Fort Lauderdale OUR ADS WORK FOR YOU 2E Fort Lauderdale News. Thursday. February 1. 1979 77 T07 Personal I. Penates 5w urxr CLASSIFIED PHONE NUMBERS: to place a classified ad Broward County Residents Call 761 "41 11 Boca Raton Residents Call 9428500 o- if-ema-e Kanw wawo fOWT I AUDFRDALf NEWS 101 North New River Drive East Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
33302 THE NUMBER ONE CLASSIFIED MARKET PLACE IN SOUTH FLORIDA! 1 TO CANCEL A CLASSIFIED AD Fwates See Mv ad Urw fa-trr Aarieo: DIP YOU PLEDGE KWv rjcre 19735 To Wcioav Aa- 105-Cemetery Lots-Crypts CALL YOU PL DC-E A WfOritv grave tot, stouded SE Pi. taud. Optor 19'3? To oartiCitwte Ay- 761-4100 CMs'uvinaire, Box '22 ui ver- Ss-ci Ciirs-, ie 3d4 4 CEMETE Rv lots, Laufcraaie Me-' Gardens ictior Gat sen ot 278-6277 or 737-0110 North of Boca Raton, Residents Call Miami Residents Call Ate V- nice 'oo 9 ae b'lflit. sensitive exaefate, eTte JC 30. narnge mmoed or.v sen3 owto.
c' ixc Sw? Sc 3C-M MOSLEM Crvo lor two. Lan Memorial Par. Bi'aftv Qyotnjt price Ph. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday's. 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. HOURS: 947-2632 LAUDERDALE Mmo-il Gardens 2 cemeter tojntar. sec $S0 8 ALONE? MEED A HOME7 1 1 1 106 Lost I Found ae a a Federal Hwv ant an Sat jar JO and tw-i ciea C3'; Jrgei HELPFUL i bmt to ttart HINTS ON CREATING A "Want Ad" THAT your want ad with lha rum of (h article or aervlc you hav to offer If To place your Classified ad in the Fort Lauderdale News and Sun-Sentinel Special Editions: WEST SUNSHINESHOWTWE SOUTH PALM BEACH Call telephone numbers listed above! you Imvw an apanrtwnt tor rant, or proparly or merchandiM lor aala, ad should always include tha prtoa.
2. Be clear readers respond mora quickly and favorably whan given complete, definite information. 3. Make aaay tor tha reader-proapect to reach you. It you do not have regular hours, state a pretened lane tor lha prospect to get In touch with you.
4. Play sate Call our Ad-Vteors wall in advance of our deadline tha day before you want your ad to run. The additional time will give us a chance to work Willi you for the bast possibta results. 5. Place yourself in the reader's position, and aak yourself what you would want to know about your offer.
The anawer you give will make a good warn Ad. 6. Give your prospect every Inducement you can with good copy. Want ad readers have tht money and are already interested In buying the merchandise or services you have to otter; tha details and Intormatkm you give are lha clincher." 7. Want Ads that fail to bring tha dsaired results do so usually, not through a lack of readership, but because they are poorly worded or contain Inadequate Information.
CLASSIFIED DEADLINES All transient ads accepted until 3 p.m. each day to start the following day with the following exceptions Saturday dead'ine: 10 30 an Friday Sunday deadline 4 rn, Friday Monday deadline 4 30 p.m. Friday Classified Display Deadlines Ads accepted until 4 p.m. two days before puDlication with the following exceptions: Saturday deadline: 4 Wednesday Sunday deadline' 4pm Thursday Monday deadline: 4 Friday Ait ads are read back to the advertiser tor approval Please cnei yon ad the first day it appears It we made a mtsuike. will be giiKl to airrei-t it The News Sun- Sentinel is responsible ttx on.y cxie dy insertion ttr d'ty ernv truir dittets iiri the copy that was read rjacn.
Cai! 761-4100 it your wi contains an error Some ciassitied categories require payment advarve All ads are restricted to ttreir proper classification Publisher requires the right to eoit or reiect any classified advertising copy uvcii ') jellies tta'beni Kj tme (u wo, tWysi at a ui Mt ntfl trvMHttc Private party action ad rate 3 lines, 7 days $15.00 Special private party action ad rate 3 lines, 7 days $6.00 eSfijnd hx ytw prsr.t! rBCfi.i'WHe prc.I under SJOO 00 Tu nwy thts ipx mt raid must siWttrsy ad isin ittBnttH. ol waofB. Ciris-sifmd ttw cTHeto ootdiig i CLASSIFIED INDEX t07-rVarinp RtHMirt U-Manne Misc Mavine Surveyors 10 Boat Oockatw Storage il Boats Wanted Buv ffent 1 2 HousrDoaf CsCbXIm S03 Domestic SK-Managernent Administrative 506 Mown talked teal 507 industrial 509-Personal Service 5il Professional Technical 513-Ottice-Clencal Restaurants clubs Hotels Aots 517 Sates Store S7 Trades 523 Trainees 525 Misc Empiovment S3 Pan Time Help Agents Lines 700- Caraw Sales 701 Household Goods 70 Appi lances 701- TV. Hi Fi, Stereo 704 Sewing Machines 705 -Musk al Irntrurnents 70 BicvCles 707 Wearing Apoaret Jewelry 70S AntMwes TO Cameras Sporting Goods 710-Nursery Garden Building Materials 713 Office A Store Eou lament 713 Machinery 7l4Earm Mac nine rv H05 Ft. Laud.
