News-Press from Fort Myers, Florida (2024)

11C NEWS-PRESS, CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE335-0335, Wednesday, September 18, 1996 481 614 446 374 386 408 Warehouse Industrial South Fort Myers Condos Miscellaneous For Sale Rooms For Rent Cape Coral Homes For Rent Sporting Goods Recreation REAL LIFE ADVENTURES MARMADUKE NOW WHN YOU COMS jl0mJ MB TH AMOUNT, 'VSft WO IT AA MADeOVT TO, AND I A TH6 DATS, r) 7 can you Ss tri'J ln "He wants me food in the to warm up his microwave." Due to past performance, the Single Check Rule is in effect until further notice. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE pIeIdIa riG a 1 1 Is lis Ik I a AiLS. A Jl.j?LX All p. am lucky R.Jk 11 A 5. 1.

HJ A itjl RAN nrrrJ.T it" A jrjj pine if" iI.XN Dill 1 ART IlJA I rj A ijO AV TR 0 MJ LE 0 LJB A A 3D ANN EC RESIGNS iiX h.H Ail A I hbp 1M1LL a adeUo1ns1etJt1yso1n 412 FISH TANK 30 all accessoi $75. 542-0578 JACUZZI 7' Dbl. lounger, deluxe redwood cabinet. Never Used $1675 941-743-7920 KISS TICKETS (2) $35 for 920. 275-1824 KISS TICKETS 12) Orlando 922 Lower Level $120 Pair Neg.

337-0272 RENAULT Alliance '83, needs CV olnt runs good, $100. 10x7 flat bed trailer, $75. 693-5021 RIDING lawn mow er new $750; above ground pool $100. 368-0660 SEGA Genesis with 8 games, $225. Wedding Dress, size 16, ilOO.

694-4120 SPA 6 PERSON, Mint Cond, $1800. Dresser with 2 mirrors, $60. English saddle, blanket, girth, $75. Elec. charge box, $25.

2 sets of lamps, 495-1226 Step 2 one piece cniia t-ooi 574-9292 SWIMMING POOL Deluxe 18x4. $475neg. 693-7644 96 Tovota Bed Mat, new say 772-1737 WORLD War II, Samurai sword. Made by Kane Mune. 1943 Great cond.

$300. 277-1645 394 Wanted To Buy BUYING OLD DOLLS 941-624-6763. WANTED: Sofa ta ble, light rattan. 275-0220 400 Real Estate For Rent 402 Rental Locating Services ALL Areas Prices Lee Co. 20 Yrs.

Home Hunters Realtor 939-0001 HOT OFF THE PRESS WE ARE MOVING Now you can find the latest and hottest items in Classified in the regular pages of the News-Press. TODAY'S HOT OFF THE PRESS ON PAGE A 6. Look For It Daily In The Newspaper NEW IN TOWN? SALES-RENTALS Housing Connection 7181 College Pkwy 275-8484 405 Rental Sharing CHRISTIAN NS to share 3br 2ba pool, NE Cape $300 '2 utils. 458-4170 FEMALE roomate 3 Oaks home. $500 incl.

all. 481-4778 NS Single Female 21 So Ft. Myers. 2br2ba all furn except your br. 561-2383 ON River 2br 2ba decks! Professional male 481-1453.

ORANGE RIVER pool home. $125 wk. all. 693-7041 PARKWOODS, utils. incl.

ns, pool. $300 936-3973 s. Ft- Mvers home. $350 V2 utils. 267- 6567 leave mssg.

i. Ft Mvers poo hm. ref. $125wk incls utils. 482-5534 CHARE 3br.

2ba la nai, $500 Inc all $200 dep 772-4036 SO. FT. MYERS 2BR, 2BA FURN. 13 I 402 Rental Locating Services ew Ravpak Versa 405 gas heater for pool or spa. 50 off wholesale.

$600. Jerry 574-8646 POOL. CHAIR $30 or best offer 768-3647 EARS Exercise bike, 4 yrs. old, hardly used $100. 574-3095 ears Exercise Cycle $45 540-9935 THE SPORTS AUTHORITY FT.

MYERSI TREADMILL, Pro- form line new. $150. 549-4345. TREADMILL: bears LiTesTyier 8 MPH, low miles. $150 neg.

