Fort Lauderdale News from Fort Lauderdale, Florida (2024)

401-4usmeg Dpportwtm jifll tonea mm wtg Opwfrn.ta jsW-towlic IS09ersonai Servtct 5CS Hospttal Medicail PES tWft A Bokf V4M sw Mf tjiCAL Secretary A Reiepw S1 1 Professeonal TochMcal 51 1 Professional Tectinical 51 1 Professional Techsical ttmni sw ir fm the vam ai 11 Iff1 iicfiisi cor seats mm em vor. krm tartMm IK Oft? Cash Low aweJhVy rent Aftws viUWr purikwser (mW term arranged tat iMftt. STOP REAITY, INC OWNER NFFDS ASM to BUY HOUSt iftutf pet store an insure Lauderdale 4. Aft NUN BAR 4 OOP FMaudviNf kitamfln good leas. KfitM ten MACHINE SHOP MenWmsie.

wi qwom1 omto A i pfdiVtKM rwn on steel umiAutr1' piaSTlCS Clean Ml aud fteturiwnu. to tenada At MS WU.liM iASlUA Fotl spry. 4' ex net, on Mra rnaMa avaii-thte tor vf lute SI RVtCI SUflOl Matnr ml to i haw, nwfcintcs average SO QdO Mi oer rrto tuii ser wee eieirnl US 1 loatton Nets over lit.uw rkt Ui.ouo t- mm tov lllDft6ARTIR OH SCHOOL In business vrs, Pomp 8cb we I ton untnoi iwin ciu mmm 421 IAI TfCH Femmr-f tmnM kftr-ty forttrpi ni aervmar irto toch ei e'cec ft onc faw: Varied dbtees futi time mcmdinq day PRODUCTION MANAGER trnrwr VMF uHt A HP Mnmutw. aitonS Eqip ment Etfnt 'iwnriunitr. i.ajQ News wtpan bass peoais A Suvts Wea Cu 4li anal or Zii DENTAL A.lant Soei--alty Prae t'C Pieasant surrmtncbrttK Qniw "up peed appir IT 3m3 YCKJNG MAN to Wave tor tare Medial EiHpmerit Co Between no vrs of age Saerv oatm.

Far can 70 UM AUDIT SENIOR Regional CPA torn has ammed' opening for Sen.or on permanent strt at Ft Lauderdale otc 1 or more years dverised eiaeri ence wito quality ttrm reauned preverreo. send resume iudirw samtv histnrv) PO hlX ft Laudcda 3336? E'PFRiENTED fhairside Oerrtai AssiMant. 4 wnded dentistry. retient fringe tenet is starting w- ym Boca jfiant OCCUPATIONAI THERAPIST imediato opening ovt myrna tr hesp tor a reqistored Ono twnat Theap-si Chance to hrcorne rrtvcvd aeveiopmenl pi ttvrwf-w or i upat r-nai ther pv program Contac! Ms Lee at Ml 4371 eat. 40.

1 MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER MACHINE TOOL eioeriencv onfv needppiy Longtermpirtrect Send resume to ML ii WW sa arv comrnemurate wtm eioerience. LIBERAL BENEFITS IPN ALL SHIRS SYSTEMS Proqrawner with fcnrwiedqe ol RPG prefer TP eip rieecieo young growing mm fcnowtedqe of land descriptions heipfui Mon -Fn Hours I Ficeiient fnnae benefits Send re sume with saiary requirements to ptj hoi im et Lauo DFSIGNfR PROJECTS MOR EiP'd with interior plannrnq A de stqn of otic A business facilities tor growth position nationally oriented design planning firm ai ary deoencienT on oatti ground A immediate availability. Guv Noiman, Ltd i wau kieedrvt in Dr'S OHire. I iiWtthmite Point Aftorrimns or Full Time Please send resume to Ft Lauo News bo w. PHOTOCOPY SERVICE MGR nt twv.ina inr oencie whn don'l appreciate your skills Join our yrxmq growing company Must Dt' eitra quantiea on an hm chines and willing to work Sai plus commission plus bonus Plus ei pences t-dn LtCENSFO OPTrCIAt to manage pianta'ron omce.

4U Prs. kJfl' -aerceniage Call days IM. eves tUTEl ftai PTTOurtf.3B f.Twr m-' tor dus'r tt TI5 'MO VSlt mavwrtrto Srdetiesv 1emm Co, Km tiac.e t-t taua tqoa jpporue.ity lempwirer PROGRIMMrR ntVH Honeywen serves WI fdS f'i Tav A Disr Mamtam present sy.iem A program new ap- vr up on ew cvreterred Free mrvh. vacation A He-ii 'ns Sa-arf f5mwnsurrh with eip Controller, N-W Fi'and 0ee House, 71 nij ft it IM FNCilMTP MakT be 1 phases notei majrrr sal. mi.

A other Repiv with sal reqwirevp-as A etv. tvii 1 1 Laud Nenya wrri PW'hase Pidwtfln MamNwanrf ether rrMte-tais tor mausirm ants Cail 77? 'f3 or vivl Hoi ig.wnrth v-iflertess lermmai co. t-t Laud cqwa opportunity ampioyer tmmivMl mi hirto hardware and Urn used tor reai tt-n data acguivition and rontrw tor bol srnlttic and tOuMnai aopnta- imns Seeks Ana.vs' System Pro pr Artpiiram snomd oe strong Ase--nbr wnguaqe. pr ahy Wr rv ano tyive eip wrifirw rlriverstor standard and nrm stannard oeripnerats in time apptx atmns. Musf be able to perform system aoa'ws in con- luncTion wit" engineering mi om-ensurato with e- ena re Wne to.

i.v.,- Direrfor ot Snttware 1 Tenneinmp Svstorm inc PO Bni Oak Ridge. Tennessjse ITAV 513-OltictClencal LEGAL SECRETARY For large downtown Fort taudef. mw turn fiorioa etpenemr eouired ift general civil prartice. "ireltent salary and Pteasecaii Mrs. Sim 2Qu3 rvPKT iw I Firm sWusI he MM A accurate SomeLeoa.

Eupcw am ng WOUKI 0 neipim. 2IK10 MODELS: BABY, CMtlD It-fcNS. liw Hi I' yri Krn Clonals or serious beginners HiMZS 1 REAL ESTATE C10SINC SICRITIRT Prrjoressive eipandinq taw firm seeks sharp serretary to hand complete cmsino pkqs trior eip yi MA hiisrer seiier A rrinven-: 'icmal dosinq necessary. Great op portuoity for congenial individual wm Ihr kdls eio and know hrw we need Sal commenwrale With auiity Ph 771-teifl LEGAL SECBETAPY trainee with at least A mo Flnrtda PI or WC per 'ence required. Salaryopen Call RECEPTIONIST Secretary National Manidauur irta ofictv niv in oerson at 10)0 SF St.

Pot i Everglades. Eauai oppprturtity errtptoycr KEYPUNCH DATA ENTRY OPERATOR KP only Part time. Won A Pri JOom to 17 am. iMceiient saia nntacl Holv CPoss Hospital Personnei depi I "am Mon Ti hru i fn WHO eit Equal i tumty Employer STvi rsT to wwk ew wuv 4 women i saon. HAIRDRESSER wyMnmytir SStoS rotaSHwil Tecjtmcat TOURG MFN I WOMEN Arttmr M.x-ry StodM are flow trw Peop tor twtmnfl pnsi tons evemnfls to wny Guaranteed ptor twa wo iavnr ier Jpm appi wurwi.

tsm uowntown, tvu mp nni tun tone dental assrs wpprnt tv, Must wrrk I evening aii nrween 1 'am A Wm Tanwac area. Et trowc engineer a fvent apstmrt w-th a 10 vr Wd Co must rje heavy pigitoi circuit de A tamt'iar with romootor produrts Top siarv with beneliH. Lua lu tn uw nwk ww Simon 1 DENTAL Assistant. SPeriairtV at tre. pieasam oniv ep need apply IENTVREMAN Waa fWKk hnrsh A WJlifh perMHKe preterreo Call rkj i'n El FTTRONtC TEfHNiriAN Testtna AMI trnutwe Shnrjtin of an aiogwe A digital instruments Vrs minimum eip iceiient wor con linns mm rjenents av arcoroina ea DvnaK.oCon).