for Sale 1)04 SI Ft Laud lor Sale 1107 Ft Laud tor Sale )0 Pompano tor Sale mo-Boca Raton tor Safe tllZ Bovnfon tor Sale lll3Coopet Citv tor Sale -Coral Springs tor Sale 111) coconut Creek lor Sale lit Dama for Sate Uit OavHt for Sale 1130 Deertield for Sate 1133 Defray for Sale 1134-Hallandale tor Sale tiUHiHsboro for sale 1121 HoHvwood for Saw 1130-Laske Worih lor Sale 1132 Lantana tor Sate 1 1 J4 Laudei dale hv the Sea tor Sale 113 Lauderdale Lakes for sate 1130 Lauderhilt for Sale il40 Lightnouse Point tor Sale H4i Norm Lauderdale lor Sale 103 Lantana tor Rent 103 Lauderdale the Sea tor Rent 1040-Laudardat Lakes for Rent 1042 Lauderhilt for Rent 1044 Lighthouse Point for Rent 104 Margate for Rent 1044- Pakn Beach for Rent low-Plantation tor Renf 1053'Pompano for Rent 1054 Sea Ranch Lakes for Renf 105 Tanvarac for Rent 1050 West Palm Beach tor Rent 1 00 Miscellaneous Rentals 101 Mobile Home Rentals 103 Rent or Sale lOaJ Out of Area Rentals 104 Stores-Offices- Warehouses for Rent 1045- Commercial Rentals 104 Wanted to rent Homes 107 wanted to rent Apts. 104 Wanted to rent Roorm 1 04 -Wanted to rent Stores- OHices 1070-Wanlcd to rent Miscellaneous i EE i2 Employment Agencies, 7'i Miscellanou for Sae 531 Positions Wanted 7ia Eichange, Trade 533 Baby Sitters 717 Wanted to Bus 534Preparation tor to Renters Aots or Homes 1001 Apt tor Rent Furnished 100? Aols for Rent Fur ft Sch Area 1003 Apis for Rent Unfurnished 1004 Apt tor Rvrtt Unfurn Bert Area 1005 Homes tor Rent Furnished lOOe Homts tor Rent Furnished Bch Area IOC Homes for Rvnl Unfum 1008 Homes for Rent Unfurn Bch Ara 1009 Duplexes tor Rem 100-Rooms for Rent I0H Room A Boprtf 1012 Boca Raton for Rent tOM Boy nton tor Rent lOH-Corat Springs for Rent 10)1 Oanta tor Rent 1020 Davte tor Rent 1022 Deertield for Rent 1024-Detrav for Rent 102 Fort Lauderdale tor Rent 1021 Ha Mandate for Rent 1030-Hillsboro tor Rent 1032 Hollywood for Rent 1034-Lake Worth for Rent Empiov mem IECEE 01 ANY GENERAL RENT ALL SERVICE FOR AN AD DAYS OR LONGER 1 142 Afterdate tor Sale naa aim Beaoh for Sate 37: IT 11 114 Ptantat.on for sale mmmmM sea Ranch Lakes lor safe up to 30' Boats for sale over JO' Sailboats for sate 904-Boats Rent-Charter OSGottJoard or Marine Ertgines Supplies notReai estate Services HOl Homes for sale H02 Waterfront Homes for Sate 1103 Beach Area tor Sale 1104 e. Ft. Laud, for Sale LOST; 8ic a'ache case 1ft Ocean Ba Pome. Js'i.
13 Con Jt iroiy WSOnai discnarge, ca' res ce'ttcjt PLEASE remove contents returr to Pome PQ St Pc 5 Hcoties? CHauiec Reward 942 '6t BASSE TT -Hound Mate Tri co'or test oH Rd Desserateiv Re a -a' 4p3; FOUND LARGE STRAY OOO. VI-C'N'TYOF OAKLAND PV 8LVD FED HWY SaS-aatf LOST red Pitbull rrt.x, female, tost i cm.ty ot Poi Cfce Fee Hwy. Red coar ftea--c 522 257 LOST Toeitjex. vc Atianti. ft SE 12 Po'ipdnc 6cfi i' eara '82 J45 9 2-tW.
LOST: STRAYED or STOLEN female CORGI PUP Biack. no tad. Davta area. Substantial re ware 472 6006 LOST medium stw aog drown, 0io rabies las or cww answers to Max Can -'7tM I NW Terr. P'artaton JSC rewati LOST 1 yr old male o-ac.