433-5748 TR EADAAILL VI- tamaster. Electric Pro 1200 with pulse, speed distance monitor. New, never used, top of line, was Call a It; a i Hjif idtj WEIGHT SET with bencn. uu id. 936-8466 WHISKEY Creek Country Club Gulf Membership Cert $900 482-1110 YONEX Graphlex irons: 3-PW, stiff shaft, flat lie.

$375 neg. 3J6-U64U 378 Tools Machinery BENCH PRESS 8. leg extension. $45. 772-4403 CRAFTSMAN AAlg Welder, lu volt, $200.

574-8612 KREEPY Krauly, $isu; Sears edger trimmer $50945-4036 PRESSURE Clean er: industrial Strength 3200 PSI With Attachments 8. Warr. $879. Call 24 Hrs. 800-333-9274 HOP SAAITH 8.

$999. Call 267-1 978 eves. STEPPER Welder never used. 945-0627 ISE, Cordless ratcneT. zu ea.

947-3485 382 TV, Stereo Video lACOUSTIC Studio monitor speakers. $150offer. 768-9625 1 HITACHI 19" TV (Great pic 561 3730 iVIAGNAVOX Con sole swivel, re 936-5088 IRCA 20" COLOR with remote, good cond. $49. 433-5748 SATELLITE Dish: (Genera instru ment, excel, cond.

AAovina must sell $400 firm. 731-7958 or beeper 999-665 SONY Play Station iu games, re motes, memory card, $500. 936-5612 STEREO Kenwood 2 Ig speakers AMFM, disk, cassette. Like new PD $1200. Sell $375.

267-8857. SYLVANIA Console TV. Remote, siuu i 489-4314 VIDEO GAMES Blasteroyds, Ninla Turtles, tyress, Street Fighter $300ea. 275-7787 VIRTUA Fighter Remix. uaneg '433-5375 386 Miscellaneous For Sale ADJUSTABLE bed with chiropedic mattress head board $250.

283-0768 ALUM. Screen Door $25; 3 patio -hairs th cusn ions $50. 1 lounge chair $2U. say-vjy ANTIQUE Oak round pedistal ta Wicker rouch 8. rocking Utility 1 936-0866 AOU ARIUM an i tlque circular.

$49.99. 542-8308 1 Bible Quilt $35 939-7750 41-4 pm. CRESS ELECTRIC "FURNACE $300 945-6589 8XEC. Desk, like heavv oak 900. Anrjle II GF fteomputer 8.

Image iiVriTer primer Exec. Chair, Sfiigh back; $50. GE Self cieanina $200. 332-4232 IBANEZ: NEW mocoustic aultar --access. $300.

Pow ierWalk Plus by Jenner with rad ocass. $300 preal Christmas 402 Rental Locating Services apts. 1 a. $ioowk up. 277-31 10.

APTS Efficiencies $115week a. up No pets. Furn. Phones. Rainbow Lodge 997-1818 APTSEfficiencies Del Prodo Inn Resort 1502 Miramar St Cape 542-3151 Lee Mem'l.

1 2 BR apts. $125wk up. 277-5810. BY LEE Memorial Extras. $350mo Util Inch 332-5251 CHRISTIAN seeks mature Sr.

roommate 941-277-5659 CLOSE To 1-75 8. 80. 1 ur IDA, uiv. Yearly. wk.

694-8784 Cottage Court 1BR apt. furn. $135wk 8. up. 332-0301 EFF.

for rent, all utils. and cable included. $100 up. 334-3242 utilities, phone, air. $85wk.

334-9448 410 Vacation Resort Rentals ABACO Ft. Myers Beach WATERFRONT COTTAGE 8. VILLA $575-1 lOOwk 463-2611 AVAILABLE Housing 94 r- Connection 94f-275-8484 CAPE Apts. Efficiencies Del Prado Inn Resort Vista Mi Casa Resort 542-3151 542-5795 COUNTRY Club llv-ina at its finest. Single family homes or condos monthly or annu ally.