UOO NW JlTh ve Laua WANTEO ATTY INVESTIGATOR Trial turn interested hwinaj young inrlistrus mves'tgator A prmess server Background as insurance itdiutterhpiptu! fleoly with resume oo 7M. Ft Laud News, um PHARMACIST Win lease space in nrw pnterrtiaiiy high vwume hea'th Oeautv aide operatioo. cal vi iits rpFATiVE. Augress've Display Manager needed to wnrk pro tirevtiw atnwuiriere where mnvinD the merchandise is tor thing Paid vacations, company Deneirs. tan Wr Wru-thinqton during the week Pt NNfc Uiral Rifl9P jti-iJUl tor interview GH THAT I0B With an action resume that sells veto 'ike no omer UD hps other counseling aiso avaiiaDie sue anyrime i PHARMkCIST Ep.

full time In Hlwd. WS LAI TECHNICIAN For materials science laboratory must be able to handle strong a ids and bases ttnowiedqr ot vf nemistry ao rmwues ano eiec troviatmg heiptul. Call vkkWUD Hywd. EXP'D Chairtide Dental Astf davs eves saiary open wnn eip can M7 WM HI Ft Tetotfcian. Mechanitat and Technical Abilities on Stereo Com ponents, Tape Decks Qniv those qualified appiv 77HI6I.

APCMITECTURAL Prnqressiv Architects OHice. immediate open ing eip oransman worrvan, wmimumiyn inn Key Punch Operator inerlertrM ttev Punrh Oneratnr is needed imrnrdiatpiv tor 10 am.lnlem shift Systems 3 IBM 3'4t Key to Disskeli eiperience preferred Will consider IBM Mvtor VfeiO Decision Date eiperience as well. Company otters eicelienl working conditions and employee Benefits progiam Apply or call personnel ucpanmem, juw Visual Graphics Corporation Stol 94th Avenue I Tamarac, Florida U32t Equal Oiwortunrty Employer RN LPN Openingi on 3-11 ttirtt, crverge nurse eupervtsor, good working nndilvyts, apply in person Ifenor Pines Comatacent On-ter. 1701 NF 2Sh St. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN NUCLEAR ttSfflUMLMTATIOM ptduta hMi wdtweel to i mwm fmm cad Mr entM llW MR MM-kcs.

tNtwraf imirfbw wcuft. IhBaj Mokraun. dwtw A autw cnwii. Satd caawaar kawMi ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS I Local Manufacturer Of High Fre-1 quency Crystals Has Immediate And Challenging Opening For An I Electronics Specialist. Job Requires WANTED' SECRETARY with at east I year eip typing A shorthand le-imred Saiary i to SI per Wk.

M2 8321 for appt, BPOYHILL Furniture Rfntais is i aicepting applications tor the pmi-1 iton of inside rental consultant. duties incl sales, accounts retet veahles A secrelarial work. An pi- elient oopmtunitv for a rarner 1 mincied tmJ'VKJual to lOtn a rapidly I extensive experience in irouuie Shooting And Repair Of Electronics Equipment As Well As A Good Background Working With Machine Tools Including Metal Lathes And Mill. Responsibilities Will Include I Construction And Maintenance Of I Tooling And Test Equipment Used in Crystal Production. eipandino national company ease obune Beth at 1 BaS lor i in'erview.

(PL FRIDAY, heavy telephnne light borkkiePinq A tvDinu, Etoca Ralrm. Cail 1920700. ClRL FRIDAY: Addinti machine1: 'ip required, ui vzjd Ask tor flee ky I I RELIABILITY ENGINEER CORRESPONDENT snanmi iwert wli Cderty qertwmn gru nnwsenri4 ounei room tetereniA reamrvd) Cm MATURE Wnmaii to assn HmI Woman I ive wi 1 HtMnewprt fat) Mo fcU tOME tl TAN NO CompiHe toe bottom sendee Frw rue A mm fM-antog Tropic Cfnos Wt. M0USEIEEPEI Male pr Femato tknrouwto era rtefi wwH I non STrt dessert ovf tomemho.attaion Viit Saiaiv to vuauli dlinm tfrriiil SMu wkru Dt-w ertes Bci Ft Laud hw-ws MOUSE IE PER LIVE HI EipertencwJ Housekeeper to ssis Momer tn care ot House and rfi.i dien tight cnokinB Pnvato room TV and very good nvmg conditiom Grud saiarv 71 WW ft Snfi Mmtn anWk after lam no wmenas. LIVE IN Housekeeper Batnrsittor St davs pvt rm A bath lovey i cn to; mow rianto ton area SWWS MATURE LADY TO I rf.jn 1 Care tor 3 Mhonl gr children Pvt rm A iv aeiore vam vi an IQatoHpm TW3444 HOUSE KFFPFR PERMANENT Uwn iransportation t-ive Uays Betorenies.

Top Sa.ary iVKi HOUSEKEEPING Couple wanted Stead ir vr round emD4aient Duties toti yard i ojenerai house mam) some driving, nousekeep no itoht tnokino we nttor nuntrv living the i ajud Davie area, br and new 1 rm completely turn put apt eseiient sat peronai reter eiKev required. Tel: ipm. man, mantn. GENERAL Maint Man wanted pv' new counlry tnme Sunstine Ranrnes lompiete yard work, pooi A water ivslem mamt rare of horses i some driving 40 hrs wvv permanent position tor narn workup, me nanicauy mc uneo person Tpi: ttmipm, won t-ri. HOUSFkFFPE Needed tor tamer ginwn criiidren.

oavs per wk. Sf'M Call iAtAuru OaVk. VS mmw MATURE LADY for live in bahy sitter iignt nousekeepir. room S40 Wk V2U wfceeoina must Inve snsall dren. eipa re tor em es.

Corai JWi GENERAL htwwort to Coral iflgp sertron permanem resident, davs oer wk Mon Thuri ore torred 9 to 4 Mull ie young chil or en mm tm COMPANION needed for eirjeriy lady Nice apt Own rm A bath to sroware. Lisnt rv7j's 1 mature A reliable live in noose keeper Acaretrt 7 mobaoytri Pvt room, mi weet HOUSEIEEPER LIVE IN Eiperienred housekeeper to tsis' momer care ot nouse ana cmi dien ight rocking Private room, TV and very gourj livmg ccinrlitiom oooo saiary. can vi an mm SPM Mon rhruFri IK al SPM and weekends HOUSEKEEPER Sleepm. care tor miidiy fiandicappea 4 vr Did boy, tiuu wo, witt'rences. vu-ms I IVF IN HOItSFk-FFPFR For 1 Adults Own Transportation PLANTATION TOP SALARY Cail W7A4W, 68 vtt or wkendT.