LaD'aoo'. tic'idav Pk area C-we pet SE 900 SQ FT $155 MO 2045 5toraae tth sv eveheac floor, oane ec air conditioned oftce. S854 306 3J1 x-e West, Pomoaro Bcf? LOST-. 3 5me" suitcases benmo W'tw Dx rera: btags O' Hy, Pomo. Reward Can S-WaC tor Chns Cxira-d LOST viomtv New vecaiico cat tcr9 haired ema.
imid. may Oe answers KVeeds reara LOST- maw mo od ca Cora' 3ge area, grey fflaCk ger itti FOUND, mrtie Bnttartv Suitel iemon A Nte. Ta'oo on hs siwn-cti, has. 77 rapies tor ne ns, CeucMy 77 3236 or 7ihMf ewe. LOST Prooresso P'aza.
Dari Bag coofeits iewerv. reArd- ease can mi-hjv POUND -Beise Paodie SrieeD- ts9, maie, ac-erox nc old- vie Las 0'as B.a 7i4-ssi REWARO LOST ir Margate a'ea NVs ttti St wareouses oeteen Lake Snore iman Black dog. 8r nark'ngs witn hana tooed coar Turqotse stones. Ca pr LOST- Keestiond female, aoprox 2 yrs aw area 42 Name Lucki Lafi LOST- white male Samoved area NE School we. Kewara.
Lan fu-ws LOST-- Siarrwse Female cat Mui tr cotored ti rttTe paws. to. Laua LOST Yorkshire terrier male, aoout 5tD5 name ger. sw 41 St. Da, SS7 J209 S6 5428 REWARD LOST ernae stamese Cat, recen surgery-scar or stamacn, vti SW S5 Terr 16 S' Please return tc vourwi owner Oav 7634400.
e'. 42 9951 LOST diamond heart oefderrt sen-t men'al value, lost Hoji- ta1 4m tiaor tc looey, 565-50M reward LOST INVALIDS CANE Tues Broward Stvd sr MW Av sentimenta1 value. Reward 463-3T93 LOST: Gray white female cat em OJ'lar, named Pyte's Pleast can Jacme 325-6242 oefore 7V2-J442 LOST. White t-oodie. arge toy femal.
Answers to name "Pat- Put" Had 'ag wtf owrter name andaddress. Margate area 971-4273 REWARD tor return of lost White Soiti Terrier Last see" Laud, answers to MOMZA. 739-0330 LOST; 4 Yr old vh: 2700 out w. aroward bivd. Name "Sod- 107 Personals SuuL iearcPing Message or Aorid Peace.
24 hr taoe- Fattma Message Center 496-1289 For dynamic Spiritual Werds 498-1W7 NEW RETIREMENT HOME Board, Laundry, Fenced -522-3936 REPINED vowig ladv, 65 desires companionship of refined gentleman. Widower) 6C-70, Social, conctfis, church. Many interests. Write Box 46-P Ft. Laud News.
42' YACHT Sun, swim, fish, party anytime. Or cruise to Keys Simtm. Baiamas Share Cost, At 941 2556 HOMES ARTS TO SHARE ROOMATES UNLIMITED See our Ad Ciassiftcat'on 1000 PHYSIC (AN, Jewish, retired, 65. active, no incumber ances, living dit-terent citv. would act as es cortcompanion (or iadv-no incum-berances-acrive-fmanciaHv mdeoei-dant.
Confidential-witi return recent onoto Jener or phone it desired Reoiy Box E-42-M, Ft Laud News WANTED adventurous athletic gai who would iiKe sailing on wknds. Reoiy Box E-56-F, Ft Laud News ATTRACTIVE European gen tteman. 6 ft. I5 tbs into tenms. scuba- good dancer, own plane, looking tor an attractive and unencumbered, classy ladv.
Reoiy to Box E55-M. Ft. Laud News WEALTHY WOMAN WANTED Mala 18, a', 200 tbs. good looking, divorced, semi-retired, college grad, seeks wealthy woman any age, who needs trtendshio, understanding, etc. Only serious replies please -PO Box 16864.
Plantation 33318' PROBLEM PREGNANCY will heto you have your baby Call BIRTHRIGHT for Free Counseling Testing 467-444 NEW RETIREMENT AREA ARE vou recently divorced, a recent widower, loneiyr in your 60's, affluent would like to remarry an attractive young 60'ishwidow? Let's get acouainted! Please send phone no. to Box E-57M. Ft Laud News ELDERlY Lady to share apt. with Box E-34M Ft. Laud News BIG orls where are you 1 am 35, 4'3" hate bar scene and like big girn.
Write me You have nothing to tosa. Box 22142. Ft. Laud Fla. 33335 ROSE HILL from Kentucky, Dave reailv misses you.
Anybody knows her whereabouts, gets small reward. Reply to Box 49W Ft Laud Npws GENTLEMAN 42 very involved in business nottroe tofindcompaoship. Would like to enioy dinner, theatre, simple interesting converstion enioy Ma. Loofcmg tor sincere honest mce apoeanng taoy snare wim. Write Box E75M.