Full country club membership Call now Vlljages at country ireeK Realty V4 I-V4-ZBB 411 Furnished omes, Apts. Condos WATERFRONT, la nai, 3 rms. $5UU incl util. 542-1919 412 Fort Myers Apartments, Condos Abide at SandcastU EE FT Myers 1 8. 2BR's fr $325 $500 moves you in 694-6J4A ADULT gated com munity ig.

orc Incl. greens fees. Next fo pool. $925 Seven Lakes Realty 481-1552 1-800-285-1552 Airport Page Pk 1 BR $195 Ft. Myers Shores 2BR $375 North Ft.

Myers 1 BR $295 561-RENT ALL Areas Prices 1-3 BR $285-S4V5 Home Hunters Lee Co 20yr. 939-0001 Annual, from $480.00 per month. No pets. Acheron Associates. 433-4555 ANNUALS SOUTH Golf Kelly Cove Realty 941-482-4444 APTS 1 8.

2 BR $100wk up. 277-3110. Ask About Our Specials 22, $505. WaterSewer TrashPest Control Boardwalk 939-5544 Assume loan, don't rent 2BR $500dn $296mo. 481-6665 AVAIL, la 1 8, 2BR, Central pr So.

$335 8. $385. 997-053 BEAUTIFUL furn 2br. 2ba, $700 mo 947-9340 or 481-4778 BEHIND Pizza Hut 2BR duplex $335 481-6665 275-5283 1BR efficiency Lee Mem. $295mo REALTOR 939-7900 IBR screen porch heated pool, $370 mo.

332-1356 BY College 3BR $520. All utils. incl 481-6665 275-5283 By Edison Home Lg 2tK aupiex $565mo. 277-3110. By Lee Mem'l IBR $JIU $450 $350mo.

Lg 2BR $450mo. 277-3110 By River 2BR tri plex $335mo. 481-6665 call the Voaue to day and find out how to receive free rentl 1 A 2B 936-5878 3S85 Central Ave 402 Rental Locating Services charlotte! BELL Tower area- Pinebrook wooos: 2BR 2BA 2 car gar, villa. $94,500. 481-4089 2BR condo, wash erdryer S2VVV3.

Lease option avail. Palm State 433-5272 BROOKSHIRE 2br 2ba condo. Tony Petrarco 768-1312 CI AMMO Cove 2BR2BA, Jinr sec, ammenittes. $92,900. 466-8340 FORCLOSEDI Sum- merlin wooos BR 2 BA condo.

Below market. $58,900. 489-2345. GOLFING CONDOMINIUMS 3 bedroom 2 cor garage. Wildcat Run Townhouses Villas starting at $172,900.

Developer says sell. This is the area's finest olfing tacintyi ales office open daily. 947-4911800 277-4911 HIDEAWAY Country Club 2BR2BA. 768-2474 LANDINGS 2br2ba lakegoir views, storm shutters, covered parking. S67K.

Betty 8. Frank Bireley, VIP Rity Group Inc. 433-1833 LANDINGS 3 2BA, 2 yrs. old, top floor, all appi. incl.

WD, carport, tennis, golf, marina. Approx. 1575 sq. ft. $99,500.

Call 489-2624 LEE COUNTY CONDOS FROM $38,500 Garfield Realty 936-5105 Meditrranean Style 1 of a kind Vina, skylite, vaulted ceiling, private pool much more. Condo EHO Assistance Low down $550mo fi-Tl. Lehigh 369-7000 BUCKINGHAM- 2 acres, 3BR, 2tA, barn, $154,900. 694-0314 SHORES 3BR2BA, garage, 156U sq. tt.

$62, 5 uu. 543-2440 ZERO down with descent credit 4br, 2ba, remodeled, $570mo. 490-6679 641 Edison Home JL Area Homes 3BR 2BA, over 2000 sq. 2 lot site. $130,000 454-7706 Handyman Special, make Buy for $37K needs work, worth $60K fixed.

1260 sq.ft., 2br lba, fireplace, 3 car gar, on 6 lots. Out of area owner needs quick sale. 800-597-1129 wkdays Ken, 954-568-5753 wkends 644 rj Golf Course III Homes WHISKEY CREEK, 3BR2BA. Owner finance. Trees.

$163K. 693-2098 645 Ip Gateway Homes POOL HOME 11748 Mahogany Run 3 Bd 2 BA. $183,950. 768-5709 eves. ACRES POND 3900 Sq.