HOUSFKFFPER Noon to I om i DavsOwn Transonrtation fleer ences 791 UK, eves or wkends HOUSFKEEPFR 3 hn daitv Mnn Ft i. keep house cleaned A ItQht laundry tor working mom Ft HOUSEKEFPFR to liv in, single woman, love'v pvt rm a win ry discussed toi si COOK HOUSEKEEPER liw must drive, und rjenefils water front home, references Win COOK housekeeper live in, must drive, good benefits, watertronl mme references wrpt 5QS Management- i AgmiitistratiYe WANTED WORKING DEPARTMENT HEAD Excellent opportunity tor higtoy motivated individual to direct A co ordinate aitivities ot housekeeping A laundry operations for Broward county lines? fleaim cart tatiii ties. APPLY IN PERSON Manor Pines Convalescent Center inoewnoence nan WI NE 5J FT Laud PRINTING Otrerlor for national publisher to manaoe entire printing piflnt, must bf eipd in printing TMnaoemenf rAmera sir ion mo nress A brndinp Between 3pm iom in. V4j '4 tor appt GET THAT JOB With an action resume that seih vou Nfce no other ID Jotgening hot, other counseling atu available ys Mio anytime RESUMES WRITTEN Business letters Prempiovmeni ouoseiing personal. professional, confidential servio 410 up Wtfl9, law anytime MIDDLE Aged Couple To Collect Rent A Show Apts For Free Apt tiira work un ririy ware yreter le were Husrjanrj Hds income In In A 1 nwer Cental SW Area No Pets.

Reference. Cail Eves SERVICE STATION Managers Must be salesman type per sun A ftp flbietoeKCODtresoonsirjiiity Licei ten! nnonriunitv tnr nam nersnn Stop in tor interview at Sun Pop can YK SIJ CONSTRUCTION Swiermtondeni needed rmmediateiv. must nave State General Contractors licence Margate. Deiray area Large com wny Musi nave own transpor aiion Mno resume to nw Terr Mariate. IJttol DEPT HEAD.

Food procsinq plant Responsible position witt aret ftoomiumtv tor future Estat) iisneo national company per wk to start call Lowe 2m MANAGER Trainee, personable. minimum tiioh vhoo or ad with without finance cud dav wk fu! benetit package, call 93 iW for appi SALES MANAGER Growing business to advertising field reauirM owners to share spnnsibiiifv A financial renumera tion with a "take charge" person who wi'i hire tram A supervise sates personnel in Browaro county vom mission or personal production Overrides Mr. oy SOS Hospital Mpiiical MEDICAL TRANSCRIBERS Eip only Earn WSO to SAW mthly plus nenetit* New onire ail Mrs Beftiman, 7J9 4SS0 Meditai Iran fibers inc 311 NURSES RN's cPN's. tult or Part lime Plantation NurVHng Home 4HG St Plantation. Pwasc can RNLPR Full time LPN and part time oosiimn available Cniomai Pa.

Nursing Home SI Rtf OPENING tor Part Time Full kp Aidr for Home Hea'Th A oer Car neessary Eiceien1 saiary IdU Ml', iwia CAREER OPPORTUNITIES trnmediate openings toe the eip new proreswonai me toitowi areas: ICCU HUT RNs MedSurg All Shifts RNs Eicetierrt Miary A pro gram NU SHIFT hoiauuN Iwrtfter mlo A aopt calf freitor NORTH IE ACM MEDICAL CENTER H3S Orean Blurt Ft I mmI An Equal Opportunity Employer en-v immeaiato PPwrMn. Ituwll ASSISTANT if net manager ttoUH'M tofMnm oe re uir-- eipervue 'ci'' A ome-Tiomi kiotfOW. tnsctl Dk preterrd mrt have supervisory tw-wth eio Cornact Penonnei Ll (2 Ave SO'O Egupl Opporhtn'lv emotover MFDifAt WCOROS CLERK Fti hme ppsi'ian rmxr gnnrf tfpma speiung 4 lewwt mea. ca1 tecoritsetp lontar-i frww. Deot piantln General Mcspila: NA 17 Ave ta- pp portomty employer i PN Evpt) toft A wt time to Am CCU A SuWKi Contact Per ionnei uept.

tiarorion rtovlai. 401 NW il Ave 1' 10 guai oppoitymty empwver NUPfFS AlDFS A OPOFBI Y'S Hcivwood are Est Home Heath- aoeivy viSitmo Medicare patienTs Cert.fKato A av Mcnstr jtoisaiu RFGlSEPfD Nt'RSE COUN (Jr neeoeo epanoirig re productive ciintr Pa'" an' friendly rtrno sunere, HOSPITAL HEAD COOK For modern hiH -service Hosnltai totaled West tort LauOc'-Hic Mcivmliil ekoerienre. suoervismn A pfOftuction torrt'oi The tyrs are SUam to 7pm A relating week ends Interested auP.y person to Personnel. BENNETT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL west Broward Blvd. Fort Florida mavw BfHIll IECEPTIONISI rmi orrti( requued Mon Fn.

I S. Pti SEAMSTRESS Full hme position available tor hos al sMmstress, ercp required appiy pet wne(t. Br award How Mi bmpie Ho. I'omp LPNS need lpn with. lUbie Pvt dulv.

UKairN In Hart 4l IJ01 LIVE INS We need jive in nurses aides to wnrk part time or toll time Per day sratt. no tee work avanapw im mediately Quality Care Nursmg Service. 31 Oakland Pk vd Ml UOt PHYSICAL THERAPY ASS'T rjradoiite of accredited prngram Liensed Preferably eip part time weekends Contact Personnel Deot piama'ion wnerat nospnac NW 41 Ave. SI? WO. qual OPPOf tumty employer RN I I A SON Pari Ifme 4 ft 3Dom Previous oprratinQ room eip.

familiar with surgnai permit forms contact Pnrsoonci Dept Plantation General Hospital, 401 NW Ave S87 iOlO twai oppottunily employer LABORATORY Licensed technician-technologlst toil tune eves A davs, part time niLrMv clinical lab enp all phases SMA eip preferred Contait Per sonnel Dept. Plantation General Hospital. 401 NW 42 Ave W-UIO ouai opportunity empioyer NUCl EAR Medkine Technician tor miMtornimaflrngeouipmenl Pvt of (hp Pho gamma camera, eip, pre torred W-ilH 1 PURCHASING CLERK Full time position Mon. thru Fri Gnod typing iki'ls with accounting, inventory or purchasing bach ground required Contact Personnel Deot Plantation General Hospi'ai. 4C1 NW 47 Ave Ulu.

Eouai op porlunity employer REGISTERED NURSES We invite you to betome a member Ot our progressive nursing services team A to iomour family ot friendly dedicated health professionals Several lull A Part time positions available tor: MedRal Surgical, ilu llu a taoor a ueuvery Ekceltenl fringe benefit package Contact Personnel Deot. Plantation General Hospital apt NW 41 Ave. M7S010 An Eouai Opportunity Fmoioyer RFGISTERFD Rav Teach tor Rrtlmioqy Offices Starting salary deoendina on eip A capabilities ONLY EKP RN'v LPN'S Dade BROWARD Nurses Refliitrv Call 961 9696 LPN'S. 3 11PM. Full Time, Conge mai Atmosphere.

SheHieid Conva latmm. ifcjsn DISPENSING OPTICIAN The eceHent oponrtunity tor quad Ih individual to ten A dispense with some ordering License not re ainrecf fc'nrl resume In Finn- Oil East Coast, Inc 2jS Sunrise Hivd t-t Laud HOSPITAL COOK Bpnnetl Commuftilv Hosotlal sepfciw an pmi icih1 Cook. JO Mil pm. snin two aan Wf two flays oer wttk Rotating wwk fnd1, Good salary urnetit* Aooiy in person to Personnel Personnel: lentien Community Hospital ITtll West Brnyvard Bl4 WHILE tOU SLEEP EIP RECOVERY ROOM Ot ICU It TO THE 11pm Tarn (call! I0 RE COVERT DOOM. MINIMUM NIGHTS HOLT CROSS HOSPITAL 1725 fiO HWt IIUO 171 8000 Elt nn Equal Opportunity Employer RESPIMTORT THEMPIST OR 1ECHHICI1H 1 10 SIT IECISTRT EUGISIE OR CERTIFIED SHIRT MSED OR EIP EDUCATION HOLT CROSS HOSPITAL 1T25 FED HWt LAUO 771 1000 EXT 7M2 Eoual Ckmrtuniry Employer R.N.

