead, he felt more sorry for Xin Lu, who had suffered with that pale face. It didn’t matter if they didn’t sleep together. Just holding this warm hand in his own was enough. Cozy, cozy... If his uncle or colleagues saw him like this, they would surely laugh.

Jeong Tae-ui turned onto his side and quietly watched Xin Lu. His cheeks, flushed with a slight pink, were endearing as he slept peacefully. Even the lips that shyly called out "Tae-ui hyung" were lovely. "Oh, you cute little rascal," he said, pinching Xin Lu’s cheek lightly.

It had been nearly a month since the joint training ended. Since that day, he hadn’t had a proper, long conversation with Xin Lu. After the post-training leave ended, things became so hectic. Especially in the Asian branch, where the vacancy left by the deceased instructor had everyone preoccupied with cleaning up and finding a replacement, leaving the officers busier than ever.

When the officers are busy, naturally, the trainers supporting their work are also busy. As a result, their encounters were brief, with only a few words exchanged, never having the time to sit down and talk properly.

Of course, the subject of Ilay hadn’t come up either. There was no reason to bring him up, and Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t eager to do so. Whenever he thought of Ilay, he recalled the last night when he saw Xin Lu sitting on Ilay's lap — the cold and distant expression on his face.

Xin Lu hadn’t mentioned it either. He probably didn’t know that Jeong Tae-ui had seen them that night. Jeong Tae-ui had no intention of telling him he had.

What surprised Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t the fact that Xin Lu had given himself to Ilay. Rather, it was the cold, fierce demeanor of Xin Lu — an image so unlike anything he had shown to Jeong Tae-ui, something he couldn’t have imagined.

But people have many sides to them. Just as someone can be kind to one person, they can also be cruel, childish, or friendly to others. So, if Xin Lu was kind to him, that was all that mattered. Xin Lu was kind to him, and that was enough.

Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head slightly. It's true that everyone has different sides to them, but if that's the case, then what about Ilay? What about Ilay Riegrow, that man?

In Jeong Tae-ui’s eyes, Ilay was a cruel, emotionless, bold, and entertaining man. He was a person with seemingly contradictory traits coexisting within him—a man who was feared, ruthless, and brutal to others. However, somewhere, there might be someone who saw him as a kind and gentle person.

Ilay Riegrow, a kind and gentle man... It was still impossible to imagine.

As Jeong Tae-ui tried to shake the thought of him out of his mind, he suddenly heard a deep breath beside him. When he turned his head, he saw Xin Lu blinking as he woke up. With a dazed expression, as if unsure of the situation, Xin Lu stared at the ceiling before turning his head to meet Jeong Tae-ui's eyes.

As their eyes met, Xin Lu, still half-asleep, blinked slowly and then suddenly smiled brightly.

"Wow... Tae-ui hyung..."

In a voice that was soft and sleepy, he spoke with the joy of a child, as if he were dreaming. Jeong Tae-ui, smiling, followed suit.

"Wow... Xin Lu..."

Surely, anyone who saw this exchange would have scratched their head in confusion, but what did it matter? It was just the two of them, and they weren’t doing anything wrong.

Blushing slightly, Jeong Tae-ui whispered as he brushed aside the strands of hair that had fallen over Xin Lu’s cheek. Xin Lu, still not fully awake, giggled softly and rubbed his cheek against Jeong Tae-ui’s hand.

His slightly glazed eyes and drowsy voice suggested that he wasn’t fully awake yet. Maybe he thought he was dreaming. But even if that were the case, it was still cute in its own way.

Jeong Tae-ui had already given up on making anything significant happen tonight. Lying together in the same bed, sharing these playful moments, was enough. Smiling, Jeong Tae-ui gently stroked Xin Lu's hair. Xin Lu smiled back, looking content.

"Hyung... Tae-ui hyung..."

As Xin Lu murmured softly, he reached out his hand. His fingers, which seemed to be heading for Jeong Tae-ui's chin, instead moved to his lips. The way his fingers traced Jeong Tae-ui’s lips was subtly sensual. Jeong Tae-ui hesitated for a moment, letting out a quiet "Oh," but he didn’t stop Xin Lu.

The feeling of those soft fingers on his lips was surprisingly pleasant.

After caressing Jeong Tae-ui's lips for a while, Xin Lu suddenly sat up. He then straddled Jeong Tae-ui and leaned down, pressing their lips together. Jeong Tae-ui's eyes widened in surprise. The person on top of him, with his hands cradling Jeong Tae-ui’s head and lips pressed against his, was unmistakably Xin Lu.

A tongue slipped between Jeong Tae-ui’s parted lips, gently licking the inside of his mouth like a cat.

Though Jeong Tae-ui was momentarily taken aback, he quickly relaxed. It was hard to scold someone who was acting out of sleepiness, and he didn’t have any intention of doing so. Instead, he found it endearing and cute, suppressing a smile that threatened to escape his lips.

But then, a problem arose. The kiss, which had started out as something sweet and cute, didn’t stop there.

Xin Lu, who had been unbuttoning Jeong Tae-ui’s shirt one button at a time, was no longer just a sleepy boy. His face, faintly flushed with a shy excitement, lowered until he was pressing his face against Jeong Tae-ui's bare chest. He licked again, just like a cat.

"Xin Lu ...are you feeling okay?"

Jeong Tae-ui, a bit flustered, instinctively called out Xin Lu’s name, but unsure of what to do in this situation, he asked something else instead. Xin Lu whispered into Jeong Tae-ui’s ear, kissing it softly, saying that he was perfectly fine.

Jeong Tae-ui inwardly felt a bit awkward, letting out a soft "Mmm," but he couldn’t help but smile wryly as he raised his hand to the lovable young man clinging to him and kissing him repeatedly. If Xin Lu hadn’t collapsed with that pale face earlier, tonight would have probably ended up like this anyway. Despite the little mishap, they were just returning to the path they were originally heading down.

"Xin Lu, I... I'm not very confident because it's been a while."

Jeong Tae-ui whispered as he pulled Xin Lu closer. Xin Lu smiled.

"It's okay. It's been a while for me too. Actually, I'm not that confident either."

For a brief moment, the image of Xin Lu with Ilay on the bed flashed through Jeong Tae-ui's mind, but he quickly erased it. What did it matter, really? A little lie to avoid being disliked by someone you care about was something Jeong Tae-ui could overlook. Though he found it slightly irritating, he just laughed and playfully nipped at Xin Lu's ear.

Jeong Tae-ui kissed Xin Lu's cheek as he confessed his lack of confidence. As the older one with more experience, he had to take the lead. He also needed to be extra careful not to overexert Xin Lu's body, ensuring he wouldn't feel scared or uncomfortable.

Jeong Tae-ui gently tried to lay Xin Lu down, but for some reason, Xin Lu didn’t move off his body. Instead, he lay on top of Jeong Tae-ui, licking his neck and chest.

...Could it be that he prefers being on top? Come to think of it, when he was with Ilay, it was the same position. Not that he dislikes it, but it might be harder to ensure he doesn’t get hurt that way.

Resigned, Jeong Tae-ui decided to do his best, gently stroking Xin Lu's head as he licked Jeong Tae-ui's chest. But he couldn't help but think that maybe it should be him who was the one pampering Xin Lu instead. Just as that thought crossed his mind, Xin Lu suddenly bit his nipple — not hard enough to make him scream, but enough to startle him. Jeong Tae-ui flinched, and Xin Lu, noticing his reaction, lifted his head.

"Don’t you like it?"


"Oh... you haven’t really touched this area much yet, have you? It feels good when it becomes more sensitive. If we keep doing it, it’ll become more sensitive over time. I’ll help you change, so don’t worry and just leave it to me."

Xin Lu smiled as he gently sucked on the nipple. He lightly teased the other side with his fingers, while his other hand caressed Jeong Tae-ui’s abdomen. From his belly, down to his waist, and then lower still, to his lower abdomen.

Jeong Tae-ui's earlobes tingled with an unfamiliar warmth. They say kids these days are different from how we were when we were younger. To think there’s a generational gap with just a few years' difference... there's something undeniably bold about them.

Jeong Tae-ui’s face flushed with embarrassment, but soon he sighed and smiled. Since Xin Lu was putting in so much effort, he couldn’t just stay idle. Jeong Tae-ui quietly ran his hand from Xin Lu's thigh to his buttocks. Xin Lu burst out laughing in response.

"Hyung, it tickles, it tickles. Ahaha, just stay still. I’ll take care of everything for now since it’s going to get harder for you later."

"…Well, I don’t think it’ll be that hard… you’re pretty light."

Supporting Xin Lu's weight was something Jeong Tae-ui could easily manage. Besides, if it was the rider position, he wouldn't get tired that easily. Unless Xin Lu had something else in mind, maybe a position that Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t familiar with.

For a moment, Jeong Tae-ui felt a bit uneasy, but then he smiled. It was a conversation of bodies; they could take their time learning about each other. Just then, as Xin Lu moved down toward Jeong Tae-ui's lower abdomen, he saw Jeong Tae-ui's member bobbing slightly and smiled. Grabbing it with both hands, he immediately took the tip into his mouth.

Jeong Tae-ui almost jumped in surprise. As he tried to sit up, Xin Lu briefly let go and whispered in a low, husky voice.

"Stay still, stay still, Hyung… Have you never done this before? It’s okay. Just stay still. I won’t ask you to do it for me today. I’ll make you feel good."

Jeong Tae-ui looked at the aroused and flushed Xin Lu, and eventually decided to drop his pretense. Being honest was always best.

"No, I appreciate your enthusiasm, and it’s nice of you, but I want to do it for you too. Besides, you said it’s been a while for you. We should get you ready first. Otherwise, it might be tough… it won’t go in smoothly."

Jeong Tae-ui gently stroked Xin Lu’s head as he spoke affectionately. But then, as Xin Lu, who was still licking Jeong Tae-ui’s member, suddenly paused. Holding it in his mouth, he looked up at Jeong Tae-ui with a curious expression, blinking his eyes.

"I even brought lubricant. Come here, I’ll do it for you."


Xin Lu silently let go of Jeong Tae-ui’s member. He seemed slightly flustered, wiping the fluid from the corner of his mouth with his thumb.

"……Tae-ui hyung."




Jeong Tae-ui quickly asked Xin Lu, who seemed hesitant as if he had something to say but was unsure about speaking up. Although Tae-ui was slightly aroused, he was prepared to back off if Xin Lu suddenly said he was too scared and wanted to stop.

However, Xin Lu didn’t appear scared or fearful. Instead, he looked a bit troubled, with an ambiguous expression. He cautiously glanced at Tae-ui and then carefully opened his mouth to speak.

"Um... I told you before that I’ve slept with men, right?"

"Oh, yeah. ...Ah. If you're not comfortable, it's fine with me, so just say it. We can just sleep without doing anything. It happens quite often that things don’t go as planned, so don’t feel pressured. Do what’s comfortable for you."

"...Can I really do what’s comfortable for me?"

"Of course."

Tae-ui smiled. Could it be that Xin Lu thought he would force him to do something he didn't want? Even if Xin Lu said no, Tae-ui was willing to stop, even if he was on the brink of climax from the excitement. Though, truthfully, it would be a bit difficult for him.

Xin Lu looked at Tae-ui with a troubled expression, as if he were facing a serious dilemma. Then, as if making up his mind, he hesitantly asked again while watching Tae-ui closely.

"Then, I’ll do what’s comfortable for me...?"

"Of course. If it’s something burdensome for you, you should do what feels right."


Xin Lu didn’t say anything more. He averted his gaze awkwardly and nervously wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand. However, when he looked back at Tae-ui, the awkward expression was gone.

At that moment, Tae-ui hesitated.

Again, it was that somewhat unfamiliar face. However, since he had seen it a few times, it wasn't as unfamiliar anymore. With that face, Xin Lu was looking at Jeong Tae-ui. It was different from before. It was a slightly languid yet sensual expression, making his heart race the moment he saw it.

"Hyung, please spread your legs a little. It's uncomfortable."

Lying diagonally on top of Jeong Tae-ui, Xin Lu suddenly tapped Tae-ui's thigh and said. The awkward position seemed uncomfortable. Feeling like a kitten playing with a toy, Jeong Tae-ui smiled and spread his legs willingly. Xin Lu settled between them.

Anyway, he needed to prepare Xin Lu first. It would surely hurt if he just put it in right away... but then again, thinking back, even after Ilay's monstrous thing was put in, Xin Lu went about his day the next day without showing much difficulty. Maybe he had his own way of taking care of his body.

Tae-ui gently kissed Xin Lu's head, which was diligently nibbling at his neck.

Then, he softly stroked Xin Lu’s shoulder. As always, his skin was smooth and beautiful. At that moment, Xin Lu, who had been casually folding Tae-ui’s legs, lowered his hand and touched the inside of Tae-ui’s thigh.


Even though Tae-ui momentarily hesitated, Xin Lu’s hand moved further inward. Finally, it stopped right in the middle. The fingers, which had been gently moving around, pressed in the center. The fingertips delved into a new and unfamiliar sensation.


Tae-ui sprang up. Xin Lu, who had been clinging to Tae-ui's collarbone, looked at him in surprise. But Tae-ui was more flustered than Xin Lu, looking back at him in confusion.

"That place..."

Do people nowadays also stimulate that area? No, but usually, it would be the other way around. He should be taking care of Xin Lu’s lower part, but this seemed almost... At that moment, Tae-ui’s gaze fell below Xin Lu. The already erect member was swaying, coming dangerously close to Tae-ui’s backside. When Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu with a confused expression, Xin Lu seemed a bit flustered but then shyly smiled and kissed Tae-ui.

"Hyung, it’s okay. I won’t hurt you."


Tae-ui shouted in shock. His voice cracked from the surprise. Xin Lu, startled, quickly became dejected and murmured with a gloomy expression.

“You told me to do what felt comfortable…”

"No, wait a minute. I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding here. Let’s talk first."

Jeong Tae-ui quickly sat up and crossed his legs. Xin Lu adjusted his position on the bed and sat demurely in front of Tae-ui. Throughout this, he deliberately avoided looking at the member that was standing and swaying. Tae-ui hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out how to start the conversation. Finally, he looked directly at Xin Lu and asked slowly.

"Does the fact that you’ve slept with men mean that you were the one on top? I mean, not the one on the bottom...?"

"Yes. We started that way from the beginning, so of course, I always thought of it that way."

Xin Lu, when asked seriously by Tae-ui, seemed utterly dejected. His slumped posture and lack of energy made it look like tears could easily fall. Tae-ui gathered his resolve, facing Xin Lu and contemplating. He hadn't expected this. Despite all the scenarios he had imagined, he had never considered this one. Being the one on the bottom... It wasn’t that it was unacceptable. It was just that he had never done it before. He didn’t think being on the bottom was inherently bad. He imagined there could be its own pleasure in being on the bottom. But.

Tae-ui pondered for a while. He didn’t want to make Xin Lu sad. But, honestly, what he wanted was to embrace Xin Lu, not to be embraced.

Understanding Tae-ui’s dilemma, Xin Lu tilted his head and gently kissed Tae-ui’s lips. Even though Tae-ui was still troubled, Xin Lu continued to kiss him and then reached out to pull Tae-ui into an embrace.

"Hyung, even the first time I did it, I was told I did well. I’ll really do my best. Tae-i hyung."

"No, that’s not the issue..."

Tae-ui muttered awkwardly. Hearing Xin Lu’s pitiful whisper made him feel weak. There was a fleeting thought of just giving in. Despite his personal preferences, he resolutely continued to struggle with his thoughts, when suddenly Xin Lu pushed Tae-ui and climbed on top of him.

"Hyung, just try it for now. I don’t think I can hold on any longer. Even if you don’t want it, I can’t stop. I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t do this with you. Do you know how long I've been holding back? Even if you hate it, please bear with it."

The face looking down at Tae-ui from above was once again that unfamiliar one. Not the gentle and loving face of a young man, but the face of a selfish man who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. Xin Lu’s hand pressed down on Tae-ui’s shoulder. It was clear he was determined to continue, even if Tae-ui didn’t want it.

And that’s why. Tae-ui, whose resolve had been weakening, felt a pang of frustration. If he had thought a little longer, he might have considered indulging Xin Lu’s desire as a new experience. But hearing those words made it impossible to grant his request.

"Xin Lu."


"I didn’t want to lay hands on you... But today, you’ll get hurt a little."

Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu with a stern expression and, with a grim face, delivered a sharp punch to Xin Lu’s exposed abdomen. The resulting consequences were met with Xin Lu’s regurgitated vomit covering him as the retaliation.


"Oh. Right. It was potassium nitrate."

Jeong Tae-ui woke up to the sound of his own voice. However, the moment he opened his eyes, it felt as if someone else had woken him up by talking to him. He sluggishly got up, tilted his head in confusion, and scratched his head.

"Potassium nitrate...?"

As soon as he woke up, he forgot what dream he had. But the words he muttered remained in his ears: potassium nitrate. Yet, he couldn't figure out why potassium nitrate would appear in his dream.

Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at the foot of his bed and then nodded his head, saying "Ah." He wasn't sure, but it seemed like he had dreamt of his older brother. It might have been because of the sketch-like blueprint he had seen by chance a few days ago. His brother would sometimes scatter papers covered with drawings and writings that were hard to distinguish as either blueprints or doodles all over the living room. He would start scribbling on one and, when he got bored, move on to a new sheet to draw something entirely different. Sometimes, the entire floor would be covered with papers.

When Tae-ui first saw it and asked what it was — he was probably not even in middle school at the time — his brother had answered casually, ‘If you build it like this, in theory, you'll get a small bomb.’ When Tae-ui, impressed, suggested they try making it, his brother looked at him and said, ‘Can you get potassium nitrate?’ When Tae-ui asked what that was, his brother kindly explained that he just needed to get nitric acid, but being an ordinary boy, Tae-ui had no idea what that was. So, the experiment ended with just words.

"Why did I suddenly dream about my brother...? I can't even remember what the dream was about."

Tae-ui muttered as he lightly tugged at his hair. However, he understood why he might have had the dream. That blueprint from a few days ago... even now, thinking back, it seemed like his brother's handwriting. He must have been thinking about it for a while.

His shoulder felt stiff, probably from sleeping poorly, so Tae-ui looked around while moving his head slightly. He had fallen asleep with the light on in his uncle's room. After the joint training ended, his uncle had told him he could come by anytime, so Tae-ui still visited this place occasionally.

He usually just read books and left, but his uncle was rarely around. Tae-ui thought his uncle would be free after the training ended, but it turned out that the death of an instructor during the training had made things extremely busy. So, when he came here, he mostly read books alone and only occasionally ran into his uncle late at night.

At that moment, his pocket buzzed with a vibration. Tae-ui took out his pager. There was a message.

‘Have a good night and sweet dreams.’

It was a polite and gentle greeting. Lately, such greetings had been coming morning and night. No need to check the sender; it was Xin Lu.

Since returning from Hong Kong, this had been happening continuously. Even without any special reason, he would send messages every day. Sometimes, when he had some free time, Xin Lu would even come to see Jeong Tae-ui. When Jeong Tae-ui let him into his room, Xin Lu would sit beside him, looking a bit dejected, glancing at Jeong Tae-ui with a hesitant expression, and then leave reluctantly late at night. It seemed that even now, Xin Lu had come to his room, found it empty, and only sent a message. But perhaps out of consideration, he never asked where Jeong Tae-ui was or told him to come over.

Jeong Tae-ui checked the message and then put it back with a bitter expression. Since then, he had been avoiding Xin Lu, but only to the extent that it wouldn't be too noticeable. When they met, Jeong Tae-ui would greet him warmly and chat for a bit, but he never sought Xin Lu out first. Others might not have noticed, but Xin Lu, being sharp, probably had.

Just last night, Xin Lu had come over, looking as if he might burst into tears at any moment, and asked pitifully, ‘Tae-ui hyung, have you grown to dislike me?’ But when it came to that, Jeong Tae-ui could shake his head without hesitation. It wasn't that he had grown to dislike Xin Lu. The problem was the subtle change in Xin Lu's behavior.

After what had happened in Hong Kong — Jeong Tae-ui had ended up covered in vomit, and after showering, had felt a sudden rush of anxiety and hurriedly left alone while Xin Lu was in the shower — Xin Lu had become both noticeably self-conscious around Jeong Tae-ui and strangely more assertive, or maybe confident. He was no longer the shy and pitiful Xin Lu who seemed like he might disappear at any moment. He was still lovable, but Jeong Tae-ui found himself wondering where the boy he used to know had gone. Of course, there was no answer to that question.

"Haa," Jeong Tae-ui sighed. It really was a bit strange. Ever since coming here, his fortunes seemed to have taken a turn for the worse. Things seemed to be going well, only to subtly go awry. He wondered if he would be able to leave this place safely in half a year.

It was while he was trembling with an inexplicable sense of foreboding that a familiar mechanical sound rang out. Jeong Tae-ui flinched, hunching his shoulders as he looked up. The phone on his uncle's desk was ringing.

The monitor emitted a faint light, and the lamp flickered as the electronic sound continued without end.

Jeong Tae-ui silently stared at the phone. His expression faded, and a slow wrinkle formed between his eyebrows. He couldn't tell who the caller was, but he had memories associated with the phone ringing in this room.


Without needing to think about it, he decided not to answer. What good would it do?

He didn’t want to hear that man’s voice at all right now. The memory from Ilay’s last night on this branch was still fresh in his mind: Ilay had Xin Lu in his embrace, and Jeong Tae-ui could clearly remember Ilay’s intense gaze — his pitch-black, cold eyes locked on Jeong Tae-ui, accompanied by a faint, twisted smile.

"......Damn it. Now I'm getting angry all of a sudden."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered a curse through clenched teeth. Then, as if that phone were the man himself, he threw the cup he was holding straight at it. The stainless steel cup hit the phone's screen dead on, fell to the floor, and rolled away, leaving one corner of the screen shattered, with fragments breaking off. The receiver clattered to the ground, and the mechanical sound stopped.

In hindsight, he had been foolish. Even though he told himself otherwise on the surface, deep down, he had regarded Ilay as a sort of friend. Even when Ilay spoke coldly and cruelly, Jeong Tae-ui had unconsciously believed that when it came down to it, Ilay would give him some leeway. Because of those words: ‘I don't want to fight with you.’

But in truth, Ilay had always made it clear, both in words and actions, that there was a sharp line drawn around him when it came to others. Knowing that but still thinking otherwise made Jeong Tae-ui a fool. Blaming Ilay was no different from venting his anger on something irrelevant.

Even knowing all this, he still never wanted to face Ilay again. He didn't want to hear his voice, and he detested the idea of having even the slightest connection with him.

"Ugh... Anyway, he's someone who can kill people without batting an eye, so what's there to regret? Xin Lu too... Damn it... It's annoying. But in the end, Xin Lu is still here with me."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself as if trying to convince himself. Just then, the door opened. When he turned his head, he saw his uncle walking in. Without any sign of surprise, his uncle greeted him, Oh, you're here.

"I found a rare book today. It should arrive by next week."

Listening to his uncle's cheerful words, Jeong Tae-ui nodded. If his uncle was buying books, it was good for Jeong Tae-ui since it meant he would have easy access to books that were otherwise hard to find.

As his uncle took off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack, he noticed the broken phone lying on the desk and widened his eyes. Jeong Tae-ui winced and looked away, though there was no way to hide who the culprit was.

"What the... Why is the phone in this state? Ah, the monitor's cracked. This'll be hard to fix."

Without showing much anger, his uncle inspected the phone and placed the fallen receiver back on the cradle. Feeling a pang of guilt for breaking someone else's perfectly good phone in a moment of frustration, Jeong Tae-ui glanced at his uncle and, with a bitter taste in his mouth, mumbled, "I'm sorry," in a small voice. His uncle looked at him more with curiosity than anger.

"But why? Did you get a strange call or something?"

His uncle trailed off after saying "a strange call," as if thinking of something. Jeong Tae-ui had an idea of who his uncle might be thinking about, so he shrugged.

"No, it's not that. The phone was just too noisy, so I threw a cup at it, and it just happened to hit there..."


His uncle didn't press further, just nodded his head. The slight tug at the corners of his uncle's mouth suggested he was lost in thought. At that moment, the phone rang again. Only the monitor had been broken; the phone itself still worked. Standing right next to the phone, his uncle pressed the button to answer — though the monitor no longer lit up — and picked up the receiver.

"Yes, this is Jeong Chang-in. Ah, yes. Oh, I see... What kind of people are they? And their experience is...?"

Jeong Tae-ui, who had been holding his breath beside his uncle, soon relaxed his shoulders. So, it wasn't him after all.

Well, out of the countless calls his uncle received, only a small fraction were from that man, so why was he so tense? More importantly, why did he even feel tense in the first place? There was no reason to.

As Jeong Tae-ui leaned back against the bed and picked up a book, he glanced sideways at his uncle, who was on the phone for quite a while. Jeong Tae-ui occasionally looked at his uncle whenever he heard any unsettling words while trying to read.

It seemed to be an internal communication within the organization, likely concerning promotions, transfers, or reassignments. From what he could gather, they were discussing who to bring in as a replacement for the deceased instructor. During the conversation, topics such as the General Manager potentially moving to the U.S. headquarters in a few months or the next candidate for the General Manager position were occasionally mentioned.

Come to think of it, how are things progressing? Would his uncle's superior successfully attain the General Manager position as he hoped?

Jeong Tae-ui thought of Rudolf Gentil, his uncle's superior. He had seen the man a few times, and he seemed capable of running the branch smoothly if he were to become the General Manager. However, the same could be said for the other candidate, Mao Li Yin. Jeong Tae-ui had rarely seen him — maybe once or twice from a distance during a general assembly. Although he seemed stern, Mao was also known for his thoroughness and reputation for leaving no room for error.

Either way, if someone was capable enough to rise to the position of General Manager, it meant they had their own set of skills. It didn't matter much to Jeong Tae-ui who got the position, but for someone like his uncle, it could be a sensitive issue.


Jeong Tae-ui stared at the ceiling. Still, personal and professional matters were different. The Rudolf he had seen didn’t seem to be someone who would get along well with his uncle. They seemed like two cunning snakes tied together, but they didn't appear to have the kind of rapport that would build genuine trust.

But that was a personal matter, and Jeong Tae-ui understood that things would be different when dealing with each other professionally.

While Jeong Tae-ui was lost in thought and occasionally glanced at his uncle, his uncle finally hung up the phone. He then looked down at the phone in silence.

"Seems like you’re busy."

Jeong Tae-ui said, breaking the silence. His uncle slowly turned to look at him, responded with a hum, and then sat down on a chair with a very troubled expression.

"Kippenhan is dead. So, there's been some debate about who will take his place. The headquarters and each branch are backing different candidates. Ultimately, they'll probably consider the candidate's preference, career, and ratings before choosing the one with the highest score."

"I see... But you don’t seem happy about it. Did someone you dislike get nominated?"

"No, it’s not that. But there’s one person who could be a headache if they come here."

"Then just pick someone else."

"It’s not up to me. The headquarters and the branch wardens will narrow down the candidates based on their scores, and then the computer will choose the one with the highest promotion score."

Jeong Tae-ui nodded in understanding. His uncle pondered for a moment, then, seemingly frustrated, scratched his head and grumbled.

"Damn it. Why did Kippenhan have to do something so reckless and get himself killed? He couldn’t even tell the difference between what he could handle and what he couldn't. Of all people, he had to mess with Rick..."

Jeong Tae-ui watched his uncle muttering to himself and shrugged lightly, changing the subject.

"So, how's the race for the next General Manager going? Do you think it’ll turn out the way you want?"

"Who knows? Gentil has the upper hand for now because of his past achievements. But Mao has been in the Deputy Director position longer and has more experience."

"Isn't UNHRDO a merit-based organization?"

"Many places claim to be, but in reality, it’s still people who run things, so it’s not always that simple."

His uncle spoke matter-of-factly, showing even less interest in the General Manager position than Jeong Tae-ui. Seeing this, Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head and decided to drop the topic. After all, his own concern was simply surviving for the next six months and doing the job he was given.

"Speaking of which, Rick contacted me the other day."

His uncle spoke as if in passing. Jeong Tae-ui paused his hand, which had been flipping through the pages of a book absentmindedly. His face instinctively scrunched up slightly, but his uncle continued speaking, seemingly oblivious.

"It seems like things have been a bit chaotic at the European branch lately. Well, if an instructor position becomes vacant, and someone is transferred from another branch, that spot inevitably needs to be filled too. There are cases where large-scale transfers occur."

Jeong Tae-ui fanned the pages of the book lightly. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about this.

"They say there's no direct transfer from the European branch to the Asian branch."

"Right, there isn't. Unless there's a significant reason, such cases have been rare. While it's not strictly against the rules, customary laws are important too. Candidates selected from the European branch will probably be excluded first, unless something unusual happens."

His uncle nodded as he spoke. Jeong Tae-ui, feeling strangely uneasy, sighed as he tried to calm his anxious heart. He recalled something Ilay had mentioned in passing when he was in the detention section.

‘In my case, the results I've accumulated have become a tower of achievements. It seems that talks of promotion are starting to surface, whether I want it or not.’

Jeong Tae-ui lowered his head for a moment before asking his uncle.

"Then what happens if someone from the European branch is up for promotion, but a position opens up in the Asian branch?"

"They'll probably send someone suitable from another branch to Asia, and that person from the European branch will fill the vacant spot at the other branch... Why? Is there someone you're thinking of from the European branch?"

His uncle asked suddenly. Jeong Tae-ui frowned for a moment, then shook his head. "No, no," he said, brushing off his unease with those words. It’s just a useless thought. He was being too sensitive. If there's anything to realistically worry about in this situation, it would be...

"If that man gets transferred to the branch where we're having joint training three months from now, and we end up meeting again."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself. As he muttered, he felt uneasy again. They say that if you keep having ominous thoughts, they become reality. Damn it, he needed to clear his head.

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head from side to side. His uncle, who had been quietly watching him, suddenly began speaking with a slight smile, as if something had crossed his mind.

"Come to think of it, I heard you’ve become quite close with Xin Lu lately. They say Xin Lu often visits your room. At night."


Jeong Tae-ui flinched and clamped his mouth shut. Then, he stared intently at his uncle. He was always someone you could never let your guard down around. Jeong Tae-ui was tired of trying to guess just how much this person knew.

"Well… it's just… yes, that's true."

"I heard you went out to Hong Kong with Xin Lu last week, too. Xin Lu booked a room at the Peninsula — no less than the Grand Deluxe, they said. …Did you enjoy the room?"

Or maybe you were too busy with other things to even notice the room, his uncle added with a meaningful smile. Beneath his calm expression, Jeong Tae-ui's face twisted in discomfort. What on earth is a secret in this place? How do rumors spread so quickly?

"Was it the Grand Deluxe? I didn’t realize that. The room was nice. I remember it was spacious — more than enough room to hang laundry with vomit stains."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke bluntly. His uncle paused, then looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a curious expression before asking,

"Laundry with vomit stains? What's that about?"

"So that part of the rumor didn’t spread, I see. That day, Xin Lu wasn’t feeling well and passed out before even getting into the room."


His uncle looked unexpectedly surprised. Maybe even a bit disappointed. He probably was disappointed; the look in his eyes had been searching for something to tease about.

"Well, that’s unfortunate for Xin Lu."

"Unfortunate for Xin Lu, not for me?"

Jeong Tae-ui retorted, and his uncle looked at him with that strange expression again.

Then he smiled subtly.

"Xin Lu, you know, is exactly your type. Cute, delicate features, and a gentle, bright personality."


"But that kid, there's something unexpected about him. …Well, you'll find out slowly as you spend more time together."

Jeong Tae-ui kept his mouth shut. He had a guess as to what his uncle meant by "something unexpected." Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui felt downcast.

Seeing his expression, his uncle, seemingly amused, spoke in a laid-back tone.

"Besides, he's a pretty good catch as a boyfriend. Smart enough to act as a liaison in our branch, quick-witted, and sharp. Plus, despite appearances, he's got an impressive lineage. He's the son of a prestigious and wealthy family well-known in the Chinese business world."

Jeong Tae-ui looked at his uncle with a strange, furrowed expression. Though his uncle's face was one of enjoyment, his tone wasn’t joking. Jeong Tae-ui sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Xin Lu did seem like a well-raised young man from a good family, but hearing it said so plainly felt disconcerting. Not that it mattered what kind of illustrious background someone came from. If anything, Jeong Tae-ui himself was from a notable family, with a prominent figure for a brother and another exceptional one for an uncle.

As he thought about this, Jeong Tae-ui’s mind returned to the unexpected nature of Xin Lu that his uncle had mentioned, making him feel even more down. It was obvious that his uncle hadn’t been referring to Xin Lu’s family background.

Feeling like he had something bitter in his mouth, Jeong Tae-ui got up from the bed. He shot a fierce look at his uncle, who was watching him with an amused expression, and then turned away sullenly.

"I think I'll go now."

"Already? Aren’t you going to borrow a book?"

"I’ll come back later to read."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed heavily and waved without looking back. He heard his uncle chuckle softly, which only deepened his gloom.


Just before he stepped out, his uncle called him, as if remembering something. Jeong Tae-ui, having already taken a step outside the door, turned his head. His uncle, with that inscrutable smile, spoke to him quietly.

"Hang in there. It's just half a year — only a few more months to go."

"…? Yes, I will. Take care, uncle."

Jeong Tae-ui nodded at his uncle’s encouragement and left the room. For some reason, his heart felt heavy.


When he opened his eyes, everything was pitch dark. After staring at the ceiling for a moment, Jeong Tae-ui glanced at the glow-in-the-dark clock by his bedside. It wasn't even 5 a.m. yet. It was a time when hardly anyone would be awake, except for a few members who had a habit of getting up early.

Even after opening his eyes, it took Jeong Tae-ui a few seconds to realize why he had woken up. The phone was ringing. It wasn’t loud, so the persistent ringing hadn’t been particularly grating, but it had been going on for a while.


Jeong Tae-ui frowned and sat up. He glared at the phone with annoyance before getting up and trudging over to it.

If there was anyone who would be calling at this hour… it had to be his brother.

A face suddenly popped into his mind. His brother lived a relatively regular life, but occasionally he would go out or stay out overnight at irregular hours, doing unpredictable things. These unpredictable actions were usually minor, like calling in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep or going out in the morning for a bit, only to ask Jeong Tae-ui to bring his passport to the airport a couple of hours later.

After living with someone like that for so long, whenever a call came at this hour, Jeong Tae-ui would naturally assume it was his brother.

But… wait. How would his brother know this number?

That thought crossed his mind just as he picked up the receiver. After casually saying, "Why are you calling?" it occurred to Jeong Tae-ui that if his brother had really wanted to call him, he might have just dialed any random number and miraculously connected to him.