Ft. 5 BR Countryl $139,500 Home Hunters Lee Co 20yr.939-0O01 Assistance Low down S550mo Pl-Tl. Lehigh 369-7000 UNIQUE 2-story, oaks, creek. $89Kneg. 543-7577 WATERWAY Es tates- 3Bn, zba pool home on large cul-de-sac lot.

Non-qualify assumable. $27,000 down and assume $62,700 mtg. For more info, call 995-1558 ZERO down with descent credit 4br, 2ba, remodeled, $570mo. 490-6679 JUNE PEKOL 768-1556 A Beautiful New Victorian Cape Cod 3BR 2.5BA formal dining rm, family room, screened lanai. 334-1776 Royal American Bldrs RGOC15650 ABSOLUTE VALUE New 3BR 2BA FHA $835 TOTAL NEE DEP.

945-6717 BrTaRClTiff area, quiet 2 acres -i 3 br, 2 ba, loft, 3 oc's, security system, energy efficient, pool cage, 2 car garage carport. By appt. 334-6666 or 433-2040 CROSS CREEK ESTATES, 4BR3BA. loaded with extras Incl. pool, very Ig.

landscaped lot on lake, all wood kitchen cabinets, built In entertainment center 8. much, much more. Ready to move in. Immed. occupancy.

must see. Call 768-0178 Continued on next page 640 East Fort Myers Homes Central Fort Myers I Homes I 646 SI North Fort Myers Homes I 649 Si South Fort Myers I Homes OFF ALICO Heavy Industrial site, 1 acre available. Property Is fenced 8 includes office trailer. Call 267-2700 AFFORDABLE Sec'v, fax, copiers, conf. Sum- -nerlin area sir Furnished.

466-8682 At 2701 Cleveland Ave. office spaces from $350mo. Including up to 2000 sq.ft. avail. 334-1776 RealtorOwner AVAIL.

N.side Pla za, 800-1000 sq. $450 481-6665 CAPE DE ALII 150 950 sq.ft. ofc. Cap Prop. 481-1414.

Corporate Quarters executive sunes From $100mo. utils, CAM, Janitorial, rms, phone ans. Incl. Storage units, Sec'y svc. avail.

997-2525 DENTALMEDICAL OFC No. Naoles on Airport Rd. 1474 sq TT. SUIT ROSS FIDLER INC. BROKER 275-5999 EXEC, suites, US 41, conf, sec'y $135.

481-6665 EXECUTIVE location near hospital. $650mo. 1 mo free. 936-1120 KEY WEST CENTER i Lee ounxy-s 1 Most Successful 1 Office Complex 1 Sq. Ft, LEE Exec Center 728 10,000 sq.ft.

71C sq.ft. 481-6665 NEW EXEC. SUITES State of the art computer, full sec iretarial services, feleaant conf. rms From $99 a month, colonial oiva. NO.

Free standing 1800 Sq. yard 8. parking. Easy terms! 99-2U52 OFC SPACE $6.50 sq. ft.

Fleming Ity 432- 15a I PROF. 8. retail offices, storefront, warehse offices. 625 sq. ft.

3900 sq From $225. In centlves. 694-1951 Retail. Office and Warehouse South Ft. Myers.

RENTAL MAN 936-0025 SavonaDel Prado Blvd. 7001420sf avail. Cole Realty 542-3332. S. Ft.

Myers office space: Close to 2 day-cares. $350 mo. 267-8303 20250 SQ. FT. FOWLER STREET On tease.

Excellent small showroom. Near Colonial. Flordeco Realty Inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker 936-8888 1500 Manufactured Homes 515 Manufactured Homes For Sale fairway Gated 55 golft I FROM $29K I 731-2900 miles North of the Still AFFORDABLE Buccaneer Estates. Gated 55.

2 pools, 2 rec halls. 997-1535 Buccaneer 2br2ba split, furnished, central airheat $10,500. 997-5259 CRYSTAL LAKES New Homes $40's Gated 55 Open 9-4 1-75 Exit 24E Ft Myers 694-1900 -Tired of paying taxes? oroDertv Tired of water access- sewer merits? Tired of cable bills? Tired of endless yard work? Resales new homes available. Come home to Jamaica Bay A gated 55 community. Resales new homes available.