Laud, P0-fTt mi loan ararjiutte. male, witt ing to companionship to fi nancially secure temaie, w- piy Ft Laud News Box E-6V 25 Y. OLD ATTRACTtVE MALE, 5'y, 5 lbs. former auto sales mgr from Boston area, seeKs tman-ciatlv well off older tema tor sm cere comparMonshtp. Ail reoiies strict contidenc.
nvnie t-i. Laud. News SOUL Searching? Message on Worto Peace 24 hr tape, fat. ma Message Center 498-128V. Kor dynamic pi tuai Words 49B-1287- BW Aat CorKj--e9ate Home J35 to met.
tf taunorv trftrtsaorw inn ccorpo 2 Rr. rune Jtxe PERV'SORY care iK e-oeriv tr ttofW. iMv ous cv! room. 'Mi'e Female See My ad tmoe' 40' i Partner Aanreas Findncir u'vo eKs aMfac'e eatp JC 35 X1 tyr dates Ail rentes rimioe 3 Late Nes 8ox E3V tor ng tf Sena aocrs Seno So G-S-M atsd Nes STL EVAN, 44. e't epicvea lev tor spe-ai ai-l tc drirw efltef Rv Ben 79-M Laud Nes AiONf Over 357 Do h- want tc nee' nce oeope or socia'-iiie.
ach-, Qining e'e Oi. "eaf. EstaDitsned ciuCtor divorcee 3-xs K30ea wriom acceo'g new eoe'i et. Laud. Bo 3 FV New TROUBLED' CARE I AiLl LtSTEN FREE 31 ANVTiME RiSTlAN Ma V.
58, ID 6s, ce'-e, t.nar-c.a' secure. See f9 K've emate tired at Kenei rttwesteo '3' Or 'edO'r-9 to rar-tov. Reaiv Bon Ft Ne 333C2 i9 YR O'd itaiiar 8acc 5 "I40 nazes eves. B'acnair, W'Wigrey 'Dle4. ioomnj kir s- Reo Ft LauO News GARY PlSER ccr Dier MARK.
1- OS-Business Personals SUPER FROM iXOiA WOMEN'S CLINIC BtRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTS V-00 VACUiW ABORTION VASECTOMIES $125 TUBAL LtCATlQNS S350 a Women-s Medica C- nic inc Ownea Operated By Wcn-n port Lauderdale 772-23 NAIL SCULPTURING No iceismg reauired- Free demo. Pvt iessons avanabte. 564 'O'S PREGNANT? CALl 772 0933 UUOEROAU WOMEN'S CLINIC Lowest Genera lAsteecior local. Aisc 'jba' ugaion oo premises Birth Cantr-jji. Ce-'ied MO Gynecologist.
No atornevs tees Phone Ml -69VT. PREGNANT? WE CARE FREE TESTS FINANCING Ovnetrotcg ss Coifidentiatj Ail intges 463-6 7 J9 SINGLE? "Seiect Dating Service'' owesr ra'es t-ree drocnure. write Bc-x 25C3B, Tama'ac, t-a 33J20 COUPLES FOR FRIENDSHIP UST DATE A B0RE7T? 't's time vou tried Setectrs Date, the area's tarwst. most eo compute' dating service. No gimmicks, no fat 'ees.
(us' oooc matches For a free, no obligation foider, nte P-O. Box 204. FL 33022 THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Release your pam. nerves tired ness. rench Me'hod Facials.
941-1410 Appf Only 9-6 LiC 2606 DIVORCE $50 CORPORATIONS S50 WIUS (30 BL CURTIS MEMBER FLORIDA BAR EVES. WKENDS 462 6356 COLON IRRIGATION at the Health Complex 566-0444 Hours 7 to 4 p.m. weo a. bat, t-it 12 by appt. RETIREMENT residence for jm- ouwory and women, mea nciuded.
L'censeo 763 1044 HAVE TABLE WILL TRAVEL A Lc Masseur 1032. Massage fn our home-apt 791 8877 SINGLES SERVICES Call 5661584 FROM 49.00 4- COSTS Ftctitiom Name Registration, Cor porations Name Change, Simoie Divorce. Wills from $25. oher legal services at tow rates. 6i-ij3 HUSTLE OR BALLROOM DANCING 4 Haf Hr private lesionsoruy $10.
La" a-jei4 or mj-ajj "DISCO" LESSONS 5 HOURS FOR 10 DEERFIELD 421-4208 2 TO 10PM MINDPOWER INSTITUTE BILL KING. HYPNOTIST ASTROLOGY CHARTS BY NANCY 78206SO APPT ONt-Y Sll MASSAGE Colonic Irrgationn 2355-SETTY KAHMEN 561 M21 CARE FOR THE ELDERLY Good food, laundry service 24-hr supervision. Wuniegg i Kest Home. Jl-B 65 OIVORCE $15 for forms Consultation DIVORCE H0 Far Full AftorfTev Service Coslf of ifin ol tnclodel 4752354 JOHN SHERIDAN I HOUR MASSAGE Lie. 1199 Can Gill 9W-1S26 Boca.