Looking down at the lamp after answering, he noticed it was red. It was an external call. If it had been an internal call, he would have assumed it was his uncle, Xin Lu, or a colleague who needed to contact him through the internal network. But if it was someone calling from outside… it could only be his extraordinarily lucky brother who had something to say and managed to get through to him.

Anyone overhearing this might look at him in shock and seriously suggest he go see a doctor, but Jeong Tae-ui spoke into the silent receiver again.


There was still no response. Jeong Tae-ui frowned. It could be a wrong number or a prank call. Being woken up for something so pointless was enough to make anyone irritated.

"Damn it… Who’s calling in the middle of the night?"

‘I guess you are doing well.’

As Jeong Tae-ui was about to hang up the receiver, a low voice flowed from it. He paused. His grip on the receiver tightened, and in an instant, his drowsiness vanished.

It was a voice he couldn't mistake, even if half-asleep. That subtle laugh, slow and languid.

"...It’s early in the morning and my day is already ruined..."

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. He heard laughter from the other end of the line. The more he listened to that laugh, the more his mood darkened. Danger, danger. This was someone he shouldn't be dealing with again, someone he thought he'd never see again. His instincts rang out a warning in his head, telling him that nothing good would come from talking further. Not long ago, he had already worn himself out over nothing.

'It seems you haven't been hanging out in Instructor Jeong's room lately.'

"No, I was there yesterday and the day before."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered in displeasure. Ilay. Ilay Riegrow — he couldn't understand why this man suddenly called him.

"Why are you calling? If you were trying to reach my uncle, you've dialed the wrong number."

'No, I already talked to Instructor Jeong earlier. When I asked about you, he was quite informative.'

Uncle. What on earth did he tell him? And more importantly, why is this man asking about me?

Jeong Tae-ui kept his mouth shut. He didn't know what this man intended to say, nor what his uncle had told him. But whatever he might have heard, there hadn't been anything particularly noteworthy lately.

'I heard you're getting along well with that cute brat.'

Ilay started slowly. Jeong Tae-ui furrowed his brow. Xin Lu. He didn't want to talk about Xin Lu with this man. Even though there was no longer any reason to feel threatened now that they wouldn't cross paths again, an unease still lingered.

...But on the other hand, the more he thought about it, the more vexed he became. No matter the reason, that brat Xin Lu willingly became a bottom for this damned man, yet behaved like that with Jeong Tae-ui?

As Jeong Tae-ui frowned deeply, the voice on the other end continued.

‘So, did he suit your taste? He was quite delicious, though it was a bit mild for me. I prefer someone who’s a bit more coquettish.’

“Did you call just to say that? If you want to talk about something so disgusting, go bother someone else. Or better yet, call Xin Lu. Then he’ll probably never want to see you again.”

Jeong Tae-ui openly expressed his displeasure. The thought of being woken up for this kind of talk made him angry. He had no interest in hearing about other people's personal affairs.

‘Ahaha, no. I've been busy with work lately. I just finished a task a little while ago, and suddenly thought of you. I wondered how you were doing, so I decided to call. When I called Instructor Jeong, you didn’t answer...’

Ilay’s voice lowered slightly, as if he knew full well that Jeong Tae-ui had been deliberately avoiding him.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. He considered hanging up but hesitated and adjusted his grip on the receiver. Sleep had long since fled from him.

The last time he encountered this man was right before he left for Europe, when he was with Xin Lu in bed. Even then, they hadn’t exchanged a word, just met eyes. The last time they truly spoke was in the detention section, where they didn’t get a proper chance to say goodbye. Not that Ilay would have cared about something like that.

“Now that I think about it, I didn’t get to properly say goodbye. I wanted to, but it wasn’t the right time. I should say it now. ‘Bye-bye.’”

Since he had no intention of seeing him again, 'bye-bye' it was. He sincerely hoped that this phone call would be the end of their connection. He felt uncomfortable and displeased. It seemed that sentiment carried through the line, as the man chuckled.

‘You're upset. Why so annoyed? ...Is it because I slept with that brat?’

“That’s not... something I can deny, I guess.”

Jeong Tae-ui tried to deny it but gave up and nodded. Denying it wouldn’t change anything; this man would know better. He was reminded again, and each time it came to mind, his stomach churned with bitterness.

He had thought about why he was so angry. It wasn't just because that man had slept with Xin Lu. Jeong Tae-ui didn’t place too much importance on someone’s purity. Besides, Xin Lu wasn’t with that man anymore.

After much thought, he realized that it was the look that man had given him back then that bothered him. He couldn’t quite place what it was, but while holding Xin Lu, Ilay had kept his eyes on Jeong Tae-ui, with a faint smile on his lips. For some reason, that gaze had infuriated him.

‘Haha, Tae-ui, we’ve already talked about this. You heard it that day too — I didn’t force that brat into my bed. He came to me on his own.’

“Yes, I know. That’s why I stood back and watched. But I never promised not to be angry about it.”

‘Well… that’s true. You’re right. I was too careless with that promise.’

The man chuckled as if acknowledging a mistake. Jeong Tae-ui still couldn’t figure out why this man had called, and the uncertainty was making him increasingly uneasy. He hated being in situations where he had to guess without knowing the reason.

“You don’t need to explain yourself to me about that matter now, so why are you trying to justify it by calling me?”

‘Ah, well, that’s obvious. The reason I’m calling late is because I’ve been busy with work and only now had a moment to catch my breath. And the reason I’m calling at all is because we’re friends, of course.’

He almost dropped the receiver. No, it would’ve been better if he had dropped it. Maybe he should just pretend to drop it now and hang up. He felt like he had heard something he shouldn’t have, something that would do him no good.

Jeong Tae-ui’s face turned pale. He truly couldn’t understand this man’s intentions. What was this crazy guy thinking, calling him? He was beyond angry now—he was scared. He never thought his uncle’s advice to avoid any connection with this lunatic and to stay out of his sight would still hold true.

Jeong Tae-ui started to ask when they ever became friends but then stopped himself. There was no need to pick a fight. But even so, it was an absurd and unsettling statement. In the end, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t hold back and carefully responded with a roundabout remark.

“For being so close… you sure left without saying goodbye.”

I even went to see you the night before, but couldn’t fulfill my intention, he added internally. To this, Ilay simply replied, “Ah, well,” in a nonchalant tone.

‘That’s because I thought we’d see each other again soon. I didn’t see the need to say goodbye just because we wouldn’t see each other for a bit.’

Jeong Tae-ui’s palm started to sweat. This time, he really wanted to hang up. The uneasy feeling that had been swirling in his chest since he picked up the phone was growing stronger.

“Why would we meet again?”

His heart pounded. Anxiety made it race. Not knowing what this man intended to say only heightened his unease. Why did he even call? He felt like screaming at the top of his lungs.

‘Why? People can meet again whenever they want, as long as they’re alive.’

“But I don’t want to.”

When Jeong Tae-ui responded quickly, a low laugh came from the other end. It was as if Ilay had just heard a funny joke.

Jeong Tae-ui went silent, pressing his forehead. His head was starting to heat up. He was too tired to keep beating around the bush and probing for answers. In a voice that had lost its edge, he muttered gloomily.

“Why did you call? I can’t believe you really think we’re close.”

‘Hah, why would you think that?’

The fact that he responded to such words so casually, without getting angry, and seemed to find it amusing, only made it more unsettling.

Jeong Tae-ui didn’t reply, waiting for him to continue. Conversations with unexpected people drained his energy more than he had anticipated.

Realizing Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t going to respond, Ilay let out a low laugh. Then, he dropped his playful tone and answered straightforwardly.

‘I didn’t have any particular reason. I just thought of you and decided to call. Also, Jeong Jae-ui’s name came up in a conversation.’

Of course, he’s treating him like a set with his brother again. It was so normal now that it doesn’t even bother him anymore.

“Then call my brother. Don’t call me.”

‘Jeong Jae-ui is currently missing. Do you know where he is?’

At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui realized this might be the real reason for the call. Even if it wasn’t the main reason, it was clear that Ilay had intended to ask this question from the moment he dialed.

“I spent several days locked up with you, didn’t I? Didn’t we already have this conversation?”

It was only natural that there was an edge to his voice. He was sure he had discussed this topic with Ilay before. He had said he didn’t know.

Ilay laughed. Then, in a completely calm and indifferent tone, he replied.

‘No, it’s just that some time has passed, so I thought I’d ask. There are a lot of people around me looking for his whereabouts.’

“Tell them to keep trying. No one in his family knows where he is, so they’ll have to figure it out on their own.”

Ilay’s voice, carrying a hint of laughter, replied, ‘I’ll do that.’

Just by listening to his voice, one might think he was a cheerful and kind man. His low, pleasant voice and clear way of speaking were appealing. If they only communicated by phone and never met in person, Ilay would be quite likable — just as he had been before Jeong Tae-ui met Riegrow.

‘Well then, take care. Stay healthy until we meet again.’

Ilay chuckled softly as he said goodbye, and Jeong Tae-ui, already exhausted from the conversation, sighed and mumbled, “Yeah, you too.”

It was only after the call ended that the phrase “until we meet again” began to bother him.




Jeong Tae-ui responded to Tou’s startled “Huh?” with the same questioning tone as he pointed at himself. However, his expression was not one of confusion at all.

Tou glanced at his watch as he walked over to Jeong Tae-ui’s side. It was still not even 6 a.m. Jeong Tae-ui noticed the cigarette in Tou’s mouth and nodded knowingly. He figured that was why he had run into him so early — Tou had come out for a morning cigarette.

“Why are you up so early?”

Tou asked, cigarette still in his mouth. As he flicked the dew off the tips of the grass with his fingers, it was clear he had a fondness for flowers and plants — something one wouldn’t guess from his tough appearance.

“Hmm… I got a prank call early in the morning.”

“You should’ve just cursed at them a bit and gone back to sleep.”

“Hmm… but they were persistent.”

“Next time someone like that calls, just pull the plug.”

“I probably should. Or maybe I’ll just cut the external line.”

“What kind of lunatic prank calls the UNHRDO office anyway? They should track that number down and give them a good thrashing.”


Jeong Tae-ui silently stared at Tou. When Tou turned around with a “What?” Jeong Tae-ui shook his head, indicating it was nothing. If you actually risk your life to do that, I’ll give you a round of applause.

Jeong Tae-ui crouched down next to Tou, who was busy flicking the dew off the grass blades, and wet his fingertips with the dew at the tip of a leaf.

He couldn’t fall asleep after hanging up the phone. There was still quite some time left before the day’s work began, but even lying in bed with his eyes closed didn’t bring sleep back. So, he gave up on sleeping and decided to step outside for some fresh air.

A thick fog hung around the building. It was likely going to be quite warm later in the day.

He had took a deep breath of the misty air, which obscured the sky, when Tou had come out with a cigarette in his mouth.

“Why are you up so early?”

“I always get up at this time for a smoke. You probably didn’t know because you’ve never been out at this hour.”

Tou scoffed at Jeong Tae-ui’s question, replying matter-of-factly. Come to think of it, he was right. Although Jeong Tae-ui had woken up at this hour before, he had never gone outside, so it was only natural that this was their first encounter. Despite his addiction to cigarettes, Tou was one of the more diligent members among his colleagues.

“Why do you look so troubled?”

Tou glanced at Jeong Tae-ui as he asked. He showed a bit of conscience by blowing the cigarette smoke upwards rather than at the plants.

“The prank call was really persistent.”


Jeong Tae-ui gave a vague answer and rubbed the dew off his fingers. He could feel Tou’s gaze, questioning what he meant, but his mind was too preoccupied to respond. Something about that phone call kept nagging at him, making him uneasy.

“Here, I’ll give you one too.”

Tou must have noticed that Jeong Tae-ui seemed quite distressed, as he offered him a cigarette. Thanks to a recent bulk purchase he had made in Hong Kong, he was generous enough to share. Jeong Tae-ui took the cigarette, put it in his mouth, and inhaled deeply. The sharp scent of tobacco filled his lungs.

Just then, he sensed someone approaching from behind. Tou turned his head first, and Jeong Tae-ui followed suit. Through the old building’s window, they saw a man striding into the instructor’s office.

“It’s Golding. He’s up early too. But why is he going into the instructor’s office in uniform at this hour? Is he going on a trip?”

Tou muttered nonchalantly. But before he could finish speaking, another instructor appeared at the end of the corridor. Like Golding, he was also dressed in full uniform, heading into the instructor’s office.

Before long, a third instructor appeared. It was his uncle. Though he was neatly dressed in his uniform, it was clear from his drowsy eyes that he had just woken up. As he walked towards the instructor's office, he casually glanced out the hallway window and spotted Jeong Tae-ui and Tou kneeling outside, smoking. He frowned slightly as if he was about to say something, but after thinking it over for a moment, he silently entered the office.


“What’s going on? It’s so busy this early in the morning. Did something happen overnight?”

Tou murmured, and Jeong Tae-ui also tilted his head slightly, observing the scene.

More instructors followed behind his uncle. Not long after, some of the deputy directors started appearing as well. There were still about three hours left before the official workday began, but seeing so many people arriving early was unusual.

The expressions of those entering the instructor’s office were all peculiar. There was no clear sign of joy or sorrow on their faces. It was as if they were caught between conflicting emotions.

What could it be if it's neither clearly good nor bad news? Hopefully, whatever it is, it won’t affect the entire branch.

At that moment, Xin Lu appeared, walking briskly down the hallway. Even the deputy directors were being mobilized this early, which suggested that something serious was indeed happening.

Before Jeong Tae-ui could call out to him, Xin Lu, who had been casually looking out the window, spotted him first.

“Tae-ui hyung! What are you doing out here so early in the morning?”

Tou, standing next to Jeong Tae-ui, gave a meaningful, sly grin at Xin Lu's cheerful greeting as he opened the window. He teased half-jokingly, “Lucky you. Someone’s always wagging their tail happily whenever they see you.” But Jeong Tae-ui pretended not to hear.

Despite the instructors wearing those strange, unreadable expressions, it seemed the unusual gravity of the situation hadn't spread down to the lower levels. Xin Lu was smiling brightly, with not a trace of concern on his face.

“I couldn’t sleep, so I came out for a bit. But what about you? Why are you up so early? I saw some instructors coming and going too. ...Did something happen?”

“Oh, we got a message from headquarters early this morning. It looks like they’ve decided on a new instructor who’ll be assigned to our branch.”

This morning.

A bad feeling gnawed at Jeong Tae-ui's mind. Today had already been marked by unsettling, unwelcome news that had broken the dawn. Because of that, it felt like everything happening today was going to be unlucky.

“On days like this, I should cleanse myself, sit quietly in my room, and avoid going out.”


“No, nothing. So, who is it?”

“How would I know?”

Xin Lu smiled sheepishly. It was true that as a junior just called out for various tasks, he wouldn’t be privy to such information. While he might find out earlier than others after the brief meeting among the instructors, for now, he had no way of knowing what was being discussed inside the instructor’s office.

“Something feels off...”

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, feeling uneasy. His mind was tangled with minor details that wouldn't unravel. And even if they did, it didn't seem like it would be in a refreshing way.

“A new instructor, huh... I just hope they’re not some weirdo.”

Jeong Tae-ui sighed as he murmured. He thought about the fact that he only had a few months left here before he could return. Even so, he wanted to avoid having to deal with a strange superior during those remaining months. Next to him, Tou blew a puff of smoke into the sky and spoke nonchalantly.

“The type of instructor they bring in can determine whether the deputy director’s job becomes easier or more troublesome, so they probably won’t pick a weirdo. Besides, even if they’re a bit odd, someone who can become an instructor at a UNHRDO branch must be highly competent. I hate to say it, but this isn’t a place just anyone can walk into... Well, except for you. You’re the nepo baby.”

As Tou met Jeong Tae-ui’s silent gaze, staring at him intently, he quickly added the last part. While it felt excessive to hear compliments about being a highly skilled branch member, being openly called a nepo baby wasn’t exactly pleasant either. Jeong Tae-ui grabbed Tou’s ear and tugged it down. “Ow, what are you doing? Why! Did I say something wrong?” Tou shouted, but Jeong Tae-ui let go and met Xin Lu’s eyes, who was still standing by the window watching them.

“Are you busy? Shouldn’t you be going?”

Noticing Xin Lu standing alone amidst the bustling atmosphere, Jeong Tae-ui asked. Xin Lu responded with an awkward, bashful smile.

“I should be going. But I was happy to see you first thing in the morning, Tae-ui hyung.”

“...Uh, yeah. Me too.”

The words, caught him off guard. Jeong Tae-ui realized too late and felt his face heat up. Recently, he had been able to brace himself mentally to avoid blushing or stumbling over his words, but hearing such a heartwarming comment unexpectedly still shook him.

Ah, he really likes this guy. Despite some confusing events and lingering uncertainty, Xin Lu was still as lovable and endearing as ever. If it weren’t for the unexpected contrast between his appearance and personality, Jeong Tae-ui might have just hugged him right then and there.

However, there were times when he would occasionally meet that unfamiliar gaze, one that was aggressive and greedy, and it inevitably left him feeling confused. It was like coming to a sudden halt just one step ahead.

As Xin Lu was called by an assistant from the office, signaling for him to come over, Jeong Tae-ui watched his retreating figure with a vacant stare. His feelings for that young man were still unresolved. Lately, his mind had been in turmoil.

Noticing Jeong Tae-ui's gaze, Tou clicked his tongue and muttered to himself about how this was exactly why workplace romances should be banned.

“If you have complaints, go find someone for yourself.”

Jeong Tae-ui said calmly, lifting his chin high and glaring down at Tou. When Tou, seemingly irritated, reached for Jeong Tae-ui's earlobe, Jeong Tae-ui blocked his hand with a slap and looked back up at the sky. The sky was still cloudy with fog.

It feels just like his mind. Nothing is clear or refreshing.

"The fog is pretty thick, but days like this tend to clear up nicely by afternoon."

Tou muttered nonchalantly, without any idea of what Jeong Tae-ui was really thinking. Hearing that, Jeong Tae-ui felt oddly comforted and silently nodded. Yeah, even though things have been tough since he got here, there will be days when things clear up.

They talked a little more while Tou finished his cigarette and lit another one. Tou was on his third cigarette now. The rumor that he never returned after going out to smoke unless he finished at least three cigarettes seemed to be true.

While they were idly knocking the dew off the leaves and lingering in the front yard of the building without much to say, someone called out to Jeong Tae-ui.

"Jeong Tae-ui."

He hesitated, furrowing his brows instinctively. It wasn't because he disliked the person calling him. It was just that he had a bad feeling about it.

The voice was unusually clear in his ears. The uneasy feeling that had been creeping in for a while suddenly filled his chest.

Jeong Tae-ui turned around. A man in uniform was looking at him. It didn't feel right. Whenever someone called him while wearing that uniform, nothing good ever came of it. The easiest example was when his uncle had shown up at his house wearing that same uniform and brought him to this place. Nothing good had come of it — only countless crises that nearly ruined his life.

He had a similar feeling now. Nothing good was going to come from following that uniform.

"The instructor, Jeong Chang-in, has called for you. Please come to the instructor's office."

The man in uniform, who relayed the message, looked familiar. It turned out to be his uncle's assistant. Though technically a fellow member, he was someone Jeong Tae-ui rarely saw since he was always accompanying the instructor. He felt somewhat distant from the other members because he rarely had time to interact with them outside of regular sessions run by the instructor he served.

"I really don’t want to go."

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled, just like he had the first time he talked to his uncle. He instinctively felt that going there would be a bad idea. The assistant, however, smiled awkwardly and replied firmly.

"Even if you don't want to, you have to come. Otherwise, I'll have to drag you there."


Jeong Tae-ui made a very displeased face. He wanted to tell him to have his uncle come to him instead, but there were too many eyes around. Speaking rashly and losing face in front of others wasn't proper. Besides, if he refused, he'd likely be dragged there anyway. That would be even more humiliating.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and stood up, saying, "I'll be back in a bit." He then followed closely behind the assistant, who started walking once he saw Jeong Tae-ui approaching.

Since he had first seen him in the role of a driver, Jeong Tae-ui had him pegged as such in his mind. Walking half a step behind him, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly asked,

"Does an assistant have to be a driver, porter, and errand boy all at once?"

It was only after asking that Jeong Tae-ui realized it might be a question that could be taken offensively. However, assistant Kang smiled calmly without showing any displeasure and nodded ambiguously.

"Yes, something like that. You could say I'm a secretary who handles even the dirty work personally."

"Dirty work? Why would you do that?"

Even though the title was assistant, there wasn’t anything superior about it compared to the regular members. Essentially, an assistant's position was the same as that of the members, so all the benefits were equal. Salary, rights, everything. Rather than being better off, they often had to stay late after the regular hours if the instructor had additional work, resulting in frequent overtime. And this place didn’t have a progressive promotion system either, so staying here for several years wouldn't necessarily lead to becoming an instructor.

Without much hesitation or thought, assistant Kang immediately answered Jeong Tae-ui's question.

"I can see things from more angles than regular members. Besides, since I’m almost always with the instructor, there are many advantages in learning from someone I respect."

Adding, "Your uncle is someone worth learning from," assistant Kang smiled slightly. His smile was so warm that Jeong Tae-ui thought his uncle had chosen his assistant well and nodded in agreement. However, Jeong Tae-ui also thought that this assistant might lack a discerning eye for people.

Assistant Kang led Jeong Tae-ui into the instructors' office, where there were four instructors present. He had seen the assistant instructors enter earlier, but it seemed they had left in the meantime. The other instructor who wasn’t present was an old man in charge of overseeing the operations. Since that old man didn’t usually stay long in places like this, Jeong Tae-ui didn't think much of it.

Jeong Tae-ui entered the instructors' office and greeted them formally. His uncle was standing by the window, holding a coffee cup, looking out, his back turned. The other instructors welcomed Jeong Tae-ui.

"Come in. Have a seat over there."

The one who gestured toward a chair for Jeong Tae-ui was Instructor McKin. He had occasionally seen him standing in the hallway chatting with his uncle. Although McKin usually appeared kind, it was said that if you got on his bad side, life would be tiring for a long time. This instructor, who was slightly older than his uncle, was also under Rudolph Gentil. Jeong Tae-ui bowed his head slightly and sat in the chair McKin offered. He then briefly glanced over the four instructors with an indifferent gaze.

Except during full assemblies, this was the first time Jeong Tae-ui had seen the instructors all in one place. Even when viewed individually, each had a distinctive, imposing presence. Some gave off a relatively gentle atmosphere, while others had a strict, blade-like demeanor. Yet, regardless of who was superior or inferior, they all exuded the unique, unapproachable aura of those who led an extraordinary group.

Seeing these men, Jeong Tae-ui thought to himself that UNHRDO (United Nations Human Rights Defense Organization) was not just a name.

"You’re Jeong Tae-ui from Instructor Jeong Chang-in’s team, right? The one who was involved in the incident during the joint training with the European branch a while ago and went to the detention section."

Instructor Golding, who had been standing a bit further away, asked. He had gone to the South American branch during the joint training, so he hadn’t been around at the time. His gaze, which scrutinized Jeong Tae-ui as if he found him fascinating, was anything but ordinary.

It’s not like Jeong Tae-ui the first member to have gone to the detention section. Why was he acting so intrigued?

"I heard you got quite close to Riegrow. And that you were together in the detention section too."

"Ilay? I wouldn’t say we were close, but it’s true we were together in the detention section."

Not that I wanted to be, but because the old man put us there together, Jeong Tae-ui mumbled under his breath, adding to his response.

As Jeong Tae-ui finished speaking casually, an odd silence briefly filled the instructor’s office. From the window, his uncle’s shoulders seemed to twitch slightly as if he was stifling a laugh.

Jeong Tae-ui fell silent, trying to figure out which part of his words had created this strange atmosphere. Then, Grimson, the oldest of the four instructors, spoke up.

"Ilay, huh. So, that’s what you call Riegrow. Have you been in contact with him since the training?"

Jeong Tae-ui looked puzzled. The tone was gentle, but the content felt like an interrogation, as if he were a witness being questioned. Moreover, the fact that the instructors, who had gathered early in the morning for a meeting, suddenly brought up Ilay was only deepening his sense of unease.

"Yes. He contacted me early this morning."

Jeong Tae-ui responded with a slightly irritated expression, dropping the polite pretense. His answer caused another brief silence in the room. Even his uncle seemed surprised, as he turned from the window to look at Jeong Tae-ui. But soon, his uncle chuckled and got straight to the point.

"Jeong Tae-ui, you should become an assistant instructor."

"I don’t want to."

No sooner had his uncle finished speaking than Jeong Tae-ui immediately replied. The moment he heard the word assistant, a dreadful premonition struck him so strongly that the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. The context of this conversation was also deeply unsettling.

He had never thought about wanting to see things from more angles than the other members, nor did he want to be constantly around the instructors. And unfortunately, there wasn’t a single instructor among them whom he found admirable enough to learn from.

However, as soon as Jeong Tae-ui firmly refused, his uncle immediately responded with a smile.

"Do it. As of today, you’re no longer on my team. You’ll join the new instructor’s team and serve as an assistant there."

"I said I don’t want to."

It didn’t matter if other instructors were watching or if he was damaging his reputation; Jeong Tae-ui had nothing to lose. He felt as if, if he didn’t refuse somehow, misfortune would grab him by the back of his head and drag him along.

"Do you even know who the new instructor is, and you’re saying no?"

"I think I know, and that’s why I’m refusing."

Jeong Tae-ui answered with his eyes wide open. His uncle didn’t seem particularly surprised. Seeing his uncle’s face, Jeong Tae-ui felt a cold shiver down his spine as the ominous premonition he didn’t want to acknowledge seemed to be becoming reality. He felt chills running down his back.

"Isn’t there a rule that says there’s no direct transfer between the European and Asian branches?"

Hoping that his premonition was wrong, Jeong Tae-ui clung to the idea like a drowning man clutching at straws. He had definitely heard that, while not explicitly stated in the regulations, it was customary that there were no direct transfers between the European and Asian branches. And yet—

"The situation forced it to be this way. Normally, filling an instructor’s position would be a straightforward process, but this time, various circ*mstances overlapped, leading to a lot of back-and-forth about whether it would happen or not. As a result, it took several times longer than usual to fill the position. Now that a decision has been made, it can’t be undone. It’s not just the branch’s issue; headquarters is involved too."

His uncle explained. Jeong Tae-ui glared at his uncle resentfully, even though he knew it wasn’t his fault. But this appointment was absolutely outrageous. Of all the people in the world they could have chosen, the one person they couldn’t place in that position was Ilay.

"This is absurd! You’re telling me you’re going to put the man who killed Instructor Kippenhan in that position?!"

Unable to contain himself, Jeong Tae-ui stood up abruptly and shouted.

There was only one conclusion that this conversation led to: Ilay Riegrow. That man was coming to the branch as an instructor. And not just anywhere, but into the position left vacant by the instructor he had killed.

Not only was it morally wrong, but the backlash from the members would be immense. The fact that he was coming from the European branch alone was enough, but on top of that, it was Riegrow — the madman Riegrow — whom all the members of the Asian branch hated and feared.

"Yes, that’s right. So, naturally, among the long-serving members of this branch, there’s no one who can be assigned as his assistant. The person who can be assigned as his assistant is someone who has come here most recently and doesn’t have a deep rift with the European branch. That person is you, Jeong Tae-ui. Besides, for some reason, it seems you’ve managed to make a favorable impression on Riegrow."

"That never happened! I refuse. Surely I have the right to refuse!"

This was no joke. Jeong Tae-ui looked at his uncle with a serious expression. It wasn't just his uncle; the other instructors were the same. If these people hadn’t collectively lost their minds, there was no way they could come to such a conclusion. Even if they were going mad, they should at least do it in a more sensible way. How could they choose, of all people, that man to bring in as the new instructor? If things went wrong, the members might revolt and turn this small island upside down.

"Jeong Tae-ui, you don't have the right to refuse. This isn't a suggestion; it's an order. Unless you plan to quit UNHRDO, you can't disobey a superior's order."

"…Can I quit?"


Not yet.

When Jeong Tae-ui quickly asked, glancing at the surrounding instructors, his uncle immediately shook his head. Then, he mouthed an explanation: the six months they originally agreed upon hadn’t passed yet.

Uncle! Why are you pushing me further into a corner? Isn’t it enough that I’m already living with bad luck in this branch?

The words bubbled up to his throat, ready to burst out. If the other instructors hadn’t been there, he might have shouted them out. He would have yelled that he was quitting, that he didn’t care about his uncle, father, or brother, and that he was leaving for good. Not that it would have made any difference.

But with the other instructors present and his uncle’s reputation on the line, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t bring himself to shout. As he hesitated, trying to figure out what to do, his uncle waved him off as if to say the conversation was over. Kang, the assistant, quickly picked up on the cue and escorted Jeong Tae-ui out of the instructor’s office.

He fumbled with the words he wanted to hurl at his uncle as Jeong Tae-ui found himself expelled from the office.


That damn cluster should have been thrown into his uncle’s room, not the training room. No, he shouldn't have gone in and answered that damn phone in his uncle's room. No, even before that, he shouldn't have followed him to this godforsaken corner of the island.

Everything started with that cursed sound of footsteps that morning. When the doorbell rang continuously, and he heard those footsteps, didn’t he already have a sense of who it was? But like an idiot he opened the door and let his uncle into the house.

After he returned home in a few months, he decided he would stick by his brother no matter what. That way, he would never have to deal with this kind of bad luck again.

Jeong Tae-ui was in the worst mood since morning. His mood had been on a sharp decline for days, but this morning was the worst of the worst.

In a place like this, rumors always spread fast. With about a hundred people crammed onto this tiny island, it was impossible for gossip not to travel quickly.

The first rumor that spread was that Jeong Tae-ui had been appointed as the assistant to the new instructor. That part wasn't so bad. Although the other team members looked at him with disdain, wondering why a new guy was being made an assistant, and muttered about his uncle’s influence, the members of his own team burst out laughing, mocking him. ‘You're going to be an assistant? The king of cheap and cowardly tricks, a master of getting under people’s skin with his words, someone whose combat skills are below average but who manages to avoid total defeat by being quick on the uptake — Jeong Tae-ui?’ they teased, but they still offered him some encouragement. In reality, being an assistant wasn’t such a big deal, and it wasn’t like everyone was competing for the role, so it didn’t carry much significance.

But soon after, a second rumor spread — this one about the new instructor.

The unbelievable rumor was that he was coming from the European branch. As soon as that rumor spread, his colleagues — members from other teams he wasn’t even close to — immediately swarmed Jeong Tae-ui, bombarding him with questions. Was it true that the new instructor was a guy from that damned European branch?

Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t bring himself to answer, so he feigned ignorance. He repeated that he was just doing what his uncle told him, that he didn’t even know what an assistant was supposed to do, and that there was no way a mere member like him would know who the new instructor was. His lies grew more convincing with each retelling. Everyone who came to get information from him left empty-handed. Up to that point, things were still somewhat manageable.

The final rumor eventually spread, too: the new instructor coming from the European branch was originally a member there, now newly qualified for the position.

As soon as this rumor spread, the branch was thrown into an uproar as if a hornet's nest had been stirred. There weren’t many people among the European branch’s members who could have the qualifications to be appointed. In fact, the members generally had a rough idea of each other’s performance ratings. Even if they weren’t aiming for a promotion or appointment, knowing those ratings was essential because it determined the level of assignments one could receive when sent outside. It was the same for other branches.

There were hardly any members with ratings high enough to be appointed. Maybe one or two at most in the entire branch. And in the European branch, there was only one such person.

Rick. Madman Riegrow. The man notorious throughout the headquarters and branches for being the craziest of the crazy.

Before Jeong Tae-ui could even try to run away after realizing that the rumor had spread, the members who stormed into the room to get the truth out of him grabbed him by the collar and shook him. This happened three days before the new instructor was set to arrive.

At that point, it was impossible to keep claiming ignorance about who was coming. Normally, when a new instructor was appointed, the assistant assigned to work closely with them would meet the instructor about a week or ten days in advance to start coordinating. This time, the situation was unusual, and the new instructor had other matters to attend to, so that process was skipped. But it was still expected that they at least knew each other’s names by then.

Eventually, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t keep up the lie that he didn’t know. With just three days left, he figured there was no point in lying anymore. Instead of panicking right before the bomb dropped, he decided it was better to prepare for the inevitable.

Thus, the news that the new instructor was indeed that man from the European branch spread. And naturally, the entire branch erupted. The members were in an uproar, nearly to the point of staging a riot.

The situation was especially tense among the team members of the late Instructor Kippenhan.

It wasn’t just anyone — they were talking about the man who killed their instructor. Even though it was said that Kippenhan had provoked the situation, there was no way they could ethically put the killer in the place of the deceased. They adamantly refused to serve under that madman. Two or three people even packed their bags, ready to leave UNHRDO.

And the one who managed to quell the situation, at least to a manageable level, was his uncle.

His uncle smoothly let go of those who had packed their bags and left, while the remaining members of Kippenhan’s team were scattered and blended into other teams. He persuaded the other instructors, saying, "The new instructor will need time to get accustomed to this branch, so it shouldn’t be a big deal if he doesn’t take charge of a team right away." The other instructors didn’t need much convincing. The reactions had been so intense that there was no other way to handle it.

As a result.

Jeong Tae-ui was left pondering who he should obtain the miniature cluster from, which he intended to place in his uncle's room.

The fact that the team had disappeared essentially meant that the situation was practically the same as if it was just the instructor himself and the assistant. In other words, it meant that from now on, he would have to stick with that man and overcome all sorts of adversities together.

"Should I ask Alta? That broker from before might be able to get a cluster as well. Yeah, while he's getting the Colt, I could ask him to get that too."

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled to himself as he sat in the bathroom.

Perhaps if they had brought Jeong Tae-ui a bit later and thrown him into the current situation, things might have been better. If he had been teamed up with Ilay without knowing anything, and for some unknown reason, had been told to engage in daily psychological and physical battles with the hundred or so members who utterly despised Ilay, it would have been tough, but he wouldn't have had as much to worry about mentally. But in this current situation...

"Damn it, where did all my luck go? Jae-ui, Jae-ui, can't you share some with me?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered his brother's name like someone worshipping a superstition, sighed, and left the bathroom.

As he washed his hands at the sink, he sighed again, seeing how haggard he had become over the past few days. At that moment, the bathroom door opened, and a familiar face entered. Their eyes met in the mirror.

"Oh, Yuen-ho."

He greeted him with his eyes and spoke. However, as soon as Yuen-ho met Jeong Tae-ui's gaze, he hesitated, suddenly frowned, and then abruptly turned around, striding deeper into the bathroom. His expression clearly showed his displeasure. The sound of the bathroom door slamming shut echoed.


Jeong Tae-ui briefly considered dragging him out and beating him up. Why does that bastard treat people with such disrespect?

Although he was momentarily furious at the thought, Jeong Tae-ui quickly gave up on the idea. If he were to drag Yuen-ho out and beat him, it wouldn't be just him. He'd have to pull out all the others on the same team — though they would be on different teams once Tae-ui became a assistant — and give them a good thrashing too.