481-1343 517 Mobile Homes lu For Sale HANDYMAN'S Special '84. 14'x52' Brighton (shell). $2500. 574-7068 MARLETTE Older model in Caloosa Pk, $450. 731-3803 S.

600 Real Estate For Sale 608 Central Fort Myers Condos MUST sell 2br2ba. $36,900. New decor 334-0477 leave msg 609 Fi Golf Course iXi Condos OLDE Hickory Golf Country Club-Beautifully decorated 2BR, 2BA, all appliances, tile floors, loaded with extras, must seel $139,900. Call 561-1923 or 768-0178. FOXMOOR LAKES 2br2ba, high ceilings, screen porch $52,900 nlrk lritchett Rity.

S43-3434 484 Office Building Space 611 North Fort Myers Condos Al 3br2ba 2 garage $700. 945-6550 ABSOLUTE VALUE New 3 2BA. FHA I83S TOTAL NEEDED. 945-6717 AFFORDABLE Renters program EZ qual. New 3BR 2BA 2 car 580mo.

$1500. down. Call 939-1909 CBC010045 ALL Areas prices 3br S650 up Home Hunters Lee Co 20yr. 939-0001 ALL YOU WANTI 3BR 2BA $675 UP 3br2ba, pool $1200 Exsel properties 458-1151 800-877-9735 ANNUAL Rentals 772-1010 or 1-800-831-4453 Professional Rity Consultants of Lee County, Inc. CALL ANYTIME Largest selection of brand new homes.

24hrday 7 dayswk Investment Brokers of SW FL Inc. 437-0201 800-606-2485 CAPE 3br2ba, like new. No pets. LAP Prop. 481 1-1414 CAPE 2 8.

3BR homes from $650. up. 542-2194 Wonderland Rity. CAPE CORAL-Waterfront Homes $710.00 8. up.

wonderland Realty 542-2194 CONDOS HOMES $675 UP Staffile 8. Haywood Rity Mid-Point Inc 574-2728 Off Country Club 3BR ON CANAL 4112 S.E. 10TH AVE RASO REALTY 549-1138 RENTAL LIST 941-437-1983 Investment Brokers Of SW FL inc. RentAlternative 3BR $1000. move in $695mo.

334-8330 WATERFRONT S.E. 3br2ba $700 Condo 2br2ba $475 No Pets 574-2728 Staff Haywood Mid-Point Rity 447 Lehigh Acres Homes A ALTERNATIVE New 32 S550mo. Lehigh 369-7000 RentAlternative 3BR $1000. move $695mO. 334-8330 453 Waterfront Homes For Rent 3br2ba, 2 car gar on wide canal.

New paint, carpet tile avail, imrr dlately $950 per month. Ask for: Ron Rawlings or Woody Wambaugh Rawlings Realty, Inc. 482-BS 463 Lease With Option To Buy OWNER FINANCE, 4BR, pool. Whiskey CreekSW Cape, pool, direct access. 945-2326.

470 Mobile Homes For Rent N.2&3BR trees, quiet, $435mo no pets. 995-6961 NO. Clean 2BR, no pets, $90wk or $375Mo. 543-4613 MORTH NEAR 1-75 RV'S FOR RENT $60 week 8. up Air, pool, kids ok 543-2919 N.

Rent kids ok. Quiet, safe. 7760 Bogart 543-5828 477 Commercial Property For Rent Business office, retail central, no. avail. 481-6665 Retail, Office Business Warehouse South Ft Myers.

RENTAL MAN 936-0025 6000 sq.ft. restaurant and lounge. Cape 542-8499 478 Retail Store BEST value McGregor, 1 100-2800 sq. ft. 481-6665 DESIGN center looking for design related business, to lease 3000 sq ft.

In established plaza on US41 in N. Naples. 566-8119 FLEAMARKET In-door, AC, McGregor Col lege From $240mo. Call 489-3218 FLEA MARKET New US 41 Fabulous ac interior. Call 418-8003 South Ft Myers 41 FRONTAGE 2025-7500 sq.ft.