CLUBWORLO HAS IT ALL LEGITIMATE WOOEL win give cut rates to a mature photographer. CaH 946-87 UNCONTESTED OIVORCE CORTORATIONS SIMPLE FLORIDA WILLS PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY 85 $75 $25 $150 ADOPTIONS SIM NAME CHANGE $75 All Services include Aforney loutt Add''onat CITIZENS LEGAL SERVICES, INC FLORIDA'S LARGEST FT. LAUD. 563-3228 119-Entertainfflenf ONfc MAN BAfttD-TfekY MA-T wao All 202 Schools ACT NOW BE A TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER Tram Fiorida-Naiionai Training TOLL FREE W0-3JJM64 LOVE ANIMALS? v' BE A VETERINARY ASSISTANT Tram lor an excitinfl i rewarding working animals. Can collect Dr.
Bullinoton, Director 7S1-26M ANIMAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE S340 NE 2 AVE. MIAMI, FLA. POMPANO AREA FLORIDA REAL ESTATE SALESMEN'S COURSE WEEKEND MATH COURSE 7824710 DONALD L. ROSS SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE LICENSE COURSE 5 DAY COURSE am EVERY MONDAY RUDI JORDAN REAL ESTATE SCHOOL FOR LICENSE LAW 2W OAKLAND PK BLVD. SUITE 210 566.7M0 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS LICENSE COURSE NEW EVENING CLASS 7 PM TUESDAY FEB IJtrt Tuesdays 4 Thursdays 7- 10 PM PRE REGISTER RUDI JORDAN REAL ESTATE SCHOOL FOR LICENSE LAW J78J OAKLAND PK BLVO SUITE 310, SM-7S40 ALLMAJOR CREDIT CARrK for Saw 114(ty of Sunrise for Sale 1150-Tamarac for Sale 1152 Wast Palm Beach tor Sale nsJ-counfry Homes 202 Schools BERNIE SALERNO SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE SALESMANSHIP REQUIRED COURSE ALL IN I WEEK OR NIGHT CUSSES 563-1391 TRAVEL SCHOOL There Is adventure awaiting you in a travel career, i raining courses ottet vou an exciting opportunity foi travel, placement assistance, A on ma iod training, 7 WEEKS (SO HOURS) For information contact: I DM I KAvfcL 5LMUUL 3300 tnver-rary Lauderhlll.
Fla. 739-650. 563-5104 tiS7oridornimunn for Sal list Beach Area Condos for sate MS9 Ocean Access Condos for Safe ti0-N CefTdos for Sale I HI Condos tor Sale IH5 W. Condos tor Sale tlW Broward Condos tor Sale 117 Boca Raton Condos tor Sale iiat Cuconut Creek Condos tor Sat 7r corai iprings Condos tor Sate 1171 Deertield Conclos tor Safe 1173 Ligmhouse Pt condos for Sate 73 Mar gate Condos tor Sale M74 Pompano Beach Condos for Sale 1175 Co-ops For Safe M7 Ouptees Income Property for Sale 1 1 77 -Apts Hotels Motets lor Sale tiTt StoresOftices for Sate 1 1 7f warehouses- tndustr iat tor Safe llaCommerctai A Business Property tor Sale 1)81 Lots for Sale 1102 Water -OceanfronletM for Sale HU-G roves. Acreage A Farms lor Sal 114 Out of Area tor Sale 1185 Bahama Properties for Sale 202-Schools REAL ESTATE COURSES COMPLETE IN 5 DAYS FT.
"THE PROOF IS IN THE PASSING" GOLD COAST SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE Ft. Lawisrdafe 735-5900 Miramai 431-1300 REAL ESTATE NEW CLASS Thursday, Feb. 8 New C'ass in FREC I. the reaiiirwl course tor ootainmg a Florida Real Estate License, starts Thursday. and meets Mondays and Thursdays from 7,00 to 10 00 p.m.
for weeics REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE OF FLORIDA, INC. 1765 E. 26rh Street Fort Lauderdale 563 7261, Ext 35 MEN WOMEN, 17 OVER NEEDED TO TRAIN AS BANK TELLERS AND BANK CLERKS Morning or Evening Classes for ONLY 2 WEEKS MANY NEW BANK BRANCH OPENINGS In 190 create 100's of JOB OPPORTUNITIES No previous experience needed Effective job placement help Over 300 Graduates placed For interview appt, call anytime 467-6464 SUPERIOR TRAINING SERVICE AoodVatiam being accepted now! 1 NURSES AIDE TRAINING CLASS BEGINS FEB. 26ft Ano I rut in rx now hrinci aw-fWrltvt Call 5M--4677 tor more mforrrtetion r-t. Lauderdale School Allied Health Career 2773 Oakland Pk Bivd 20S-Musical PIANO A ORGAN Instructions vour home, all ages, all levels, rea-lonahle rates, call 722 9 PVT Piano or Organ Lessons.