After the rumor spread that the new instructor Jeong Tae-ui would follow was Riegrow, the atmosphere grew cold in no time. Even those who had kept their mouths shut and pretended not to know Jeong Tae-ui started to look at him like he was a traitor, not saying a word to him. Some of the more aggressive ones even spat in disgust when they saw Jeong Tae-ui.

He wanted to drag them all out and shout, "What did I ever do to you?" but held back, thinking it would only make things worse. He kept telling himself that it would eventually blow over, but it didn't. Instead, things were getting worse by the day.

Clicking his tongue, Jeong Tae-ui left the bathroom and encountered a few more familiar faces on his way back to his room. But they weren't much different from Yuen-ho. As soon as they saw Jeong Tae-ui, their expressions hardened, and they scowled, clearly radiating a "don't talk to me, don't come near me" vibe as they passed by him. These were the same guys who just a few days ago were joking and playing around with him.

"Damn, this place has a really bad vibe... It wasn't even this bad when I fought with Lieutenant Kim."

Back then, he could act on his temper. After his fight with Lieutenant Kim, even the greenest rookie gave him attitude, so he exploded. With Lieutenant Kim conveniently absent, he had dragged everyone under him out and put them through the wringer. One has to choose the right time and place for insubordination. Although there was another conflict with Lieutenant Kim later when he found out, it didn't really matter.

"It’s not like I did it on purpose. I endured their unjust anger for days without saying a word, and now, shouldn’t they be over it? What kind of men hold grudges like this..."

Grumbling, Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself all the way back to his room. It had been like this for days, and he felt like his stomach was churning.

“Uncle. Can't I just quit everything and leave? At this rate, I might end up throwing the cluster into your room one of these days.”

Jeong Tae-ui clutched his aching stomach, grimacing.

Actually, Jeong Tae-ui really did want to leave. He had always been sensitive to stress, to the point where, even during his time in the military, he always carried stomach medicine with him whenever something bothered him for a few days. He needed it now too. No, he didn't even need the stomach medicine — he just wanted to get out of this place. He missed his peaceful home. Sincerely.

There had been many times since he arrived here that he felt unlucky, but he had never felt so exhausted.

Jeong Tae-ui sighed as he entered his room. The first thing he did was take his stomach medicine, then he checked the time. It would soon be time for the regular schedule to start. But today, he wouldn't be following the regular schedule.

Today at 9 AM, the new instructor would officially arrive at the Asia branch. Ilay Riegrow would soon be transferred from Europe to the Asia branch, where he would be assigned as an instructor, and Jeong Tae-ui would be appointed as his assistant.

"Ugh... my stomach hurts..."

Even after taking the medicine, his stomach pain didn't subside for a while. Jeong Tae-ui frowned and lay down on the bed.

By now, Ilay would probably be in Hong Kong. At this time, he might be heading to the pier to depart for this island, or perhaps he was already on the boat. The time to see that man was drawing near.

That was partly why his stomach hurt. While the coldness of his colleagues bothered him, the fact that he would have to face that man every day from now on was also a burden. He would be with that intimidating man, constantly on edge, worrying about when that dangerous man might turn on him.

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself, "I'm in for a rough time," as he mentally calculated how many more months he would have to stay here. Just then, the phone rang. He flinched and frowned as he sat up. The lamp blinked green, and the phone rang again. It was an internal call.

"Yes, this is Jeong Tae-ui."

"This is the office. There will be a ceremony soon, so please come to the main office by 8:50."

The stern voice on the other end was Xin Lu. Jeong Tae-ui felt even more drained.

"Oh, thanks for letting me know, Xin Lu."


After Jeong Tae-ui weakly thanked him, there was a brief hesitation and silence on the other end before the call was abruptly disconnected. Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at the receiver before finally setting it down.

Xin Lu had been like this recently too. He hadn't visited his room or sent any messages. Jeong Tae-ui had sent a few messages to check in, but there was no reply. Even when they occasionally ran into each other, Xin Lu would just briskly state his business in a stiff voice and then walk away.

"Seriously, ever since I became a assistant, it's like I've become everyone's enemy."

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue bitterly. Then, he looked at the clock, sighed, and stood up. There wasn’t much time left until 8:50 AM. If he washed up, changed into his uniform, and headed to the main office, he would just barely make it on time.

As he prepared to leave, Jeong Tae-ui became increasingly depressed. If he felt this downcast already in the morning, the rest of the day would likely follow suit. In fact, since today was the day he officially became an assistant and would face Ilay for the first time, his life from now on could become even more miserable than today. The thought alone sapped his strength.

Just before leaving his room, he glanced at the calendar. There were still more than three months left until the promised six months would be up.

"No, I need to think positively. I only have to endure for about three more months."

But Jeong Tae-ui's voice, attempting to sound positive, was filled with gloom.

The main office was located in the basem*nt. It was in the most secluded part of the building, deep inside where it couldn’t be seen from the outside. It was as if the main office was hidden, accessible only by opening the door on the ground floor and turning four corners. Jeong Tae-ui had only been there once before, just up to the door.

He had gone to the main office once as a porter to move a heavy picture frame but wasn't allowed inside and had to transfer the items outside the door. At that time, he had half-jokingly grumbled that it was a fortress in the clouds, inaccessible to regular members. He never thought he'd have a reason to enter that room until the day he left this branch.

Jeong Tae-ui arrived precisely at 8:50 AM, without a minute's deviation.

When he knocked and entered, an instructor assistant was tidying up the room. The room was already clean, but the assistant was meticulously checking to ensure nothing was even slightly out of place. Watching this, Jeong Tae-ui concluded once again that being a assistant was not something he was cut out for.

He didn’t care anymore. If things went south, he would just mess around for the next three months, counting down the days until he could leave as soon as his time was up. He didn't want to suffer from stomach pains anymore, so he made up his mind to take it easy. Whether that would actually happen was uncertain.

Jeong Tae-ui looked around the main office, a place he had never entered before and had never heard of any of his colleagues entering either. There was nothing particularly impressive about it. The large, high-quality desk, bookcases, and cabinets were no different from the personal offices of executives in corporations or government offices. There was a door inside, which seemed to lead to a bathroom, and another door next to it.


Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head in confusion but soon convinced himself. It must have been connected to a bedroom.

As if to confirm his suspicion, after a brief moment, the chief appeared from behind that door. The chief had arrived earlier than the deputies and instructors and stopped when he saw Jeong Tae-ui.

"Are you the one they say is Jeong Jae-ui's younger brother?"

Jeong Tae-ui slightly raised his eyebrows. It was a well-known fact that everyone here knew, but he was usually first asked if he was Instructor Jeong Chang-in's nephew. Hearing this different connection mentioned first was somewhat refreshing.

"Yes, that's correct."

"Hmm, the twin brother?"

Jeong Tae-ui nodded. Even if they weren’t twins, he was the only sibling his brother had. They had no other immediate family, and the two of them were the only brothers left in the world. The only relative they occasionally met was their uncle, but that uncle had dragged his nephew to some unknown island, dooming him to a life of hardship. Thinking about it only made him more depressed, but he knew he couldn't let himself fall into that trap.

As Jeong Tae-ui tried to calm himself, the chief continued to observe him closely. Though Jeong Tae-ui looked puzzled, he didn’t avoid the chief’s gaze and met it directly. The man standing before him exuded an air of authority. Even if he were dressed in an ordinary jumper and pants, pulling weeds in a neighborhood park, it would be clear he wasn’t an ordinary person. People who had climbed to a certain level through their own efforts often had that kind of presence — commanding attention without even trying.

The chief, who had a relaxed, approachable appearance like any ordinary middle-aged man, stared at Jeong Tae-ui intently for a while before suddenly breaking into a broad smile. He then muttered to himself as if he were talking to no one in particular.

"So, you're the one called Gilsangcheon."


Jeong Tae-ui furrowed his brow and tilted his head in confusion. The chief had uttered a term that didn’t make sense to him.

Gilsangcheon... He vaguely recalled reading about it in a book on world mythology. In Indian mythology, it might have been a reference to Lakshmi...

However, before Jeong Tae-ui could fully process his confusion, the door to the chief's office opened, and the deputies and instructors filed in.

As the superiors entered, each one greeted the chief with formal respect. Jeong Tae-ui inwardly kicked himself — he should have greeted the chief first as soon as he entered, but instead, he had just stood there staring until the chief spoke to him.

Late in realizing his mistake, he glanced at the chief, but the man seemed completely unconcerned, focusing instead on returning the greetings of the incoming officers.

The last person to enter was his uncle. After greeting the chief and taking his place, their eyes met briefly. On any other day, his uncle might have smiled at him, but today he kept his gaze straight ahead, as if he didn’t even see Jeong Tae-ui.

Of course, this wasn’t a casual setting. Jeong Tae-ui nodded in understanding, recognizing the formal nature of the situation. Then, it suddenly struck him why he was standing there. Today was the day a new instructor was being officially inducted into the Asian branch. And he was to be that instructor’s assistant.

The induction ceremony wasn’t elaborate. It was just a simple introduction in the presence of the chief and the officers. After that, the new instructor would meet the rest of the team during the first class session. Though for Jeong Tae-ui, this wouldn’t be the first time he was meeting the man.

Jeong Tae-ui's expression hardened. The clock hands formed a right angle. It was 9:00 AM.

As if timing it perfectly, the door to the chief's office opened right on the hour.

"I have brought the new instructor."

The officer who had gone to the airport to greet the instructor announced his arrival. And then, the man standing beside him entered the room.

A brief silence fell over the office. It was as if the atmosphere changed all at once — becoming still and cold.

The man stood there before them.

Ilay Riegrow.

Jeong Tae-ui clenched his fists subtly, trying to maintain a neutral expression. A chill ran down his spine.

The man hadn’t changed. He looked exactly as he did when Jeong Tae-ui first saw him and just like he did the last time they met — impeccably composed, with a barely perceptible smile on his face. Perhaps it wasn’t even a smile but just his natural expression, always calm and leisurely, like a well-fed predator looking for something to play with.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue inwardly. It was absurd how nervous he felt. He had thought he’d grown accustomed to this by now, but after just a few weeks apart, it seemed he was once again overwhelmed by this man’s overwhelming presence.

It was clear now that his initial plan of staying out of sight as much as possible had been the right one. If he misstepped even once, it would only lead to more mistakes down the line. At this point, there was no way to undo what had already been done.

Unconsciously turning his gaze away for a moment, Jeong Tae-ui firmly shut his mouth and redirected his attention. He stared straight at the man. After slowly scanning the room, making eye contact with the chief, the deputy, and finally the instructors, the man's eyes landed on Jeong Tae-ui. The moment their eyes met, the faint smile on his lips seemed to deepen slightly. Maybe it was just Jeong Tae-ui's imagination, but even the man's eyes seemed to curve slightly in amusem*nt.

It's been a while.

That’s what Jeong Tae-ui thought those slightly parted lips might have said. Although Jeong Tae-ui's eyebrow twitched slightly, the man quickly turned his head and stepped forward to stand before the chief.

The chief greeted him first. It was a formal, almost routine greeting, the kind of words one could easily let slip by without much thought. After that, the deputies and instructors took turns offering their greetings. Meanwhile, Jeong Tae-ui stood quietly, scrutinizing the man. It had only been a few weeks, so there was no way anything could have changed, yet Jeong Tae-ui examined him as if trying to find some new speck of dust.

He looked exactly the same as he did in the past, as if he had been plucked straight out of a memory. Especially that subtle, unreadable smile.

Seeing that inscrutable smile made Jeong Tae-ui feel uneasy, and he clicked his tongue quietly enough that no one could hear. Just then, the man’s hand came into view. He was still wearing those impeccably clean, dark gloves. The official UNHRDO uniform required gloves as part of the standard attire, but the ones this man wore seemed anything but ordinary.

He had once said that wearing gloves was inconvenient, but he hated getting blood on his hands, so he always wore them. He had even worn them during a peaceful morning, making such a comment, though that peace had been shattered shortly after. And even during many other peaceful mornings, he had worn those gloves. Just like he was wearing them now.

Was he still treating every situation as if it were only natural that his hands might end up covered in blood? Was he viewing this current situation in the same way?

Jeong Tae-ui stared at the gloves intently. The man, who had just finished a round of formal introductions with the instructors, noticed Jeong Tae-ui’s gaze and looked at him with amused interest before suddenly extending his hand.

"Do you like these gloves? Or are you more interested in what’s inside them?"

"The latter may be more beautiful, but I don’t want either. Not the gloves that will be stained with blood, nor the hands that will stain them."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke stiffly, frowning slightly. For a moment, the room fell silent. Everyone else around them held their breath, except for the man himself, who chuckled lightly.

"Well, the offer still stands. Just say the word, and you can have them whenever you like."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered under his breath, "No one needs severed hands..." Then, on a whim, he extended his own hand.

"In that case, I'll take the gloves. I might not want what's inside them, but at least your hands will be nice to look at."

The man looked slightly surprised. He glanced down at Jeong Tae-ui's outstretched hand, then suddenly broke into a small, wry smile. Casually, he removed the gloves and handed them to Jeong Tae-ui.

"Sure, if you want them, you can have them."

The man handed over the gloves with an air of nonchalance. Jeong Tae-ui took them and slipped them into his pocket, then looked at the man’s now bare hands. They were still as pale and beautiful as ever, but now with an added sense of eeriness.

As he pocketed the gloves, Jeong Tae-ui noticed the odd silence that had fallen over the room. The other officers were all staring at him with strange expressions. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to take part of the uniform during an induction ceremony. Or perhaps it was because he had spoken so informally to someone who would soon be his superior.

Sensing the heavy atmosphere, Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth. But before the silence could grow any more uncomfortable, someone burst out laughing. It was his uncle. He turned his head, laughing quietly for a moment. When he noticed everyone’s eyes on him, he raised his hands and muttered softly, "My apologies."

Then, addressing the man, he said.

"Rick — I mean, Ilay Riegrow. This young man is going to be your assistant from now on. He used to be on my team, but from this moment on, he’s yours. His name is Jeong Tae-ui."

The man’s gaze returned to Jeong Tae-ui. A faint smile flickered across his otherwise cold eyes. He extended his hand to Jeong Tae-ui, as if to formally shake hands.

"I look forward to working with you. In many ways."

"......Same here."

That vague phrase, in many ways, nagged at Jeong Tae-ui. But he managed to suppress the grimace threatening to show on his face and took the man's hand. His white hand wrapped around Jeong Tae-ui’s. His large, generous palm enveloped Jeong Tae-ui's hand.

Jeong Tae-ui expected the glass-like smooth hand to feel cold, but he was surprised to find it was actually warm.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Chapter Text

Gil Sang-cheon

“I really don’t want to see your face anymore.”

Jeong Tae-ui nodded and replied just as bluntly.

“I also would prefer not to see your face if I could… But what can I do when the situation is like this? It's not what I want either.”

The medical officer grumbled under his breath and roughly shut the drawer. He took out a medicine bottle from inside and tossed it to Jeong Tae-ui.

“Just take that and go, take it. Use it for simple bruises and don't come here. I've been busy enough lately with the sudden increase in patients, and you keep bringing more every single hour.”

“Like I said, it's not what I want either.”

Jeong Tae-ui sighed as he held the bottle in one hand, not sure how many times he'd seen this exact scene today. He then stared at the bottle of the tiger balm, supposedly a cure-all according to the medical officer's words, and fell into thought.

It says it's effective for headaches too, maybe I should try applying it. Maybe it'll ease this headache a little.

Jeong Tae-ui opened the bottle, dabbed some of the cloudy ointment on his fingertips, and pretended to apply it to his temple. Seeing this, the medical officer immediately started scolding him. Jeong Tae-ui retorted, "But you said before it could be used for headaches!" However, he didn't get a chance to say anything to the medical officer, who was now yelling incomprehensibly at the top of his lungs.

These days the medical officer was complaining about his murderous workload. He had desperately pleaded with the finance officer to find someone to help him, but the finance officer showed no sign of listening. Even Jeong Tae-ui could see that the medical officer's complaints were entirely justified. Especially considering the number of patients flooding in every day lately, it wouldn't be surprising if the medical officer collapsed from overwork.

"It's all because of that European bastard! Why the hell did that crazy guy have to come here and cause this mess?"

The medical officer, worn out from fatigue, eventually started to curse. Jeong Tae-ui wanted to offer a word of support, saying, "Well, he's part of our branch now, so he's not really a European anymore," but he could see that saying anything like that would only make the atmosphere more tense, so he kept his mouth shut.

"If I collapse from overwork, are you going to take responsibility? Huh?! Just so you know, if I go down, it'll be you guys who suffer!"

As the medical officer loudly complained, Jeong Tae-ui nodded along and thought to himself gloomily. I'll probably be the one to collapse first before you.

The injured couldn't move on their own, and it was Jeong Tae-ui's job to carry them to the medical unit. He even had to endure their harsh curses during the transport.

This situation was already expected from the beginning.

When Ilay Riegrow first came to the Asia Branch as an instructor. No, even before he came, everyone knew this would happen. No one could have failed to foresee this. Even Ilay himself must have known.

Jeong Tae-ui clearly remembered the first time Ilay had entered the lecture hall as an instructor.

No one had been unaware that the new instructor was him. So, just before he had entered the lecture hall, it had frozen in pitch-black silence.

The moment he had stepped into the hall, that silence had turned into a piercing, icy tension.

Originally, the vacant position that Ilay had filled had been for the late instructor, Kippenhan, who had been in charge of information management. Because of that, Jeong Tae-ui had hoped — almost prayed — that Ilay wouldn’t take the position, despite his ominous feelings.

In Jeong Tae-ui's mind — and in the minds of most members of the Asia Branch — Ilay had been a human butcher. He had been someone who would smile slyly and kill a person without a second thought, with no other skills to his name, essentially a piece of human trash. So, naturally, everyone had believed that Ilay Riegrow, who had only been good at fighting and killing, should never have been seated in an instructor's position.

However, during the first lecture, the eyes of those filling the seats, watching to see what this human butcher could possibly have had to say about information management, had been mixed with anger, fear, and anxiety.

Ilay Riegrow, to cut to the chase, had turned out to be an excellent instructor for information management.

There had been no need for a tedious self-introduction or opening remarks. He had simply laid out the materials and begun the lecture immediately.

Standing at the very back of the lecture hall, observing the lecture, Jeong Tae-ui had briefly thought that this man might not actually have been Ilay Riegrow, but rather a look-alike substitute hired from somewhere. It had been hard to believe that a man who could kill with a smile would deliver such a clean and perfect lecture without any superfluous details.

It had seemed Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t the only one with this thought. The faces of those who had been seated in the lecture hall — whether they had been there out of fear of Ilay, curiosity about what kind of lecture he would give, or worried they might catch his eye and lose their lives — had not looked good. As the lecture had progressed, the tension in the room had only grown.

Then, before the lecture had ended, one particularly bold member had suddenly spoken up.

‘Instructor, this doesn’t seem to be your specialty. It looks like you chose the wrong field. Maybe you should switch places with Instructor Golding. Oh, although, come to think of it, Instructor Golding only teaches martial arts, he’s never taught us how to kill people.’

Jeong Tae-ui had subtly furrowed his brow at the blatant sarcasm. He had glanced anxiously at Ilay. There had been no guarantee that this madman wouldn’t react violently and hurl a knife at the member who had made the remark. If the worst-case scenario had unfolded, Jeong Tae-ui had known he would have had to intervene, even if it meant throwing himself into the line of fire. That, too, had been part of his duty.

Damn it, why had that idiot had to provoke him by throwing a verbal knife right when the lecture was ending? If he had been going to do something like that, he should’ve at least done it when Tae-ui wasn’t around, so he wouldn’t have to take responsibility later. Damn.

Preparing to jump into action at any moment, Jeong Tae-ui had kept a close eye on Ilay. In front of him, Ilay had silently stared at the member who had spoken. The lecture hall had been as quiet as a mouse. The member who had made the remark had glared back at Ilay without hesitation, while the others had watched the tense atmosphere, half-expecting and half-anxious.

‘You're right. This isn't my specialty. But what Golding is handling isn’t my specialty either. As you seem to already know, I'm good at killing, not fighting. So, the only thing I can somewhat manage is information management. And as it happens, when Kippenhan, who was in charge of information management, died and the position became vacant, I was assigned here. If you have a problem with the field I'm teaching, that’s not something to take up with me. Go whine to your supervising instructor and ask for a change.’

Ilay had spoken calmly, not sounding particularly angry. In fact, there had even been a faint smile on his lips. It was the gaze of a tiger watching a clueless cub. Jeong Tae-ui had found himself almost touched, thinking that perhaps this madman had some human decency after all.

However, the situation hadn’t ended there. It seemed that one person speaking up had opened the floodgates, as a rough voice had suddenly erupted from another corner.

‘Stop pretending to be high and mighty and act according to your true nature, you crazy murderer!’

The insult had been much more specific and crude than the previous one. Jeong Tae-ui had pressed his temples as a headache had begun to form. Was this the moment he’d have to throw himself in to save the lecture hall from becoming a bloodbath?

But to Jeong Tae-ui’s surprise, and with some relief, Ilay had once again shown no sign of reacting. He hadn’t seemed angry, nor had he shown any sign of displeasure. He had merely clicked his tongue, as if slightly annoyed, and responded in a rather generous tone.

‘I’m not entirely sure what you thought my true nature was, but if you were that eager to see it, I could give you a rough idea. Come on up.’

Ilay had smirked and beckoned the member forward with a finger. At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui had frowned deeply. Ilay’s gaze had briefly swept over Jeong Tae-ui’s face. After a moment of consideration, he had added in a magnanimous tone,

‘Don’t worry, I’ll let you keep your life.’

He had said this just as his eyes had met Jeong Tae-ui's.

Jeong Tae-ui, who had been ready to spring into action, had suddenly realized that the comment had been directed at him. To be precise, what Ilay had meant was not so much "don’t worry too much," but rather, "don’t meddle unnecessarily."

Hearing those words, Jeong Tae-ui had decided to abandon any thoughts of intervening. If Ilay wasn’t going to kill anyone, there was no need for him to step in and risk his life. Besides, he had never really wanted the position of an assistant anyway. He’d already been through enough trials since taking on the role.

Moreover, this was a hurdle that needed to be crossed sooner or later. It had been inevitable that someone would challenge Ilay. Although Jeong Tae-ui hadn’t expected it to happen during the very first lecture, it had been an anticipated event, so there had been no reason to be particularly surprised.

The member who had shouted at Ilay had stood up eagerly and walked forward. When Jeong Tae-ui had seen his face, he had recognized him. He had remembered seeing this man before.

Back when those four men had died at Ilay’s hands during the joint training session with the European Branch — the day Jeong Tae-ui had overheard a conversation in the restroom. This man had shared a room with the guy who had talked about throwing a cluster grenade. They might have been close friends.

When fights escalated and tensions reached their peak, identifying the true cause became harder than figuring out which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Honestly, Jeong Tae-ui had always assumed that the root of all the animosity lay in Ilay Riegrow's indiscriminate cruelty, but now he couldn’t say that anymore. Damn this position. And damn the instructor.

When the man had stepped forward to the front of the lecture hall, the atmosphere inside had become tense. Eyes filled with worry, curiosity, and excitement had all focused on him.

Ilay, with a calm expression, had looked at the man as if unaware of the intense stares. The man had been as large as Ilay, if not more so. While Ilay had been tall, he hadn’t appeared particularly muscular, which had made the other man seem even more imposing. His muscles had been well-developed, the kind honed not through regular exercise but through real combat.

‘I said I wouldn’t kill you, so I can’t show you exactly what you think my true nature is... but I’ll gladly show you something close. Come at me.’

Ilay had smirked. Given his nonchalant and unbothered demeanor, it had been only natural that the other man’s anger had flared. After all, he must have possessed enough skill to be admitted into this branch. Had he ever lost to anyone outside of this place?

The man’s attack had been quick. Without any warning, he had aimed a hand strike at Ilay’s throat, accompanied by a knee strike. Dodging both would have been difficult. Indeed, Ilay had dodged the strike aimed at his throat but had taken the knee to his stomach. A short, sharp breath had escaped him as he had taken a half-step back.

Despite not counterattacking, Ilay had managed to dodge the hand strike, but the knee strike had landed cleanly. Yet, the man who had attacked had looked confused, as had Jeong Tae-ui, who had watched with a look of shock.

Why hadn’t he fallen?

Many others in the lecture hall likely had shared Jeong Tae-ui’s thoughts. The room had fallen into silence, the previous murmuring abruptly stopped. The man, who had landed a knee strike powerful enough to overturn even an ox, had tilted his head in confusion. He had looked puzzled, as if wondering why his attack hadn’t had the expected effect.

At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui had sighed and closed his eyes. There had been no need to watch any further; all he could do was offer a silent prayer for the man’s soul.

Ilay hadn’t failed to dodge the knee strike; he had simply chosen not to. He had avoided the potentially fatal blow to his throat but had taken the knee as if generously allowing it to land.

And he had only stepped back half a step.

As he had suspected, Ilay had been a monster. That hadn’t been a body that could be described merely as having resilience; it had been monstrous. There had been no other word for it. And for the fool who had picked a fight with this monster, there had been nothing left but defeat. A crushing defeat, made all the more humiliating because Ilay had let the attack land out of apparent kindness, only to repay it with interest.

As expected, the moment Jeong Tae-ui had closed his eyes, a thunderous impact had reverberated through the room, followed by a scream so intense it could drown out the noise itself. The scream had been quickly followed by two more.

When no more screams had been heard, only intermittent whimpers, Jeong Tae-ui had reluctantly opened his eyes. He had known he was about to witness something he didn’t want to see and had wished to avoid looking altogether. But as soon as he had opened his eyes, Ilay had met his gaze and pointed to the floor, saying, ‘Clean this up.’ Jeong Tae-ui had had no choice but to look.

Two of the man's limbs had had their shoulder joints dislocated, and one of his ribs had been shattered — a fact Jeong Tae-ui had learned later when the man had been taken to the medical ward. The scene, though less gruesome than the bloodbath Jeong Tae-ui had imagined, had made him silently curse Ilay: ‘You liar, how is this light tapping supposed to be close to your true nature, you insane killer?’ Still, he had been relieved that it had ended with this relatively mild outcome, and he had carried the injured man to the medical ward.

Once again, he had etched it into his mind: Ilay Riegrow was not human.

Previously, Jeong Tae-ui had assumed that the reason the man had survived the Cluster grenade in the training room had been that he had used another subordinate as a human shield when the Cluster had exploded. But seeing him unaffected by such a brutal attack, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t help but imagine the unbelievable — that perhaps Ilay had taken the full brunt of the Cluster and had shrugged it off like a machine.

In any case, the situation had been relatively mild. A subordinate who had defied a superior had had his arm dislocated and his ribs broken, landing him in the medical ward. The blame had lain with the subordinate for his insubordination, not with the instructor.

At first, it had seemed as though Ilay, uncharacteristically, had decided to show some restraint, letting the incidents end with minor injuries like dislocated joints or a couple of broken bones. But as these incidents had continued, Ilay had seemed to grow tired of them. On one occasion, when six men had attacked him simultaneously, he had cleaned house thoroughly.

The six men had been so severely injured that they had had to be transferred to Hong Kong immediately, as the medical ward could not handle their condition.

In such a situation, where Ilay had remained unscathed while his opponents had suffered, Jeong Tae-ui had focused on fulfilling his assigned duties. His role had been to act as a guard too, which had involved intercepting anyone who had tried to harm the instructor and handling any resulting messes.

Though Jeong Tae-ui had never fought in Ilay’s place, he had always handled the aftermath. Even when the subordinates had been severely beaten, he had never intervened.

He had only intervened once, in the beginning, and had nearly died for it. The moment Jeong Tae-ui had tried to step in, Ilay had unhesitatingly swung his booted foot at him.

Although Jeong Tae-ui had barely managed to dodge it with his only redeeming reflexes, his elbow had still been grazed by the boot, leaving a deep bruise that had caused him to scream in pain whenever someone so much as touched it for days.

If Ilay had hit his chest as intended, Jeong Tae-ui would have ended up in a Hong Kong hospital alongside the other subordinates.

‘I still have no desire to fight you, but don’t think you can interfere so easily. Neither of us wants the hassle, right?’

That had been what Ilay had said to him that evening after they had finished their regular duties.

Jeong Tae-ui, whose own life was more important than his duty or the safety of others, decided to stop meddling because if things got complicated, he wouldn't just be bothered; he'd be on the verge of life and death. And he didn't want that, of course.

He thought about when this nonsense would end as he carried people with broken bones to the infirmary every day.

However, the real difficulty was not the physical labor.

"Hey, give me a patch. I think I twisted something while sparring."

Jeong Tae-ui was fiddling with some tiger balm when the infirmary door slid open and a man shouted.

The man, with a deeply bruised and swollen arm, shook it as he entered the infirmary, but stopped when he saw Jeong Tae-ui. Wrinkles formed on his forehead.

"Hey, Qing. How did that happen? Did Yuen-ho kick you wrong again?"

Jeong Tae-ui waved lightly as he spoke. The man was no longer on the same team as Jeong Tae-ui. Until recently, they had been teammates, working closely together.

Now, Jeong Tae-ui had become an assistant of Ilay, and thus, technically no longer part of the same team. However, when they were in the same team, they often played around and got along well.

Such was Qing.

But now, seeing Jeong Tae-ui, Qing frowned, kept his mouth shut, and turned his head away without responding, asking only the medic for a patch.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him bitterly and lightly tossed the tiger balm he was holding to him.

Catching the tossed item reflexively, Qing looked at it in his hand and then at Jeong Tae-ui with a puzzled expression.

"It's a cure-all. Even works for headaches, this tiger balm. It'll be good enough for a sprain."

Jeong Tae-ui said, but Qing, looking very reluctant, tossed the balm back and forth before eventually throwing it back to Jeong Tae-ui.

"Keep it. Anyway, aren’t all the injured guys coming in now because of that bastard you’re serving? Save it for them."

Jeong Tae-ui just stared at Qing, who spoke sullenly. Without any expression, Jeong Tae-ui quietly watched him and then let out a light sigh, setting down the medicine.

In his thoughts, he wished he could just grab that bastard and rip his mouth apart.

Not knowing these grim thoughts behind Jeong Tae-ui's blank face, the medic glanced at him disapprovingly.

After Qing, who had gotten the patch, looked at Jeong Tae-ui uneasily and left the infirmary, the medic clicked his tongue.

"Everyone here acts like they’re five years old, five years old. Tae-ui, you’re having a hard time too. But hang in there a bit longer, things will get better. ...Though it doesn’t change the fact that I'm swamped because of the injured guys caused by that damn bastard you’re serving! Keep a better eye on him!"

"Well, that’s not really my responsibility..."

"What’s an assistant instructor for if not for that?"

"Actually, assistants don’t normally do that..."

Jeong Tae-ui let out a deep sigh.

Everyone, here or there, just takes their frustration out on him, damn it.

The physical labor was bearable compared to this mental stress.

Seeing his once close comrades treating him so distantly filled him with more than just sadness; it made his blood boil.

Are they kids or what?!

He really wanted to grab each one and slap them a few times, but knowing how much they despised Ilay, he decided to hold back.

In fact, the one who probably deserved a good slap was Ilay.

By the end of the regular workday, Jeong Tae-ui was exhausted.

Going back and forth to the infirmary wasn’t that tough.

What wears you out is not the body, but the mind.

There wasn't anyone Jeong Tae-ui could call an ally among the people he encountered.

Even those who had been on the same team as him until recently would frown and look uncomfortable when they saw him.

At his age, he never expected to experience bullying, something he hadn't faced even as a child.

"When I think about it, there were more reasons to be bullied when I was younger. I had an outstanding older brother, great parents, a talented uncle. But I still had many friends..."

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled to himself, holding a cigarette he had brazenly stolen from Ilay's bag between his lips. He didn't particularly enjoy smoking, and even when he went out, he often forgot to buy cigarettes.

So, he used to borrow one or two cigarettes from Tou, but now, being ostracized on a large scale, he couldn't even bring himself to ask.

He wanted to smoke but couldn't talk to the people who had cigarettes. Thus, the only option was to get them from someone who had them without speaking to them.

In this situation, the only people Jeong Tae-ui could talk to were either the guards or the problematic new instructor, Ilay Riegrow. But he wasn’t close enough to any of the guards to ask for a cigarette.

His uncle, the only one he could have taken anything from, didn’t smoke.

Jeong Tae-ui found cigarettes in Ilay's bag, which was wide open, showing its contents, and took the whole pack without saying a word.

Let him get mad if he wants. After all, isn’t it because of him that I’m desperately craving a cigarette?

Thinking there couldn't be a simpler justification for theft, Jeong Tae-ui went up to the ground floor, stepped outside, and sat under the lush tree in the yard with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Maybe my uncle really hates me."

Jeong Tae-ui smoked the cigarette heavily, pondering a suspicion that had recently grown more serious.

No matter how much he thought about it, it seemed that way.

Though he didn’t know the exact reason, it was clear that his uncle must have known this would happen when he brought him here. He wouldn't have made him Ilay’s assistant if he didn’t.

The current situation was such that, if he was unlucky, Ilay, a human weapon, could kill him, and if he was even more unlucky, he might get killed by his numerous colleagues who hated Ilay.

Tou, who had still maintained some friendliness towards Jeong Tae-ui, seemed to feel sorry for him. When they passed each other in the bathroom, Tou had clicked his tongue.

Grumbling as if to himself, loud enough for Jeong Tae-ui to hear, he had said, ‘Why did you have to become a company commander and end up with a guy like that?’

‘It's not like I chose this!’ Jeong Tae-ui had given up saying something that wouldn’t help even if he said it a hundred times. At this rate, he felt like he would get sick and die.

There were six cigarettes in the pack. Having quickly smoked three in a row, Jeong Tae-ui stared at the remaining three for a moment.

Even the cigarettes this guy carries around are exceptionally strong.

His throat felt rough after smoking the three.

If he smoked the remaining ones, his throat would be destroyed, but if he didn’t, he still felt frustrated.

After some hesitation, Jeong Tae-ui pulled out another cigarette and lit it.

Whatever, whether his throat or lungs got wrecked, he decided to smoke them all.

He let out a deep sigh. At that moment, he heard a hesitant voice above him.

"Hyung, it seems like you’re smoking too many at once. Those cigarettes are really strong."

Jeong Tae-ui, still holding the cigarette in his mouth, looked up.

The voice had been watching him from the partially obscured tree for quite a while, judging by the comment.

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, “Hmm,” and slowly buried the cigarette in the dirt.

If Tou saw this, he’d probably jump up and down in outrage.

"Xin Lu. How long have you been there?"

Jeong Tae-ui spoke to him cheerfully.

But Xin Lu did not respond.