Shopping Centers sq.ft. Lighted Awnings Colored Animated Display Sign No Deposits RENTAL MAN 936-0025 it 481 Warehouse Industrial Business Warehouses close to South 41 No Deposits RENTAL MAN 936-0025 CABINETtop Shop 2000 SF, Cape Industrial Pk. $750 incl. utils. 458-9556 1000 Ft.

$295 3750 Ft. $995 768-1234 OFFICEWAREHOUSE on 1-75. 1200 sq. ft. warehouse.

2000 sq. ft. with offices. 2500 sq. ft.

all air conditioned. 4000 sq. ft. with double truck well and van height docks. All In Billy creek Commerce Center at Exit 24 of 1-75.

Carol Arnold, Bundschu Kraft, Broker. 693-1000 SOUTH Commercial 3200 sq.ft. retail, also 5000 sq.ft. warehouse with office. Tropical Hut Realty 463-4424 Or eve: 481-3700 ZIGGY 412 Fort Myers Apartments, Condos BEST DEAL IN TOWN! Gated Community Pool, tennis lake 2BR $550 UD Housing Connection Catherine St 2450 2BR $450.

seacoasr Rity 454-6900 CENTRAL 2brlba, new carpettiie. CAP Prop 481-1414 CENTRAL Park So. 2BR 2BA, lanai, WD. 561-3373 CLEAN 2BR 1BA Near sears, no pets. 574-1602 CLOSE to College 2br 481-6665 275-5283 CONDOS 2br2ba, WD.

$500 includes water. References a must. 574-6927. CONVENIENT. Lge 1 BR condo.

pool. $450 mo. 772-4711. COUNTRY living, 2 br, 2 ba, garage quiet area 694-6325 CROIX (Croy) No deposit with good rent history. IBK 1I3 1901 Linnart 334-jayy CUSTOM 4plex $335 Vaulted ceiling 481-6665 CYPRESS BEND VILLAGE Apts, IBr, $420.

2 Br, $520. 936-5801 CYPRESS CLUB SUMMER SPECIAL FROM $450 Large 2BR 2BA Flats Town houses walk to magnet schools 6308 Panther Ln. Call today 4817144 Open AAon-Fri 8-6 Saturday 10-4 E. RIVERSIDE DR 2br lba $395 se-curity 888-282-8278 ESTERO WOODS VILLAGE Midway between Ft Myers mapies. I tl, F- I FROM $470 FREE GOLF Swimming, bil liards, liDrary, playgrnd, security 1 ouay Tit- 1 Fvanston Park 2BR WD, $525.

Palm State 433-5272 FURNISHED 2BR 2BA, pool, tennis, 24 nr. sec, $625 deposit. 995-0764 FURNISHED 2br2ba, wd, no pets $650 277-0362 GATEWAY Villas 8. Condos 2BR 2BA Starting At $725. Lee Side Realty 768-5070 GREEN TEE APTS Spacious 2BR 2BA 8, IBR 1 BA available nowl Next to Ft Myers Country Club 936-1 HALF MONTH'S RENT! Colonial IBR $385 Colonial 2BR $375 East 3BR'S $325 REALTY SERVICES REALTOR 275-0484 HORIZONS APT'S Spacious 2BR 2BA apts.

can tui move in specials. 936-6760 EHO IMMED Occupancy 2brlba. Kets. 466-8049 MOBILE Homes 8. apts.

Cable 8. util furnished. Low wkly. rates! N. Ft Myers vva-aajj near River 2br lba, WD, ac $475.

277-6232 NOW accepting rental applies tlons on IBR con- do with screenea lanai, covered parking, pool, all close to ev ervthino. aulet ea, for only $395mo. 4010 ue Leon Ave. Call Barbae Son Inc. REALTOR 936-3478 Olvmoic size 2BR 2BA, pool, sand vollev ball, tot lot $545.

Kenwood Park Apts 936-3999 PEPPERTREE No Deposit With Good Rent History IBR $425 2BR $505 Broadway 332-4055 Sept. Special 1 rToO NT Tt0CH W5H LiMBAOQH'S GOT Me ON Hy Fort Myers Apartments, Condos LOCHMOOR Villas 2BR 1 BA Condo all appi, pool, tennis from $455mo. Circle Realty Co. 936-6464 LOST TREE VILLAGE 1 2 BRS Efficiencies Lakes Park area 481-4838 NO. effe'y.

cottage. urns paia. no peis. $96week. 549-1588 NO: Lg.