Learn to olav Dooular A classic al muiic troma professional. Call: 463-1080 118 Sate or Rent Itfj7 Real Estate (Change 1)88 Real Estate Wanted Ilfjv-Movmti Storage 130i-AolMi Homes for Sale 1309 Mobile Homes tor Rent 1303-MolHle Homes Wanted 1304 Mobile Homes Communities 1305 Sites Sate or Rent 130 Trailers Sale or Renf 1 307 ampers Accessor ws 1 704 Motor Homes Ok 1 301 -Flying Service' Instruction 1303 Aircraft Sale or Renf 1J03 Aircraft Storage 101 -Motorcycle for Sale 1402 Motorcycles tor Rent 1403-Moforcyct Eqiorrurnt 1500-vam 1501 Accessories-Parts 1502 Repair Paint Body 1503-Trucks Tractors-Trailers 1)04 Trucks Hire or Lease IMS-Trucks Wanted 205-Musical DRUM LESSONS YOUR HOME MINE 15 yrs. EXP 7S5-0684 AFTER PM PIANO-ORGAN LESSONS All Aqes 1 Levels Pvl Studio. Fed. Hwy Oakland Park 77'J-i345 ORGAN LESSONS.
Sincere Juliliard trained teacher children! adults. $7 45 min, Eiizabetft B. ScrraX 564 3865 Zj FINANCIAL ttttntttuttt 401 Business Opportunities NEW G.E. (Coin Operated) WASHERS DRYERS IN CARTONS We specialize in laundry sales Handle closing Financing. G.E.
DISTRIBUTORS Commercial Sales Inc. 3M0 H. Andrews Ave. Ft. Lauderdale 565 273? AU STATE BUSINESS BROKERS Let our eoerts helo vou to buv or sell your business.
1000 Listings. No ousiness too tergt or small. 491-5155 41-5156 PLANT A SEED WITH A GROWING COMPANY NATIONAL COMPANY IS NOW IN TERVI I FOB flit. TRIBUTORS TO SERVICE ESTAB' LISHEO RETAIL ACCOUNTS. No Salting No Comoetitiott No Overhead Part or Full Time Group Insurance Available Products Promoted With TV RADIO NEWSPAPER Minimum Investment $4990 Call Sam to 5pm 5666113 Eves 567-2242 UGGAGE ft Leather goods fore Central mall location.
Fla, well est A well stocked. Owner retiring. Ft La DO News BOX fciVM, 33302 BEER. WINE Beverage Store-1 man operation-short hours. Perfect tor retiree.
Good beach area. $30,000 handles it with large inventory. Call 427-4151 between tOam-llam. EARN $30 PER HOUR TOUR OWN BUSINESS FULL OR PART TIME Carpet ft Upholstery Cleaning is a billion dollar industry. Customers are everywhere.
Get your share of the action. We train you do the work ft how net the work to do. Small investment tn equipment, not a tranchise. Cat! now 456-4343. untsieem inausirtes sourn inc 221 A Ha Mandate Bch Bivd Haiianaale BUSY beauty salon in Tamerac, must ssell.
7 statioons, 3 sinks, make an offer. 743 1044 NEED A BUSINESS? FLORIDA GOLD COAST BUSINESS BROKERAGE INC. 1700 Oakland Park Bivd Mr. Chiiarm Daw 735-5900 Eves. 2T3 i aciifs RniiTiraiiF ptimd FASHION SQUARE.
NETS V32M y-Ji- ibu or eves iJ5 Tin RESTAURANT, DAYS, BUSY LOCATION. NETS $50 000 MM870 or eves 941-7043 AMALGAMATED $41-1670 150 Automobile Rent or Lease. 1507 Automo biles Wantwd 1500 Foreign A Sports Cars 150 Classic Anttquv Cart 110 ArnerKen Maiors DM Buicli l13-Cadll4C 151 7 Chrysler 1)1 Oodge l)3l Ford 1)23 4 Wheel Or ive Vehicles D25L)ncoM 1)37 M'curv i)3Ordsmotoile l)3i Pivmouth U3Poniiac 1537 Studroaker 1)38 AutomotHles Mik 401 Business Opportunities ROOF CLEANING REPAIR MANY ACTIVE ACCOUNTS 51200 941 1870 OR EVES 941 7042 BEAUTY SALON. ALWAYS BUSY, GOOD LEASE NETS 130 000 OR EVES 941 7042 AMALGAMATED 941 180 CONVENIENCE STORE Neatest store in Florida, exceiier location in growing plaza on Federat Hwy. $45,000.
Call 272 2t) JACARANDA LOTS BOB REIO, RELATOR 584 8100 EVES 472 2356 KROLL REALTY CO INC REALTORS UQUOR LOUNGE Prime Fed Hwy location with enter- tainment, g-'ossinq S.SOO.000. ITALIAN RESTARANT Worn ft Pop tvoe operation with IS yr lease ft nice llalian opror, CO 60 LOUNGE Large high class operation with low rent, serious inquiries only SCOZ2AFAVA A ASSOC 463-0365 963 6330 4 COP LIQUOR LOUNGE ft PACKAGE STORE NETS $60,000 941-1870 or eves 943-4524 DINNER RESTAURANT HIGH VOLUME NETS $50,000 941-1870 OR EVES 735-3177- AMALGAMATED 941-1870 AUTO Mechanic Air Cond OR Radiator shoo, to sub-leaie or work nn commission bases with large auto garage, equipped with 3-lifts. air comoressure, West, of 1-95 near Broward Bivd, Call $64-179? CHILDREN'S WEAR Nets over $40,000 on $170,000 sales, Tee a vji-ouu oown, Kooert Stanley omoany S61-3303 CARDS I GIFTS Nets about $40,000 on $136,000 sales, need $40,000 down, Robert Stanley Company, 561 3303. GOURMET Deli ft Cheese Shoo in Corat Springs. Brand new store potential $250,000.