He just looked down at Jeong Tae-ui with a gloomy expression.

Jeong Tae-ui felt a pang in his chest.

"You... you seem busy these days. Haven't seen you around much."

Jeong Tae-ui continued talking to Xin Lu, who still remained silent.

Inwardly, he clicked his tongue. This had been going on for a while now.

Not just recently.

To be precise, it had started when he first heard that the new instructor was Ilay Riegrow from Europe. Since then, Xin Lu seemed to avoid Jeong Tae-ui, making himself scarce.

Until just before that, Xin Lu had been coming to his room every two or three days and often sent messages. When those suddenly stopped, it was quite startling.

Even when Jeong Tae-ui sent messages, there was no response, and if he visited, they talked, but Xin Lu’s attitude was reluctant.

Considering the timing and the situation, there was only one reason.

It was because Jeong Tae-ui had become Ilay's assistant. That was the only reason.

"Are you doing well, Tae-ui hyung? You seem to be with the new instructor all the time. You must get along well with him."

"No, it's hard. His personality is extremely unpredictable. I'm exhausted these days."

Jeong Tae-ui answered honestly. Xin Lu glanced at Jeong Tae-ui with a subtle look but still maintained a gloomy expression.

Seeing Xin Lu’s slightly angry face, Jeong Tae-ui felt his insides boil once more.

It wasn't directed at Xin Lu, nor at his uncle, but at the situation itself.

As Jeong Tae-ui sighed with a frustrated look, Xin Lu, noticing this, looked like he was about to cry. Seeing that face, Jeong Tae-ui thought to himself, I'm the one who wants to cry.

Unconsciously, Jeong Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu with a face that seemed ready to cry. Seeing Jeong Tae-ui's face, Xin Lu flinched.

Wait a minute, what had Carlo said before? Self-proclaimed Casanova Carlo had once proudly given a lecture.

When arguing and feeling awkward, he said, you don't need any other words, just grab the person and give them a deep kiss. That usually resolves most fights.

At the time, Jeong Tae-ui had laughed it off, thinking, "Yeah, right." But now, he wondered if it might actually work. He felt like he was grasping at straws.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu quietly. It was selfish, but in times like this, he just wanted someone to say a few warm words to him.

When it felt like no one was on his side, if only Xin Lu would say something.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It feels like I've done something wrong."

Xin Lu suddenly muttered tearfully. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head with a weak expression. He didn't know what kind of face he was making. He was just tired.

"Don't cry... Xin Lu, don't cry."

Even though he was exhausted, seeing Xin Lu look at him tearfully broke his heart. He felt guilty for making someone so lovely and dear cry.

Jeong Tae-ui raised his hand and gently placed it on Xin Lu's head.

Then he carefully stroked it. The soft hair felt nice against his palm.

At that moment, Xin Lu suddenly cried out,

"Tae-ui hyung, why are you being so mean? Why do you hang out with that awful guy? I could bear it if it were someone else, but I really hate him! I can't stand seeing you with someone I can't handle! And then you look at me like that, making me feel like the bad guy!"

Xin Lu burst out with pent-up words, shouting as if vomiting out his frustrations.

Then, before Jeong Tae-ui could respond, Xin Lu suddenly grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close.

He bit down on Jeong Tae-ui's lips, licking his mouth. Once, twice, three times, he continued to bite and suck on Jeong Tae-ui's lips until Jeong Tae-ui's breath became uneven, and he started to urgently pat Xin Lu's shoulder to catch his breath.


When Xin Lu finally pulled away reluctantly, Jeong Tae-ui panted, wiping the glistening saliva from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. Still shocked by the sudden action, he stared at Xin Lu with wide eyes and covered his mouth. Xin Lu's face contorted with sobs, and tears fell like large drops of rain. Even though Jeong Tae-ui was still out of breath, he was startled by those tears.

"No, it's just that I don't like being with that guy either, but you and I are different. It's not like I'm with him because I want to be. I have no choice. They forced me to be his assistant. And Xin Lu, you're misunderstanding something. That guy doesn't have any interest in me; he's interested in someone as lovely as you. So, I don't want you getting close to him... Please, don't cry, okay? Don't cry."

Sweating profusely, Jeong Tae-ui tried to comfort Xin Lu, hesitantly putting his arms around his shoulders. Xin Lu, still shedding tears without wiping them away, suddenly hugged Jeong Tae-ui's waist tightly.

"Hyung. Tae-ui hyung. Please don't hate me... I'm better than him. We haven't even tried properly yet. I promise I'll make you feel like you're in heaven. Please, hyung."

Jeong Tae-ui's hand on Xin Lu's shoulder twitched. He glanced at Xin Lu, who had buried his face in his shoulder and was crying profusely, with a bewildered look. He knew he had to comfort this lovely person and stop his tears, but the conversation was taking an unexpected turn.

"Hyung. I promise I'll never hurt you, so... It's okay even now. Let's go to my room."

Xin Lu clung to Jeong Tae-ui, sobbing and pleading, "I promise I'll be so good, hyung." He looked so pitiful and endearing. If only Jeong Tae-ui could fully empathize with that pitiful and endearing nature. But sensing that the conversation was taking an uncomfortable turn, he gently released his arms from around Xin Lu.

"Um, well... Maybe later... Right now, I don't want to do that with you..."

He did want to. He thought it would be nice to roll around in bed with this adorable young man anytime. But not now. Given their conflicting emotions, Jeong Tae-ui didn't want to climb into bed with Xin Lu at this moment. He still wanted to hug Xin Lu, but there was some mental resistance to fully embracing him right now.

Then, Xin Lu's face turned pale, as if he misunderstood Jeong Tae-ui's words. Xin Lu, who was glaring at Jeong Tae-ui with a pale face for a moment, rubbed his teary, red eyes with the back of his hand and turned around, running away quickly, sobbing.

"Ah, wait, Xin...!"

Jeong Tae-ui tried to call Xin Lu back quickly, but Xin Lu, who had already gone far down the hallway, neither looked back nor returned.


The way back to the room was as depressing as always. Every passerby who recognized Jeong Tae-ui glared at him with fierce eyes or, when they brushed past him, cursed loudly enough for him to hear.

He couldn't grab them and beat them up, and there were too many of them to get angry at individually. He should be grateful that at least the guys who were on the same team just stared coldly and walked past him.

Jeong Tae-ui thought, 'At this rate, I don't know when I'll get stabbed in the back,' and trudged back to his room. Just a while ago, while listening to people openly cursing Ilay Riegrow in the cafeteria, Jeong Tae-ui had unwittingly said, 'That guy is now a member of the Asian branch,' and really thought he might get stabbed. The voice that shouted back, 'Do you know how many people that guy killed in the Asian branch?!' was filled with murderous intent.

He thought he made a valid point, but it seemed like the mood turned him into a killer just for speaking.

"Will spring really come to this desolate field...?"

He didn't know when it would come, but if it did, he hoped it would come soon. Or at least, he hoped that winter wouldn't hit hard before he left this branch. At this rate, even the smallest incident could trigger a collective assault.

Thinking about that, Jeong Tae-ui shivered.

A collective assault situation. In other words, if the members of the Asian branch were to rush and attack Ilay Riegrow all at once, what would be the outcome? Just imagining it made Jeong Tae-ui's spine chill. He remembered the past of that man who had, even after deploying a cluster, had only his shoulder harmed and killed another man by throwing him instead. That man had killed everyone involved in that incident.

If they naively thought it would be okay and multiple people rushed at Ilay—

"Ugh, it would be a major disaster... It's terrifying just to imagine."

"What did you imagine?"

Jeong Tae-ui, who was muttering to himself with a cold sweat while opening the door and entering, suddenly stopped in his tracks at the unexpected response. In a room meant for only one person, where there should be no reply, a man was sitting. The man, who had been lying sprawled on the bed without the light on, sat up as Jeong Tae-ui entered.

He could tell who it was just by the voice. When he turned on the switch by the door, the familiar face was indeed there. To say it was familiar was an understatement; spending all day together, he even felt he could count the stubble on the man's chin.

"Why are you here?"

Jeong Tae-ui looked at the man, Ilay, with an openly displeased expression. Ilay, sitting on the bed with his arm propped up, waved his hand as if bored.

"If I stay in my room, I keep getting annoying calls."

"Annoying calls... isn't it problematic if you don't answer them?"

"Well. At least it's not problematic for me. If they can't reach me, it's only frustrating for the ones trying to call."


Thinking about having to make every effort to contact this man in the future made Jeong Tae-ui feel bleak. Even if he put a pager around Ilay's neck, he wouldn't carry it, and even if he did, it wasn't likely he'd check it every time it beeped.

"So how am I supposed to contact you in the future?"

"We spend most of the day together anyway, so will there really be any situation where you need to go to great lengths to contact me?"

Come to think of it, that was true. Even if there was something to contact him about, it would be more about how to avoid doing so.

Jeong Tae-ui took off his jacket and draped it over the back of the chair, unbuttoned a couple of buttons on his collar, and went to the fridge to get a beer. He glanced at Ilay and asked if he wanted one too, but Ilay waved his hand. Looking closer, there were already two empty cans on the bedside table. It seemed he had helped himself to drinks in Jeong Tae-ui's room.

Without considering his own behavior when visiting his uncle's room, Jeong Tae-ui glared at the impolite guest. But for now, he decided to relieve his frustration before addressing it.

Jeong Tae-ui took out three cans of beer and drank them all in one go without pausing. After finishing the last can, he wiped the beer droplets from his mouth with the back of his hand.

"This isn't enough to relieve my stress."

"Haha, you must have something bothering you enough to rely on alcohol."

Jeong Tae-ui briefly imagined how satisfying it would be to line up the three empty cans and bash them into Ilay's face. Even with his smiling face, he felt he could spit on it.

He glared at Ilay and then sat backward in the chair, hugging the backrest.

"This is ridiculous. I feel like a European branch member suddenly thrown into the Asian branch alone."

Ilay laughed out loud. While he might find it amusing, Jeong Tae-ui, the subject of the laughter, did not, and his expression grew increasingly sour.

While the overall cause of everything could be attributed to his uncle, the immediate cause was undoubtedly this man. The man who, within a few days of becoming an instructor, had filled the infirmary with people. When they crossed paths earlier in the hallway, his uncle had said, 'At least he seems to have calmed down a bit since becoming an instructor. No one has died yet,' with a laugh. But hearing that, Jeong Tae-ui felt far from amused. How could he be sure that the first person to lose their life at the hands of Ilay Riegrow, the new instructor of the Asian branch, wouldn’t be him, constantly by his side and blessed with ample opportunities to die?

Just then, Ilay raised his eyebrows and casually asked Jeong Tae-ui.

"I smell cigarettes. Did you just have a smoke?"

Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth at that moment. He thought of the original owner of the cigarette he had smoked. Did he know that a pack had disappeared from his bag?

"On my way back from the instructor’s office earlier, I saw you chatting with that cute boy."

Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t open his mouth. This time, he flinched for a different reason than the cigarette.

"...Did you hear us?"


"Our conversation."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke fiercely, looking at Ilay, implying an invasion of privacy. Internally, he muttered, "Damn it."

It wasn't a particularly secret conversation, but it wasn't something he wanted others to hear. It wasn't because it was embarrassing in a superficial way, but rather because it touched upon the fragile pride of a man still struggling to maintain his dignity.

"Well, I just passed by, so I didn’t hear exactly what you were talking about."

Ilay shrugged as he spoke. Jeong Tae-ui looked at him skeptically but decided to let it go for now. It seemed like Ilay hadn't heard the conversation in detail.

In fact, it wasn’t something to be ashamed of. Everyone in the branch already knew that Jeong Tae-ui liked Xin Lu, and everyone also knew that Xin Lu had feelings for Jeong Tae-ui now. So, it wasn’t something to be embarrassed about if someone saw them standing together or overheard a somewhat sentimental conversation. The problem lay elsewhere.

Jeong Tae-ui believed that as long as there was mutual consent between two people who had feelings for each other, anything was permissible. He didn’t have an unyielding belief that he could never be bottom for someone even if he died. However, there was one aspect of his relationship with Xin Lu that he was absolutely unwilling to compromise on. This wasn’t just about Xin Lu; it applied to anyone, but especially to Xin Lu, whom he always wanted to protect and found adorable.

"Ah, so you still haven't done it with that guy."

Ilay, who seemed to understand now, chuckled next to Jeong Tae-ui, who was lost in thought.

At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui's face hardened. His neck felt hot, and he didn't want to lift his head. This guy, despite saying he didn’t hear much, had clearly heard everything.

Jeong Tae-ui slowly, very slowly, raised his stiff face and glared at him with wide eyes. Ilay, pretending to be deep in thought, muttered as if he didn’t understand.

"I don't see the problem. He said he was confident and promised to send you to paradise... wouldn't that make you want to experience his service?"

"Who would feel like experiencing it again after nearly getting crushed during the service!"

Jeong Tae-ui shouted. Realizing his mistake immediately after, he closed his mouth. But it was already too late. Ilay raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a strange expression before suddenly bursting into laughter. He laughed heartily for a while as if he found it extremely amusing.

"Ahaha, haha, I see. So, you've already passed a dangerous point. Indeed, you must have been terrified trying to pin down that pretty and cute guy, Tae-ui."

"I never tried to pin him down! Unlike you, I planned to take things step by step!"

The water was already spilled; Jeong Tae-ui half-gave up and shouted. Although that plan had completely fallen apart and he couldn’t see what lay ahead, he still hoped to gently lead the lovely young man and give him the joy of pleasure.

Ilay, finding something so amusing, laughed for a while before nodding and muttering to himself.

"I see. That guy may have a gentle face, but he seems to be really greedy. Well, his family is quite ambitious so it's nothing surprising. But still I didn't expect him to go after the Gilsangcheon."

Jeong Tae-ui froze. It was something he had heard before. It was what the director had said when he saw him at this man's commissioning ceremony. Gilsangcheon. It seemed like a code containing a meaning beyond what he knew.

"What is that, Gilsangcheon?"

When Jeong Tae-ui asked calmly, Ilay smiled subtly. He then muttered quietly to himself.

"It's not really a secret, so why didn't they just tell you..."

"...? What is that supposed to mean?"

Jeong Tae-ui stared straight at Ilay with a puzzled look. Ilay gazed back at him steadily before breaking into a small laugh.

"Well, it makes sense not to teach something important to a child since the results wouldn't be reliable. But now, it's about time for you to know."

"What are you talking about, speaking in riddles?"

Jeong Tae-ui frowned. Ilay was mumbling while looking at him, making it hard to distinguish whether it was meant for himself or to be shared. Then, Ilay suddenly smiled faintly and spoke.

“You know, you are Jeong Jae-ui's Gilsangcheon.”

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him silently. Jeong Jae-ui's Gilsangcheon. He hadn't misheard. Every word was clear. The only problem was that he didn't understand what he was talking about.

Jeong Tae-ui rolled his eyes slowly and tilted his head. He habitually touched his lips with his index finger and then tilted his head to the other side.

Although he wasn't as sharp as Jeong Jae-ui, he had never been told that he was dumb or lacked understanding...

Jeong Tae-ui tapped his lips a couple of times and then asked with a slightly puzzled expression.

“Is that Gilsangcheon, the one I know? Lakshmi.”

“Ah, right. In Indian mythology, she's referred to as Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife.”

Ilay nodded lightly. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head again.

He vaguely knew about the Lakshmi in mythology. She was a goddess who brought good fortune, something like that. However, he couldn't understand why that unfamiliar word, which he didn't usually come across, was being associated with him.

“What does that even mean? That I'm my brother’s Gilsangcheon? That I bring him good fortune or something?”

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled and muttered. He added with a shrug, "It’s nice to hear that all his great fortune is thanks to me." Ilay didn't respond. He just had a faint smile.

Seeing that smile, Jeong Tae-ui gradually erased his smile. It was a joke, but saying it like that made it seem serious. Even if it was serious, with Ilay smiling ambiguously, it felt like he'd heard something ominous.

“So, what? You’re saying that if you're close to me, good fortune will come, so you’ll be hovering around me?”

Jeong Tae-ui said in disbelief. Ilay raised his eyebrows slightly and then shook his head.

"If you're asking me, personally I don't covet it. Whether it's physical strength, wealth, or anything else, I have enough power to get whatever I want. What I desire is not luck. If I had to be specific, I would say I covet a person who can fully bloom their talent through luck."

"...Like Jae-ui?"

Ilay did not answer Jeong Tae-ui's question. He just gave an ambiguous smile, neither affirming nor denying.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at Ilay for a while and then sighed. He used to talk like a fatalist, and now he seemed to be delving into mythology. Despite his seemingly realistic and cold demeanor, this man might actually believe in superstitions. Although that superstitious joke was somewhat absurdly funny.

Come to think of it, he was a guy who read books maniacally. At first, he even mistook him for a rare book dealer.

Jeong Tae-ui chuckled, thinking about where this peculiar fatalist had heard such strange things.

“Gilsangcheon, my foot. My luck has been so bad lately, Gilsangcheon my ass.”

Indeed, Jeong Tae-ui's fortunes had been exceptionally dire recently. He had become estranged from colleagues and friends, the root cause was his family, the only thing nearby was a murderer, and the person who was almost like a lover was constantly trying to f*ck him. Nothing was peaceful.

Thinking about it only made him feel more depressed. This man was one of the sources of his gloom. Lying in his room pretending to be close and casually drinking his beer, this man was, in reality, someone who could strangle Jeong Tae-ui's neck at any moment without warning.

Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui started blaming himself. The reason for his misfortune was actually his own fault. Starting from being swayed by his uncle to come to this island, to letting this terrifying man roam freely in his room — these were all signs that Jeong Tae-ui himself was inviting danger. Even though he had spent some time with him without any apparent danger, letting his guard down like this was risky.

“Unless you have a particular reason, you should go. I plan to wash up and sleep early today.”

Jeong Tae-ui said bluntly, waving his hand. Ilay, apparently having no particular reason, stood up, saying, "I guess I will." Anyway, it seemed he had survived another day safely.

After sending this man away, he thought about taking out a calendar and marking it. How many days were left until half a year? It seemed like there were roughly a hundred days left.

Ilay was walking towards the door but suddenly stopped and looked at Jeong Tae-ui.


As Jeong Tae-ui looked at him curiously, Ilay tilted his head slightly and then grabbed Jeong Tae-ui by the collar. He pulled him forcefully, and Jeong Tae-ui was dragged towards him.

He was slightly startled. While Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t exactly heavy, he wasn’t light enough to be yanked around like this. This man's monstrous strength was once again proven.

Ilay grabbed Jeong Tae-ui by the collar with one hand and pulled him close, wrapping his other arm around his waist. He brought his face close to the back of Jeong Tae-ui's neck. The movement, like a predator examining its prey, made Jeong Tae-ui tense up. It felt as though if he moved even slightly, his throat would be bitten.

“What’s going on?”

Jeong Tae-ui asked with his mouth open but without moving. Ilay lightly brushed his lips along the back of Jeong Tae-ui's neck, close to his ears. The ticklish sensation sent a shiver down his spine.


Ilay, who had been burying his nose in Jeong Tae-ui's neck, said quietly. At the moment he heard those words, Jeong Tae-ui stiffened and shut his mouth.

Ah, he forgot. The smell of cigarettes must have clung to his clothes and wouldn't come out easily.

Jeong Tae-ui, who had previously taken cigarettes from Ilay’s bag without asking, just rolled his eyes silently. It would be bad if he was found out.

If it were someone else, he’d just laugh it off after a few punches. But with this man, who knows what might happen.

“Hmm— I smoked after getting one from someone I know earlier. I guess the smell clung to me.”

As Jeong Tae-ui muttered while pretending not to know, Ilay lifted his head slightly. His dark eyes, staring intently at Jeong Tae-ui, rounded with a particular intensity.

“Ah, is that so? I didn’t know you had any close friends left here who would lend you cigarettes. Well then, let’s see—”

Ilay's hand, which seemed to release Jeong Tae-ui’s collar, now gripped his shoulder tightly. Holding on with a force that couldn’t be easily shaken off, Ilay placed his palm on Jeong Tae-ui’s neck. The hand, initially just lightly touching the skin, soon pressed down with increasing force. A video Jeong Tae-ui had seen before suddenly came to mind — large hands gripping the man’s neck while leaving red marks everywhere.

Jeong Tae-ui’s face hardened. Despite clearly seeing this expression, Ilay didn’t let go. The palm that had been pressing against his neck slowly moved down to his collarbone. The hand, moving from the collarbone, then shifted to the chest area. Through the thin shirt, the large, warm palm was distinctly felt. The hand, lingering near the chest for a moment, eventually moved down, as if reluctantly.

“Not in the chest pocket. Then—”

Ilay whispered softly. The hand, moving down to Jeong Tae-ui’s abdomen, slid slightly between the folds of his shirt. The index finger dug between the buttons of the shirt, while the other fingers moved on the shirt as if tickling his skin.

“Hey, Ilay. What are you—”

“Shh. I’m looking for my missing cigarettes.”

Ilay laughed near Jeong Tae-ui’s ear. His index finger traced around the hollow of Jeong Tae-ui’s navel. The tickling sensation made Jeong Tae-ui instinctively shrink back, and noticing the movement of his abs, Ilay's finger became more persistently focused on his belly.

“Wait, wait a minute. I’ll tell you, your cigarettes—”

“It’s no fun if you talk during it.”

The hand that had been gripping his shoulder fell away, but it quickly covered Jeong Tae-ui’s mouth. Jeong Tae-ui reflexively tried to pull the hand away, but Ilay’s hand on his chin tightened with a threatening pressure, as if ready to break his jaw with just a little more force.

Jeong Tae-ui frowned and looked at Ilay. Their eyes met, and Ilay responded with a sly smile.

“I’ve been extremely busy for a while. The instructor died, and his position was left open, but I wasn’t really interested in coming. My brother pushed me to take the position, and though I wasn’t keen on it, I thought it wouldn’t be so bad here, so I decided to come. Once I made that decision, there were so many things to take care of. I’ve been so busy... so busy that I barely had time for pleasure.”

He laughed near Jeong Tae-ui’s ear. The breath on his neck made him squirm as he tried to pull away.

Damn it. If you want to play around, do it by yourself and leave me alone.

He shouted through his gagged mouth, but it seemed Ilay didn’t hear him. Or perhaps he heard but pretended not to.

Meanwhile, Ilay’s hand, which had been stroking his stomach, moved further down. It slowly rubbed over his groin through his pants. Ignoring Jeong Tae-ui’s glaring and frustrated expressions, Ilay persistently continued.

“It wouldn’t be here, would it? The cigarettes... Ah, it’s getting harder. Maybe it’s here.”

Not there! You bastard, it can't be there! Check the pocket, the right pants pocket!

Jeong Tae-ui groaned into his gagged mouth, shouting helplessly. Then he swallowed, as Ilay’s hand squeezed and stroked his penis that had started to rise. Feeling Jeong Tae-ui flinch, Ilay chuckled softly into his neck.

“It’s amusing, really... Although you don't fit my taste at all and it seems like sleeping with you wouldn’t be much fun, your reactions are quite entertaining.”

He was infuriated. If only he could break that bastard’s hand right now, it would feel like a wish fulfilled.

However, the grip on his penis was just strong enough to be painful but not enough to cause injury, making it impossible for Jeong Tae-ui to move even when he grabbed Ilay’s wrist. Furthermore, his body naturally started to response, despite his attempts to fight it.

“Don’t get mad. I’m in a similar state... We’ve done this before. Didn’t you have fun last time too? Plus, to satisfy my desires right now, there wouldn’t be anyone in this branch willing to comply, so I’d have to find someone suitable, capture them, and restrain them. But, I doubt my assistant would want that.”

Even from the perspective of an entirely unknown person, it was entirely inappropriate. It was no different from saying he’d grab any random person and rape them.

Jeong Tae-ui, gritting his teeth, bent his waist as his lower body was pulled. Naturally, his forehead rested on Ilay’s shoulder. Ilay’s hand slowly lifted off his mouth.

“You... do you play around like this when you’re bored?”

Jeong Tae-ui glared at him fiercely, even with his slightly flushed face. Ilay, smiling at his intimidating look, shrugged in response instead of answering.

“It’s rare for me to play so innocently. Usually, I get right to the point... Ah, if this goes on a little longer, you’ll end up cumming right away.”

Ilay, noticing the subtle movement from Jeong Tae-ui’s pants, smiled and released his grip on the penis. This bastard always gets someone worked up and then pulls back at the crucial moment.

Jeong Tae-ui, infuriated, pushed Ilay away. In retaliation, he threw the cigarette pack he’d pulled from his pants pocket at Ilay. Ilay caught it effortlessly in the air and, shaking the cigarette pack, muttered.

“Half of it is gone. Why are you taking someone else's stuff so carelessly, huh?"

“And what about you, playing around with other people’s bodies?”

Jeong Tae-ui yelled angrily, sweat dripping from his flushed face.

Ilay stood straight in front of him and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. First the buttons at the front, then the cuffs. Through the opening shirt, a white and smooth body, like a delicate sculpture, was revealed. After tossing aside the shirt, he unbuckled his belt with no hesitation. The sound of the zipper sliding down was perversely suggestive, making Jeong Tae-ui’s earlobes burn with heat.

Jeong Tae-ui stood in bewilderment, watching Ilay slowly undress in front of him. Asking why he was undressing would be pointless. Ilay was being explicit. It was clear he intended to have fun.

“While I was back in Europe, I dreamed about you. It was a dream from back when we were at the detention section...”

Hearing the word “detention section” triggered memories in Jeong Tae-ui’s mind. There had been a time, however brief, when they had indulged their desires in that dark basem*nt. The voice of Ilay, telling him to enjoy it casually, echoed in his mind.

“I had outgrown those childish fantasies long before I even started middle school. Sex without penetration is just half as fun. Don’t you think? But, apparently, I must've found it quite enjoyable back then. I remember it pleasantly. It felt like playing a game of tag with my friend for the first time in ages.”

Jeong Tae-ui, unable to take his eyes off Ilay’s gradually revealed body, let out a sigh of exasperation in response to his words.

“I’ve never played with my friends like this instead of a game of tag.”

“Haha, that’s just a metaphor. After all, we played so innocently.”

It seemed that his sense of concepts was quite different. How could the overtly lewd and decadent atmosphere so palpably emanating from this man be considered youthful?

Jeong Tae-ui covered his nose and mouth with his hands. The reason his body kept growing hotter might have been the heat emanating from this man, or perhaps he had become intoxicated by the atmosphere without even realizing it.

Ilay had become naked. Even upon a second look, his body was strikingly beautiful to the point of making one’s face pale. Although Jeong Tae-ui tried not to focus on his penis, the glimpse of it still made his face go pale. If it was like that when it wasn’t even fully erect, it would be formidable at its peak.

Ilay, noticing the reason behind Jeong Tae-ui’s pale complexion, chuckled. He then purposefully grabbed his penis and stroked it a few times. The already half-erect penis was now right in front of Jeong Tae-ui.

“Why are you looking so pale? I told you, you’re not my type; I’m just playing as we did before. You liked it back then, didn’t you? …Well, you’re already hard. Come over here. …No, I’ll come to you.”

Ilay walked over.

Up until that moment, Jeong Tae-ui had been indecisive. The actions back then and now seemed like they could be easily dismissed. He didn’t dislike it. In fact, it was rather enjoyable. Yet, the idea of these actions not ending after just one occurrence but potentially repeating sparked a vague anxiety in his mind. Once something happens once, it’s easier for it to happen a second time, and a second time to become a third.

He wondered what it would be like to continue playing this game with this man. It didn’t seem very appealing.

Before Jeong Tae-ui could sort out his thoughts, Ilay approached him with an understanding look and pushed him against his chest. He stumbled back onto the bed behind him.

“Don’t overthink it. Worrying about moral standards will only give you a headache.”

As he spoke, Ilay, who appeared to be smiling, had already positioned himself on top of Jeong Tae-ui. With a hint of anticipation for the fun to come, he gently bit Jeong Tae-ui’s lips. His mouth, which had been chewing so hard it was almost painful, suddenly opened to let his tongue slide in and mingle with Jeong Tae-ui’s.

In an instant. As the breath, tongue, and saliva aggressively invaded his mouth, he gasped for air and regained his senses to find that all of his clothes had already fallen off the bed. The cold air touched his bare skin, which had become chilly, and it was pleasant to feel the warmth of Ilay’s skin against it.

Ilay’s penis had been in contact with his for some time now. He saw the two hardened members rubbing together, and his heart raced. The visual stimulation made his lower body heat up with desire.

As Jeong Tae-ui exhaled heavily and closed his eyes, Ilay moved down to lie beside him. Then, turning his body slightly, he pressed his chest against Jeong Tae-ui’s back. His hand, wrapped around Jeong Tae-ui’s waist, held Jeong Tae-ui’s penis.

"Wait a minute, spread your legs.”


“…I told you I wouldn’t put it in. As I said, I don’t want things to become complicated.”

“Then why….”

It seemed like Ilay was slightly spreading Jeong Tae-ui's thighs. A sense of foreboding struck Jeong Tae-ui, and as he turned to look, Ilay gently brushed his eyelids with his lips. As Jeong Tae-ui flinched and closed his eyes, a hard, hot object slipped between his thighs. When he lowered his head in discomfort, he saw Ilay’s penis peeking out from between his own thighs. The tip of Ilay’s penis was subtly touching the underside of Jeong Tae-ui’s own penis and becoming damp.

"Just like that... yeah now, stay like that."

Ilay slowly began to move his hips. Rubbing between his thighs, his penis slid back and forth. At the same time, Ilay's hand, which was gripping Jeong Tae-ui's penis, started to move roughly. The touch was as if a child who couldn't tell right from wrong was carelessly playing with a toy, making Jeong Tae-ui's heart throb painfully.

"Ah, ...ugh, ...!!"

Each time Ilay lifted his hips while nestled between Jeong Tae-ui’s thighs, the sight of his penis appearing and disappearing felt intensely hot. Liquid began to seep from the tip, soaking Jeong Tae-ui’s thighs. The sticky sound from their tightly pressed hips created a strange illusion, making it feel as if actual intercourse was occurring. The combination of sensation and sound sent a shiver through Jeong Tae-ui, causing his body to tremble with an unfamiliar chill despite the intense heat.

However, it was clear that Jeong Tae-ui's body was experiencing pleasure, and his penis that had risen painfully was emitting uncontrollable liquid into Ilay's hand.


He might have made a sound — a high pitched noise, leaving him reddened with embarrassment. It was a sound he didn’t want to acknowledge or hear. At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui opened his eyes wide and covered his mouth, while a low moan escaped from behind him. His thighs and penis became thoroughly soaked.


Gilsangcheon [Noun] <Buddhism>

A goddess who bestows blessings and fortune. She has a beautiful face, wears heavenly garments, and a crown, and holds a magical wish-fulfilling jewel (yeouiju) in her left hand. She is also known as Gongdeokcheon, Gongdeokcheonnyeo, or Gilsangcheonnyeo.

In the encyclopedia, which seemed to be several decades old, there was a short, bold description of two or three lines, followed by a fairly lengthy explanation in tiny print. Jeong Tae-ui vaguely remembered seeing it when he used to gather and read books related to ancient mythology. A goddess who bestows blessings and fortune. In Indian mythology, she is known as Lakshmi, and her characteristics are similar. The depiction in the Indian mythology books showed the figure of a beautiful woman scattering wealth.

Jeong Tae-ui read the encyclopedia entry three or four times. He understood the meaning of the text. He also understood the nature of Gilsangcheon as a deity. The key point was that she bestows blessings and fortune upon those close to her.

However, while he understood the dictionary's definition, the meaning of what Ilay had said still didn’t quite resonate with him.

—You are the Gilsangcheon of Jeong Jae-ui.

That faintly smiling remark wasn't said in a mere joking tone. While it wasn't exactly plausible to take it literally, something about it lingered in his mind.

It's an amusing thought. A deity who bestows blessings upon those who offer her. If one were to interpret Ilay's words as they were, it would seem as though he was saying Jeong Tae-ui had given such luck to his brother.

However, Jeong Tae-ui had no awareness that he had done so, nor did he think he would. A person's innate luck is solely their own. How could a human control the fate that a non-human entity grants even before they are born? Besides, if Ilay's words were true, then everyone around Jeong Tae-ui should have been overwhelmed with luck, but that wasn't the case. Only his brother possessed su

—Indeed, that guy may have a gentle face, but it sounds like he has his own ambitions... I never thought he’d try to go after Gilsangcheon, though.

Ilay’s words resurfaced in Jeong Tae-ui’s mind. Resting his chin in his hand, Jeong Tae-ui fell into silent contemplation.

Since he didn’t know anything for certain, there was no way he could reach a definite conclusion, but those words left him feeling vaguely displeased and melancholic.

To obtain Gilsangcheon. But the Gilsangcheon they sought wasn’t Jeong Tae-ui, the person.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. Suddenly, it seemed absurd to take this so seriously. In the end, Ilay’s words just hung ambiguously in the extraordinary fortune.

Damn it. What’s with this? Coming into someone else’s room without permission, spouting nonsense, and doing pointless things...

Jeong Tae-ui, grumbling to himself, suddenly blushed deeply. The memory of what had happened back then came flooding back when he thought of the word “pointless.”

The white, slow-moving hand that had trailed from his thigh, to his groin, and up to his lower abdomen and chest seemed to carve itself back into his body.

“Hey, hey, get a grip.”

Jeong Tae-ui slapped his own cheeks a couple of times. He hit himself so hard that the sharp slaps echoed across the library. His cheeks quickly turned red. But it was far healthier to have them turn red from being slapped than from embarrassing thoughts.

"…Ow… that hurts."

Even though he’d hit himself, Jeong Tae-ui regretted doing it so hard. He lowered his gaze back to the dictionary. There was a small illustration of a celestial maiden resembling the Buddhist deity Bicheon next to the text. It was probably meant to depict Gilsangcheon, but it didn’t look like a figure that would bring blessings and wealth. Instead, it somehow seemed rather pitiful.

A goddess who bestows blessings and fortune upon those who worship her. If that’s the case, there must be plenty who approach her with ulterior motives. No wonder she has such a sorrowful expression.

Jeong Tae-ui, resting his chin in his hand, thought of his brother.

Jeong Jae-ui was exceptionally lucky to the point where it was almost troublesome to speak about it. However, unlike his twin, Jeong Tae-ui was utterly ordinary. He remembered overhearing his mother, when he was young, telling his grandmother how fortunate it was that "even though Jae-ui has such good luck, Tae-ui isn’t an extremely unfortunate child, so that’s a relief." The old folks seemed to think that way sometimes. They believed that if someone had extraordinary luck, it meant they were consuming someone else’s fortune. His mother had looked at him with worried eyes on more than one occasion after hearing such things.

But now that he thought about it, perhaps that worry stemmed from something slightly different.