2BR2BA til 1197. $600 mo. Also effec. $100 wk. Both furn.

Quiet, near shopping, i ncl util. 997-8955656-2840 On water. Unique, furn. ett. i-ionoa rm, spa, boat dock.

cable, utils. incl. $395mo. 332-4173. PARKWOODS AND HAMLET REALTY Mall Realty Development 936-1320 Parkwoods, The Hamlet, Mission Monterey, The Village of Cedarbend RENTALS SALES 1,2,3 Bedroom TOWN HOMES VILLAS Pine Manor IBR $100 wk.

2BR $125. 277-3110 Pinnacle Slammer IBR wgar incl. $525. Call for extras 936-5464 Pinnacle woods 1 2 BR, pool, garages, on site manager. Great Location.

275-6849 PUNTA RASA $1400 Elegant Guit From Home Hunters Lee Co 20yr. 939-0001 Relax, you're home. Affordable 3BR 2BA apartment homes onlv $585. Limited availability. Call 936-0043 Park Place Apts.

RICHARDSON ARMS ASK ABOUT OUR 2BR SPECIALS IBR's from $375 2BR'S from $425 3BR's from $575 Walk to Edison Mall. Mon-Fri 8-6pm, Sat 10-4pm or by appt. 936-7193 SAN Carlos Pk. duplex, 267-9060 PR Brkr S. 2BR 2BA $600 Watersewer trash.

Near Health Pk. NO PETS. Rawlings Realty 433-5643 SO off Cypress 2br 1 '20a, gar, very clean $450 security. 466-3626 South Ft Myers Reward yourself! Step Into prestigious Fort VAyers finest community where vacation fs a daily state, of mind, win utoft from world re nowned resort beaches. Move now and enioy living lifestyle you der-serve! Call for details on additional $SS savings) 466-4662 Sunset Manor Under New Management.

Efficiency, IBR, 2BR, Pool Quiet Neighbor-hood. 27S-4S8f. Tice Area near Palm Beach shopping large 2 2BA, screened pa- water includ ed In rent. Pa trolled complex. Call 694-6226 TWIN OAKS No Deposit with Good AoDlication lbr $335 Studio $285 2275 Central 332-3230 Month Free on 0M 412 Fort Myers Pg Apartments, Condos 257S Second St.

Nice area patios 2 fcK $450mo. 277-3110 SO. 3br 2ba den, newly remodeled. 432-0718 leave msg SO. Ibrba, screen lanai, pool, tennis.

$395mo. No pets W.W. Schoo Mgt Inc. 481-4700 SPACIOUS IBR's $500 per month LAKE VIEW! No Pets. 482-0629 Tice 2BR 2 A $480mo.

incl. util. no dogs 283-2733 TWNHSE 2br2ba loft, WD, POOL $700mo. 481-5504 THE ALL NEW END APMrTMfWS Luxury 1 2 Bedrooms, Full Size WD Included, Health Club, Pool, Clubhouse, Private Courtyard, Lake viewsBoating, Small Pets Welcome. 275-8868 2825 WINKLER AVE.

OPEN 7 DAYS sjjnTree 275-9666 SAVINGS WW 5301 SUMMERLIN RD 415 Lee County Apartments, Condos ALL Utilities paid, $100 deposit, Efficiency $325. 1 BR 418-7550 RENT TIL OWN Existing 8. New homes. SPECIAL low down financing. Americas Affordable Housing Corp.

997-54Q1 416 Lee County Duplexes FT. MYERS SHORES. 2br. No pets. $475.

693-9237 NEW 21, new Univ. area, San Carlos Pk SS95mo 267-7537 M. Ft. Myers- 2BR, 1 BA, $425mo. $300 deposit.

656-6658 SAN Carlos 2BR 2BA WD. No Pets. $520. 498-1939 418 Cape Coral Apartments, Condos APTSEfficiencies Del Prado Inn Resort 1502 Miramar St 542-3151 A-l Rentals. 2BR 2BA.

Pool, turn. unfurn. 772-3358 A-l util. pd. Seniors OK.