-v For Pharmac 1 Team I Rotating shifl One 117 shift Eicelient salary A fringe benefits Contact iv Holy Cross Hospital pervinnetdept! Ham Monthrufri 7t KH'exl. rso? touai Opportunity employer EKG TECHNICIAN E0 nereswy. toil time. I-J shift Tvutnq required ticeiiert salary A fnnqe benefits Contart Hoiv Cross Hp.pitai perme: Oeot am HamMonthruFrt UfWOt'it frguai opportumty employer EiPFRtFNfFD Medir seer tarytor ttrtivnen: surgeon tor transcription A insurance Wustbtweii wsedTe.jtivr 'o workmen Lomp A Medi care ptotinent typist. SE FI Cau ER CLERKS Part lime ooslttons orevnfi avail able our Emergency Room for at sun rwurs wm of "a 'p A Hp lo Good cieri ra eipertence and typm arc ev tennai- fiease aooiv Persannoi Dept.

University Comimtiity HosriUI ei Owverstty Ur Tama'ac rti ma tp Edua' Opportuti'tv Employer FKP Mediraf Pereotnn.vt Pearriara ep desired lor Pianu tion imysman once jucn RN'l IPN't PSYCHIATRIC NURSFS Innvritive Psvihiatrrr Hrrssilai needs nurses for tun time 1 lo 3 and i io It positions Revised saiary sea Corai RitMe Psythmrtc Hos m'ai. tSii fd nwy Ft Uud "I Zll 1 COMBINED SEC PE TAR A SAlESCORRFSPUNDrhlT COM -POSf A TYPF LET It PS OTHER Quality Department Requires -it-f-tLt CHUUki, JUUKNALISM ft ADVt RllSINCj KAC I BnilNDHFl PFlil WRITE BOK i Engineer To Establish And Main-I tain Components And System Reliability Programs For HF Com-j munication Equipment Manufac AVIATION EDO MGR REE0E0 SF fr-frrda noe-at-nn Corporate Avjatmn kw maud i.ra" liV no iw ors service M'rtf have ep m.n iii ry bene" Is commensurate ttr Mwns SuDmit comp1 re sme. pnerte deMred Wnto La td New, floi i ATTORNEY Fw tui' 1ene employment in etve fleense jrtigtror prising tjrde casualty tosuram iiWtomobi. workman's compes sari, public lunnity artorair ra-is. eh I Pee Atfwne with n-ire Trwii Wrwk A ry open Fnr cotmidentiai mer sena oompiete resume to Ft Lrfud Nfws Boi 48 PLANT OPERATIONS OWCIOR Deo Head position Emuwenng devee requn-eo Hrwrrmt given or successful hosirrtai eip at brrt putnl nneratmns A prventie tomperrttve vaary i bene1 it prtwirtm PSf subntit ciripiete resume A saiary reuuire merits in tnntwJeni to Pfvtme'i Dirwtor Broward General Medica' Center, i cvtt Acvews Ave.

ft aud TI3it AB Terh tor Plantation drxw oHk. eip'd hv, must have vw edqp ot tfcG A Ran Ca lUAOM) WtlfPORlOlOr.V 1 AB TFCH Prefer A fleuree Mfl Teth or rU'vutf-ni wm eiperience mi rrothwrwiy tor milusri tahnratory trncwiHirtue of tissue fu'tme terh-nique ttotpful Can Medcor. Hvwd vwi yW LAB TECHNIC IAN With eiperience tor busy Internet's ottxe Margate of A nievt ray heipfui but not necesa'v ri i EkP Servke Technician Wantofl tor Ft Laud Area tip High Qualm Audio Equipment Apply Lcuoen wami rm hi Ft Asso OPTICIAN WAITED Fia licensed enellenl opportunity for good salesperson Hiwd, Ft auo Beaut ''u. store tine area Hepiy Boi Him Ft Laud New Pan largest hr Piease tor turmshirvat tenter. resume Curtis field inc J1II Palm Brh Lakes B'vd I West Paim Beach, Fia 310 PHYSICAL THERAPIST Full time or part time home health agency staff statt Hrs fltiki tH' Can XI7C tor appi AffOllNTtNG hem needed oarl time to file 1st corporate laa torms A set op accounting procedures tor smail buMriess.

Can Jen 7u 2226 jg wkdavs in. LiTENSfDmariiweiertrnnif toch rncar or further intormation can M4 wiJUnccttire tieeir onu PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEER BSME BSEE or equivalent wi minimum ot 3 vrs eiperienc Background in eiectricai connet tors, terminals or devices desired Out not reoiiireo Vrvj rjpianed re sume to Hoilinqvwortr, viiderie Terminal Co HC NW Piatt. Laud, f-ia Hjuv tqwai Opportunity Ernpiover October 23rd or call S74-1712. N'HM FT, LAUD NFWS OPPORTUNITY tor stvirp 1 clerk tvoist Onod lypist With some bookkeeping lv kgrotind preferred Anil) dp netpiui but will trim Many Ifirwe bcrtetit* Call t43-SOO0i wo rFpeotrs Vr vara IM partner Ctxn'M 111 ivim laf Ma METWAl TFSTINft CENTER iw nm wreengamieraliam vJmitWratcirs oi (eunt tnvftlntMitOOIB Hvoudr, JUD vour first wr iH bun Dm fcin mm as ft 1001 Ittl I0SS foW to9h profits Wr painting to Hivesfment Custom ewjip Mit. tratmrM A f'o MN) BY (WNfft tM4TwVrr vkv Lot Mowing.

LnOvpt4W) years WoV Wi Nn tvokers, i to ftok MO If ft. Laud Nws tv ut es Nf se rvkfs 1 Quasar Aiui 1m ft Returns HI VMT CU f4 110 IfT SHOP far ParK KNCO Oartorttnmi ei. ilh(pii4 Mf N-S WOMf WSCtofhinq Store Must Swi Due to limn Lsl tU 4700 rOMPlfTF Mmk WiiH einM wnr mcMe tutor WI HUWtwd TV rwMif feus (Hit fwiiDWfll for turHwv intnr M8UI0US UN DOT 1 DRY CLEMMC West Jkttrm rtw4 uiimI sterc TV piito rfnoHlor ISO 000 SMAil THItO iARI (FktUR LAvVM SEPVICF FOP SALE PRtfE SlOfldOCAW CALL TIR SPM BtAMTV WOK Far sale in kxation at frva Retort i Ready lor toe ktason. Call HOGIES Pifas tease with option to ou tan aner a4. IEAUTY SALON FOR SALf Established A ready tor season Must sen due to iiinett Eiceiient loiatmn Margaie.

Call twos. MFOIfAl BUSINESS SiAiness iwtiner wanted tor Ft laud atea, Mie or temaie i 000 to aoo vstment. nooo to kau.on earn rws. win 'ram. no eie necessary or tun time, mi am.

iujti pii WORM STARTER KITS Small investment Large Pi Oraarur Greenerv. (om meroaiBivd MontnruMt lOSpm its (X CASH down buys one ot the nest reiau Businesses, repeat ifimers Established track ren Fcjuipment inventory included urassirs per yr. mum LAUNDROMAT A I LOCATION SWOO TAKE OVf.R 1(10 RL TURN 1ST YFAB Al I. miMB DOVE RfcALTY INC REALTOR FOOD RESTAURANT, busy griHin road. Janfl.

bunding, busi ness. SafitK, furpto Palm Raw Har. btai iP vou eniov rounttnd money and tet great satisfaction from hetpimi people this it an eiceiient opoorlu m'v tor you to torn mi mi, 4tter MY Work For Someone EW For iWOttt Down ihii lrtn3 business. wpsiaurant lounge wm support I-amities rnuwi'iown trie bhw. All Equipment, The Land Buu- WHOCESALP If Cream Route.