Distress sale S65.000. CaH RONALD W. DIAMOND A.snrit. Nights wkends, Verna M. Peter-! son Realtor 523-1464 BOOKSTORE LUNCHEONETTE Hrtess forces sale bv owner, a must ell si'iiritiftn.
orosn tvn iwn ur Price $20,000 inventory. A great opportunity NE Broward County, Call 721-4115. TV PUBLICATIONS ucrative accounts, requires only 1) rtrs. Net $17,000, asking In 0,000 will handle. Selling due to uness, can eves rsv 2606 USED CAR LOT Dynamic Old Establshed Lot.
Full ignnng tautomatic and security ysTem. 150 toor trontaoe bv 250 feet on high traffic street repeat business sates area from South Dade County to Palm Beacn County. Lot handles cars Pius, uwner nas other busi ness interests and is anxious to seil. Only $15,000 incuding $7500,00 in receivables ana assume low rem lease Qualified hnvr nnfv. rnntxr Nelson 583-088S9 to Noon daily.
EGAL Process Servirto: Will train Partner in Brnwuird Cnuntw mm Female with car to work at building up Business by Sales, service, day ft night. Established Business Miami. Minimum cash $500. Good op-portunity. 561 0262 Eves, PRESSURE CLEANING ft ROOF PAINTING eauiDtwrtt odit inirk 'trailer ft material.
741-5660 NO RISK Owner wilt buy bark this business if you oo nor nei your iv war, $1 9.500 Down ALLIED BUSINESS BROKERS, INC 563 2486 731-5570-' SERVICE STATION Good location, TOO' of Palmetto Pk coca Karon, um Bavs with ifts ft eckitprnertt. 392-6573, 368-0! VS. KOSHFR prime meat rTiri trr excellent location. Miami Beach. Call 961-1395 after 6pm.
GIFTS Card store, excellent location, ness, $15,000 takes 11. 772-4073, 105-Cemeterv Lots Crvph, 10 Lost A Found 107 Personals los autiness Personals Ita-Entertamnwnl 1)3 Special Notices 114 Child Care Hi Travel Oooortuflilis H8 Vacation Tips ID! Tutoring JO? Schools W3Art 304 Dane irtg 705 -Musical 104 Camps 207 -Miscellaneous Ml Wide variety of personal A home improvement services Directory appears daily inside the classified Mges. 40t Business Opportunities aT2 Business Opportunities Wanted 4034Aonev to Lend 404- investment Ooportunit kes 405 Wanted to Borrow 04 Miscellaneous na-EntertainiDent 1 MAN BAND Organ-Accordian. tums- Bass Duo or Tries Ftne VUbll Ail r-unctions, 744-2778 KEN FEMALE VOCALIST WANTED Protessiona! does standards A ooos Hieasant personality. Call 566-896 ATTRACTIVE Youno uvaman warned (or unique s'age act.
must nave some psvhic aoiiify. call Mr EXP'D PIANO STYLIST Available for Restaurant or Lounge ivor-K. oar'-es, etc. m-jcai US singing tele grams. The oerfecr gift for any occasion, Samote taoe 56-765.
To order 664. We also need singers. vVANTED Immerliateiv i ewrt ilnaer 'or StyOio Recording. For auditions com tnucR 55-ii is TWOS COMPANY Wusit or all occasions 565 709? BASS Player frettfess (27) rw area, doubles on synthesizer wishes full time position with est. group prereraoiy icttz originals.
Secord- inq exo. 564-0555 rm 322 H2 Special Notices GOING TO LONG ISLAND 4 Return. True will take turn A Syria rave you. S74-2J61 yAW lOPfyl. NOTICE IS MERE BY GIVEN that John McCleKan, will not be reiDon- sible for deots incurred by anyone pmer Tnan mysetf.
"HOW to overcome the leer of death" Hear 3 min. recorded message 944-4537 anyti' $25.00 REWARD for irttormatiori concerning me whereabouts at Paul MubDard, Sr, Formerly worked for Reconstruction and Dewetoo-fieif Corn, Belrnopan, Cen'raf America. Write to AAs. B. Hubbard, 234 Chaoel Hill Durham, NC.
U.S.A. 525-00 REWARD for irrformation concerning the whereabouts of Paul Mjhcard, ir. t-ormeriy worked tor ecori6truclio" and Oeveloo-ment Corp, Belmopan. Central America Write tn M. Wuhrusfrt 2634 Chapel Hill Durham, i L.
II A. NOTICE wilt no longwr be resoori sibe for debts incurred by anyone other han mvseft Weston Agor 73f1 cna st Apt tau Miamt. Ft 114 Child Care BABY SiT hotne tram aof 3 in ne rt. Laua area, aay or night, Ttasonab rates. 795-6738 WILL Care for vottr rhltd In mw home for si per hr or S3B tor 5 days.