His brother was not only incredibly lucky but also extremely intelligent. Because of that, he had been kidnapped and abducted multiple times. Yet, each time, his brother always returned unscathed.

During those times, their mother would, for some reason, stroke Jeong Tae-ui and whisper to him to be careful. She would say that while his brother would always come back unharmed, Jeong Tae-ui might not be so lucky.

Jeong Tae-ui was too young at the time to understand what she meant. As he grew older, he simply thought it was natural that his brother, being a lucky person, would always come back safely.

—You are the Gilsangcheon of Jeong Jae-ui.

“…What a foolish thing to say.”

Jeong Tae-ui scoffed.

“If I could make those around me so fortunate, I should be lucky myself first. But look at my luck. There wouldn’t be any murderous maniac around me, and no stubborn guys with sweet faces trying to steal my virtue.”

Saying it out loud made him feel even more depressed. Ever since he arrived on this island, nothing had gone right.

“…Wait a minute.”

Jeong Tae-ui blinked. Nothing had gone right since he arrived on the island. In other words, nothing had gone right since his brother disappeared, and they couldn’t meet. So, perhaps Ilay was only half correct. In other words, the opposite might be true.

Maybe he was originally a person with bad luck, but having his brother nearby allowed him to share some of that fortune, making his life more average. Yes, that made more sense. It would be absurd for someone who was supposed to share good luck to be unlucky themselves.

However, Jeong Tae-ui frowned and shook his head again.

Even so, it wasn’t like he had been with his brother constantly for over twenty years. Especially after entering the military academy, he lived in the dormitory and only came out on weekends. After graduating from the academy and joining the military, it had been the same. In other words, he had only lived with his brother until he graduated from high school, and after that, he mostly lived separately until he came here. They had only lived together again for a few months after he was discharged from the military.

If being together had been necessary to share his fortune, then during the time they lived apart, he should have been incredibly unlucky. However, Jeong Tae-ui — despite meeting someone as unlucky as Lieutenant Kim — enjoyed a pleasant and fulfilling time at the academy and in the military. His brother, too, set remarkable records in places Jeong Tae-ui didn’t even know about. Even while living separately, they both lived their own lives without any trouble.

“It just doesn’t make sense... And here I am, looking this stuff up.”

Jeong Tae-ui grumbled as he snapped the encyclopedia shut.

Maybe it was because of the pointless things he had heard, but he suddenly missed his brother. In truth, it’s not like he had anything particular to say if they met. As usual, he would simply greet him with a brief ‘You’re here?’ and engage in some trivial conversation. Things like, ‘I have plans with a friend tomorrow,’ or ‘I got into a fight with a drunkard the other day.’

It wasn’t that he absolutely needed his brother around. Even without him, Jeong Tae-ui had friends he could confide in, seniors to share happy moments with, and juniors to drink with when troubled. It didn’t have to be his brother. But still, he wanted to see him, even if just to have a pointless conversation.

Perhaps that’s what family is.

Jeong Tae-ui pushed the encyclopedia aside and swung his legs idly as he sat in his chair. He realized that his brother’s birthday was coming up soon, which was also his own birthday. On that day, he could at least make a phone call. Even if it wasn’t on the exact day, his brother would probably call him a few days before or after. That’s how it always was. When they lived together, they would celebrate in person, and when they lived apart, they would call each other to say happy birthday.

But it wasn’t anything grand. They would talk about trivial things and then, as if remembering suddenly, one of them would say, ‘Oh, by the way, it’s our birthday.’ And then they’d exchange a quick, ‘Happy birthday.’ and ‘Yeah, you too.’ And then they’d go back to talking about trivial things.

“Hmm—maybe if I call home around our birthday, he’ll be back.”

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled to himself, swaying back and forth slowly in the creaky chair. But maybe his brother wouldn’t be back. He seemed to be away for a while. Even so, Jeong Tae-ui knew that his brother would still call him. There was no need for any promises, no need to make a phone call, but he knew it would happen.

“Unless he’s cut ties and doesn’t call...”

Jeong Tae-ui frowned as he muttered to himself. He suddenly remembered something from a few months ago, just before he and his brother parted ways. While they were still living together, the night before his brother left, his brother had suggested they cut the red thread tied between their pinkies, making a gesture as if cutting it.

Jeong Tae-ui had thought it strange for his brother to suggest cutting ties like that, but he figured it was just another one of those inexplicable things his brother did from time to time. He didn’t think it was why his brother had left.

Jeong Tae-ui’s hand, which had been tapping the desk, suddenly paused as another one of his brother’s cryptic remarks came to mind.

—It’s no fun if a person lives too luckily. I should experience some misfortune too.


Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at the library ceiling. The white ceiling, aged and worn, had stains here and there. As he traced the stains with his eyes, Jeong Tae-ui fell into thought for a moment.

If Ilay's words were true.

Then, did his brother know?

But what, how much, and in what way? Jeong Tae-ui had no idea. He couldn’t even guess. He had no way of knowing how he and his brother were connected, how far their connection went, or why it was that way. It wasn’t simply because they were twins. After all, there are plenty of twins in the world.

"Or maybe everyone around me just gets lucky..."

Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head and murmured. Then he let out a small laugh. It didn’t seem likely. While it was true that there wasn’t anyone particularly unfortunate around him, there weren’t many who seemed extraordinarily lucky either. Except for his brother.

"Wow. It’s like I’ve suddenly become something extraordinary."

Jeong Tae-ui joked to himself as he stood up. The lunch break was nearly over. It was time to return to the regular schedule.

As an assistant, he would typically have to stay with the instructor until the regular schedule ended. But Jeong Tae-ui didn’t see the need for that. An assistant usually stays with the instructor to help with miscellaneous tasks or to assist in case the instructor encounters a dangerous situation. However, during lunch breaks, the instructors didn’t work, so naturally, there was no need for an assistant to help, and the idea of the said instructor being in danger was even more far-fetched.

Ilay Riegrow needing Jeong Tae-ui’s help in a dangerous situation…

The possibility of such a situation was unimaginable. If anything, it would be more likely that Jeong Tae-ui would need Ilay’s help. How could that monster of a man ever find himself in need of help?

From the start, Jeong Tae-ui had said that he would come and go as he pleased outside of the regular schedule, and Ilay didn’t insist on him staying close or seem to want that either. Ilay, too, was the type of person who found it bothersome to have someone constantly by his side.

"Ah... I have to see that grim face again."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed as he pushed his chair back in. He wondered where that monster might be right now, scaring someone out of their wits. Not that it mattered — he was still somewhere within this facility.

The afternoon was free. The most he had to do was some desk work in the instructor's office; there were no lectures scheduled for the trainees.

A brief respite, finally. Whenever Ilay gave a lecture, and Jeong Tae-ui had to observe from the back of the classroom, his stomach was always in knots. He had to keep his eyes wide open, fearing that someone might get beaten to death at any moment. And once the lecture was over, the cold stares of the trainees were not only directed at Ilay but also at Jeong Tae-ui. It was truly bad for his stomach.

Just as he was about to stand up and head to the instructor's office, the library door opened, and three or four men walked in. Jeong Tae-ui, not paying much attention, was about to put the encyclopedia back in its place when he felt their gazes approach and lifted his head. They glanced at him.

It didn’t feel good. The looks they gave were far from friendly, and these days, no one in the branch was giving Jeong Tae-ui any friendly looks anyway. Most likely, they were looking for trouble.

Sure enough, as he tried to turn his head and ignore them, one of them approached and openly picked a fight.

"What are you doing here alone instead of sticking with the 'instructor'? Shouldn't you be busy attending to him?"

"You know an 'instructor' is about to start his lecture soon, so what are you doing here? If they catch you slacking off, you'll be in trouble."

Jeong Tae-ui responded calmly. Couldn't they at least change up their boring repertoire when picking a fight?

The guy who'd been rattling off the same old lines was joined by another, who at least seemed a bit more reasonable. With a somewhat displeased expression, he looked at Jeong Tae-ui and asked bluntly:

"Tae-i, I don't know you well since you're from another team, but you don't seem like a weirdo, and you actually seem decent. So why are you hanging around that crazy guy?"

By now, Jeong Tae-ui was too tired of it to even bother explaining that he hadn't volunteered to be an assistant.

Normally, the selection of an assistant involved higher-ups, but first and foremost, it was based on the individual's own application. When a new instructor was assigned to a branch, volunteers from among the trainees would be considered, and one would be selected. They never arbitrarily chose someone who had no interest in the position.

Well, they never had. Until now.

Ever since his uncle summoned him to the instructor's office, there had been ominous signs. At the time, Jeong Tae-ui had no clue about the system or how it worked — he thought that if the higher-ups ordered something, you had no choice but to comply. If he'd known that his consent was supposed to come first, he would never have bowed down so easily... Though, who knows if his uncle would have accepted his refusal anyway.

Jeong Tae-ui let out a long sigh. The second guy, who had initiated the conversation, furrowed his brows as if pondering Jeong Tae-ui's situation.

"Everyone's got their reasons, sure, but why did you have to end up in a position where you’re helping that guy?"

This guy probably thought that Jeong Tae-ui had some sort of leverage over him or a situation compelling enough to make him serve as Ilay's assistant. In a way, he was thankful for that assumption — at least it might mean fewer confrontations.

Just as Jeong Tae-ui was thinking that this confrontation might pass without incident, thanks to the softened attitude of the second guy, the third one poured cold water on that hope.

"No, you're wrong. It's not some situation forcing him into it. This guy was part of that crazy bastard's crew from the start. You know, right? When Instructor Kippenhan and those two guys got killed, the only one there besides that lunatic was this guy. Doesn't it seem strange that he was the only one who survived? That madman wouldn't have spared him if he weren't on his side."

The third guy outright treated Jeong Tae-ui like he was complicit in murder. Jeong Tae-ui just stood there, blocked by them, listening in silence. He'd heard this accusation before — countless times from others who'd similarly picked fights with him. In extreme cases, he'd even been called "just as crazy as that lunatic," an insult that was particularly degrading to him. Being compared to a monster who even survived the Clusters grenade was deeply offensive.

He could let other insults go in one ear and out the other, but that one had been so humiliating that it still lingered.

Jeong Tae-ui glanced at the clock on the wall behind them. Lunchtime was almost over. These guys should hurry up and borrow their books if they wanted to, instead of spending the whole lunch break picking a fight here.

"Aren't you going?"

He spoke briefly, prompting them to go. They didn't seem to understand at first and responded with a confused "Huh?" Jeong Tae-ui repeated himself, a bit slower this time.

"Aren't you going? Look at the clock."

He gestured toward the clock with his chin, but they didn't turn to look — only one of them did. Instead, they seemed to take his short words in the worst possible way, their expressions growing more hostile.

"Oh, I get it, you're telling us to f*ck off, right?"

People were so twisted. How did "Aren't you going?" turn into “f*ck off"? But that's how it is — when someone dislikes you, everything you do is seen in a negative light, and everything you say is heard as an insult.

Jeong Tae-ui glanced at the second guy, who now looked at him with a displeased and uncomfortable expression. Seeing that made Jeong Tae-ui just as miserable.

If nothing had happened, he might have become good colleagues with these guys. Even those who picked fights usually did so because a close friend or colleague had been seriously injured or even killed during joint training with the European branch. Few people were so mentally unbalanced that they'd pick a fight over something unrelated to them.

Sometimes, there were people with naturally incompatible personalities, but even then, there wouldn't have been this kind of conflict.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't disappointed. Even if he was leaving in six months, he wanted to get along with his colleagues during that time. Whether they were in the same team or not, he wanted to finish his workday with a sense of camaraderie, building strong relationships as he had with his platoonmates before he was discharged from the military.

But no, it was just his bad luck that he got tangled up with that lunatic and had an uncle like that.

Uncle, even if I leave in six months, I’ll never forget that you threw me into the jaws of death for half a year. I'll savor my deep-seated grudge for a long, long time, just like a snake... Not that being as deep as a snake would make any difference; it’s useless since I won't be able to do anything about it.

"Tae-i, I'm telling you this for your own good — it's best if you cut ties with that guy as soon as possible. You’ve only been with UNHRDO for a few months, so you might not know, but that guy is seriously insane. Being near him could easily bring harm your way. He's the kind of person who would hurt even those closest to him without a second thought."

The second man, seemingly still concerned for Jeong Tae-ui, gave him this earnest advice.

The unfortunate one here was this man. If things had been different, Jeong Tae-ui might have become good colleagues with someone like him. In the army, guys like this always turned out to be great comrades.

It's a shame. A real shame and a pity.

Not wanting to argue or engage any further, Jeong Tae-ui nodded.

"Got it. Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep it in mind."

It's exhausting, moments like this — when you realize that your colleagues are no longer trustworthy or friendly but are instead bitter and something to be wary of. When there's no way to resolve or avoid the situation, it just wears you down.

Fortunately, they didn’t seem intent on dragging out the confrontation, and Jeong Tae-ui had no desire to continue either. Engaging with them would only be a waste of time.

Just as they were about to pass by, looking displeased, their expressions suddenly froze, turning pale as if they’d seen a ghost. One of them even took a step back in shock.

Jeong Tae-ui also stopped moving, realizing that their gazes were fixed on something right behind him.

"Your social circle is shrinking, Jeong Tae-ui. How do you expect to get by like that?"

The slow, almost amused voice of a man came from just over his shoulder. Judging by the sound, he couldn't have been more than a hand’s width away.

Jeong Tae-ui frowned. Come to think of it, something similar had happened before. It wasn’t during a confrontation like this, but during joint training with the European branch. He had been quietly sitting alone in the library when suddenly someone came up behind him, startling him just like now — though he didn’t show it this time.

"Ilay... How long have you been here?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered in displeasure. He had been wondering where that monster was and who he had been terrifying during this peaceful lunchtime — turns out it was right here.

Ilay reached around Jeong Tae-ui's waist, taking the encyclopedia from his hands. He casually flipped through the pages, stopping at the one Jeong Tae-ui had been reading earlier, which was marked with a bookmark. Ilay glanced at the page and murmured with mild interest.

"Gilsangcheon... this picture is really ugly. I wouldn’t even get aroused by a woman like this."

Ilay joked as he handed the encyclopedia back to Jeong Tae-ui. Then, he turned his attention to the men standing stiffly in front of him, glaring at him.

"What’s the matter? Do you need something from me?"

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue as he saw the men stiffen their expressions and glare at Ilay. He stepped aside and said to Ilay,

"They were here to see me. It has nothing to do with you."

Ilay lowered his gaze, looking at Jeong Tae-ui with a cold expression that suggested he found the situation funny.

"If that’s true, then fine. But if they were here to see me, then it's none of your business. I’ve told you before, haven’t I? Don't interfere. Do you really want to make things difficult for both of us?"

His expression was as indifferent as ever. In a way, it looked like he was faintly smiling, making him appear kind and pleasant to those who didn’t know better. Even in ten or twenty years, this man would likely look exactly the same. And one more thing that would remain unchanged was that cold, bleak look in his eyes.

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue inwardly.

Yeah, the second guy — wasn't his name Jo? — he was right. This guy is indeed the kind who would harm someone close to him without a second thought. Whether it's his subordinate, someone he spends more than half the day with, or even a friend he plays games with, if the situation calls for it, he wouldn’t hesitate to snap their neck.

So, like I’ve said many times, getting involved with this guy was never my choice. Jeong Tae-ui could feel the words rising in his throat, wanting to burst out. If possible, he wanted to broadcast it throughout the entire branch: I'm only doing this because I was forced to, so please, stop picking on me.

But there was also a reason why he couldn’t outright claim, It's all because of him. No matter what, as an assistant, Jeong Tae-ui had the irritating duty to intervene if anyone tried to mess with Instructor Ilay Riegrow or cause him harm.

While Jeong Tae-ui was stuck between the three men and the monster, worrying about what might happen in the next few minutes, the men fell into silent tension under Ilay’s gaze. Eventually, the first man spoke in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

"A matter of business? If anything, we should have business with you, but since you’re an Instructor, we can only pick on an assistant."

It’s tempting to commend his bravado, but challenging an unbeatable opponent isn’t bravery — it’s recklessness. As far as Jeong Tae-ui could see, this guy was as foolish as someone deliberately admitting themselves into a hospital.

It was then that Ilay finally laughed. Up until now, his expression had been unreadable, but now he finally showed some emotion. However, Jeong Tae-ui knew that this smile signified something different from an ordinary person’s smile. These poor, unlucky fools with heads as dense as bricks.

"I don’t dislike guys who pick pointless fights with me. Sometimes it’s amusing, even. I like that you’ve got the guts that I lack."

Ilay stepped forward with a grin. His slow, quiet tone made it sound as if he genuinely appreciated the men. He almost seemed kind.

Jeong Tae-ui made up his mind to stay out of it. Nothing good would come from intervening. If he did, the men might accuse him of fighting on the crazy guy's behalf, and Ilay might subject him to something worse than just scolding, asking why he’d bothered to intervene. Getting involved would only bring harm, not benefit. Besides, he had no interest in stepping in to satisfy any sense of justice.

But just as he took a few steps back to stay out of it, ironically, the second guy stepped forward.

Jeong Tae-ui frowned. He had expected the first guy with the loud mouth to take the lead, but it turned out to be the second one. Or maybe he had seen it coming. Life always seemed to work this way. The person who goes out of their way to cause trouble often ducks out when it's time to clean up the mess, leaving someone else, with almost no responsibility for the issue, to be pushed into handling the dirty work. Sometimes, it made Jeong Tae-ui wonder where fairness existed in the world.

"Maybe fairness is just an illusion created by people who long for communism..."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered with discontent, his mouth twisting in displeasure.

The second man was someone Jeong Tae-ui quite liked. If that guy ended up lying on the ground, bloodied and beaten, it would be painful to see. Even so, the thought of intervening in front of Ilay, who was smiling like that, never crossed his mind. All he could do was sigh and wait for the unfortunate future to unfold.

And then, it happened.

A short signal sounded, indicating that the lunch break was over. Since there were no broadcasting facilities inside the library, the sound seeped in from the hallway outside.

The men hesitated. Ilay briefly glanced toward the outside, but his expression remained indifferent. Jeong Tae-ui checked the time and then glanced at Ilay.

"I'm not trying to meddle or anything."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered casually, while absentmindedly fiddling with the worn corner of the encyclopedia. Ilay shot him a sharp look, as if to ask whether he really wanted to start something that would only make things more tiresome for both of them.

"Ilay, Instructor McKin is very persistent. Once he singles someone out, they’ll have a headache for a long time. I didn't experience it myself, but my uncle told me."

Ilay looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a puzzled expression, as if wondering why he was bringing this up all of a sudden.

"This afternoon, McKin has a free period too. That means it’ll just be you and McKin in the instructors' office. If you give the impression that you were slacking off somewhere else and came in late, it might not end well. I'm saying this for your sake. I have no intention of meddling, of course."

Jeong Tae-ui made sure to add the last part. Ilay raised an eyebrow and stared intently at Jeong Tae-ui. Then he shifted his gaze to the men. After watching them for a few seconds, Ilay let out a sly smile.

"This is... really trying to make things difficult, huh... Tae-ui, if you meddle, it won’t just be you who gets hurt. No matter what you do, if I’ve already decided someone needs to be dealt with, I’ll do it, and afterward, you’ll just end up getting dragged into it."

Damn, he made a mistake.

Jeong Tae-ui took another step back. With a calm expression, pretending not to care, he looked at Ilay and said, "Then do whatever you want," while casually shaking the encyclopedia as if he intended to put it back on the shelf.

"Damn. If I'm unlucky, today might turn out to be exhausting. Trying to smooth things over with that guy was a foolish move."

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and slowly walked back to where he had taken the encyclopedia. If he had decided not to interfere, it seemed better not to witness the impending unpleasant scene at all. He decided to let them sort it out on their own, as he had always done.

After placing the encyclopedia back in its spot, Jeong Tae-ui lingered there, tapping the shelf lightly with his fingertips, planning to wait until enough time had passed before leaving.

Come to think of it, Jeong Tae-ui had never properly faced off against that man. Of course, if they did, he would be knocked out in an instant, but they hadn't even sparred lightly. There might have been an opportunity when Ilay was at the European branch during joint training, but the first week passed without them facing each other, and during the second week, Jeong Tae-ui had been stuck in the detention section, so they never had an official match.

Well, they did mess around a bit when they were both bored in the detention area. Although, Ilay was just playing around, not taking it seriously.

Even from a few playful exchanges, it was clear enough. Jeong Tae-ui knew well that he couldn't match Ilay in a fight. It was only natural. He wasn't particularly good at fighting to begin with, and he wasn't exceptional within the branch either.

What should he do if he ever had to face off against that man?


No matter how much he thought about it, no answer came to mind. The only options were either to run away or to get beaten up and hope to pass out before it got too bad.

Now that Ilay had warmed up with those guys, he'd probably ask why Jeong Tae-ui bothered to interfere and make things difficult for them both. The thought left a bitter taste in Jeong Tae-ui's mouth.

He clicked his tongue again.

"Passing out before dying seems like the better option. Surely, he wouldn't keep beating someone who's already unconscious... Or maybe he would. Knowing him, he might just slit my throat cleanly before I even get the chance."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed as he muttered to himself, worrying about the future. Just then, from the other side of the bookshelf, Ilay's nonchalant voice reached him.

"Who are you talking about?"

Jeong Tae-ui froze, his hand still on the book. Through the gap in the books on the upper shelf, he could see Ilay standing there. Only his chin and the corner of his mouth were visible, partially obscured by the books.

"Have you already knocked them all out? I didn't hear a thing."

"You're worried about me regarding McKin, so I thought maybe I'd follow your advice."

"...Did you just let them go?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked skeptically, not quite believing what he was hearing. Through the gap in the books, Ilay’s mouth curved into a smile. His white teeth briefly showed before being hidden by his lips.

"You liked the guy standing in the middle, didn’t you?"

Suddenly, Ilay asked. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head but soon realized he was talking about the men from earlier and tried to recall them. The one standing in the middle was the second guy — the one who had picked a fight but did so in the most humane way among them.

"Ah... Yeah, he was the best of the three. How did you know?"

"He seemed like someone who’d get along well with you if the circ*mstances were right. Right now, you're pretty much a loner in the branch, Jeong Tae-ui."

Ilay spoke with a chuckle in his voice, then slowly walked around the bookshelf. As he appeared from the other side, the narrow space between the shelves seemed to fill up.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him directly. The way Ilay slowly approached, one step at a time from the dim end of the aisle, was somewhat reminiscent of a scene from a horror movie. Yet strangely enough, it wasn’t as terrifying as it could have been. In fact, when he thought about it, here he was, cornered in a secluded part of the library with a man who could easily be a killer, but it didn’t feel all that threatening. He had apparently gotten used to this man after all.

With a bitter taste in his mouth, Jeong Tae-ui asked,

"Are you planning to settle this troublesome business here?"

He briefly considered how long it might take for someone to find him if he got beaten up and left sprawled out here. The shelves right in front of him held novels, so people would come by occasionally, but this section contained collected works, which were rarely sought after.

If he was lucky, he’d be found quickly. If not, he might not be discovered until the library staff came to tidy up in the evening... It’d be nice if Ilay only caused him enough trouble to be found still alive when that happened.

Jeong Tae-ui looked up at Ilay intently as he spoke, and Ilay chuckled. Then, tilting his head slightly, he gazed down at him.

"Honestly, you’re such an amusing guy..."

A small whisper escaped his lips, barely audible, fading away just as quickly. Ilay suddenly bent slightly at the waist, bringing his eyes level with Jeong Tae-ui's, staring at him as if observing something peculiar. His gaze slowly traced from Jeong Tae-ui’s eyes to his nose and mouth, as though each feature was a rare sight. Jeong Tae-ui raised an eyebrow.

"Jeong Tae-ui, I’m going to tell you this one last time."

Ilay's voice dropped unexpectedly. He spoke slowly and deliberately, the way people often do when expressing something deeply genuine, his tone serious and measured.

"I have no desire to fight with you right now, but I won't tolerate anyone to the point of irritating myself. So, no matter who I'm up against or what happens, you’re not to interfere. Ever."

Ilay whispered this, his voice soft but clear, their faces mere inches apart. His dark eyes, void of any visible emotion, gave Jeong Tae-ui the eerie impression of staring into a glass doll. A sudden chill ran down Jeong Tae-ui’s spine.

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him with a mix of annoyance and resignation. The annoyance wasn’t directed at Ilay but at the situation itself, at the implication of Ilay's words.

So, I’ve been getting too comfortable around you, haven’t I? I should take care of my own survival.

He nodded in agreement. He had no intention of forgetting the priority that had driven him for the past six months: staying alive. He was halfway through the ordeal. After all the trouble and near-misses he had endured, he wasn’t about to jeopardize it in the remaining months. His goal was clear — survive and escape from this branch six months from now.

Seeing Jeong Tae-ui nod, Ilay’s lips curled into a smile. On that handsome face, the smile was undoubtedly charming, but knowing what lay behind it, it wasn’t reassuring.

"Good, that’s better. I want to keep you in one piece for as long as possible."

Yet Jeong Tae-ui could almost hear the unspoken caveat: As long as the situation allows it. Sighing, Jeong Tae-ui grumbled in dissatisfaction.

"Is it because of my uncle, or because I’m Jeong Jae-ui's younger brother, or because I’m the Gilsangcheon?"

The last comment was a bit amusing even to himself, but surprisingly, it didn't seem so funny to Ilay. Though he had his usual faint smile, there was no sign of amusem*nt as he tilted his head, appearing deep in thought.

"Well... let's skip the last one. As I mentioned before, I don't need anything to bring me luck. It's interesting, but not quite enough to fully capture my attention."

Jeong Tae-ui looked at Ilay, somewhat surprised. He had thought that the last reason might be the most likely, but didn't expect Ilay to dismiss it so easily.

Ilay seemed to seriously consider Jeong Tae-ui's question. Stroking his chin slowly as he pondered, he then smiled a bit more broadly before coming to a conclusion.

"If I had to choose, it would be because you're Jeong Jae-ui's younger brother. His talent is definitely something to be desired."

"My brother would be pleased. I'll be sure to let him know later."

Jeong Tae-ui shrugged as he spoke and began to walk toward the outside of the library.

Though the excuse he used earlier was to avoid bumping into those three people, he figured Instructor McKinn would be alone in his office by now. Sitting alone, perhaps he'd be wondering where Ilay, who was supposed to be free, was slacking off, and imprint a bad impression of him.

"There's no need to get too close, but it's also not necessary to antagonize him. Getting along with McKinn wouldn't be a bad thing—"

It was only after he said this that he remembered Ilay's direct superior was Mao, and McKinn's direct superior was Rudolf, just like his uncle. If you categorize them, the two are in a competitive relationship. Jeong Tae-ui thought that perhaps getting along too well might not be the best idea after all and closed his mouth just as he was about to say, "So get along well."

Just as Jeong Tae-ui, who was walking ahead, was about to step outside the library, something made Ilay suddenly grab his shoulder from behind. Before Jeong Tae-ui could turn around, Ilay seized his chin from behind and lifted it. Slightly startled, Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head back to look at Ilay, who was approaching him, and had a faint smile.


A sharp pain stung his cheek. Then, a wet mass of flesh slowly licked up from his cheek. The wet sensation that trailed from his cheek to his ear began to lick his earlobe slowly. Another sharp sting followed on his earlobe.

The sensation then moved down to the nape of his neck, causing Jeong Tae-ui to shiver slightly. As Ilay’s lips pressed against his neck, Jeong Tae-ui used both hands to gently push Ilay's face away. Looking at Ilay, who nonchalantly wiped his lips with an unusual gaze, Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head slightly.

He thought to himself, This guy must not have suddenly lost his mind. There's no way he was planning to bite into my neck and kill me. And he definitely wasn't suggesting some sort of territorial game here. He really is too crazy for me to understand.

As Jeong Tae-ui was contemplating what to say first and staring intently at Ilay, Ilay, who was wiping his lips with his thumb and then licking it, chuckled as he looked at Jeong Tae-ui.

"But leaving all that aside — Instructor Jeong, Jeong Jae-ui, Gilsangcheon — all aside, in another sense, you're quite something. It's really interesting."

"…Did you enjoy that game that much?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked skeptically as he looked at Ilay. Grabbing someone and kissing them out of nowhere, and then saying it’s good in another way, made Jeong Tae-ui’s mind conclude that this was the only logical explanation. Besides, he vaguely remembered hearing the word "interesting" at that time as well.

When Jeong Tae-ui said this, Ilay, who had been looking down at him with a smile, suddenly closed his mouth. The smile faded briefly from his face. Then, as he stared silently at Jeong Tae-ui, who was looking at him with a rather serious expression, Ilay suddenly burst into laughter.


The door to the instructor's office closed. The hallway and the office became separate worlds. Even if the soundproofing wasn't perfect, the fact that the air was cut off between the two sides was undeniable.

Beyond the door were six instructors from the branch office. In front of them, their respective assistants stood in formation.

At the end of the regular workday, the instructors would gather in the office each day to briefly share their thoughts on the events of the day. It was more of a short conversation than a formal meeting. The meeting held on Friday afternoons, after completing the week's schedule, tended to last a bit longer than the others, though it still usually didn't exceed half an hour. As Jeong Tae-ui closed the door after sending Ilay into the instructor's office, he mentally noted that his duties as an assistant for the day were officially over. Once the instructors finished their meeting and came out, the assistant would give their final reports to their respective instructors and then conclude their work for the day.

In Jeong Tae-ui’s case, he wasn’t really an official assistant but more of a makeshift one, so there wasn't much of a formal report to deliver. All he needed to do was ask if there were any remaining tasks or urgent matters after the meeting.

If I'd known I’d have to deal with this kind of hassle every evening, I wouldn't have bothered becoming an instructor, Ilay said bitterly as he entered the office. Left in the hallway to wait for Ilay to finish, Jeong Tae-ui let out a sigh of relief that another day had ended without incident. He made a mental note to mark off today's date on the calendar once he got back to his room.

"You look tired. Are you okay?"

Someone approached Jeong Tae-ui, who was leaning against the window, gazing at the darkening sky and taking a moment to catch his breath. Jeong Tae-ui turned his head slightly to look at the person and replied vaguely, “Yeah, well, I'm fine." It was the person who was still ingrained in Jeong Tae-ui’s mind as "the driver" — his uncle's assistant. After seeing his face in these brief encounters every evening, Jeong Tae-ui had become quite familiar with him.

"Being tired isn't anything new, and it's bearable. How about you? My uncle seems busy lately, so I assume you’re busy too?"

"Hmm, a bit."

Assistant Kang smiled faintly but didn’t go into detail. Even though Jeong Tae-ui was Instructor Jeong’s nephew, Kang never shared excessive details. He had mentioned before that it wasn't his place to judge how much information he should relay.

Kang was a man of few words, but once you got to know him, he was easy to get along with. He was the kind of person who knew how to say the right things at the right time. Additionally, he was one of the few members of the branch who would initiate conversations with Jeong Tae-ui.

Jeong Tae-ui took the canned coffee offered by Kang and sipped it while glancing around. Besides them, four other assistants were scattered throughout the hallway. However, Jeong Tae-ui had never heard any of their voices. More accurately, he had never heard them speak directly to him.

Assistants were fundamentally the same as regular members. Though they often couldn’t participate in the same activities, their basic mindset and behavior were not much different. They did gain some insight from being close to the instructors, so in some respects, they viewed things differently from the regular members. But overall, there wasn’t much distinction.

Because of this, they too didn’t particularly like Jeong Tae-ui for the same reasons as the regular members. Although they were respectful towards the instructors, they felt uneasy about Ilay, which was why they were wary of him. The assistants had their own close-knit relationships, but Jeong Tae-ui had no memory of ever having conversations with them.

Of course, Jeong Tae-ui didn't care at all. Paying attention to that kind of relationship was tiring, and it was only for half a year anyway. Half a year, half a year — when he repeated those words like a mantra, the troublesome matters on this island seemed somewhat bearable.

In an atmosphere where he was almost ostracized, one of the few members who spoke to Jeong Tae-ui without hesitation was assistant Kang. It might have been because he was an assistant of his uncle, but it also seemed to be due to his personality, which didn't care much about those kinds of competitive relationships.

Still, even though Jeong Tae-ui himself didn't care about those things, he felt grateful to anyone who spoke to him first. In Jeong Tae-ui's mind, this driver was etched as a very decent person.

"These days, it seems like you don't go to Instructor Jeong's room as much."

Assistant Kang suddenly mentioned this as if he had just remembered, when they were halfway through drinking their canned coffee. Jeong Tae-ui responded with a curious "Hm?" and looked back at him, trying to recall. Now that he thought about it, it had indeed been a while since he last visited his uncle's room.

"Well… I'm so physically and mentally exhausted that I don't feel like doing much of anything. But how do you know that? Did Uncle say something because I haven't been going?"

"No, it just seems like the beer cans in Instructor Jeong's room haven't been decreasing much lately."

Assistant Kang said this with a small smile. Jeong Tae-ui looked at him half in admiration, half in surprise. He had no idea how Kang knew such things. Perhaps reading Jeong Tae-ui's expression, Kang casually added:

"I organize Instructor Jeong's room. I also restock the fridge when it's empty."

"You even do that?"

"Most assistants probably do."

Jeong Tae-ui looked at him with a shocked expression, then slowly turned his head back and sipped his canned coffee.

It was surprising enough that he organized rooms, but to even know about the condition of other people's refrigerators — being an assistant was not something just anyone could do. The fact that he had become an assistant really seemed like a selection mistake on the part of his uncle and the other instructors.

Jeong Tae-ui had never been to Ilay’s room. He had never even thought of going. Of course, Ilay had never called him either. Visiting his uncle’s room whenever he wanted, freely opening the fridge, and taking things out to eat was enough.

As he drained the last sip of his canned coffee, thinking about how deep the world of assistants was, he suddenly heard Assistant Kang murmur, "Oh…". Jeong Tae-ui, who turned his head without much thought at the sound, spotted Xin Lu coming towards them from the office on the other side, carrying a box of documents.

It seemed like Xin Lu had known Jeong Tae-ui was there the moment he stepped out of the office, as he was looking directly at him. Xin Lu’s face seemed a little worse than the last time Jeong Tae-ui had seen him, which hadn’t been often recently.

Recently, Jeong Tae-ui hadn’t had a proper conversation with Xin Lu. Since Jeong Tae-ui became Ilay’s assistant, the atmosphere had remained awkward and cold. Even when Jeong Tae-ui tried to reach out, he couldn’t get through, and Xin Lu rarely contacted him. As a result, Jeong Tae-ui had been feeling quite disheartened.

Seeing Xin Lu slow his steps as he approached, Jeong Tae-ui left Assistant Kang with a brief "See you later," and walked toward Xin Lu. As Jeong Tae-ui got closer, Xin Lu stopped walking altogether.

"Where are you going? That looks heavy, let me help."