Priced For A Quick Sle fly Owner, Call for Intormalion rtoiW BAKFRY FOR SAlf BOCA RATON. CALL )W tB BETWEEN it, ft" tuw wuih PORTABLE SIMQNIZE MACHINE Investigate (ytrattve servHe bust ness tor auto, airplanes, campers. mobile homes, etc tarn oer dav Purchase or rental plan On dipiav to i daily, Ueians' ESTABLISHED Nursery Garrien Anltaue Heavy it aH. Plenty Partirm Low Has Other mterevs Principals Nt'PiV bOl 4M. t.

LAM News RNIFE RENTAL BUSINESS 1 Man Operation 7 Hrs A Week. Asking svwO Terms NegcthJle ater vm srrONn Hand tore Bitvand Sell Can be seen between I a i 10 am See until Nov I Gmd location, ijnod inventory, large turnover, long (ease Loratwi at nw om ve OH Sunrise Owner has other inter est Hstcashoterby Ntiv 1 Takes this business or Call 179 vm i BFAUTY SAION YR LOCA 1 ION. NT AR OA IE WAY OWNfcR iikinij. can eves, jm av BFFR A Wine bar tor sale. broken.

Cail II AM to I PM. ii Pnstaqe stamp, Bio busirtets we have available some high in come root tor iaie in your area to a tow minimum investment. IK WANTFD ejstabiHhed specialty wnoiesaien to nenflie new planter ine fir information can -cnwar 4e 7791 between io am A 3 pm USED car lot eiceitont location. lam inorougmare. corner ioi.

easf due to iinws $4,000 7ft3 MM. SCRAP METAL DEALER NON FEBPOUS. Eicelient toe tun. aii eotiiDment. good lease 00(1 Owner will finance PnmipaK only, no brokers Reply to oo 44 n.

tain News. 4 COP louitkl I Pkk Store Lrxaled 1 St Rd i Low down payment to quality Ouvtr Call Mi or mm ma CATERING SERVICE Old established, the best in town. HARRY I STEINLAUF SG4 3544 BUSINESS CONSULTANT BUTCHER ShooMwt Sacrttire uliv F'ciuipoed No reasonable ottor retysed Days Ml 13o eves 913 feM ICE CREAM ROUTE Owner must sen at once Jolly Joe ke Cream wou'e tn Lorai springs tnci an eompmem, truck a license Gnnd mnney maker Try S3 000 toiai DISTRIBUTOR Kier Manufacturing hat available the best 1 Man Business in Town1 We need distributor with enough drive A ambition to Net 1100 (IV per day or more toe Aulorrvjtive SetviceFieid Call Collect, Mr. Dav. Atlanta mi, AUTO REPAIR SHOP Busy til corner, a bay, well cstab- nsneo, mgn vntume.

Phone. Bill DRIVE FAST FOOO Free stand tdrtq Busy are Phone Mr Wallers COMPLETE TREE TRIMMING Alt QMtPMENT mi NEED BUSINESS PARTNER tor grnwine ousines fel 1903 or WQ FtlPN TV 4 APPLIANfE STORE Needs an owner May be purchased wirn nuimiiK) csiarjnsnro tKaton Terms Call AFFILlAT ED PROPERTIES INC. fJlMl Kpanors. FURN TV A APP1IANCE STORE Needs an owner Mav tr Purchased witn tHiiiaing tsiaDnsneo location fantasiit ED PRO Rcaltorv DESPERATE Must Sell Bv Owner Beautiful restaurant, everyttung brandnew Etieitent tocalwn You to see it to appreciate it Make an oner iw worn vamkpm mm, fpm tppm. FOOD COMMISSARY LEASE I Hp so bittg completely equipped kitchen.

mo HFALTM Fet, new concept mtted perceniaoe avanabw rstira co-npan av' w. IFER IAR Lm rent, annri teatr Font games Like new Must be seen tr atvreciatod Pvt a fejTI7 alter m- wi BODY SHOP For Sato hM business woing nowompto tnop can yprinq gsypy CONOFNSATOR Of fm Wnuto (ate airrou'rw wm mernanttai krriiw how tor "suppmen'ar car rxiretor' Gives tjper gas mileage longer enow irte. ceaneroii. s'ops lit-vting cuts rw-nut emisians EPA approved SSI0Q to (Mt wr laj mventorv urs time tore Work out ot home Can make tv tv tor rgn' aprsmn contact Mancm. etc iddv inn.

I I m. Lauo ex- a a. a BFFP wine, tsar A mefoom C'TO-sinq over SJuOO wk 17 RETURN mtovntmenK to year Bv owner Auto parts, buSi ness good watio Estob'hed bus'ness Over Hi 006 inventory Best Cmi Ittl alter 4 am OUt YO(J Be" 1 IFV imv vm awh vow mto hwm Rcoimg taurant uiaca Van. kutiv eouxwd in sem 'me rrtt, na rise iieeciK) vnu ran nje mHnev toe kt day mi own 4 A ma imanrmfl avatubie Ate fuWM. fio) Mr ft 'And Part Laud Lake tno nd st rei Avaiiante mmateiy T'ik ws imi umm accounts tat 402-Iuumss OppoiiNQities Wanld IMMEDIATF ASM ft YOUR BJStNttt 1FH HAvt (1 000 TO tovM In A Bvii wns Hflye tow PrOpowtHMv itjto TVlails Airtress 0 ftoi III Desi k.

terlwi fch Fto Uail TO I ASF Mmi Bar orean ar buy restaur an' A tiar near ocean, no flea ti twws WANTED Small to merhum Mnto to operate toi percentage or lease ftiy ftoii jmj Ft Uud PFJINC1PAI Wnnn IB Odrthav a ung cfantra tor fi.ti boi i' Ft Uud to ws PRINC IPAL Desires to mvesf up to 'tguret ooing nuvness wim or "tnxiul aartit HMtinn Bratwrh tn vited, Boi NteM News WIN00W CLEANING ROUTE Call Anytime WU TO tease small in rwrtHMn msljui rant, terms to be tease rent4i percentage otgrrAsmcoiw Win br family operied by eip buves', man hcpiv eU wif, FI Uua JJl'9 Cash Oi lUtnl Far Vow Ml A IM mongawet ptaced promptly ftrfct Niclifess Mtg Broken Licensed mom4 mokm Mi wry i Slteli. At tee 7W Andrew At 5S6 MOB 1st, 2nd MORTGAGES niAuouoitt mt CONSOllDATt YOUP ems 3051 IR0WIID SI3M42 Member cfu'nner at Commerce Licensed Mortgage Broker NOW MUCH M0NEV-60 V0U NEED' II 000 to Si 000 000 and more avail ante now 1st A Ma mortuoes- any area We also buy estin mortgages and land contracts can The hoi man Banei Mortgage Co Licensed Wta Brokers Est 14 Ask you bank about us tfW NE IkJ wiami can coiieci vav-ajn 1st A MOPTGAGF MONEY INSTITUTIONAL A PRIVATE COLD MORTGAGE COMPANY 210 Oakland IIS ist 7nd A Jrd M(ntTCacrts Bouuhl loaned on A apoiaised SERVING OR IDA YEARS irensed Bonded Mortgage Broker NEFD XTRA MONEY Let us refinance your home, use evtra money in pay on puts or Anything you want IV- up to 30 vrs (all us or stop bv DM 111 Fed Hwv Pompans. BRANTLEY MUNlGAOt LU MORTGAGES IST I Homes Condos tots. ijnd. VIE BUY THfM.