3B4-0515 anytime BABY SITTING BY RN IN MY HOME MON. THRU FRl, POMPANO CALL 942-0461 MOTHER wit rare for votBr enlfri my home. SI an hr. breakfast unch. 2 yr old avmate near 441 A St Rd 84 587-5254 after ft.
WILL BABYSIT, my home or yours, oa't time. 3 davs a wk, State Rd 84 area Call 473-6591. RELIABLE mother will babysit her home AAon-Fri from 1-5 yrs. 972-9731 MOTHER will habvsit in her home, weekdays weekends, day or night. Hot lynch provided.
WILL car for your child my home, break'ast. hot lunches, snacks, rea sonatjte rates. Pomp, 783-2785 Good Can For Your Child Hot Meats-Reasonable 78? 3174 OTS of TLC for your child in tw home Mon-Fri, hot meats A snacks- aud, Lakes area. 7 715 Travel Opportunities irtif TOUR CAR TO OR PBOVk Al I ITIFK IWA NSUSEtMJM TIWE DELIVERIES AAACON GAS PAID pt Laud l6 E. Sanrw W-K3 Mvr3 VH S.
Voww Circle Wfr) IB 601 Dogs. Cats, Birds 402 -Misc Pets 603-Pet Soppnes 04 -Grooming, Boarding M5 Horses. Callte, Livestock Feed, Supplies, Equipment 115 Travel Opportunities WE HAVE CARS Driveway Servce W-0580 VAN GOING NORTH Around Feb 20. Call 743-8152 DRIVERS NOW 491-3182 771-4059 118 Vacation Tips UAOSIUUS mountain ctiaiet. 3 Dedrm, all aooiiances 5 mm, from mte' resort 8ecn flAountain, NX Call Boca Raton 391.MU.
201 Tutoring NATIVE FRfcNCH GIRL TUTOR FRENCH ANYTIME IN HOME CALL 565-55)8 OR 554-1687 TEACHER available for pvt tutor- rg, ah sudiects, eiementarv age hildren. Call 781-8815 PRIVATE TUTOR Ah Grade; 9-15 Conege Students. Adults. Ail Sub- SDeeCh. 943-9396.
ENGLISH Teacher with Masters degree, will tutor, reading basic tsrt skHK, 4M-A9S6 202 Schools BARTENDERS Compare Reputation A Placement, jniy a sTuoenrs per ciass-oot tor befter instruction. Morning, afternoon 8 evenino classes. Recom- mended by owners A managers Hunoreos ot oiarements in Advance Bartending SrhrpJ 971-8300 Pt. Lauderdale A rviami locations. fAA APPROVED TRAINING Train With The Professionals) Pvt-commercial, instrument, mul- ti, ATP, Leanet.
Phone for details. National Jets Inc, 525-5256 BFCOME A MASTER BARTENDER Eirtensrve 2 8 6-week Courses Recommended by Owners A Mgrs Over 500 oiaced 78 Yrs of REPUTATION ft PLACEMENT Mn women Oay'Nttt ENROLL NOW FES Mh CLASS 467-8829 Master School Of Bartending Ft. Laud. -Miami-West Paim 8cft. CALL FOR OTHER QlNSTtUCTIOHS REQUIRED BEAL ESTATE LICENSING WS HEADING OF ov Boats OT 03 OaAAarine 202-Schools REAL ESTATE TRAINER National co.
looking tor a too real estate producer or pleasant instruc tor to run saws training A services for our Fta brokerage firms Individual must have a commanding per sonality, no preference or sex, lust abthty to communicate. This is a lifetime opportunity. Job tran provided, excellent sal, benef ts, A patd expenses. Call Network ot Homes, 1-516-641-8700 COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS Ftrst class FCC license, Federal Radar endorsem*nt, Fw mobile ra dio systems, radar A microwave communications, marine band, radiotelephone systems A other communications framing. Eligible institution under the Federally In sured itudent Loan Program.
April A July classes now forming. Brown Institute, An educational service of CBS, inc. Accredited Member NATTS. Equal opportunity School. 772-0280 MEDICALDEKTAL ASST The Keiser School 56 3222 A REWARDING CAREER MEDICAL ASSISTANT DENTAL ASSISTANT MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST TRANSCRIBER EKG TECHNICIAN NURSE'S AIDE 3 to Months' Programs Accredited Member NATTS Financial Aid Available To start on your New Career Call or Write ft.
th AVE. FT. FLA. UMf -L-' TKI3 YCUH YEAH USE-DON' LOSE-YOUH VA EJIFITS call a cowmen TODAY I CRAM SINGLES OR COUPLES The People Tree Mondays MB Holiday inn on the ocean, H.gMarW Beacn. A human ootentiai perience Bv Han msttue.
5 per persor Eood and drir Dancing and Par Call Defray. O'VORCED wis woman J2, I chi wishe ta leetHiteiiigentmart 30 40 tor pos-'We iasfing reia-fiansntp Send rewys to: fio E7IM Ft News. PROSPECT HALL COLLEGE AtCS ACCREDITED Car" Real Estate Education.