Furn. Sioowk. 549-0455 AVAIL NOW 1 br furnished $360mo util 542-4797 2BR 1.5BR twnhse. $570, no pets. Cole REALTORS 542-2112 RIVER 418 Cape Coral Apartments, Condos ABIDE at Malaga on water Apts-Eff.

$125wk, quiet, phone, pool 8. dock $25day 542-3464 BOLADO area 3BR2BA, canal. $775. 549-4221 1 2 Br apts, pool, laundry, lease. No pets.

542-2304. CAPE 2 BR APTS. Prom $500.00 8. Up. 542-2194 Wonderland Rity.

CITY Hall 2br $400, Skyline 2br $447. ir 481-6665 King size. Furn, private entrance, bath, util, phone, TV, cable, pool. For 1. NS $450.

mo. 418-6479. Lg unfurnished 2BR 2BA, annual lease, no pets, $525. 542-2664 or 542-1645 M.E AC, ups. 2BR duplex.

WD REALTY SERVICES REALTOR 275-0484 421 Beach Island Apartments, Condos MATLACHA new lbrlba. $390mo. 283-9695 440 Fort Myers Homes For Rent A ALTERNATIVE New 32 $550mo. Lehigh 369-7000 AFFORDABLE Renters program EZ qual. New 3BR 2BA 2 car $580mo.

$1500. down. Call 939-1909 CBC010045 ALL Areas Prices 2-4 BR Home Hunters Lee Co 20yr. 939-0001 ANNUALS SOUTH $1075 $1895 (Pool) Kelly Cove Realty 941-482-4444 BR00KSHIRE $900 3BR, 2 car Gar. Available Oct.

1 Price Rity 275-339 CARILLON WOODS 4BR 4BA, pool a. spa home, 4400 sq. 3 car gar. $2700mo. Rent or lease option.

945-0866. Clean 3br 2ba, dbl garage, appliances $750 656-5023 COTTAGE East. 2 BR. $150Wk incl util. 693-2100.

DEEP LAGOON 3BR IN-LAW APT CANAL $1350 Home Hunters leeo 20139-0001 DIRECT ACCESS CANAL, NO. $650 Home Hunters Lee Co 20yr. 939-0001 GATEWAY: Exec. waterfront 3br 2ba like new! 768-1944 NORTH: 4BR 3BA Pool, firepl. $895.

Good ref's. reqd. 94 1-566-7204 352-4254 SAN CARLOS 3br, 2 ba, 2 car aft. garage. 7594 Laurel Valley Rd.

$775 mo. 433-0033 SAN Carlos Lease option. 2BD2BA S650mo. 267-2336 SAN Carlos Lease option. 3BD2BA SBOOmo.

267-2336 SAN Carlos- nice 3BR, 2BA, $725. 694- 1631694-4356. SHORES 3BR2BA, garage. $585. 1st, last, sec.

543-2440. SOUTH 2BR 2BA SSOOmo. Fleming Rity 432-1551 WHISKEY CREEK Lg. 2BR2BA pool home. $1200mo.

incl. lawn, pool care, pest 8. trash Rawlings Realty 433-5643 443 Lee County Homes For Rent A ALTERNATIVE New 32 $550mo. jei4h369700q Problem Credit? We can help you rebuild your credit and put you In a home. 458-3454 RentAlternative 3BR $1000.

move in $69Smo. 334-8330 I BE Golf Course S. Country Club. 3 BR 2 BA Golf course pool home. $900 mo.

Vision one Realty 543-4777 or 772-0733 eves flCapsXcharhuk Vs. 14 I asparilla VV Jf H) Bokeelia slantMT Coiiee 1, Center) lUjH'" 7rJ Lehigh i'wLI -S2r CaptivaS iftV fZ-Ts lBwui fWSfflWI Myers fc-Mlirnal Beach Zft Bonita I I Vj COLLIER I 1 il Golden Classified LOCATOR MAP For your convenience we have included a general map of Southwest Florida ana its major cities. Selected 6t uearoom Apis. Washer Dryer Pool Fitness Ctr Tennis more CAPE Apts.Ifficiencies pool Atlantic Apts. 549-2611 El Cid Apts 542-1223.

News-Press from Fort Myers, Florida (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.