SELL MM, OR MAKE THEM ti Commercial Properties Real Estate Loans Divtri H. Warsove 4914944 Licensed Mortqaqed Broker fm Commerciaj Bivd HOME 0WNFR LOANS MTGS MADE BOUGHT SOLD IMMEDIATE ACTION Call About Yuur Finanripl Needl CALL 7764700 SFHJRK) INVfSTML NT MTG 4343 Bnugamviilea Laud By SeA Liiertsea Mongaor piaker BUSINESS LOANS to tart oand consniidate or purchase Any amount UH Mr Ray aw FUNDS available tor mto toam business loans and periDnAt loans an isiwbi LIBERTY MORTGAGE 71 Sunriw Blvd. 764 1777 DaviNite 2ND MORTGAGES Mortgages Refindrvced tuertsed Bonded Mortgage Broker wemrjer wftei outness oureau Member Chamber ol commerce 2ND MTG LOANS lesrfntul I Comimrcial PliOWPI C5H' NO rKI.OIT co*kSOMOITE tlUS BUV MORTGAGES' HMOID I SMITH LICtNSeDMOBtGH.t BROKER HO'tvwwd Blvd. cn mrm NEED HOBIIlC CAPITAL Win'iom Minimum i yr, business iM Mil COMMFRCWL LOANS Si 000 10 HOC CALL T4I ItOC $5000 To Million (HAN'S In hiiv. Sfll Ooerate Rirsi wt nr anv Femiht Prnierts Quick reply: call MEC 91PM M6 44I0.



143 S. Allanfk- Pompamo Bch. BROWARD DADC TAS-UIO 4S-014f 404 Investment Opporlunities INVESTOR We need stfjflOO and possibly worn mg partner i-or mis small vestmenl you wilt receive an tn lievabie return on your money brtipve as von will that this venture ran i mm ur'ans person only to bonafidr investors, Boa Ft Lauo news WANTED twrkm tor new specialty line Call TJi or tat m. Ask tor bod or Ariene, INVESTOR WANTED Must have appro. WJtui tor National mar keting idea Must near idea to ap pi idte.

iKvy seriom rmiKKg peo pie can, in tin WANTED INVESTOR For hmve Dunamg nrm. eiieiiem ooportu mt v. must show financial rpsponsi biiity tn access o'U i million. ADDITIONAL Capital to growth A rapid eHMriMrm kxaiovtiynwnedcorp 42' 9191, Mr 'jsk'seves 503 Domestic HOUSEKEEPER-doctor tamily, tiw in must wn, can neip wi references 'K3 RETIRED Ldv OB Srx Serijrlty wanted, witn car to be comMmon to eidertv ladv ree room A board PIUS U1 Wk HA HOUSEKEEPER owartors, gooc oav A fringes, meflt HOUSEKEEPER eP tor Hjii time nve om. 7 aoxi'ts ijuoo wiarr.

i 7Ui or tfl mi LIVE IN Pervw tr- wort tor man wheetchaw time empifnrmnl salary room a nraa apo.v person attor am laOO St ard Ave pump peai.n, f-i PORTERS. General Cleaning Dan fJviX) RESPONSIBLE babv sittor tkMnekeeoer to 'ae rare ol ft mn botiv A yr aid rftiifl Livemftdays P'niafiori area. I'OC per wk Cm Pttor A A wkemh LOVELY WATERPONT APT Mature todv nve tn ts assist tuntfi apnea pemieman. mwkt tM to UNIT ASSISTANTS Furt f-me evemjs A oiahK teirw VAtattona gr9uale eip rerrrl 'jenerai ts-t' 4bi NW 47 Ave ttiQ oai Opourturviy em(Mtr ncisnao tutses fmmedato onerxngs Coronary avas A cutler umts ip-n ip a ertettan wt be Provtfled Com aH salary A eneieni oene'' prooritm For interview aopf can iMt Nursrnw OftHe Br a'd Gen etai MrdM.pi Center. USS4l lai '71 HT-WiBtrul IE HUE IS vneriewed.

wn Metdi stam Dm, Appiv Lauder daw Tool and 0. itm st ft, Uup SJ4 is TRO4JBLESH00TER 1st Inrt A Ird Shifts Prapresvve rfiemafcm needed tor high speed punch press dent to A'hangr over p'QfJuc lion ds tor smail erectro whani ai piece parts tPfl fliemaken need onlv apply all TTJ or visit Hoi. worth Soiderless Terminal To, fOC NW S) Place. Ft Laud Ao Equal Opportunity E-npiom SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS WANTEO Eip 4 ev Overieck SiRRer tr BIiihI stitch wacRine Good Irmfje Nettetit*, corI lltlorf CdK 92b 3107. Ask Mark or Gloria 1 HELP WANTED Assembly work on graph arts equipment Able to operate hand loon Lin ao aoaes tar shipping Cati Stl 3145 PDlNTFn rtrruH Rn-a HMiilai trr needs eP Dri'i operator A piater tor ptvjM shift.

LU TRAINFE wanted tor tank assem hlv Aooiv in nersnn rirnohm Aquarium Ptaductt. 40 SW 1 Ave, MATURE person to do shippirMi A 'ecerving. Iittmoj involved, general lartory work, must be willing to learn spreading A futtmq ma chines. Appiv 11 fO Mt Nat Rd. ft LUO MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER FOR irif ET ME TAL FABRICATION.

1 tolvrseip required Shoo is lex at ed near Ft Laud airport Qualified applicants ci H4i tar in tor view apct MANUAL screen printer cup on vmvi piastir rapnic am oack ground may be helpful Call ume. a ika rreioers. no tee. GENERAL, factory help Plastfr A aluminum tawKator. faid noli aays, aay wk Nfc Mh ler EIP inspectors, knowledge nior code A component ijenlitira Must a to or tami tar witlt inspection ot PL Bwra M.NAR RAUIU iwt Ta'i bivd 7 9SSIP TFST Ternnifian.

knrtwlertoe trouble Shooting A reuatr ot VHF receiver A transceiver, mmimtim yrspraftKai eip itJNAH HAUtD C.CWP WS Tiyar Trtit Blvd. tknia 930il0 INSPECTOR Precision screw machine parts. 'ip. on'y apoiy i4twn nomp MACHINE OPERATOR Punch Press, Drill Press Operator tor manufacturing tn Benefits ftppiy io lecnmcai tnouvros sw Ave Ft. Laud.

T00IMMERS 1st A Shifts Immediate openings tor 1st class 'ooimakers, eipd in progressive dies and or spec iai machinery Can rtior visit ewinn9sworm Wmmil to. toD NW I Piace, Ft Laud An equal opportunity p-iplover- 509 Personal Service HAIRDRESSER With tnme follow ing WiHon Manor, Days xs my, tves nifw HAIRDRESSERS Fabulous new shop in shopping enter in inverrary area needs fwirrutters stylists for men A women With or without following Best deal in town 0W, aw tor tony After WM: HI 66 FXP Hairdresser with some follow ing uawn (jOidenLwi.t Sample Hit. WE MANICURIST PEOtCURIST Licence recjuired Allaire. Po pa no fashion Square 946 MASTER HAIRDRESSER tufl Or part time Hur Today tamarat til KIM atter If 6WI TOP PAY Much. much, more tor etreilent all around hairdresser Pandora mtifid 427 4410 eves irjtiw SHAMPOO Girt Busy Salon Emerald Hiits Must Have License Anrtner mmension ve; tvo.

WIGSTYILIST Please apply to Mr Pinter at the Wig Shoppe, 2SSJ Minute Bivd, MASTERS WANTED toltowma preferred. I Laud area Contrct Jackie Charm Hairstyling, Qakta Park Bivd S64-0W4 HAiRDRFSSFR AHaWs CoiHures Kompano t-asnion Muare 946 MASTER TO TAKE OVER FOLLOWING NORTHLAST SECTION. ALL 4917161 EXCLUSIVE Hair Styling Salon wking tor tmorientea person Must or quantati jyr EXCLUSIVE Hair Styling Salon rooking tor manicwrni. Must qualilted 3017339. MANICURIST SPECIALIST; Guaranteed minimum, good OS NAIRSTTLIST Fashion Eid.