Xin Lu remained silent, not saying a word. Undeterred, Jeong Tae-ui tried to take the box Xin Lu was holding. But Xin Lu slightly shifted his body, trying not to hand over the box. Jeong Tae-ui, feeling a bit awkward at the gesture, reached out again.

"It’s heavy. Give it to me."

"No… I’ll carry it. Tae-ui hyung, you shouldn’t be carrying things like this."

Xin Lu finally opened his mouth as Jeong Tae-ui insisted on taking the load, tightly hugging the box as if not wanting to let go.

When Jeong Tae-ui silently withdrew his hand, feeling a bit embarrassed, Xin Lu seemed to notice and hesitated for a moment before muttering:

"It’s just that I don’t want you to carry heavy things. I’ll carry them, it’s okay. It’s not heavy."

"But it is heavy. Just from looking, it seems pretty heavy…"

"Tae-ui hyung."

Xin Lu cut off Jeong Tae-ui’s words sharply. Then, in a serious tone, he spoke clearly to Jeong Tae-ui.

"The truth is, when I joined UNHRDO, I was the top of my class. Not only in the intelligence test but also in the physical fitness test. So, originally, I would have entered as a regular member and followed the promotion course. But my mother strongly opposed me doing anything dangerous, so I joined as an administrative officer."

"Oh… I see."

Jeong Tae-ui responded blankly. He felt like he had heard something strange. This young man, so lovely and adorable, was the top of his class in the UNHRDO selection process. And to think, even in the famously grueling physical test, he was the top…

Jeong Tae-ui blinked, unable to fully grasp it. Suddenly, a memory flashed in his mind of his uncle smiling meaningfully and saying something.

—That kid, you know, he’s full of surprises. You’ll slowly come to understand as you spend time with him.


He thought his uncle was referring to how Xin Lu, with that delicate face, would try to take the lead in bed, but maybe he meant this instead. Or perhaps both were equally surprising and somehow interconnected.

Jeong Tae-ui stood silently next to Xin Lu. Xin Lu remained silent as well. Glances from the assistants occasionally flew their way, but they didn’t care. Xin Lu, too, paid them no attention.

"…I should have…"

After a while, Xin Lu, who had been hanging his head, suddenly muttered something quietly. His voice was so small that Jeong Tae-ui didn’t catch it and asked, "Hm?" At that, Xin Lu lifted his head.

When their eyes met, Jeong Tae-ui flinched. Xin Lu was looking at him with eyes that seemed somewhat resentful. His eyes appeared unusually moist, as if he was barely holding back tears.

"If I had known it would be like this… I should have joined as a regular member too."

His voice trembled faintly at the end. It really seemed like he was barely holding back his tears. Jeong Tae-ui looked at him in bewilderment. Once Xin Lu started talking, it was as if a floodgate had opened, and the words poured out.

"If I had joined as a regular member, I would have been eligible to be commissioned as an instructor within a few years. If I had waited just a little longer, I could have become an instructor too. Then, then I could have been with you, Tae-ui hyung. I shouldn't have become an officer."

Xin Lu cried out, unable to hide his frustration. Jeong Tae-ui could only stare at him, taken aback. He felt like he should say something, but he didn’t know what.

"But… but isn’t becoming an officer more difficult? If you work as an officer, don’t you get to go to the headquarters and work there after a few years?"

Jeong Tae-ui stammered as he tried to comfort him. He had never heard someone say they would rather have become a regular member than an officer. Although the roles were different, he had heard that being an officer was a slightly easier path to success.

However, Jeong Tae-ui's attempt at comforting Xin Lu didn't work. Shaking his head, Xin Lu cried out in despair.

"What’s the point of that? Even if I go to the headquarters, it’s not like you can be my assistant there! If I had known it would be like this, I wouldn’t have become an officer!"

In the end, Xin Lu couldn't hold back his tears. The sight of him sorrowfully shedding tears while holding the heavy box tightly to his chest seemed oddly out of balance, but Jeong Tae-ui didn't care about that. He was simply at a loss, not knowing what to do as he stood before the sobbing Xin Lu.

"Xin Lu, …don’t cry. Okay? Don’t cry."

He felt frustrated with himself for only being able to say those words. In truth, Jeong Tae-ui had never been told he was bad with words. Since coming to this island, some had even cursed him, saying that one day his smooth tongue would get him stabbed in the back.

But now, that skill with words was useless. If he couldn’t comfort the young man crying in front of him, what good was it?

Jeong Tae-ui, not knowing what else to do, carefully reached out and patted Xin Lu's shoulder. The shoulder flinched, trembling slightly. It pained him. He felt heartbroken and didn’t know how to make things better. Just then, as Jeong Tae-ui was fumbling helplessly in front of Xin Lu—

"…Alright, Xin Lu, stop crying now and finish moving those things. Tae-ui, stop dawdling. If you want to help move something, carry my stuff. It’s too heavy for me."

A cold, indifferent voice interrupted, showing no sympathy for the pitiful scene before him.

When Jeong Tae-ui turned his head, he saw his uncle, leaning against the threshold of the instructor's office, watching them indifferently. Behind him were instructors and assistants who, after glancing at them briefly, walked away nonchalantly. Ilay stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the corridor wall, quietly observing the scene. His expression was unreadable, making it hard to guess what he was thinking, but he stood there without any visible emotion.

Xin Lu quietly wiped his eyes with his finger, gave Jeong Tae-ui a slight nod, and walked away quickly. As he passed by Ilay, it seemed like Xin Lu glanced at him, but Jeong Tae-ui, standing with his back to them, couldn’t see what kind of expression Xin Lu had as he looked at Ilay. Ilay, for his part, only slightly raised an eyebrow as if amused, watching him with a faint interest.

Jeong Tae-ui, staring blankly at Xin Lu's retreating figure, turned to glare at his uncle, who said, Hurry up and move my things.

"Uncle, don't you feel sorry for that kid crying like that? You didn’t have to embarrass him like that."

"I don’t think he’ll consider it embarrassing. And by now, he’s probably already stopped crying. Don’t worry, just move my stuff. ──Ah, Young-min. Leave that alone. Tae-ui will handle it. It’s heavy, so just put it down and go finish your tasks. You’re done for the day."

His uncle waved off Assistant Kang, who was about to lift a large picture frame near the entrance of the instructor’s office, and gestured at Jeong Tae-ui to hurry up and move it. Jeong Tae-ui glared at his uncle for a moment, but, true to his nature, he couldn’t stay angry for long. With a sigh, he relaxed and approached the instructor’s office. As he did, his eyes met with Ilay’s, who was standing a short distance away.

"What? Do you have any work left today?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked, frowning slightly at Ilay, who was gazing at him with a curious expression. Normally, Ilay would have disappeared with just a casual wave after the meeting, but today he was looking at Jeong Tae-ui with a strange, thoughtful gaze.

Ilay, who had been quietly observing Jeong Tae-ui as if lost in thought, finally seemed to snap out of it at the question. He shrugged, his usual unreadable expression returning.

"No. I was just thinking how well you get along with that kid."

"….Don’t mess with Xin Lu. Find someone else."

Jeong Tae-ui replied curtly, his voice tinged with a hint of caution.

Ilay tilted his head slightly, studying Jeong Tae-ui for a long moment. Jeong Tae-ui met his gaze without flinching.

After what felt like an eternity, Ilay suddenly smiled. A cold light flickered in his dark eyes.

"Alright… Sure. I’ll find someone else, just as you said."

With that, Ilay stepped back lightly, gave a brief wave, and turned to walk away.

Watching Ilay’s retreating figure until he disappeared from view, Jeong Tae-ui finally turned back to his uncle. When he saw the enormous picture frame his uncle had pointed to, he was stunned.


Jeong Tae-ui collapsed as soon as he entered his uncle's room. More precisely, right after he set down the picture frame.

It was indeed as large as a door. It was a painting by a famous artist that had been gifted to his uncle, but Jeong Tae-ui thought about smashing the incomprehensible artwork exactly eleven times. That was the number of times he had to rest while dragging the painting from the instructor’s office to his uncle’s room.

"Uncle… this is really too much."

Jeong Tae-ui practically collapsed onto the bed after propping the picture frame against the wall. His uncle, meanwhile, leisurely retrieved a beer from the fridge and handed it to him. Even trying to grasp the can made Jeong Tae-ui's arms tremble so much that he couldn't pick it up right away.

After catching his breath, Jeong Tae-ui finally managed to sit up, massaging his arms several times before finally being able to take hold of the can. As soon as he cracked it open, he downed the entire contents in one go. Only then did he regain some energy, and he glared resentfully at his uncle.

His uncle, calmly setting a kettle on the stove, looked at him with an innocent expression as if asking, What did I do?

"I don’t mean to say you should always make others do the hard work for you, but if Assistant Kang offered to move that thing, why didn’t you just let him? Why make me do it?"

Jeong Tae-ui exclaimed, pointing at the picture frame.

The frame was incredibly heavy. Not only that, but its size made it difficult to handle. When an object is both large and heavy, it becomes nearly impossible to manage.

Jeong Tae-ui, who had always considered himself to be somewhat strong, now found himself glaring at the frame, wondering if it weighed as much as an elephant. His uncle, however, nonchalantly pulled out a teapot, acting as if nothing had happened.

"I wanted to see how well you’d handle yourself in social situations."

"And moving a heavy picture frame means I’m good at social situations?"

"If you can get someone else to move a heavy frame for you without lifting a finger, then yes, you’re good at social situations."

With a sympathetic click of his tongue, his uncle added,

"That’s why I’m a bit worried about you."

Jeong Tae-ui, still glaring at his uncle, sighed and fetched another beer from the fridge.

"So, you’re good at social situations because you got someone else to move the heavy frame for you, huh?"

"No, that’s the power of authority. In this case, it’s a result of having navigated social situations well enough to have someone else move the heavy frame."

Jeong Tae-ui clamped his mouth shut. He prided himself on his wit, but there were a few people he simply couldn’t out-talk, and his uncle was one of them. His uncle, savoring the aroma from his teacup, smiled.

"If I were you, I would’ve asked Xin Lu to move it."

Jeong Tae-ui waved his hand dismissively, looking incredulous.

"How could I ask someone so delicate to move something that heavy?"

His uncle just looked at him silently, his expression genuinely sympathetic this time.

"They say people don’t see things as they are, but rather as they want to see them…"

Jeong Tae-ui's uncle shook his head slightly, as if lamenting something.

Jeong Tae-ui, now seated properly against the bed, sipped his beer and glanced around the room. It had been a while since he last visited, and he wondered if anything had changed. However, the room appeared the same, except for a few new books stacked on the shelf.

"Haven't seen those books before."

"Yeah, you haven't been around much lately. Books keep coming in, though. You must've been busy. You've been scarce around here."

"It’s because the position you pushed on me as assistant instructor is squeezing the life out of me..."

He couldn't help but feel a tinge of resentment towards his uncle. After all, this was the only remaining family he had. But, sitting there, the resentment faded. Life, he figured, tends to move in its own direction.

"And it seems like you've been pretty busy yourself lately, Uncle."

"Hmm, the transfer date is approaching."

"Transfer... Oh, you mean the promotion to headquarters for the new director."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered, recalling the information he'd heard even before arriving. He wasn't entirely sure why his uncle had pulled him into this situation, but it seemed related to this very reason.

"Now that I think about it, there's less than a hundred days left, isn't there?"

"Right. Which is why it's getting busier by the day."

Though his uncle didn't openly express it, Jeong Tae-ui could tell he was tired as he sank deeply into the sofa, holding his teacup. The way he silently sighed while brushing back his hair spoke volumes about the workload.

Jeong Tae-ui observed his uncle quietly.

Before coming here, his uncle had said he needed a "lucky guy." With his older brother unavailable, Jeong Tae-ui had been dragged into this mess. His uncle had mentioned the need for someone who could survive in the cutthroat environment they were in.

"...So, who do you think will be the next director? Is Rudolph Gentill going to take the spot?"

"Well... It's hard to say for sure."

His uncle smiled ambiguously, and Jeong Tae-ui realized that his uncle likely had a good idea of who would take over.

"Do you think it'll go the way you want?"

"Hmm. Unless something unexpected happens, it should turn out fine. But you can never be too sure about things that haven't happened yet."

His uncle sipped his tea calmly. Jeong Tae-ui, leaning against the bed, stared down at the beer can in his hand, tapping the rim lightly. He then spoke casually.

"If things go as you wish, it'll be thanks to me, right?"

His uncle blinked in surprise at Jeong Tae-ui's words, then let out a low chuckle.

"Yes, yes, it’s all thanks to you coming here. You've been a great help."

His uncle's tone was laced with humor, as if he were playfully thanking Jeong Tae-ui for what was clearly a joke.

Jeong Tae-ui downed the last bit of his beer in one go, placing the empty can beside the bed with a clink. He continued, still in a light-hearted tone.

"So... Is it because I'm the Gilsangcheon?"

As soon as he said it, Jeong Tae-ui realized how ridiculous the words sounded coming from his own mouth. But the words were out, and there was no taking them back. Not that he intended to. He tilted his head slightly, looking at his uncle.

His uncle, who was drinking tea, momentarily paused as he was moving his teacup. With a slight frown, he stopped his drinking and looked up. Then, with a rather unsmiling face, he spoke somewhat gruffly.

"Did Rick say that?"

"It just happened to be that way. Was it something I wasn’t supposed to know?"

"Not exactly. But Jae-ui seems not to have wanted to tell you."

Jeong Tae-ui's eyes widened. Even though his uncle must have noticed his curiosity, he said nothing about it. Jeong Tae-ui didn’t feel compelled to ask further and simply nodded with a thoughtful, “Hmm.” Then, he suddenly chuckled.

"By the way, why would he think that? That my brother's luck is because of me? I don’t really see it that way."

Jeong Tae-ui shrugged. He was surprised that his uncle responded so seriously to what he had thought was just a passing comment. It almost felt like it was too real.

But upon reflection, it still seemed amusing. The luck a person is born with isn’t something that can be controlled by the individual. It is something that remains unchanged whether the world passes a hundred years or a thousand. Aside from the destiny that can be shaped by one’s own will, there are aspects that are clearly beyond human control.

The uncle also nodded. Then, as if recalling something, he gazed into the air.

"Of course, Jae-ui has always been a lucky child by nature. It’s unlikely that his luck would vanish immediately just because you’re not around. It’s uncertain, though. …But it is certain that Jae-ui and you are closely connected."

"Well, being twins does mean we’re close, but it’s not like the tales you hear, where if something happens to one, the other instantly knows. It’s not that mystical at all. Maybe other twins have some kind of mystical power, but at least we don’t. We’re just siblings."

"That’s true. But, you know, Jae-ui used to get sick whenever you were sick."

"…Children often get sick together because their immune systems are weaker than adults."

Jeong Tae-ui made a face of disbelief. He couldn’t believe that his uncle would think that something as trivial as that would indicate some mysterious, close bond between him and his brother.

But it seemed that his doubts were correct. Although his uncle didn’t have a very serious expression, he wasn’t joking or playing around either. Turning his teacup slightly, his uncle spoke slowly, as if recalling his memories.

"You’re in such good health now that it’s probably rare for you to even remember seeing a hospital, but when you were young, you were so weak that you were given dangerous diagnoses by doctors several times. You don’t remember that, do you?"

"Oh, I’ve heard about it."

"Right. I’ve had to carry you and run to the hospital after midnight more than a few times. But Jae-ui was so healthy that he never even caught a cold. Yet, whenever you were on the brink of death in the hospital, he would also be at home, suffering as if he were dying too, even if he was perfectly fine and running around during the day."

"…That’s… the mystery of twins, I guess."

Given that his uncle mentions it like this, it must have happened more than once and it is quite fascinating. However, attributing it to some kind of fortune is a bit grandiose. Jeong Tae-ui felt embarrassed and his face reddened.

"Is that all?"

Seeing that his uncle showed no sign of continuing, Jeong Tae-ui cautiously asked if that was really all. His uncle, lost in thought while looking at the ceiling, seemed to snap back to attention at Jeong Tae-ui’s voice. He shrugged and replied:

"Well, for now. Since you and Jae-ui were the ones who were sick, you’d know better."

"I don’t remember. When exactly did that happen?"

"It was a few years ago, when I was just about to start college, so it must have been when you were around two or three years old."

"Well, of course, I don’t remember."

"Really? Jae-ui seems to remember it, though."

"Well, he’s got a good memory, doesn’t he?"

Jeong Tae-ui sighed. He had hoped for a more grand or mystical explanation, but it turned out to be something close to a mere coincidence. It wasn’t that he had high expectations, but it was a bit deflating.

It was disheartening to think that both his uncle and Ilay knew about this trivial matter. There might even be others who know about it. However, such coincidences aren’t all that rare, and hearing it like this just made it seem like an inexplicable story.

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly felt a release of the invisible tension inside him and couldn’t help but let out a weak laugh.

"What is this? Believing in such superstitions. Really. It was pretty absurd from the start. What does it even mean for a person to bestow luck on another? If it were money or power, it would be easier to interpret."

His uncle didn’t say anything more and simply smiled calmly.

"Ask Jae-ui about that. He has a good memory, and in any case, if there’s any connection between you two, he’ll know."

"Perhaps. I don’t know when I’ll see him again. He might still remember by then."

"Well, your birthday is coming up soon. He’ll probably contact you around that time. He always does."

"That’s true. Or he might show up unexpectedly. …Even if he doesn’t, he will definitely get in touch around that time, even if it’s not on the exact day."

Jeong Tae-ui thought of his brother, whom he hadn’t seen for several months. Even if they were to be separated for hundreds of years, he wouldn’t worry about his well-being. His brother occasionally acted unexpectedly even within his regular life.

Jeong Tae-ui didn’t know much about his brother. At least, that’s what he believed himself.

One of the few things he knew about his brother was that, despite being perpetually engrossed in books or incomprehensible symbols, his brother undoubtedly loved him and their family. No matter where he was or what he was doing. Just as Jeong Tae-ui himself did.

He rarely thought about wanting to hear his brother’s voice or meet him. So, being apart for any length of time didn’t bother him.

Even now, with no clear end in sight and being far away, he didn’t feel any sense of loss. He firmly believed that whenever he desperately missed his brother, he would be able to get in touch. And that belief had never been betrayed.

Perhaps that’s what it means to be connected by a red string of fate that can’t be cut.

End of volume 2.

Chapter 8: Hidden Track: The Given Weight

Chapter Text

In my childhood, I thought I was a genius.

From the innocent days of early childhood through middle school, high school, and college, I never saw anyone who was better than me.

In fact, the belief that I was a genius didn’t come from my own self-awareness. It was because everyone around me said so.

People are creatures that take shape according to how others view them. Even before I matured, when people looked at me, they had astonished expressions and praised me with great enthusiasm, saying there would never be another prodigy like me. As a result, I really became someone like that.

I excelled in my studies compared to my peers, was good at sports, and knew how to live life well. I also knew how to get what I wanted more easily. I could be called a clever kid.

Fortunately, my family had enough wealth to provide a gifted child like me with all the opportunities for specialized education. This allowed me to fully express my talents and potential.

Soon enough, I grew tired of competing with children my own age in the environment I was in. Competing with them was too one-sided, and it wasn’t fun anymore.

Around that time, I learned about a prestigious foreign institution for gifted education. Upon hearing about this place where the brightest children were sent, I knew that I belonged there. My parents and those who knew me thought the same. So, at a young age, with high hopes, I left my family behind and embarked on a journey abroad alone.

And as a result, I came to understand reality.

In reality, I was still a genius. I adapted well to my new environment and soon achieved results above average.

But it was just "above average."

In reality, I was a genius, but there, I wasn’t a genius. I was merely a smart kid.

My childish arrogance was shattered, and in that place, I learned how to adapt to reality as a so-so genius. It was an incredibly useful experience.

It was only then that I made friends, could have conversations without feeling frustrated, and met people who understood me outside of my family. Looking back, it was the most valuable experience I’d ever had.

Although I wasn’t a world-changing genius, I was good enough to be the pride of my family. When I got accepted into a prestigious foreign university at an early age without much difficulty, my brother, who had practically raised me after our father passed away early, was so happy that he shed tears.

I was very close to my brother. He was already an adult when I was still a child. It wasn’t just because of our significant age difference. My brother matured early. He was always mature and had a solid sense of judgment. Although he wasn’t quick, he made the right decisions. I can’t express how much I loved and admired him.

However, my brother had one fatal biological weakness. Unfortunately, it was something we only discovered after he got married — my brother had a body that made it difficult, or rather impossible, to have children.

But my brother and his wife had a strong desire for a child, so they eventually asked for my help. I readily agreed. About a year later, they were able to have kids.

Biologically, the children was mine, but no one thought of it that way. Neither did I, of course. My brother offered to give me one of the children, but I had no intention of accepting. Even now, I don’t. Those children were entirely my brother and sister-in-law’s.

Yet, once an idea takes root in a person’s mind, it doesn’t easily change. Even if you think it has, it often lingers unconsciously beneath the surface.

Though I wasn’t the greatest genius in the world, I graduated from one of the top universities recognized globally and entered the UNHRDO without difficulty. This was something that anyone would consider impressive, and I secretly thought so too.

But around that time, I experienced the second great disappointment in my life — the realization that I wasn’t truly a genius, but rather just an ordinary person.

My brother had twins, and the older one was beyond what could be described as a genius.

During my occasional visits home during school breaks, I saw my nephews briefly. It wasn’t until they were about three or four years old, around the time I graduated from university, that I spent a month living with them. And during that month, I was crushed by the realization of my own limitations and talents because of a mere three or four-year-old child.

There’s no need to elaborate on how much of a genius the elder twin was. Let’s just say that, in my lifetime, it’s unlikely I’ll meet another genius of that caliber. Thankfully, my brother raised the child well, and unlike me, my nephew didn’t grow up to be arrogant or haughty.

Perhaps a true genius is someone who doesn’t concern themselves with such trivial matters. In any world, those at the very top tend to see things differently from those below.

The younger twin, my second nephew, was an ordinary child. He was frail at first, and there were many times when I returned home during school breaks and had to carry him to the hospital. But as he grew older, he became a healthy and smart kid — a child I also cherished.

Although I loved both of my nephews, I couldn’t deny that the second nephew didn’t captivate my interest as much as the older one.

The older nephew, as I’ve mentioned countless times before, was an extraordinary genius. I was so familiar with his brilliance that I wouldn't have been surprised if he had written out the chemical equations for a hydrogen bomb at that age. Beyond his intellect, he also possessed an incredible streak of luck, something that defied explanation.

He had everything — a sharp mind, good fortune, a gentle disposition, and a loving family. I spent quite a bit of time with him, largely because I was the only person around who could keep up with him intellectually. But after about a month, I had to leave again to start my work at UNHRDO.

I had a close friend from the gifted education program, someone who was similar to me — a middling genius. This friend had long since abandoned the titles of "genius" or "prodigy" and, after graduating from university, started a company with his father’s support.

It was a company that specialized in republishing old books — a business that seemed destined to fail. But my friend was wealthy enough that even sinking a small company or two wouldn't have been a problem. His family was in the arms trade, and one day he would have to take over the business.

Although he loved books, he was also highly knowledgeable about weapons, enough to carry on the family business without any issues. At the time, while I was working at UNHRDO, we often had conversations about weapons.

Then, one day, when my incredibly brilliant nephew was still young — before he even entered middle school — I stumbled upon a sketch he had made in a notebook. The drawing was crude, but its content was startling. It was an internal schematic of a machine gun, complete with detailed notes on the side, explaining everything necessary to construct it.

Shocked, I asked him about it. My nephew responded with a nonchalant expression, saying he had been bored and just thought about it for fun. He told me to do whatever I wanted with the drawing, whether to keep it or burn it.

I was beyond surprised; I was shaken to my core. He hadn’t copied it from somewhere or traced it. He had imagined, calculated, and drawn the schematic himself, figuring out the mechanics of the weapon and how the ammunition would work — all as a way to pass the time. And it was a revolutionary design, unlike any existing machine gun.

I immediately sent the drawing to my best friend, who was by then expertly running his failing book business.

Naturally, my friend recognized the value of the drawing and was incredibly excited. He insisted that I come to his house immediately so we could discuss it in person.

I immediately headed to my friend's house. Throughout the journey, despite my deep admiration and even fear of my nephew's genius, I couldn't shake off a profound sadness at the core of my emotions.


My friend’s house was a mansion — a sprawling estate so grand that you had to drive from the gate to the front door. Although I had never lacked financially, I had never before encountered such opulence. I looked around in awe, feeling like I had stepped into a scene from a movie.

When I got out of the car and stood before the imposing building, I couldn't help but marvel at it. I waited, expecting someone to come out to greet me, all the while taking in the surroundings with wide eyes.

And then, it happened.

A sudden, piercing scream shattered the tranquility. A large boy, around fourteen or fifteen years old, came running from the side of the mansion, crying hysterically.

My eyes widened in shock.

The boy was covered in wounds. But to say he was "covered in wounds" felt like an understatement. His leg was swollen and limping, as if badly sprained, and his arm looked so severely injured that I wondered if it was broken — it was bleeding profusely.

His head seemed to have been struck as well, with blood soaking his hair and running down his swollen, bruised face like a battered boxer’s. It looked like a scene of child abuse, and I stood frozen, staring in disbelief.

Then, another boy emerged from the same direction. He was smaller in build than the first boy, but his lean, lanky limbs made him look more like a teenager than a child.

But it was the sight of this second boy that truly shocked me. He had a blank expression on his face and was holding a hammer — a massive one, the kind used on construction sites, far larger than any household tool.

Without hesitation, the boy calmly approached the injured boy and, with a disturbingly nonchalant look, swung the hammer again. I heard that same gut-wrenching scream I had heard just moments before.

As I stood there, paralyzed by the unexpected violence, a large man came rushing out of the house. He hurriedly tried to stop the boy with the hammer, gently coaxing him. The boy looked annoyed, his eyes reflecting a menacing irritation as if he was seriously considering whether to swing the hammer at the man as well.

Having grown up in a peaceful world, I could hardly comprehend where such ferocity had come from. I just stood there, wide-eyed and stunned, until my friend came out of the house. He greeted me with a smile, clearly happy to see me, but the moment his gaze fell on the boy, his expression turned somber.

“Ilay, you did it again.”

He sighed, addressing the boy. The boy, whom my friend called Ilay, casually wiped the blood spatter from his face and replied indifferently,

"I told you not to call me by my name."

"Names are meant to be called."

"I’ve told you, only those I permit can call me by my name. Use my surname."

The boy said this and suddenly turned his gaze towards me. He looked me up and down with a disapproving glance. My friend sighed again and introduced the boy to me.

"Chang-in, this kid is my younger brother. He's ten years old this year. There's quite a big age gap between us, but he's definitely my brother. You heard his name just a moment ago, but don't call him that. He's a bit peculiar, so just call him by his surname. Ilay, this is my friend, Jeong Chang-in. Don’t treat him carelessly."

I was surprised. I was shocked that this ferocious little boy was my friend's brother, and also shocked that this little boy was my friend's brother, who would be in his thirties in just a few years. I was even more surprised that, no matter how I looked at him, he seemed to be only around fourteen or fifteen, but was actually just ten years old.

Of course, the most surprising thing was his brutal violence. However, the boy who had thrown the hammer earlier entered the house with a calm expression, as if he had never been so vicious, after giving a slight nod. I, still dazed, followed my friend into the house.


"Remarkable. Truly... unbelievable."

The first thing my friend said after carefully examining the blueprint for a long time. I could completely understand his feelings. At first, I couldn't believe it either, and even suspected that perhaps another child or a technician had drawn it.

"This kid is your nephew, right? How old did you say he was?"

"Twelve. No, actually, he’d be ten by local age standards."


My friend shook his head in disbelief. He even looked at me with a reproachful gaze, as if I were lying, but I had nothing to hide. My friend seemed to realize that everything I was saying was true and could only sigh thereafter.

"Ten years old."

"Yes. Just ten years old."

My friend suddenly looked at my face. I still don’t know what kind of expression I had. But my friend must have seen something on my face because he quietly reached out and patted my shoulder.

"Don’t feel sorry, my friend. Everyone lives the life they are given."

I could only look at him. I didn’t know what he saw on my face, but I nodded. As I sat gloomily staring at the blueprint in the drawing room across from my friend, the boy from earlier, who had been reading a book some distance away, slowly wandered over. His idle demeanor resembled that of a hungry lion searching for something tasty.

"Hmm. Are you the one who drew this?"

The boy asked me as he closely examined the blueprint. I was slightly surprised by his blunt tone and shook my head with a smile.

"No. My nephew. He’s probably around your age... Riegrow."

I glanced at the boy’s reaction while mentioning the surname I rarely uttered, even when addressing my friend. The boy, examining the blueprint as if it were an interesting toy, mumbled, "That's impressive." I was surprised that a boy his age could look at the blueprint and find it impressive.

"Chang-in, could I talk to your nephew?"

My friend, clearly intrigued by the blueprint, asked me eagerly. I hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded. Receiving calls from strangers for academic reasons was already a frequent occurrence for my older nephew.

When I agreed, my friend was delighted and quickly prepared the phone, while I picked up the receiver to call my brother’s house.

Just then, the boy, who had been looking at the blueprint with curiosity, stared straight at me and boldly said that he wanted to make the call himself.

I looked at my friend, who shrugged in resignation and asked me for my understanding before letting his younger brother make the call. After a few words, he soon asked to speak with the nephew directly.

As the dial tone rang, my friend suddenly seemed to remember something and pressed the switch on the phone. The signal tone then echoed through the speakerphone.

It wasn’t long before someone answered the phone.


It was my second nephew’s voice. The boy seemed a bit puzzled by the unfamiliar language, so I informed him that English would be fine. My nephews had often traveled abroad since they were young, so they could handle basic English as if it were their native language. The boy tilted his head slightly and began speaking in English.

"Hello. Are you Jae?"

Startled by the sudden English, my second nephew was silent for a moment before slowly replying.

[No, my brother isn’t here right now. He went to the lab with Mom for some tests, and I’m here alone. Who are you?]

Hearing that innocent voice made me smile unconsciously. I decided that the next time I returned home, I would have to remind my nephew not to say things like that to strangers when he’s alone.

My friend must have had a similar thought because he also smiled gently. The boy, who seemed much more worldly than my nephew despite being the same age, gave him a rather mature piece of advice with a disbelieving expression.

"If you're home alone, you shouldn't tell anyone that. You don't even know who called."

[Why not? You're in America. Mom, Dad, and my brother will all be back before you get here.]

My second nephew spoke with a bit of pride. It seemed he thought that speaking English automatically meant the person was in America. The boy frowned and glared at me, as if blaming me for raising such a naive child. I shrugged, pretending not to notice.

"This isn’t America; it’s Germany. And your neighbor could call you in English too, you know."

[No way. The grandma next door doesn’t speak English. Neither does the grandpa. Hmm… but maybe the lady who visits sometimes could. I’ll ask her next time she comes.]

"Yeah, make sure to check things like that."

Only after sternly advising him did the boy realize this wasn’t the conversation he intended to have. Though he seemed to lose interest in the call, my second nephew, who was bored being home alone, started talking non-stop.

[So where’s Germany? Are you in Germany? Then you can’t come here? Is it farther than America? I’m bored right now, so why don’t you come over? My name’s Tae-ui. Jeong Tae-ui.]

Overwhelmed by the barrage of questions, the boy looked a bit frustrated and stammered as he frowned.

"I could come, but it’s hard right now. I’d have to go to the airport to catch a plane. If you’re bored, why don’t you come here? If you do, I can at least send someone to pick you up at the airport."

The boy spoke arrogantly, and my friend gave him a strange look, as if wondering if the boy had lost his mind. But the boy, full of himself, continued speaking.

"It’s only a few hours away, so you just have to be patient, Tae-i."

[No, it’s not Tae-i. It’s Tae-ui.]

"Tae… Tae-i…?"

The boy hesitantly repeated the name, clearly unsure. Immediately, my nephew corrected him.

[No, that’s not right. Tae—ui.]


[No, not like that….]

Patiently, my second nephew kept repeating his name, calmly correcting the boy without getting angry. After several attempts, the boy, clearly getting more frustrated, finally managed to say my nephew’s name somewhat correctly on the seventh or eighth try.


[Yeah, that’s it.]

My second nephew exclaimed happily. The boy’s face showed a mixture of relief and a sigh.

[But who are you? What’s your name?]

"I... I’m…."

The boy was about to arrogantly state his name when a doorbell rang from the speakerphone. It seemed someone had arrived.

[Oh, it must be Mom and my brother! Call me back later. Let’s play again later!]

With a bright voice, my second nephew said this and hung up the phone without waiting for the boy to say who he was calling for in the first place. The boy stared at the receiver, now emitting the disconnected tone, with a bewildered expression.

As I turned to look, my friend was trying to suppress a laugh. The boy, increasingly frustrated, grew more and more furious until he finally smashed the phone with his fist. The phone shattered into pieces, and the boy stormed out of the drawing room without another word.

Once the boy had left, my friend burst out laughing. I felt a bit guilty, as if I had done something wrong, but my friend, still laughing, said,

"When will that kid ever experience something like this again?"

Eventually, after a short while, I called again so that my friend could finally speak with my older nephew. My friend kept laughing the entire time, clearly amused.


My older nephew seemed to have gradually developed an interest in weapon development after that. More precisely, it wasn’t that he was interested himself, but because there were people who were interested — my friend among them, and their number kept increasing — he started designing weapons to satisfy their needs.

The new machine gun he first designed was slightly modified and developed two years later, and it greatly aided my friend’s family business. Probably no one would ever guess that the person who devised that new machine gun was just a young boy in his early teens.

My nephew started gaining recognition in secret. He was already known as a genius, but since the weapons industry couldn’t publicly showcase his work, his reputation spread quietly.

He wasn’t just the type of genius who was only smart as a child; as he grew older, he continued to conceive new and more sophisticated innovations. By the time he became an adult and joined UNHRDO as a special researcher, he had achieved more than I could count on my fingers.

My nephew has remained unchanged over the years. He’s always been quiet, calm, and reserved. That mysterious air of not knowing what he’s thinking hasn’t changed either. He always observed the world with quiet eyes, as if contemplating everything from a distance.

In the end, I never regretted pulling him into this industry. As my friend said, everyone lives the life they’re given. What my nephew was given wasn’t something I provided; it was given to him by someone long before he was born.

Everyone’s the same. Just as I live within my means now, my nephew will continue to live within his abilities in the future.

But sometimes, when I look at my nephew, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of sadness and tenderness. In this vast world, what he carries is too immense. It’s as if he’s standing alone in this enormous world, and what he bears is as overwhelming as the world itself.

I wonder if my nephew can truly endure carrying such a great burden. Sometimes, even my small abilities feel too much for me to handle.