Male Hairstvtilt tor eiciusive Las pie beauty SaiOn 46, 'Sii- 4ft SiVJ hairdresser evp'd to tease work Anthony's Hair Fashinrft, iauoeroaie Lakes mail HAIRDRESSER wanted, tomato, must eipenenced tan. 9170 Davie WANTED SHAMPOO tVRI Stcadv, yr round. SkkaAjHl. Aitof AFM 176-6449 BEAUTY Saton on State Rd t. marac needs eip hairdresser with fonowing Kermaneni posiiion.

sal WANTED, full or turt time Hair dresser Manicurist or Sham pod tuieitenr working cona guaranteed salary Call 484 2SJI HAIRDRESSERS with follow- to commission. Margate Lorai rmgs area i iijj. HAIRDRESSER with toUowing woik very rnddern shop. AJ28 Lommerriai Biva vt HAIRDRESSER Must be Eio phases of Beauty Culture, a toitow inw is desireabte but not necessary Hh stv 4601 ask lor Connet. WANTE it Retired Nurse tn live iifcjcopfcing SlQOwkiy OPENING New Salon in Tamarac Wanted: Hairdressars, Mam curists.

A Vtornpao Girl, 94 BARBER STYLIST 5 DAYS A WK YR ROUND Days 763 1S31, Eves TlSMto IARBER Full Time at part Tit un SHOP IN Corpi Rtdqe Area, toobinq tor unasier cosmetologist dav days At am eves rm SHAMPOO Assistant Fla SBPnal sts reoutred AtlaireCoiHurek. romp rasruon aguare V46 "iK IENNETH OF PLANTATION Needs eioerfetxed hatr sryiifl WI vut HAIRDRESSER MIRAMAR Unite 91 4M, eves 913 mst HAIR STYLIST Mae or tomaie eip Master Stviht amy wust dp neai, and eicet W', at services 94i mo CMIFOBHIA CONCEPT Onisei Har futtor Needed Apply1 t-rson. mone tor Appt. Bob. jm evenirns tn w.

MASTER CesnwrtrlpQist twiWI towing Btrsy Deiray Are. Wafth Eves TK va2S HAIR STVT TST wantwJ tn wmi. or without tonowtng. Atupry pius Lommisst kktU HAiROPFSSER, eip Guarantor p'us Tmmission, no evening can WANTEDetperwnred tomato hair. s'vts' tot usn iaw saiary cmmmissiori 4I0.

tves A Wk yv.i' ft PE R'ENCED Maiidreswr SW a'a Sfuo. some trt iowtna bu' nat WKessaty HeadD'esser Beauty boon. Stale Bd Latta WANTEO STYi IST with toon mq Beauty Maxtor Gateway center fM HAIRDRESSERS Master pr JwnfOr, ht or part time busy saior vear arctvnd uh trip men 51 1 tnl sign a to SFCRETARY part lime 70 lo JO hrs. 1 per wk shorthand and typirm a must contart Harry Craven Data ineral 7710S4 turer, rnor experience in uuanry Reliability Assurance And BSEE Or Equivalent Is Required. Please Apply In Person Or Submit Resume To SUNAIR ELECTRONICS INC.

3101 W. 3 Avenue. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33315 An EquaH Opportunity fmptovtr GIRL Friday needed far llahtnHire and answering teieoeune SMJ4M. StviWJicves HOC YWOOD law nHire needs eo.

Maq i operator with some ieuai eip Eicntlrnt ivuirni skills recuired. Call Connie WI Mtl Wikyrntw S771M4 PERSONAL SFfRETAPY tor self employed eiec ulive shorthand, typ- irwi, iravei jl irws. per yr, must be attractive with out going personal Iv act as trstess. handle details. eip not as important as attitude 4 SO per mo plus wardrobe allow- ance, travel eipertses, insurance.

mos paid varation, send nnoio and resume boi Hi1 Ft, Laud. PRIf tO AT ONlV ttOUO GOlwG BUSINESS WWW Af.hfS ftt.LL!.. SfALlOR SAf Plf joint IttAinnwi to' ftw prtte of drntf shmi WHiipnMl kilns pnlv HUG mohty slip mlr. wort! UruM tut'itnn mutP'Wit ttvf -TOOtS (THlit VI. Wttt ttripj nam ne orf wmi COIN tn tor wi tfjctfl USUHmvO Ask.rtQi'OOOPw first RESTAURANT LOUNGE EMabltstwrJ ovw 9 rs Bt 1 Bo 4(1 or WUHJ Oowi 79 or 4 tor Mi Chr only 1 ASF 1 Inv tout (mprownffiti ttlh (iriusiv tor tn dv AUTV Ui Ow tor m.

nrwrM toii, wir qortrj wv Awtiw tvrWNK SMAU HFG CO W) VII rtV fll AS Pi10e. M' MuiHHft ISi 9M Of LIQUOR 0f rmvinq Lwm9 M(ltW (ft.trttirntDssihii Eueiicnthw SALES frNTOll prfttntitblt tndiyidui HnjHiy Nr promict (rPid tNtnins it 1 HJ'U'f WElt ESTASLfSMFO Thrift Hw nn uwa imniiiK very Stliw TAXKiibBittMi-HForSnw Oww ftetinno Ai. etc In fttiMwsi, A fan. ComiiH ot Oflkuwl Park ppimti. ill Chevrmet ittwn full Ltmtl Cdn Nft tJ'-OOC per Mr Mill or SoJ this Nk Call CABINET SHOP frr twts ofhw tortiftM 1 itor(it hrtw It-Tie to supffvn Has stDip row's mm rt rcopflt Duvnft 'U iKor mvpntor equipment Call tbi 70h Mr (auone tor awt MFG Sfrvirr Kintfwt.

All tonK eqiiiDiTirnt inventory iftt' Can Or K' up in garage Man operation fliq demand toreift sinai mats tor pwiics sno. tiw iciai tow 1 KITCHEN FOQ LEASE Already est Cub CH Ortktw 71v0whdavi9S WHASwiintts EAST EOOD RESTAURANT TOP LOCATION BFAUTY 5HOP DeerlM-lfl. 1 lid WW. fTKCQ quick wie. BFAUTIFU1 ICI CREAM PARLOB in tjuuhiwi Boca Raton TPUt QUAI ITY DFCOP witr, ineQesnniurmsnKTQsfcequipmeni Cireiient Situation tor Ire twm f-ouniam wrvue wim Dreanrasi WXlnhS iM's itpprnK JS II1 000 cash frn to handle mrith wv Call Dan Mahoim ii M4 MrtHnlm fiealtv lc Realtor frr-o ny, tauo SERVICE STATION Bmines tor ia Vr remaining witn waiw on to.

tn.uw Inventory 3 Bay very moflerrt tinn on msv corner of maior street puipim 13000 gart Must have wnd rpfld 4 qualify with Com (Mnv wrue ri Lauo rews hi tor turthw flt'taiis 1 apat EXCELLENT OPPORTUNin tslaW-shed Pamlirw Contractor moving wants to sen Duttnevi au high prissure equipment Ea entire purrhase price bark 3 mi very tew like trm ore? imai pnre Ph ibtt davt. A STRIP STORES MARGATE 4,00 Ft Total, Si iVrstoao lpe sralatitn snn turn on mwetlnwnl fall Phil Su dinski Asvk Phil Patenaae Really in ja or pirt toiOl wm have noerience in the repair portable audto-eiertronic nppli ames. taof reiorflers. stprros radm. etc there a trementtoir- nonnrtunifv waifirn nere tor w- right man For a small investment you ran take over the eierirom vision ot a swftPsMui Mirw business 1 nave immediate income i tbi UJt Mr, Giassman tor appl.