Yet, my nephew never complained to me. He always stayed in the same place, with the same calm expression. That’s why I wanted to grant him whatever he desired. If there was anything I could do, I wanted to do it.

I wanted to help him, even if it only lightened his burden a little. So, as much as my meager abilities allow, I will pave the path he wants to walk.

Chapter 9: Chapter 8

Chapter Text

[Yuji] Passion Volume 3

T&R Inc.

It was scorching. The yellow sunlight streaming in through the window onto the right side of his face burned hotly, despite the late hour. Yet, unbothered, Jeong Tae-ui continued to read his newspaper quietly. The heat wasn’t as unbearable as the prickling sensation of being watched. Tae-ui lifted his gaze from the newspaper, tracing the source of the stare that was boring into the side of his face. A little ways off, a woman who appeared to be waiting for someone kept glancing at her watch while stealing glances in his direction. But as soon as Tae-ui turned his head, her gaze, which had been slightly off-target, reflexively met his. It was then that he realized she hadn’t been looking at him at all.

Her gaze was fixed on the column standing solidly beside him. More precisely, on the mirror affixed to one side of the column. She had merely been checking her appearance in the mirror.

Following her gaze, Tae-ui unconsciously looked at the column and saw his own reflection. He frowned without realizing it.

"Quite a sight......."

The reason the woman had recoiled in shock as soon as their eyes met was painfully clear in the mirror. His face was grotesquely swollen and distorted, with his eyelids, temples, and jaw all sporting a mishmash of red, yellow, and blue bruises. The split lip, crusted with dried blood, was the least of his worries.

Originally, his features were nothing too shabby; he could walk around without hearing that he was ugly, holding his head high wherever he went. But now, there was no trace of his former appearance to be found. To make matters worse, this battered face was topped off with an ill-fitting suit. It was an appearance that would perfectly suit a low-ranking thug from some underworld organization. No one around here would believe it, but just half a day ago, Tae-ui's face had been fine. There might have been a bruise or two from unavoidable altercations during his routine, but this morning, his face was far from this unrecognizable state.

The human body, while it takes quite some time to heal, can be destroyed in an instant.

It was a late morning, about an hour before noon, when the trouble began. Tae-ui was resting in the lounge, listening to music, when two colleagues, who he wasn’t particularly close to, started fighting nearby. They were old enough to know better, and Tae-ui had no intention of getting involved. So, even when one of them bumped into the chair Tae-ui was sitting in, nearly causing him to slide off, he didn’t bother telling them to stop. All he said was, "If you’re going to fight, do it outside."

But the trouble came from an unexpected angle. The spark was a muttered, "That European bastard’s lackey." To Tae-ui’s utter bewilderment, the two men, who had been brawling with each other, suddenly turned their fists on him. Taken aback by the unfairness of it all, Tae-ui found himself suddenly infuriated and retaliated with equal force. There was no end to the injustice. Not only had the two who were fighting each other suddenly teamed up to attack him, but they also loathed "that European bastard," yet lacked the guts to go after him directly, choosing Tae-ui as their substitute target instead.

‘Did these guys eat something they shouldn't have? Or maybe they threw away what little common sense they had? Go pick it up wherever you tossed it, huh?!’

The shout Tae-ui let out as he pummeled them wasn’t just directed at the two of them. It was also aimed at the rest of the crew who were standing around, watching the fight unfold without stepping in to stop it. Some of those onlookers were even members of Tae-ui's own team, which only made his anger boil over even more.

In the end, while Tae-ui landed plenty of punches, he also took quite a few himself. After getting some quick treatment in the infirmary, his face began to swell and bruise as time passed. This all happened on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

As he rubbed his face, Tae-ui thought that if this was how things were going to turn out, it would have been better to wait and let his injuries heal first before coming outside. His swollen jaw throbbed painfully at even the slightest touch. He had plans for the evening. The broker, whom he had met before through Alta’s introduction, had contacted him saying that he had found the items Tae-ui had ordered, so they had arranged to meet last week. Tae-ui had planned to spend some time relaxing before catching an afternoon ferry to Hong Kong to meet him.

He wasn't someone that required formalities, but still, it was someone to whom he should show a certain level of respect. Besides, the meeting place was the lobby of a five-star hote l— though they would move to another place after meeting. It wasn't a situation or place where one could show up with a face beaten up from a brawl.

"Damn it. If you're going to get into a fight, you should've done it tomorrow instead."

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and rubbed his face. It wasn't a face that could be called handsome, but at least he'd never been told he was ugly. That used to be a small comfort, but now, his face had gone beyond being ugly — it was hardly even human anymore.

As Jeong Tae-ui bitterly clicked his tongue and wiped his face in front of the mirror, a man approached him from behind like a shadow. Their eyes met in the mirror as the man, with a gaze as fierce as a ghost, stared at Jeong Tae-ui.

"What's so beautiful about that messed-up face that you're scrutinizing it so closely?"

"Did you lose focus in the restroom and spill all over your pants? Why the sudden hostility?"

Even just moving his mouth to speak made his temples throb. His face must have really taken a beating. As Jeong Tae-ui looked back at the mirror and muttered nonchalantly, the man glared at him harshly before sitting on the single-person couch next to him.

"You dragged me all the way to Hong Kong without any notice, and the person we're supposed to meet hasn’t even shown up. If you're playing with me without even scheduling a meeting, I'll seriously kill you."

"You think I’d waste my precious time just to play with you? Sorry, but I’d have to decline."

Jeong Tae-ui shook his head as he added, I don't have the slightest desire to spend time with someone who's obsessed with guns, pretending they’re his lover, and can’t live without them. What if your disease is contagious? Maurer, the gun enthusiast, glared at him with eyes blazing.

"Do I look like I'm carrying some contagious disease? I have no intention of sharing even a sliver of my love for my precious ones with you! Damn it, on this precious Saturday, the time I should be spending cleaning and maintaining my babies, why do I have to be out here with you? Just hand over the Colt! Once I get it, I’ll head back right away!"

"Hold on, the guy will be here soon... Ah, ouch."

Jeong Tae-ui, who had been shaking violently from Maurer grabbing him by the collar, winced as his back hit the chair repeatedly, the impact spreading pain to his face. His face, already battered to the point of being unrecognizable, throbbed in pain. As Jeong Tae-ui brushed off Maurer’s hand and rubbed his face, muttering, "Ouch, that hurts," Maurer clicked his tongue as if realizing why Jeong Tae-ui was complaining and reluctantly let go.

"I told you I don't want to be with you either. What if I pick up the habit of getting into trouble just by hanging around with you?"

Even though it was a boomerang he’d thrown himself, it felt like a dagger piercing his chest. Jeong Tae-ui hunched over, covering his face. He wanted to loudly proclaim that he wasn’t naturally prone to getting into trouble and that even though his luck might be a bit (or very) down, his nature hadn’t changed. But he didn’t think it would help.

"Why bring that up on a rare good weekend when I’m avoiding the trouble and having a decent holiday? You damn bastard, Maurer."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered with a groan, his face buried in his hands. Come to think of it, he’d spent the entire week near that troublesome rock, but come the weekend, that troublesome rock would always rush off to Hong Kong right after the official duties on Friday, only returning by Sunday night. Sometimes, he wouldn’t return until early Monday morning. So, during the weekends, Jeong Tae-ui would spend peaceful days having nothing to do with that troublesome rock. Yet, what kept reminding him of that troublesome rock were the other guys. Every time they saw him, they would bring up that troublesome rock, calling him the crazy European guy.

Jeong Tae-ui, who tried not to think about him as much as possible unless he was in front of him, would secretly think, ‘In truth, you guys must not hate him; you just can't stand being without him. That's why you keep bringing him up in conversation. You guys are twisted by love and hate.’ But he never said it out loud, knowing it would lead to a fatal retaliation.

Maurer clicked his tongue as he looked at Jeong Tae-ui with pity.

"You know, you seem pretty smart, but sometimes you do things that I just can't understand. Even on a perfectly clear day without a speck of fog, you would walk right off a cliff."

"What did I do?"

"From what I see, you don’t seem to be aiming for success. If that’s the case, you should be keeping your distance from that troublesome rock and hiding among the pebbles for your own safety. But why do you insist on staying close to the troublesome rock, getting beaten by the pebbles and also getting crushed by the rock? Look around you. Who do you have left to stand by you now? All your comrades are gone. And do you think that crazy Riegrow would ever consider you an ally? Not a chance."

Maurer clicked his tongue again and shook his head. Jeong Tae-ui, still hunched over, turned his head slightly to look up at Maurer from the corner of his eye. Despite Maurer’s usual hostility toward him, there was a hint of pity in his eyes as he looked down at Jeong Tae-ui, showing some sympathy for his situation.

"Did I walk off the cliff on my own? I was pushed. Why does no one believe me no matter how many times I say it?"

"From what I see, you have a strong tendency to jump off cliffs on your own. You walk right into the tiger's den and stick your head into the tiger's mouth. Look, you're doing it again. Why did you choose this place for the meeting? It's not like there aren't other luxury hotels in Hong Kong, so why did you specifically pick this one?"

"Does a tiger live in this hotel? Is there a cliff behind it? Then what about Pacific Place over there? Do they sell cliffs and tigers as a set at that mall?"

"There's a cliff right next to the hotel, and a tiger is waiting with its mouth wide open at the bottom, you idiot! Don't you see the Lippo Centre across the street?!"

As Jeong Tae-ui shouted in frustration, Maurer yelled back just as loudly. Intimidated by Maurer’s outburst, Jeong Tae-ui shut his mouth and frowned. The Shangri-La Hotel was practically in the heart of Hong Kong Island, a luxury hotel in a bustling area filled with skyscrapers where top global companies gathered. Jeong Tae-ui had been here a few times before, but he'd never heard of any cliffs housing tigers in this high-end Admiralty district lined with luxury shops. Moreover, the Lippo Centre, which Maurer was pointing to, didn’t seem to be built on the edge of a cliff at all. Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly at the Lippo Centre. The twin buildings, which stood side by side, housed numerous public and private companies. While many Hong Kong residents avoided it due to its bad feng shui, Maurer didn’t seem to be referring to that.

"What’s wrong with it…….."

As Jeong Tae-ui pointed at the Lippo Centre and turned his head, he noticed the person they had been waiting for approaching from a distance, and he lowered his hand. It was the broker they were supposed to meet today. The broker, recognizing Jeong Tae-ui, raised his hand in greeting.

"Haha, I’m a bit late. My apologies, I was meeting with an important person."

"No, we just got here as well."

Jeong Tae-ui spoke politely, remembering how the broker had been introduced by Alta and how he had flattered him by calling him "sir" without batting an eye. Although Maurer was now giving him a cold stare, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t afford to make the situation awkward. He didn’t forget to give Maurer a slight jab in the side as he stood there silently staring at the broker.

"And who might this friend be…?"

Perhaps due to the nature of his work, the broker asked cautiously, with a slightly suspicious look on his face when he saw the unfamiliar person. Jeong Tae-ui smiled as warmly as possible and patted Maurer’s shoulder affectionately.

"This is your buyer. He has a vast collection as a hobby."

"Ah, I see…"

The broker nodded in understanding. Though Maurer looked very uncomfortable with Jeong Tae-ui’s friendly shoulder pat, he had enough sense not to say anything unnecessary at the moment.

"Well, this isn’t the best place to talk. I’ve booked a room upstairs, so let's head up."

As the broker stood up and spoke, Jeong Tae-ui quickly brushed off Maurer’s hand as he pinched the back of Jeong Tae-ui’s hand, shaking his own hand afterward. Maurer muttered under his breath.

"We could have just met in a room from the start, or in a restaurant with some dividers. Why this hotel, of all places?"

As Jeong Tae-ui was about to pinch Maurer’s side again, the broker, who was a few steps ahead, glanced back as if he had heard the complaint.

"Why, don't you like it? Haha, then next time, I'll choose a different place. But for today, I had a prior appointment right next door. I mentioned it before, didn't I? A large branch office opened in Hong Kong. It’s in the Lippo Centre. Since I had business there and came right over, this place was the most convenient."

Although Maurer’s complaints didn’t seem to irritate the man, which was fortunate, Maurer’s face contorted sharply at his words. Jeong Tae-ui glanced at Maurer’s reaction and scratched his head. He didn't know much about Chinese feng shui, but he figured he'd probably agree that the building was indeed ominous.

"Ah. What kind of branch office is it?"

"Well, to put it simply, it's a type of defense contractor. They handle both supply and manufacturing, and they’re a top-notch company in that industry. You’d probably recognize the name if I mentioned it…."

Jeong Tae-ui suddenly wondered if Chinese feng shui, which he had thought was nonsense, might actually be remarkably accurate.

He sneaked a glance at Maurer. As usual, Maurer had a grumpy expression, as if everything in the world annoyed him, and he was sulkily walking along.

"Hey, Maurer. That branch office that moved in over there……"

Just as Jeong Tae-ui was about to speak, the broker turned to him as they reached the elevator.

"But why does your face look like that? I almost didn’t recognize you at first. Who on earth has the guts to beat up someone from UNHRDO like that?"

Jeong Tae-ui closed his mouth and swallowed his words. Who else could it be? The very talents from UNHRDO. Although Maurer didn’t participate directly in Jeong Tae-ui's physical suffering, he certainly contributed to his mental anguish. Seeing Jeong Tae-ui's gloomy face, Maurer clicked his tongue in disapproval. However, the concern on Maurer's face was short-lived; as soon as they arrived at the hotel room and the broker took out the Colt, Maurer completely forgot about Jeong Tae-ui, eagerly diving toward the gun with eyes gleaming.


T&R Inc.

Jeong Tae-ui’s gaze, which had been scanning the crowded nameplates on one side of the lobby, stopped on a sign with a simple yet sophisticated typeface. It seemed newly installed, as it gleamed like a sharp blade.

No one paid attention to Jeong Tae-ui, who was staring at the sign with a face swollen as if he had just escaped a group beating. The people in suits passing by occasionally brushed past him, muttering into their phones in languages he couldn't understand. If anyone noticed him at all, it might have been the neatly dressed security guard.

"Are you looking for someone?"

The security guard, who had been observing Jeong Tae-ui from a distance, noticed that even after a few minutes, Jeong Tae-ui showed no signs of moving from his spot, lost in thought. The guard approached him quietly and asked, Are you looking for someone? Jeong Tae-ui gave the guard a brief, serious look before pointing at the nameplate.

"That one, T&R Inc…"

"Ah, yes. They moved in recently. Do you have business there? If you tell me who you're looking for, I can contact them for you."

"No, there's no need for that... If I think of something, I’ll go up myself."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered this suspicious-sounding reply with a straight face, causing the guard to give him a slightly startled look. The guard then responded in a firmer tone.

"Each floor is equipped with security systems. Without an access card, you won’t be able to enter."

"I see... Well, I guess I don't have any pressing business after all."

Jeong Tae-ui mumbled as he rubbed his chin and then stepped back with a sigh. As he turned away, he could feel the suspicious gaze of the guard boring into the back of his head.

The broker and Maurer got along remarkably well. Now that Jeong Tae-ui observed it, he realized the broker had a strong inclination toward being a fanatic himself. When two people who loved firearms and weapons got together, they bonded like old friends. Their conversation, which had started with the Colt, quickly escalated into a territory far beyond Jeong Tae-ui’s understanding. He had thought he knew a thing or two about weaponry, but he had been wrong. The world of enthusiasts was deep indeed.

Eventually, as the two of them began to engage in a long and enthusiastic conversation, Jeong Tae-ui left the room first.There was no reason for him to stay any longer, as the Colt, which would soon be handed over to Maurer, had already been paid for months ago. Standing in front of the hotel entrance, Jeong Tae-ui remained deep in thought, staring silently at the ground until the doorman approached him with a curious expression. Then, he looked up at the buildings across the street, where two identical-looking structures stood side by side amidst the densely packed skyscrapers.

He began walking toward those buildings, not because he had any particular reason, but simply because something very trivial had caught his attention. Something so insignificant that he couldn't even guess what it was.

In truth, Jeong Tae-ui had good instincts. As his uncle had once mentioned, in some areas, he thought he had pretty decent intuition. Of course, it wasn't in all areas, but when he saw that nameplate, he couldn’t take his eyes off it.

T&R Inc.

There were numerous nameplates in the lobby, many of which bore company names that Jeong Tae-ui didn't recognize. It was possible that another defense contractor was among them, but the only name he knew for sure was that one. Anyone even remotely involved in this industry would be familiar with the name, as it was well-known. Though it wasn’t a large company, it was a highly reputable one, focusing more on anti-material weapons than on small arms. Jeong Tae-ui had learned about it during his military academy days in weapons studies. Not only had he heard of it, but weapons produced by that company were scattered all over the place.

T&R Inc.

Named after its co-founders, it was a nominal corporation, but in reality, it was known for its family-run management style.

Tarten & Riegrow Inc.

As Jeong Tae-ui quietly stared at the nameplate, the name, buried in his memory, suddenly resurfaced.

"Riegrow... It’s not an unheard-of name, but it’s not that common either…"

Stepping outside the building, Jeong Tae-ui sat on one of the benches placed near a simple yet neatly maintained flower bed. It was amusing that someone who had served as a military officer had remained oblivious to this fact until now. Moreover, the man had mentioned that he was helping with the family business of arms brokerage — though it wasn’t just brokerage.

"But really, no one around me ever called it Tarten & Riegrow Co. by its full name; everyone just said T&R."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered in a weary voice, knowing full well that there was no cigarette to be found in his pocket, yet he still patted his chest out of habit. Damn. So this is what the whole "Diamond Spoon" thing was about. The guy had said in a casual tone that he was helping his older brother with the family’s weapons business.

Jeong Tae-ui had assumed they were just selling weapons to small armed groups or dealing with risky personal transactions. But if it was that company, then "Diamond Spoon" was a perfect match. Even a company making billions annually might be unheard of by those not interested in economics. If an ordinary person knew the name of such a company, it was likely because it made an unimaginable amount of money. T&R Inc. was well-known in its field, to the point where even a military officer from another country might have heard of it.

"But this really was a lion’s den at the edge of a cliff... It's true that that name is bad news for me, but it’s not like I have any direct conflict with that family. There’s no reason to be so terrified."

As he muttered to himself about Maurer’s exaggerated reaction, Jeong Tae-ui reached into the opposite pocket. Then he paused, wondering if it was really that well-known that Ilay was from that family. The surname wasn’t common, but based on his uncle’s reaction, it didn’t seem like something widely discussed.

"Maurer had one foot in our company before joining UNHRDO. Where else would that weapons fanatic want to work? Here, Dunhill, right? Your preference?"

A single white cigarette suddenly appeared over Jeong Tae-ui’s shoulder, as if out of nowhere, just as he was persistently searching for a cigarette that he knew wasn’t there.

…Yeah. Maurer, you were right. It’s not about the name; if this guy’s lurking around here, it’s definitely a tiger’s mouth. He finally understood why he was scolding him for hanging around this area on my rare day off in Hong Kong. Without even looking back, Jeong Tae-ui accepted the cigarette with a dull expression and placed it in his mouth. Moments later, a lighter appeared over his shoulder, offering him a light.

"Why does your face look like that? It hasn’t even been a day since I last saw you, but you’ve changed so much in such a short time."

"Well, ever since I started working under a legendary instructor, it’s been a common occurrence.”

"Oh, I see."

A soft chuckle escaped from behind him. Jeong Tae-ui glanced back with a bitter smirk. The man, who had kindly offered him a cigarette, was dressed in a sharp gray suit, a look Jeong Tae-ui hadn’t seen on him before. The suit flowed seamlessly over his body, as if pulled straight from a men’s fashion magazine. He looked like a rising executive at a top company.

Ah. Right, a Diamond Spoon. Come to think of it, isn’t he a chaebol’s son?


Ilay tilted his head slightly and asked, wondering why Jeong Tae-ui was staring at him. Jeong Tae-ui looked him up and down a bit more blatantly.

"No, it's just that I've never seen you in a suit before. Dressed like that, you look just like a company employee."

"Haha, well, that's because I am a company employee."

Ilay shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, laughing. Jeong Tae-ui, who had choked on the cigarette smoke and coughed a few times, looked up at him without any sign of joking. Ilay also looked back at him, wondering what was up, while putting a cigarette in his mouth.

"Since when did UNHRDO become a company that requires formal suits? I don't have a suit."

"If you need one, should I buy you a suit?"

"That's not what I meant... But if you did, I wouldn’t refuse."

Even as he said that, Jeong Tae-ui showed no intention of getting up from the bench, puffing on his cigarette. Ilay sat down next to him as well.

"Did Maurer tell you that you'd meet me if you came here? The odds of running into each other randomly in Hong Kong aren't that big, you know."

"It really was just a coincidence that I happened to be here when you came down."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself, looking regretfully at the cigarette that had already burned halfway. A company employee. A company employee, huh. What kind of crazy company would hire a guy like this? No matter how much of a family-run business it is, how could they think of keeping someone like him in the company?

"You said you come out to Hong Kong every weekend, but it seems like you’re doing more than just 'occasionally helping out your brother when you have time.'"

"Not at all. I only come here on weekends when I have some free time. The work here isn't that easy. My family is a bit suspicious, so I just monitor whether the branch manager is doing their job properly. After all, it would be hard for my brother to fly in from Europe regularly to check on things, wouldn't it?"

"Ha... So the branch was established in Hong Kong, and coincidentally, you got transferred to Hong Kong at the same time."

Company employee, my foot... Jeong Tae-ui thought to himself, wondering if this was a situation where he should be offended as a common citizen, while he looked up at the darkening sky. The buildings, silhouetted against the red and purple sky, were blocking his view. Ilay, who was also looking in the same direction, mumbled vaguely.

"You got the conjunction wrong. It's not that I came to Hong Kong when the branch was established, but rather, I came to Hong Kong because the branch was established."

Jeong Tae-ui glanced at Ilay. When he reached out his hand to the man who was casually blowing out smoke, Ilay promptly handed him a new cigarette.

"You could have just given me the whole pack instead of being so stingy, Mr. Scion."

"I can't just hand out harmful items recklessly."

There's no mouth that suits that phrase less than his. Jeong Tae-ui glared at that irritating mouth for a moment.

"Glaring at me with such scary eyes is making me nervous. What kind of thoughts are you having to look at me as if you're going to eat me alive?"

Staring at that mouth, which was so good at saying things that didn't suit it, Jeong Tae-ui sighed like a long breath.

"I was just having a brief, unimportant thought. Like, why suddenly, in a situation where people rarely travel directly between the European and Asian branches, did someone with a terrible personality end up coming here as an instructor? Or about the relationship between arms dealers and UNHRDO... trivial things like that."

"Haha, what's the point of thinking about things that won’t do you any good? Let it go. Letting it go will be better for your peace of mind."

Thinking to himself that the peace of mind Ilay was referring to might be the kind of peace that he'd make impossible for him, Jeong Tae-ui smacked his lips bitterly. After all, as Ilay said, there was no good in even pretending to have this kind of talk. And what did it matter, anyway? In a world overflowing with scandals, the kind that get a gate attached to them, this wouldn't even make a one-minute news story. Jeong Tae-ui smoked his second cigarette and briefly lamented, thinking, At this rate, I'll turn into a chain smoker before half a year passes.

Maurer, that bastard. If he wanted to talk, he should have spoken clearly instead of being so ambiguous. Then Tae-ui wouldn't have even glanced in this direction.

At that moment, as he was absentmindedly staring at the sky, which was growing darker and darker into a deep blue, he suddenly felt a cold hand touch his chin. Startled, Jeong Tae-ui slightly flinched and turned his head. Ilay was holding Jeong Tae-ui's chin with his fingertips, tilting it slightly as he looked into his eyes.

As Ilay’s gaze slowly traveled from Jeong Tae-ui’s chin to his lips, cheeks, nose, eyes, and finally his forehead, the hand that had been holding his chin gently followed, caressing his face. When Ilay's fingers brushed against his chapped lips, where dried blood had crusted over, the pressure caused a sharp pain. As Jeong Tae-ui instinctively frowned, Ilay seemed to notice and immediately lessened the pressure.

"Tsk, tsk... There's nothing much to see on your face, and now that it's even more banged up, what use is it? When did this happen? It was fine until yesterday afternoon when I left, so... last night? This morning? It doesn’t seem like it happened in the last few hours... Let's see... Did you get hurt in the morning?"

"If you're so good at figuring it out on your own, why even bother asking? ...Ah. It hurts. Don't press on it."

Jeong Tae-ui grabbed Ilay's hand and pulled it away. The hand that had been lingering on his face for a moment was quickly removed without resistance. Ilay looked at Jeong Tae-ui with a subtle smile before tilting his head slightly.

"Why don’t you, for once, pick a day and just completely take down one of those guys who keeps messing with you? If you do it properly, even if it doesn’t stop them from bothering you completely, at least they won’t keep poking at you so lightly."

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue. This was Ilay’s idea of kindness. He was giving sound advice, from his perspective at least. If Jeong Tae-ui were to follow Ilay's suggestion and take down one of the guys who lightly provoked him, the number of fights he’d have to endure would probably be cut by more than half — maybe even to less than a tenth. But those rare fights that remained would become life-and-death struggles. Ilay's own experiences made that clear.

"I don’t have the guts, courage, or skills to deal with guys who come at me like a swarm of bombs... Besides, they’re still my comrades for now."


Ilay repeated Jeong Tae-ui’s words. His tone, laced with a subtle smile, was close to mockery.

"Can you really say that those comrades bear no responsibility for what happened to your face?"

"Well, in a way, you're right."

"Why don’t you prune some of those relationships? They don’t seem like they're planning to stick around for long, so just let them go when the time is right."

Who are you talking about? You? It would have been amusing to respond with something like that with an innocent face, but Jeong Tae-ui held back. His ability to navigate these situations without provoking trouble had grown sharper by the day. However, as he bit his lips to keep from speaking, Ilay seemed to guess what he was thinking, raising an eyebrow slightly. Survival. That’s what it was. There were only a few months left until his discharge — by now, UNHRDO felt no different from the military to him — and it would be a shame to lose his life pointlessly at this stage. Jeong Tae-ui gave a light, innocent smile and leaned back against the bench.

Still, pruning, huh? That, too, was Ilay’s way of giving sound advice, a form of his own kindness. But, as he often felt in moments like this, Jeong Tae-ui realized that Ilay’s way of thinking was quite different from his own. Sure, he had come to this organization with the assumption that he’d only be there for six months, but that had little to do with pruning relationships.

"Man... I’m not exactly great at treating others well either."

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head. He glanced at Ilay. He wasn’t trying to preach or reprimand him, but after licking his lips briefly, he let out a sigh.

"There’s no such thing as a relationship without scars."

"Ha ha."

Ilay responded to Jeong Tae-ui’s short statement with an even shorter, meaningless reply. Jeong Tae-ui tugged at his hair as he looked disapprovingly at the man who seemed like he wouldn’t be surprised if he got stabbed at any moment.

"I’m not exactly the friendliest guy, so even with my oldest friends, I have memories of getting angry at every single one of them. Even from grudges I held when I was six or seven, I still remember some of them. But it’s not just me; I’m sure they have memories of getting angry with me too. The longer the relationship, the more of those there are."

If a person isn’t particularly considerate, how could there not be a few moments of hurt in a long-standing relationship? Even as the scars build up — one, two, three — you keep meeting them, and you’ll keep meeting them in the future.

"I may hate small parts of those guys, but I definitely like them. What I mean is... even if I hate the small things about the people around me right now, I’m determined to drag them along with my life for at least the next thirty years."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured, recalling some friends he hadn’t seen in a while. Yeah, as long as they aren’t like Lieutenant Kim, even if they cause a little trouble, things will smooth out again in a few years. Ilay watched Jeong Tae-ui with amusem*nt, tapping the bench armrest with his fingertips. From the smile in Ilay’s gaze, Jeong Tae-ui realized that Ilay didn’t share his opinion in the slightest, but he hadn’t intended to persuade him in the first place, so it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Ilay understood the underlying message: you and I are different. And Ilay wasn’t so dense or foolish as to miss that.

"Thirty years, huh. Then what after thirty years?"

"Are you an idiot? Why even ask that?"

Jeong Tae-ui answered sulkily. Ilay, faintly smiling at the corner of his lips, asked again.

"Will you keep dragging them along? Those guys from the branch?"

"Well... I wasn’t specifically talking about them, but who knows. It’s hard to say."

"Hard to say? That’s different from what you said earlier."

"Can’t be helped. Most of them haven’t shown enough of themselves to love or hate yet."

Jeong Tae-ui frowned. You can’t drag along everyone you meet in life and collide with. The people you do drag along aren’t necessarily chosen solely by you, either. The parts you come to hate or love appear in just fleeting moments. Perhaps it’s not all the time they’ve spent together that defines a relationship between people, but rather a few critical moments.

...Though I haven’t seen them in at least a few months now. I wonder what they’re all up to.

Jeong Tae-ui stared blankly, thinking of the friends who were likely beyond the sea where the sun was setting. At that moment, Ilay, who had been watching Jeong Tae-ui with a curious expression, suddenly raised his hand and almost covered Jeong Tae-ui’s face with his large palm, slowly brushing it down. He traced over each of the many scars on his face.

"Haven’t you already seen enough of their hateful sides? Look, like this."

"Ah... ow! I told you not to press it!"

Ilay deliberately pressed down hard with his middle finger on the bruise at Jeong Tae-ui’s temple as he moved his hand down, causing Jeong Tae-ui to yelp in pain. Ilay laughed and let go. If Tae-ui had to list the things he hated about Ilay, it would more than overflow — he sometimes felt like he could commit murder if he was handed a knife, this jerk. But he valued his life too much to say — or act on — that thought.

Jeong Tae-ui rubbed his face furiously with a scowl, glaring at Ilay.

"This isn’t something to hate, it’s more like... something I want to punch them for."

And it wasn’t like I was the only one who got hit, I hit them back too, Jeong Tae-ui muttered to himself. Then suddenly, Ilay burst into laughter. It wasn’t particularly loud, but it was clearly genuine, as he laughed heartily and pleasantly for quite some time. As if something had greatly amused him, he kept laughing, occasionally murmuring, ‘I see, that’s how it is,’ without stopping for a while.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at him with a curious expression. It wasn't often that Ilay laughed like this. Sure, he had seen him give those ambiguous smirks that were hard to interpret — whether they were mocking or something else. Occasionally, he had also seen him laugh out loud. But this lighthearted and genuinely happy demeanor was surprisingly innocent, almost boyish, and Jeong Tae-ui found himself staring at him intently.

Well, whatever he found so funny, let him laugh if he wanted to. The smile that slightly crinkled the corners of his eyes was quite pleasing. Even knowing his true nature, Jeong Tae-ui felt like he could be fooled into thinking it was a gentle, warm smile. If only he would always smile like that, the number of times Jeong would have to dodge a metaphorical knife might drop from a hundred to ninety-nine. Yeah, this guy may have an extreme personality, but at least his appearance was the opposite.

Jeong Tae-ui gazed at Ilay absentmindedly. Once his laughter subsided, Ilay looked at him with a lingering smile in his eyes and made a gesture.

"So, what about me?"


Jeong Tae-ui almost asked, What do you mean? but then recalled the conversation they had just been having, and he flinched. If asked to list the things he disliked about Ilay, Jeong could easily rattle off a dozen points on the spot. But if he had to mention something he liked about him, he would probably have to spend the entire time thinking just to come up with one.

"....Do I really have to say?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked seriously. He knew his face was becoming grim and dark despite his efforts to keep his tone light. He didn't want to lie about something like this, but saying what he truly felt wouldn't lead to anything good either. Ilay, not as jovial as before, let out a low, amused laugh.

"Well, fine. Since I'm in a good mood today, I'll ask you again another time. …...Shall we go, then?"

With that, Ilay stood up without hesitation. Jeong Tae-ui stared up at him, bewildered. "Where?" he mumbled, to which Ilay shrugged and nodded his head.

"A suit. I said I'd buy you one, didn't I? I know a good place in Kowloon, but unfortunately, I have another appointment right after this, so there's no time to go that far. We'll get something decent at Pacific Place. Unless you have a preferred store?"

As Ilay asked, Jeong Tae-ui, still dazed, just blinked and shook his head. No, that's not it, he stammered, but before he could fully comprehend what was happening or even find the right moment to refuse, the opportunity slipped away.


It seemed like he had fallen into a deep sleep. Jeong Tae-ui only woke up when he felt a hand gripping and shaking his shoulder. When he glanced to the side, he saw his uncle standing there, wearing a bathrobe and drying his wet hair as he looked down at him.

"You must be really tired. I came in, took a shower, and came out, and you still didn't wake up."

"I didn't have much to be tired from... I just wanted to close my eyes for a moment, but I guess I fell into a deep sleep. ...What time is it?"

"It's just past 10. ...Wow. Your face looks quite colorful. What happened this time?"

As Jeong Tae-ui let out a sleepy breath and sluggishly sat up, his uncle, who had been away on a business trip all week, frowned at the sight of him. His uncle had just returned, and a lone carry-on bag was sitting in one corner of the room.

"It's the usual. I serve someone who deserves to be stabbed multiple times, so this is inevitable. But I've treated it as best I could."

Jeong Tae-ui murmured as he carefully rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand. After getting beaten up, he had gone straight to the infirmary, where he received medication and gauze from the medic. Unbelievably, Ilay even handed him some medicine.

When they left Pacific Place, Ilay had said, ‘I have plans in the evening, so I have to go. It would be nice if we could go back together, but it's a shame.’ Then, he went out of his way to buy medicine from a pharmacy and handed it to Jeong Tae-ui. Jeong Tae-ui thought to himself that there was a perfect saying in his country for this situation as he quietly accepted Ilay’s hand applying ointment to the torn corner of his mouth. With an unusually serious expression, Ilay dabbed at Jeong Tae-ui’s mouth and, only when he seemed satisfied, raised his hand lightly and walked away.

That guy is really unpredictable. He caused Tae-ui trouble, but since he also gave him medicine, he couldn’t completely blame him. In this situation, all he could do is blame the person who created this mess. Jeong Tae-ui rubbed his cheek and glared at the person he considered the root cause of all this.

"Uncle, this is a huge debt. I'll probably remember it for the next 20 years."

"Don’t blame me — blame the ones who hit you. Ah, those reckless idiots. You should have marked them and smashed them once and for all."

Jeong Tae-ui sighed lightly. His uncle’s words were similar to someone else's. The difference was that the other person was completely serious, while his uncle was only half-serious. Stretching his stiff body, Jeong Tae-ui muttered, "Whether it’s brute strength or skill, if I went up against anyone here, I'd be the one getting smashed instead." He didn’t like the topic much, so he changed it.

"How was South America? Did the work go well?"

"It's just internal work within the same organization, so there's nothing special to go well or not. I just went because the higher-ups sent me."

"Hmm. The promotion to General Director or advancement is linked to other branches as well, right?"

"Something like that."