TAMAPAf. Divmml Beatttv Sud eltes And Greeting Cards, Larqe Mtoppina enter waior inrerset lion, wooern utewiy tstannsnM well MfMtpd ilnre Illness tnnt TARD A Gift, est top Broward year round Miration, mgrt you i iv eves owner. RESTAURANT FOP SALE BY OWNFt Seats itt in omdw. on busy feiori way Paim Vti OOO buy an Own I restaurants, mwt sen Call 1 9Mt; NEW RESTAURANT MARGATE Eiuipped to qo Sg Ft. to new CASH riOW IMWEDIITCIT Mnw nnMinB in nuiftr deot Slnres Ptrtett hk man or wite Can earn appro i S) SOD per mo SXQO invest men! Oeertwid A omer iKatiorts avail Can Mr tvam liu COSMETICS DISTRIBUTORS wh have s0 to tovnt and can work a tow days a week (part time! nd want to mate arve Averaqr earnings a ounnew vour own.

imsmavoewndirauarfiook hwremefl Wereit in (tor new line tf A vera skin care prooofts ouires addiltonal distnbMionk this area Cai. 0I Ifl to 4 only. tor deUitoo ntormiion, hh. they IENE' 01 Ft Virtcrii VEITIUTION SERVICE fin jrnwni.rntely ilMO lln Hnkl nwn4 DP ATti A aow to work with hands WW total vestment- Pmemage Au wnti Limited Ca't itbttU Pnci teticHT SSS 800 ItMrnf filturt SfHrVTQM Whole-Sale Retail 1 Ml rtunr In aurrtWse to'S Weil let up bvsmMS Top tiitwe. tome and stwoe unes tet me tw this operation.

Can JERRY PiVM Assoc. T71 ISO itve toSkOMI "FOOD STORE FIXTURES," INC SUPPLY FINANCE EQUIPMENT FOR RESTAURANT-DELI ICE CREAM PARLOR AUTOMOTIVE CASHIFIT New car dealer needs immedialelv sharp personable individual to art as service cashier Must have tar dealership eip and light typing wiin some bookkeeping a Pius Call auot Mr i ieo raw Nenn-Kfi RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY Tne notch rr enltomst kerretarv to work in beautiful surroundings in one ol the most unique A ttwuteng. ing oftues Florida. Oualtti-atmns' eiuenenre handlirtQ switchboard, attractive peesoiiaiitv. works well under pressure, con- 1 HARRIS CORPORATION ASSEMBLERS SATURDAY INTERVIEWS We will tit devoting ell dey Saturday, October 23rd to Interviewing Assembler epplicent.

We ere launching major expansion program dm lo our significant increase in business. P.C. ASSEMBLY Musi be lamiliar wrtti component assembly methods lor printed circuit boerds. Must be able to read and lollow assembly drawings and pio-cedures. Eiperience in soldering required.

ELECTRO-MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY Must be eiperlencsd in Electro-mechanical assembly. Musi be lamiliar with use ol crimping machines, hend crimpers, wire wrapping, cabling and lollow assembly drawings and procedures. Both positions have openings on llrsl and second shirts. Apply In person or cell 974-1712. Interviewi will be from I a.m.

lo p.m. IT you are Interested Hi comprehensive weqe and benellt plan and would like to become an employee ot a maipr fortune 500' Corporation, please come in and interview with us. erned with prapie All replies con hoentiai, piease enclose a rereol uhctograph Wulc 8o AlJ. uecrtieid fia 11441 OPERATIONS ASSISTANT Some itcHk htokeraqe eioerlnce necessary in nperalions, hnows the business, shouldeninv pen pie, secretarial, work with a dv rytmif innovahve team in beautiful roundinqs in one of the most our stuck brokeraae house-, in Florida All replies conlidentiai. please enclose recent phjMrwrarjh.

Write Boi 147, Merlretd Bch it Ul MANAGEMENT PEPOPT Preparation, General Ledger, Jour- nai Maintenance and Arrount Anal-; vits Lioerienre, In Depth Eioeri HARRIS HARRIS COflPOHATTOW Comruier Systems 1200 Gateway drive UUWdM. Fia. U30i Jut174-1700 eVe ere en equal opportunity employer ot men end women. ence in ail phases of Accounting yuarv negnn-ioie VnO HMumje TO PO Drawer fi. Deirev Beach, 1J44, Attention RaclWi UOOklEEEPEil With secretarial nktiK A vaies eip for retail whole saie store an vaiaze AIT VET Alt must be an eicelient typist 1AM to SPM.

A dav wk Permanent, yr round position Challanging opportu nityfo 1 who willing to wnrk fn an intereslimj position with a well firm Usual fringe benefits mcl paid ms. paid cation, paid Sick Kave. tvd hondays, pension plan, etc Apply pet son only to Mrv Nnson. Causeway Lumber Co JrVli And'ew, Ave, Ft. Laud 1AM HAM wkdavs.

filRl FRI0AT Tg assist Shrppinq Agent, tnci typ m) tront nest A errands I JB 'OT Appt "0 4D wkw'thfo said hmpitaiiMtirjn A lite insurarHf for emptoyee only wiMwrweenv mk tm Widavs TECHNICIANS We en (he IrgeMt alec Ironic manufacturing employer In Florida. Vou have) en opportuntty to grow with lrg md wr iiupflnrJtrtg GOfflputeji fTUjnutecturwr. Vou rejcorvw an aicellenl htnarrii pedega when you coma to Harris Corporation. Wa provtda every op p*rninlty tor ajdvanrrnaril tor thoaa who want to cHmb srittt ua. Wa oiTar you a ehaltanga.

COMPUTER TECHNICIANS FULL charge bnokieeorr th Bwca wv4ed thru tnai fta'anre eP inpeuooardhei.spiarvbakedort eip CaiT a PERIPHERAL TECHNICIANS DENTAL RECEPTIONIST or grtjtfp parrV ip'd definiW- eguired MonFn.S.Ph ira at rwite Worker ome eip preferred Cail ati 7) FOIT LA0V Tested, for ret ert lonrst typist, wo ition witn ovnamtc ywnq com any Saiary romen'uvate with lOmteK Call losav tor aept The adr wc desire UWld be vow, AArtt Jh.le 744 ttOOKkAePksttA (Thn Trip! AaiMca) SECWETPBY RECEPTIONISTS CfVtda kkwjfea ffTJaj lAMA COLLECTTON TELLER OMWrpon Wkw wap WW mt-twpl food fayira) A iaMn itntr. kkuejf rtM tjrjod tvpirig fjttt apk A top tead rnpiovwa mtmHm Euwj m- INTEGRATION TECHNICIANS amenta. esse siweiiie. at timai, aret ta wm-ta wf awl isnain ak-e eua- ilh raam MeeMne S-S raen esr- -ia HMma wm ameawi-a aoruna wmm SYSTEMS We win from a m. aw rawe sM al eouse erwoana MrMM be imervawing Saturday.

to m. Apply in person CHIEF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST Aa IFKtiM Mmaui In- m(M It ttimil WrUiki atmtmt Itawmry In tar 2U ICAN if ieyH mttiof ewvsl kostrlel tnkcMt mast mura ntMtm tacAr clwt mt luntfi mn I wpotPUM Send resume It feriomie! Sept. PLANTATION GENERAL KOSPTIAL 401 W. 42 Ave. Plantation.

Fit. 33317 rnfcaar'r- a-n HARRIS HARRIS CORPORATION Ccrnruler Systems 1200 Seams. Onve FI LeuOwa-ae Tl U3M Jo7-tnw mt raw ewv Njr mimm vpftawt kkcatrMtt kn Patm tnach 4 Arwf CfnjrrtNrk. Atxttianl wse cat prawram 41 ttw temejtj Nana 1 1 ft. gVerlp ww mdarHy tmr itmryni appt.

A01 NSAM Pt. CwtaA. CALL-t00 ntm arwi.

Fort Lauderdale News from Fort Lauderdale, Florida (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.