Jeong Tae-ui silently conveyed with his eyes, Then saying there's nothing special doesn’t really apply here, Uncle. His uncle caught the look but just smiled without answering, indicating he had no intention of explaining further.

Well, technically speaking, Jeong Tae-ui was an outsider. Although he was currently involved in this organization, he didn’t fully understand the intention behind it, nor did he feel a sense of belonging. After all, it wasn’t his choice to join.

"Well, it’s your job, so I’m sure you know what you’re doing."

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head and spoke nonchalantly. Like his lucky brother, this uncle wasn’t someone you needed to worry about, no matter where he was placed. Besides, it wasn’t like the world would turn upside down if the General Director of UNHRDO changed or even if the President of the United States changed. The only thing he truly wished for was for the instructor above him to be replaced.

"You went out this weekend, didn’t you? Did anything interesting happen?"

"Oh, Hong Kong? I went out yesterday and came back the same day. Nothing interesting happened."

"Why not? You might have accidentally wandered into an alley and discovered a charming old bookstore. Or maybe you ran into a familiar face on the street, even if it wasn’t necessarily a welcome one."

Jeong Tae-ui stopped scratching his head. His uncle, who had been casually brushing his hair out, smiled when their eyes met. Jeong Tae-ui, still looking drowsy, stared at his uncle with a discontented expression.

"Wow, word sure travels fast. I guess a rumor without legs somehow flew all the way to South America."

"I was on the same boat coming in as Riegrow."

As his uncle opened the refrigerator to grab some water, he asked, Want a beer? When Jeong Tae-ui nodded and extended his hand, his uncle pulled out a can and tossed it to him. Jeong Tae-ui carefully opened the can to avoid spilling the foam. Although it didn’t overflow, he sipped the bubbling foam as he casually murmured,

"He’s definitely a diamond spoon."

"Huh? That guy? Yeah, and it’s top-quality diamond at that."

"...Well... I wonder about that."

When it comes to judging a person, wealth and family background are certainly important factors, but that man had a personality that could easily overshadow all those advantages. As Jeong Tae-ui gulped down his beer, he quietly observed his uncle. His uncle, too lazy to make tea today, was simply drinking water. Noticing Jeong Tae-ui's gaze, his uncle looked back at him, puzzled. Jeong Tae-ui spoke calmly,

"T&R is definitely a company that can’t be ignored in this industry. Both in terms of size and substance."

"That’s right. There isn’t a person in this field who wouldn’t recognize the name. The person currently running the place is a highly skilled businessman."

"Oh, you mean your friend, right?"

"Yes, and he’s also Riegrow's brother."

"Well, to succeed in business, you need to have a lot of skills. A broad network, for one. Especially in that industry, where you have to be sensitive to the political landscape, always keeping an eye on the government, and engaging in heavy lobbying. In that field, close ties between business and politics are almost inevitable."

Jeong Tae-ui nodded, but after taking a sip of his beer, he stared at the ceiling for a moment before tilting his head.

"But that family must be really good at lobbying. Still, UNHRDO is an international organization, so for them to grant such favors… I was wondering why they even bothered to transfer Ilay to the Asia branch."


His uncle looked at him silently. As Jeong Tae-ui pretended not to notice and continued sipping his beer, his uncle's gaze softened. After placing his water glass down with a click, his uncle leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

"If you're in the munitions business, you can't afford not to be good at lobbying. If Riegrow was sent to this branch, though, it’s a bit different from what you’re thinking."


"Well, it’s a sensitive issue, so let’s talk about it another time when the opportunity arises. There might be some minor issues within the branch, but since Rick is managing both the branch and the company properly, it shouldn’t matter much."

No, it matters a lot, Uncle. The so-called 'minor issues' in the branch are anything but minor. Just look at my face and say that.

Jeong Tae-ui stared at his uncle, who awkwardly chuckled, sensing the blame in his eyes. Seeing the bruises and gauze-covered cuts, his uncle must have felt guilty. Noticing this, Jeong Tae-ui's mood lightened, and he let out a small laugh.

"Well, it’s fine. Everyone needs to experience a few months of hellish hardship in their life. They say even iron needs to be hammered to become strong… Though, I don’t need a life as tough as steel. I’d be happy living like wrought iron."

Jeong Tae-ui hesitated slightly when he mentioned being hammered but quickly added the latter part. There’s a saying that words have power, and he didn’t want to jinx himself into a life full of struggles. He planned to leave here, return to his peaceful country and home, and live a modest and tranquil life.

"Wrought iron, huh… Well, that would be nice if possible. I also wanted to live a life like water, flowing smoothly without being blocked by anything."

It felt like his uncle’s unspoken words were saying, But it didn’t work out that way, so you should hang in there too. Jeong Tae-ui frowned, feeling that it was an unwelcome sentiment. His uncle laughed out loud at Jeong Tae-ui’s grumbling expression.

"But Ilay once said he just helped out with his brother’s work a bit. If he’s working every weekend, though, it’s more than just helping. But I guess that’s to be expected since it’s a family business."

"Well there may be reasons on their side too, who knows?"

His uncle shrugged and tilted his head. Jeong Tae-ui soon realized it was time to drop the topic.

It’s always best to let go of a subject when his uncle didn’t want to drag it out.

"Oh, right. Your birthday is coming up soon, isn’t it? Have you heard from Jae-ui?"

"If something like that had happened, there’s no way you, who knows all the news from Hong Kong even from the South America branch, wouldn’t know about it."

Jeong Tae-ui waved his hand dismissively. Now that he thought about it, his birthday was indeed approaching. If Jeong Tae-ui had any intention of making a call, it would be around this time that he’d start getting calls himself. Just this morning, he’d tried calling home since he had some free time, but no one answered. The house might remain empty until he returns. There’s nothing to worry about, but he was a bit curious about where everyone might be.

"I wonder what he's up to… If he contacts me, I’ll tell him to give you a call too, Uncle."

So many people asked about his brother that if he told them all to call, Jeong Tae-ui’s phone bill would be through the roof. Though, even if it was a collect call, they would gladly accept it. As he finished off the last few sips of his beer, his uncle nodded and then unexpectedly asked:

"What do you want for your birthday?"


Jeong Tae-ui blinked as he swallowed the beer in his mouth. It had been a long time since he’d heard that kind of question. He wasn’t the type to celebrate birthdays, and while he and Jae-ui occasionally bought each other something, the idea of birthday presents never really came up. Besides, it wasn’t like this was someone who had always remembered his birthday; they hadn’t even seen each other properly for years until recently. Jeong Tae-ui chuckled and waved his hand.

"No need. A present now, all of a sudden?"

"You should take it while you can. Who knows when you'll get a birthday present from me after today?"

"Hmm… Then, can I just go home now?"

"Request denied."

His uncle firmly shook his head before Jeong Tae-ui’s words were fully out, having seriously considered it. Clicking his tongue, Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head.

"I really don’t need anything. I don’t want anything… Ah. So that’s what it was?"

Suddenly, Jeong Tae-ui stopped scratching his head and murmured to himself. His uncle, not understanding the seemingly random statement, tilted his head in confusion. Jeong Tae-ui shrugged.

"Oh, it’s nothing. Yesterday, Ilay suddenly dragged me to a clothing store, insisting on buying me a suit. I was wondering why he did that — turns out it was probably a birthday present. I didn’t think he was the type to care about such things."

"…I never thought that guy would do something like that."

His uncle stared at Jeong Tae-ui with a face that suggested he had heard something utterly bizarre. Under his suspicious gaze, Jeong Tae-ui felt unnecessarily flustered and waved his hand to indicate that he wasn't lying.

"No, really, it was strange to me too. I was wondering why he suddenly wanted to buy clothes for me."

Jeong Tae-ui added gloomily, It made me think of the death of Hercules, that's how surprised I was. His uncle tilted his head in curiosity but soon chuckled and spoke in an amused tone.

"Really? What kind of clothes are they?"

"Oh — they're custom-made, so I have to go back for a fitting. I only got the measurements taken. What was it… the shop manager gave me his business card."

Jeong Tae-ui fumbled through his pockets and handed over a crumpled business card. His uncle took the card and asked,

"Ah, so you went for custom-made?"

"Yes. He said there wasn't much time, so we just went into the first place we saw. I thought it would be off-the-rack, but it turned out to be custom-made."

It felt overwhelming, but thinking of it as a birthday gift makes it feel a little less burdensome. But now I’m wondering if I should do something in return, Jeong Tae-ui thought, while his uncle silently stared at the business card. He flipped it over once and then stared at it intently again.

"Did you get the brand A.RARACHENI?"

"I think it was a name similar to that… Ah, do you know the shop, Uncle?"

"…Well… Not personally. I've never had clothes made there."

His uncle mumbled as he lightly waved the business card. Then he blinked and tilted his head.

"? What's the matter?"

"No… I was just thinking about why Rick would suddenly give you a suit. His spending habits are quite different from that of ordinary people, but he doesn’t just throw money around to anyone."

Did he owe you something? No, he’s not the type to care about things like that, his uncle murmured, shaking his head as if he couldn’t understand. Jeong Tae-ui glanced at the business card handed back to him by his uncle. Somehow, the burden that had lightened began to feel heavy again.

"Uncle… Please don’t tell me this is expensive. I’m a poor commoner without any savings to repay such a gift… Well, if it comes to that, I’ll just return it."

"Who knows… What’s with the sudden shower of gifts?"

"Exactly. …Who knows? Maybe he fell for me at first sight."

Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head as he muttered, not wanting to think too deeply about it. But he ended up waving his hand dismissively, feeling exasperated as his uncle, who had a sharp intuition, took the joke seriously. Why was he taking it so seriously when it was just a joke?

Jeong Tae-ui threw an empty beer can into the trash and stood up lightly. It was getting late, so it was time to head back to his room. When he went down to the 6th floor, he knew the people he passed in the hallway would give him hostile glares, but he had gotten used to it. He just thought of it as the consequence of having the wrong superior. All he could hope for was that things would go smoothly until the day he left this place.

As he was thinking about this, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly recalled something that worried him — a potential new storm on the horizon. He frowned slightly and looked back at his uncle.

"Come to think of it, there’s joint training with the South American branch coming up soon."

"That's right. We discussed it during the recent meeting, including the selection of instructors to lead the team abroad."

"If half of them are coming here from South America, where is our team going?"


"Are you staying here for this training, Uncle, or are you going to Australia?"

"I stayed last time, so I’ll probably go this time."

"Hmm — Australia and South America... Does our branch have a good relationship with them?"

Jeong Tae-ui asked seriously, frowning. His uncle laughed out loud and waved his hand as if to reassure him.

"There’s no such thing as a branch with a good relationship. But it’s not as bad as the relationship between the Asia branch and the Europe branch, so you don’t have to worry too much. Don’t worry. At least the other branches don’t have a notorious murderer whose reputation is well-known across all the branches."

"Well, I think the fact that we have such a murderer in our branch is a bit of a problem, don’t you?"

Jeong Tae-ui muttered gloomily. He had learned this firsthand before. Just because Ilay was on the same side didn’t mean he could count on him as a reliable ally. Besides, he had heard that during joint training, it wasn’t uncommon for people within the same branch to kill each other out of personal grudges. If there was a branch as dangerous as the Asia branch in terms of internal grudges, he couldn’t think of one. The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became.

"Uncle, do you think Ilay will be sent to Australia?"

"He probably won't go. It's not common practice to send an instructor who has only recently been transferred here to another location."

"In that case, I really want to go to Australia."

"You can’t. Instructors are always accompanied by their assistants. If you want to go to Australia, then pray that Riegrow gets sent there."

"What I want is not Australia but to be in the opposite direction of Ilay."

"Then you’d better pray that he falls ill or something."

His uncle offered advice that wasn’t very helpful. Feeling like he was stranded alone on a deserted island with no one to rely on, Jeong Tae-ui left the room in a gloomy mood.

In any society where people live, human relationships are inevitable. Even a three- or four-year-old child growing up at home is, in some way, entangled in human relationships, however simple they may be. Jeong Tae-ui, sipping the beer he had taken from his uncle's room, crouched by the building’s entrance and stared blankly at the sky. All he needed was a cigarette in hand to complete the picture of decadence.

"Have I ever been troubled by human relationships…? No, I don’t think so."

There had been times when he had been furious because of individuals who harbored deep grudges against him, but he had never been caught up in the complex web of human relationships like this. It would be nice if he could just laugh it off as someone else’s problem, but he couldn’t even do that.

The saying "a rough stone gets hit" seemed to fit perfectly. In fact, a rough stone like Ilay Riegrow was rare. He knew that irrational people existed everywhere, but he never imagined someone like Ilay could actually exist. The only solace was that it wasn’t his choice to be placed near such a person, so at least he could blame someone else. But when he thought about it, Ilay was truly an extraordinary — though dangerous — type of person.

Good-looking, smart, strong, capable, from a good family, and with a terrible personality…

If you just listed these traits, you might think he was just another rich kid with a bad attitude, but he wasn’t that simple to define. There are plenty of people who get called "a bastard," but very few actually face real death threats from a large number of people.

"But, honestly… he's not all bad."

Jeong Tae-ui muttered suddenly. He remembered that when he had said something similar before, Tou had seriously asked, ‘What part of his humanity makes you think that?’ and Jeong Tae-ui hadn’t been able to answer. He couldn’t explain it, but he really did think that way. It wasn’t just because he hadn’t often witnessed the infamous "smiling face that could beat someone to death like a beast" up close. Even though he couldn't logically explain it, Ilay was someone Jeong Tae-ui felt he should keep his distance from, but he wasn’t someone he hated or despised.

He recalled his brother once saying in passing, ‘You’re strangely indifferent when it comes to people,’ and maybe that’s what this was about.

"Still, what am I supposed to do when I feel this way?"

Jeong Tae-ui sighed and muttered to himself. Of course, his resolve to run away at the sight of Ilay even from a hundred li away hadn’t changed.

“Tae-ui hyung.”

No matter how harmless beer may be, he worried that he might become an alcoholic at this rate. As these thoughts crossed his mind and he emptied the remaining beer, he suddenly heard a voice calling out to him from behind. Jeong Tae-ui paused and slowly turned around. He had heard the door to the entrance open but assumed it was just someone coming and going, so he hadn't bothered to look.

“Xin Lu...”

“It’s dangerous to be outside this late at night. There are a lot of bugs out too.”

Xin Lu silently approached like a cat and crouched down beside Jeong Tae-ui. There was plenty of space, so there was no need to move, but Jeong Tae-ui shifted over a step or two out of habit. As the air moved, a soapy scent brushed past his nose. Jeong Tae-ui glanced at Xin Lu. Although it didn’t seem like he had just showered, the soft, fluffy hair carried a soapy fragrance. The long eyelashes of Xin Lu, who rested his chin on his clasped hands, seemed like they might make a rustling sound with every blink. He was still endearing. Although the air had been a bit awkward and tense recently, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t help but find this young man charming.

“Why are you out here at this hour?”

“I just wanted to get some fresh air… What about you?”

“I figured you'd be out here.”

Xin Lu glanced at Jeong Tae-ui sideways and then quickly dropped his gaze again, as if feeling sad. Seeing this made Jeong Tae-ui’s chest tighten.

Jeong Tae-ui wondered what the problem could be. Xin Lu had been expressing his affection for Jeong Tae-ui in various ways — through words, expressions, and actions. Jeong Tae-ui also liked Xin Lu. It would be hard to find another young man as lovable as him. So, there wasn’t an issue with their feelings for each other, but still, there was this uneasy atmosphere between them.

“Hyung, I…”

As Jeong Tae-ui quietly pondered each point, Xin Lu started to speak. Jeong Tae-ui listened silently. Lately, Xin Lu had seemed listless. Maybe not listless, but rather deep in thought. Although he handled his tasks flawlessly, he would blink thoughtfully whenever he had a moment, as if lost in his thoughts — so Jeong Tae-ui had heard from the medic on duty. Perhaps Xin Lu had been trying to find a solution to this situation in his own way. And maybe he had come to a conclusion and sought out Jeong Tae-ui to share it.

“When I used to hear stories of young people throwing away their honor and future because of love, I couldn’t understand it. I thought that to live a minimally decent life, you had to take care of the essentials first. And when I joined UNHRDO, I thought my future was secure. I was confident I could rise to the top. I assume you also worked hard to get into UNHRDO, hyung.”

Xin Lu spoke as if he were talking to himself, head bowed. Jeong Tae-ui considered denying this, but Xin Lu’s face seemed even more gaunt than it had just a few days ago. It didn’t feel right to dismiss it lightly by saying, “No, no, it just sort of happened.”

“But, hyung, I’m sorry. No matter how much I think about it, I hate that you're here. As long as you stay here, you’ll continue to be that man’s assistant, and I can’t stand that. So, I want you to quit UNHRDO. But you don’t have to worry about your future; I can take care of that. If you don’t like that idea, I’ll quit too. For your sake, I can leave UNHRDO without hesitation.”

Xin Lu spoke clearly and swiftly. Then he lifted his gaze to look directly at Jeong Tae-ui. Jeong Tae-ui, stunned by the unexpected proposal he had never considered, could only stare blankly at Xin Lu. The thought of quitting UNHRDO never crossed his mind. Even though he would be leaving this place soon, it had never occurred to him.

Upon reflection, it makes sense. Leaving UNHRDO would change many things. Most importantly, it would put an end to these troublesome relationships. Although there might be issues related to housing and other minor problems, it wouldn’t be as uncomfortable as it is now. ...Wait. Is all this awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere really caused by the people inside? Even though no one has openly criticized or obstructed Jeong Tae-ui and Xin Lu’s relationship, an atmosphere as gritty as sand has surrounded them for some time.

Jeong Tae-ui gazed at Xin Lu blankly. Yes, in just a little while, he could leave UNHRDO. Maybe everything would be okay then.

“Tae-ui hyung. Please do it... I can’t stand seeing you with that man, Riegrow. Even while working during the day, just thinking that you might be next to him makes me feel sick. It’s so tormenting. Please, stay with me.”

Xin Lu’s quiet voice hung in Jeong Tae-ui’s ear. Kneeling on the dirt floor, Xin Lu wrapped his arms around Jeong Tae-ui’s neck. He then gently kissed his cheek. In that moment, a chill ran through Jeong Tae-ui’s mind.

—Please stay with me.

The plaintive voice triggered a sudden memory. The agile body entwined with Ilay. The rough, heated atmosphere. The cold, sharp voice. The dark eyes that had smiled slyly at him.

Just before his hand, which was reaching out to embrace Xin Lu, touched his shoulder, it hesitated. That man, who had smiled coldly not long ago, had bitten that very shoulder. Staring directly at Jeong Tae-ui.

“…The night before Ilay left for Europe from the UNHRDO…..”

Jeong Tae-ui opened his mouth without changing his expression. As if it were flowing out naturally, words spilled out suddenly. His arms, which had been holding Xin Lu, trembled slightly. The lips that had touched his cheek fell away.

Xin Lu slowly withdrew from Jeong Tae-ui and looked at him. His frozen gaze scanned every corner of Jeong Tae-ui’s face. It wasn’t intended to blame him. In fact, he hadn’t planned to speak. But the words seemed to escape from his lips with a will of their own.

No, that’s not it. I’m not talking about you and that man being intimate. What I want to say is something else…….

In that moment, Jeong Tae-ui suddenly realized. The subtly gritty and rough feeling he had been experiencing wasn’t due to Xin Lu and Ilay being intimate as he had thought. It was because, at that time, Xin Lu was trying to interfere with Jeong Tae-ui’s life from somewhere Jeong Tae-ui didn’t know. It was Xin Lu’s greed. He didn’t just want to share time with Jeong Tae-ui; he wanted to take Jeong Tae-ui’s time. Although Jeong Tae-ui had known this instinctively, it was only now that he fully realized it, abruptly.

Jeong Tae-ui gazed at Xin Lu blankly. There was no sense of blaming him. It was just a peculiar feeling of realization, as if to say, 'Ah, I see.'


Xin Lu called Jeong Tae-ui. The thin, almost ephemeral voice faltered for a moment. The hurried and confused gaze wavered anxiously. Jeong Tae-ui tilted his head.

“Hyung, I didn’t want to lose you. So, that’s why I did it…!”

The grip on Jeong Tae-ui’s elbow tightened urgently. The strength in that grasp, which seemed like it might disappear if he relaxed even a little, was surprisingly strong.

“Hyung, I mean it. I will never give my heart to anyone but you, ever again. I was so anxious about losing you, I couldn’t help it. Tae-ui Hyung…!!”

Xin Lu shouted desperately. The tight grip on his elbow and shoulder made Jeong Tae-ui instinctively shrink back, but sensing that gesture as a rejection, Xin Lu tightened his hold even more.

“Xin Lu! …Xin Lu!”

Jeong Tae-ui called out anxiously. He reached out to pat Xin Lu’s back and called his name a few times, and Xin Lu finally closed his mouth. He looked at Jeong Tae-ui with anxiety.

“Hyung. I want you to stay by my side. Forever.”

Xin Lu whispered, still gripping Jeong Tae-ui’s arm tightly. Jeong Tae-ui looked down at him, unsure of what to say. Suddenly, Xin Lu’s face clouded.

“Don’t you like it? …Don’t look at me like that. Hyung, have I become someone you dislike?”

His voice was on the verge of tears. Jeong Tae-ui shook his head. He didn’t know what to say, but he didn’t dislike Xin Lu. So, he shook his head repeatedly.

“Hyung, I…..”

“Even if Tae-ui is by your side, he won’t bring you any luck. His luck is limited to only one person.”

Just as Xin Lu was about to speak, a slow, relaxed voice came from behind, slightly above. A light puff of smoke followed.

Jeong Tae-ui stopped shaking his head in denial. Even without turning around, he knew who the voice belonged to. It seemed Xin Lu knew as well. Xin Lu’s expression, which had been anxious and pleading, suddenly changed. With a cold and almost cruel demeanor, Xin Lu cast a glance over Jeong Tae-ui’s shoulder. His gaze, like a sharp blade, was fixed on someone behind him, reminiscent of the voice that had once lingered in the air of anticipation.


The voice, as if poison was dripping and spreading over the clear blue water, made it clear to Jeong Tae-ui how much Xin Lu despised that man. It was an intense hatred, as if he couldn’t stand even being in the same space. It was almost like a predator marking its territory.

Jeong Tae-ui silently observed Xin Lu. He felt a cold, malevolent sensation spreading through his chest. He thought he knew Xin Lu well, but realized he knew almost nothing about him. Jeong Tae-ui slowly turned around. The windows of the building were slightly open, and smoke was drifting out. Ilay was standing beneath the smoke, leaning against the window frame, looking down at them.

It was somewhat surprising. Despite the tone of amusem*nt in his voice, Ilay wasn’t smiling. He was just looking down at Jeong Tae-ui with a neutral expression. When their eyes met, a faint smile briefly appeared around his eyes.

"So, what are you doing there?"

Seeing the smile, Jeong Tae-ui felt an unexpected chill and hesitated before muttering. He realized afterward that it was a foolish thing to say, but the words had already escaped his lips. He had nothing else to say.

"I was thinking of luring that gentle and lovely boy who looked like he was searching for someone, so I followed him. Since it seemed like you two were having a long conversation, I thought I’d smoke a cigarette in the meantime."

Ilay murmured with a cigarette in his mouth. Jeong Tae-ui found himself glancing back at the gentle and lovely boy, almost involuntarily. Xin Lu was staring at Ilay with an expressionless face, his eyes filled with disdain. Suddenly, Xin Lu turned to look at Jeong Tae-ui. With a face showing surprise, he clenched his teeth.

"You must have seen it in the report that came to you, right? It stated that the only person confirmed to share that luck with Jeong Tae-ui is Jeong Jae-ui — didn’t it? Still, you wanted to verify it yourself?"

Ilay said calmly. Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly. He felt a surge of displeasure. However, the discomfort wasn’t solely directed at Xin Lu. He gave Ilay a fierce look.

"Xin Lu."

Jeong Tae-ui called out to Xin Lu quietly, without taking his eyes off Ilay. He could see Xin Lu quickly shaking his head at the edge of his vision.

"Hyung, that’s not it. I don’t care about that—"

"When did you hear that I’m 'Gilsangcheon'?"

"Hyung, it doesn’t matter. I didn’t really care about that—"

"I asked when you heard it."

Jeong Tae-ui cut off his words with a click of his tongue. He wasn’t doubting Xin Lu’s words. In fact, it was fine if what Ilay meant was correct. He had lived with an exceptionally special older brother and had been too accustomed to getting angry and disappointed over such matters.

But his heart sank. It felt as though he had become a blind man with his eyes opened, and he was a bit disheartened. It wasn’t Xin Lu’s fault. Xin Lu, who had been silently watching Jeong Tae-ui exhale a sigh and soften his stern expression, spoke quietly as if the earlier agitation had never happened.

"It was after you came here. I learned about it the day after you arrived. I got a call from home. …But that wasn’t the reason."

—Well, his family is quite ambitious so it's nothing surprising. But still I didn't expect him to go after the Gilsangcheon."

A phrase he had heard long ago suddenly flashed in his mind. Jeong Tae-ui looked at the man who had said it. The man, with a cigarette in his mouth, tilted his head slightly and gazed at Xin Lu. There was a faint trace of mockery in his eyes, as if he was peering into the depths of his soul.

Jeong Tae-ui let out a long sigh. He ruefully licked his lips and scratched his head as if to tear it off. He felt gloomy. He might end up needing treatment for depression at this rate. Whether it was this person or that one, there seemed to be no day of peace for him.

Jeong Tae-ui, staring dejectedly at the floor, absentmindedly kicked the beer can. The empty can rolled around and stopped when it hit the wall.


Jeong Tae-ui stared at the white, long fingers that were brushing off ash in front of him and murmured. Ilay Riegrow raised his eyebrows without answering and took another drag of his cigarette.

"Why do you….."

Jeong Tae-ui, who had been about to speak, closed his mouth. Xin Lu was standing silently right next to him. Jeong Tae-ui scratched his head, looking annoyed.

"Why do you…….what?"

When Jeong Tae-ui fell silent, Ilay interjected. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and said grumpily.

"Why are you picking a fight? You clearly said you wouldn’t lay a hand on Xin Lu."

"Yes, I did say that. And I’m following my words. Did it look like I was laying a hand on him?"

Ilay gestured towards Xin Lu with a nod. At that moment, Xin Lu, seemingly choked up, spoke through gritted teeth.

"I told you. Never touch Tae-ui again. I told you never to go near him. And you clearly said you understood."

Jeong Tae-ui frowned slightly. He didn't like this kind of conversation and didn't want to be in this situation. Moreover, he couldn't even grasp the main point of the discussion. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly locked eyes with Ilay. Ilay was deep in thought, looking down at Jeong Tae-ui at an angle. It was as if he was carefully considering and weighing each point, shaking his head very faintly with each blink. It was not pleasant to have someone shake their head while looking at you. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and scowled. Ilay, either having finished his thoughts or reacting to the expression, let out a slight smile. Then he turned his gaze towards Xin Lu.

"Yes, I definitely said that. I didn't intend to do that on purpose, but it seems I caused a misunderstanding. I’m sorry about that. But let me make it clear: I did not lay a hand on Tae-ui. I have no intention of doing that."

Jeong Tae-ui, who was standing at an angle where Xin Lu couldn’t see him, felt a pang of frustration. Xin Lu might not have seen it, but Ilay certainly saw the expression of bewilderment on Jeong Tae-ui’s face. He laughed out loud, covering his mouth slightly, but it was clear from his expression that he was indeed laughing.

However, he wasn’t lying. From his perspective, he hadn't touched Jeong Tae-ui. It was just that his standards were vastly different from those of others — and from Jeong Tae-ui’s standards.

The person he found most convenient to mess around with was Jeong Tae-ui, but there was no specific reason it had to be Tae-ui. Jeong Tae-ui looked at Ilay with a sour expression. He was burning with the desire to say something cutting, but he wasn’t foolish enough to say something unnecessary here.

Well, do as you please. I have no idea what's going on. All I know is that I'm getting increasingly depressed.

"But, you know... seeing you two play so cutely like this is getting on my nerves. I really want to give it a try."

Suddenly, Ilay spoke softly. After spitting out his cigarette carelessly, he grabbed Jeong Tae-ui by the collar, who had been mumbling about how Ilay hadn’t properly put out his cigarette and might start a fire elsewhere. Ilay then pulled Jeong Tae-ui close, wrapped his other hand around Jeong Tae-ui’s cheek, and forcefully opened his mouth. Then, he shoved his tongue into Jeong Tae-ui’s mouth.



It was almost simultaneous. As Jeong Tae-ui instinctively threw a punch at Ilay’s jaw, Xin Lu rushed in. Ilay, seemingly anticipating this, easily dodged Jeong Tae-ui’s punch and glanced sideways at Xin Lu. In a very brief moment, Xin Lu, who had approached without anyone noticing, grabbed Ilay by the collar. As soon as Ilay was grabbed by the collar, he raised his eyebrows, and something resembling a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At that moment, Jeong Tae-ui’s expression hardened.

He recognized Ilay’s face. He knew exactly when Ilay’s narrowed eyes got that madness in them.

"Stop it, Xin Lu!"

Just as Xin Lu was about to pull on Ilay’s collar, Jeong Tae-ui intervened at the last second. Jeong Tae-ui struck Xin Lu’s fist away and released Ilay from his grip. At the same time, he deflected Xin Lu’s other fist with a swift motion and positioned himself directly in front of Ilay. It was almost as if he was shielding Ilay.

Ilay was half-leaning out of the window, while Jeong Tae-ui stood facing Xin Lu, with his back turned towards Ilay as if to shield him. Xin Lu, who had almost thrown a punch at Jeong Tae-ui, looked at him with a shocked expression. It seemed he couldn’t believe that Jeong Tae-ui had blocked his way and was now protecting Ilay, staring with wide eyes.

"Tae-ui Hyung... why..."

"Idiot, look at who you’re fighting against!"

Jeong Tae-ui, his heart still racing in panic, shouted involuntarily. Xin Lu, who had never heard Jeong Tae-ui raise his voice before, widened his eyes even further. Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue and softened his expression.

Perhaps Xin Lu wasn’t as weak or fragile as Jeong Tae-ui thought. Or maybe he was even more formidable than imagined. However, Jeong Tae-ui couldn’t believe that Xin Lu could surpass this monstrous man. Moreover, considering Ilay’s expression just moments ago, if things had gone as they were, Xin Lu would likely be in no condition to stand now. But Xin Lu didn’t seem to think that way. With a frustrated look, he shook his head.

“No, that’s not true. Even if my strength is lacking, how can you tell me to just stand by in a situation like this? I can’t do that!”

“Well then, it seems you’ll have to go up against Tae-ui. After all, Tae-ui is my assistant.”

Mixed with Xin Lu's outburst was Ilay’s voice, tinged with laughter. Jeong Tae-ui unconsciously clenched his fist. He had a strong desire to turn around and land a punch on that face, a desire that was no less than Xin Lu’s. However, the reason he couldn’t act on it was not only because he was Ilay's assistant, but also because Jeong Tae-ui had the virtue of knowing when to pick his fights. Xin Lu shifted his gaze from Ilay to Jeong Tae-ui and asked in a low voice.

“Hyung, is what he said true?”

Jeong Tae-ui was silent for a moment. Would there be any chance of winning if he and Xin Lu teamed up and took down this bastard? … No, it didn’t seem like it. Besides, if only Tae-ui were in danger, it might be one thing, but Xin Lu would also be at risk. A sigh escaped him.

“Yes, it’s true. If you insist on attacking Ilay in my presence, I’ll have no choice but to stop you.”

When Jeong Tae-ui answered, Xin Lu bit his lip and looked at him with resentment. But that was only for a moment. After bowing his head in frustration for a while, Xin Lu eventually unclenched his fist. Though his face still showed signs of anger and disbelief, he seemed to realize that fighting Jeong Tae-ui wasn’t an option. He took a deep breath and relaxed his body.

“Tae-ui hyung. Please answer just one question.”

Xin Lu, facing Jeong Tae-ui seriously, opened his mouth. Jeong Tae-ui tensed up, hoping that Xin Lu wouldn’t ask something difficult to answer, and slowly nodded. With utmost seriousness, and a tense expression, Xin Lu asked Jeong Tae-ui,

“Tae-ui hyung. Do you like me better, or Riegrow?”

Cough. Jeong Tae-ui inhaled sharply and burst into a loud cough. For a moment, he couldn’t comprehend what he had just heard, so he instinctively looked back. Behind him, Ilay, who had been leisurely pulling out a new cigarette, froze in place with a bewildered expression. He, too, seemed taken aback by Xin Lu's unexpected question. Jeong Tae-ui opened his mouth to respond, but the sheer absurdity of the situation left him at a loss for words.

He never imagined that at his age, as a man of this age, he would hear something like this. As he mumbled to himself and scratched his head in confusion, Xin Lu stood before him with an incredibly serious expression. Jeong Tae-ui looked at Xin Lu, wearing a troubled expression. In truth, there was nothing to be troubled about; the answer was simple. However, at this moment — when even Xin Lu felt a bit wearisome to him — he didn’t feel inclined to speak.

How did he really feel about this young man? The answer was straightforward: he still liked him. Xin Lu was still endearing and pitiful. Though the intense, precarious feelings of anxiety he once had — like holding a fragile glass bead — had faded, even with his calmer state of mind, Jeong Tae-ui didn’t dislike Xin Lu. Even if Xin Lu approached him with a different intention, that fact wouldn’t change.

Xin Lu waited for Jeong Tae-ui's response. The sound of Ilay lighting his cigarette could be heard from behind. Jeong Tae-ui, who had been quietly staring at Xin Lu, let out a sigh. Then, he raised his hand to brush aside the hair that had fallen over Xin Lu’s cheek.

Of course, I like you.

It would have been easy to say those words. But he didn’t. He didn’t feel ready to respond. As Jeong Tae-ui gently stroked Xin Lu’s hair for a while, Xin Lu slowly lowered his head. For a long time, he stared down at his own feet.

“Hyung... I like you. I like you so much... so much.”

His voice, faint and trembling, was barely audible. Although Xin Lu’s face was hidden as he kept his head down, Jeong Tae-ui quietly nodded.

At that moment, a wisp of cigarette smoke drifted over Jeong Tae-ui’s shoulder. He glanced briefly at Ilay, who silently exhaled the smoke. Ilay looked down at them with an indifferent gaze. His expression, usually carrying a hint of a smile, was completely blank as he stared at Jeong Tae-ui, making it impossible to decipher what he was thinking.

Do you find this amusing? Do your eyes, which grant no significant meaning to anything, find this scene funny?

Jeong Tae-ui clicked his tongue bitterly. He felt a mix of anger, pity, and sadness, so he silently kept his gaze fixed on the top of Xin Lu’s head. Once again, smoke from Ilay’s cigarette wafted close and then dispersed.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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